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Feasibility Report

Cycle Track
Cycle Track Committee
Chief Executive Officer

Chief Technology Officer


Chief Research Officer


Chief Development Officer


Chief Valuation Officer


Chief Marketing Officer


Chief Solution Officer


Chapter 1: Introduction and Background 4

(By Chen Yingwei)

Chapter 2: Design Standard 7

(By Chen Yingwei)

Chapter 3: Alignment Sections Analysis 9
Alignment section S1 9
(By Wang youyu)
Alignment section S2 12
(By Yang Gengchao)
Alignment section S3 13
(By Wu Hanke)
Alignment section S4 16
(By Chen Yingwei)
Alignment section S5 19
(By FeiTeng)
Chapter 4: Technical Research 23
Drainage system of cycle track 23
(By FeiTeng)
How to cross the open channel and the MTR subway 25
(By Yang Gengchao)
How to go through the village 36
(By Wu Hanke)

Chapter 5: Environmental Impact and Assessment 49

(By Ng Kwok Chak)
Chapter 6: Construction Material 59
(By Chen Jian)

Introduction and Background

The project North West New Territories with North East New Territories Sheung
Shui to Ma On Shan Section is an ongoing cycle-track-construction project in Hong

The project forms part of the NT Cycle Track Network which connects local cycle
track networks in various new towns and is mainly for recreation purpose. The works
under this project comprise the construction of new cycle tracks of approximately 5
km long from Fanling to Tai Po and improvement to selected existing artery cycle
tracks in Sheung Shui, Fanling, Tai Po and Sha Tin together with the provision of
supporting facilities.

For this big project, works were commenced on 25 May 2010 for completion in early


The Cycle Track development in the New Territories is the Topic to be studied is this
Capstone Design Project- Pilot Scheme. The Design of Cycle Track from Hong Lok
Yuen in Tai Po along Fanling Highway to Wo Hop Shek in Fanling is the main focus
of this Project.

The Cycle Track is part of the Cycle Tracks Connecting North West New Territories
with North East New Territories Sheung Shui to Ma On Shan section ( Ref.:

7271RS/A ) The idea for the whole Cycle Track Extension Project is to link up the
local track networks in Shatin, Tai Po, Fanling, Sheung Shui and Ma On Shan.

The current role of cycle tracks in the New Territories in Hong Kong:

It is found that 97% of the daily cycle trips take place in the New Territories and
Outlying Islands Figure 1 sets out the per capita distribution of weekday cycling trips.

Figure 1.2 Daily Cycle Trips per Capita

The main reason of why cycle tracks in the New Territories is considered to be the
provision of cycle routes in the form of cycle tracks which provide, on the whole, a
pleasant and safe environment for cycling. In addition, in the rural New Territories
there are networks of village roads with relatively little motor traffic on them.

Figure 1.3 Backbone section of the project

Design Standard

The design of the cycle tracks in our project is made based on the Hong Kong
Planning Standards and Guidelines(HKFSG) issued by the Planning Department.
According to the standard, the proper widths of tracks are shown in the table below:
(HKPSG 59/00 CPLG Table 10)

Desirable Minimum

One-way 2.8m 2.0m

Two-way 4.0m 3.5m

Since the cycle tracks proposed in our project are all two-way cycle tracks, the
minimum width of 3.5m will be generally adopted. However, this standard might not
be applicable for the entire alignment of our project. For example, widths of some
sections of the alignment cannot reach beyond 3m due to the limitation of the site
width constraints. Therefore, flexibility has to be adopted in our proposed width of the

Accordingly, a recommendation of Transport Department should be adopted:

That the absolute minimum width for 2-way cycle tracks of 2 metres be used at those
locations where a segregated cycle track would otherwise not be possible due to site
constraints. Wherever possible the minimum width of 3.5 metres or more should be
used. (Recommendation 14, Cycling Study Final Report, Transport Department)

For sections of the alignment that are not possible to meet the minimum width of
3.5m, minimum width of 2 m are adopted in this project.

Other design standards of cycle track from HKPSG Chapter 8:

Cycle tracks should be separated from adjacent carriageways by verges of at least
1.8m in width. Where this is impracticable, except for trunk roads, the width may be
reduced to not less than 1m to allow a reasonable clearance. Where a cycle track
crosses a carriageway, it should do so at right angles to the kerb.(HKPSG Chapter 8,

Where cycle track is provided along a roadway, its gradient is normally dictated by
the road alignment. At subways and footbridges, the desirable and normal maximum
gradients should be 3% and 5% respectively. In exceptional circumstances, gradients
of up to 10% may be accepted for a short distance. Where excessively long gradient is
anticipated, consideration should be given to alternative route for the cycle track.
(HKPSG Chapter 8, 6.3.3)

Horizontal radii should preferably be not less than 5m, but in difficult conditions,
radii of 2m may be acceptable. (HKPSG Chapter 8, 6.3.4)

Cyclists on cycle tracks should have a clear view ahead for a distance of preferably
25m but not less than 15m. Attention should be paid to destrian/cycle crossing points
to ensure that street furniture, including trees, will not obstruct the sight of pedestrians
or cyclists. (HKPSG Chapter 8, 6.3.5)

Along popular recreational routes, areas should be designated at about 1km intervals
en-route for the cyclist to rest, to visit places of interest or to enjoy scenic views, if
required. Bicycle parking spaces should be provided in these areas. These resting
areas should preferably be located near tourist and/or scenic vistas and other places of
interest to the public. (HKPSG Chapter 8, 6.3.6)

Design standards of parking area:

Bicycle parking spaces shall be provided in the residential developments where
proper cycle tracks with direct connection to rail stations are accessible. The
following guidelines on the level of bicycle parking provision for these residential
developments are recommended:

within a 0.5-2km radius of a rail station, 1 bicycle parking space for every 15 flats
with flat size smaller than 70m2.

(b)outside a 2km radius of a rail station, 1 bicycle parking space for every 30 flats
with flat size smaller than 70m2. (HKPSG Chapter 8, 6.5.2)

A designated cycle parking area shall be provided at the rail stations where cycle
tracks are provided at a rate of 30 bicycle parking spaces per 10 000 population within
the 2-km radius of the station.( HKPSG Chapter 8,6.5.3)

Cycle parking areas shall be provided off road/cycle track to avoid obstruction to
vehicular, pedestrian and cycle traffic. They shall be provided at open locations with
full public view in order to deter theft. To encourage use of the designated parking
areas and to discourage illegal parking, cycle parking areas shall be conveniently
located close to the general destinations. For short and long term parking, these areas
shall not be located more than 30m and 70m respectively away from these
destinations.(HKPSG Chapter 8,6.6.1)

Alignment Sections Analysis

Alignment section S1

Figure 3.1.1 Alignment section S1

Section I: The beginning part of the whole cycle track along the Fanling Highway.
1. Width: The four pictures shows the condition of the start of this section. As we can
see on the figure below, the street view of alignment of this section is near a gas
station. The land available is quite large. We know from the standard of the
government that the cycle track must have a minimum width of 3.5 meter. These
requirements can be fulfilled easily in this section.

Figure 3.1.2

The second portion is along the FanlingHighway.We can see that the width standard
can also be fulfilled here. Whats more,thewith of segregate which is l.8 meter long
the carriageway can also be achieved.

Figure 3.1.3

Therefore, the cycle track can be built here without difficulties.

