Haitian Revolution

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Haitian Revolution

The Haitian Revolution (French: Rvolution hatienne the question if the victorious Haitians were intrinsi-
[evlysj ajisjn]), was a successful anti-slavery and anti- cally [a] revolutionary force, or not.[12] One thing is
colonial insurrection that took place in the former French sure: Haiti became an independent country on January 1,
colony of Saint-Domingue that lasted from 1791 until 1804, when the council of generals chose Jean-Jacques
1804. It aected the institution of slavery throughout Dessalines to assume the oce of governor-general. One
the Americas. Self-liberated slaves destroyed slavery at of the states rst signicant documents was Dessaliness
home, fought to preserve their freedom, and with the Liberty or Death speech, which circulated broadly in
collaboration of mulattoes, founded the sovereign state the foreign press. In it, the new head of state made the
of Haiti.[3][4][5] It led to the greatest slave uprising since case for the new nations coherent objective: the perma-
Spartacus's unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Re- nent abolition of slavery in Haiti.[13]
public nearly 1,900 years prior.[6]
The Haitian Revolution was the only slave uprising that
led to the founding of a state free from slavery and ruled 2 Impact
by non-whites and former captives.[7] With the increasing
number of Haitian Revolutionary Studies in the last few An independent government was created in Haiti, but the
decades, it has become clear that the event was a dening countrys society remained deeply aected by patterns es-
moment in the racial histories of the Atlantic World.[8] tablished under French colonial rule. Since many planters
The legacy of the Revolution was that it challenged long- had provided for the mixed-race children they had by
held beliefs about black inferiority and of the enslaved African women, by giving them education and (for males)
persons capacity to achieve and maintain freedom. The training and entre into the French military, the mulatto
rebels organizational capacity and tenacity under pres- descendants who along with the wealthy freedmen had
sure became the source of stories that shocked and fright- been orchestrators of the revolution became the elite of
ened slave owners.[9] Haitian society after the wars end. Many of them had
used their social capital to acquire wealth, and some al-
ready owned land. Some had identied more with the
1 Historiographical debates French colonists than the slaves.
Mulatto domination of politics and economics after the
While acknowledging the cross-inuences, most contem- revolution created another two-caste society, as most
porary historians distinguish the Haitian Revolution from Haitians were rural subsistence farmers.[14] In addition,
the French Revolution. Some even separate it from the the nascent states future was compromised in 1825 when
mulattoes earlier armed conicts, which at rst sought France forced it to pay 150 million gold francs in repara-
political rights for themselves, but not the abolition of tions to French ex-slaveholdersas a condition of French
slavery. These scholars show that if the agency of the recognition and to end the nations political and economic
enslaved blacks becomes the focus of studies, the Revo- isolation.[15] Though the amount of the reparations was
lutions opening and closing dates are certain. From this reduced in 1838, Haiti was unable to nish paying o its
premise, the narrative began with the enslaved blacks bid debt until 1947, and the payments left the countrys gov-
for freedom through armed struggle and concluded with ernment deeply impoverished, causing instability.
their victory over slaving powers and the creation of an
independent state. In April 1791, a massive black in-
surgency turned violently against the plantation system, 3 Background
setting a precedent of resistance to racial slavery. In co-
operation with their former mulatto rivals, blacks ended Much of the Caribbean economic development was con-
the Revolution in November 1803 when they decidedly tingent to Europeans demand for sugar, which plantation
defeated the French army at the Battle of Vertires.[10] owners traded for European and North American manu-
Although it is known as a single event under the name factured goods. Saint Domingue also had extensive cof-
of Haitian Revolution, alternative views suggest that fee, cocoa, and indigo plantations, but these were smaller
the entire aair was an assorted number of coinciden- and less protable than the wealthy sugar plantations.[16]
tal conicts that ended with a fragile truce between mu- Starting in the 1730s, French engineers constructed com-
lattoes and blacks.[11] The chief concern utters around plex irrigation systems to increase sugarcane production.


By the 1740s Saint-Domingue, together with Jamaica, caste system was dened. Most historians have classied
had become the main supplier of the worlds sugar. Sugar the people of the era into three groups. One was the white
production depended on extensive manual labor provided colonists, or blancs. This group is generally subdivided
by enslaved Africans in the harsh Saint-Domingue colo- into the plantation owners and a lower class of whites who
nial plantation economy. Saint-Domingue was the most often served as overseers or day laborers.
protable French colony in the entire world, indeed one A second was the free blacks (usually mixed-race, known
of the most protable of all the European colonies in the as mulattoes or gens de couleur libres, free people of
18th century, with an average of 600 ships engaged ev- color). These gens de couleur tended to be educated
ery year in shipping products from Saint-Domingue to
and literate and they often served in the army or as
Bordeaux and the value of Saint-Domingues goods al- administrators on plantations. Many were children of
most equal in value to all of the products shipped from
white planters and enslaved mothers while others had pur-
the British 13 colonies to Great Britain.[17] The economic chased their freedom from their owners through the sale
importance of St. Domingue to France can be seen in the
of their own produce or artistic works. They often re-
livelihood of 1 million out of the 25 million or so people ceived education or artisan training, and sometimes in-
who lived in the Kingdom of France in 1789 depended
herited freedom or property from their fathers. Some
directly upon the imports of coee, indigo and sugar gens de couleur even operated their own plantations and
from St. Domingue, and several million indirectly de- were slave owners.
pended upon trade from Frances richest colony to main-
tain their standard of living.[18] To sustain the sugar pro- The third group, outnumbering the others by a ratio of
duction amid the unhealthy climate of the Caribbean with ten to one, was made up of mostly African-born slaves.
malaria and yellow fever running rampant was slavery. In A high rate of mortality among them meant that planters
one year alone, namely 1787, the French imported about continually had to import new slaves. This kept their
20, 000 slaves from Africa into Saint-Domingue while culture more African and separate from other people on
the British imported about 38, 000 slaves to all of their the island. Many plantations had large concentrations
Caribbean colonies.[19] The death rate from yellow fever of slaves from a particular region of Africa, and it was
was such that at least 50% of the slaves imported from therefore somewhat easier for these groups to maintain
Africa died within a year of arriving, and as such the elements of their culture, religion, and language. This
masters preferred to work their slaves as hard as possi- also separated new slaves from Africa from creoles (slaves
ble while providing with them with the barest minimum born in the colony), who already had kin networks and
of food and shelter, calculating that it was better to get often had more prestigious roles on plantations and more
the most work out of their slaves with lowest possible opportunities for emancipation.[26] Most slaves spoke a
expense possible since they were probably going to die patois of the French language known as Creole, which
of yellow fever anyway.[20] The death rate was so high was also used by native mulattoes and whites for commu-
that polyandry-one woman being married to several men nication with the workers.[27] The majority of the slaves
at the same time-came to be a common form of mar- were Yoruba from what is now modern Nigeria, Fon from
riage among the slaves.[21] As slaves had no legal rights, what is now Benin and from the Kingdom of Kongo
rape by the masters was a common occurrence on the in what now modern northern Angola and the western
plantations.[22] Congo.[28] The Kongolese at 40% were the largest of the
African ethnic groups represented amongst the slaves.[29]
The white planters who derived their wealth from the The slaves developed their own religion, a synesthetic
sale of slave-produced sugar knew they were outnum- mixture of Roman Catholicism and West African reli-
bered by slaves by a factor of more than ten; they lived gions known as Vodou, usually called voodoo in English,
in fear of slave rebellion.[23] Even by the standards of the which provided the slaves with their own belief system
Caribbean, the French slave masters were extremely cruel that implicitly rejected their status as slaves.[30]
in their treatment of their slaves.[24] White masters ex-
tensively used the threat of physical violence to maintain White colonists and black slaves frequently came into vi-
control and limit this possibility for slave rebellion. When olent conict. Saint-Domingue was a society seething
slaves left the plantations or disobeyed their masters, they with hatred. The French historian Paul Fregosi wrote:
were subject to whipping, or to more extreme torture such Whites, mulattos and blacks loathed each other. The
as castration or burning, the punishment being both a per- poor whites couldn't stand the rich whites, the rich whites
sonal lesson and a warning for other slaves. Louis XIV, despised the poor whites, the middle class whites were
the French King, passed the Code Noir in 1685 in an jealous of the aristocratic whites, the whites born in
attempt to regulate such violence and the treatment of France looked down upon the locally born whites, mu-
the enslaved person in general in the colony, but masters lattoes envied the whites, despised the blacks and were
openly and consistently broke the code, and local legisla- despised by the whites; free Negroes brutalized those
tion reversed parts of it throughout the 18th century.[25] who were still slaves, Haitian born blacks regarded those
from Africa as savages. Everyone-quite rightly-lived in
In 1758, the white landowners began passing legislation terror of everyone else...Haiti was hell, but Haiti was
restricting the rights of other groups of people until a rigid
rich.[31] Many of these conicts involved slaves who had
4.2 Regional conicts 3

