Make Your Luck

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Make Your
Profit from understanding
what is going on

Short notes by

Pradeep Maheshwari



This is what I feel today.
After all these years of "development" as they say
in developed countries, all I see that we have
managed to do now is to give rights to everyone to
be highly annoyed and perpetually vexed.
So, this is life in the 21st century.
Rights galore to amuse ourselves but no right to
Individuality is promoted but police come to
handcuff children in nurseries when they don't
follow adult dictates. This is how understanding
our adult population is today.
The disaster situation of over control is evident in
all we do. Our food is poisoned and medicines kill
more often than the illness.
There are so many rules and laws and by-laws
that by general reckoning, we are breaking some
law or the other every moment of our lives. And
we hide behind screens of various sizes.
We have totally lost our sense of proportion, our
sense of kindness and living in togetherliness.
Connect with me
on Facebook: Pradeep PK Maheshwari


Lets think

Making things bigger and bigger. This is

humanity's idea of doing something great.
While the hearts contracts and love gets
crushed out.
Technically this life itself is involuntary. So
are we responsible for anything?
We humans tend to project our
preferences as nuggets of Absolute truths.
Until we have arrived at a p[oint where we
can discriminate between the two, we may
consider ourselves as novices and better be
It is not important to let others know
anything; live it to your pleasure/leisure
and make the most of it before this
episode comes to an end. But if you wish
to share, why not. Yet do save your time by


trying to also discriminate if others are

interested or not.
yes. we tend to cling to it. I wonder why
we are so intensely tempted to being
unfortunate as if someone will take pity
and do something about it.
No wonder we are dummying down. Minds
are not needed anymore


Judging the masters.


These people are not what I would call

"everybody" - they may look human but are
way more evolved than average humans;
literally from another reality.
Trying to judge them is like standing at the
foot of the tower and imagining what the
sight would be from the top.
They are not on the same plane at all and
the same laws of causation therefore do
not apply.
And then there are charlatans.
This is a complicated subject. It is difficult
to judge as the visible form is the same for
all humans but the content is different. To
the observant the differences are easily
visible but few of the humans roaming this
Earth have the perspicuity to see further

into and behind the scene persona that

these people can hide well and
deliberately do. They are often shunned
because of the humility and not-so-
normal decisions they take on most
subjects and situations. Nothing about
them is obvious. One sure sign that gives
them away is the fact, that they are
brilliant and knowledgeable people
obviously but are not adept when it comes
to intermingling with average humanity
and its values.

I wonder if we ever realise how inaccurate

we all can be in support of our thinking &
accusing patterns and the wounds we
inflict in the guise of trampling the errors
in others.
And I realised too that there is no way that
you can make them see even by long


descriptions or pictures. Accept to be

misunderstood. Or at best not understood.
Dont try to explain too much in the first
At one end we dont want to die because
life is too short.
At the other end we are bored.
Apparently not knowing what to do with
the time on our hands.


On My Way
APRIL 2017

All paths are the same, leading nowhere.

Therefore, pick a path with heart!
Carlos Castenada
How does it matter if all paths are leading
to the same place or same point? Few are
following the path. Most of the majority is
paying reverence to the posts and
signboards on the way and treating them
as treading the path. Some even get stuck,
make huts on the way and declare they
have arrived. They even shun travelers who
are going further.
A lot of drama but nothing changes
inwardly and the path traversed is
illusionary. There is a lot of noise, pomp
and speeches though.


While the Gods sit somewhere up there

and have a cool drink and smile at the
humans down here while all the time they
are laughing among themselves.
Unknowingly we do stand in our own way
by not knowing how to integrate our
prejudices and principles with the world at

This is the way the cookie crumbles. The

concept of honor honoring and honorable
has been around and expounded since at
least 10000 years on record yet it is a
concept the most NON-followed.
Everyone talks about it but the moment
fate permits a person to step into shoes of
power however minuscule it might be, the
serpent of arrogance raises its head and
humility or/and consideration for others


goes out of the window into the trash. Do

we ever really care for anyone?
Excuses, rational reasons are found to
deprive others and crush their spirits and
even steal from them. Crushing others like
ants by an elephant is more the norm than
Where do you think the need for or the
idea of armies came from?


Curtaining Life
APRIL 2017

Artificial standards of "greatness have been

established by good marketing - so today it
is more a matter of what you can own that
defines you and permits you to live in the
illusion of being somebody special. Our
self-worth in our eyes is highly inflated and
when the balloon is pierced there is a
My response when in an unpleasant
situation is to calm down, reflect, unbend
if necessary and allow the storm to pass;
not engage and just go on my way and let
the other guy fret or react or whatever. I
go home and to another day.
Most often we respond by wanting to
revert back to old things or with feelings of
revenge and that traps people in.


In India today there is a wave of reactions

where young men insist on some woman
they think they love and insist she marry or
say yes to them. When the response is no
they become wild and murderous. Very
rarely a person thinks about that they may
not be presentable enough.
Larry Mallet
How to work with adversity is perhaps one
of the biggest if not the biggest challenge
of all our lives. Yet most of us don't have
much of a clue how to go about it. Have
you ever heard of a college course on this?
Yet what could be more relevant. This is an
area, if we are wise, we will put some
energy into understanding and doing. We
all have to do it anyhow: everyone single
one of us. Yet, in general, many of us go
about our lives quite blindly. We generally
get stuck at the point of "I don't like . . . ."
Then we get angry or try to avoid the
situation. Most of us don't really know how
to work with adversity directly in a way

that can at least put it to some good use.

We should at least be asking, "How can I
use this situation constructively? How can I
make this better? How can I change my
attitude so I will not continue to be so
miserable? Is there something I can do to
make this situation more workable and
pleasant? [Instead, we fall back on our
habitual patterns of reacting].

I have always wondered though, what use
Glory when we would not be there to enjoy
the adulation. And when alive, what use
adulation when it would take the peace
out of our lives? Who wants to be at the
receiving end of a crowd?
Children should be taught early how to
deal with monsterising that adults do to
suit themselves specially to those who
refuse to get involved in their drama. It

took me a little time but I soon realised

that if am bound by the situation in life, so
are they. So instead of giving them good
obvious reasons to make a monster out of
you, the best thing is to quieten off and
exasperate them. They will continue to
make a monster out of you because that is
what they do best but it will be a little less
monstrous and not easily believed.


Two Memories and Reality

APRIL 2017

Have you noticed how the human brain

operates when multitasking and is able to
keep two diametrically opposites in its
"realities" comfortably? I explain it by
expounding the theory of two memories.
The Applied Action memory is what is run
by the subconscious and powers the
section of habits and presumptions and is
behind prejudices etc.
The real alive Memory has a lot of Data,
Information and is being introduced to new
data daily. Some of it, it may even retain
for further use and allow it to register in
the active, day-to-day work of the human
persona. But mostly this data bank remains
isolated. In majority of the people it is
non-existent as it dries-up and disappears
due to non-use. Such people learn a lot

from life but never retain the lessons. They

remain life-long at the same mental level -
never really growing except in age. We
normally call them morons.
There are other people who have slightly
better and active memories due to better
education and training but they are unable
to, do not want to "Apply" the information
they have. They feel they are good as they
are and spend their entire mental prowess
in proving it. There is no link between
their memory Box and the Applied action
box. They can comfortably contradict and
confound themselves. You can argue with
them till kingdom come but they will keep
on jumping from "Opinions" to "Opinions"
(like butterflies in a garden) without ever
seeing the correlation between them or
the lack of it. This is the normal educated
public of today.
These people are great theorists but a pain
the neck for people who have gone a step
beyond and learnt to really use their

minds/mental faculties by observing,

meditating and objectifying their thought
process. Every new data is immediately
used to rearrange their data bank for
maximum efficiency in decision taking.
This is why they always seem to "Know"
what to do, are always up-to-date and see
easily the bigger picture. These are the
gems that we often call geniuses,
foresighted and all things great.

Philosophy of Life.
Can you manage to live by your precepts
(have no possessions to be burdened with),
principles (Will not lie or insincerely try to
please), and style of your choosing
(comfortable and healthy and Zen

I think Burial as a process to do away with

the dead, Mummification and such to


preserve that is gone is NOT "life". It is the

sentimental lamenting of the ignorant that
would not let the Gone - Be Gone.

Wars and Empires

That is the Way. Wars are the only medium
where cultural exchange happens and
evolution to a higher vibration occurs. In
the present state of consciousness this is
the only way. It is the Zen of Mother Earth.


This world is upside down

Death Dealing Medications are now openly
loose in the world and all appreciate it!
Does anyone care? Do the people who are
taking it care either?
I feel we have mentally trapped ourselves
in mental cocoons and the most oft words I
hear are: The whole world would not be
taking it if it was so bad!
When I saw my friends who I had invited to
dinner asking for Coke for his 2 year old
son, I raised my eyebrows. The explanation
I got was oh he cannot eat without coke
alongside his food. Another cousin told me
bluntly - the whole world is drinking it and
surviving. And now the world has evolved
to Energy drinks, hormone drinks and what
not. - but they say I should cut down on my
coffee ( and shut me up) which I take


mixed with chicory and half a teaspoon

only at a time in Horlicks - you will realise
this amounts to flavouring but the world
does not see it so it assumes I am an
No I do not believe things are getting
better or will get any better for humanity
until it owns that it is fooling itself,
mesmerising itself, colluding with the
forces of self-destruction because it is such
a pleasure......and frankly what else is
there in this short life?
The big question is who will, how will
anyone show this semi-demonic humanity
what pleasures are hidden in flowers,
friendships, forests, music, paintings, raw
cucumber/grapes, knitting in the sun in
winter and swimming in lakes or climbing
mountains in silence?
Joe O'connell
Perhaps some will, when they reach the
age you are now.

Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
Will they reach my age with Aspartame and
Glyphosate and Vaccines bubbling in their
blood stream?
I can forgive murder but not the act by
parents that make a child feel that the
home he/she is born in is not his/hers. This
merits purgatory.
I feel that another point is missed mostly
in these discussions - that a sick body in
which the germ of sickness has taken root
may actually get aggravated by over doing
the supplements - the supplements can
often feed the ailment. The answer is in
simply changing to a healthier diet so,
along with correct nutrition, good life style
habits the body can properly utilise the
People who start something in the
delusion that their actions will have no
repercussions are such brilliant IDIOTS. And
our world is in such state that these idiots

end up always becoming the rulers fully

supported by an even more idiotic
Perverted logic. Assault, even verbal
should not be acceptable - cannot be
acceptable. Why is kissing, twisting arms
and stalking acceptable but sex is given
this overblown importance and called
rape? Men are idiots. If any woman, a
female of the species will do then there
are many women looking, even begging for
attention. Just focus on them. All they ask
is for some nice words and gestures. Dont
forget that men and women are designed
to attract and complement each other.
Violence is so totally unnecessary.


The other side of living

APRIL 2017

David Coates
Balance of both pain and joy, should joy be
seen as a detachment also?
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
The business of living will give, like it or
not, sensory experiences that can often
become a drug to requiring continuous
repetition to maintain a sense of
enjoyment. This is akin to slavery in which
the poor spirit is sold out and eventually
the body also pays with its total
destruction. The only one gaining out of all
this is some entity that is enjoying the
pleasure derived or what it considers
pleasure. Example: opium, sex, sugar,
caffeine etc


The Human Being (speaking very generally)

is being used and is just an instrument and
a vehicle for some other body-less beings
that need a body to enjoying worldly
On the average the human is = a body,
rudiment of a mind, emotional centre,
Once the mind develops by education, it
realizes that it is being used. The
discerning mind then uses detachment to
remain out of the clutches of these
Universal Forces. Usually other more
fruitful pleasures are practiced. Example
Music, Painting, Writing.
Once the Human being realises the Peace
that there is in not taking all of this
personally, the Human knows silence and
can enjoy life without paying heavily for it.
It is happy by association with beautiful
things without being attached to them or


wanting to own/posses them. Example:

sunsets, gardens, landscapes,
There is pleasure in seeing something
beautiful, the exquisite is immediately
recognised and that is more than enough.
And silence is valued for the joy it brings
to the generally enervated being that has
to live under duress in this world when the
soul takes on a body.
At this stage detachment becomes the
most important facet in one's life. One
touches the world, moves around in it but
tries and plans it to live without letting the
world to touch back too much. Even the
few and tiny contacts that are made, are
done so with great detachment.
PS: I know I am taking coal to Newcastle
with this elaborate answer, but I intend to
use it as a complete post so going into it
Larry Mallet


One of my worst faults is being scattered

about. This includes reading many books or
parts of books, instead of taking a single
deep book, and reading and re reading it
almost endlessly and deeply contemplating
it. Mea culpa.
One should also consider stop reading
extensively after a point and living it all as
I have seen that writings also become
repetitive and the mind uses the activity as
an escape mechanism and getting confused
in the bargain.


Blind people can only follow blindly.


And the truth is that blind people can only

follow blindly. The one eyed ones are
constantly falling into holes.
Jeff Juraska: If Chemotherapy Fails 97% Of
The Time, Why Do Doctors Recommend It?
PK: Chemotherapy is based on the
primitive thinking pattern of something
like - To cure a cockroach infestation the
best method is to burn the house down.
It is good business too because people are
so afraid that they listen to any nonsense.
The indoctrination that science knows all,
all scientific knowledge now coming out
through the mouths of "White-coats" is the
Highest Truth, verified by other scientists
and therefore safe to be followed blindly.


From another angle, I wonder if this is not

a visitation from Destiny. Modern life with
all the scientific comforts and "Please-the-
senses" activities has given so much sensual
joy that people have permitted themselves
to be trapped into a lifestyle that is not
supported by Mother Earth. When the
circle comes to completion the quota of
pain finds it way in into our lives one way
or another.
Look at it thru a very wide-angle lens: this
state of affairs is based on a collective
mindset that is focused on joy and not
balanced living. We are living in a world
which has opposites of everything living
side by side. So when the focus is on
pleasure and continuous sensual titillation,
the twin brother of pleasure which is pain
is bound to be around. Then worse, men
lay open the gates for clever, cunning,
immoral people to inveigle us into rosy
schemes - promising a taste of heaven that
humans are lapping up like obedient dogs.

Look back into history; how we cheated

the simple peasants earlier (it continues to
happen). Now the same is happening but at
an educated level. The educated public is
really a semi literate public with no real
discerning ability and the people who have
mastered the sciences are taking them for
a grand ride.
The 21st century will be remembered as
the time when the people became martyrs
of their own education and victims by


Your Job is Done

MARCH 2017

My thoughts in reference to this para.....

"Your accumulation of negative karma is
caused by mistaking your own bewildered
projections or appearances to be real. That
is to say that the appearances that you
experience are functions of your
bewilderment and are not independent
pp. 5-6 Bardo Interval of Possibility,
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche
Tony Oomen
The importance of distinguishing our
projections from objective reality is one of
the main things that hit me.
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
That is where it all is.