2. Relationship with carriageway:

Carriageway: Fanling Highway
As we can see from the pictures above, in this section, the cycle track can be
totally separated from the FanlingHighway.Actually they are even in different
level.These is an pedestrian pathway about 3 meters between them.There are also
fences and trees between them. The cyclists can be totally safe.
Carriageway:TaiWo Service Road
The cycle track is also parallel to Tai Wo Service Road partly. But the segregation
between them can also fulfilled the standard so that the safety of cyclists can be

Figure 3.1.4
3. slope:
In this section,we can see several earth-moving machine on site. By observation the
maximum gradient is about 8% (>5%) in the beginning part of the section and the
surface undulation is quite serious. Thus, excavation works should be down to level
the ground. The rest of the cycle track dont need excavation work.
Figure 3.1.5

4. parking area:
Around this section, there is no rail station nearby. However, there is residential area
called Wo Hop Shek San Tsuen in the south of the cycle track. The residents in this
area can go across the highway to the cycle track. Thus a parking area should be
provided to facilitate the cyclists.Luckily,there is plenty of area for the parking
area.The parking area can be located near the curved part of the cycle track.As we can
see from the figure below, according to our measurement and estimation, the marked
area can provide a land area of about 50 metre square which is suitable for a parking

5. pedestrian pathways:
As we can see from the photos near the cycle track, apedestrianpathway with a width
of about 2m is already available in his section. Thus the pedestrian pathway can be
accessible in the whole section. And the pedestrian pathway works also as the
segregation between the highway and the cycle track. Both pedestrians and cyclist can
have enough space and their safety can be ensured by the fences.

Figure 3.1.6

In conclusion, in section I it is very easy to build a standard cycle track. The track is
almost straight in all the section so the cyclist can have a clear view of more than 25
meters along the track. There is no need to build tunnels or bridges as well. A small
river flows beside the cycle track which means the drainage system can be easy to
install. Whatsmore, since there is enough land, parking area can be provided to
facilitate the residents nearby. The only problem is leveling the ground to reduce the

Alignment section S2

Figure 3.2.1

One route is always along the west side of the MTR east railway. One alternative
route, part of which the along the existing service road, is away from the MTR
subway before the Tai Wo Service Rd E.

According to the investigation, the site condition in this alignment section is really
good. Therefore, we can adopt 3.5m for the cycle track all along the alignment. And
including the width of the drainage system, 4 meters can be adopt for the final width
of the track.

Since the alignment of this alignment is totally in the urban area, so no pedestrian path
is needed.

Figure 3.2.2 Slope of the alignment S2

From figure 3.2.2, the slope of the alignment S2 is appropriate for the construction of
cycle track.

Alignment section S3

One route is always along the west side of MTR east railway. One alternative route is
to broaden the original footpath in Taiwo village to go through Taiwo village.

Figure 3.3.1
Width: According to our site investigation, in the section from point A to C in the
figure (before entering Taiwo village), we need to broaden the original carriageway to
build the cycle track. There is green land at the west side of the original carriageway.
And there is a footpath. The width of the green land is enough for us to keep the
minimum width of cycle track, which is 3.5m. After the route entering Taiwo village
(from C to D), there are two alternative routes. The route (a) is quite close to MTR
railway (only separated by a wall made by steel plates) and it cant avoid occupying
farmlands. So we should try to minimize the width, which must be 3.5m. In particular
situation, the government allows 2m as minimum. The route (b) is to broaden the
original footpath, and there are green lands but not farmlands at both sides of the
footpath. So it's possible for us to keep the width 3.5m. Some other details about the
portion going through Taiwo village isdiscussed in the technical research part.

Relationship with carriageway: In the section from point A to C, the cycle track is
quite close to carriageway, and the carriageway is two-way and quite narrow. This
may cause danger to the cycler, so fences must be built. After the cycle track going
into Taiwo village, there are no vehicles driving in both alternative routes. So we
dont need to consider about the relationship with carriageway.

Slope: The calculationresults of slope are shown below:

position distance level change of level slope

A 19.1m
B 350m 24.5m 5.4m 1.54%
C 385m 26.0m 1.5m 0.39%
D 345m 25.3m (-0.7m) 0.20%
From the results, all of the slopes satisfy the need of less than 2%. We dont need to
do special cut-slope work.

Parking area: According to our site investigation, there are mainly village houses at
the east side of the cycle track, and there isnt any railway station. The cyclers seldom
have special needs to park their bikes in this section. So we may not need to construct
any parking area.

Pedestrian path: In the section from point A to C, there is original footpath, so we just
need to build cycle track only. In the portion from C to D, the need of footpath has
been discussed in the technical research part. To put it simply, if we choose route (a),
we can use the original footpath [route (b)] as the footpath, we also only need to build
cycle track along route (a). If we choose route (b), we need to broaden the cycle track
a little to make the combination of footpath and cycle track since the space is quite
limited. We may broaden the cycle track from minimum width 3.5m to 4m or 4.5m.

Connection with existing transportation: According to our site investigation, in this

section, theres no carriageway or other cycle track that cross the alignment. We dont
need to pay special attention to the connection with existing transportation system.

Alignment section S4

Figure 3.4.1

Along Tai Po Road(Section Tai Wo.).
1.Width:As we can see on the figure below, the street view of alignment of this
section(marked by red color) is on one side along the carriageway Tai Po
Road(Section Tai Wo.) and the land that can be provided for constructing the cycle
track is very limited. Therefore, the minimum of 3.5metres is better to be adopted for
this section. In addition, in order to ensure the minimum width of 3.5metres, trees and
some other barriers have to be removed, widening of the existing tracks has to be

Figure 3.4.2

2. Relationship with carriageway: Since the land provided for cycle track is very
limited in this area and the alignment is just on the side of the carriageway, it is not
practicable to construct a pedestrian pathway of around 1.8m to be a clearance
between them.In order to have a clearance between the cycle track and the
carriageway, fences are suggested to be constructedbetween the cycle track and the
carriageway so that safety can be ensure for cyclists.

3. Slope: The section is divided into 5 sub-sections. Slope gradient of each gradient is
calculated and the results are as shown in the following table:

Figure 3.4.3

Sub-section No. 1 2 3 4 5
Slope gradient 4% 1% 2.7% 3.9% 1.08%
According to above estimation, the gradient along this alignment is less than 4%,
therefore, no special effort has to be provided to lesser gradient.

4. Parking area: since there is no rail station accessible near the section and the land is
very limited in this area, parking area doesnt have to be provided along this section.

However, as we can see from the following figure, the intersection of Hong Lok Yuen
Road and the proposed alignment is a key turning point where cyclist can go from the
residential area (indicated by A) to the proposed cycle track and vice versa. Therefore,
a parking area can be constructed on the intersection of Hong Lok Yuen Road and the
proposed alignment so as to provide convenience for cyclist to park cycles.

Figure 3.4.4

As we can see from the figure below, according to our measurement and estimation,
the marked area can provide a land area of about 50 metre square which is suitable for
a parking area.

Figure 3.4.5

6. Pedestrian pathways: there is no other adjacent road that can provide land for
pedestrian pathway in this section, therefore, this section of cycle track can be also
adopted as pedestrian pathway. If this section of cycle track used as both cycle
track and pedestrian pathway, effort have to be made to widen the width of the
cycle track to more than 3.5 metres. However, as mentioned above, the land is
limited in this area, the only option we can make is to ensure the minimum width
of 3.5 metres but probably not reaching beyond 3.5 metres.

Alignment section S5

Alignment: TAI PO ROAD (TAI WO) till the crossing to TAI PO TAU SHUI WAI

Figure 4.5.1

Figure 4.5.2

1. Width
The alignment of this section is one side along the carriageway, the spare place for
building a cycle track is quite enough, so a maximum 4m cycle track is suitable here.
Anyway, trees and roadside greenbelts should be redesign to meet the requirement of
cycle track as well as the pedestrian.