escaped the plantations. Many runaway slavescalled hard, and more often than not, under abusive and brutal
Maroonshid on the margins of large plantations, liv- conditions.
ing o the land and what they could steal from their for- Among Saint-Domingues 40,000 white colonials in
mer masters. Others ed to towns, to blend in with ur- 1789, European-born Frenchmen monopolized admin-
ban slaves and freed slaves who often concentrated in istrative posts. The sugar planters, the grands blancs,
those areas. If caught, these runaway slaves would be were chiey minor aristocrats. Most returned to France
severely and violently punished. However, some masters as soon as possible, hoping to avoid the dreaded yellow
tolerated petit marronages, or short-term absences from fever, which regularly swept the colony.[39] The lower-
class whites, petits blancs, included artisans, shopkeepers,
Often, however, larger groups of runaway slaves lived in slave dealers, overseers, and day laborers.
the woods away from control. They often conducted vio- Saint-Domingues free people of color, the gens de
lent raids on the islands sugar and coee plantations. Al- couleur, numbered more than 28,000 by 1789. Around
though the numbers in these bands grew large (sometimes that time, colonial legislations, concerned with this grow-
into the thousands), they generally lacked the leadership ing and strengthening population, passed discriminatory
and strategy to accomplish large-scale objectives. The laws that visibly dierentiated these freedmen by dictat-
rst eective maroon leader to emerge was the charis- ing their clothing and where they could live. These laws
matic Franois Mackandal, who succeeded in unifying also barred them from occupying many public oces.[16]
the black resistance. A Haitian Vodou priest, Mackan- Many of these freedmen were also artisans and overseers,
dal inspired his people by drawing on African traditions or domestic servants in the plantation houses.[40] Le Cap
and religions. He united the maroon bands and also es- Franais, a northern port, had a large population of freed
tablished a network of secret organizations among plan- slaves, and these men would later become important lead-
tation slaves, leading a rebellion from 1751 through 1757. ers in the 1791 slave rebellion and later revolution.[26]
Although Mackandal was captured by the French and
burned at the stake in 1758, large armed maroon bands
persisted in raids and harassment after his death.[23][32] 4.2 Regional conicts
In addition to class and racial tension between whites, free
4 Situation in 1789 people of color, and enslaved blacks, the country was po-
larized by regional rivalries between the North, South,
and West.
4.1 Social stratication
The North was the center of shipping and trading, and
In 1789 Saint-Domingue produced 60% of the worlds therefore had the largest French elite population. The
coee and 40% of the worlds sugar imported by France Plaine du Nord on the northern shore of Saint-Domingue
and Britain. The colony was the most protable posses- was the most fertile area with the largest sugar planta-
sion of the French Empire. Saint-Domingue was also the tions. It was the area of most economic importance, es-
wealthiest and most prosperous colony, for the plantation pecially as most of the colonys trade went through these
owners at least, of all the colonies in the Caribbean.[33] ports. The largest and busiest port was Le Cap Franais
In 1789, whites numbered 40,000; mulattoes and (present-day Le Cap Hatien), the capital of French Saint-
free blacks, 28,000; and black slaves, an estimated Domingue until 1751, when Port-au-Prince was made the
452,000.[34] The lowest class of society was enslaved capital.[26] In this northern region, enslaved Africans lived
blacks, who outnumbered whites and free people of color in large groups of workers in relative isolation, separated
by a margin of ten to one.[35] The slave population on from the rest of the colony by the high mountain range
the island totaled almost half of the one million slaves known as the Massif du Nord. These slaves would join
in the Caribbean by 1789.[36] Two thirds were African- with urban slaves from Le Cap to lead the 1791 rebel-
born, and they tended to be less submissive than those lion, which began in this region. This area was the seat
born in the Americas.[37] The death rate in the Caribbean of power of the grands blancs, the rich white colonists
exceeded the birth rate, so imports of enslaved Africans who wanted greater autonomy for the colony, especially
were necessary to maintain the numbers required to work economically.[41]
the plantations. The slave population declined at an an- The Western Province, however, grew signicantly af-
nual rate of two to ve percent, due to overwork, inade- ter the capital was moved to Port-au-Prince in 1751,
quate food and shelter, insucient clothing and medical and the region became increasingly wealthy in the sec-
care, and an imbalance between the sexes, with more men ond half of the 18th century when irrigation projects al-
than women.[38] Some slaves were of a creole elite class lowed signicant sugar plantation growth. The South-
of urban slaves and domestics, who worked as cooks, per- ern Province lagged in population and wealth because it
sonal servants and artisans around the plantation house. was geographically separated from the rest of the colony.
This relatively privileged class was chiey born in the However, this isolation allowed freed slaves to nd prot
Americas, while the under-class born in Africa labored in trade with British Jamaica, and they gained power and

wealth here.[26] In addition to these interregional ten- and an army of around three hundred free blacks fought
sions, there were conicts between proponents of inde- to end racial discrimination in the area.[44] He was cap-
pendence, those loyal to France, allies of Spain, and al- tured in early 1791, and brutally executed by being bro-
lies of Great Britain who coveted control of the valuable ken on the wheel" before being beheaded.[32] Og was
colony. not ghting against slavery, but his treatment was cited
by later slave rebels as one of the factors in their deci-
sion to rise up in August 1791 and resist treaties with the
5 Impact of the French Revolution colonists. The conict up to this point was between fac-
tions of whites, and between whites and free blacks. En-
slaved blacks watched from the sidelines.[23]
Further information: French Revolution
Leading 18th-century French writer Count Mirabeau had
once said the Saint-Domingue whites slept at the foot of
In France, the National Assembly made radical changes
Vesuvius",[45] an indication of the grave threat they faced
in French laws, and on 26 August 1789, published the
should the majority of slaves launch a sustained major
Declaration of the Rights of Man, declaring all men free
and equal. The French Revolution shaped the course of
the conict in Saint-Domingue and was at rst widely wel-
comed in the island. Wealthy whites saw it as an oppor-
tunity to gain independence from France, which would 6 Relationship between the French
allow elite plantation-owners to take control of the island Revolution and the Haitian Rev-
and create trade regulations that would further their own
wealth and power.[16] There were so many twists and turns olution
in the leadership in France, and there were so many com-
plex events in Saint-Domingue, that various classes and 6.1 Reason for revolution
parties changed their alignments many times. However,
the Haitian Revolution quickly became a test of the ideol- The Haitian Revolution was a revolution ignited
ogy of the French Revolution, as it radicalized the slavery from below, by the underrepresented majority of the
question and forced French leaders to recognize the full population.[46] A huge majority of the supporters of the
meaning of their revolution.[42] Haitian revolution were slaves and freed Africans that
The African population on the island began to hear of the were treated unequally by society and the law.
agitation for independence by the rich European planters,
the grands blancs, who had resented Frances limitations
on the islands foreign trade. The Africans mostly al-
6.2 Brutality
lied with the royalists and the British, as they understood
Despite the idealist, rational and utopian thinking sur-
that if Saint-Domingue's independence were to be led by
rounding both uprisings, extreme brutality was a funda-
white slave masters, it would probably mean even harsher
mental aspect of both uprisings. Besides initial cruelty
treatment and increased injustice for the African popu-
that created the precarious conditions that bred the rev-
lation. The plantation owners would be free to operate
olution, there was violence from both sides throughout
slavery as they pleased without the existing minimal ac-
the revolution. The period of violence during the French
countability to their French peers.[41]
Revolution is known as the Reign of Terror. Those killed
On the 4th of February 1794 under the leadership of via guillotine, breaking at the wheel, or some other hor-
Maximilien Robespierre, the French Convention voted ric death machines were perceived as adversaries to the
for the abolition of slavery [...] Robespierre is still revolution and death toll estimates range from 18,000 to
revered by the poor of Haiti today. 40,000.[48] Total casualties for the French Revolution are
Centre for Research on Globalization[43] estimated at 2 million.[49] In the Caribbean, total casual-
ties totaled approximately 162,000.[50] Violence in Haiti
Saint-Domingues free people of color, most notably was largely characterized by military excursions, riots,
Julien Raimond, had been actively appealing to France the killing of slave owners, and guerrilla warfare.[51]
for full civil equality with whites since the 1780s. Rai-
mond used the French Revolution to make this the major
colonial issue before the National Assembly of France. In 6.3 Lasting change
October 1790, Vincent Og, another wealthy free man of
color from the colony, returned home from Paris, where The Revolution in Haiti did not wait on the Revolution in
he had been working with Raimond. Convinced that a France. The individuals in Haiti relied on no other reso-
law passed by the French Constituent Assembly gave full lution but their own. The call for modication of society
civil rights to wealthy men of color, Og demanded the was inuenced by the revolution in France, but once the
right to vote. When the colonial governor refused, Og hope for change found a place in the hearts of the Haitian
led a brief insurgency in the area around Cap Franais. He people, there was no stopping the radical reformation that

was occurring.[52] The Enlightenment ideals and the ini- reality of the situation in Saint Domingue, through the
tiation of the French Revolution were enough to inspire bust of Raynald and the gure of Belley, respectively.
the Haitian Revolution, which evolved into the most suc- While distinguished, the portrait still portrays a man
cessful and comprehensive slave rebellion.[52] Just as the trapped by the connes of race. Girodets portrayal of
French were successful in transforming their society, so the former National Convention deputy is telling of the
were the Haitians. On April 4, 1792, The French Na- French opinion of colonial citizens by emphasizing the
tional Assembly granted freedom to slaves in Haiti[51] and subjects sexuality and including an earring. Both of these
the revolution culminated in 1804; Haiti was an indepen- racially charged symbols reveal the desire to undermine
dent nation solely of freed peoples.[53] The activities of the colonys attempts at independent legitimacy, as citi-
the revolutions sparked change across the world. Frances zens of the colonies were not able to access the elite class
transformation was most inuential in Europe, and Haitis of French Revolutionaries because of their race.[60]
inuence spanned across every location that continued to
practice slavery. John E. Baur honors Haiti as home of
the most inuential Revolution in history.[54] 8 1791 slave rebellion
Further information: Slavery in Haiti
7 Inuence of Enlightenment
thought Enlightened writer Guillaume Raynal attacked slavery in
the 1780 edition of his history of European colonization.
He also predicted a general slave revolt in the colonies,
French writer Guillaume Raynal attacked slavery in saying that there were signs of the impending storm.[61]
his history of European colonization. He warns, the One such sign was the action of the French revolutionary
Africans only want a chief, suciently courageous, to government to grant citizenship to wealthy free people of
lead them on to vengeance and slaughter.[55] Raynals color in May 1791. Since white plantation owners re-
Enlightenment philosophy went deeper than a prediction fused to comply with this decision, within two months
and reected many French Enlightenment philosophies isolated ghting broke out between the former slaves and
including those of Rousseau and Diderot, even though it the whites. This added to the tense climate between slaves
was written thirteen years before the Declaration of the and grands blancs.[62]
Rights of Man and of the Citizen. The declaration, in
contrast, highlighted freedom and liberty but still allowed Raynals prediction came true on the night of 21 Au-
slaves to be characterized as property. gust 1791, when the slaves of Saint Domingue rose in
revolt when thousands of slaves attended a secret vodou
In addition to Raynals inuence, Toussaint Louverture (voodoo) ceremony as a tropical storm came in-the light-
was a key Enlightened actor in the Haitian Revolution.
ing and the thunder was taken as auspicious omens-and
Enlightened thought divided the world into enlightened later that night, the slaves began to kill their masters and
leaders and ignorant masses";[56] Louverture attempted
plunged the colony into civil war.[63] The signal to begin
to bridge this divide between the popular masses and the revolt was given by Dutty Boukman, a high priest of
the enlightened few.[57] Louverture was familiar with En- vodou and leader of the Maroon slaves, during a religious
lightenment ideas within the context of European imperi- ceremony at Bois Caman on the night of 14 August.[64]
alism. He attempted to strike a balance between Western Within the next ten days, slaves had taken control of the
Enlightened thought as a necessary means of winning lib- entire Northern Province in an unprecedented slave re-
eration, and not propagating the notion that it was morally volt. Whites kept control of only a few isolated, forti-
superior to the experiences and knowledge of people of ed camps. The slaves sought revenge on their masters
color on Saint Domingue.[58] As an extension of himself through pillage, rape, torture, mutilation, and death.[65]
and his Enlightened education, Louverture wrote a Con- The long years of oppression by the slave masters had left
stitution for a new society in Saint-Domingue that abol- many blacks with a hatred of all whites, and the revolt
ished slavery. The existence of slavery in Enlightened so- was marked by extreme violence right from the very start
ciety was an incongruity that had been left unaddressed as the masters were dragged from their beds to be killed
by European scholars. Louverture took on this inconsis- and the heads of French children were placed on spikes
tency directly in his constitution. In addition, Louverture that were carried at the front of the rebel columns.[66]
exhibited a connection to Enlightenment scholars through Since the plantation owners had long feared such a revolt,
the style, language and accent of this text.[59] they were well armed and prepared to defend themselves.
Like Louverture, Jean-Baptiste Belley was also an ac- Nonetheless, within weeks, the number of slaves who
tive participant in the colonys insurrection. The por- joined the revolt reached some 100,000. Within the next
trait of Belley by Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson two months, as the violence escalated, the slaves killed
depicts a man who encompasses the French view of its 4,000 whites and burned or destroyed 180 sugar planta-
colonies. The portrait creates a stark dichotomy between tions and hundreds of coee and indigo plantations.[65]
the renement of French Enlightenment thought and the At least 900 coee plantations were destroyed and the