But how to know at what point are we on

the long arduous road? Our own ego is not
a proper guide more of a hindrance
rather. Thereby a GUIDE who can indicate
course corrections is needed. Even
eminent and revered masters get waylaid,
weighted by their pride and lose the way
due to adulations that they receive.
And so most exhortations that one must
follow one's soul and thereby eliminate the
need for a guru/guidance/clarifications are
Tony Oomen
Thanks for the further clarification
Pradeep. I would add though, that my
experience has been that GUIDANCE can
come in many different forms. Is it not so
that the true guru is within?
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
Guidance is coming to us from all sides and
every moment is a guide by itself with the


options it unfolds and our actions and

reactions are the teachers.
The Soul knows and is really the principal
guru but it is hidden under many layers
that have to be peeled off by the human
by his effort. There is no short-cut except
for a guru who can see one step ahead.
The nett result on "events" is the same.
There is a lot of talk on what teachers and
our gurus have written. Re-posting their
texts is and has been a good and regular
practice to spread their word ( and I have
spoken at often on this subject) but how, if
at all, does it help the common man, the
novice understand his predicaments?
(specially on social media links)
If we are more knowledgeable, if we have
seen the way it goes, let us share our
experiences from the eye level of the
student so that he can make out if he is on
the right path and this will encourage him
to continue. Most people need only

friendly companions on the path, not

overbearing teachers who are showing off
their learning and are quite frankly "non-
understandable". Throwing quotes around
can be sign of showing-off.
Pure philosophical texts of the higher
states of being and mental jugglery with
words is a useless exercise. Speaking
figuratively of course. Because unless the
recipient is ready, the information
imparted is useless to that particular
person. Where there isnt even a question,
why give answers. So I say share your life,
your experiences in such a sway that
questions arise in the minds of those on
the way to self-improvement - and your
job , if you consider yourself worth being
followed and see yourself as a leader, is


The Umbrella of GOOD

MARCH 2017

The number of people realising that there

is more to life than just proper meals,
marriage and retirement is growing. That is
a good thing. But it has also created a
negative situation in that at the very first
glimpse of the beauty beyond the
mundane, the first intention to overtake
these people is to start leading the world
and show the world how to be happy.
These self-styled gurus are well educated,
know how to make themselves presentable
and are quite wise too. Yet in their hurry
to garner attention they normally fail to
see the individual as a special person and
the digital technology has made their "act"
easier to launch. The secret of passing on
knowledge always has been that first help
prepare the recipient and impart only


when ready. Today they are being told that

they already "are" great, divine and such as
if being positive artificially will do the
trick. The truth is your mind can trick you
into believing any nonsense and the only
way to really know is to first take the walk
thru fire All this positivity is pushing people
to their worst by brainwashing people to
think that they are special and great and
therefore exalted and meriting more
regard and respect and recognition.

I feel, what is happening is that the semi

educated but more exposed to media's
truth "parent" is trying to do better by the
kids and without adequate wisdom to guide
his steps is over protecting and interfering
with the education, upbringing and life in
general. Then Governmental intrusion and
regulations have also made life more
difficult leaving lesser choices to be
independent. There is too much of "THINK
FOR OTHERS" in the air nowadays.

Looking into our past lives. ( past life

regression). Yes. We have been doing that
with astrology since thousands of years but
if it can be done on the basis of science is
a moot point. You know, we dont really
consider psychoanalysis a good thing. We
do not believe in churning up again
memories that our system is trying to work
out and play out. We think going into past
lives only makes us more morose.
Mans attempt to figure out
Joe O'connell
for most of my life i have been distracted ,
trying to figure women out
PK: what a waste of energy. Just enjoy
whatever you find enjoyable in them and
for understanding talk to wise men like me
Malachy Matthews


They are complex alright. I tend to just

accept and ask (myself) later. I conclude
they are different in response to...well
mostly everything.
Joy Richardson
SMH...LOL....I just don't see it. (said the
woman). We're stable, intelligent,
insightful and intuitive. What's not to
get? :)
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
Malachy, I would say they are complex
because we interpret them using as base
our own complexes.
They are different beings with similar
physiology and we need to learn to accept
them with all their wonder and faults as
we call the different elements.
In reality they are simple beings. They
respond to manipulation by appreciation.
When this input is not there they become


enemies or at best indifferent. Then your

best option is to forget them.
Joy Richardson
LOL! That is baiting me....we respond to
manipulation? Not all of us...we intuitives
respond best to authenticity. ..I suspect
many men mistake our kind responses to
their manipulations as authentic...and they
are, but not on the levels many men
think .... they are not valued. There is no
character in motives like that. Perhaps this
is why men are stunned later? They think
we bought into it? Kindness is not the same
thing as devotion. (I wonder if I am making
sense at all?)
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
If there is a response mechanism in you
then you can be manipulated.
The fact is that most men have no idea
how; they dont see the obvious, are not
really interested in seeing as Physical brute


force has delivered till now. Many of the

men who have developed the ability to see
intuitively are not that interested as they
find their joys in hundreds of other places
live ideas, paintings, music, gifting,
In short it is not so much
miscommunication as there not being any
at all.
Women do expect way too much ownership
of men once they have offered their bodies
and that is way too much of a great put


As I see it
MARCH 2017
As I see it, Life can be lived inside out or
outside in. Generally it is lived inside out.
By Inside out I mean that we have a n inner
core of character and nature already given
to us; like an embedded program. And
added to that we are placed in a particular
spot on Earth amongst people who have
virtually total hold on our lives. 99.999% of
us do not give it a second thought and
mumble, grumble and hurdle through it all
- Never applying our minds greatly about
the journey that has been undertaken. We
are generally lazy about looking within
because one glance in that direction and
we clearly see that this would mean
changes to be incorporated and this is
always too much trouble requiring
learning, focusing and self-control and
sheer discipline of self-mastery. So we
spend whole life times in impressing and

amassing and regretfully pass on when the

call to withdraw comes. I think we love our
lives and even pat ourselves on our backs
in silent wonder as to what a good job we
made of it under the circumstances. Of
course, the criticising, lecturing and
philosophers are a pain in the neck and
best avoided for obviously they are bums.
Always harping on stuff which does not
make the bread to rise or the water to
flow in the taps. Thinking of bettering our
existence by better health, better
psychological responses and better training
the mind to focus and achieve by design is
a subject deliberately left alone and
avoided like an infection.

I love my entrapments They give me a

sense of importance and I am needed. Do
you have any idea what disasters are
waiting to happen if I permit myself to be
distracted by you...............sorry I have
to take this call!

We are too proud to accept God really. All

this God fearing business is pure eye-wash
to fool the Gods. Untimely death is pure
and simple our way of saying that God had
no business to meddle in our lives.

Wealth is Goddess Lakshmi

Lakshmi is all about Lakshya ( GOAL). If
you don't have a strong ambition or
willpower, no mantra or tantra can help
you attain financial success. Also, don't
waste food or spend money on unwanted
things. See and feel Lakshmi everywhere
and treat everything with respect and love

There is also the matter of those who keep

running away and so never mature or keep
shifting their destined moment into the
future. Enjoin in battle the moment and do
not leave negative karmic footprints should


be the advice. When you have learnt the

lesson, the situation will change.

It is good to live in the present moment

but I would say make it 5 days in the future
and 5 into the past to keep a semblance of
balance and continuity.

Live by listening to your body and not your

mind - for at least in health matters. Let
your body decide if it will be vegan or not.
Occasionally one or the other is actually
good. Do not insist to change the genetic
makeup overnight.


Finding The Self in the Desert

(From my book Connect to the
MARCH 2017

The lure of the cities has always been. This

is recorded history and it grows. Organised
human support in the form of utilities,
services, orderly and regular living is a big
lure. But it kills, dampens and puts the
Spirit to sleep. It makes one indolent, lazy
and full of inertia; the very thing that the
spirit is afraid of.
To break off this lure people ran away;
either into the Desert or into the hills.
Areas where nature communicates without
distraction and in the humming silence of
the breeze much is spoken and deep
seated lessons are learnt. The Desert and
aloneness brings us face to face with our


imaginatively curtained self. No progress is

possible until we remove this curtain and
look at our Being with the sincerity it
deserves and necessary changes then can
be instigated. But I suppose the tough life
can scare the wits out in most.
But as has been shown and experienced by
most tribes who live in the Desert, the
desert in not an easy place to live.
Fortitude, patience is needed and
endurance is a quality that emerges from
the depth of our being naturally. I live
today in the city but I crave the open line
of sight that the desert offers or even the
sea or big lakes. This helps me to realize
how puny the box that I occupy in this
Universe is. My tribe comes from ancient
desert wanderers and I have been lucky to
have spent my childhood by the sea. Words
are not adequate to paint the picture of
my valuation of both these experiences.
My time in the city boxed in by walls and
the continuous brouhaha of people and

machines has cumulatively brought me to

the edge where given one chance I would
chuck it all and go back to the Desert. Only
I am afraid that the harsh conditions will
only distract me and my frail physique may
not be able to withstand the rigors of life
in a generally considered hostile
From the way I see humanity carrying
itself, I dont think it is trying to better
itself. Rather it is a race to prove their
uniqueness at being the most self-
destructive race ever on earth.
The Big Question of the 21st century is how
we reverse this trend. I believe that we
need to go back a bit, leave behind the
distractions that the internal combustion
engine and the digital technology has given
us. In our zeal to achieve more we have
only embroiled ourselves with distractive
impulses and now we have lost ourselves
and sold our souls to the highest bidder. A
step back is now imperative. It is time to

Prendre le Recule. But there is a huge

BUT here. Until we are totally tired of the
human interaction, the total insincerity
and integrity in social affairs, the cheating
in business and all the fooling one has to
dramatically enact to sell and such, this
need for aloneness is not strong enough to
make us make the move. Humans take this
step only when they dont want to die but
most dont like their lives as they are and
often wish all of this would end.
Give it a thought. It is the ordinary bums
who do not wish to let go. They think
renunciation to these temporary riches will
make them lose everything. They see it as
deprivation and dispossession. They are
more comfortable in suffering the irritants
for the importance it gives them.


Begetting Harmony
MARCH 2017

We all have issues that are mostly in our

minds. We live by certain attitudes that we
adopt. That they are mental health issues
may not be evident; but sooner or later
life will show the other side of the coin
and mental health issues along with bodily
health issues will start cropping up.
How many of us are well prepared to
tackle this?
Although I feel, that the very fact this
question is being asked is evidence that
the critical point has been crossed.
Loneliness is real and often self-created
due to our self-centeredness.
Had we been taught to be objective, kind
and generous in our youth, we would have
accepted many factors of life to remain


active and surrounded by a family of

friends and relatives.

I have always wondered, while looking

back, how much violence there is in most
us. With what vehemence and self
importance we deal with every day
irritations. Then I look around more
deeply. There was my senior in boarding
school who never did lose his composure
with me. My elder brother who was always
kind and patient with me. And I learnt the
value of being kind from them. In contrast
my mother and thru her influence my
father - always treating me as an irritating
element thrown into their lives. From
them, I learnt to fight and give them back
in good measure.
And this, along with my fiery nature added
to form a young angry man that only hurt
himself as he went on his way in life.


I think, by our behaviour we instill a lot of

violence in our children. Parents really
need to become conscious of what seeds
they are sowing if any change has to come
into this world's behaviour.


Time for Now

MARCH 2017

The focus is on awareness. The idea is to

live so consciously that every act, spoken
word, thought is a deliberate act, planned
and executed to perfection. This way you
save time and energy. There is no wastage.
Hence the expression Less haste; more
speed. This is the attitude of the Yogi
the student of Zen. Watch consciously your
every move. Let your mind be in the now,
in the present; in the here- at the same
quietly and without being perturbed,
preparing for the future. The experience of
having to go back for keys, or a spoon or
many such similar incidents are a clear
example of the mind being elsewhere and
then making the body run helter skelter for
no good reason. The fault being in the lack
of focus of the mind.


One of the most wasteful activity is our

love to spread knowledge, give advice and
spend long hours in trying to change
others; which is a lot good energy wasted
on those who pretend to be listening
(specially when you are doing it in person
and expending your energy through speech
all those good thoughts lost into the
wind; at least when written down it is
available for later use by others); who may
even be sincerely hearing it all but not
making the effort to retain the lesson or
identify with it or really do anything about
it. It is treated as an interesting piece of
information and then they go on to their
next move with their usual humdrum lives.
Some days later you may get together
again and the same scene is repeated as if
nothing earlier had transpired between you
two. I see a lot of energy in the same vein
being spent on workers who are there , as
it is, unwillingly. Giving explanations to
them is totally useless and teaching the


why and how of things is sheer wastage of

time and energy.
Then we all know that the bud will flower
on its own. The sun will rise on its own. Let
us learn to be patient. Stop and watch. Let
things bloom and unfold and then take
action in a snap when needed. Often when
the time comes to act, people are lefty
fumbling because of lack of preparation,
readiness and the mind not being there in
the first place. Additionally then, also
learn to wait. For most things unfold at
their own speed, on their own without
needing any prods.
But the human in his arrogance thinks he is
the doer and if he does not, nothing will
ever be done. In his multitasking mode and
show of alacrity and efficiency most things
are done badly and always with faulty
timing. Things that have to be done again
which requires three times more time to
do. Things that would have happened on
their own if left alone.

Mentoring oneself
MARCH 2017

I have also felt all of us with no chosen life

path and life-program are all basically
bored people without any hobbies or life-
interest with no-where to go and little
money. Only very few are here to learn
from others and share their learning.

All spiritual leaders one day or the other

ask this question: Why cant you all
humans look at each other as brother
sisters - As "People". You are two parts of a
whole but not separate races. The
biological separation is to help you enjoy
life the more but you end up creating an
ego conflict out of it.


I am now of the opinion that women

identify their "selves" too much with their
bodies of youth as if that is all they have to
share. And then they are sad when it
changes to something less youthful. What
one expects and projects, that is what
others relate to and the body is
impermanent and always slowly
deteriorating. By allying oneself totally
with the body we are partnering with
something designed to fail us.

"Try your best"

Lot of discussion, points and counter points
possible with this statement. Example: Are
we really sincere enough and really go to
the last drop to our best? What is this our
best? Isn't this phrase mostly a cover up for
laziness do avoid censure. When others are
involved, specially when portraying others,
does the other have a say in it?


How does anyone realise on his own his

limiting beliefs? Most of us would fight to
prove ourselves right even for the slightest
thing even knowing to be wrong but
prestige of being not seen as in error is a
strong need.


Basic Honesty is the Answer

MARCH 2017

What a life. We talk of honesty and we live

a lie. Everything we do, think, say has a
thread of lies built into it.
We divide the human population into
"children" & "Adults". The spontaneous,
loving and simple trusting by children is
seen as abnormal against the calculated,
wiser mental levels of adults.
The problem of life stems from the fact
that most adults do not grow enough and
mentally are stuck somewhere between
the ages of 7 -12 years of age. At best they
touch 14.
The only thing that is fully formed is their


I think children see more and live a fuller

life compared with the miserable existence
of adults.
Complex subjects as that of religious
thought/philosophy are written figuratively
while the childlike minds interpret them
literally. No wonder books like the bible
cause so much confusion and give rise to
dogmatic stupid thinking process based on
literal over simplification.
Joe O'connell
Here is what I am thinking , the GOP
deserves Trump
yes and the world as a whole too.
In microcosm he is the epitome of people
All those who criticise him today need to
understand that because of our lax morals
and our tendency to look the other way
because it did not concern us immediately,

we have let monsters rule us and now the

monster has infected all of us.
Now that things are hurting us with
immediate effect we are focusing on
him..... he is by way greatly far the best
candidate or all our critical bashing......
and this serves us to continue feeling good
and virtuous without making the effort
looking for answers which would be in first
reducing self-centered cheating methods
for amassing of wealth and goodies to the
detriment of the planet, society and
neighborhood, friends and family.


We are little know-alls.


Dont assume that I know. Dont assume

that I dont either. Just know that you
People fortify their resolution to not
change by taking Betablockers in stiff
I can give umpteen examples that I have
seen around me and within my own life
where by over-thinking and overacting we
actually hinder, even cancel the good that
was trying to "BE" or already was.
Yes. We can be very interfering with the
flow of our lives....often with very
negative results to our selves. Our
Superior knowledge is the bar. Our
Superiority Complex is the fence.