Figure 4.5.3

2. Relationship with related carriageway

The space for cycle track is quite enough, so it is not necessary to re-design the
existed carriageway aside. The only problem is the auxiliary road. In this part the

spare room for cycle track is quite small. Therefore it is better to redesign the road to
clear the greenbelt to create enough space for cycle road.

Figure 4.5.4

3. Slope
This section of road is quite smooth with little gradient which is less than 2%.
Therefore it is not necessary to make special design for gradient.

4. Parking area
In this section of alignment, it is suitable for making a parking area since the spare
place is quite large. The location of the parking area can be chose in the place shown
in following picture where it is wide enough and with many trees. The trees can be
remained there and bikes can be parked just in the intervals of trees.

Figure 4.5.5

5. Pedestrian pathways
The pedestrian pathways can either continue use the existed one or redesign. If the
budget is enough, it is better to redesign since if use the existed one, both sides of
pedestrian are passing vehicles or bicycles. The pedestrian is much dangerous than
before though the bicycles aside may not be that dangerous as vehicles.

6. Connection with existing transportation system.
In this section of alignment, there are 2 T-junctions that the cycle track will cross. All
the roads connected to these 2 junctions are not heavy road which means the traffic
flow is not large. The road with fast speed vehicles are the Tai Po Road which is
parallel to the cycle track so the threaten to cycler is not big. Therefore, the cycle
track can just share the pedestrian crossing to cross the road.

Figure 4.5.6

Figure 4.5.7

Technical Research

Drainage system of cycle track

For the drainage system of highway, usually it comprises these parts

1. Inclined road surface

The road surface is inclined. The middle part of road is the highest and two wings
are lowest. Therefore, the water on the road surface will flow along the slope to

2. Gully
There are gullies on both the two wings of road, equipped in a certain interval
along the highway. The water flowing to the roadside will be collected into it.

3. Drainage pipelines
The water in gully is designed to flow into those pipelines and finally flow to a
large container or if there is a river nearby, the pipelines will be connected to the

Usually, if the aside the road there are residential buildings or other facilities, these
drainage pipelines may be also designed to carry the sewage water from these

Figure 4.1.1

However, the drainage system of cycle track cannot simply apply the methods on
highway. But the ideas are same.

1. Inclined road surface

The width of cycle track is 4m, not 20m as the highway, therefore it is not realistic
to design the road surface with highest point in the middle and with a certain
gradient. Meanwhile cycle track is one-way road, so the design can be changed to
that one side is higher and the other side is lower.

Figure 4.1.2

2. Gully
The gully can be applied cycle track, but it can be designed in smaller size than
those in highways because the accumulated water on cycle track is less than in

3. Drainage pipelines
A new drainage pipelines system for cycle track is not necessary because the cost
may be too large. Meanwhile cycle track is not as highway, which is still very
busy during heavy rain and once the highway is flooded, there will be large loss.
However when heavy storm arrives, seldom citizens will choose to use cycle
track, they tend to change other vehicles.Therefore, the cycle track can share the
same pipelines system of adjacent road if that system has spare capacity to
accommodate extra water flow.

Meanwhile, part of cycle track goes along the TaipoRiver, therefore its more
practical and economical to connect the gullies direct to river with pipes.
Taipo River

Figure 4.1.3

Figure 4.1.4

4. Drainage for Tunnel

The cycle track will pass through the tunnels such as the place near SheungShui
Police Station on Jockey Club Road.

For the drainage in the tunnel of this cycle track, the key point is to avoid flooding
in tunnel. Usually there is a series of gullies arranged in a line located on the road
surface at the entrance and exit of tunnel. Therefore the water flowing into tunnel
will be collected by this series of gullies. But once the storm is too heavy which is
beyond the capacity of tunnel drainage system, there should be applied with pump
to draw out the water.

Figure 4.1.5

How to cross the open channel and the MTR subway

Since the purpose of our cycle track project it to connect the existing cycle track
system in FANLING and TAI PO, most part of the cycle track in our design is
actually in the urban area. However, the practical site condition is not that sample
which is supposed to be.

Before stating the challenge of the design, the site conditions will be shown first.
Figure 4.2.1 Site condition of the cycle track project

For the most part of the proposed cycle alignment, the Fanling Highway is always the
guide line. From the start point of the Fanling Highway to the Tai Po Rd (taiwo), the
cycle track is just on the right side of the Fanling Highway. And just on the left side of
the proposed cycle track, there is an artificial drainage channel (see figure 4.2.2),
which is in the shape of trapezoid. To the left of the open channel, there is a metro
subway, which is the blue line in figure 4.2.1.

Then here comes the challenge or problem. The destination of the cycle track, which
refers to the Tai Po, is on the left side of the Fanling High. And that is also why we set
the designed alignment of cycle track on the left side (note that the forward direction
is from Fanling to Tai Po) of the Fanling Highway. The problem is between Fanling
Highway and the cycle track in Tai Po, there also exist the open channel and the MTR
subway which has been mentioned before. That means, in somewhere along the cycle
track, the cycle track must come across both the open channel and the MTR subway.
Another problem is that, since the cycle track is designed

Figure 4.2.2 The open channel adjacent to the proposed cycle track


The purpose of the solution is to evaluate several possible ways to make the cycle
track come across the open channel and the MTR subway.

The solutions include data for the use of feasibility study of the project. In order to
cross the open channel and the MRT subway, this report will discuss totally four
solutions. For each solution, the report will cover a brief introduction first and then
carry out one specific scheme according the corresponding standard and the practical
site condition. The four solutions are applying tunnel system, applying mix of new
designed bridge and existing transport, applying new designed bridge only, and
applying the existing transport only. The first three solutions follow the alignment
which has been mentioned in the inception report (will be mentioned again). And the
alignment of the forth solution is a little bit different from the one before. The details
of the four solutions can be seen in the following content.

Tunnel system evaluation (solution 1)

Site Description
The tunnel located just before the Tai Wo Service Rd E (see figure 4.2.3). The reason
why we set the tunnel there is because of the blockage of the existing traffic system.
The alignment of the cycle becomes discontinuous because of blockage of the existing
transport, which refers to the Tai Wo Service Rd E. If we construct the tunnel here,
then there is no need to carry out further design for how to cross the existing road.
Another reason is that, in the future, the traffic flow at this area may be much heavier
than the condition it is now. Then the tunnel can also be used as pavement to reduce
the traffic load at that area.

As mentioned before, what we need to do is to cross the open channel and the MTR

Figure 4.2.3 The route of tunnel (from A to B)

Construction Method
1) Tunnel use
The tunnel is used for the traffic purpose such that cycle can come across one
open channel and one MTR subway form one side to the other side.

2) Tunnel casing length

According to the tunnel constructing criteria, for tunnel crossing a railway or
roadway, the angle of crossing is based on the economics of the practical
alternatives. The crossing is to be located as neat perpendicular to the railroad or
roadway alignment as practical and the minimum length of tunnel casing is to be
the width of the right of way.

And the tunnel also needs to be extended with respect to the theoretical ends.
Extend the length of the tunnel casing beyond the limits of planned future
expansion of the surface structure. This distance will be the width of the
estimated pressure influence zone outside the planned structure area. As an
approximation, the pressure influence zone may be bounded by a forty five
degree line extended outward from the edges of the loading area.

