Model de Scrisoare de Angajare Si Altele

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The Human Resources Department,

Dear Ms./Dear Mr,
I am sending you this letter as a response to your.job ad, posted by your company on
I take great interest in this job offer because my academic and professional experience match a career in
this particular area. I graduated from.and I have a-year(e.g. a 3-year experience)
experience in fields like.
In the resume attached to this letter, Ive written about my professional achievements and I have also
named my results in the field. Previous experience speaks for itself about my career objectives,
moreover, the .field has been my favorite throughout the academic years.
Among most recent achievements, allow me to highlight my activity as a Supervisor for the
company, where I have increased the number of clients by 10 percent. I have built an efficient agents
team which brought a 20 percent sales increase over the last 12 months. I am, therefore, ambitious and
highly motivated in accomplishing my goals.
As a member of your team, I am convinced I would be able to face all responsibilities at the requested
standards. I have excellent communication skills, Im easily adaptable and I consider new tasks as real
challenges. Along my career, I have proved to be a really good team player, but I can also manage
individual tasks very well.
I hope this letter to be reason enough to further analyze my resume and Im looking forward to an
interview, at whatever time it is suitable for you. For more information, please contact me at ..
(phone number) or by e-mail.
Thank you for your time,
Ion Ion
The Human Resources department,
Dear Ms./Dear Mr,
For: (jobs title)
Im writing you because of the job ad posted by your company on the MyJob webpage. I take deep
interest in it as this job is a suitable one for me, matching both my academic and professional background
and my career goals.
As you can see in the resume I have attached to this letter, at present time I am an employee of
thecompany as and I have just graduated from thetraining.
My professional experience, although not very extended, gave me the opportunity to both apply
theoretical knowledge and achieve new skills: crisis management, short time decision making,
improvement of negotiation skills. I am communicative, I adapt easily, still, I am a loyal employee.
I want to pursue a career in the..field, therefore, I am convinced of having the right skills for
this job.
Your company is well-known as a model and your recent achievements have caught the
eye of the media. I strongly believe that I can support your future success as a member in your team.
Hoping I have awaken your interest in finding out more, I am looking forward for an interview. Please,
contact me at (phone number) or by email..
Thank you, Date
Ion Ion


The Human Resources department,
Dear Ms./Dear Mr.,
For: (jobs title)
I am deeply interested in the job you posted an ad for on MyJob.
At present time, I am a.year student at the..University and because of my real
interest in this field, , I think I am a suitable candidate for an internship in your
company. Throughout my education, I participated in several.projects on
which allowed me to achieve theoretical knowledge in this area, as you can see in the resume I have
I also had several part-time jobs in thefield and, therefore, I had the opportunity to improve
teamwork and communication skills. I also consider my ability to work on deadlines and taking on
responsibilities as great career achievements.
That is why I should be glad to work as an intern in your team, not to mention your companys credit in
the. field. Moreover, this internship allows me to learn more about this area, the market
and performances in this field and this constitutes an important motivation point to me.
Hoping to have awaken your interest, I am looking forward for an interview, at whatever time is suitable
for you. For any additional information, please, contact me at (phone number) or by
Thank you for your time,
Ion Ion
The Human Resources Department,
Dear Ms./Dear Mr.,
I am writing to you because of the .position available with your company, as advertised on
I take great interest in the . field because of my previous (n).-year experience in , as you
can see in my attached resume. I have graduated from the .University and I also have a Masters
Degree in..and several training courses. At present time, I work for an innovative successful company
I work as a coordinator of the.. Department and supervisor of employees. I am also an active person
in the team. As you can see, I am an efficient organizer, I have conflict mediation and negotiation
skills and I am focused on achieving goals.
I take much interest and satisfaction in the motivation and evaluation process, also, I am keen on
accomplishing budget objectives.
On the other hand, when dealing with new professional challenges, I am communicative, easily adaptable
and motivated. As a member of your team, I strongly believe I would achieve the best results according to
the standards imposed.
Hoping to have awaken your interest, I am looking forward to an interview, at whatever time it is suitable
for you. For any additional information, please, contact me at (phone number) or by
Thank you for your time,
Ion Ion.