This world "is" as long as we are alive. Then

it is not. So it is both Nihilistic and not.

Somebody talking nonsense about you? Let

them. If you are questioned, respond with
laughter. Sometimes it is good to clear the
air so everyone can breathe.

When I was young, I was clearly told by my

most senior teacher in the Ashram that
"sincerity" would be my question mark and
I would have to find a way around this.
Every time I used insincerity in my life I
made a lot of money but then also lost
greatly incurring losses in prestige as well.
Then one day I realised winning small
battles with insincerity was just not worth
it. I decided categorically I will not add to
my karmic footsteps anymore and not
allow insincerity anymore to enter my life.
Now life has become tougher but largely
more plentiful in every way. I depend on

the Universe (or call it Providence or Guru)

to provide and organise. I just do my best
using all my abilities with all sincerity and
do not clamour for self-interested results.
It seems to be working quite well but it has
taken one-third of my life to wash-off the
stench of past shadows and that part was
not easy.

When God as they say in the separatist

thinking, made earth and man, I wonder:
Why did He make it at all? Why create this
stupid human animal so full of himself to
become enlightened? Why this drama and
Doesn't it look like "SOMEONE" who is
playing and is quite sadistic too?

The Despair feeling



I despair for India as a whole. We are just

too clever and so arrogant of our abilities
to manage. Ok agree that we are so. But
we have a great failing to match. We are
not "Quality conscious" ; mainly because
we are not properly educated in the
science behind it all and we are not
discerning. We don't aim for being superior
- that we already are. The attitude is
always of "what the heck" we shall cross
the bridge when it comes and if we are not
able to cross it then it was KISMET.. This is
why we have sayings like : they will go to
dig a well when the fire has started. I
remember an american buyer here 30
years ago who was totally dumbfounded
when he heard that we had two separate
qualities of products for the local market
market and for the export market. The
local products were just enough to manage

through to sell but would not last and were

not improved upon ever to make them
more efficient etc. We depend on imports
for that. I remember when I bought my
first bike I found that the braking system
was design defective and so was the
starter kick arm that broke my shoes. A
few rupees and modification later I had
rectified the faults and I went and showed
it to the manufacturers. There response
was " oh but our product is selling as it is;
why bother. Any way why would we add
some extra rupees to the cost" Lately, I
have developed two products and for both
them the response is very good and people
are fascinated but nobody is interested in
trading or trying them out. They are simply
not part of their priorities even though
they are made for safeguarding their
health - a subject that only "doctors" can
speak on. The fact is they cannot judge for
themselves. The lack of in-depth education
is partly responsible for this state of


affairs. Applied science is not a subject

worth mentioning in India. Anyway here
are experts for that! I was consulted by a
family for health reasons becuase the
doctors were not able to help and they had
seen that I obviously had some magic and
had managed to cure myself of the same.
So I went to them on the request of my
sister, explained to them the
why/wherefore and wrote them a basic
prescription of vitamins. Later when I
asked them how the patient was, they told
me that they had consulted the doctor and
he had advised not to follow my advice.
They wait for big brand names and
advertising and then they go for it as the
logic is if the company can afford such
expensive advertising then it must be doing
well because the product is good! The lack
of conscious thought and effort shows in
everything we do. We cross the road at the
longest point as it is the shortest path from
our point A to where we are going point B.


Doors of cupboards/rooms etc are never

closed back. Stuff will not be thrown in the
dustbin. We urinate just about anywhere.
We crash into others as if we are blind. We
will not repair things till they completely
collapse. We are comfortable with dirt to a
point that it will shame even the hogs. But
we are very conscious that hundreds of
years ago we already had the Veda, Yoga
and all the knowledge down in writing that
the world i rediscovering now. On this we
base our personal greatness and to such an
extent that we can most assuredly be
called the touchiest people on Earth.

Pourings from My Spirit



Evolution Even the rocks sitting there since

millions of years are doing something. But
some stop growing. The creation goes its
own way beyond the logic and logical
abilities of the small undeveloped human
mind as yet.

Finally we all come back to The Sunrise. All

our Grand, Grandiose, Immense statures
Shrivel into the Sunset

Your seeking will end when wonder takes

over. We yearn to be seen, Too busy with
oneself. The whole wide world Is but
outside the door.


There is a hymn from central India that

says, When Janakidas (another one of the
many gods of India) is supporting and
safeguarding you then who can harm or
cheat you... I hum this hymn quite often.
The other day I decided instead of wearing
6 layers of clothing in our winter in our non
heated type of living, I would look for a
coat that would be light, well stuffed and
cover the small of my back/hips, cover my
neck, wind proof with large pockets and
well be the kind I can even sleep in. Now
India is not a country to look for good, well
designed, lightweight winter clothes. So
we normally go looking in the export
surplus market where it is more by luck
that you may find something that you
want. So here we are. We enter the
market from the car park and the very first
seller we see is holding in his hand the
stuff I am looking for in a way that I cannot
miss it. He was folding it and it was as if he
was demonstrating it for my benefit. I ask


him for it. I quickly grab the coat. Manjula,

the wife, wants to bargain and argue about
how it is not quite the lower the
price while I see immediately that it is
absolutely the thing I want - all the specs I
had in mind to the last comma/full stop -
Not only that it is made in a double layer
attached together by zips which is a bonus.
I stop Manjula and tell her to wait and not
argue because I was afraid this would make
the salesman look more closely at the coat
and realise that it is worth lot more. This
would make him raise the price. I ask the
price and he says Rs 4oo for any in the lot.
(The zips itself in the coat would be half
the price of the cost) I quickly pay him and
take the coat. This whole winter has been
comfortably warm and I have not suffered
the pain in the neck that I usually do due
to too much heavy clothing in winter. And
that is that.


Once a businessman came to my place for

discussions. Every third minute his phone
would ring and I would have to break the
flow of negotiations waiting like a fool for
him to become available. On the third call
I asked him to leave. He went out raving
like mad that he had never been insulted
in this fashion ever. In my opinion such an
inconsiderate man would somewhere on
the line put me in some loss inducing
corner. What would you say?

People accept ANY explanation. - If it fits

into their prejudices and is well worded
within the logic of their knowledge - yes. I
remember people being roused by rabbles
when the first Hydro electric dam was
being built in India - saying that this will
remove all the energy from the water
before they give it to farmers and the
crops will die. Sometime recently
somebody in USA said something similar


about the Solar plants. That we shall

deplete the sun or something.

The road to freedom lies, not through

mysteries or occult performances, but
through the intelligent use of Nature's
forces and laws. The Law of Mind is a
natural law in the spiritual world.
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind PK.
yes these laws are not yet commonly
accepted and even when made known not
acknowledged, beyond the experience of
people generally; hence the continued
misunderstandings and wrong decisions


The Imploding Planet


Trouble on Earth started when people

began forsaking the land when the
industrial evolution took root and more
reliable monthly income became available.
This gave rise to concentrations in and
around existing cities..
So we now have the choice of making new
cities or increase the number of Hume
pipes available for sleeping in. I am always
wondering and rather surprised at the
indulgence with which we continue
producing babies. How come we have not
learnt to see that by doing this we are
perpetuating poverty and its attendant
My answer to Words from
Jeff Juraska


Japan as a nation state has been

destroyed. Its landmass and territorial
waters are contaminated. Part of the
country is uninhabitable. High levels of
radiation have been recorded in the Tokyo
metropolitan area, which has a population
of 39 million (2010) (more than the
population of Canada, circa 34 million
(2010)) There are indications that the food
chain is contaminated throughout Japan:
The question is where do we run now to
avoid this industrial poisoning? We are not
safe anywhere. Every single cell has been
penetrated in some way or other.
So perhaps, I suppose we take the stance
of the yogi: let the Universe handle itself
and we lie down quietly and enjoy the
sunset while we can.
Philosophy apart
The vibration of horror has always been
around Japanese way of being. Study their
history and the harsh cruel way they deal

with situations. Their wars and emotionless

inscrutable attitudes. One has to read
SHOGUN to get the idea. They are brave to
the point of folly. They are so damn
intelligent that they always have managed
to create beauty around them and also
hurt themselves immensely. Always in any
culture you will notice that if there is one
element in existence, then the exact
opposite will also be. In Japan for example
study their tea ceremony which should by
itself give an idea of what the opposite
angle may be and at the other end their
highly developed warring and torture
techniques. Similarly in India you will see
the highest embodiment of enlightenment
with practices that show you the way to
break your bonds of every kind but also the
lowest stupidity & inertia levels that
boggle an intelligent mind. Christian
philosophy of love was born against the
highly inhuman culture of those times.


Unfortunately even a superficial study of

these cultures will show that they became
more rigid under the umbrella of their
philosophies rather than otherwise.


What after Death?


What after Death? Don't know and don't

want to know. But just in case, let us live
compassionately and kindly.

The lament of the Universe. It is sad that

people have to be hurt to be taught a
lesson. People do not see what back-office
support they are getting and how they are
being protected. Their arrogance only
grows and it gets tiring. Unfortunately the
people cannot see that they cannot do
everything on their own so everyone serves
a big purpose in the scheme of things. It is
this constant manipulation and show of
benevolence that is weighing down my


The more loudly and dirtily you say it the

more people notice - is the motto of media
today and people want to get in the news
The question is where do we run now to
avoid this industrial poisoning? We are not
safe anywhere. Every single cell has been
penetrated in some way or other. So
perhaps, I suppose we take the stance of
the yogi: let the Universe handle itself and
we lie down quietly and enjoy the sunset
while we can. I am feeling very sad that I
brought a daughter into this world, into
this poisoned environment.
Feeling left out? What else did you expect
when you are not one with the crowd?
We would like the world to behave so that
we can live without anxiety or as I would
call it, selfishly. And imagine the traffic
jam that it creates in the happenings of
this world.


Cause for Concern


Fabulous. We could learn to coexist if we

would just try.
Learning from experience everyone does.
Learning from the experience of others is
what we need to learn. There is much to
learn by observation and asking questions;
and then looking for answers in how the
cause and effect we see in life around us. I
wonder how long, how many more
generations it will take for humans to
realise this art and incorporate it in their
teachings to their children as part of the
curriculum in life.
What we say and how it is interpreted has
been a source great interest to me since
the very beginning since I was laughed at
in childhood for using the wrong word. And


that is when I decided not to give anyone

the chance to do that to me again. And
enhanced the understanding of life through
language in the bargain.
Yes. Bricks and mortar and steels cases
now box us in. We have pride for company
having mastered all the infamies of Mother
Nature and now we can have pizzas at the
touch of a button. Aren't we great? We can
sit warming our feet not afraid of the
howling winds and gales outside! The
question does pose itself - how alive are
we and connected to the Spirit which
cannot be reached digitally unfortunately.
I feel the sense of power the Digital world
has given to humans has also created an
atmosphere of mental hyperventilation
going about. Are people really concerned
or are just showing off their own wisdom
and ranting, how will it help in the
process? What we need is concerted


There is definitely cause for concern. But

like in most things in life, how much choice
is given to us? The lack of unity amongst us
is the factor and this it seems will take a
few more thousands of years to establish.
Technically this life itself is involuntary. So
are we responsible for anything?
For those we care for: Watching in awe and
surely interested in their welfare; waiting
to see what transpires and take action if
necessary Just because we feel and wish to
be kind does not mean we should always
When we are looking for control we are
manipulating with all the limited thoughts
and data at our disposal to twist life
around our fingers. We create barriers to
hide our insincere attitude.


Tricky life tempts you astray

Dont let life create diversions in your life
by tempting you with minor gifts.
How things will turn out at any given time
is a big question mark and anxiety attacks
are common. When hopes do not go to
fruition as expected, there is depression in
its wake.
Society is not making things easy. The lack
of humane feelings in today's professional
attitudes is so unbelievable. And I am not
talking of any specific people. Take anyone
- a little power over you or your affairs and
they misuse it to the full by leading you
the honey-trap path.
Every error is capitalised upon. A little
error and they take you to the cleaners.
Take bankers, lawyers, policemen, doctors
even the clerks in the municipal offices.


Every fault or small situation is taken with

absolute seriousness and the problem is
magnified to its full potential. You end up
paying to get out of the predicament which
out of sheer kindness and humaneness
could have been overlooked with a
warning. It is demonic when the medical,
military, policing people do it for gain as
they who are Gods to us and we go to them
in trust, yet they play with our health, life
and well-being fully knowing the horror
that they are inflicting on us.
Parents, Teachers of children, Business
bosses, and Successful businesses become
arrogant about the power they wield and
their self-importance goes right through
the roof.
When we are looking for control we are
manipulating with all the limited thoughts
and data at our disposal to twist life
around our fingers.


We create barriers to hide our insincere

But when we go out and stand in the open
field, exposed and unafraid with innocence
and the desire to learn and know, LIFE
comes to us and envelops us and tempts us
with gifts.


What & Where of Life


The date of the quote is to be noted. ( Pic

from Brian Leth Duisg Whitmarsh.)
Philosophically, Spiritually it is equally
valid today as it was then. But that was
then when the forests were more and the
people less. Food grew on its own and
sharing was the norm. One could drink
from any stream and lie down anywhere
and peg your tent under any tree or lift the

encampment and get lost forever. You

would not be chased nor be sued for
desertion although you could be attacked
and dead and no one pone the wiser.
I wonder how people of today relate to the
quote. Today's scenario as I see it: Food has
to be bought and available against money.
To earn money you need a serious kind of
education.... to get this education you
need a serious kind of money and then
there is no guarantee. You are not allowed
to sleep on a public bench leave alone peg
a tent somewhere. You may be somebody
of great worth but your car gets more
regard and looks. And to sharing...forget
it. You'll be called a thief even if you sat
down against the fence for a nap.
Philosophy and philosophers are out,
Disdain is their only reward.
At the earth level, through the earth form,
the persona will show; although it will or is
already merged in the Tao. It is also true


that the more you grow into the Tao you

dont see yourself as exclusive.

But what can you do about it. History has

been played out. The masters that be, are
not concerned and obviously lying. So
what? They got what they wanted. Let us
move on and work to not let anything
happen again. Yet it is already happening.
We can grumble and clarify but where is
the sustained togetherness that will give us
the power to change? The wolf in sheep
clothing is amongst us and now forms the
ruling class. It is no more just Nature and
instincts at work but real, intelligent,
clever and cunningly powerful negative
forces who are afraid they will lose control
over the human race. They are weakening
us with lures, comfort and toys that keep
us engaged in our stupidity whilst they are
having the fun of their lives. And this
beautiful creation is going to their dogs.


Thoughts for the New year


From a very practical and a very pragmatic

view of life, from all the things we see
happening around us, from all the news
that we get to read in the papers and be
told about on the TVwhat is sacred, what
is private, what is of valuewhat do we
learn finally about life? I will begin with my
thoughts and perhaps you will share yours
with me. I personally see it from the
childs way of looking at life; at different
ages what is precious and of value to a
child. Just think. As he grows what do we
teach him to value. For discussions sake let
me raise a few topics. Millions of worth of
value in a painting, in a diamond, in a
stamp in an antique.who gave them these
values and how were they valued? A scrap
of paper, with the name Van Gogh, if found
to be written by the original Van Gogh

would become valuable; how? Why is the

original in millions and yet the same
pleasure can be had from a good quality
print and thousands of people do enjoy the
We value our individuality without ever
reflecting how similar are all the others.
We build statues of forms that went back
to dust. The same looks can be found even
in todays populace. Living doubles as well
copies of the dead are no mystery or rarity.
So what and where is our individuality?
Marriages are equated with love but is
there any value to love in it? Then where
and how did the word cheating come into
existence and why suddenly divorces are in
fashion? People now live in and when they
get tired of each others petty ways they
look for their pleasure elsewhere. No it is
not for love obviously, then what? Finally
quarrels in it, seem to have more to do
with ownership, easy & convenient


partnerships and wealth and family

heirlooms. Otherwise it does not seems
mater much who and where one enjoins
bodies with. When the mood is upon
people even force is happily used.
Dresses are worn, priced in idiotic figures.
Mostly they are more for attracting
attention then being comfortable. What is
the true nature of need for clothes and do
we really go after this need to be
adequately filled?
Religion is followed not for betterment and
empowering our life but to safeguard our
little-ness. Happiness and joy does not
seem to be the goal at all; whatever the
mass of humanity may be claiming. It is all
a finely tuned charade where other
elements that we clearly understand are
not good values are really in charge. I
dont think I need to mention or repeat it
all here.


