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The development was motivated by renew and

completely redesign a conventional elevator controller

with point-to-point connections which was given and
was developed more than 10 years earlier. Of course
all the technical solutions and tricks are outdated and
can not compete with the newly designed systems
however the services which can be delivered are
unique in their fields.
On the one hand the costs must be cut down. This
means the point-to-point wiring must be replaced with
a cost efficient and reliable solution. The main
controlling system must be updated to be capable to
the new solutions.
On the other hand the complexity of the present
system must be simplified. At the same time the
ability to repair can be improved.
This paper stated how the listed steps were


It was developed by a Hungarian company at the
end of the 80's [1]. It is able to attend a maximum of
18 storeys. There are six control cards: CPU, ECC,
DLC, PUI, PU2 and PU3. These cards are located in
the main controller which is on the top of the elevator

1-4244-1218-8/07/$25.00 2007 IEEE 451

Microcontroller based elevator controlling system

Akos Becker')
Department of Electronics Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary

Abstract. This paper introduces a new solution of elevator controlling system which is based on
microcontrollers. The earlier version of it is still used by Schindler Hungaria Kft. Thanks to the
innovation the point-to-point connections (the number of cables and so the cable length) could be
dramatically reduced. In addition the ability to repair and the modularity has been also improved. The
complexity of the system has been simplified and the costs could be lowered also. Until today a demo
elevator system has been made which consists of three storey (called EIF) card. One of these executes
the tasks of the main controller (so called IF). For both card types a control software was developed
in C programming language, whereby the new system capacities could be demonstrated.

(Fig. 1). Between the cards a special system bus can
be found so called MMT Bus which is protected by
proprietary rights.




Fig. 1. Present solution of the elevator controller.

2.1. Functionality of the control cards
The main program runs on the CPU card. After it
processes the I/O signals it controls the elevator cabin.
The engine is controlled by the ECC (Engine
Control Card).
The cabin's lighting and the movement of the
cabin's doors are controlled by the DLC (Door and
Cabin control Card).

30th ISSE 2007

The I/O signals of the floors are processed by the 3.1. Compatibility
Peripheral Unit cards (PU1, PU2 and PU3). Because of the time limitations of the project the
2.2 Disadvantages main control program which is running on a Z80
Every single signal is processed in the main microprocessor (CPU card) had to be kept. (This will
controller. This means if the user pushes any button be another project to completely replace this card.) In
on the 1st floor it's signal must be delivered up to 18th this situation the modifications had to be drawback
floor up to the controller. There it will be processed compatible with the untouched parts of the system.
and will be confirmed on the 1st floor. Each button, This must be solved by the new IF card which is the
display, switch and sensor is connected to the main most important part of the development. It simulates
system via dedicated wires. This solution requires a the old status for the CPU and ECC cards, while it
huge number of connection points and also a huge makes an interface for the two new four-wired system
quantity of cables. Both of them carry enormous risks buses (Fig. 3.).
of malfunction. Besides this disadvantage more cable MMiTbus BUS
requires more money of course. IF EFI
The present system has a lack of modularity. It can
not be upgraded with one more PU card to be able to
manage more than 18 storeys. The main program also
can not be modified to be able to control more than it EIF

is stated.
Any failure means a lot of time to discover. The
defective parts can not be changed easily because it is -EIFi
a closed system.


According to the disadvantages of the present
system the motivation is unambiguous. Reducing
wiring, upgrading the whole system with the newest Fig. 3. Two separated system bus.
available technology and improving flexibility.
3.2. EIF cards
Reducing wiring means a replacement with a four-
wired system bus. Upgrading means a replacement for These cards control and process all the I/O storey
the storey cards. These modification plans can be seen signals so they are indispensable. They must be
on Fig. 2. equipped on every floor otherwise the system will not
work. Their jobs are:
- Process the elevator control buttons. If it is
CONTROLLER successful it must be confirmed for the user.
- Two 7 segment displays must be driven in
order to show the actual position of the cabin.