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to complain about the quality of the clothes I ordered from your catalogue last month.
When I received the clothes, the trousers were made of synthetic fabric instead of wool, as advertised in
the catalogue. Also, the blouse had a small hole under the left armpit.
Moreover, when I ordered the items over the phone, I was told that if I was not satisfied, I could return
the clothes and receive a fund. Although I have already sent back the items with a letter requesting my
money be returned, I have not yet received a reply from you.
I insist that you refund my money immediately. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Sunday Evening
Stimate Domn, Dear Sir, Formal, destinatar de sex masculin cu nume necunoscut
Stimat Doamn, Dear Madam, Formal, destinatar de sex feminin cu nume necunoscut
Stimate Domn/Stimat Doamn, Dear Sir / Madam, Formal, necunoscnd nicio dat despre destinatar
Stimai Domni, Dear Sirs,Formal, cnd adresarea este ctre mai muli oameni sau un ntreg
n atenia cui este interesat, To whom it may concern,Formal, necunoscnd nicio dat despre
Stimate Domnule Popescu, Dear Mr. Smith,Formal, destinatar fiind un brbat cu nume cunoscut
Stimat Doamn Popescu, Dear Mrs. Smith,Formal, avnd ca destinatar o doamn cu nume cunoscut
Stimat Domnioar Dumitrescu, Dear Miss Smith, Formal, avnd ca destinatar o domnioar cu nume
Stimat Doamn tefnescu, Dear Ms. Smith,Formal, avnd ca destinatar o femeie al crei nume ne
este cunoscut dar nu i starea civil.
Sunt ncntat de faptul c sunt solicitat s ofer referine pentru...
I am delighted to be called upon as a reference for
Fraz de nceput folosit atunci cnd celui care scrie scrisoarea i-a fcut plcere s lucreze cu cel la
care face referin.
Am fcut cunotin cu...n..., cnd s-a alturat... .
I first became acquainted, when he joined...
Pentru a oferi detalii despre ct de bine i este cunoscut candidatul celui care d referine
...m-a rugat s i scriu o scrisoare de recomandare pentru a o ataa aplicaiei sale pentru... . Sunt foarte
ncntat de acest lucru.
...has asked me to write a letter of recommendation to accompany his application for . I am very
pleased to do so.
Fraz de nceput folosit atunci cnd celui care scrie scrisoarea i-a fcut plcere s lucreze cu cel la
care face referin.
Mi-a fcut o deosebit plcere s fiu superiorul/supervizorul/colegul lui... ncepnd cu... .
It has been a pleasure to be's boss / supervisor / colleague since .
Fraz de nceput folosit atunci cnd celui care scrie scrisoarea i-a fcut plcere s lucreze cu cel la
care face referin.
M bucur faptul c am ocazia de a scrie aceast scrisoare de recomandare pentru... . n cuprinsul ei a
dori s mi expun respectul i aprecierea pentru acest tnr inteligent care a adus contribuii excepionale
activitii echipei mele.
I am happy to write this letter of recommendation for . In this letter I would like to express my respect
and appreciation for this bright young person, who brought outstanding contribution to the work of my
Fraz de nceput folosit atunci cnd celui care scrie scrisoarea i-a fcut plcere s lucreze cu cel la
care face referin.
Nu am nicio ezitare n a scrie o scrisoare de recomandare pentru...
I have no hesitancy in writing a letter of recommendation for
Fraz de nceput folosit atunci cnd celui care scrie scrisoarea i-a fcut plcere s lucreze cu cel la
care face referin.
mi face o deosebit plere s scriu o scrisoare de recomandare pentru...
It is a pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for
Fraz de nceput folosit atunci cnd celui care scrie scrisoarea i-a fcut plcere s lucreze cu cel la
care face referin.
l/o cunosc pe ... nc de acum..., cnd s-a alturat clasei mele/a nceput s lucreze la... .
I have known...since , when he / she enrolled in my class / began to work at .
Pentru a oferi detalii despre ct de bine i este cunoscut candidatul celui care d referine
l/o cunosc pe... de...din postura mea .
I have known...for...months / years in my capacity .
Pentru a oferi detalii despre ct de bine i este cunoscut candidatul celui care d referine
Am fost superiorul/supraveghetorul/colegul/profesorul lui ... n perioada... .
I wasboss / supervisor / colleague / teacher fromto .
Pentru a oferi detalii despre ct de bine i este cunoscut candidatul celui care d referine
... a lucrat pentru compania mea la proiecte diferite ca ..., i bazndu-m pe rezultatele activiii sale l-a
considera/ a considera-o unul dintre cei mai buni/una dintre cele mai bune ... care au lucrat vreodat
pentru companie.
...worked for me on various projects as a..., and based on his / her work, I would rank him / her as one of
the best...we have ever had.
Fraz de nceput folosit atunci cnd celui care scrie scrisoarea i-a fcut plcere s lucreze cu cel la
care face referin.