Nothing is as it seems in this world but we

are proud of it all nevertheless. We earn
and we hoard. Soon we reach a point
where we have no idea how much we own.
But we are engaged in pursuing a style of
living which has no meaning
anymore....principally to impress a set of
people who really want us dead and out of
the way. What are we finally living for? Let
us reevaluate our bearings, values and
start really living.


The Luxury of Not-Being


The body teaches us humility by pestering

us with pain. From this shall I conclude
that at spirit/mental level the chances are
that arrogance tends to create bodily
conditions that are the source of much

WE want to be seen as superior to most.

We act to prove it. We insist that the

whole world accept this as true. With
millions of us with this attitude,
"unhappiness" is a given. Worse, in the
deep of our heart we know it is not true.


Getting too set in your ways can make you

old before your time.
It is the lure of pulling off a fast one. The
present times will be known for being
FAST. Speed is everything to us now.
Cars, trains, planes, computers, phones,
internet, responses between each other,
even sexual escapades are all fast.
Business, sales, decisions and bottom lines
all work on the basis of what has been
achieved in the blink of an eye even
start-ups are reviewed in 3 months!. Then
is it a wonder that cheating, stealing,
robberies, rapes and murders are
multiplying at a terrifying speed?
Understanding the Rich. You have to be
one of them to really understand them.
From what I have seen, they first decide
what outcome they want and then
modulate all their words and actions
around it. What they want must, should
and will happen! They are extremely


intelligent and talented. But their self-

interest comes uppermost and their moods
change with the needs and their behavior
with people changes with their perception
of their need of the moment. They are
cunning, clever manipulators. That is how
they made their money in the first place.
And no one around them or needing them
or working with them would have the guts
to say so. They can be very vindictive. You
can only get out and that only somebody
who is talented enough to survive on his
own can do.

Most parent neglect the fact that their

child needs to share his discoveries.
Cuddling is the cue. A child has to be the
most important thing of our lives. Then
everything works out. But yes, a learned,
attentive parent knowing much or elder
who can show the child and help the child
to discover is a jewel. But mainly listen to


the child and follow the child is the most

important aspect. The world will change
when this change comes in.

It is really a poisoned world. How we are

managing to survive is a mystery. In their
arrogance with no resistance from the
people they continue to do bolder things
and come out with stronger poisons and
color it all with wonderfully choreographed
brain washing. As long as the personal
estates of some, their personal planes,
yachts, Riverside Estates are ok,
everything is fine with the world.


The Grace & Perfection

The Grace moves only under certain
conditions. It can even stay away. Most of
us push it away.

Panic attacks in this world which has hurt

us so much come easy but then I have
stopped trying to be amongst others what I
am not and that is a relief.+ Calm down.

Some decisions need to be taken and I am

not sure. This is the first thoughts that
came to mind as I started my day. There is
a fine line or let me put it in another way
there isn't much separating the state of
fear to act and circumspection. "To do or
not to do" weighs heavily on our minds.
Decision taking is a pain. The mind though
is not the right instrument for these


decisions as it is simply a basic good and

fast computer, open to affectation from
many other corners of the Universe and
some parts operating from within us like
the subconscious. So how do we decide?
Allow our attitude of kindness and goodwill
to prevail around us. These will filter out
the negative vibes that we tend to collect
from all around us and even act through
us, using us as an instrument. Open to the
intuitive side of the mind which really

Last year there was still a little

pretentiousness left in me. But this year I
am now perfect.


Living in Fear
Why most people are apprehensive or
reluctant to share their stories? I have so
many questions popping up in my head.
Perhaps because they are ashamed of
them! ? What do you have to hide? A life
that needs to be kept in the shadows, is it
worth it? Or perhaps you have learnt from
life that the less that is shared, the less it
will come back to haunt you? Or is it
laziness to to learn and go ahead to
challenge life; a simple attitude to
somehow maintain a status quo and avoid
conflict as well as effort? Or perhaps it is
simply the fact that sharing unveils our
inadequacies and the world judges rather
harshly? Then again, perhaps there is really
wisdom there and you dont think you have
much to contribute. Or is this contrived
humility? Do we humans keep distances
because there is a need or we consider

ourselves too high up on the evolution

ladder and look down upon others not
considering them worthy of our attention?
Whatever I understand that we have all
private thoughts and agendas and as good
chess players we would not and we should
not show our hand and moves. Life is lived
with an intense selfishness and eliminating
the non-essentials in this limited time
given to us is a necessity. Yet there is
another aspect: Sharing so that others may
benefit from our experiences. I admit
people rarely learn from anything but their
own peccadilloes but let your story be
known; no harm in that. Reduce your
learning incidents to simple short stories so
others may learn from it and wouldnt that
would be greater? I would respect you
more for it!!
For example here is story from me:
Yesterday I was readying the plants for
spring and trimming them. A bit of
something mixed with sap got into my

eyes. Burning. Washing the eye and sticky

thing over and over did not help. Tried
some eye drops that were in the house. It
seemed to only spread it. An allergic
reaction was brewing and spreading to the
other eye and nose. I had promised to take
daughter to a classical dance music
program. Did so. Evening was a pleasure
but the eye was a torment. Then on
reaching home it came to me I have the
best honey at home. Let me try it as a
salve. Within minutes the burning
subsided. My face was covered with honey
but I slept. By morning I was 90% ok. (in
the morning, applied again)
And here are some thoughts on a subject
that has always been hanging fire on this
ON the Question of men being such boors -
specially in India and the middle eastern
culture. . The sudden transition from a
sexless culture to openness and lack of


adequate education is so saddening and

showing in a million ways. The media is not
educating but actually titillating. There is
an occult truth also behind all this but
talking about it is of no value as it changes
nothing on the visible front. I remember
when in college 50 and more years ago.
The thought of Holi and the possibilities of
being able to embrace any young lady was
very much on top of the doing list of all
young men. Nothing has changed since
then. Only the possibilities have increased
and the fear of has gone in our faceless
and valueless society that has evolved of
today. Being circumspect and respectful
was always the first thing taught to us. And
it is valid even today and will be as long as
humans are in the state they are.


Time for Now

MARCH 2017

The focus is on awareness. The idea is to

live so consciously that every act, spoken
word, thought is a deliberate act, planned
and executed to perfection. This way you
save time and energy. There is no wastage.
Hence the expression Less haste; more
speed. This is the attitude of the Yogi
the student of Zen. Watch consciously your
every move. Let your mind be in the now,
in the present; in the here- at the same
quietly and without being perturbed,
preparing for the future. The experience of
having to go back for keys, or a spoon or
many such similar incidents are a clear
example of the mind being elsewhere and
then making the body run helter skelter for
no good reason. The fault being in the lack
of focus of the mind.


One of the most wasteful activity is our

love to spread knowledge, give advice and
spend long hours in trying to change
others; which is a lot good energy wasted
on those who pretend to be listening
(specially when you are doing it in person
and expending your energy through speech
all those good thoughts lost into the
wind; at least when written down it is
available for later use by others); who may
even be sincerely hearing it all but not
making the effort to retain the lesson or
identify with it or really do anything about
it. It is treated as an interesting piece of
information and then they go on to their
next move with their usual humdrum lives.
Some days later you may get together
again and the same scene is repeated as if
nothing earlier had transpired between you
two. I see a lot of energy in the same vein
being spent on workers who are there, as it
is, unwillingly. Giving explanations to them
is totally useless and teaching the why and


how of things is sheer wastage of time and

Then we all know that the bud will flower
on its own. The sun will rise on its own. Let
us learn to be patient. Stop and watch. Let
things bloom and unfold and then take
action in a snap when needed. Often when
the time comes to act, people are lefty
fumbling because of lack of preparation,
readiness and the mind not being there in
the first place. Additionally then, also
learn to wait. For most things unfold at
their own speed, on their own without
needing any prods.
But the human in his arrogance thinks he is
the doer and if he does not, nothing will
ever be done. In his multitasking mode and
show of alacrity and efficiency most things
are done badly and always with faulty
timing. Things that have to be done again
which requires three times more time to


do. Things that would have happened on

their own if left alone.


Mentoring oneself
MARCH 2017

I have also felt all of us with no chosen life

path and life-program are all basically
bored people without any hobbies or life-
interest with no-where to go and little
money. Only very few are here to learn
from others and share their learning.

All spiritual leaders one day or the other

ask this question: Why cant you all
humans look at each other as brother
sisters - As "People". You are two parts of a
whole but not separate races. The
biological separation is to help you enjoy
life the more but you end up creating an
ego conflict out of it.


I am now of the opinion that women

identify their "selves" too much with their
bodies of youth as if that is all they have to
share. And then they are sad when it
changes to something less youthful. What
one expects and projects, that is what
others relate to and the body is
impermanent and always slowly
deteriorating. By allying oneself totally
with the body we are partnering with
something designed to fail us.

"try your best"

Lots of discussion, points and counter
points possible with this statement.
Example: Are we really sincere enough and
really go to the last drop to our best? What
is this our best? Isn't this phrase mostly a
cover up for laziness to avoid censure?
When others are involved, specially when
portraying others, does the other have a
say in it?


How does anyone realise on his own his

limiting beliefs? Most of us would fight to
prove ourselves right even for the slightest
thing even knowing to be wrong but
prestige of being not seen in error is a
strong need.


Basic Honesty is the Answer

MARCH 2017

What a life. We talk of honesty and we live

a lie. Everything we do, think, say has a
thread of lies built into it.
We divide the human population into
"children" & "Adults". The spontaneous,
loving and simple trusting by children is
seen as abnormal against the calculated,
wiser mental levels of adults.
The problem of life stems from the fact
that most adults do not grow enough and
mentally are stuck somewhere between
the ages of 7 -12 years of age. At best they
touch 14.
The only thing that is fully formed is their


I think children see more and live a fuller

life compared with the miserable existence
of adults.
Complex subjects as that of religious
thought/philosophy are written figuratively
while the childlike minds interpret them
literally. No wonder books like the bible
cause so much confusion and give rise to
dogmatic stupid thinking process based on
literal over simplification.

Joe O'connell
Here is what I am thinking , the GOP
deserves Trump
yes and the world as a whole too.
In microcosm he is the epitome of people
All those who criticise him today need to
understand that because of our lax morals


and our tendency to look the other way

because it did not concern us immediately,
we have let monsters rule us and now the
monster has infected all of us.
Now that things are hurting us with
immediate effect we are focusing on
him..... he is greatly way by far the best
candidate or all our critical bashing......
and this serves us to continue feeling good
and virtuous without making the effort
looking for answers which would be in first
reducing self-centered cheating methods
for amassing of wealth and goodies to the
detriment of the planet, society and
neighborhood, friends and family.


We are little know-alls.


Dont assume that I know. Dont assume

that I dont either. Just know that you
People fortify their resolution to not
change by taking Betablockers in stiff
dosages (figuratively speaking).
I can give umpteen examples that I have
seen around me and within my own life
where by over-thinking and overacting we
actually hinder, even cancel the good that
was trying to "BE" or already was.
Yes. We can be very interfering with the
flow of our lives....often with very
negative results to our selves. Our
Superior knowledge is the bar. Our
Superiority Complex is the fence.


This world "is" as long as we are alive. Then

it is not. So it is both Nihilistic and not.

Somebody talking nonsense about you? Let

them. If you are questioned, respond with
laughter. Sometimes it is good to clear the
air so everyone can breathe.

When I was young, I was clearly told by my

most senior teacher in the Ashram that
"sincerity" would be my question mark and
I would have to find a way around this.
Every time I used insincerity in my life I
made a lot of money but then also lost
greatly incurring losses in prestige as well.
Then one day I realised winning small
battles with insincerity was just not worth
it. I decided categorically I will not add to
my karmic footsteps anymore and not
allow insincerity anymore to enter my life.
Now life has become tougher but largely
more plentiful in every way. I depend on

the Universe (or call it Providence or Guru)

to provide and organise. I just do my best
using all my abilities with all sincerity and
do not clamour for self-interested results.
It seems to be working quite well but it has
taken one-third of my life to wash-off the
stench of past shadows and that part was
not easy.

When God as they say in the separatist

thinking, made earth and man, I wonder:
Why did He make it at all? Why create this
stupid human animal so full of himself to
become enlightened? Why this drama and
Doesn't it look like "SOMEONE" who is
playing and is quite sadistic too?


The Despair feeling


I despair for India as a whole. We are just

too clever and so arrogant of our abilities
to manage. Ok, agree that we are so. But
we have a great failing to match. We are
not "Quality conscious"; mainly because we
are not properly educated in the science
behind it all and we are not discerning. We
don't aim for being superior - that we
already are. The attitude is always of
"what the heck" we shall cross the bridge
when it comes and if we are not able to
cross it then it was KISMET. This is why,
no wonder, we have sayings like : they will
go to dig a well when the fire has started.
I remember an American buyer here 30
years ago who was totally dumbfounded
when he heard that we had two separate
qualities of products for the local market
and for the market abroad. The local

products were just enough to manage

through to sell but would not last and were
not improved upon ever to make them
more efficient etc (why bother if it
selling?). We depend on imports for that.
I remember when I bought my first bike I
found that the braking system was design
defective and so was the starter kick arm
that broke my shoes. A few rupees and
modification later I had rectified the faults
and I went and showed it to the
manufacturers. There response was " oh
but our product is selling as it is; why
bother. Any way why would we add some
extra rupees to the cost". I am now happy
to note that this company is now nomore.
Lately, I have developed two products and
for both them the response is very good
and people are fascinated but nobody is
interested in trading or trying them out.
They are simply not part of their priorities
even though they are made for


safeguarding their health - a subject that

only "doctors" can speak on. The fact is
they cannot judge for themselves. The lack
of in-depth education is partly responsible
for this state of affairs. Applied science is
not a subject worth mentioning in India.
Anyway here are experts for that! I was
once consulted by a family for health
reasons because the doctors were not able
to help and they had seen that I obviously
had some magic and had managed to cure
myself of the same. So I went to them on
the request of my sister, explained to them
the why/wherefore and wrote them a basic
prescription of vitamins. Later when I
asked them how the patient was, they told
me that they had consulted the doctor and
he had advised not to follow my advice.
They wait for big brand names and
advertising and then they go for it as the
logic is - if the company can afford such
expensive advertising then it must be doing
well because the product is good!


The lack of conscious thought and effort

shows out in everything we do. We cross
the road at the longest point as it is the
shortest path from our point A to where we
are going point B no matter if we are
endangering our selves the other will
take care of that; they have eyes and
brakes, dont they? Doors of
cupboards/rooms etc are never closed
back. Stuff will not be thrown in the
dustbin. We urinate just about anywhere.
We crash into others as if we are blind. We
will not repair things till they completely
collapse. We are comfortable with dirt to a
point that it will shame even the hogs. But
we are very conscious that hundreds of
years ago we already had the Veda and
great Seers, Yoga and all the knowledge
down in writing that the world is
rediscovering now. On this we base our
personal greatness and to such an extent
that we can most assuredly be called the
touchiest people on Earth.