total damage inicted over the next two weeks amounted British campaign in Haiti was instead of being the great
to 2 million francs.[67] In September 1791, the surviv- money-spinner as expected, the campaign ended in a
ing whites organized themselves and struck back, killing complete debacle that cost the British treasury millions of
about 15, 000 blacks in an orgy of revenge.[68] Through pounds and the British military thousands upon thousands
demanding freedom from slavery, the rebels did not de- of dead, all for nothing.[75] Spain, who controlled the rest
mand independence from France at this point, and most of the island of Hispaniola, would also join the conict
of the rebel leaders professed to be ghting for the king and ght with Great Britain against France. The Span-
of France, who it was alleged had issued a degree that had ish forces invaded Saint Domingue and were joined by
been suppressed by the governor freeing all the slaves, and the slave forces. For most of the conict, the British and
as such they were demanding their rights as Frenchmen Spanish supplied the rebels with food, ammunition, arms,
which been granted by the king.[69] medicine, naval support, and military advisors. By Au-
gust 1793, there were only 3,500 French soldiers on the
island. On 20 September 1793, about 600 British soldiers
from Jamaica landed at Jrmie to be greeted with shouts
of "Vivent les Anglais! from the French population.[76] On
22 September 1793, Mole St. Nicolas, the main French
naval base in Saint Domingue surrendered to the Royal
Navy peacefully.[77] Everywhere, the British went, they
restored slavery, which made them especially hated by
the Haitians.[78] To prevent military disaster, and secure
the colony for republican France as opposed to Britain,
Spain, and French royalists, separately or in combination,
the French commissioners Lger-Flicit Sonthonax and
tienne Polverel freed the slaves in St. Domingue.
The decision was conrmed and extended by the National
Convention, the rst elected Assembly of the First Re-
A slave rebellion of 1791 public (17921804), on the 4th of February 1794, under
the leadership of Maximilien Robespierre. It abolished
By 1792, slave rebels controlled a third of the island.[70] slavery by law in France and all its colonies and granted
The success of the slave rebellion caused the newly civil and political rights to all black men in the colonies.
elected Legislative Assembly in France to realize it was The French constitutions of 1793 and 1795 both included
facing an ominous situation. To protect Frances eco- the abolition of slavery. The constitution of 1793 was
nomic interests, the Assembly granted civil and politi- never applied, but that of 1795 was implemented and
cal rights to free men of color in the colonies in March lasted until replaced by the consular and imperial con-
1792.[65] Countries throughout Europe as well as the stitutions under Napoleon Bonaparte. Despite racial ten-
United States were shocked by the decision, but the As- sions in Saint Domingue, the French revolutionary gov-
sembly was determined to stop the revolt. Apart from ernment at the time welcomed abolition with a show of
granting rights to the free people of color, the Assem- idealism and optimism. The emancipation of slaves was
bly dispatched 6,000 French soldiers to the island.[71] The viewed as an example of liberty for other countries, much
new governor sent by Paris, Lger-Flicit Sonthonax was as the American Revolution was meant to serve as the
a supporter of the French Revolution who abolished slav- rst of many liberation movements. Danton, one of the
ery in the Northern Province of Saint Domingue and Frenchmen present at the meeting of the National Con-
had hostile relations with the planters, whom he saw as vention, expressed this sentiment:
Meanwhile, in 1793, France declared war on Great
representatives of the French people, un-
Britain. The white planters in Saint Domingue, unhappy
til now our decrees of liberty have been selsh,
with Sonthonax made agreements with Great Britain to
and only for ourselves. But today we proclaim
declare British sovereignty over the colony, believing that
it to the universe, and generations to come will
the British would maintain slavery.[73] The British Prime
glory in this decree; we are proclaiming uni-
Minister, William Pitt the Younger believed that the suc-
versal liberty...We are working for future gen-
cess of the slave revolt in Saint Domigue would inspire
erations; let us launch liberty into the colonies;
slave revolts in the British Caribbean colonies and that
the English are dead, today.[79]
taking Saint Domingue, the richest of the French colonies
would be a most useful bargaining chip to have when the
peace negotiations began to end the war, and the interim, In nationalistic terms, the abolition of slavery also served
occupying Saint Domingue would mean bringing all of its as a moral triumph of France over England as seen in the
great wealth into the British treasury.[74] The American latter half of the above quote. Yet the abolition of slav-
journalist James Perry noted that the great irony of the ery did not allow for independence and did not persuade

Toussaint Louverture until some time later to stop work- of yellow fever.[93] The British historian Sir John Fortes-
ing with the Spanish army. cue wrote It is probably beneath the mark to say that
The British force that landed in St. Domingue in 1793 twelve thousand [94]
Englishmen were buried in the West In-
was too small to conquer the place, being only capable dies in 1794. Rigaud failed in attempt to retake Port-
of holding only few coastal enclaves, much to the dis- au-Prince, but on Christmas Day 1794, in a surprise at-
appointment of the French planters, who had been ex- tack he stormed and retook Tiburon.[95] The British lost
pecting more and to the relief of Sonthonax, who twice about 300 dead and the French took no prisoners, execut- [96]
refused ultimatums from Commodore John Ford to sur- ing any British soldier and sailor who surrendered. At
this point, Pitt decided to reinforce failure by launching
render Port-au-Prince.[80] In the meantime, a Spanish
force under Captain-General Joaquin Garcia y Moreno what he called the great push to conquer St. Domingue
and the rest of the French West Indies, sending out the
had marched into the Northern Province.[81] Toussaint
Louverture, the most ablest of the Haitian generals had largest expedition Britain had yet mounted in it history, a
force of about 30, 000 men to be carried in 200 ships.[97]
joined the Spanish, accepting an ocers commission in
the Spanish Army and being made a knight in the Order Fortescue wrote that aim of London in the rst expedition
of St. Isabella.[82] The main British force for the con- had been to destroy the power of France in these pesti-
quest of St. Domingue under General Charles Grey aka lent islands...only to discover when it was too late, that
No-int Grey and Admiral Sir John Jervis set sail from they practically destroyed the British army. By this
Portsmouth on 26 November 1793, which was in de- point, it was well known that service in the West Indies
ance of the well known rule that the only time that one was virtually a death sentence and in Dublin and Cork,
could campaign in the West Indies was from September to soldiers from the 104th, 111th, 105th, and 112th regi-
November, when the mosquitoes that carried malaria and ments rioted when they learned that they were being sent
yellow fever were scarce. [83]
After arriving in the West to St. Domingue. The eet for the great push left
Indies in February 1794, Grey chose to conquer Mar- Portsmouth on 16 November 1795 and was wrecked by a
tinique, St. Lucia and Guadeloupe and troops from his storm, before sending out again on 9 December.
force under the command of John Whyte only arrived in General Ralph Abercromby, the commander of the forces
St. Domingue on 19 May 1794.[84] Whyte decided rather committed to the great push in the West Indies hesi-
attacking the main French bases at Le Cap and Port- tated over which island to attack when he arrived in Bar-
de-Paix to march towards Port-au-Prince, whose har- bados on 17 March 1796 before he dispatched a force un-
bour was reported to have 45 ships loaded with sugar as der Major General Gordon Forbes to Port-au-Prince.[101]
the allure of rich booty proved more enticing.[85] Whyte Forbess attempt to take the French-held city of Leogane
took Port-au-Prince, but Sonthonax and the French forces ended in disaster as the French had built a deep ditch
were allowed to leave in exchange for not burning the with palisades while Forbes had neglected to bring along
45 ships loaded with sugar.[86] By May 1794, the French heavy artillery.[102] The French commander, the mulatto
forces were severed in two by Toussaint with Sonthonax General Alexandre Ption proved to be an excellent ar-
commanding in the north and Andr Rigaud leading in tilleryman, who used the guns of his fort to sink two of
the south.[87] At this point, Toussaint for reasons that the three ships-of-line under Admiral Hyde Parker in the
remain obscure, suddenly joined the French and turned harbour, before turning his guns to the British forces; a
against the Spanish, ambushing his allies as they emerged French sortie led to a British rout and Forbes retreating
from attending mass in a church at San Rapheal on 6 May back to Port-au-Prince.[103] In the meantime, as more and
1794.[88] The Haitians soon expelled the Spanish from St. more ships bringing troops committed to the great push
Domingue.[89] Toussaint, despite being a former slave, arrived, more and more soldiers died of yellow fever.[104]
proved to be forgiving of the whites, insisting that he By 1 June 1796, of the 1, 000 from the Sixty-sixth reg-
merely ghting to assert the rights of the slaves as black iment, only 198 had not been infected with yellow fever
French people to be free, did not want independence from and of the 1, 000 men of the Sixth-ninth regiment, only
France, and urged the surviving whites, including the for- 515 were not infected with yellow fever.[105] Abercromby
mer slave masters to stay and work with him in rebuilding predicated that at the current rate of yellow fever infec-
St. Domingue.[90] tion, all of the men from the two regiments would be dead
Rigaud had checked the British in the south, taking the by November.[106] Ultimately, 10, 000 British soldiers
town of Logne by storm and driving the British back had arrived in Saint Domingue by June, but besides for
to Port-au-Prince.[91] During the course of 1794, most some skirmishing near Bombarde, the British remained
of the British forces were killed by yellow fever, the put in Port-au-Prince and other coastal enclaves while yel-
dreaded black vomit as the British called it, as within low fever continued to kill them all o.[107] The govern-
two months of arriving in St. Domingue the British had ment much attracted much criticism about the mounting
lost 40 ocers and 600 men to yellow fever.[92] Ulti- costs of the expedition to St. Domingue in the House of
mately, of Greys 7, 000 men, about 5, 000 were to die Commons, and in February 1797, General John Graves
of yellow fever while the Royal Navy reported losing Simcoe arrived to replace Forbes with orders to pull
"...forty-six masters and eleven hundred men dead, chiey back the British forces to Port-au-Prince.[108] As the hu-
man and nancial costs of the expedition mounted, more

