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Shakespeare after engineering Graduation

we read many novels of Shakespeare, he was

excellent in creative writing and caught mind of his
readers very well, but for being and sake of
alternate history let suppose Shakespeare was
engineering graduate from our any university,
where he earned degree after doing very hard
working and last time paper out miracle then
what is his next move?
Yes off course the search for job, his Juliet is
newspaper, because university industrial liaison
department or engineering council is like a
department of national accountability bureau of
any third world country who are doing nothing but
making their sense of presence by releasing some
press releases.
When he start surfing newspapers for jobs, most of
job advertisement is like
Opportunity for engineers, we need engineer in
our marketing department , candidate must
possessed bachelor degree in rocket science
with 3 to 10 years of experience , have ability
of leadership skill like any south Asian leader,
motivational skill like any African country
leader, salary will be as per the GDP of Nepal.
We want engineer in our plant, candidates
must know how to work in difficult situation
(because we will make situation difficult for him
or her)
We want CEO; CEO must have all abilities
which brother in law of our foreign minister
Shakespeare was upset so he start web search
for job and fortunately found job ad as per his
fresh pass out criteria. He emailed resumes daily
from his email id , after
1000 emails for job he sent, one sunny day (40
degree Celsius) he received call from one
company to appear in interview. When he
reached office at 8:30am and saw 50 candidates
were already there, his number is 51 for
interview, he sat and wait for his time during this
whole time he was think hell is empty and all
devils are here, after 5 hours of waiting and 2
hours of cursing he appeared in front of
interviewer, interviewer politely asked him how
are you my name is Shylock.
Shakespeare: I am alright and pleased to be
present in front of good manager like you
Shylock: impressive, so where you are busy now
a days
Shakespeare: sir to be honest, I wasted time and
now doth time wasted me
Shylock :quite straight , I like it, Shakespeare we
are investment fund corporation , we invest
money in different projects this money we took
from our stake holder and return the money with
marked interest to them, if any of our employees
failed to achieve assigned targets we cut 1
pound from their salaries, so what you think
about it
Shakespeare: sir, neither a borrower, nor a
lender be
Shylock: bravo, another straight punch, you are
going well, your resume shown you did bachelor in
technology, so what you think about life nowadays
Shakespeare: This life, which had been the tomb of
his virtue and of his honor, is but a walking
shadow; a poor player That struts and frets his
hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it
is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing.
Shylock: hmmm, I am expecting answer from
engineering graduate whose life after graduation is
misery due to job challenges nowadays, but you
labelled it better, anyway, so what you can do for
our company if we will hire you , means after two
years what we will expect from you.
Shakespeare: There are many events in the
womb of time, which will be delivered.
Shylock: hmmm, very deep answer
Shakespeare: thank you
Shylock: what thanks, I am saying it is very deep
as I did not understand what you said. Anyway
what you think of our country economic
development under present leadership?
Shakespeare: they say miracles are past
Shylock: ha-ha, very good you are honest with your
answers, so what about your thoughts on
engineers diversification factor in job world?
Shakespeare: sir, I better said there is no
darkness but ignorance
Shylock: means?
Shakespeare: no one ready to take risk
everybody is thinking about just getting hired
anywhere, no planning no thinking at all. They hunt
job like their 1st love and remember love is not love
that alters when it finds alteration.
Shylock: you are philosophical guy I like it, what
you think about wrong decision in business?
Shakespeare: And oftentimes excusing of a fault
doth make the fault the worse by the excuse.

Shylock: good, you are futurist, I asked you about

wrong decisions and you told me about after
effects, thank you for your time, we will soon let
you know about our decision
Shakespeare: thank you for your time , I will
expect positive response
Shylock: Yes off course
(after three weeks, Shakespeare get news the
vacancy is filled by one beautiful engineer , she is
more diversified then him and it is proven by her
dressing and frankness with Shylock,
Shakespeare was so angry , he started writing
novels and dramas and in one drama he portrayed
Shylock as one greedy investment banker)

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