Pourings from My Spirit


Evolution Even the rocks sitting there since

millions of years are doing something. But
some stop growing. The creation goes its
own way beyond the logic and logical
abilities of the small undeveloped human
mind as yet.

Finally we all come back to The Sunrise. All

our Grand, Grandiose, Immense statures
Shrivel into the Sunset

Your seeking will end when wonder takes

over. We yearn to be seen; too busy with
oneself. The whole wide world IS but
outside the door we can access it when
we feel like it, cant we?


There is a hymn from central India that

says, When Janakidas (another one of the
many gods of India) is supporting and
safeguarding you then who can harm or
cheat you... I hum this hymn quite often.
The other day I decided instead of wearing
6 layers of clothing in our winter in our non
heated type of living, I would look for a
coat that would be light, well stuffed and
cover the small of my back/hips, cover my
neck, wind proof with large pockets and
well be the kind I can even sleep in. Now
India is not a country to look for good, well
designed, lightweight winter clothes. So
we normally go looking in the export
surplus market where it is more by luck
that you may find something that you
want. So here we are. We enter the
market from the car park and the very first
seller we see is holding in his hand the
stuff I am looking for in a way that I cannot
miss it. He was folding it and it was as if he

was demonstrating it for my benefit. I ask

him for it. I quickly grab the coat. Manjula,
the wife, wants to bargain and argue about
how it is not quite the lower the
price while I see immediately that it is
absolutely the thing I want - all the specs I
had in mind to the last comma/full stop -
Not only that it is made in a double layer
attached together by zips which is a bonus.
I stop Manjula and tell her to wait and not
argue because I was afraid this would make
the salesman look more closely at the coat
and realise that it is worth a lot more. This
would make him raise the price. I ask the
price and he says Rs 4oo for any in the lot.
(The zips itself in the coat would be half
the price of the cost) I quickly pay him and
take the coat. This whole winter has been
comfortably warm and I have not suffered
the pain in the neck that I usually do due
to too much heavy clothing in winter. And
that is that.


Once a businessman came to my place for

discussions. Every third minute his phone
would ring and I would have to break the
flow of negotiations waiting like a fool for
him to become available. On the third call
I asked him to leave. He went out raving
like mad that he had never been insulted
in this fashion ever. In my opinion such an
inconsiderate man would somewhere on
the line put me in some loss inducing
corner. What would you say?

People accept ANY explanation. - If it fits

into their prejudices and is well worded
within the logic of their knowledge - yes. I
remember people being roused by rabbles
when the first Hydro electric dam was
being built in India - saying that this will
remove all the energy from the water
before they give it to farmers and the
crops will die. Sometime recently
somebody in USA said something similar


about the Solar plants. That we shall

deplete the sun or something.

The road to freedom lies, not through

mysteries or occult performances, but
through the intelligent use of Nature's
forces and laws. The Law of Mind is a
natural law in the spiritual world.
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind
PK. yes these laws are not yet commonly
accepted and even when made known not
acknowledged, beyond the experience of
people generally; hence the continued
misunderstandings and wrong decisions


The Imploding Planet


Trouble on Earth started when people

began forsaking the land when the
industrial revolution took root and more
reliable monthly income became available.
This gave rise to population concentrations
in and around existing cities..
So we now have the choice of making new
cities or increase the number of Hume
pipes unused along the ouskirts available
for sleeping in. I am always wondering and
rather surprised at the indulgence with
which we continue producing babies. How
come we have not learnt to see that by
doing this we are perpetuating poverty and
its attendant issues?
My answer to Words from
Jeff Juraska


Japan as a nation state has been

destroyed. Its landmass and territorial
waters are contaminated. Part of the
country is uninhabitable. High levels of
radiation have been recorded in the Tokyo
metropolitan area, which has a population
of 39 million (2010) (more than the
population of Canada, circa 34 million
(2010)) There are indications that the food
chain is contaminated throughout Japan:

The question is where do we run now to

avoid this industrial poisoning? We are not
safe anywhere. Every single cell has been
penetrated in some way or other.
So perhaps, I suppose we take the stance
of the yogi: let the Universe handle itself
and we lie down quietly and enjoy the
sunset while we can.
Philosophy apart


The vibration of horror has always been

around the Japanese way of being. Study
their history and the harsh cruel way they
deal with situations. Their wars and
emotionless inscrutable attitudes.
One has to read SHOGUN to get the idea.
They are brave to the point of folly. They
are so damn intelligent that they have
always managed to create beauty around
them and also hurt themselves immensely.
Always in any culture you will notice that if
there is one element in existence, then the
exact opposite will also be. In Japan for
example study their tea ceremony which
should by itself give an idea of what the
opposite angle may be and at the other
end their highly developed warring and
torture techniques.
Similarly in India you will see the highest
embodiment of enlightenment with
practices that show you the way to break
your bonds of every kind but also the


lowest stupidity & inertia levels that

boggle an intelligent mind. Christian
philosophy of love was born against the
highly inhuman culture of those times.
Unfortunately even a superficial study of
these cultures will show that they became
more rigid under the umbrella of their
philosophies rather than otherwise.


What after Death?


What after Death? Don't know and don't

want to know. But just in case, let us live
compassionately and kindly.

The lament of the Universe.

It is sad that people have to be hurt to be
taught a lesson. People do not see what
back-office support they are getting and
how they are being protected. Their
arrogance only grows and it gets tiring.
Unfortunately the people cannot see that
they cannot do everything on their own so
everyone serves a big purpose in the
scheme of things. It is this constant
manipulation and show of benevolence
that is weighing down my Spirit.


The more loudly and dirtily you say it the

more people notice - is the motto of media
today and people want to get in the news

The question is where do we run now to

avoid this industrial poisoning? We are not
safe anywhere. Every single cell has been
penetrated in some way or other. So
perhaps, I suppose we take the stance of
the yogi: let the Universe handle itself and
we lie down quietly and enjoy the sunset
while we can. I am feeling very sad that I
brought a daughter into this world, into
this poisoned environment.
Feeling left out? What else did you expect
when you are not one with the crowd?
We would like the world to behave so that
we can live without anxiety or as I would
call it, selfishly. And imagine the traffic
jam that it creates in the happenings of
this world.

Cause for Concern


We could learn to coexist if we would just

Learning from experience everyone does.
Learning from the experience of others is
what we need to learn. There is much to
learn by observation and asking questions;
and then looking for answers in how the
cause and effect we see in life around us. I
wonder how long, how many more
generations it will take for humans to
realise this art and incorporate it in their
teachings to their children as part of the
curriculum in life.
What we say and how it is interpreted has
been a source great interest to me since
the very beginning since I was laughed at
in childhood for using the wrong word. And
that is when I decided not to give anyone


the chance to do that to me again. And

enhanced the understanding of life through
language in the bargain.
Yes. Bricks and mortar and steels cases
now box us in. We have pride for company
having mastered all the infamies of Mother
Nature and now we can have pizzas at the
touch of a button. Aren't we great?
We can sit warming our feet not afraid of
the howling winds and gales outside! The
question does pose itself - how alive are
we and connected to the Spirit which
cannot be reached digitally unfortunately.
I feel the sense of power the Digital world
has given to humans has also created an
atmosphere of mental hyperventilation
going about. Are people really concerned
or are just showing off their own wisdom
and ranting, how will it help in the
process? What we need is concerted


There is definitely cause for concern. But

like in most things in life, how much choice
is given to us? The lack of unity amongst us
is the factor and this it seems will take a
few more thousands of years to establish.
Technically this life itself is involuntary. So
are we responsible for anything?
For those we care for: Watching in awe and
surely interested in their welfare; waiting
to see what transpires and take action if
necessary Just because we feel and wish to
be kind does not mean we should always
When we are looking for control we are
manipulating with all the limited thoughts
and data at our disposal to twist life
around our fingers. We create barriers to
hide our insincere attitude.


Tricky life tempts you astray


Dont let life create diversions in your life

by tempting you with minor gifts.
How things will turn out at any given time
is a big question mark and anxiety attacks
are common. When hopes do not go to
fruition as expected, there is depression in
its wake.
Society is not making things easy. The lack
of humane feelings in today's professional
attitudes is so unbelievable. And I am not
talking of any specific people. Take anyone
- a little power over you or your affairs and
they misuse it to the full by leading you
the honey-trap path.
Every error is capitalised upon. A little
error and they take you to the cleaners.
Take bankers, lawyers, policemen, doctors
even the clerks in the municipal offices.

Every fault or small situation is taken with

absolute seriousness and the problem is
magnified to its full potential. You end up
paying to get out of the predicament which
out of sheer kindness and humaneness
could have been overlooked with a
warning. It is demonic when the medical,
military, policing people do it for gain as
they who are Gods to us and we go to them
in trust, yet they play with our health, life
and well-being fully knowing the horror
that they are inflicting on us.
Parents, Teachers of children, Business
bosses, and Successful businesses become
arrogant about the power they wield and
their self-importance goes right through
the roof.
When we are looking for control we are
manipulating with all the limited thoughts
and data at our disposal to twist life
around our fingers.


We create barriers to hide our insincere

But when we go out and stand in the open
field, exposed and unafraid with innocence
and the desire to learn and know, LIFE
comes to us and envelops us and tempts us
with gifts.


Lets think

Making things bigger and bigger. This is

humanity's idea of doing something great.
While the hearts contracts and love gets
crushed out.
Technically this life itself is involuntary. So
are we responsible for anything?
We humans tend to project our
preferences as nuggets of Absolute truths.
Until we have arrived at a point where we
can discriminate between the two, we may
consider ourselves as novices and better be
It is not important to let others know
anything; live it to your pleasure/leisure
and make the most of it before this
episode comes to an end - But if you wish
to share, why not. Yet do save your time by


trying to also discriminate if others are

interested or not.
Yes. We tend to cling to it. I wonder why
we are so intensely tempted to being
unfortunate as if someone will take pity
and do something about it.
No wonder we are dummying down. Minds
are not needed anymore


Mumble, Fumble, Grumble


This report helps me to understand, why

most Indians never behave civilly when
they feel they can get away with it. In a
way everybody is angry for something or
the other and is trying to balance out. With
disparaging behavior in the air the need to
balance is very real and great. No wonder
co-operation is not a strong point with us.


It is an unfortunate fact that India today

reflects the very opulent style of living of
the kingly community versus the extremely
poor land workers. The business class that
Moliere would call Bourgeois is allowed to
thrive within limits because they serve a
purpose. The new democratic style of
thinking has now opened the possibilities
of other social ranks and they are very
sensitive to it. All the pent-up latent anger
of centuries past is also rising up from the
castes that had been trampled upon. A
state of revenge is in the air.
Our behavior is a strange mixture of
docility with a snarl, our communication is
always ambiguous so that commitments are
never forthcoming, any hint of our
mistakes creeping out makes us avoid the
subject and fumble with words, we are so
afraid of being seen in a bad light that we
speak only those words that the others
would like to listen by our reckoning; there
is therefore even more anger from the

false words, promises and all that words

that were never meant and were used as a
ploy of the moment. Dishonesty then
becomes a lifestyle.

And I suppose it is happening everywhere.

Babies of the Universe



Why is the LURE of food and the effect of

food on our psychological responses so
pervasive, deep and over-reaching? And it
is not the Foods but the taste that is
longed for. Then why do we not take on
the practice of wine tasters who do not
drink the wine they are tasting.
They say we should plan to put forth our
proposal after a good meal to put the
other person in a mellow friendly mood. So
is that all it takes to win over a business
contract and the love of a woman?

It seems people who take to "Physics"

spontaneously are elementally sorcerers.
They have it in them and therefore grasp
the nucleus concept of the "Particle" in its
myriad and transformable identities.
Conversely then we may deduce that


people strong in the understanding of laws

and relations of Matter and its way of
working on Earth, are apprentice
sorcerers. This may also be the explanation
of the Church in the Middle Ages as to why
it was afraid of science. And to some
extent I can understand the wise minds of
the Jesuits and all not wanting to give too
much knowledge in the hands of children
that the humanity really is with minds
totally undeveloped. See anyway what is
happening with all this science now in our
lives; want it or not. IT has been a classic
case of putting a burning stick in the hands
of a bushman: he would only end up
burning the whole forest. My love for
Applied physics along with Applied
psychology is now understood.

The human race is a reactive bunch with

memories going back only for a few days
and operating on autopilot through


impressions stored in their DNA. Let us

hope they mature enough eventually to
think, do and behave as matured people
though I dont see this happening in the
near future couple of centuries.

When the Gods Laugh



I was living in rapture. Then life came

Love in your heart makes you ardently
observant. You start to see the world with
wonder and "behind the scene" scenes
become visible too. Unfortunately humans
miss most of it because they have tons of
Desires but very little Love.

Malachy Matthews Therapy without drugs is

the worst part; one has to actually listen
to bullshit.
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
hahaha yes I realised that when I was
asked by my elderly friends (who were
more like foster parents to me) give
company to a disturbed psychiatrist, a
young lady, from Canada. One look at her


and I did not want to have anything to do

with her (this story goes back 38 years or
But they insisted as it was obvious they
were at wit's end to know what to do with
her twisted unhappy persona. She was
related to them in some way and had come
to them for help and staying with them.
I spent 3 months with her and learnt much
how psychiatry is practiced in the west and
found out that the lady was disturbed by
the inhuman devil-like insensitive methods
being used. She wanted to really help the
patients but the system was only
interested in "managing" them with set
rules and drugs etc. The psychological
dominance of the doctors was inhuman and
unkind. Keeping the institution running was
the more important part.
This lady was of Indian origin parents and
so the basic Indian spirit was still alive in
her and the western robotic methods had


disturbed her core. This we see in people

from the west that come to live in India
and get totally overwhelmed by the
inconsistent style of living and behaving
here and then the philosophy and all our
gods just shake their prejudices.
Something of the same had happened to
her in reverse. 3 months with me saw
enough stabilising that she could then go
on with her life, get married eventually
The movie - One flew over the cuckoo's
nest comes to mind.

Save the Humans



I like direct ways. I was called a Dude some

20 years back and it annoyed me then. But
I now realise that this is the language of
this new generation and internationally
there is a change in the vocabulary. Over
the past 3 generations, things have been
going soft. The hard-line attitude of the
19th century with its clear thinking that
Enslaving and Torture and being unkind to
non-European Christians was acceptable
and conquering other less militarily strong
countries was justified changed to being
tolerant at least politically. Gradually
permissiveness and accepting other races
and skin color became the thing of the
more emancipated class and there was
generally a change in atmosphere. But
then this was not the thinking of all.
Most people all over the world were still
narrow-minded iconoclasts and not very

open to the idea of live and let live.