and more people in Britain demanded a withdrawal from loyal to France, to all intents and purposes, he ruled Saint
St. Domingue, which was devouring money and soldiers Domingue as its dictator.[125]
while failing to produce the expected prots.[109] It has recently been estimated that the slave rebellion
On 11 April 1797, Colonel Thomas Maitland of the resulted in the death of 350,000 Haitians and 50,000
Sixty-second Foot regiment landed in Port-au-Prince, European troops.[126] According to the Encyclopedia of
and wrote in a letter to his brother that British forces African American Politics, Between 1791 and indepen-
in St. Domingue had been annihilated by the yellow dence in 1804 nearly 200,000 blacks died, as did thou-
fever.[110] Service in St. Domingue was extremely un- sands of mulattoes and as many as 100,000 French and
popular in the British Army owing to terrible death toll British soldiers.[127] Yellow fever did most of the killing.
caused by yellow fever with one British ocer writing Geggus points out that at least 3 out of every 5 British
of his horror of seeing his friends drowned in their own troops sent there in 1791-97 died of disease.[128][129]
blood while some died raving Mad.[111] Simcoe used There has been considerable debate over whether the
the new British troops to push back the Haitians un- number of deaths caused by disease was exaggerated.[130]
der Toussaint, but in a counter-oensive, Toussaint and
Rigaud stopped the oensive with Toussaint retaking the
fortress at Mirebalais.[112] On 7 June 1797, Toussaint at- 9 Leadership of Louverture
tacked Fort Churchill in an assault that was noted for its
professionalism as it for its ferocity.[113] Under a storm
of artillery, the Haitians placed ladders on the walls and
were driven back after four times with heavy losses.[114]
Even through Toussaint had been defeated, the British
were astonished that Toussaint had turned a group of for-
mer slaves with no military experience into troops whose
skills were the equal of a European army.[115] In July
1797, Simcoe and Maitland sailed to London to advise
a total withdrawal from St. Domingue, a thesis that was
so persuasive by this point that in March 1798 Maitland
returned with a mandate to withdraw, at least from Port-
au-Prince.[116] On 10 May 1798, Maitland met with Tou-
ssaint to agree to an armistice, and on 18 May the British
had left Port-au-Prince.[117] British morale had collapsed
with the news that Toussaint had taken Port-au-Prince,
and Maitland decided to abandon all of St. Domingue,
writing that the expedition had become such a complete
disaster that withdrawal was the only sensible thing to
do, even through he did not have the authority to do
so.[118] On 31 August, Maitland and Toussaint signed an
agreement where in exchange for pulling out all of St.
Domingue, Toussaint promised to not support any slave
revolts in Jamaica.[119] Between 1793-98, the expedition
to St. Domingue had cost the British treasury four mil-
lion pounds and 100, 000 men either dead or crippled
from the eects of yellow fever.[120]
After the departure of the British, Toussaint turned his at-
tention to Rigaud.[121] In March 1797, the Directory had
unleashed French privateers against American shipping,
leading to the Quasi-War between France and the United
States with the U.S Navy being hunting down the French
ships that taking American merchantmen.[122] Through General Toussaint Louverture.
the United States was hostile towards Toussaint, the U.S.
Navy agreed to support the Haitians with the frigate USS One of the most successful black commanders was
General Greene command by Captain Christopher Perry Toussaint Louverture, a self-educated former domestic
providing re support to the Haitians as Toussaint laid slave. Like Jean Franois and Biassou, he initially fought
siege to the city of Jacmel, held by French forces under for the Spanish crown in this period. After the British
the command of Rigaud.[123] On 11 March 1800, Tous- had invaded Saint-Domingue, Louverture decided to ght
saint took Jacmel and Riguad ed on the French schooner for the French if they would agree to free all the slaves.
La Diana.[124] Through Toussaint maintained he was still Sonthonax had proclaimed an end to slavery on 29 August
1792. Louverture worked with a French general, tienne

Laveaux, to ensure that all slaves would be freed. Louver- visited St. Domingue observed the training of the Haitian
ture abandoned the Spanish army in the east and brought Army, writing: At a whistle, a whole brigade ran three
his forces over to the French side on 6 May 1794 after or four hundred yards, and then, separating, threw them-
the Spanish refused to take steps to end slavery.[131] selves at on the ground, changing to their backs and
Under the military leadership of Toussaint, the forces sides, and all the time keeping up a strong re until re-
made up mostly of former slaves succeeded in winning calledThis movement is executed with such facility and
concessions from the British and expelling the Spanish precision as totally to prevent cavalry from charging them
forces. In the end, Toussaint essentially restored control in bushy and hilly country.[139] In a letter to Jean-Jacques
Dessalines, Toussaint outlined his plans for defeating the
of Saint-Domingue to France. Louverture was very in-
telligent, organized and articulate. Having made himself French: Do not forget, while waiting for the rainy rea-
son which will rid us of our foes, that we have no other
master of the island, however, Toussaint did not wish to
surrender too much power to France. He began to rule the resource than destruction and re. Bear in mind that
the soil bathed with our sweet must not furnish our en-
country as an eectively autonomous entity. Louverture
overcame a succession of local rivals (including the Com- emies with the smallest sustenance. Tear up the roads
with shot; throw corpses and horses into all the founda-
missioner Sonthonax, a French white man who gained
support from many Haitians, angering Louverture; Andr tions, burn and annihilate everything in order that those
Rigaud, a free man of color who fought to keep control of who have come to reduce us to slavery may have before
the South in the War of Knives; and Comte d'Hdouville). their eyes the image of the hell which they deserve.[140]
Hdouville forced a fatal wedge between Rigaud and Lou- Dessalines never received the letter as he already taken
verture before he escaped to France. Toussaint defeated to the eld, evaded a French column sent to capture
a British expeditionary force in 1798. In addition, he him and stormed Logane.[141] The Haitians burned down
led an invasion of neighboring Santo Domingo (Decem- Leogane and killed all of the French with the Trinida-
ber 1800), and freed the slaves there on January 3, 1801. dian historian C. L. R. James writing of Dessaliness ac-
tions at Leogane: Men, women and children, indeed all
In 1801, Louverture issued a constitution for Saint- the whites who came into his hands, he massacred. And
Domingue that decreed he would be governor-for-life forbidding burial, he left stacks of corpses rotting in the
and called for black autonomy and a sovereign black sun to strike terror into the French detachments as they
state. In response, Napoleon Bonaparte dispatched a toiled behind his ying columns.[142] The French, who
large expeditionary force of French soldiers and warships been expecting the Haitians to happily go back to being
to the island, led by Bonapartes brother-in-law Charles their slaves as they believed it was natural for blacks to be
Leclerc, to restore French rule.[132] They were under se- the slaves of whites were stunned to learn how much the
cret instructions to restore slavery, at least in the formerly Haitians hated them for wanting to reduce them back to a
Spanish-held part of the island. Bonaparte ordered that life in chains.[143] A visibly shocked General Pamphile de
Toussaint was to be treated with respect until the French Lacroix after seeing the ruins of Leogane wrote: They
forces were established; once that was done, Toussaint heaped up bodies which still had their attitudes; they
was to summoned to Le Cap and be arrested; if he failed were bent over, their hands outstretched and beseech-
to show, Leclerc was to wage a war to the death with ing; the ice of death had not eaced the look on their
no mercy and all of Toussaints followers to be shot when faces.[144]
captured.[133] Once that was completed, slavery would
be ultimately restored.[134] The numerous French soldiers Leclerc, ordered four French columns to march on Go-
were accompanied by mulatto troops led by Alexandre naives, which was the main Haitian base.[145] One of the
Ption and Andr Rigaud, mulatto leaders who had been French columns was commanded by General Donatien
defeated by Toussaint three years earlier. de Rochambeau, a proud white supremacist and a sup-
porter of slavery who detested the Haitians for wanting to
The French arrived at on 2 February 1802 at Le Cap with be free and it was Rochambueau who Toussaint tried to
the Haitian commander Henri Christophe being ordered stop at Ravin-a-Couleuvre, a very narrow gully up in the
by Leclerc to turn over the city to the French.[135] When mountains that the Haitians had lled with chopped down
Christophe refused, the French assaulted Le Cap and the trees.[146] In the ensuring Battle of Ravine--Couleuvres,
Haitians set the city are rather than surrender it.[136] after six hours of erce hand to hand ghting with no
Leclerc sent Toussaint letters promising him: Have no quarter given on either side, the French nally broke
worries about your personal fortune. It will be safe- through, albeit with heavy losses.[147] During the battle,
guarded for you, since it has been only too well earned by Toussaint personally took part in the ghting to lead his
your own eorts. Do not worry about the liberty of your men in charges against the French.[148] After losing 800
fellow citizens.[137] When Toussaint still failed to appear men, Toussaint ordered a retreat.[149]
at Le Cap, Leclerc issued a proclamation on 17 Febru-
ary 1802: General Toussaint and General Christophe The Haitians next tried to stop the French at a British built
fort up in the mountains called Crte--Pierrot, a battle
are outlawed; all citizens are ordered to hunt them down,
and treat them as rebels against the French Republic.[138] that is remembered as a national epic in Haiti.[150] While
Toussaint took to the eld, he left Dessalines in command
Captain Marcus Rainsford, a British Army ocer who