3) Tunnel casing diameter

In the Standard Details for the tunnel construction, there is no tunnel diameter for
carrier pipe. The diameters of the tunnels are based on the ease of installation and
maintenance as well as economic considerations, for review and approval by

As for the cycle track, according to the standard, the minimum width of the cycle
is 3.5m. Then take the width of the cycle track as 4m, adding another 0.5m for the
drainage. Then we can estimate the width of the tunnel is about 4.5m.

4) Minimum soil cover

The minimum soil cover above the tunnel is to be the greater of four and one half
feet, one and one half times the outside diameter of the tunnel or the depth
requested by the jurisdictional authority.

5) Soft ground tunneling method

In the tunneling design, we use the method of bore and jack, which is one of the
most popular soft ground tunneling methods. Bore and jack is a method installing
a casing by means of cutting, hand mining or boring an opening in the soil while
simultaneously forcing the pipe through the opening with hydraulic jacks. Design
the tunnel using steel pipe or reinforced concrete pipe for the casing.

6) Clearances with surrounding installations

For the vertical clearance, maintain a minimum of one foot clearance between
tunnel and other utility lines. The actual location and elevation of the existing
utilities over or under the tunnel alignment are to be determined prior to design.

For the horizontal clearance, it should be greater than 15 feet for the tunnel which
is greater than 72-inch diameter. In our design of tunnel, the diameter should be
about 3m. So adopt at least 15 feet during the construction.

For the ends of tunnel, the ends are not to be located in steep slopes, streams or
drainage ditches. Steep slope is defined as being 3:1 and higher than 10 feet from
the toe to the top of slope. Extend the ends of a tunnel at least 15 feet beyond the
toe of a steep. In our condition, there is no steep slope, stream and drainage.

7) Soil properties
The construction of the tunnel also connects to the soil. Site investigation needs to
be carried out to test the properties of the soil. Especially for the settlement of the
ground caused by the construction of tunnel, several standards should be fulfilled.
The settlement of the ground will affect the above open channel and MTR

Solution Evaluation
The advantages of the tunneling design can be seen as following.
1) The tunnel will come across the open channel and the MTR subway directly. After
the construction of the tunnel, it will be much more convenient for the cyclists in
the future.
2) Avoid the confliction with the existing traffic system. At first, the cycle track is
blocked by the Tai Wo Service Rd E (see figure 4.2.3). If we construction the
tunnel before crossing the Tai Wo Service Rd E, the cyclist can come across the
channel and the MTR subway first, and therefore avoid any connecting issues
with the existing cycle track.

The disadvantages of the tunneling design can be seen as following.

1) The construction of tunnel is so complex. The design of the tunnel will be much
more complex than all the other three solutions.
2) Constructing a tunnel is relatively much more expensive than the other solutions,
which will be introduced next.
3) Settlement or other issues will happen during and after the construction of tunnel.
It will affect the existing constructions, which refer to the open channel and the
MTR subway.

Mix of new designed bridge and existing transportation system
(solution 2)

Site Description
For the same reason with the tunneling design, start the new designed bridge just
before the Tai Wo Service Rd E to avoid the blockage to the cycle track.

From figure 4.2.4, we can find that, between the open channel and the MTR subway,
there is still a small road. First, a new bridge will be constructed to come across the
open channel to the small road (Bridge1: A to B). After that, the cycle will follow the
small road until coming across the traffic junction with the Tai Wo Service Rd E
(Road1: B to C). Then the cycle will leave the small and follow the Tai Wo Service
Rd E to the existing bridge (Road2: C to D). Here, the cycle will connect to the
bridge. And with the help of the existing bridge, the cycle track can cross the MTR
subway to the other side (Bridge2: D to E).

Figure 4.2.4 Route of solution 2

Construction Method
For the construction of bridge crossing open channel, we should take care that, the
length is not long. And the use of the bridge is just for cycle track. Then the brief
design can be seen as following.

For the convenience of the construction and consideration of economy, both of the
superstructure and substructure can use the reinforced concrete. The superstructure
consists of the components that actually span the obstacle the bridge is intended to
cross and includes the following:
1) Bridge deck;
2) Structural members;
3) Parapets (bridge failings), handrails, sidewalk, lighting and some drainage

The deck is the roadway portion of a bridge, including shoulders. Most bridge decks
are constructed as reinforced concrete slabs, but timber decks are occasionally used in
rural areas and open-grid steel decks are used in some moveable bridge designs.

Bridge decks are required to conform to the grade of the approach roadway so that
there is no bump or dip as the bicycle crosses onto or off of the bridge.

Although the strength requirement of the bridge is not so high, the safety is still one of
the most important factors we need to consider. The most common caused os
premature deck failures are:
1) Insufficient concrete strength from an improper mix design, too much water,
improper amounts of air entraining admixtures, segregation, or improper curing;
2) Improper concrete placement, such as failure to consolidate the mix as the
concrete is placed, pouring the concrete so slowly that the concrete begins the
initial set.
3) Insufficient concrete cover due to improper screed settings or incorrect installation
of the deck forms and/or reinforcement.

The substructure consists of all of the parts that support the superstructure. The main
components are abutments or end-bents, piers or interior bents, footings, and piling. A
proposed sketch of the bridge can be seen in figure 4.2.5.

Figure 4.2.5 Proposed bridge crossing the open channel

Method Evaluation
The advantages of using a mixing system:
1) It is relatively cheaper than the tunneling design for building a simple bridge;
2) Full use of the existing transport system to achieve the aim of crossing the open
channel and the MTR subway;

The disadvantages of using a mix system:

1) Further design should be carried out for the purpose of connecting to the existing
transport system. The existing transport system includes the small road, the Tai
Wo Service Rd E, and the existing bridge.

Design a total new bridge to cross the open channel and the MTR
subway (solution 3)

Site Description
This design is similar to the mix system. The only difference is that, the new

constructed bridge is supposed to cross the whole open channel and the MTR subway
(see figure 4.2.6).

The location just before the Tai Wo Service Rd E becomes one critical point in our
design in crossing the open channel and the MTR subway. The start of the long span
bridge is just the same as the two start points before, which belong to the tunnel and
the short span bridge in solution 2. And then the end point of the bridge will locate at
the other side of the MTR subway directly. The small road between the open channel
and the MTR subway, the Tai Wo Service Rd E, and the existing bridge in solution 2
will not the included in this solution 3.

Figure 4.2.6 Route of the new designed bridge

Construction Method
The construction of the bridge in solution 3 is similar to the construction of bridge in
solution 2. However, there is one difference that we should pay attention to. As
mentioned before, the bridge in solution 2 is just used to cross the open channel, but
the bridge in this solution is used to cross both of the open channel and the MTR
subway. Thus the difference is not just the length of the span. In order to cross the
MTR subway, the height of the bridge in solution 3 will much larger than the height of
the bridge in solution 2. Appropriate approach ramp needs to be constructed for the
purpose of crossing the MTR subway.

For the existing bridge along the proposed cycle track which used for crossing the
MTR subway or the Fanling Highway, they also have such kind of approach ramps
(see figure 4.2.7(a) and figure 4.2.7(b)).

Figure 4.2.7(a) Approach ramp of the existing bridge

Figure 4.2.7(b) Cyclists on the existing approach ramp

From figure 4.2.7(b), it can be easily found that the slope of the existing bridge is still
too steep. It is so difficult for the cyclist to climb up the bridge. And it is also too
difficult for the cyclist to control the bicycle when going down the bridge. Therefore,
for the new designed bridge in this solution. Method needs to be figure out to reduce
the steep slope caused by the large height of the bridge. There are mainly two
methods which can be seen as following.
1) Increase the length of the approach ramp. More space is needed for the additional
length of the approach ramp.
2) Apply three decks in opposite direction instead of two in figure 4.2.7(b).

