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A FORTNIGHT e-NEWSPAPER that dreams for a divine global order


Do never die
nor cause death
but resist death
to death.
Global Nation
~ World Master
Global Citizenship

Volume 1.5.1 February 1, 2017 | RANCHI | JHARKHAND | INDIA Price : $ 0.0

Editorial Womans Liberty : Real and Virtual World News Bulletin

here was an unwanted incident on ents, those have Ideal centric go-of-life and Indian PM Narendra Modi's combative
31st December 2016 in Bangalore education, rarely face such a bad situation! West Asia policy will face its first acid
Dharma is the only on year end celebration. Many test in ongoing elections.
She also found during imparting education -
solution of young girls were severely harassed by a mob
many of the women after literacy become Retreating US, engaging China and
of men in the eve! Bharatvarsha has a tradi-
Communalism egoist and ignores family peace. But in con- rising India will mark the new world

tion of worshipping women as mother for trary, there were so many illiterate mothers order.
t is about 25 years back - Babri thousands of years and in modern India they having great and bright children!
Mosque was demolished by a moti- are qualified and economically independent.
vated crowd. And afterwards there Then why do these incidents happen now? These opposite conditions put Mrs. Aparna
were a series of unprecedented communal Roy in a dilemma to find the
Mrs. Aparna Roy, a well edu- root cause of true liberty of
riots, mass destructions and bloodshed
cated housewife says to us woman. What is actual free-
spread over the country like a fire. Chain of
(The Aryan) that, - she was dom of a woman? What is Union Budget 2017: MEA gets minor
retaliations against retaliations directly
an activist and worked for real womanhood?
(action) or indirectly (emotion) involved jump in allocation, but Chabahar, IOR
womens empowerment. She see major spike in grants.
millions of people not only in India but in Once she found solutions in a
had a close look of terrific =========
this sub-continent. This was a black- message - Woman's service,
pain of young girls suffering Is Hafiz Saeed's house arrest merely
period in the history of secular India! conducts, thoughts and a ploy by Pakistan to avoid the wrath
from poverty and their fall-
Constitution, institutions, education sys- words induce such an im- of Donald Trump?
down into a dark world. On =========
tems have been educating the lessons of the other hand, she has also experienced - pulse among men that, they would regard
Beijing praises US President Donald
brotherhood among all communities since girls of affluent families due to fulfill desires of and become charmed, enlightened by Trump for desiring better ties with
1947. But these efforts were absolutely free enjoyment how they have been dragged 'mother' feeling. The womans instincts are: China.
failed, in such a crisis period! But why? down into the world of open-relationships, constancy, religiousness, nursing, serving,
drinks, drugs, depressions, and finally on an helping, protectiveness, inspiration, and
Actually, so-called moral lessons of broth-
average they are not successful in family life! reproduction.
erhood never go into the sub-conscious
mind of the people. The sense of brother- She continues with experiences, - initially she She said - Now I believe - real liberty of a
worked to unite girls and to generate mass- woman is in her instinct. If education stands
hood comes from within if the culture of
opinion to protect right, liberty and safety of on her instinctive characteristics, none could
fatherhood would be cultivated. The fun- Vladimir Putin govt says no deal with
women. But she strangely found that - those ever harm her respect and liberty; and she
damental lessons of fatherhood is - con- US on Ukraine crisis.
girls have strong-personality, powerful self- would be successful within her family and =========
cept of one father. It comes from
respect, pride for their family-heritage, regard- also in outer world. Earlier I was after the Angela Merkel hopes to step up Ger-
Dharma (that protects existence and nur-
ful loving attachment with their par- virtual liberty of woman, not of the real. many's migrant deportations to bolster
tures becoming) is one and Prophets are re-election bid.
the messengers of the same Dharma.
Dharma and Political Freedom - A discourse =========
H1B visa norms: Indians in the US
Krishna or Christ, Buddha or Mohammad, are on thin ice, but aren't panicking

Special on 48th demise anniversary of Sree Sree Anukulchandra
Chaitanya or Ramakrishna or Anukulchan- his was an eventful discussion dur- Worker: We became selfish, and were yet.
dra, etc. are the living embodiment of =========
ing the movement of political free- suffering from narrow individualism.
Syrian government dismisses Amnes-
World humanity - where all solutions of dom of India, in Dec. 1941. A dia- Anukulchandra: Why did it happen? ty's report on alleged war crimes in
existential crisis have been rationally mani- logue began between some visitors (political Damascus prison.
fested according to the respective ages. Worker: This was the weakness of
worker) and Anukulchandra
They worked to save mankind from uncon- our national character.
Chakraborty - a World Master
sciousness. In fact, they tried to root out and Global Man Maker to be Anukulchandra: So you
the inner cause of weakness, i.e. unknown and become of individuals. yourself say that due to
passions of individuals which lock all sorts After an exchange of greet- the weakness of our
of possibilities to balance harmonious pro- ing talks began as follows: character we had lost our
gress far-sightness. This path of self- freedom. Now if you dont Syria military prison witnessed 13,000
Worker: I think nothing is 'secret' hangings, says Amnesty re-
realization to uphold being and becoming rapier this disorder, then
effective without independence port.
of individual and environment is Dharma. how will disease be cured?
of the country, so this should be the =========
Here we need Dharma, Ideal culture. Eight countries sign pact to counter
Hence Dharma is one, but the techniques priority to all of us.
Weakness of man means, complex orient- Donald Trump's global anti-abortion
(faith & path) of following the Dharma (law Anukulchandra: Definitely, we must be free. ed life and one cant come out from this policy.
of life & lift) do vary in accordance to time. Worker: Then why do you initiate Dharma? obsession, unless he is headed towards
So Dharma and paths are not same. Sec-
ondly the substantial distortion of purity of
Anukulchandra: I also want to know, without
Ideal and culture. So it comes through Ideal FREE OFFER
Dharma how one can be free? Well, have you initiation and devotional practice. He who
Dharma occurred from institutionalization of has realized and materialized the facts of Join FREE course of
ever thought, why have we lost our freedom?
the Seers. Ignoring the Seers, the worship being and becoming in His life - is an Ideal. Self Quest of Life (SQL)
of their sayings began. Thus manipulations Worker: Due to conspiracy of imperialism. And Dharma is that code of conduct, to study
in the light of narrow self-interest, detached Anukulchandra: If there was conspiracy, which definitely upholds the laws of life and
them from rest and wrongly misused them then why we couldnt avoid it? lift... Ideal nurtures and guides every- EXISTENTIALISM
of the respected communities! Worker: We were not united. one according to his characteristics. Such
Ideal becomes the center of unity of all, that Register at:
So Dharma only can unite all for ever. Anukulchandra: May I know, why we couldnt WWW.INDOARYAN.ORG
lay foundation of strong nation building..
maintain our unity?

Editor & Publisher : Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee

On behalf of: Indoaryan School of Human Resource Development (ISHRD) | All rights reserved 2017 | Phone# +91-9470932544 | Email: | Website:

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