Universal love is still more of a concept
than reality. Clean, straight speaking with
a directness gradually slipped out of
fashion giving rise to elements who were
taking advantage of the kindness and
politeness of our societal norms and
policing and spoiling the smell of the pond
as rotten fish can do.
Self-centeredness is now back in focus as
the humans are overfed, secure and their
health well taken care of. Instead of
growing bigger hearts, the opposite is
happening. The mantra seems to be to
grab and have as much as possible with the
least amount of care and effort without
any concern for others or the Mother
Earth. The system and the kindness are
being misused violently. As we become
more and more distanced by being able to
organise a life that is easily lived from a
distance to each other, illegal and
secretive activities have mushroomed in

which the vulnerable are being used,

misused and hurt with impunity.
Thinkers and those nearer to logical and
pragmatic thinking can see that human
nature is what it is and directness and
some amount of hardship and effort is
needed to make people want to improve
their situation and selves. Ready-made
comfortable lives only make humans slip
into indolence which then shows itself as
extreme selfishness, abusive behavior and
lack of fear from consequences. One walk
or drive out in the world today and I come
back feeling like breaking the nose of all
those bums who pushed me around on the
road with total disregard to me.
We really need to change and if we dont
do it on our own, then The Universe will do
it in ways we cannot even imagine but it
will definitely be forced upon us. Back to
the basics. Knowledge, education, the
written word is freely available now and


given to us: let us make the most of it and

if not, then Doom!

The rigidity of our concepts, the

inflexibility about our perception of our
superior status as a being compared to all
around us. the fixated beliefs.... all box us
and lock us in. The distance grows bigger
as the days advance and we try "buffalo
style" to prove our point and live by it even
when life is clearly indicating that there is
an error in the stance. Rules are best
practiced by going beyond them. Love is
best when spread unconditionally but
pragmatically. Treat every man as a
gentleman until he proves himself
otherwise. Take care of your younger ones;
they are your future.


People don't want to know. They go into

life like battering rams that goes on and on
for 3 score and 10 years. Never wondering
to stop, think, contemplate, observe and
change stance and direction. The people
holding the ram control their lives. The
battering ram really has no idea where it is
going but certainly feels all powerful. With
this kind of influences voting, the
expectation that magnanimous and, kind
and intelligent and perceptive people will
get the reins of power is illogical.


The seed of dishonesty.


In this highly competitive and shrinking

world the need to come out and be noticed
as a better alternative has sent the media
campaigns of advertisers into a superlative
spin. Gradually from using Good and better
in our language, the word BEST became
the norm. The words became meaningless.
We sowed the seed of dishonesty.
How to attract attention was the only
game left to play. The drummers started to
go faster and a frenzy for superlatives
began. Titillation as a method to grasp
attention started from showing of more
and more of the female legs and soon
there no more clothes to take off. Adverts
were exhorting rush and buy now. And
this rush began showing in everything.


Big buildings, big ships, big homes, big

cars, big pizzas, big burgers, big tits, big
bottom-lines became signs of being
somebody grand. Big wastage of everything
that we would acquire and dump away
became our way of showing off. The Media
was running out of adjectives. It was also
being helped by digital innovation to reach
bigger audiences and learning new
intrusive ways to come and stand in front
of you. You dont matter anymore. Privacy?
What is that?
So the volumes were raised. Lighting
became glaring, everything was designed
to shock and be intrusively noticed. And
there were just so many that they were
not being noticed any more. Too much of a
good thing. Speakers were making faces,
dresses and hair styles are proof enough of
this trend. The more shocking, the better.
Music today is high volume with
spectacular light effects and a lot of


gymnastics and yet not always appealing as

the goal is to sell as many CDs as one can.
Thousands of dollars worth of equipment is
needed to create such a great deal of
excitement. While in in another corner, a
lone musician with a 1 dollar flute captures
an audience. Notice the flamboyance of
the Wrestling and Basket Ball series. It is
plain and simple designed to overwhelm
where you r psyche is stunned into gaping
and getting lost in all that shouting,
dancing and frenzy of the last game of the
Our personas are numbed now. Nothing
moves. What shall we do now to attract
more attention? We are so numbed that we
are becoming silly and un-co-operative.
Rather the world is moving towards the
roguish side of our nature. We are pushing
ourselves into enclosed spaces to maintain
our individualism and becoming even more
self-centered than we ever were. Our
entire lives are becoming dishonest dramas

with words uttered between us having very

little reality behind them and relationships
not mattering anymore. Gentleness and
kindness are going out of style. So much so
that healing arts have also gone the profit
way. You dont matter anymore. Subdued
Elegance as a word is rarely heard
In today's "Selfi" world we are not helping
even those we need in our lives - leave
alone helping those that are of no use to
us. We need to get out quickly from this
self-engrossed style of attention to self
and its needs alone that has superimposed
itself on our spirits and perverted our
kindly, godly psyche. How did come about?
It started somewhere around the end of
the 2nd world war. The USA was the only
economy left standing. And it took over the
mantle to reconstruct the world. And it did
a very great job too. The American dream
was flourishing. There was growth and


competition. Now the world is so

influenced that it is going berserk.
A little lifting of the eyes, away from our
digital screens will show the mess that is
slowly moulding around us.


The Ship We Are On


You are reacting quite rightly. The more

perceptive and intelligent see a clean
corrective path that should be taken but
then the general mass of humanity does
not and in a democracy the masses rule.
The entire intelligentsia at this moment is
trying hard to conserve the status quo
achieved over the last 5 decades but they
should be looking even further. Too many
cracks have developed. A revamp has
become necessary. And this is what I feel is
happening. Old establishments, ways of
doing and thinking etc will all be shattered
allowing a new establishment to emerge.
Finally it may be a good thing or may even
get worse requiring even more shattering.
But humans don't learn easily, wisdom is
really not the present humanity's strong

When the lower consciousness (Muldhara

chakra) comes to power, the first thing
they do is to curb the intelligentsia, throw
away books and burn libraries. It is called a
revolution and beheading is common-
place. Borders are sealed.

Joe O'connell i personally feel the media T

V, the movies , etc dish out violence and
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari ...and those who
cannot travel see the world through it and
ape it and subconsciously adopt the
mannerism and activism.

"There's only one thing more boring than

listening to other people's dreams, and
that's listening to their problems. Sue
Townsend, The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole,
Aged 13 3/4

PK: This shatters my entire parapet of self

esteem. These are the two subjects we
normally talk of. We all want to tell but
none wants to listen. Where does that
leave us?


What you rightly deserve


Yes. That is what you always get anyway -

what you rightly deserve. Then why so
much grumbling?

Everything and I mean everything without

exception, said or uttered on this earth, is
either appreciated or objected to by
someone for some reason of
perception/value or other. Only the wise
see everything as a related piece of a
puzzle and are silently amused. Women as
warriors have always been and they are
better soldiers than men are. Their
dedication and focus is murderous. There
are records of women leading armies since
Vedic times. If they so wish why not? India
has on record several women queens who
went into battle for their kingdom. There


is a story of 18 century lady ruler who was

threatened by a related neighboring ruler
and she was intelligent enough to win the
war by her pen. She wrote back: I will put
a fully womanned army to fight you. If you
win you will be known in history as a sissy
who could win only over women. If you
lose you will be shamed and never be able
to show your face again anywhere.

Please do not be offended but is it not

wise to let go when the time comes? What
is the point of trying to survive in this vile
world on crutches when the body's time
has come? The time has also come to ask
the question what is so appealing to keep
on breathing even when wholly
incapacitated ( like keeping people on
mechanised ventilators, as I saw in a case
in my family) for a month when technically
the woman at the age of 90 was dead?


I would say choose food to keep yourself

alive, amuse yourself, live happily and be
happy to leave when the time comes. This
will perhaps keep you healthier compared
to expensive medicaments and take the
wind out of the sails of profiteers. They
are getting what they deserve the sick
and....I mean the profiteers and you are
making it possible for them

What have you heard lately? What has

influenced your thinking? Are you even

Too much exposure is being given to

certain things and this then goes on to
warp the thinking in very subconscious
ways. Weaknesses and weaklings are being
protected under the concept of RIGHTS
which is a disaster as far as the progress
and evolution of humanity is
concerned.Although the backlash in the

future will show us the error of our ways

surely. Finally the truth is that men at the
most primeval do see the female form only
from the sexual context. We need to help
people think of other things and not play
this up. This is the difference between
couth and uncouth.

Everything is overdone. You must have

noticed I am not a great thinker but
definitely I observe and wonder. Anyway I
see sensationalism everywhere. Every
idiotic behavior is sensationalised because
it helps to increase the sales of journals or
increases viewership counts. The activities
and developments that help uplift
humanity are played down. The last 50
years will be seen as such once the reign of
good sense comes back.
Our expertise now seems to be in colossal
waste of energy to create a disruption as if
we can shape life this way.


Let people say what they would. The

question is what prompted them to say so.
It only shows their depth or the lack

History never taught anything to humans.

When we die our learning either goes with
us or all of it goes into the coffin or as in
India, it all goes up in smoke.


Taking Children for Granted


I have been observing this happening since

I came out of the Ashram to try my hand at
living in this world. How parents suck their
children into themselves it is a clearly
observable phenomenon. The parents start
by cooing over their child, knowing that
they are in full control. Then the child
grows up. Even among parents of one year
old some jealous signs of who is getting the
most attentionbetween father/mother
starts showing. Later, the parents cant
believe the child doesnt always need
them. This is a growth period of the
parents too. This is when the sucking in
The next stage is pride in their children
mainly in the form of what a good job they
have done. But the children keep on
growing and start behaving independent.

You can notice this when parents start

telling their children things like.. it is
for your own good. They frighten them
with good advice and information about
the bad big world, often criticize and
correct them so much that their thinking
gets warped in indecision. Every word of
support and decisions taken is discouraging
because the parents control the purse
strings and their influence is insidious with
a subconscious pattern clearly showing
that the parents do not want the kids to
stray too far away and leave the parents in
the lurch to fend for themselves it may
also be a very conscious pattern with
intelligent and manipulative people.
Eventually the brilliant lovely spirited
children are brow beaten to become
shadows of their parents following in their
footsteps mentally or/and business and
totally encased in the same thought
patterns; perpetuating the theme.


I was educated in the Ashram where there

was only one vibe in force - to let others
grow, help them grow and cooperate in
their growth. The entire set of Ashram
teachers and members were a huge
devoted family helping us grow.
All we need to learn is to start becoming
our children rather than the opposite
action which is the norm. I have learnt so
much from my child and wife. The wife
taught me self-control; the child taught me
and is teaching me to become LOVE, no
selfishness, no wishes and being motivated
solely for the child even when my back is
breaking with pain. And the result I have
crossed into a different kindly world and
feel so young that everyone around me
seems so oldish!


Are we property?

In a world where parents are allowed to

inflict on their children do you really feel
much good can happen? How are the
children the property of parents? I don't
think this world will improve in any way
until we have learnt to treat children as
what they are - pieces of our heart.

We have a saying: A lot of people can miss

noticing an elephant passing by. (yet their
self-centered pride in their selves remains

The trick of life is that you impress others

so much that somebody else will do the
laundry and the dirty work.


Everywhere, the people who were

delegated by fate/birth/ to the lower rung
of societies have found a voice and lately
they are showing their colors. The only
problem is that they are doing it in the
fashion they know how by making a
nuisance of themselves or being shockingly
violent etc. It is racism to club them by
color as this is not so but a very universal
phenomenon. I presume from it all that we
are now in throes of a change in
consciousness level of the earth and some
airing is required.

Not of great importance one way or other.

Neither the riot as the people who got
rioted against invited it in a fashion, nor
the ones who rioted; they were doing what
nature and society's conditioning designed
them for; and you and me talking about it
as if we were affected. I often wondered
why it is considered news and nothing is


really done to better the underlying

causes, to improve the insensitive
administration and help a general rise in
consciousness. This is the point we should
be focusing on.

How petty pleasures are becoming so

important that we are losing the sense of
relative importance to the world around
us. Everything is now so organised around
us that we have lost all fear of
consequences and "Being Silly" is no more a
relevant thought in our analytical process.
What we want we must have and we shall
do whatever it takes to have it - even our
own life......after all we are not "DIE-
programmed" like others!

Life is a lonely trail. You may be

surrounded; even then.


I Could Be Me

To go back to the original expression. The

dance of Shiva. This would be Yoga. To get
out of the conditioning and samaras
(genetic memory). The hold of the
subconscious patterns is very gooey and
gluey - like the salmon going back to its
original spot very near nigh impossible to
change his route. Rather tiring but doable.

It is interesting to note that besides all the

history in our DNA from past few centuries
we now have a few pet peeves from the
recent past too such as the liberated
woman. The woman wants to live as an
equal, with all the same considerations
MEN have accorded themselves as
rulers/hunters/conquerors while the
women were kept home under the burden


of child bearing. I think this was actually a

good thing. Men would have made a mess
of it.
This now shows in a funny way in India. It
is in the general air as a whole that women
need to live as home makers submissively.
The man will be the one going out hunting
for a living. So today we have women who
wear pants and go out to earn but also
want that the men take care of them and
bear the expenses of running the home.
Additionally, they want to take the
decisions but leave the actual doing to the
men so there is a lot of confusion and
resentment for things not being done
So now we have people with a lot of status
in society and wonderful homes with great
grand status symbols but no intimate
personalised life and no home in truth.
And the children in all this?


- Dont ask me they are the great losers

and when all this hullaballoo of equality
has settled down and living for a status
understood to be what it is really, I hope
things will find their balance again in the
next few generations if anything of this
Mother Earth is still left to survive on..

When I look back, my hardest times started

when I decided that I will not permit
ugliness in my life - translated in terms as:
I will not hurt back, I will keep my word
and not say things that I do not mean, will
do business by sincere ethics with honest
intent totally and keep my things and
environment as up-to-date, clean, fresh
and pretty as I can. And adopt the creed of
It has been OK for me, greatly stressful but
I can see that the world is not ready for
this yet.

The Ladder Upwards


Dont use the word "Difficult/Difficulties"

Think of life's difficulties as situations. We
are confronted with unpleasant challenges.
It is something we need to learn to handle
by drawing on our resources and often this
will also show our weaknesses. What we
call difficulties are really opportunities to
grow. At least you will change the words
you use and your thinking pattern. Instead
of difficulties you will start thinking in
terms of learning, self-disciplining and
conscious effort. This is what it is all about
at the core.

The sign of the wise and enlightened

......ability to relax and sleep.


Humans want to translate and understand

everything purely from the physical
aspects. It makes for good talk but really is
a waste of time.
We need to put all our understanding, all
that we already have, in "becoming"...yes,
the question does come up: Becoming
Ans: Becoming true to your instinctive
nature, understanding how your own bents
control you and then follow only those that
you consider proper which result in
experiments with yourself and learning as
a result... the rest will become clear when
you have entered the Intuitive mode.

Just spread your fragrance. You'll also have

to learn to subdue your fearful thoughts
and critical words.


Keeping a level head. I have noticed that

when I believe astrology and put too much
confidence in Hope......I end up losing
some. So let us just keep our eyes open for
the right afternoons to help us along

My own point of view has been: no point in

giving answers to those who do not have


The Interiorising

In human affairs there is always a morbid

side. We are made that way. The deeps
and the heights are all in one place like a
sandwich. This need for taking selfies
every 5 minutes is one of the symptoms
of our interiorizing yet superficial in
the extreme.
From the strict yogic point of view, the
Smartphone has done more to "interiorise"
an individual than all the exhortations of
saints over the past 15000 years. We have
to now accept that relationships are
maintained via gadgetry. Let us teach
ourselves to be thankful for a wish by
phone or a card by by email. That
somebody bothered enough to wish you on
your Birthday on Facebook is event
enough. I think it is a good thing. You are
now forced to look for self-sustaining

interests and hobbies. AND be happy with

less. This is a good formula as it promises
eternal gladness without the need for
support from others and validation based
on some insincere & impressive words.
Finally we shall be compulsorily made to
grow up.