of Crte--Pierrot, who from his fastness could see three St. Domingue, and as stagnate water collected, the
French columns converging on the fort.[151] Dessalines mosquitoes began to breed, leading to yet another out-
appeared before his men standing atop of a barrel of gun- break of yellow fever.[166] By the end of March, 5, 000
powder, holding a lit torch, saying: We are going to be French soldiers had died of yellow fever and another 5,
attacked, and if the French put their feet in here, I shall 000 were hospitalized with yellow fever, leading to a
blow everything up, leading his men to reply We shall worried Leclerc to write in his diary: The rainy season
die for liberty!".[152] The rst of the French columns to has arrived. My troops are exhausted with fatigue and
appear before the fort was commanded by General Jean sickness.[167]
Boudet, whose men were harassed by skirmishers until
On 25 April 1802, the situation suddenly changed when
they reached a deep ditch the Haitians had dug.[153] As Christophe defected with much of the Haitian Army over
the French tried to cross the ditch, Dessalines ordered
to the French.[168] Louverture was promised his free-
his men who were hiding to come out and open re, hit- dom if he agreed to integrate his remaining troops into
ting the French with a tremendous volley of artillery and
the French army. Louverture agreed to this on 6 May
musket re, inicting heavy losses on the attackers.[154] 1802.[169] Just why Toussaint just to give up has been
General Boudet himself was wounded and as the French
the subject of much debate with most probable expla-
dead and wounded start to pile up in the ditch, the French nation being after he was just tired after 11 years of
retreated.[155] The next French commander who tried war.[170] Under the terms of surrender, Leclerc gave his
to assault the ditch was General Charles Dugua, who solemn word that slavery would not be restored in St.
joined shortly afterwards by the column commanded by Domingue, that blacks could be ocers in the French
Leclerc.[156] All of the French assaults ended in total fail- Army, allowed the Haitian Army to be integrated into
ure, and after the failure of their last attack, the Haitians the French Army, and gave Toussaint a plantation at
charged the French, cutting down any Frenchmen.[157] Ennery.[171] Toussaint was later deceived, seized by the
General Dugua was killed, Leclerc was wounded and the French and shipped to France. He died months later in
French lost about 800 dead.[158] The nal French column prison at Fort-de-Joux in the Jura region.[32] Shortly af-
to arrive was the one commanded by Rochambeau, who terwards, the ferocious Dessalines rode into Le Cap to
brought along heavy artillery that knocked out the Haitian submit to France and was rewarded by being made the
artillery, through his attempt to storm the ditch also ended governor of Saint-Marc, a place that Dessalines ruled
in failure with about 300 of his men killed.[159] Over the with his customary cruelty.[172] However, the surrender
following days, the French kept on bombarding and as- of Christophe, Toussaint and Dessalines did not mean
saulting the fort, only to be repulsed every time while the the end of Haitian resistance. Throughout the country-
Haitians deantly sang songs of the French Revolution, side, guerrilla warfare continued and the French staged
celebrating the right of all men to be equal and free.[160] mass executions via ring squads, hanging and drown-
The Haitian psychological warfare was successful with ing Haitians in bags.[173] Rochambeau invented a new
many French soldiers asking why they were ghting to means of mass execution, which he called fumigational-
enslave the Haitians, who were only asserting the rights sulphurous baths of killing hundreds of Haitians in the
promised by the Revolution to make all men free.[161] De- holds of ships by burning sulphur to make sulphur dioxide
spite Bonapartes attempt to keep his intention to restore to gas them.[174]
slavery a secret, it was widely believed by both sides that
was why the French had returned to Haiti, as a sugar pla-
nation could only be protable with slave labour. Finally
after twenty days of siege with food and ammunition run- 10 Resistance to slavery
ning out, Dessalines ordered his men to abandon the fort
on the night of 24 March 1802 and the Haitians slipped
out of the fort to ght another day.[162] Even Rocham-
beau, who hated all blacks was forced to admit in a re-
port: Their retreat-this miraculous retreat from our trap-
was an incredible feat of arms.[163] The French had won,
but they had lost 2, 000 dead against an opponent whom
they held in contempt on racial grounds, believing all
blacks to be stupid and cowardly, and furthermore, that
it was shortages of food and ammunition that forced the
Haitians to retreat, not because of any feats of arms by
the French army.[164]
After the Battle of Crte--Pierrot, the Haitians aban-
doned conventional warfare and reverted back to guerilla
tactics, making the French hold over much of the coun- Battle at Snake Gully in 1802
tryside from Le Cap down to the Artibonite valley very
tenuous.[165] With March, the rainy season came to For a few months, the island was quiet under Napoleonic

rule. But when it became apparent that the French in- was planning on doing to them.[191] Rochambeaus atroci-
tended to re-establish slavery (because they had nearly ties helped rally many former French loyalists to the rebel
done so on Guadeloupe), black cultivators revolted in cause. Many on both sides had come to see the war as a
the summer of 1802. Yellow fever had decimated the race war where no mercy was to be given, and the Haitians
French as by the middle of July 1802, the French lost were just as brutal as the French, as they burned French
about 10, 000 dead to yellow fever.[175] By September, prisoners alive, cut them up with axes, or tied to a board
Leclerc wrote in his diary that he had only 8, 000 t and sawed them into two.[192] Having sold the Louisiana
men left as yellow fever had killed the others.[176] Many Territory to the United States in April 1803, Napoleon
of the French soldiers was actually Polish as 5, 000 began to lose interest in his failing ventures in the Western
Poles were serving in two demi-brigades in the French Hemisphere. He was more concerned about Frances Eu-
Army.[177] Many Poles believed that if they fought for ropean enemies such as Great Britain and Prussia. With
France, Bonaparte would reward them by restoring Pol- that, he withdrew a majority of the French forces in Haiti
ish independence, which had been ended with the Third to counter the possibility of an invasion from Prussia,
Partition of Poland in 1795.[178] Of the 5, 000 Poles, Britain, and Spain on a weakened France.
about 4, 000 were to die of yellow fever.[179] A French With Napoleons inability to send the requested massive
planter wrote of the Polish soldiers: Ten days after the reinforcements after the outbreak of war on 18 May 1803
landing of these two beautiful regiments, more than half with the British - the Royal Navy immediately despatched
their number were carried o by yellow fever; they fell a squadron under Sir John Duckworth from Jamaica to
down as they walked, the blood rushing out through their cruise in the region, seeking to eliminate communication
nostrils, mouths, eyes...what a horrible and heart-rending between the French outposts and to capture or destroy
sight!".[180] Sometimes, the Poles died in battle. At a bat- the French warships based in the colony. The Blockade
tle at Port Sault, the Polish Third Battalion fought about of Saint-Domingue not cut the French forces out from
200 Haitians who ambushed them with musket re and reinforcements and supplies from France, but also meant
by pushing boulders down on them.[181] One historian that the British began to supply arms to the Haitians.[193]
noted that the Poles, rather than spreading out, each man Trapped, engaged in a vicious race war, and with much
for himself, slowly advanced in a tightly packed mass of his army dying of yellow fever, Rochambeau fell to
which aord an ideal target for the well-protected in- pieces, losing interest in commanding his army and as
surgent rieman.[182] Most the Poles were cut down by James wrote he amused himself with sexual pleasures,
the Haitians, which led Rochambeau to remark that one military balls, banquets and the amassing of a personal
could always count on the Poles to die without inching fortune.[194]
in battle.[183] Some of the Poles came to believe that they
were ghting on the wrong side, as they had joined the The Royal Navy squadrons soon blockaded the French-
French Army to ght for freedom, not impose slavery, held ports of Cap Franais and Mle-Saint-Nicolas on
and they defected over to join the Haitians.[184] the Northern coast of the French colony. In the sum-
mer of 1803, when war broke out between the United
Dessalines and Ption remained allied with France until Kingdom and the French Consulate, Saint-Domingue had
they switched sides again, in October 1802, and fought
been almost completely overrun by Haitian forces under
against the French. As Leclerc laid dying of yellow fever the command of Jean-Jacques Dessalines. In the north
and heard that Christophe and Dessalines had joined the of the country, the French forces were isolated in the two
rebels, he reacted by ordering all of the blacks living in large ports of Cap Franais and Mle-Saint-Nicolas and
Le Cap be killed by drowning them in the harbour.[185] a few smaller settlements, all supplied by a French naval
In November, Leclerc died of yellow fever, like much of force based primarily at Cap Franais.
his army.[32][186] His successor, the Vicomte de Rocham-
beau, fought an even more brutal campaign. Rochambeau On 28 June, the squadron encountered a French con-
waged a near-genocidal campaign against the Haitians, voy from Les Cayes o Mle-Saint-Nicolas, capturing
simply killing everybody who was black.[187] Rocham- one ship although the other escaped. Two days later an
beau imported about 15, 000 attack dogs from Jamaica, independently sailing French frigate was chased down
who had trained to savage blacks and mulattoes.[188] At and captured in the same waters. On 24 July another
the Bay of Le Cap, Rochambeau had so blacks drowned British squadron intercepted the main French squadron
that no one would eat sh from the bay for months after- from Cap Franais, which was attempting to break past
ward as no one wished to eat the sh that had eaten human the blockade and reach France. The British, led by Com-
esh.[189] Bonaparte, hearing that most of his army in St. modore John Loring gave chase, but one French ship of
Domingue had died of yellow fever and the French only the line and a frigate escaped. Another ship of the line
held Port-au-Prince, Le Cap and Les Cayes sent about was trapped against the coast and captured after coming
20, 000 reinforcements to Rochambeau.[190] Dessalines under re from Haitian shore batteries. The remainder
matched Rochambeau in his vicious cruelty. At Le Cap, of the squadron was forced to ght two more actions on
when Rochambeau hanged 500 blacks, Dessalines replied their return to Europe, but did eventually reach the Span-
by killing 500 whites and sticking their heads on spikes ish port of Corunna.
all around Le Cap, so that the French could see what he

