Completions Module Question Set 1 PDF

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242016 Completions Module Questions - CM1 - Intadution to Well Engineering Questions tabmeaabeszossastiszr2e098smb53805 183dae25c42ef02Neat3284812072017Seb 10M Tbob0aBs7Sas%4d310c405e44a005ed65223%da) #8 Wiki Home © Recent Changes Pages and Files & Members ‘Search ~All Pages: Completions Module Question Papers Rev 4 CCM - Introduction to Well Engineering Questions (M2 - HSE Questions. CM - Rig Selection Questions (CMA - Logistics Questions CMS - Geology for Completions Engineers Questions (CMB - Completion Equipment and Components Questions M7 - Welheads and Trees Questions (CMB - Hydraulics Questions M9 - Procurement and Inspection Questions M10 - Tubing Size Questions M11 - Pore Pressure and Fracture Pressure « CM1 - Introduction to Well Engineering Questions (/CM1+- +Introduction+to+Well+Engineering+Questions) 9 Edit 0 (ICM14-+introduction Hor Wellt Engineering -Questions#discussion) © 2 (Ipage/nistoryiCM1+-+Introduction+to+Well+Engineering+Questions) (page/menu/CM1+-+Introduction+to+Well+Engineering+ Questions) CM1 - Introduction to Well Engineering Rev 14 Objective: ‘This is a basic module that is designed as an inroduction to those who have ‘not been involved in well operations and as a warm up module for those who have. It is designed {o stimulate the asking of questions on a fist rig visit and/or to ive the mentor @ feel for the knowledge of the Engineer. Modules should be submitted to ‘The mentors will mark the module and retum it to you with comments and a grading within a few weeks. hp sleompletiorsmodulequestonsiwell wikispaces ne¥OM1++Itroduction*tov Well+Engineering+Questons 1 242016 Questions (M2 - Cost Estimating and AFE Questions CMI - Fishing and Miting Questions (CM4 - Toraue and Drag Questions (CMS - Dil Sting Design Questions M16 - Wel Integrity Questions M17 - Tubing Stress Analysis Questions (CM18 - MCF Well Control Questions M9 - Detailed Completion Design Questions Completions Module Questions - CM1 - Intadution to Well Engineering Questions Reference Material: Rotary Drilling Series PETEX. The University of Texas at Austin, Petroleum Extension Service, ‘Schlumberger online Glossary for terminology hltp:wuw glossary oilfield Volume 2 (SPE Handbook) Driling Engineering George E King Glossary hitp:umw ‘Questions: 1, What factors are involved in selecting where to dril a well? 2, Wtite some notes on what will determine the trajectory of the well ‘once a location has been decided upon, 3, How are casing selting depths decided upon? 4. Why might different materials be chosen for casing? 5, What determines the size of the production casing? 6. Why do we cement the casing in to the ground? 7. Why don't we always cement the casing all the way to the surface? 8. Ina simple way, 4. describe the process for driling a hole section, », explain the purpose of. hp sleompletionsmodulequestonsiwell wikispaces ne¥OM1+-+Itroduction* tot Well+Engineering+Questons sra2016 Completions Module Questions - CM - Inodution to Well Engineering Questions | the BHA. I the Bit I the driling muds. IV. shale shakers. 9, What is a driting ner? 410, What is a production Liner? 11. What s the purpose of a completion string? 12. What s the purpose of the wellhead? 13. What is perforating? +14, What happens after the well is perforated? 418, Why might ritragen be used after perforating? 16. Which fluids can be produced from a reservoir? 117. Where do the produced fluids go once they come out of the wellbore? 18. Whats the purpose of the Christmas tree? 19, Produce a well schematic forthe following well A vertical and well Open Hole Depth 30" 236ft Driven 18 5/8" 1860f 28 19 3/8" 4506ft 17.5" 40.75" /9 5/8" 8061ft 12.25" (6008 of 10.75" the rest 9 5/8") T'liner TOL 500ft Liner Lap 7" Liner Shoe 9102f 8.5" hp sleompletionsmodulequestonsiwell wikispaces ne¥OM1+-+Itroduction* tot Well+Engineering+Questons 242016 Completions Module Questions - CM1 - Intadution to Well Engineering Questions ‘AllCasings set 10ft off bottom, Liner is set on bottom 5° tubing from surface to a packer in the 8 6/8" casing immediately above the liner top. 85 flush tubing tal pipe 90ft Perforations from 85008 to 8850ft SSSV at 450f Indicate where you think the cement tops are likely to be. Ifyou don't know, discuss it with your rig site colleagues rather than guessing 20. Sketch and label a simple Christmas tree or pick up a picture from the internet and label it by hand, indicating anything missing from the picture, ® Add Discussion hp sleompletionsmodulequestonsiwell wikispaces ne¥OM1+-+Itroduction*tot Well+Enginering+Questons

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