Method Evaluation
The advantages of constructing a new bridge:
1) It will be convenient for the cyclists to cross the open channel and the MTR
subway directly;
2) The cost of constructing a simple will be much less than the cost for constructing
a tunnel;
3) The construction is simple.
4) There is no troublesome connecting the existing traffic system.

The disadvantages of constructing a new bridge:

1) The cost will be larger than that in solution 2.

Connect the new designed cycle track with the existing
transportation system (solution 4)

Site Description
We can see that, the routes of the cycle track in the previous three solutions are same.
But in solution 4, the route is different from the route in solution 1, solution 2, and
solution 3.

Instead of stop the cycle track before the Tai Wo Service Rd E, in solution the cycle
will cross the road and continue extending along the Fanling Highway. The route will
keep extending until reaching the existing bridge (see figure 4.2.8).

Figure 4.2.8 Route of solution 4

Construction Method
No other construction is required, except for the cycle track itself.

Method Evaluation
The advantages of the solution 4:
1) There is no need to construct other issues, such as bridge and tunnel;
2) Full use of the existing traffic system leads to less cost and simple construction.

The disadvantages of the solution 4:

1) Further should be carried out to connect to the existing transportation system;
2) Between the existing in solution 4 and the Tai Wo Service Rd E, the space for
constructing the cycle is too close to the Fanling High way (see figure 4.2.9).
Blockages are required for the safety and comfort of the cycle track.

Figure 4.2.9

How to go through the village

Statement of the problem:

The alignment of the cycle track must go through the Taiwo village, and it will
conflict with the original path or farmlands in the village.
According to our site investigation and some information searched from Internet,
we obtain that the main industry Taiwo village is agriculture. There are a large amount
area of farmlands for planting economic crops, and some greenhouses to plant
ornamental plants. The farmlands and greenhouses are also closely arranged with little
space among them. The west side of the Taiwo village is just next to MTR East Rail
Line. Here are some photos taken by us and a plan view diagram to show the real
situation of Taiwo village.

The plan view of Taiwo Village
The red rectangular outlined the confines of Taiwo Village.
The yellow small rectangular shows the position of the cycle track enters the
Taiwo Village.

This is the position where the cycle track enter Taiwo village

There are large amount of area of green lands in Taiwo village

One of the proposal(to be discussed later) by build new way beside the MTR

One of the proposal (to be discussed later) by using the existing path

According to the pictures and the description, we realize that there are quite a lot
difficulties and restrictions for us to design this portion of the cycle track. We should
design a most proper route. Here are some points that we need to consider in our
design proposal:
(1) Technical index (According to the design standards)
a. Width requirement
According to the design standards and experience, usually the width for
one-way cycle track should be 2.7m. The width for two-way cycle track
should be 3.5m. Here we must design two-way cycle track since the
whole cycle track should be two-way.

b. Footpath requirement
Usually we have four types of arranging type:
-Cycle track + footpath just beside it
-Only Cycle track
-Cycle track + footpath not beside it
-Combination of Cycle track and footpath
In this portion, since the cycle track is used to provide convenience for
transportation of people, we must confirm the existence and reasonable
arrangement of footpath. Moreover, since the area is quite limited, we
may be not able to make the separation of our cycle track and footpath
like the portion in urban area. In urban area, we may plant some trees and
boscage to separate the footpath and cycle track. This makes both cycler
and walker safe and comfortable. In our particular situation we may only
choose simple separation like iron fences or make the surface of footpath
about 15cm higher than the surface of cycle track.

c. Radii of turn
The radii of turn for cycle track can be 2~5m, which depends on the
available land. Here we should try to save land, so we may use the
minimum value under the condition of reasonable design.

d. Slope
According to the design standard, in the area with many ups and downs,
the slope should be controlled to less than 4%. In other area, the slope
should be less than 3%. If the slope reaches 5% or higher, the cycler will
be forced to get off the bike.According to our site investigation, we found
that the groundsurface there is quite flat. We may not need to consider
about the slope problem in that portion. (But we have some cut-slope
problems to be considered in other portions).

(2) Minimize the influence to the surrounding environment (Both in constructing

process and the use stage)
As the introduction of the Taiwo village above, there are large amount of area
of farmlands and greenhouses which may cause confliction with the cycle
track. No matter how we design the cycle track, we can not avoid changing
original arrangement of the farmlands or greenhouses. This may cause 2
major problems:
First, during the construction process, many wastes including waste water
and solid waste will be produced and cause damage to the original eco-
system. We also need space to store and stack the construction materials and
construction machineries, which may occupy more original green lands, and
cause damage to surrounding environment.
Second, the government needs to give a proper arrangement for those
people whose farmlands or greenhouses are occupied. The government may
need to pay money for them or give them another piece of land as

(3) The difficulties in the constructing process

Here are some difficulties in constructing process:

a. There should be enough space to allow the construction machineries to

enter and operate. Also construction materials such as sands, stones and
steel bars need space to be stored and stacked.
b. Water is needed to make the concrete and other use such as cleaning and
washing. So we should build some temporary facilities to keep water
c. Solid waste and waste water should be dealt with properly.
(4) Cost estimation

Under the condition of satisfying the requirement of design standards and not
affecting normal use of the cycle track, we should try to minimize the cost.

(5) Other facilities (such as drainage and lighting)

The drainage system and lighting facilities must be included in the design
proposal. We may make use of the existing drainage system of Fanling
Highway, or build a new drainage system, which depend on different design

Design proposals to solve above problems

Design proposal I
Description of the proposal: The direction of the alignment does not change when it
enters the village, which is shown by plan view below:

Some explanation:
The yellow line is the alignment before entering Taiwo village
The red line is the designed route of proposal I to go through the Taiwo village
There are two cycle bridges at the start and the end of this portion. We need to connect
this to points (which indicated in blue circle in the picture). Here we design the route
as nearly a straight line. At the west side of the route, there is MTR east rail line, and
at the east side of the route, there are large amount of green lands. There is not any
original path between the green lands and MTR railway. There is only a wall made by
steel plate for separation. We need to occupy some of the green lands belong to

Analysis of the proposal

(1) The straight line segment shape gives the shortest distance between the starting
and end points. This can make the rider go through Taiwo village by using shortest
(2) There is no turning point. Straight route makes the cycling smoother, and the
designer doesnt need to consider about the detailed design of the turning point
which is difficult in such a limited space.
(3) The cycle track is closed to Fanling Highway. So it can use the same drainage
system with Fanlin Highway. Theres no need to build a new drainage system, we
just need to design and build the connection, which is easier for constructing and
make cost low.
(4) The lighting system can also use the electrical system of Fanling Highway.
(5) There may be no need to construct the footpath since there is original footpath, but
not coincident with this designed route of cycle track. Here is a plan view shows
the original footpath:

The green line is the designed route for cycle track, and the red line is the original
footpath in the village.

(6) The designed route is at the boundary of the village, not really go into the village.
So no matter during the constructing process or after the cycle track put into use, it
will not bother the peaceful life of the people in the village.

(1) The route is quite close to MTR railway, so there is quite limit space to do the
construction work.
(2) This route will occupy quite a large area of farmlands belong to private.
(3) Since the route is quite close to MTR railway, some work during constructing
process such as excavation may affect the roadbed of MTR and this risk must be
considered and increase the difficulty of constructing.