On 8 October 1803, the French abandoned Port-au- loss of the colony. As the French retreated, Haiti, which
Prince as Rochambeau decided to concentrate what was had once been called the Pearl of the Antilles, the rich-
left of his army at Le Cap.[195] Dessalines marched into est French colony in the world was impoverished as its
Port-au-Prince, where was welcomed as a hero by the economy was in ruins after the revolution, and the coun-
100 whites who had chosen to stay behind.[196] Dessalines try descended into anarchy as black and mulattoes now
thanked them all for their kindness and belief in racial fought each other for control; Haiti never recovered eco-
equality, but then he said that the French had treated nomically from the war.[202] The Haitians had paid a high
him as less than human when he was a slave, and so to price for their freedom, losing about 200,000 dead be-
avenge his mistreatment, he promptly had the 100 whites tween 1791-1803, and unlike the majority of the Euro-
all hanged.[197] On 3 November, the frigate HMS Blanche pean dead, who were killed by yellow fever, the majority
captured a supply schooner near Cap Franais, the last of the Haitian dead were the victims of violence.[203]
hope in supplying the French forces. On 16 Novem-
ber 1803, Dessalines began attacking the French block-
houses outside of Le Cap[198] The last battle on land of
the Haitian Revolution, the Battle of Vertires, occurred
on 18 November 1803, near Cap-Hatien fought between
Dessalines army and the remaining French colonial army
under the Vicomte de Rochambeau; the slave rebels and
freed revolutionary soldiers won the battle. By this point,
Perry observed that both sides were a little mad as the
pressures of the war and yellow fever had taken their toil,
and both the French and the Haitians fought with a reck-
less courage, seeing death in battle as preferable to a slow
death by yellow fever or being tortured to death by the
Rochambeau seeing defeat inevitable procrastinated un-
Battle of Vertires in 1803
til the last possible moment, but eventually was forced
to surrender to the British commander - by the end of
the month the garrison was starving, having reached the
conclusion at the a council of war that surrender was the
only way to escape from this place of death.[200] Com- 11 Free republic
modore Loring however refused the French permission
to sail and agreed terms with Dessalines that permitted On 1 January 1804, Dessalines, the new leader under
them to safely evacuate provided they had left the port by the dictatorial 1805 constitution, declared Haiti a free re-
1 December. On the night of 30 November 1803, 8, 000 public in the name of the Haitian people,[204] which was
French soldiers and hundreds of white civilians boarded followed by the massacre of the remaining whites.[205]
the British ships to take them away.[201] One of Rocham- Dessalines secretary Boisrond-Tonnerre stated, For our
beaus ships was almost wrecked while leaving the har- declaration of independence, we should have the skin of
bour, but was saved by a British lieutenant acting alone, a white man for parchment, his skull for an inkwell, his
who not only rescued the 900 people on board, but also blood for ink, and a bayonet for a pen!"[206] Haiti was the
reoated the ship. At Mle-Saint-Nicolas, General Louis rst independent nation in Latin America, the rst post-
de Noailles refused to surrender and instead sailed to Ha- colonial independent black-led nation in the world, and
vana, Cuba in a eet of small vessels on 3 December, but the only nation whose independence was gained as part
was intercepted and mortally wounded by a Royal Navy of a successful slave rebellion. The country was crippled
frigate. Soon after with the few remaining French-held by years of war, its agriculture devastated, its formal com-
towns in Saint-Domingue surrendered soon afterwards to merce nonexistent.[207][14] The country, therefore, had to
the Royal Navy to prevent massacres by the Haitian army. be rebuilt.
Meanwhile, Dessalines led the rebellion until its comple-
tion, when the French forces were nally defeated by the To realise this goal Dessalines adopted the economic or-
end of 1803.[32] ganisation of serfdom.[208] He proclaimed that every cit-
izen would belong to one of two categories, laborer or
On 1 January 1804, from the city of Gonaves, Dessalines soldier.[208] Furthermore, he proclaimed the mastery of
ocially declared the former colonys independence, re- the state over the individual and consequently ordered
naming it Haiti after the indigenous Arawak name. Al- that all laborers would be bound to a plantation.[208]
though he lasted from 1804 to 1806, several changes be-
gan taking place in Haiti. The independence of Haiti was To avoid the appearance of slavery, however, Dessalines
a major blow to France and its colonial empire, but the abolished the ultimate symbol of slavery, the whip.[208]
French state would take several decades to recognize the Likewise, the working day was shortened by a third.
Dessalines chief motivator nonetheless was production

and to this aim he granted much freedom to the planta-

tions overseers. Barred from using the whip, many in-
stead turned to lianes, which were thick vines abundant
throughout the island, to persuade the laborers to keep
working.[208] Dessalines eectively sent the Haitian peo-
ple back into slavery. Nevertheless, he succeeded in re-
building much of the countryside and in raising produc-
tion levels.[208]
Fearing a return of French forces, Dessalines rst ex-
panded and maintained a signicant military force. Dur-
ing his reign, nearly 10% of able-bodied men were in
active service.[209] Furthermore, Dessalines ordered the
construction of massive fortications throughout the is-
land, like the Citadelle Laferrire. Many commentators
believe that this overmilitarization contributed to many
of Haitis future problems.[209] In fact, because young t
men were the most likely to be drafted into the army, the
plantations were thus deprived of the workforce needed
to function properly.[209]
Under the presidency of Jean-Pierre Boyer, Haiti made
reparations to French slaveholders in 1825 in the amount
of 150 million francs, reduced in 1838 to 60 million
francs, in exchange for French recognition of its indepen-
dence. Boyer believed that the constant threat of a French
invasion was stymieing the Haitian economy and thus felt
the need to settle the matter once and for all.[210] The ne-
An 1806 engraving of Jean-Jacques Dessalines. It depicts the
gotiations for the indemnity were rather one sided how- general, sword raised in one arm, while the other holds a severed
ever as French warships were anchored o the coast.[210] head of a white woman.
The resulting indemnity bankrupted the Haitian trea-
sury. Haiti was therefore forced to take out a loan from
French banks, who provided the funds for the large rst
from early February 1804 until 22 April 1804. During
installment,[10] severely aecting Haitis ability to pros-
February and March, Dessalines traveled among the cities
per. Haitian forces, led by Boyer, invaded neighboring
of Haiti to assure himself that his orders were carried out.
Dominican Republic in February 1822beginning a 22-
Despite his orders, the massacres were often not carried
year occupation.[211]
out until he personally visited the cities.[218]
The end of the Haitian Revolution in 1804 marked the
The course of the massacre showed an almost identi-
end of colonialism on the island. However, the social
cal pattern in every city he visited. Before his arrival,
conict cultivated under slavery continued to aect the
there were only a few killings, despite his orders.[219]
population for years to come. The revolution left in
When Dessalines arrived, he rst spoke about the atroc-
place the aranchi lite, who continued to rule Haiti
ities committed by former French authorities, such as
while the formidable Haitian army kept them in power.
Rochambeau and Leclerc, after which he demanded that
France continued the slavery system in French Guiana,
his orders about mass killings of the areas French pop-
Martinique, and Guadeloupe.[212]
ulation be carried out. Reportedly, he also ordered the
unwilling to take part in the killings, especially men of
mixed race, so that blame would not rest solely on the
black population.[220][221] Mass killings then took place
12 1804 massacre of the French on the streets and on places outside the cities. In parallel
to the killings, plundering and rape also occurred.[221]
Main article: 1804 Haiti massacre
The 1804 massacre was carried out against the Women and children were generally killed last. White
remaining white population of French colonists[213] women were often raped or pushed into forced marriages
and loyalists,[214] both enemies and traitors of the under threat of death.[221]
revolution[215] by the black population of Haiti on the or- By the end of April 1804, some 3,000 to 5,000 persons
der of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who declared the French had been killed[222] practically eradicating the countrys
as barbarians, demanding their expulsion and vengeance white population. Dessalines had specically stated that
for their crimes.[216][217] The massacrewhich took France is the real enemy of the new nation. This allowed
place in the entire territory of Haitiwas carried out certain categories of whites to be excluded from massacre
14 13 IMPACT

who had to pledge their rejection to France: the Polish

soldiers who deserted from the French army; the group
of German colonists of the Nord-Ouest (North-West) de-
partment of Haiti who were inhabitants before the revo-
lution; French widows who were allowed to keep their
property;[217] select male Frenchmen;[223] and a group
of medical doctors and professionals.[218] Reportedly,
also people with connections to Haitian notables were
spared,[221] as well as the women who agreed to marry
non-white men.[222] In the 1805 constitution that declared
all its citizens as black,[223] it specically mentions the
naturalizations of German and Polish peoples enacted by
the government, as being exempt from Article XII that Saint-Domingue slave revolt in 1791
prohibited whites (non-Haitians;" foreigners) from own-
ing land.[213][222][216]
and openly expressed their support of the Jacobins[228]
Ultimately, the massacre had a long-lasting eect on the
There is also some historical evidence suggesting that dis-
view of the Haitian Revolution and helped to create a
playing solidarity with the French Revolution was the eas-
legacy of racial hostility in Haitian society.[223]
iest way for the refugees to earn the support and sympa-
thy of the Americans, who had just recently lived through
their own revolution.[229] American slaveholders, in par-
ticular, commiserated with the French planters who had
13 Impact been forcibly removed from their plantations in Saint-
Domingue. While the exiles found themselves in a peace-
Historians continue to debate the importance of the ful situation in the United States safe from the violence
Haitian Revolution. David Geggus asks: How much of a raging in both France and Haiti their presence compli-
dierence did it make?" A limited amount, he concludes, cated the already precarious diplomatic relations among
for slavery ourished in the western hemisphere for many Britain, France and the U.S.
more decades.[224]
Many of the whites and free people of color who left
Other historians say the Haitian Revolution inuenced Saint-Domingue for the United States settled in south-
slave rebellions in the United States and British colonies. ern Louisiana, adding many new members to its French-
The biggest slave revolt in U.S. history was the 1811 speaking, mixed-race, and black populations. The exiles
German Coast Uprising in Louisiana. This slave rebel- causing the greatest amount of alarm were the African
lion was put down and the punishment the slaves received slaves who came with their refugee owners. Some south-
was so severe that no contemporary news reports about it ern planters grew concerned that the presence of these
exist.[225] The neighboring revolution brought the slavery slaves who had witnessed the revolution in Haiti would
question to the forefront of U.S. politics, and the result- ignite similar revolts in the United States.[230] However
ing intensication of racial divides and sectional politics other planters were condent they had the situation un-
ended the idealism of the Revolutionary period.[226] The der control.[231]
American President Thomas Jeerson-who was a slave-
holder himself-refused to establish diplomatic relations In 1807 Haiti was divided into two parts, the Republic of
Haiti in the south, and the Kingdom of Haiti in the north.
with Haiti (the United States did not recognize Haiti un-
til 1862) and imposed an economic embargo on trade Land could not be privately owned; it reverted to the State
through Biens Nationaux (national bonds), and no French
with Haiti that also lasted until 1862 in an attempt to en-
sure the economic failure of the new republic as Jeerson whites could own land. The remaining French settlers
wanted Haiti to fail, regarding an successful slave revolt were forced to leave the island. Those who refused were
in the West Indies as a dangerous example for American slaughtered. The Haitian State owned up to 90% of the
slaves.[227] land and the other 10% was leased in 5-year intervals.