Iii ill The cabin's actual moving direction must be


CPU ECC IlF - A direct contact must be made with the IF
- If a query exists an answer must be sent to the
IF which contains whether the user has called
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the new system.

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the cabin or not. If it is so the direction also processed as soon as possible. This is solved by
must be told. interrupts.
- The instructions from IF must be processed.
These cards have a great advantage of processing 4. COMMUNICATION
the signals locally and they do not need to be
delivered up to the main controller. Of course this 12C, CAN, RS485 and MODbus were examined in
must be succeeded in a definite time. three different aspects:
3.3. FIF card - The selected bus must be as simple as possible
The cabin's movement sensors' signs and its to be capable to a newly designed protocol.
signals are processed by the FIF. It follows logically - It must have a huge protection against EMC.
from this that, it is located in the cabin. So FIF jobs
- Must be fast enough to communicate through
at least 20 storeys.
- Processing and confirming the buttons and
keyed buttons. Taking these aspects in consideration the 12C is not
fast enough and the protection against EMC also not
- Processing sensor signs. the best. MODbus is difficult too, not fast enough and
Sensors' signs are the most important job for the also has problems against EMC. RS485 was refused
FIF. These tell the position of the cabins. Thanks to by personal experiences.
them the software can control the engine when to stop, CAN was the optimal choice. Its EMC protection
to break, accelerate or whether the cabin is overrun or is one of the best. It has a 250kbps communication
not. In this case the processing time is really speed on 200m (1 OOm up, and 1 00m down calculating
significant. There is absolutely no room for any delay. with 20 storeys.) and it is not necessary to use the
Therefore FIF requires a faster system bus to IF as official CAN protocol. So it meets all the
EIF. In this case a so called 'Hard Real Time' system requirements and also was supported by Meldetechnik
must be equipped. Kft. the main financial sponsor of the project.
3.4. IF card 4.1. Communication protocol
From all of them this is the most complex card. IF As it was mentioned IF uses a master-slave
is the key to the improvement. On one side it communication to communicate with EIFs. IF makes a
simulates the old status to the CPU and ECC cards so periodic query to each EIF. As soon as the EIF
the main control program can be used. On the other receives this message sends back an answer
side it makes a separated interface to the FIF and the immediately. This answer contains the status of
EIF cards. confirmation LEDs and whether a user called the
It uses a four-wired system bus to communicate cabin or not. IF processes this message and modify the
with the EIFs. This protocol based on master-slave record belonging to that specified EIF and makes
communication where IF takes place as a master. The changes if it is necessary. The IF will use these answer
program runs periodically and makes a query to each message and the cabin actual position to create the
EIF. In this case a soft real time system is equipped. If new polling message on the next query. In the new
a failure occurs probably will be solved in the next message IF gives orders to EIF how to modify the
query. A failure only means a delay in the displays' status. This means that every polling
confirmation of any action. For example: After message is the confirmation of the earlier received
pushing any button the user have to wait a half second answer message.
more to be confirmed his action. During development an exact delay time was
Communication with FIF requires more accuracy specified in 250ms. Within this time a confirmation
and short response time. In this case there is no master must be made after any button was pushed on any
or slave card because only two units communicate storey. With 20 floors this means 12,5ms polling time.
with each other. The movement signs must be If IF does not receive answer from an EIF within
12,5ms will make a query to the next EIF card. This