Design proposal II
Description of the proposal
The route of the cycle track is along the original footpath in Taiwo village.
According to the site investigation, the original footpath is only about 1m wide
and not flat. Also it does not satisfy the strength need for cycle track since it is
only simply built for walking. We need to broaden the original path and re-build
its structure.
Here are the pictures showing the plan view of the route and the real situation of
the original footpath:

The yellow line is the route before entering Taiwo village.
The red line is the route going through Taiwo village.
The two blue circles are starting point and end point respectively.

A typical situation of the footpath

Analysis of the proposal


(1) The route makes use of the original footpath, which only need to broaden, not
to build a totally new way. This makes the less difficulty in constructing
(2) According to our site investigation, there are not large amount of farmlands or
green houses in the two sides of the footpath. The green lands are mainly full
of weeds.
(3) There are several houses in the neighborhood of the footpath. If the cycle track
is built there, it will provide enough convenience for the people living in the

(1) The length of the route is longer, which may cost more time for cycler. Also,
there is a sharp turn in this route, which is shown below:

The yellow X shows the position of sharp turn

This turn is about 90.According to the design standards, the minimum turning
radii for cycle track should be 2~5m. Since we have limited space here, we
may use 3m as turning radii. The more detailed solving for this problem will
be given in detailed design. This sharp turn in such a limited space will have
negative effect on the smooth of the cycle track.
(2) Since there are more houses in the neighborhood, the constructing work may
bother the daily life of some people. We must pay more attention and do more
work to decrease the negative affect of construction, such as waste and noise.
(3) The route is far from Fanling Highway. So we may not be able to use the
drainage system of Fanling Highway directly. We need to build a new drainage
system. Also we need to build the electrical net for lighting. This is quite a
large amount of work.
(4) The footpath is needed. We should take the combination of footpath and cycle
track. This may need more space, and the total width of the road will reach at
least 4.5m. The separation of footpath and cycle track is also needed to be

Cost estimation of the two proposals
The cost estimation is made up of 3 elements:
- Direct cost (including labor cost, plants and materials)
-On-cost (site staff, transport cost, welfare and site office cost, insurances and
-Mark-up cost (allowance for company overhead, risk and profit for contractor)
Some elements that both proposals have nearly the same cost can be neglected,
we only focus on some particular points that may cause difference in cost between
these two proposals.
For the proposal I, we need to pay compensate to those people whose farmlands
are occupied. The constructing process may influence the roadbed of MTR railway,
and we need to pay additional cost to build some retaining and protecting structures.
For the proposal II, we need more materials since it is longer compared to
proposal I. Also we need to pay more for building the new drainage and electrical net.
Comprehensive comparison of these two proposals

Difficulty in design Difficulty in constructing Affect to surrounding area

Proposal I small large similar
Proposal II large small similar

Environmental Impact and Assessment


The potential environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of
the Project are summarised in the following sections.

Air Quality

Fugitive dust emissions from site clearance, excavation and material stockpiling
/handling are the major sources of air pollution during the construction phase of the
Project. According toAir Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation, there are
proper measures for the construction dust to be controlled at source to acceptable
levels. Therefore, the impact would be under control.

Mitigation Measures1

1. The works area for site clearance shall be sprayed with water before, during
and after the operation so as to maintain the entire surface wet;
2. Restricting heights from which materials are to be dropped, as far as
practicable, to minimize the fugitive dust arising from unloading/ loading;
3. Immediately before leaving a construction site, all vehicles shall be washed
to remove any dusty materials from the bodies and wheels. However, all spraying of
materials and surfaces should avoid excessive water usage;
4. Where a vehicle leaving a construction site is carrying a load of dusty
materials, the load shall be covered entirely by clean impervious sheeting to ensure
that the dusty materials will not leak from the vehicle;
5. Travelling speeds should be controlled to reduce traffic induced dust
dispersion and re-suspension within the site from the operating haul trucks;
6. Erection of hoarding of not less than 2.4 m high from ground level along
the site boundary, where appropriate;
7. Any stockpile of dusty materials shall be covered entirely by impervious
sheeting; and/or placed in an area sheltered on the top and 4 sides;
8. All dusty materials shall be sprayed with water or a dust suppression
chemical immediately prior to any loading, unloading or transfer operation so as to
maintain the dusty materials wet.

During the operational phase, the project would not cause any air pollution. No

1Air Science Group, Environmental Protection Department, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,
Air Quality in Hong Kong 2006
adverse air quality impacts are expected thus, no mitigation measures are required.


The use of powered mechanical equipment (PME) for various construction activities
will be the primary noise source during the construction phase of the Project.
Construction noise levels would be expected to exceed the EIAO-TM noise
assessment criteria at a number of noise sensitive receivers (NSRs) due to their close
proximity to the works areas if no control measures are implemented.

Mitigation Measures

Table 6.1 shows the possible alternative quieter PME. These quieter PMEs (e.g.
QPME) are available in the market and have been successfully applied on other
projects and have achieved noticeable noise reductions.
Description Equivalent Quiet PME SWL, dB(A)
Mini excavator [Note 1] 94
Road ripper, excavator mounted [Note 1] 105
Mobile crane BS 5228 Table C.7/118 99
Dump truck BS 5228 Table C.9/39 103
Hand-held electric circular saw BS 5228 Table C.7/75 105
Concrete Lorry Mixer BS 5228 Table C.6/23 100
Lorry BS 5228 Table C.8/25 96
Poker, vibratory, hand-held BS 5228 Table C.6/40 98
Asphalt Paver BS 5228 Table C.8/24 101
Crane mounted auger BS 5228 Table C.4/37 111
Road Roller BS 5228 Table C.8/30 101

Table 6.1Recommended Quiet PME and the SWL

[Note 1] Details extracted from EPD website:

Our proposed measures are having quiet plants, movable noise barrier / enclosure and
careful management of works, so that the noise standards at all NSRs could be
It is recommended to use of temporary noise barrier / enclosure for certain PME to
alleviate the construction noise impacts. In general, a 5 dB(A) reduction for movable
plant and 10 dB(A) for stationary. Table 6.2 shows the assumed noise reduction
effects achieved by the temporary noise barrier for certain items of PME.
Proposed Mitigation Assumed Noise
Measures Reduction, dB(A)
Mini excavator Noise barrier 5
Mobile crane Noise barrier 5
Dump truck Noise barrier 5

Proposed Mitigation Assumed Noise
Measures Reduction, dB(A)
Hand-held electric circular
Noise barrier 10
Air compressor Noise enclosure 10
Hand-held breaker Noise enclosure 10
Bar bender Noise barrier 5
Vibrating hammer Noise barrier 10
Generator Noise barrier 5
Concrete Lorry Mixer Noise barrier 5
Lorry Noise barrier 5
Poker, vibratory, hand-held Noise barrier 5
Asphalt Paver Noise barrier 5
Compactor Noise barrier 10
Road Roller Noise barrier 5
Crane mounted auger Noise barrier 10
Grout mixer Noise barrier 5
Grout pump Noise barrier 5
Drill Noise barrier 5
Road ripper, excavator
Noise barrier 10

Table 6.2 Noise Mitigation Measures for Certain PME

It should be noted that the noise screening effect due to the temporary noise barriers
(as shown in Table 6.2) and the noise mitigation measures in the form of site
hoardings and screening without direct line of sight between the NSRs and the PMEs.
It requires the careful considerations of the specific construction works, design of
barriers and NSRs situations.
It is recommended further that the Contractor should also adopt working practices in order to
minimize construction noise as far as possible, including the following:
1 The Contractor shall adopt the Code of Practice on Good Management Practice to
Prevent Violation of the Noise Control Ordinance (Cap. 400) (for Construction
Industry) published by EPD;
9. The Contractor shall observe and comply with the statutory and non-
statutory requirements and guidelines;
10. Before commencing any work, the Contractor shall submit to the Project
Engineer for approval the method of working, equipment and noise mitigation
measures intended to be used at the site;
11. The Contractor shall devise and execute working methods to minimize the
noise impact on the surrounding sensitive uses, and provide experienced personnel
with suitable training to ensure that those methods are implemented;
12. Noisy equipment and noisy activities should be located as far away from
the NSRs as is practical;
13. Unused equipment should be turned off and PME should be kept to a
minimum and the parallel use of noisy equipment / machinery should be avoided;
14. Regular maintenance of all plant and equipment should be undertaken;
15. Material stockpiles and other structures should be effectively utilised as
noise barriers, where practicable

The Contractor shall monitor the construction noise time to time and also the noise
impacts on the surrounding so that adjustments could be made to the number of plants
to be used at any one time and the plants positions. These requirements shall be
incorporated into the works contract.