I prefer sharing by bringing out the lesson I

learnt and making only those details that
could be of any earthly use to others in
their lives. If people can use the
information, so much the better, if they
only use to gossip about me they are
welcome too. But we have a very strong
core of passing judgments. Very many will
do that. How does it matter? Perhaps they
will decide that the best thing to do is to
keep a distance!
All this privacy, hiding, and yet wanting to
be noticed is so unnecessary. I find it very
so narrow in spirit when people come out
to show themselves but then cover

themselves up in layers of curtains. It is a

curious thing. Sharing begets sharing and
support. If one looked deeply into life,
does it really matter - all this privacy.
What is really there to hide, except the
fear that we may not be liked? But then, if
we do not show ourselves .... we wont give
the others the chance to know us one way
or another how would it matter
anyway? And let us say, by quirk of fate,
the real picture does get leaked
On the question of "sharing" lives, a big
mistake is being made by most of us.
Sharing to most is that while we continue
to remain in our well, the others are
expected to open their lives to us and
share ours, on our porch - most often on
the basis of what we consider as "life". And
then imagine everyone separately thinking
on the same lines. Is it a possibility? Like to
two parallel lines where would be the
meeting point?


Method and Madness


There is no method in human relationships.

You say whatever you feel like and feel like
to have to. After all everyone behaves
differently, feels differently and relates
differently. There is a lot of madness
The Merry-Go-Round of life that never
stops: color, whistles and music and all,
will never stop, that we should not even
want to stop in others. Just keep your own
ride and your own Merry-Go-round in good
order and welcome others to share it.
The more superficial is our make-up, the
less we feel or give credence to "feelings".
The word in English used for such people I
think is "Shallow"... who live more in the
physical and see everything from the point


of view of the physical, touchable and the

see-able obvious.
We prepare our children to be independent
and leave home as early as they can to
stand on their feet. That is good in a way
to make them self-reliant. So much so that
continuing living with parents is seen as a
lowly point in social status. Why? But I
have seen that parents also make the
children feel a) they are doing them a
favor by raising them b) finally all said and
done the home belongs to the parents.
Parents never create the chain of fondness
that would keep the children coming back.
Of course there are many exceptions in
places where romanticism is highly
prevalent; this art of fondness is the
general rule.

Larry Mallet My Taiwanese wife of many

years doesn't particularly appreciate my
sense of humor, at least for the most part.


She may laugh with me, or at me, but

almost never at something funny I say.
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari: It is the same with
women in India as far as I know and in
most places too. Women normally not
exposed to the wide world of travel and
literature confine themselves to their
personas as developed within the first 21
years and do not venture out much after
that and normally resist change. Once they
have their homes, they focus on it and do
their utmost to prove themselves as great
mothers/homemakers. And all this is
serious business. What is there to laugh
Larry Mallet: Oh gosh! So so much! Now
here is how I get in real trouble. If I am
readying or writing something, I am totally
concentrated on what I am doing. If my
wife says something to me, I am so much in
my own world doing what I am doing, that
she concludes I am deliberately tuning her


out. To me, it's just a natural thing about

being focused on what I am doing. Now,
that can really get her launched like a
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari: you telling me!
We are supposed to be exclusively her

A simple reminder that our usual pains and

plaintive songs are part of the world's
general happenings. Everyone goes through
it. So don't make a song and dance of it.
Forbearance would do more to alleviate
the pain; start by reflecting on it, its
causes and work on the causes than expect
the world to do something for
you.........from what I have seen, even
sympathy is rarely available (I do see a lot
of gloating).


Luckily all the swords hanging over our

heads finally eventually end up getting
blunted one way or another.

This world finally proves itself a sad place.


Appreciate me please!
In Pursuit of Appreciation.
The silent words that no one utters but one
can see in the eyes.. We appreciate being
appreciated. It is food for our souls. Half of
our lives go in activity to attract
appreciation and all our actions have
finally this element as a core ingredient in
the soups we make. We often land-up in
the soup is another matter. Our judgments
on each other are part of our need to be
appreciated. It is not so much that the
other is our focus; what we are looking for
is where we stand vis--vis others and our
logician mind simply keeps on going in
circles to relate. And in the pursuit of
appreciation we color our world by
following these steps: ..Learn what is the
product and activity in fashion nowadays.


..Follow the trend as best as our means

Show off whatever we can that we
think we are doing better than the
immediate group in which we live.
We show off in a million and one ways but
mainly through what we surround ourselves
that can be or would be seen by others.
Very few do it as a natural consequence of
our tastes and what we need. It is always a
considered decisionour clothes, our
choices of household items, our cars, our
spouses, our friends, the locales we visit,
the drinks, the objects we carry, the dcor
of the house, the activities we indulge in
and hundreds of other dramatized versions
of what we think makes us be seen in
glowing light.
What exactly are we living for? Wither
goeth this life? Whose appreciation am I
looking for? Finally, these who we try to
emulate, follow and please is what will


eventually shape our life. The bigger

question would be. why do we feel these
are questions that will matter. Looking for
appreciation is ok. But the need for this
appreciation so much? Why the need to be
the centre of attention? Why not try to
satisfy your own Soul first?

I'm just wondering


Pamela Lee Hall

I'm just wondering when the wheel will
come full circle, as karma does, to the
countries that began this exploitation of
other countries, & now they are the ones
working slave labor, again. Why is this
history repeating itself & not evolving.
Were no lessons learned, or were they
We've been here before in this place of
injustice. We are all sentient beings that
are observing the universe in the now, &
are essentially love. What troubles me is
why isn't that being manifested in
leadership? Why is it continuously allowed
to diminish evolution into the darkness
again, rather than bring us into the light,
where no ego forms exist?
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
These are the most beautiful lines I have
read in a long time. Rather you are the

first I have met who has voiced this

concern so succinctly. This is the bare truth
but no one wants to wrestle with it.
Our thinking and in a simpler way it shows
in other occult thinking and even
percolates down in religions - the thinking,
experience of the Universe shows that
there are two kind of energies. One that
literally "sucks" and the other is Divine.
The sucking energy thrives on pain and
gigantic emotional vibes of great intensity
that comes from deep distress/destruction.
These Forces are at present in the Ruling
Seat and they are finally running the world
in every aspect. Even small things like not
finding your specs can be induced by
smaller entities from this group. The Divine
Forces are also there, balancing to
whatever extent it is possible for in the
final analysis they are the Creator of this
world and they manifest as flowers etc and
act mainly through humans who have
managed to come out of this strangle-hold.

It is all about Power and Control. The

control is being played out through the
Energies of Money and Sex which is
absolutely under the control of these
demonic forces. If you look closely,
dispassionately you will observe that
everything the human mind has discovered,
invented, created in the last 200 years, has
finally brought more misery. These
inventions/ideas are gifts to humans from
these "Rajasic" forces that tempt humans
with pleasure, use the in-built
selfish/pride components and then rule
over their beings.
The ones who talk of Light and Kindness
only get pushed around, ignored and suffer
for their efforts. A churning is in process
and will go on till the cream comes to the
top. Lessons are not learnt because Death
wipes all memories away.
The Commitment Factor



First we have to agree amongst ourselves

that the state of affairs is not quite good.
If you think everything is just fine then,
this NOTE is not for you. Realistically
everything is moving to a plan of the
Universe; no arguments here. But we have
now been given intelligence and we need
to use to understand the factors at play. I
see a lot of unhappiness, ill health and
crumbling of friendly vibes. I attribute it
all to the latest fad of humanity to not
bother about commitments. It is simple to
understand without going into gory details.
- Food was food. We ate what we wanted
perfectly certain that it would be
nutritious. The grower grew it with a
commitment to the world and Mother
Earth. The Baker made it with love and
commitment to the village as a member of
the huge family on which he was

interdependent. The restaurant prided on

the wonderful food it could conjure up and
fed the brethren with love and
commitment that he was responsible for
the people he was feeding.
- Medical help meant Help. We could go
to the doctor or call him home. He was
committed to his patients and also
emotionally committed. In all probability
he helped at birthing and would stay up by
the bedside if he felt attention was
needed. The medicine he would give was
to help. Making a fortune was never on his
mind. Today medicine has lost that
personal touch and the commitment to
provide well-being as a personal
responsibility. Most often the doctor has
more on his mind than his patients and the
drugs and cures he goes for are all a
mechanical process commended by and
approved by industry and government
regulations. There is even a fear to commit


too much outside the borders designated

by regulators.
- Even at the personal levels we have
become so self-engrossed that we are not
even committed to our own selves. Our
commitments to our partners and children
we give birth to are not total. Separation is
always on our minds. Discord is equated
with unhappiness and so-called advisers
immediately counsel separation. Look at
how people go about lost in their smart-
phones; they walk in front of cars and
trains, even walk into pillars. They drive
with the pompous arrogance that they can
certainly manage two activities at the
same time even when we know by
experience that we slip into errors.
- Friends were made for life. There was
sharing and give and take. Commitment to
each was other was unquestioned and the
life of each other came first even when
moods were under a cloud. Once hands


were clasped in friendship, it could not be

undone. Today, one short disagreement and
the ties end; distances come in the way as
we are travelling more, meeting more
people and doing less together. Things
easily slip to the back-burner. Our
arrogance that we can manage is at the
highest it has ever been in human social
societies. There is security and laws
protecting us. We are not bothered
- Industry is thinking of profits alone.
Poisons are being spewed all around. There
is a total lack of sense of commitment and
responsibility and we the people are not
protesting too much by direct action which
would be the only language they would
understand. We may condemn them but
continue to patronize them. Who are we
committed to?
- The list of examples to show how low we
are on commitment is huge. No point


enumerating here as the ones above would

have given a good idea what I am referring
So if we are looking for change let us bring
Commitment back into our way of living.


Who you calling stupid?


The stupid is one who does not learn from

experience and will not venture out to
experience anything anyway.
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
People talk of change but they are not
looking for is a stratagem to focus
on their selves and their sense of
exclusivity by using it as a starting point of
a conversation.
Melissa Joy Jonsson
Many people talk of change and do want
change, but fear paralyzes.
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari


Yes. There may be genuine reasons for the

fear. But often it becomes a good excuse to
for the inertia in us to build-up on it and
then let the moment slip with a heavy dose
of procrastination.
Ben Freeman ...
....fear is what is causing a lot of our
problems these days....too many people
fear change as the changes in the world
around us are happening at increasing
speed as we progress......we will be forced
to either make the changes needed as a
race of humans, or try to resist those
changes and take grave chances that might
result in increasing problems for our
general survival......if we could only come
together and work on these issues we could
undoubtedly fix a lot more problems in the
world for everybody, and thereby help
everybody well as the planet


Essentially what people need is a bodily

contact or nearness of somebody with
whom they are in a deep emotional bond.
But this germ theory of medicine comes in
the way. The answer to the above
question: I dont know but I think yes.

Then there is the next stage. Do you feel

you have arrived? You will be sorely tested
and trapped by the Universe in a situation
where you will have to maintain your
highest self in spite of being made to live
and be with the lowest. No escape.

Other people's views and troubles can be

contagious. Don't sabotage yourself by
unwittingly adopting negative,


unproductive attitudes through your

associations with others.
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
We do it willy nilly;
These people are poison:..... those who
are constantly criticising and uncovering
truths which is none of their business and
embarrassing others. They regale in the
discomfiture they cause under the banner
of "helping" others realise the errors
around them so that they can do something
about it. The rationale is: ....but I am
speaking the truth...only trying to help....
though I may say that it is mostly not so
and they are not fully informed nor
understand the personal reasons of others
and totally unaware. The only truth is that
these people simply love their act.
Arrogant busy-bodies!


I have seen polished people do the same

thing so kindly by making sure that no one
else is witness or party to the expose. For
example if there is a piece of dress out of
place, torn or something....they take you
aside and very quietly whisper in your ear
that there is something wrong....nobody
the wiser. You actually feel grateful.

Unfortunately philosophy and good

intentions are not always in sync with
There is a deep secret behind being
"intentionally" kind: The "need" to be seen
as kind and even virtuous -...........
extended view: kind, wonderful, wise,
virtuous etc etc.

This is life, we get criticised and

demeaned for taking responsibility and

initiative......... on that basis they make

life hell for good people.


Who is speaking into your ear?

DECEMBER 2016 10 reads
Who is speaking into your ear? Are you
even aware of how the world ends up
manipulating you?

Had a vivid dream of being in my childhood

school group in which I was regarded as a
bit of a degenerate with my outlandish
ideas. I woke up feeling funny. In the last
few days there has been a lot of
polarisation in relationships. The truth of
where I stand is being made greatly clear
to me. So be it. And from the dream I
realise how the sense of good and bad
shapes everything. From this mental
makeup, shifting into Virtuous and
Degenerate is so simple and effortless. The
slipping of one's own persona into the
"Virtuous" bracket is automatic. The other
person in comparison can only be


"Degenerate" in comparison.....therefore
meriting only our derision and even
punishment. How is growth on this earth
possible in this condition?

...but philosophy and good intentions are

not always in sync with reality. There is a
deep secret behind being "intentionally"
kind: The "need" to be seen as kind and
even virtuous -........... Extended view:
kind, wonderful, wise, virtuous etc etc ,
Why often our happy comments fall flat:
Because the reaction from somebody who
takes his self-importance very seriously
would be. Are you making fun of me?
Extend this further: You are constantly
insulting me. Extended this a little more:
You are obnoxious and I don't want you
around me for sure. Supercilious egos
looking for validation. Wanting to be seen
as something great/refined/divinely
endowed..... without working for it. Using


emotional blackmail to keep people around

them in line; often they have other good
reasons why others humour them
....example they are rich and we cannot
afford to anger them for if spite bubbles
up in them, and it will, they can hurt us.
Let us talk of something else shall we?

When we have decided to criticise and

dislike, any excuse will do and faults will
be found in plenty.

Now I understand why the friends who

have stuck to me have remained so
close.... we none of us suffer from this comparison the world is
definitely suffering from it in toto. The
sickness: Routinitis.

Being kind and merciful does not fit in the

tyrant's understanding of things and as it is

he needs reasons to be cruel.... it is like

hunting for the fun of it.

The flowers gave me this prayer....

I say you change the things. You say I must
change. Let us compromise. You change me
and everything besides. Will it be painful?.

I ask the Lord what is the point of jamming

my feet in concrete and keeping me alive
and then asking me why I am not moving.

Conversing with Cain



Conrad Cain
Tell me' Pk. Do you believe that one can
'willfully' change their thinking?
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
Conrad Cain
Why do you believe so?
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
Serious talk only when the recipient is
serious - seriously
Conrad Cain
I'm very serious about that, Pk.
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
Experience, reflect, decide....stick to your
decision.....if forgetting, write notes all
around and sit and remind yourself of the

entire experience by reliving it till it

registers. Incorporate the new decision in
every / all acts of life
Conrad Cain
Yes that is what I understand to be
'mindfulness'. These things are based fully
upon past and present experiences. The
very building blocks that create our
present realities. Is that not so?
Pradeep Pk Maheshwari
Maybe. A lot of people are mindful without
changing their minds even a wee bit.
Conrad Cain
True and that is why I believe that there
are many levels of 'Enlightenment'. Most, if
not all of them, are simply an epiphany of
awareness within a present paradigm
afforded to those whom are being mindful
of their past and present circumstances.
Breaking fully free of past programming
would necessitate a full break from all of

it. If you have indeed succeeded in doing

that please tell me how you did so.
Pradeep Maheshwari
After considering your comment I was
pondering it and researching in my memory
for all the things that agree with it and
dont. So finally I come to the point where
I am ready to reply. I notice that people
add "words and terms" into a conversation
and there by create an entry for the
subject and topic of their choice and divert
the conversation. You did this first by
bringing in "mindfulness" and now you are
doing it with "enlightenment". This is a
technique that intelligent people use to
bring attention to themselves. They are
looking for openings to say something
about themselves by association to related
words. (example: I am talking of woman as
"wife" but the listener want to talk of
marriage and himself because he has a
wife) At this rate we shall be talking for a


thousand years and there will still be

something left to say. As for my reply to
your comment: The word enlightenment is
out of place. Either you are enlightened or
you are not. But yes there are many levels
of awareness.
But let me digress a bit. Yesterday I was in
the market, a very special market where
we go for bargains from the export surplus
clothing that are available as remnants
from manufacturing for exports only.
Quality of products is high and the designs
not suitable for the Indian regular market
and dirt cheap. So this place is crowded
elbow to elbow. If you like being squeezed
a bit this is the place to go. My wife has
great gumption to go active in the crowd
while I stand in a little open place and
observe the people. Your comment was on
my mind and this is the thought that came
to mind: "... but these people are really
very basic models of the human sapiens
race. Like trilobites when life first came on

earth. They are having enough on their

plate and somehow keeping themselves
alive existing is already weighing heavily
on them and they are at the extreme bit
already of doing their best. Not a single
one would match the intelligence and
gracefulness of some dogs and cats I know.
The best thing to do when amidst these
people is to lock our minds like we lock our
homes when we go out. Don't judge or try
to improve them or teach them anything.
They are complete and that is how they
will be another 40 years hence. So let us
talk about you and me, without digressing
or changing topic and we may yet learn
something from each other.