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failure is stored by IF and will be sent in the next
polling message to that EIF. Thanks to this solution Address I Dat
IAII 8 8 Il CU
Dt I
the EIF will know that there was a mistake and the
new information will be sent instead of the earlier. EIF EButton+LEDI Checksum
Address State
If IF permanently can not receive the answer from
a specified EIF an error massage will be sent to the Fig. 5. EIF's answer message.
main controller.
In this case there is no special byte because it is not
To improve safety each message contains a necessary. None of the addresses can match with the
checksum. If there is a failure in the message on the special byte.
receiver side newly created checksum will not match
with the received one. In this case the receiver will First byte of this message is the EIF own address.
throw away the message. This situation is the same This is really helpful because of this the IF knows
like IF or EIF can not receive answer on time. whether there was an answer from the polled EIF or
not. The failure can be immediately turned out.
4.2. Structure of messages
Next byte contains the changes since the last
From IF a 7 byte long message is sent to EIF (Fig. message. The states of buttons and confirmation
4.). LEDs.
3E Adclress 1.Digit I 2.Digit I LED I Control CSum The last byte is the checksum.
Speci al EIFF Data Checksum
Byte Address
Fig. 4. IF's message.
First byte of this message is a special byte which In this section the two control software will be
identifies that this message was sent by IF. briefly introduced which was developed for the IF and
EIF cards.
Second byte is the EIF's address. Messages will
not be processed by other EIF cards with different Both of them were developed in C programming
address. language. The other option was the Assembly. It
generates a smaller program code and more efficient.
The third and the second bytes contain the cabin's On the other hand programming in C is much easier. It
actual position which must be displayed on the two reduces development time and the code is more
seven segment displays. There is an option to these visible even it is huge.
two byte can contain any error messages also.
Two different software was developed. One for the
The next byte contains the confirmation LED's IF and one for the EIF cards. Both have a same
status. The first four bit of this byte is the mode structure. The main function initializes the hardware,
selector. Two operating modes are possible: normal variables and enables interrupt routines. After this
mode or flashing. The last four bits refer to the LEDs' comes an endless cycle (Fig. 6.).
With the control byte's last bit can be indicated
whether a problem occurred during the last query. The
Hardware Initialization
other bits can be used as different error codes but this
is not implemented in the software yet. Initialization of Variables
Last byte is the checksum.
Enable IT
Only a 3 byte message is sent by the EIF as an
answer for the IF query (Fig. 5.). T-

Fig. 6. Structure of the main function.

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The interrupt routines are responsible for the by Philips [3]. The microcontroller can be
proper functionality. There are three different IT. One programmed by ICSP (In-Circuit Serial
for receiving data, one for sending data and the last Programming). To each PIC belong 5 jumpers. With
one is for the timer interrupt. When an interrupt is these EIF's own address can be set. Of course there is
occurred the IT routine makes an inquiry which term also a display module where two 7 segment display
came true (Fig. 7.). and four buttons can be found. With these buttons
( TFoutine
normal operating method can be simulated. Each
button has a confirmation LED.
iOsable IT, Save FRegisers| With this demo system the system capacities can
be tested for example the maximum polling speed.
/t > ~No Sede No No\ The specification requires at least 12,5ms as it was
stated earlier. With this solution this can be reduced
Yes Yes e
till 1Oms. So the main program runs periodically and
makes a query to each EIF card in every 1 Oms. This
Fig. 7. IT routine's structure. means for 20 EIF the system needs only 200ms which
Sender and receiver interrupt routines are clear. is less than the requested 250ms. In a different aspect
The two 7 segment display must be multiplexed in 1 second every EIF cards will be polled 5 times. In
because of reducing connection pins. According to practice in a 20 storey building after pushing any
this avoiding flashing a timer is required. This button the user have to wait less than a half second to
problem is solved by the Timer IT. be confirmed his action.


In the near future an IF and a FIF card could be
Up today a demo system has been made which can
be seen on Fig. 8. This system consists of three designed. They will be tested together with the CPU
prototypes of EIF cards. Of course this system could and ECC cards. If the test period's results are
not operate without an IF card. Therefore one EIF promising the system can be used more widely.
executes the tasks of IF. In this case this card is
located on the top of the picture. REFERENCES
[1] Department Of Measurement and Information Systems,
"Microprocessor based elevator controlling system",
version: FLV-V02.1, 1989 (Project report in
[2] Microchip Technology Inc., "PIC18F4680 Data
Sheet", 2004
[3] Philips Semiconductors, "PCA82C250 Data Sheet",

Fig. 8. The mini elevator system during operation.

Each storey card is controlled by a PIC18F4680
microcontroller [2]. The communication between the
cards is supported by a PCA82C250 CAN transceiver

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