nc de la nceputul colaborrii noastre l cunosc pe ... ca pe o persoan... .
Since the beginning of our collaboration I know him / her as aperson.
Pentru a descrie un aspect pozitiv al personalitii candidatului
... s-a distins prin.... .
...distinguished himself / herself by
Pentru a expune cel mai relevant aspect pozitiv al personalitii candidatului, aspect deminstrat de
Talentul su cel mai mare rezid din/este...
His / her greatest talent is / lies in
Pentru a arta principalele punce tari ale candidatului
... este o persoan creativ cnd vine vorba de rezolvarea problemelor.
He / she is a creative problem-solver.
Pentru a descrie un candidat dornic s accepte i s soluioneze noi provocri.
...dispune de o mare varietate de aptitudini.
He / she has a broad range of skills.
Pentru a descrie un candidat foarte priceput n multe domenii
... i comunic ideile clar i univoc.
He / she communicates his / her ideas clearly.
Pentru a descrie un candidat cu aptitudini de bun comunicator
... face fa cu uurin responsabilitilor.
He / she handles responsibility well.
Pentru a descrie un candidat care poate fi un bun responsabil pentru un proiect/o echip i poate lucra
bine sub presiune
... a dovedit c stpnete o palet larg de cunotine n domeniul/domeniile...
He / she has a wide-ranged knowledge of .
Pentru a descrie abilitile deja nrdcinate ale candidatului.
Ptrunde cu repeziciune noile concepte explicate i accept cu uurin criticile constructive i indicaiile
legate de activitatea sa.
He grasps new concepts quickly and accepts constructive criticism and instruction concerning his work.
Pentru a descrie un candidat perspicace i dinamic ntr-un mod foarte mgulitor
A dori s menionez aici faptul c ... este ... i are abilitile necesare pentru a... .
I would like to mention here, that...isand has the ability to .
Pentru a da detalii legate de capacitatea candidatului de a ndeplini o anumit sarcin
Abilitatea sa extraordinar de a... a fost de nepreuit pentru noi.
His / her extraordinary ability to...was invaluable.
Pentru a descrie calitatea cea mai valoroas a unui candidat
... i asum n mod constant un rol activ n ceea ce privete...
He / she always takes an active role in .
Pentru a descrie un candidat activ cruia i place s se implice n activitatea pe care o deruleaz
...i termin ntotdeauna munca la timp. Cnd are nelmuriri legate de sarcinile sale, ... le expune clar i
direct, enunnd ceea ce alii ar putea resimi la rndul lor dar nu pot sau nu doresc s spun.
He / she finishes her work on schedule. When he / she has a concern or question about an assignment,
he / she speaks his / her mind clearly and directly, giving voice to what others may feel but cannot or will
not say.
Pentru a descrie un candidat perspicace i dinamic ntr-un mod foarte mgulitor


n perioada ct a lucrat la noi, ... a ... . Responsabilitile care decurg din acest lucru sunt ... .
While he / she was with us he / she . This responsibility involved .
Pentru a lista sarcinile ndeplinite de candidat i a meniona implicaiile lor
Printre responsabilitaile sale principale se numr ... .
His / her main responsibilities were
Pentru a lista sarcinile ndeplinite de candidat
Printre responsabilitile sale sptmnale se numr...
His / her weekly tasks involved
Pentru a da o list de responsabiliti sptmnale ndeplinite de candidat