No operational noise impact is expected to arise from the Project. No specific noise
mitigation measures are required.

Water Quality

There are few minor excavation and re-surfacing works in the Project. Water quality
impacts from the construction works can be controlled to by implementing the
recommended mitigation measures. No adverse water quality impacts are anticipated.
Site inspections shall be undertaken routinely to inspect the works areas in order to
ensure the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented.

Water Polltion Mitigation and Management

Stormwater and Non-point Source Pollution

Uncontrolled discharge of wastewater shall be prevented from the construction site in

accordance with ProPECC PN 1/94 Construction Site Drainage. It is envisaged that
the following measures will effectively control runoff from works sites and avoid
water pollution downstream:
1 Surface run-off from the construction sites will be directed into storm drains via
adequately designed wastewater treatment facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and
sediment settling basins;
2 Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers will be provided on-site to properly direct
stormwater to the above-mentioned facilities;
16. Existing silt removal facilities, channels and manholes along roads and pedestrian
walkways will be maintained and the deposited silt and grit will be removed
regularly, at the onset of and after each rainstorm to ensure that these facilities are
functioning properly at all times;
17. Other manholes (including any newly constructed ones) will be adequately covered
and temporarily sealed so as to prevent silt, construction materials or debris from
getting into the drainage system;
18. Open stockpiles of materials on site will be avoided or where unavoidable covered
with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms. Measures will be taken to prevent
the washing away of construction materials, soil, silt or debris into any drainage
system and river channels;
19. Where possible, works entailing soil excavation will be minimized during the rainy
season (i.e. April to September);
20. Where applicable, final earthworks surfaces/ slopes will be well compacted and
hydro-seeded following completion to prevent erosion;
21. During construction works, chemical toilets will be provided for the use of site staff.
These will be provided by a licensed contractor, who will be responsible for
appropriate disposal and maintenance of the effluent;
22. Vehicle wheel washing facilities should be considered, where applicable given the
site constraints, at the exits such that mud, debris, etc. deposited onto the vehicle
wheels or body can be washed off before the vehicles are leaving the site area;
23. Section of the road between the wheel washing bay and the public road should be
paved with backfill to reduce vehicle tracking of soil and to prevent site run-off from
entering public road drains.

Protection Against Accidental Spillage

24. The Project may occasionally involve the handling of fuel and generation of chemical
wastes. It must be ensured that all fuel tanks and chemical storage are sited on sealed
areas and provided with locks.
25. The storage areas will be surrounded by bunds with a capacity equal to 110% of the
storage capacity of the largest tank to prevent accidentally spilled oil, fuel or
chemicals from reaching the receiving waters.
26. Oil and grease removal facilities will be provided where appropriate, for example, in
areas near plant workshop/ maintenance areas; and
27. Chemical waste arising from the site should be properly stored, handled, treated and
disposed of in compliance with the requirements stipulated under the Waste Disposal
(Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation.

No adverse water quality impacts are expected during the operation phase of the

Waste Management

Wastes generated by the construction activities will include construction and

demolition (C&D) materials from the construction works, general refuse from the
workforce and chemical waste from any maintenance of construction plant and
equipment. Providing the waste management practices are strictly followed, no
adverse impacts to the environment associated with waste generated by the
construction phase of the Project are anticipated.
Recommendations have been provided during operation of the Project. These include
waste collection facilities (e.g. litter bins) to be included in the design of the
supporting facilities, and at regular intervals along the route, and with regular
collection and disposal of litter from these facilities. No adverse waste management
issues are expected to arise during the operation phase of the Project.

Mitigation Measures

Waste Management Practice During the Construction Phase

In terms of Governments position on waste minimisation, the practice of avoiding

and minimising waste generation and waste recycling should be implemented in the
Project. The measures for the course of the construction are as follows:
1 An on-site environmental co-ordinator employed by the Contractor should be
identified at the outset of the works. Prior to commencement of Project works,
the co-ordinator shall prepare a WMP in accordance with the requirements set
out in the ETWB TCW No. 19/2005, Waste Management on Construction
Sites, for the ERs approval. The WMP shall include monthly and yearly
Waste Flow Tables (WFT) that indicate the amounts of waste generated,
recycled and disposed of (including final disposal site), and which should be
regularly updated;
28. The Contractors waste management practices and effectiveness shall also be
audited by the ER on regular basis;
29. The reuse/ recycling of all materials on site shall be investigated and
exhausted prior to treatment/ disposal off-site;
30. Good site practices shall be adopted from the commencement of works to
avoid the generation of waste, reduce cross contamination of waste and to
promote waste minimisation;
31. All waste materials shall be sorted on-site into inert and non-inert C&D
materials, and where the materials can be recycled or reused, they shall be
further segregated. Inert material, or public fill will comprise stone, rock,
masonry, brick, concrete and soil which is suitable for land reclamation and
site formation whilst non-inert materials include all other wastes generated
from the construction process such as plastic packaging and vegetation (from
site clearance).
32. The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying what materials can be
recycled/ reused, whether on-site or off-site. In the event of the latter, the
Contractor shall make arrangements for the collection of the recyclable
materials. Any remaining non-inert waste shall be collected and disposed of to
the Public Filling Areas whilst any inert C&D materials shall be re-used on
site as far as possible. Alternatively, if no use of the inert material can be
found on-site, the materials can be delivered to a Public Fill Area or Public Fill
Bank after obtaining the appropriate licence;
33. In order to monitor the disposal of C&D material and solid wastes at public
filling facilities and landfills, and control fly-tipping, a trip-ticket system shall
be implemented by the Contractor, in accordance with the contract and the
requirements of WBTC 31/2004 Trip Ticket System for Disposal of
Construction and Demolition Material.
34. Under the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, the
Contractor shall register as a Chemical Waste Producer if chemical wastes

such as spent lubricants and paints are generated on site. Only licensed
chemical waste collectors shall be employed to collect any chemical waste
generated at site. The handling, storage, transportation and disposal of
chemical wastes shall be conducted in accordance with the Code of Practice
on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes and A Guide to
the Chemical Waste Control Scheme both published by EPD;
35. A sufficient number of covered bins shall be provided on site for the
containment of general refuse to prevent visual impacts and nuisance to the
sensitive surroundings. These bins shall be cleared daily and the collected
waste disposed of to the refuse transfer station. Further to the issue of ETWB
TCW No. 6/2002A, Enhanced Specification for Site Cleanliness and Tidiness,
the Contractor is required to maintain a clean and hygienic site throughout the
project works;
36. All chemical toilets, if any, shall be regularly cleaned and the night-soil
collected and transported by a licensed contractor to a Government Sewage
Treatment Works facility for disposal; and
37. Toolbox talks should be provided to workers about the concepts of site
cleanliness and appropriate waste management procedures, including waste
reduction, reuse and recycling.
38. The Contractor shall comply with all relevant statutory requirements and
guidelines and their updated versions that may be issued during the course of
project construction.