Beginning during the slave insurrections of 1791, white Since the resistance and the murderous disease environ-
refugees from Saint-Domingue ed to the United States, ment made it impossible for Napoleon to regain con-
particularly to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and trol over Haiti, he gave up hope of rebuilding a French
Charleston. The immigration intensied after the New World empire. He decided to sell Louisiana to the
journe (crisis) of June 20, 1793, and soon American Americans. The Haitian Revolution brought about two
families began to raise money and open up their homes unintended consequences: the creation of a continental
to help exiles in what became the United States rst America and [232]
the virtual end of Napoleonic rule in the
refugee crisis. While some white refugees blamed the Americas.
French Revolutionary government for sparking the vio- There never again was such a large-scale slave rebel-
lence in Haiti, many supported the Republican regime lion. Napoleon reversed the French abolition of slavery

in law, constitution, and practice, which had occurred In 2010, author Isabel Allende wrote a historical
between 1793 and 1801, and reinstated slavery in the novel entitled Island Beneath the Sea, which docu-
French colonies in 18011803which lasted until 1848. ments the Haitian Revolution through the eyes of a
slave woman living on the island.

William Dietrich set his 2012 novel, The Emerald

14 The Revolution and the media Storm during the Haitian Revolution.

The revolution of African slaves brought many fears to The television mini-series The Feast of All Saints
colonies surrounding Haiti and the Caribbean. Prominent features the Haitian Revolution in its opening scene.
wealthy American slave owners, reading about the revo-
The lm Top Five refers to a ctional lm within
lution, also read speculation about what might come in
the lm called Uprize, ostensibly about this revo-
their own states. However, newspapers like the Colom-
bian Centinel took the extra steps to support the revo-
lution, in the sense that it was based on the foundations The role of Bois Caiman, Boukman, and Vodou gen-
of the American Revolution.[233] The French media also erally, would become the subject of a controversial,
played an important role in the Haitian Revolution, with discredited neo-evangelical theology in the 1990s
contributions that made many French upstarts quite in- that insisted that Haiti was pledged to the devil dur-
terested in the young, passionate Toussaints writings of ing the Revolution.[236]
Jacobin, an American socialist periodical, uses an
However, all was not simple in the press. A top critic who
image of Toussaint Louverture for its logo.
signicantly drove Toussaint into fear of backlash from
France was Sonthonax, who was responsible for many
outlooks of Haiti in the French newspapers.[234] Yet Son-
thonax was one of the few contenders who truly pushed 16 Literature about the Haitian
for the independence of the African slaves and became Revolution
a major factor in Toussaints decision of declaring inde-
pendence from France. An Unbroken Agony: Haiti, From Revolution to the
Kidnapping of a President

15 In popular culture Bug-Jargal

The Crime of Napoleon

Cuban writer Alejo Carpentier's second novel, The
Kingdom of This World (1949), (translated into The Black Jacobins
English 1957), explores the Haitian Revolution in
depth. It is one of the novels that inaugurated the
Latin American renaissance in ction beginning in 17 See also
the mid-20th century.

Madison Smartt Bell has written a trilogy called All Ccile Fatiman
Souls Rising (1995) about the life of Toussaint Lou- Charles Rivire-Hrard
verture and the slave uprising.
Dde Bazile
C. Richard Gillespie, former Towson University
professor, wrote a novelization of Louvertures life Lamour Desrances
in the Revolution titled Papa Toussaint (1998).
Faustin Soulouque
Though not referred to by name, Haiti is the back-
drop for the 1990 Broadway musical Once on This Jean-Franois Papillon
Island by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty. The Joseph Balthazar Inginac
musical, based on the novel My Love, My Love by
Rosa Guy, describes the social stratication of the Marie-Claire Heureuse Flicit
island, and contains a song that briey outlines the
history of the Haitian Revolution. Marie-Jeanne Lamartinire

In 2004 an exhibition of paintings entitled Marie-Louise Coidavid

Caribbean Passion: Haiti 1804 by artist Kimathi Marie-Madeleine Lachenais
Donkor, was held in London to celebrate the
bicentenary of Haitis revolution.[235] Pauline Bonaparte

Peace of Basel [12] Geggus, David (2014). The Haitian Revolution: A Doc-
umentary History. Hackett Publishing Company. p. 16.
Philippe Guerrier ISBN 9781624661792.

Pompe Valentin Vastey [13] Dessaliness Proclamation: Liberty or Death. News Ar-
ticle. NY. New York Commercial Advertiser. March 24,
Quasi War 1804. p. 3. Retrieved December 10, 2015.
Suzanne Simone Baptiste Louverture [14] Anne Greene (198898). Chapter 6 Haiti: Historical
Setting, in A Country Study: Haiti". *Federal Research
Sanit Blair Service of Library of Congress.
War of the Knives [15] A Country Study: Haiti Boyer: Expansion and De-
cline. * Library of Congress. 2000. Retrieved 30 August
18 References [16] Thomas E. Weil, Jan Knippers Black, Howard I. Blus-
tein, Kathryn T. Johnston, David S. McMorris, Frederick
*Please note that the URL in a footnote whose P. Munson, Haiti: A Country Study. (Washington, D.C.:
link is followed by an asterisk may occasionally The American University Foreign Area Handbook Series
require special attention.[237] 1985).

[17] Perry, James Arrogant Armies Great Military Disasters

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[204] Haitian Declaration of Independence: Liberty or Death: [225] Rasmussen, Daniel (2011). American Uprising: The Un-
Indigent Army, by the General in Chief Dessalines, in the told Story of Americas Largest Slave Revolt. Harper-
name of the Haitian people. Held in the British National Collins. p. 288.
[226] Newman, Simon P. American Political Culture and the
[205] Philippe Girard, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and the At- French and Haitian Revolutions: Nathaniel Cutting and
lantic System: A Reappraisal, William and Mary Quar- the Jeersonian Republicans. The Impact of the Haitian
terly (July 2012). Revolution in the Atlantic World. Ed. David P. Geggus.
(University of South Carolina Press 2001).
[206] Independent Haiti, Library of Congress Country Studies.
[227] Dubois, Laurent The Avengers of the New World: The
[207] Independent Haiti. Retrieved 27 November 2006. Story of the Haitian Revolution, Cambridge: Belknap
Press, 2005 page 303.
[208] James Leyburn, The Haitian People, Yale University
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[229] Popkin, page 298.
[210] James Leyburn, The Haitian People, Yale University
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[231] Ashli White, Encountering Revolution: Haiti and the Mak-
[212] Knight, Franklin W. (1990). The Caribbean The Genesis ing of the Early Republic (2010) p 139
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[213] Farmer, Paul (2006). AIDS and Accusation: Haiti and the
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[214] Newton, Michael (2014). Famous Assassinations in [234] Jenson, The Sonthonax Drama: Toussaint as Political Dra-
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trieved 22 January 2017. [237] Web pages for FRD Country Studies are subject to
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[217] Land, Isaac (2008). Enemies of Humanity: The cites the Haiti study bears a title dierent from that cited
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[218] Popkin 2012, p. 137.

[219] Girard 2011, pp. 321322. 19 Further reading

[220] Dayan 1998, p. .
Baur, John. International Repercussions of the
[221] Girard 2011, p. 321. Haitian Revolution. The Americas 26, no. 4 (1970).

Blackburn, Robin. Haiti, Slavery, and the Age Joseph, Celucien L. From Toussaint to Price-
of the Democratic Revolution, William and Mary Mars: Rhetoric, Race, and Religion in Haitian
Quarterly 63.4, 633674 (2006) Thought (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Plat-
form, 2013)
Bryan, Patrick E. (1984). The Haitian Revolution
and Its Eects. Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-435- Ott, Thomas O. The Haitian Revolution, 1789
98301-7. Retrieved 15 May 2015. 1804. University of Tennessee Press, 1973.
Censer,Jack Richard,; Lynn Avery Hunt (2001). Joseph Elise Peyre-Ferry (2006). Journal des
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Exploring the French oprations militaires de l'arme franaise Saint-
Revolution. Penn State University Press. ISBN 978- Domingue 18021803 sous les ordres des capitaines-
0-271-02088-4. gnraux Leclerc et Rochambeau. Les Editions de
Dubois, Laurent (2005). Avengers of the New Paris-Max Chaleil. ISBN 978-2-84621-052-2.
World. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674- Popkin, Jeremy D., You Are All Free: The Haitian
01826-6. Revolution and the Abolition of Slavery (New York:
Laurent Dubois; John D. Garrigus (2006). Slave Cambridge University Press, 2010)
Revolution in the Caribbean, 17891804 A Brief Jeers, Jen (2016) Freedom At All Cost: Remem-
History with Documents. Bedford/st Martins. ISBN bering Historys Greatest Slave Rebellion. The
978-0-312-41501-3. Raven Report.
Fick, Carolyne The Haitian revolution and the limit
of freedom: dening citizenship in the revolutionary
era. Social History, Vol 32. No 4, November 2007 20 External links
Garrigus, John D. (2006). Before Haiti Race and
Citizenship in French Saint-Domingue. Macmillan. The Louverture Project, a wiki about the history of
ISBN 978-1-4039-7140-1. Haiti

