The Aryan (1.5.2) - Feb.17

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A FORTNIGHT e-NEWSPAPER that dreams for a divine global order


More alive the adherence

to the Ideal,
more is man
and unshaken
Global Nation ~ World Master
Global Citizenship

Volume 1.5.2 February 15, 2017 | RANCHI | JHARKHAND | INDIA Price : $ 0.0

Editorial Increasing social crime: The root cause World News Bulletin

R ecently a news of criminal inci- Dr. J.C. Barnes a criminologist from the
Uttar Pradesh is voting in the biggest
dent was in the headlines of all democratic election anywhere in the
University of Texas at Dallas after a long
Bengal Crisis !!! national leading newspapers. A
world this year.
analysis of case studies say that - genes

ew decades back Bengal was young man of 32 years old Udayan Das could be a strong predictor of whether one
Russia will start initial deliveries of
being defined as What Bengal became a psychopath killer and murdered strays into a life of crime. military helicopters to India in 2018,
thinks today, India thinks tomor- his parents and live-in-partner Aakansha with assembly and manufacturing to
The Aryans masters, thousands of years follow in Asia's fastest growing econo-
row. One of the greatest Seers of the age Sharma. This is a small image of a bigger ago with their and keen observations my, the chief of state-owned manu-
from Bengal 80 years ago said If Bengal world of so many incidences. Why does it found the facts of becoming and facturer Russian Helicopters said.
arises, Bharat will arise and if Bharat rises, happen? =========
expressed in a hymn
the World will be saved.
Terrie Moffitt, an American psychologist in LoHkkoifj/oalfuLrq izfryksekpkjk:A
Unfortunately, these practical inspiring
1993, highlighted the
words seem to be irrelevant now. Because It means hypoga-
criminal behaviour in
conscious citizens at present dont find mous (pratilom) mar-
her research work.
those galaxies of thinkers, educators, re- riage, i.e. if a girl of
Moffitt's statement of "Are we building the world we all
searchers, writers, leaders from Bengal, higher hereditary
the theory is one of want? Progress now requires humani-
who could lead the nation and direct the character (upper ty coming together not just as cities or
the most important
world. Varna) marries a boy nations, but also as a global commu-
contributions in crimi- nity," That's the question Mark
Rising of a state means rising of the peo- nology. of less evolved he- Zuckerberg used Thursday to kick off
ple. And rising of the people means - when redity (lower Varna), an open letter to the Facebook com-
Dr. Kevin M. Beaver munity he helped to build.
culturally, educationally, scientifically, in- human characters of
from Florida State =========
dustrially numbers of people grow up for their offspring will be Beijing With the suspension of all
University and Dr. destroyed. Such North Korean coal imports, China has
the becoming of the greater interest in the
wider surroundings.
Brian B. Boutwell at Sam Houston State children will have inherent sharp negative wielded a big stick against its reclu-
University did a research work on Moffits sive neighbour, but there is no sign it
bent of mind! These facts we also find in
Once Bengal had produced series of such theory. They conclude that - "Genetic influ- all the species in nature and we accord-
high potential personalities and was at the ences in 'life-course persistent offending' ingly handle them for existential cause.
leading position in nation building. But this were larger than environmental influences.
has fallen down and even under the micro- Now the social scientists should think and
But for 'abstainers', it was roughly an equal
scope, those are rarely visible! Construc- work the consequences in this direction; to
split. In 'adolescent-limited offenders', the
tive political leaderships have been re- make a better future world for humanity.
environment appeared to be higher. will cut off all critical links and Beijing
placed by destructive selfish leaders. Nour- is still promoting talks to solve the
ishment of hatred culture is being cultivat-
ed, which affects the peoples mind. This
Marxist Communism to Aryan Communism dispute over Pyongyang's programme
to develop nuclear weapons.

even enters into the family life. opularly Communism word is asso- of free growth. But here some questions
Iraq U.S.-backed Iraqi forces fought
ciated with Marxism. Karl Marx, the arise were the cause of fall of socialism. Islamic State fighters to clear the way
In the name of progressive culture
German philosopher had formulated Those are: 1. Nature is not classless, and to Mosul's airport, on the second day
(thinking, writing, educating, etc.), negation
a socialist (base of future communism) politi- of a ground offensive on the jihadists'
towards tradition has been developed. This variations of matters and life do exist in remaining stronghold. in the western
cal-economy, which was first implemented equilibrium 2. People become slave under side of the city.
has ruined even the rational existential
under the leadership of Lenin in backward sate autocracy. 3. Due to loss of personal =========
facts of traditions. Those might have been
Russia in 1917, and became most advanced ownership, people lose interest over
upholder of the future prospect of mankind.
country. But within 70 years the work, causes the fall of the
So in a result, overall those factors have USSR had fallen and adopted economy. 4. Capitalist exploi-
severely weakened the main pillars of hu- capitalism, followed by other tation is replaced by states
man existence, and that of Bengal too. socialist countries. In late 90s autocratic dictatorship.
Those are: 1. Conjugal love and family Socialist China also adopted Trumps new travel ban targets same
Here the solution is in Aryan
integrity, 2. Marriage on the laws of eugen- conditional capitalism. countries but spares green card hold-
Communism. This is based on ers. The draft is subject to change
ics, 3. Scientific foundation of Varnashram, Marxist theory stands on Dialectal long term successfully tested exis- ahead of its signing, which President
4. Ideal-centric go-of-life and social unity. and Historical materialism. This has come up Trump said could come soon.
tential natural laws in Indo-Aryan societies.
Since these were maintained, social order with certain natural laws and there is an at- It says: 1. The leadership of the fulfiller-the-
and culture of Bengal were elevated and tempt to assess the course of social change best or Seer, that assures total progress
we were offered great personalities. But based on the theory to reach Communism. and unity, 2. Protects and nourishes indi- FREE OFFER
now propaganda in favour of free-culture - Marx explains about the surplus value viduals hereditary characteristics by psy-
encourages free-mixing and that danger- (profit), which is produced by the labours for chogenic transformation into Brahmin, 3. Join FREE course of
ously working in favour of unscientific ran- the capitalists. He said this profit should be Education of eugenics to secure better off- Self Quest of Life (SQL)
dom-selection. It causes more and more used for the social-cause and peoples inter- spring, 4. Promotion of family based small to study
birth of mental and psychic disordered chil- est. This is possible if working class takes industries as units on big one to develop INDOARYAN
dren, brings social destructions. So, funda- over the state-power, through the revolution of self-reliance, interest, R&D and, exploita- EXISTENTIALISM
mental solution of this great crisis of Ben- class struggle. Then real equality and peo- tion-free socialistic economy; here every-
Register at:
gal is Marriage-Reformation ! ples-democracy would be established. This is one becomes owner and labour. 5. Finally
socialism of no class and finally communism secures humans freedom of infinite growth.

Editor & Publisher : Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee

On behalf of: Indoaryan School of Human Resource Development (ISHRD) | All rights reserved 2017 | Phone# +91-9470932544 | Email: | Website:

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