A dori s spun faptul c este o real plcere s lucrezi cu ... . Este o persoan inteligent pe care te poi
baza i are i un sim al umorului bine dezvoltat.
I would like to say that it is pleasant to work with..., he / she is reliable and intelligent person with good
sense of humor.
Pentru a evalua pozitiv candidatul
Dac evoluia sa in compania noastr este un bun indicator pentru evoluia pe care o va avea n compania
Dvs. nseamn c ... va deveni o persoan de baz n schema companiei.
If his / her performance in our company is a good indication of how he / she would perform in yours, he /
she would be an extremely positive asset to your program.
Pentru a evalua foarte pozitiv candidatul
Dup prerea mea, ... este o persoan care muncete mult, are iniiativ i nelege n mod invariabil cu
exactitate implicaiile oricrui proiect la care ia parte.
In my opinion, a hard-working self-starter who invariably understands exactly what a project is all
Pentru a evalua pozitiv candidatul
... i ndeplinete n mod constant sarcinile avnd o calitate a muncii maxim realizat ntotdeauna n
timp util.
...consistently produces high quality work in a timely fashion.
Pentru a evalua pozitiv candidatul
Singurul punct slab pe care l-am observat de-a lungul activtii derulate n cadrul companiei noastre a
fost... .
The only area of weakness that I ever noted in his / her performance was...
Pentru a prezenta un aspect negativ n evaluarea unui candidat
Consider c ... ar trebui avut n vedere naintea altor candidai deoarece...
I believeshould be considered ahead of other candidates because
Pentru a recomanda candidatul din anumite motive, un mod foarte pozitiv de a-l evalua

SCRISOAREA DE RECOMANDARE - NCHEIERE avea cu siguran o contribuie pozitiv la activitile companiei Dvs. Dac doiis v ofer i alte
informaii m putei contacta prin e-mail sau la telefon.
...will be a great addition to your program. If I can further assist, please e-mail or call me.
Pentru a ncheia o scrisoare de referine pozitiv
... are din partea mea o recomandare puternic. Va fi cu siguran o persoan merituoas n cadrul echipei
...has my strong recommendation. He / She will be a credit to your program.
Pentru a ncheia o scrisoare de referine foarte pozitiv
Sunt convins c ... va continua s fie la fel de productiv/. El/ea se bucur de recomandrile mele cele
mai calde.
I am confident that...will continue to be very productive. He / she has my highest recommendation.
Pentru a ncheia o scrisoare de referine foarte pozitiv
l/o recomand pe ... cu cea mai mare cldur i fr nicio rezerv. V rog s m contactai prin e-mail sau
telefornic dac vei avea ntrebri pe viitor.
I give him / her my highest recommendation, without reservation. Please send e-mail or call me if you
have further questions.
Pentru a ncheia o scrisoare de referine foarte pozitiv
Am ncredere deplin n abilitile sale extraordinare de ... i l/o recomand cu cea mai mare cldur
pentru a-i continua studiile la universitatea Dvs. unde i poate cultiva i dezvolta abilitile sale
I firmly believe in his / her outstanding abilities for...and strongly recommend him / her for further
education at your university, where he /she can develop and apply his / her bright talents.
Pentru a ncheia o scrisoare de referine foarte pozitiv
mi face o deosebit plcere s fiu n postura de a-l recomanda/a o recomanda pe... cu toat cldura i
sper c informaiile pe care vi le furnizez v vor fi de folos.
It is satisfying to be able to give him / her my highest recommendation. I hope this information proves
Pentru a ncheia o scrisoare de referine foarte pozitiv
l recomand cu entuziasm pe ... ca fiind un candidat promitor.
I enthusiastically a promising candidate.
Pentru a ncheia o scrisoare de referine foarte pozitiv
Rar am avut ocazia de a reconamda pe cineva fr nicio rezerv. n acazul de fa este chiar o plcere s
l/o recomand pe ... .
Seldom have I been able to recommend someone without reservation. It is a pleasure to do so in the case
of .
Pentru a ncheia o scrisoare de referine foarte pozitiv
Am tot respectul pentru ... ca coleg dar trebuie s recunosc cu sinceritate faptul c nu l pot recomanda
companiei Dvs.
I a colleague, but I must say that in all honesty, I cannot recommend him / her for your
Cnd cineva nu consider c respectivul candidat ar fi potrivit pentru postul respectiv.
A fi nctat s v rspund la potenialele ntrebri viitoare.
I will be pleased to answer any additional questions you may have.
Pentru a ncheia o scrisoare de recomandare pozitiv
M putei contacta prin intermediul potei/e-mailului dac avei nevoie de informaii suplimentare.
You can contact me by letter / e-mail if you require any further information.
Pentru a ncheia o scrisoare de recomandare pozitiv

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