Rebel, Fight, Be Damned & Die



All kids rebel when their souls are forced

to take on a character and destiny that is
way off their own. It is part of the game.
First they have to deal with the adult
world, then the discordant notes of the
parents and then even deeper, their own
souls. Bringing up children is like teaching
them to swim.......... First make sure the
temp is right. (Make sure they are with the
right kind of people) Then let them enter
with floats. (Let them do things with
utmost supervision) Once they are
comfortable with the feel of the water, let
them be in the shallows. (Let them be and
be there in the distance) Then teach them
to swim in the shallows. (Let them venture
out with rules and directions) Then swim
along with them in deeps. (Join them in
their games) When certain they are good,
sit back and have some coffee (just be


there for them without directing the flow

of life).

Coward? I know I am one. This fight to

maintain my ME has been exhausting. I am
afraid of life and the next bit of trouble it
may bring because of the people I have
allowed to surround me. I don't have the
courage to run away. All my prayers are
that my creature comforts (read: my
selfish needs) may not be shaken and that
some would take me in her arms and tell
me how wonderful I am. The Ego is Energy
with a funny "What's in it for me"
character. It had to be put in into humans
so that they would move, act... do
something to fight the basic inertia of
Mother Nature's human Body.
Everybody talks of The EGO as an Item that
has to go. But also pay attention to the
sage who said that the ego may be the

problem but it is useful otherwise we

would merge back into Nature and would
never know when to move to avoid coming
under the bus. It is the instigator to action.
The actions bring experiences and acts as
mirror to show us what idiots, puny
weaklings we are. Distasteful episodes
open windows to glimpses of humility.
Eventually it wakes up the Intelligence
when life becomes intolerably sad which
then makes us ponder. Hopefully then
opening a door for wisdom to step in.

Humans. Humanity & Humaness.


I have yet to meet a woman who was
happy of the choice of her man. It is part
of her make up as instituted by Mother
Nature. Along with her also god-granted
attributes of Love, Mothering she is also
full of wanting things to be better. They
want to improve and better things.
Unfortunately we are all designed to live
within the confinements of our
conditioning and spiritual evolution and
where we stand on the evolutionary ladder
spiritually and this translates in the masses
as expecting too much, see too many faults
and focus on the things not happening
according to their wishes mainly due to the
man in their lives with whom they feel
they have sacrificed their all and got
nothing in return. Their all being that
they should have been pampered, every
wish fulfilled - practical or not.


Where there is appreciation and

gratefulness the relationship is always
beautiful. Where there is self-love first
everything gets colored by the shadow of
our wants and nothing and nobody is then
good enough - we attempt to show off our
greatness and uniqueness by becoming
difficult to please and pouting all the time.
It becomes real bad when we add to our
negativity by bad-mouthing.

Most of us have to admit we are the lucky

ones; we live comparatively exalted lives.
We have been very fortunate in our god
given attributes, our education, social
circle and wealth status in our societies.
The wide world lives at a very unconscious
level. Most civilised, so called refined
people, live double lives. Within the
confinement of their walls they are mini
monsters and impose themselves totally on
their children/families. They dont teach


their children, they just order them about.

Later they are the ones that complain
about how wretched and ungrateful the
children are.....etc etc. There is more self-
love in evidence than real deep love for
children. Only the kicks from life seem to
have any effect on people's thinking. When
I bring up a subject, I try to make people
look within even for a moment to consider
or deny - mostly deny and rationalise and
come to the conclusion that everything is
perfectly fine.

Deep in my heart I know that minds are all

made up and I am not doing anything great
by bringing up the subject as more often
than not people personalise my sayings as
part of my personal problems. But there
are a lot of young people who are asking
deep questions around us and it is for them
that I write so that before they start
fossilising, they can incorporate in their


mental makeup some new progressive

ideas. Of course to everything I say, here
are a lot of exceptions and people like to
focus on them whereas I would like to
broaden the search and look at the general
subconscient patterns at work in the world
which are very common to all of us.
Differences if any are in degrees only.

People do not realise that nothing is

predetermined but yes the consequences
of our decisions are obligated to happen.
We can certainly impose more intelligence
and control on our decisions and change
the flow of the stream of our lives. And for
this a great strong WILL is required. So
First let us pay attention to the values we
are living for and with and then insist to
live at the highest level of consciousness
we can, The consequences, future, destiny
and fate will align of themselves in the


best possible direction. This is a continuous


Adults need to learn to use self-mastery

and it should show in their language, logic,
delivery, voice control, posture and such to
convey messages of love or anger or
whatever. They learn nothing but yes they
are good at having children and then pour
their ire over children who are still too tiny
to fight back.
I have spoken against this "rights" thing
earlier too. Parents think too much of
children as possessions and the rights they
have over them. Too much importance is
being in every sphere of life on the Rights
of people. If the children are picking up
these thoughts, the fault is in the adults.
Over the years you must have certainly
noticed how I blame the parents always for
being irresponsible by first having children
and then not raising them with care and


understanding. Last week my maid missed

two days of work. When she came she said
she had gotten angry on her daughter and
belted her. I was livid. Made her promise
never to do again, say sorry to the child
and make it up by ensuring that this sad
memory is erased under the weight of
affectionate caresses. AND if she could not
take care of the child, to leave her with


Relationship Breakdowns

Let us focus on the Universal level, on the

basis of the patterns running through the
mass of humanity which is more the
general rule. The general wave of
indifference in humans with its self-
indulgence ways. Of course there are
countless millions of exceptions too, and
saintly beings and aware people too on this
earth and when we associate with them it
is always a joy (Just because there is a
Dalai Lama does not mean that we are all
Dalai lamas and being the Dalai Lama is the
general rule). And if by great Grace we get
married to such a person then we live
exalted lives.
Talking of man woman relationships
mainly marriages: Where there is
appreciation and gratefulness the
relationship is always beautiful. Where

there is self-love first (selfishness really),

everything gets colored by the shadow of
our wants and nothing and nobody is then
good enough - we attempt to show off our
greatness and uniqueness by becoming
difficult to please and pouting all the time
- often we add to our negativity by bad-
Two selfish lives trying to isolate their lives
from the world and living together as a
team is fret with a lot of discordant notes.
It is a spiritual path of self-improvement
but normally how many see it this way? For
the masses, marriage is a means to selfish
ends. With this attitude it always is a
painful but real learning experience. The
number of feelings and thoughts that are
hidden in relationships is greatly more in
number than the ones shown or spoken of.
Today we see relationship breakdowns
happening easily. This is because we are
not prepared to tolerate differences and


and adjust to each other. It is I, ME and

MINE all the way.
The subconscious is very threateningly in
control of our lives. People dont give it
credence because they dont see. But it is
there and we live our lives under its
shadow almost completely. Have you any
idea how much?
We may pride ourselves of our
exclusiveness but are we really so? The
universal patterns are the same. The same
energy is flowing. The same nectars,
poisons are for everybody. It is our
conditioning and prejudices that gives it
At the subconscious level there is a great
amount of resentment flowing under the
civil appearance of the human race
because the feeling of not getting our due
appreciation is hiding in everyone. It is
mostly well hidden for 1001 reasons. It is
part of the make-up of the Universal


thread. The Ego wants to be appreciated

and pampered even if it is not worth it;
that is where the discordant notes take
birth. It is a sad fact that our ears listen,
our eyes see and our brain manipulates all
data to justify and rationalize to make
ourselves look right, correct and superior.
Being in control and ordering others about
is such a nice feeling. Being revered is such
a balm. And why not?


Begetting Harmony
MARCH 2017
We all have issues that are mostly in our
minds. We live by certain attitudes that we
adopt. That they are mental health issues
may not be evident; but sooner or later
life will show the other side of the coin
and mental health issues along with bodily
health issues will start cropping up.
How many of us are well prepared to
tackle this?
Although I feel, that the very fact this
question is being asked is evidence that
the critical point has been crossed.
Loneliness is real and often self-created
due to our self-centeredness.
Had we been taught to be objective, kind
and generous in our youth, we would have
accepted many factors of life to remain


active and surrounded by a family of

friends and relatives.

I have always wondered, while looking

back, how much violence there is in most
us. With what vehemence and self
importance we deal with every day
irritations. Then I look around more
deeply. There was my senior in boarding
school who never did lose his composure
with me. My elder brother who was always
kind and patient with me. And I learnt the
value of being kind from them. In contrast
my mother and thru her influence my
father - always treating me as an irritating
element thrown into their lives. Them, I
learnt to fight and give them back in good
measure. And this, along with my fiery
nature added to form a young angry man
that only hurt himself as he went on on his
way in life. I think, by our behaviour we
instill a lot of violence in our children.


Parents really need to become conscious of

what seeds they are sowing if any change
has to come into this world's behaviour.


Some more thoughts.


How aware and focused?

People dont read, listen or allow the

subject to penetrate their minds. They
seem to be living in peculiar detached way.
Every action, thought and word coming
from them is half-baked and of no worth.
They have not taught their minds to act
and react with focus, concentration and
diligence. Their whole life, be it in small
unimportant and the big extremely
important things, shows a lack of
consideration, method and application.
These people will therefore always come
to erroneous conclusions which are mostly
hastily taken and unfortunately, although
their expectations are high they can never
deliver. They are error and accident prone.
Their lack of precision and focus is an ever
present danger to their own selves and
others leave things in their care for some
time and always a situation will brew


And when this attitude slips into personal
relations, there is always, heart-breaks and
depression. They create misunderstandings
and a distance with their friends and can
be the worst complainers.

The same can be said for any other

discipline of thought and behavior because
the character of the mind operates in the
same way.

We are helpless they say...

When talking of good health and medicine,

I am now realising that we are wasting our
time worrying about others. Certain bad

attitudes are picked up, promoted and

often followed for a life time. These habits
and practices are so inbred in certain
communities and families that nothing can
really be done. They live at a level of
unawareness that is stupendous. To
somebody like me it is positively criminal
what they do with their lives but it has to
be underscored by the point that it is none
of our business.
There are a lot of factors like lack of
education, income and social practices
that curtail but the will also is lacking.
Being satisfied with a little relief is all this
mass of people is aiming for.
They are fodder for the system and go to
slaughter willingly. I suppose we can just
watch and feed them little tidbits of info,
with the minimal hope that perhaps they
will pay it some attention.
The maids that work for us, for example,
in 20 years, I have not been able to make


them understand any of the little things I

have tried to teach them. They prefer to
spend small fortunes in illnesses by going
to "Doctors" with established big successful
looking clinics. Impossible to make think of
in terms of better nutrition or even
supplements or something like simple
wearing of clothes in winter. We try to help
by giving them things but still there is this
feeling that nothing is registering and
there is no real willingness.
Two years ago her 20 year old son had
pleurisy and is forever sick; it is so
heartbreaking but we cannot help because
their pride wont let them listen.
Their attitudes are determined by certain
thoughts like:
- We may be poor but we are living
well and we know what we are doing.
- Sickness is happening to everybody.
- It is our fate.


What can you do when people abdicate

their right to use their intelligence and

Let us, for a moment focus on the

superficial way of looking at things. What
is stopping us from looking, researching
deeper? Nothing really, except our inherent
inertia and laziness. The superficial world
gives us enough gossip to feed our free
time and occupy our minds. We feel we are
knowledgeable and IN with life. We are
happy to imagine ourselves connected and
in touch with the inanities of our times.
Todays driving force is the media. The
media jumps at some exciting things and
splashes them all over. It makes and
unmakes people and things in an unnatural
way. Given the power it has over people's
minds; just imagine the good it can do. It
is so sad to see all this good power going to


waste being used to promote itself and

more superficialness and false images.

Notes on todays world

On todays violence by students:

Being attacked by students has been my
experience. The students were acting out a
problem in their lives which I could see
due to their growing up in an atmosphere
of non-acceptance and non-guidance. The
vibes of their parents/homes/society
reflecting through them.
I reacted by remaining cool and not letting
my vibes be affected. These vibes from
others need supportive vibes from the
attacked people to survive and grow. Like
Alistair McLean said- Fear is the key.


I used to do special programs for YWCA and

in each batch I would land up with one
young lady with severe problems. I helped
them out but later on I felt that this is a
problem of the Universe. It is something
that goes on and on because the Forces are
constantly finding recipients to do their
Even the ones that I helped out would land
up in another situation later on. So the
answer is to teach them to learn and
become self-reliant. A stupendous and
momentous task because to undo the harm
that already has been done since their
conception and birth cannot be undone
just by external shamanic forces. It
amounts to a lot of wasted energy that
weakens the shaman.
I left teaching after a rather vicious
attack. After that I decided that I have
many better options in my life and I would
rather put my limited energies to follow


my destiny than play Hercules to all and

I do believe in using my knowledge to help
by explaining (counseling) and helping
them to understand their own lives and
find their own solutions and strength but
never becoming the Pillar for them to lean
on all the time. Because that is what
happened in all the cases I helped out. The
young ladies would land up at my doorstep
even at midnight when they were taken on
by something they could not handle.

On helping people with suicide tendencies

Why the suicides? A) With the normal
human eyes we would see these people as
those who have an identity crisis and
"desire" crisis. They do not get their ego
boost nor their desires - so what is there to
live for?


B) In the ethereal world that we in India

we call Tantric (occult- that which is not
seen) there are beings that feed on the
emotional mayhem the humans produce.
They love it and keep on poking humans
for more; they goad them to be emotional
& lose control. The body is already weak
with the poisoning we have unleashed on
this earth. Now the spirit is also being
weakened with mobile phones, TV,
Computers and virtual world of
Facebook( and similar) addiction.
On the battle fields, spirits that are
suddenly dispossessed of their bodies are
looking for support and ride on the backs
of the living. They can be very strong and
can create much damage and push people
over the brink
Most suicides do defer their actions if they
have somebody to lean on. All they want is
a shoulder to put their baggage on. Often
their woes are very real and do need help.


If family and friends can provide the props,

things remain in control. But in today's
social makeup, distances are the norm and
individualism (read: selfish behavior) the
accepted format. The speed with which
troubles emerge and overcome hapless
beings is extraordinary. Organisations do
help. Only the sincerity of those working
there, specially in a bureaucratic setup is
doubted; very much doubted - for they end
up thinking of it as a job. Soon they
become apathetic as others.
The organisation eats up all the funds and
we are all back to square one.


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