Solving System of Linear Equations Unit Plan Template

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Digital Unit Plan Template

Graph! Substitute! Eliminate! Solving

Unit Title: Name: Maria Buitron
Systems of Linear Equations
Content Area: Algebra 1, Solving Systems of Grade Level: 9th , 10th
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

Explain each step in solving a simple equation as following from the equality of numbers
asserted at the previous step, starting from the assumption that the original equation has a
solution. Construct a viable argument to justify a solution method.

Prove that, given a system of two equations in two variables, replacing one equation by the
sum of that equation and a multiple of the other produces a system with the same solutions.

Solve systems of linear equations exactly and approximately (e.g., with graphs), focusing on
pairs of linear equations in two variables.

Solve a simple system consisting of a linear equation and a quadratic equation in two variables
algebraically and graphically. For example, find the points of intersection between the line y =
-3x and the circle x2 + y2 = 3.
Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

Introduction to solving system of equations that are more than one variable.
In what ways can we solve systems of equations when given an equation and determine which
method is the best.
How can we determine if a solution has infinite, one or no solutions by the methods discussed.
Solve and set up equations based off of real life situations.
Justify and explain given systems and their solutions.
How to interpret consistent/ inconsistent functions algebraically and graphically.
From the knowledge given above, how can we make a system inconsistent/consistent to
consistent/inconsistent then explain how.

Unit Summary:

In this unit, students will understand that systems of equations of two variables which consist or x
and y and their methods. Students will learn how to solve the system of equations by the following:
substitution, graphing or elimination. This unit plan will also help identify whether a system has no
solution, one solution or infinitely many solutions. It is also to challenge students on what type of
methods they would prefer when it comes to seeing these systems in the future. Also, real life word
problem examples will be shown in this unit plan to help you understand how to write down the
system of equations. This unit will consist of various activities provided above assessments and
lesson. This course also offers more help by providing resources outside of the classroom which will
help you understand the material better.
Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:
A class warmup that will Online quizzes of Project/Presentation of
follow the lecture after. definitions. translating system of
The first 5 min of class Given handouts on each equations and solving for
time there will be a given lecture its solution.
problem on the board that Mini Whiteboards for Quiz for each methods
will be easy, medium, and participation in class Exam of all methods
Group work/ Activities
hard which they can
Exit Slips on each lecture
individually work on or in a
for feedback and check for
group which later will be
students overall
discussed in class.

Lesson 1 (Teacher Lecture)

Student Learning Acceptable Evidence Lesson Activities:
Objective: (Assessments): In the beginning of class, students will be given a warm up on
Students will Guided note one variable equations where we discuss on how to solve
identify and provided in class them algebraically and graphically. Then we will discuss the
understand on for them to big picture as to see if a two variable system can be solve in
how to follow along. In the same way. A presentation will be shown by PowerPoint of
incorporate the class handouts of each methods: graphically, substitution and elimination.
methods each method During these lectures students will be given handouts of each
algebraically and where they must method where they have time to work on it in groups or
graphically. turn in and individually. Lastly we will then go over the handouts in class
reviewed the and check for solutions.
following class
Lesson 2 (Webercise/ iPad Lesson)
Student Learning Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Objective: Students will After the teacher lecture and after some homework
Students will create a assignments, students will be given an iPad Lesson where they
learn on how to PicCollage where must make a Pic Collage. In the Collage students must
translate word it will be graded translate a word problem given by IXL where they will be
problems and by the following given a random word problem each time they refresh. The
use the methods criteria shown in student must translate the word problem and use the methods
in class on how the assignment. they learned from the lecture and solve and check their
to solve the solutions.
system. Another
purpose in this
lesson is to give
Lesson 3 (Graphic Organizer)
Student Learning Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Objective: Handouts of the A lecture of types of system of equations will be explain in
Students will lecture will be class where I will provide examples and exercises for them to
identify and done in class and get an idea on what should be incorporated in this
understand the will be turned in. assignment.
types of solutions Students will work independently to create a mind map using
a system of Students will the application Popplet. The objective of the assignment is to
equation can create a Graphic help students understand the types of solutions a system of
produce. They Organizer and equation can produce. This will also help them see the
will also see what will be given time differences and similarities on what a solution can produce.
are the on class to work Students will be given link provided on the website which they
similarities and on and have in must read, watch and understand the information to
differences of the class time for incorporated in their assignment.
type of help; there will
definitions each also be individual
types of solutions conferences with
produce. The the score rubric
purpose of the to check if the
lesson is to following
identify what criterias are
type of solution a met.
system can
algebraically and
Unit Resources:
Khan Academy Videos
Checking solutions Video
Digital Interactives/ Games
Practice Problems

Useful Websites:
Graphing Applications

Lecture Videos of Solving System of Equations

Lecture of Types of Solutions

Word Problems

Videos of Types of Solutions

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