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A FORTNIGHT e-NEWSPAPER that dreams for divine globalization

Demand of equality
Breaks the learning
Of unity -
and equity makes it.
Aryan Globalization
~ World Master
Divine Communism

Volume 1.6.2 March 15, 2017 | RANCHI | JHARKHAND | INDIA Price : $ 0.0

Editorial Self Employment : The best fulfillment of the Society World News Bulletin

Unity in Reality S ri Anup Mitra - a young IT engi-

neer was seated in front of the
citys best psychiatrist Dr. Krish-
This is the story of the most of the job
holders and employees. This situation
gradually makes them idle, lazy, remiss,
G20 financial leaders acquiesce to
U.S., drop free trade pledge: Finan-
cial leaders of the world's biggest

economies dropped a pledge to keep
n the famous Indian movie na Mishra. He was looking to come out of dishonest, slave; lack of inquisitiveness global trade free and open, acquiesc-
3 Idiots, the elder daughter of his present state of depression. and less energetic. These become the ing to an increasingly protectionist
United States after a two-day meeting
the Principal had a delivery pain. cause of the individuals mental disorder,
In reply of Mr. Anup, Dr. Mishra asked - failed to yield a compromise.
Due to heavy rain and water logging it family disintegration, economic downfall,
You wanted to work for earning money, corruptions, social unrest, etc.

was impossible to take her to the hospi- now you get

tal. Then the Rancho (Amir Khan) and his it; but still you In contrary
friends all together saved her and suc- are unhappy! s e l f -
cessfully made the delivery. Why, do you employ-
know? ment or
This nail biting episode is remembered
by everybody still today. The lesson of Because you Ignoring Scottish referendum man-
the episode of the movie was not only the are working date would 'shatter' UK structure:
directly con- Sturgeon : Refusal by Britain's prime
intelligence and presence of mind of only for mon- nects one minister to discuss an independence
Rancho but his excellent friendship bond- ey, you wait with the referendum would "shatter beyond
ing and an example of friendship unity. for the 30th authority of
repair" the United Kingdom's constitu-
day of every tional structure, Nicola Sturgeon told
From a family to the country, everywhere his work, her Scottish National Party on Satur-
month. You production, day.
unity and mutual cooperation is neces-
neither can profit and *********************
sary to perform the needs of survival suc-
like your job, nor you may love your em- that leads him towards innovations, de- U.S., China soften tone, say to
cessfully, joyfully and to manage every- work together on North Korea:
ployer. That creates a negation in you. velopment of scientific aptitude, sincerity
thing systematically for combating all The United States and China will work
This is the cause of your present state of and get family involvement.
challenges on the way to progress. together to get nuclear-armed North
mind. So either you love your employer
In nature same systematic phenomenon and work for his pleasure; or you work Overall, it makes a progressive self-
prevails. If we minutely observe the cos- independently under your ownership. I reliance progression, social integrity and
mic mechanism, we shall find that whole think the second choice is more challeng- human resource development. This
system is in rhythmic motion. The most ing, but the best for your potentials. gives strength to the country to get con-
interesting and remarkable factor is - trol over the global economy.
each cosmic element (celestial body) is Korea take "a different course", U.S.
tied by a force with a central body. Hindutva gets merged into Aryanism Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said
on Saturday, softening previous criti-

For example earth along with the rest of cism of Beijing after talks with his
indutva originates from Hindu- were called as Hinduism or Hindutva. Chinese counterpart.
the planets in our solar system are tied ism. Historically the word So, in fact Indians have no internal con- *********************
up with the central unit Sun. The centrip- Hindu comes from the river nection with Hindutva, rather their fore- PM Modi picks hardliner Yogi as
etal force of the planets towards the Sun, CM to lead India's most populous
Sindhu or Indus in north-western part of fathers were all Aryans.
is the only cause of their existence. And state UP: Indian Prime Minister Nar-
India. Most interestingly origin of all other reli- endra Modi picked Hindu hardliner
due to the tension to the common unit Yogi Adityanath, as Chief Minister to
Sun, the unity and existence of the solar A section of the Aryans with the culture of gious ideas such as Buddhism, Christi- lead its most populous state UP after
system are possible. humanity, migrated from northern anity, Islam, etc. is also Aryan- his party BJP won a landslide victory
ism. The common father wining 325 over 403 seats.
global part through central
Similarly, living bodies such as in the
Asia to Indian (Indo- (many generations
human body - all the limbs, organs,
Aryan) subcontinent ago) of Jesus and
nerves, etc. are strongly connected to the
brain and dedicated to follow the order. about 3000 BC (5000 Mohamed was
This unit-centricity makes the harmoni- years ago). First they Abraham. He was
ous integrity of the body, is the only settled at the banks an Aryan Brahmin,
Yogi, who has been accused of incit-
factor of survival and progress. on the rivers Sindhu living in central Asia. ing violence against India's Muslim
(most western side), The same person was minority, but he will be Chief Minister
In family when children are well bonded in UP for next 5 years. People have
Saraswati, Drishadwati. Brahma a Godly person high expectations from his leadership.
with regardful attachment to their
The Persians used to call the to Indo-Aryans (Hindu). And
parents, then family integrity and love get
developed. That is the reason of long river Sindhu as Hindu and those (a Buddha was an Aryan Kashtriya
lasting mutual togetherness, love, harmo- branch of the Aryans) settled down at the (Sakalya clan), same of Rama. And the Join FREE course of
nious peace and heavenly bliss. river Sindhu were named as Hindu by Veda is the original scripture of Aryans. Self Quest of Life (SQL)
So, total unity in reality in the society is them. Because they used to pronounce The Bible and Quran are the new ver- to study
only possible when individuals the letter l (sa) as g (ha), thus the word sions of the Veda as per the time-place. INDOARYAN
(politicians, teachers, parents, youth, Sindhu became Hindu and their culture So Aryanism is a universal way of Glob- EXISTENTIALISM
etc.) find a common all-fulfilling personali- (practice, rituals, belief, customs) and liter- al unity where Hindutva, and rests also
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ty as a guide or master or Seer. ature (Puranas, Ramayana, Gita, etc.) get merged together into it. So, cant WWW.INDOARYAN.ORG
we all be re-connected in Aryanism?

Editor & Publisher : Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee

On behalf of: Indoaryan School of Human Resource Development (ISHRD) | All rights reserved 2017 | Phone# +91-9470932544 | Email: | Website:

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