Waste Management Practice During the Operational Phase

Waste collection facilities (e.g. litter bins) will be included in the design of the
supporting facilities, and at regular intervals along the route. It would be the
responsibility of the corresponding Government to arrange for regular collection of
litter from these facilities. Also, separate collection bins shall be provided for
aluminium cans, plastic drinks bottles and paper wastes, which will encourage the
recycling of these waste streams.

Ecology & Fisheries

Generally the habitats that will be lost as a result of the cycle track are of low
ecological value for the length of the route as it follows existing roads, drainage
channels and occasionally footpaths through developed areas of the North East New
With the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures, in particular to timing
issues during the construction phase close to sensitive receivers, and adoption of good
work practices, it is considered that this Project can be completed with minimal
impacts to the local ecology along the route of the cycle track.
There will be no loss of fishponds. For those construction works in proximity to
fishponds, good site practice following appropriate guidelines and mitigation
measures should be employed by the construction workers. No negative impacts to
any fishponds or fisheries operations either in the construction or operational phases
of this Project are envisaged.

Ecological Impact Mitigation Measures

Habitat loss

Where concrete drains are required to be covered with decking to accommodate the
cycle track, it is recommended that where possible, complete cover is avoided to
maintain local wildlife access.
Under any circumstances if any vegetation is to be removed, vegetation in stages
should be cut before groundwork takes place to disperse any wildlife that is sheltering
in the immediate areas.
In addition, during the construction phase, areas of existing hard standing should be
employed for the site compounds and material storage yards to further reduce habitat
loss. Many such areas exist along the route and should be easily located for this

Good Work Practices

To further demonstrate ecological and environmental awareness, a series of mitigation

measures should be implemented throughout the construction and future maintenance
of the cycle tracks. These are as follows:
1 Avoid soil storage against trees;
2 Fence off any potentially ecologically sensitive areas;
3 Delineation of works area to prevent encroachment onto adjacent habitats;
4 Reinstatement of habitat after works;
5 No on-site burning of waste;
6 Waste and refuse in appropriate receptacles;
7 Staff training/toolbox talks for site work near Long Valley and WCA
important areas for birds, therefore staff should reduce amount of noise whilst
working and during breaks where possible;
8 Regular ecological checks; and
9 Silt/ Sediment/ Oil traps for drainage to prevent site run-off

Cultural Heritage

The assessment area has been determined to contain no archaeological sites or areas
of archaeological potential. The impact assessment showed that there would be no
adverse impacts to any of the recorded built heritage features or declared monuments.
Therefore, no specific mitigation measures would be required. As a precautionary
measure, it is recommended that care should be taken during the construction stage to
report any signs of possible discovery of artefacts.

Environmental Monitoring and Audit

An environmental monitoring and audit programme will be implemented for the

Project during the construction phase, to check effectiveness of the recommended
mitigation measures and compliance with relevant statutory criteria.

Overall Conclusion

According to this EIA, after the adoption of appropriate mitigation measures, the
Project would comply with all environmental legislation and standards, with no
adverse residual impacts. An environmental monitoring and audit programme is
recommended to monitor the implementation of the measures and to ensure
compliance with environmental standards.

Construction material


(1) In-situ concrete for footways, cycle tracks and paved areas shall be laid in areas
not exceeding 20 m2. The finish to the concrete surface shall be Class U4.

(2) Concrete for units in footways and cycle tracks shall be Grade 30. Concrete for
units in carriageways or areas to which vehicles will have access shall be Grade 45.

Precast concrete:

(1)Paving slabs:
The paving slabs shall be square or rectangular of metric size 200 mm x 300 mm
or 300 mm x 300 mm, and 60 mm thick for footpaths. Other dimensions may be
used if approved by the Engineer.
(2)Paving blocks:
shall be as shown in relevant Highways Department Standard Drawings, unless
otherwise specified by the Engineer. 200 x 200 x 60 mm paving units shall be
considered as paving blocks.
(3) Paving setts:
Paving setts shall be square of metric size 100 mm x 100 mm unless otherwise
specified by the Engineer.And they shall be 60 mm thick for footpaths and 80
mm thick for carriageways and vehicular accesses. Other thickness may be used
if approved by the Engineer.


(1) Bituminous materials for footways, cycletracks and paved areas shall be laid and
compacted with steel-wheeled and pneumatic-tyred rollers. Compaction shall start
before the temperature of the newly laid material falls below 100C and shall continue
until all roller marks have been removed. For locations where rollers cannot operate
effectively, the bituminous material can be compacted by hand-operated mechanical
compaction plant approved by the Engineer.

(2) Cores shall be taken in accordance with the specific regulations for the checking
of air void content and compacted layer thickness of the bituminous material for
works with area of not less than 200m2. For works with area smaller than 200m2but
greater than 50m2, at least 2 cores shall be taken from each layer of bituminous
material laid. For works with area less than 50m2, no coring is required unless
otherwise instructed by the Engineer.

(3) The cores taken shall be tested to determine the air void content. The average air
void content of the cores shall be not less than 3% nor greater than 9%. If the test
result does not comply with the specified requirement, 2 additional cores shall be
taken at locations agreed by the Engineer and the average air void content determined
fromthese2 cores shall replace the original value for compliance checking.
Notwithstanding this, no cores shall have an air void content of less than 2.5% nor
greater than 10%.

(4) Each core taken from the final surfacing layer shall also be measured to determine
the compacted layer thickness that shall not deviate by more than 5mm from the
specified thickness. If the measured thickness does not comply with the requirement,
2 additional cores shall be taken at locations agreed by the Engineer and the average
thickness determined from these 2 cores shall replace the original measured value for
compliance checking.

(5) If no bulk sample is taken for determination of the Rices specific gravity, the
corresponding value obtained from the mix design shall be used in determining the air
void content of the core unless other value is suggested by the Contractor and agreed
by the Engineer.

(6) If either the air void content or the compacted thickness of the core is outside the
specified limits, the sub-area from which the cores were taken shall be considered as
not complying with the requirements specified in this clause.


(1) Sand for bedding units shall have the particle size distribution stated in Table 1.
The sand shall have a moisture content exceeding 4% and not exceeding 8% at the
time of laying.

(2) Sand for filling joints between precast units shall have the particle size distribution
stated in Table 2. The sand shall have a moisture content of less than 0.5% at the time
of filling joints.

Table 1: Particle size distribution of sand for bedding units

BS test Percentage by
sieve size mass passing
10 mm 100
5 mm 85 - 100
2.36mm 65 - 100
1.18mm 40 - 98
600 m 25 - 72
300 m 10 - 35
150 m 0 - 15
75 m 0 - 10

Table 2: Particle size distribution of sand for filling joints between units
BS test Percentage by
sieve size mass passing
2.36mm 100
1.18mm 90 - 100
600 m 60 - 90
300 m 30 - 60
150 m 15 - 30
75 m 5 - 10


(1) Footways, cycletracks and paved areas shall not be used by construction plant or
vehicles other than those, which in the opinion of the Engineer are essential to
construct the subsequent work.

(2) The nominal maximum aggregate size for concrete in precast units shall be 10

Executive Summary


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