Geggus, David Patrick. The Impact of the Haitian Haiti: History of Shaken Country-- Video interview
Revolution in the Atlantic World. Columbia: Uni- with historian Laurent Dubois
versity of South Carolina Press 2001. ISBN 978-1- Haiti Archives
"galit for All: Toussaint Louverture and the
Girard, Philippe. Black Talleyrand: Toussaint
Haitian Revolution. Noland Walker. PBS docu-
Louvertures Secret Diplomacy with England and
mentary. 2009
the United States, William and Mary Quarterly
66:1 (Jan. 2009), 87124. France Urged to Pay $40 Billion to Haiti in Repa-
rations for Independence Debt video report by
Girard, Philippe. Napolon Bonaparte and the
Democracy Now!
Emancipation Issue in Saint-Domingue, 1799
1803, French Historical Studies 32:4 (Fall 2009), The Other Revolution: Haiti, 1789 1804 digital
587618. exhibition from Brown University
Girard, Philippe R. The Slaves Who Defeated 15 Minutes History, UT at Austin
Napoleon: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian
War of Independence, 18011804. Tuscaloosa: Two Revolutions in the Atlantic World: Connec-
University of Alabama Press 2011. ISBN 0-8173- tions between the American Revolution and the
1732-5 Haitian Revolution Gilder Lehrman Center, Laurent
Girard, Philippe. Jean-Jacques Dessalines and the
Atlantic System: A Reappraisal, William and Mary Upheavals in France and Saint-Domingue Brown
Quarterly (July 2012). University
Cyril Lionel Robert James (1989). The Black Ja-
cobins Toussaint Louverture and the San Domingo
Revolution (2nd ed.). Vintage. ISBN 978-0-679-
Joseph, Celucien L. Race, Religion, and The Haitian
Revolution: Essays on Faith, Freedom, and Decolo-
nization (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Plat-
form, 2012)

21 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

21.1 Text
Haitian Revolution Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haitian_Revolution?oldid=775184938 Contributors: AxelBoldt, Bryan Derk-
sen, D, Pnm, Ixfd64, Skysmith, Paul A, Ahoerstemeier, RickK, Andrewman327, Bcorr, Jerzy, Altaar, Moriori, Tit4tat, Halibutt, DocWat-
son42, Chemica, Varlaam, Per Honor et Gloria, Kpalion, Sesel, Gadum, Albrecht, Piotrus, Tothebarricades.tk, Icairns, Ukexpat, Mike
Rosoft, Poccil, Johncapistrano, Discospinster, Qutezuce, Barista, Bender235, Aranel, CanisRufus, QuartierLatin1968, Art LaPella, MPS,
Amy wiggins, Viriditas, Giraedata, Darwinek, Polylerus, Storm Rider, Alansohn, Anthony Appleyard, Eleland, Andrew Gray, Spangi-
neer, Wtmitchell, Godheval, Skyring, Computerjoe, Axeman89, Woohookitty, Deeahbz, Pixeltoo, MONGO, Torqueing, GregorB, En-
derz7, Toussaint, Stefanomione, Cuchullain, Will74205, Ketiltrout, Rjwilmsi, Wikibofh, SMC, DonSiano, Dsnow75, Futbol31, Ground
Zero, Crazycomputers, RexNL, Gurch, Fledgist, CJLL Wright, Chobot, Jaraalbe, AllyD, Korg, Bgwhite, Ponyboy, The Rambling Man,
YurikBot, Wavelength, A.S. Brown, RussBot, Gaius Cornelius, Nicke L, Thane, Manxruler, TheGrappler, NawlinWiki, Leutha, Yurina-
tor180, Rjensen, Stephen e nelson, Thiseye, Superslum, Cljose01, Mieciu K, Doncram, David Underdown, Chanheigeorge, Petri Krohn,
Silverhelm, Shyam, 4shizzal, Caballero1967, Paul Erik, MateoP, SmackBot, Nihonjoe, McGeddon, Felix Dance, Hu Gadarn, Delldot,
Eskimbot, ProveIt, Alsandro, Srnec, Gilliam, Hmains, Skizzik, Chris the speller, Kharker, Dahn, Ottawakismet, Edorer, Colonies Chris,
MadameArsenic, DRahier, Zleitzen, Jwillbur, Tim Pierce, Rrburke, Edivorce, Grover cleveland, Pgoerner, Jbbdude, TheLateDentarthur-
dent, NoIdeaNick, Decltype, Stewart king, Deep evil, Zenchi, Freemarket, DMacks, Kukini, Ohconfucius, Nareek, Srikeit, Kuru, Uber-
Cryxic, Pavuman, Murcielago, Tennis Dynamite, IronGargoyle, Reid1867, Spi666, Neddyseagoon, Ryulong, Lestari~enwiki, Jonas Salk,
Joseph Solis in Australia, Sjb72, Courcelles, ChrisCork, Jethrobodinejr, JForget, Ludwig Boltzmann, Ale jrb, Jason Olshefsky, Richard
Keatinge, Cydebot, Fnlayson, Ketamino, Gogo Dodo, GRBerry, Odie5533, Doug Weller, Christian75, DBaba, Vanished User jdksfa-
jlasd, Room101, Mattisse, Thijs!bot, Epbr123, Wikid77, Spacejesus5000, S Marshall, Marek69, Missvain, Ackees, Catsmoke, E. Ripley,
Grayshi, Dawkeye, Floridasand, Oreo Priest, AntiVandalBot, Villasmilraven, Prolog, North Shoreman, Spencer, Killerman2, MER-C,
SirShazar, Magioladitis, G.bargsnae, VoABot II, Tedickey, Terrasirradient, Catgut, Cgingold, Gomm, DerHexer, Hbent, Patstuart, Mr
A, Mschier, NMaia, Robheart, Eternal Pink, Jim.henderson, Shazlax, R'n'B, CommonsDelinker, Twistedlogic90, Nono64, Dinkytown,
Altes, Bogey97, Emcalister, Rhinestone K, A Nobody, Cbower54, Icseaturtles, TomasBat, Firelement85, Tascha96, Corriebertus, Winter-
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MCTales, CenturionZ 1, Logan, Calliopejen1, WereSpielChequers, Jauerback, Jbmurray, Yintan, Mveljko, Flyer22 Reborn, Brozozo, Hid-
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Kryn, MiamiManny, ClueBot, Snigbrook, The Thing That Should Not Be, ToldRates, Unbuttered Parsnip, Parkwells, Solar-Wind, Ex-
cirial, -Midorihana-, Sun Creator, Ouedbirdwatcher, Royalmate1, Redthoreau, Aitias, Lord Cornwallis, Versus22, Berean Hunter, Vanished
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15lsoucy, CanadianLinuxUser, Download, Cambalachero, Grubel, Sillyfolkboy, Favonian, West.andrew.g, Tide rolls, Krano, Zorrobot,
WikiDreamer Bot, Swarm, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Fraggle81, Reenem, QueenCake, Magicpiano, Againme, Rks13, AnomieBOT, Demo-
craticLuntz, Taylordw, Jim1138, Mbiama Assogo Roger, LlywelynII, Kingpin13, Materialscientist, Limideen, Citation bot, ArthurBot,
Avocats, Nathanos67, Gehadad, Mononomic, Milesout, Coltsfan, Anotherclown, Bellerophon, DITWIN GRIM, 1a2c, Vlastimil Svoboda,
A.amitkumar, Teparatres, Nixn, Armando Navarro, Son of Eri, Fingerz, FrescoBot, Tobby72, A little insignicant, Diwas, Chenopo-
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January, Wmi02000, Nero the second, Underlying lk, Mikroblgeovn, Dalisback1, Nederlandse Leeuw, Onel5969, Eldiadia, TjBot, Che-
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Jean-Michel G, HappyWaldo, ClueBot NG, Edmund West, Boukman, Wdchk, Tinu1, Kasirbot, DaBeauche, Widr, Fe4rless8, Lithium-
leech, Helpful Pixie Bot, Qmoney420, Wbm1058, Dr. micheals zedan, Jbcalihan, BG19bot, Engranaje, Blooper123, Darouet, Mark
Arsten, Libercht, Rm1271, OttawaAC, Daniel jorge marques F, Benzband, Tony Tan, Cjs134, JC Harbison, Pearlware, Godartmouth,
Jesbeard, Muncle11, BattyBot, HueSatLum, Teammm, Mrt3366, ChrisGualtieri, Khazar2, EuroCarGT, MadGuy7023, Finnegas, Pattern-
cutter, Dexbot, Charles Essie, Mogism, TwoTwoHello, EdJamul, Lugia2453, IslandMan89, Frosty, MassiveEartha, Dylanr92, Wywin,
Donyak22, Apidium23, Ekips39, Sarco, Epicgenius, Iluvfassy, Jordanacrlee1, Kannie Dood, Trollarc26, Everymorning, King Philip V
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digo, JWNoctis, Turgeis, SS7 Somebody, Xenxax, 1990sguy, Sol Pacicus, Savvyjack23, Riddleh, Monkbot, Viola-ness, Pistashios36,
Lugnuthemvar, BethNaught, Mackbad, Rsteedle, TheIntrovertedDude, Kailan smith, Sensei swank, Amuseclio, Mhhossein, Kkiller345,
Sarahmeagan2, Dufrenchrev, Bohemian Baltimore, Crystallizedcarbon, Adaoyoyo, Samsam1959, Hannahsmythe, Gladamas, Apache107,
Udcjnfhe, Smith24000, DelayTalk, Adamali123, MH2017, Rewatson262, Denniscabrams, Trim02, Damianrenick123, JewishPride6,
Aozyk, Intelek2015, Davidfelsen, IrishSoldier12, Reco AO, Dalton3322, AndreyKva, 4rodvita, Bored1995, Labtek00, Coolearner12345,
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domain Contributors: [1] Histoire de Napoleon, M. de Norvins, 1839, page 239 Original artist: Auguste Raet (1804-1860)
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2C_pero_matando_blancos.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Vida de J. J. Dessalines, gefe de los negros de Santo Domingo
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