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A FORTNIGHT e-NEWSPAPER that dreams for divine globalization


Judge one
when you can
Place yourself -
in his position
Out and out.
Aryan Globalization ~ World Master
Divine Communism

Volume 1.7.2 April 15, 2017 | RANCHI | JHARKHAND | INDIA Price : $ 0.0

Editorial Digitisation and Man Making Education World News Bulletin

Resist, Not evil !!! D igitization is the process of con-

verting text, audio, video, ani-
mation, graphics etc. into a
man making education.
The indispensable role of teacher
India becoming hub of international
arbitration: Chief Justice of India
Chief Justice of India J.S. Khehar on

(master or Guru) in man making educa- Saturday said India was becoming a hub
ow a silly mistake shakes common digital platform i.e. into binary of international arbitration and the govern-
tion is going to depend more and more ments initiative to work towards zero
the world for thousands of (0,1) format or electric impulse. And edu-
on digital-engineering to make self- interference in the process would promote
years and leads a mass to cation is the process of imparting inquisi- confidence among foreign traders.Justice
realization and nurture inner potentials Khehar said the potential for international
the wrong direction, put then into a tiveness for exploring existential factors
through an audio-visual effect.
towards becoming of life.
great trouble. And nobody could rectify
On the other hu-
it, unless the Seer man comes again. Now it is a big ques-
man ge-
Versions of Bible is an living example of tion - does digiti-
nome (genetic
such sorrow incidence! zation serve the
record) is get-
purpose of edu-
In the Gospel of Matthew chapter 5, ting digitized
cation; is a digit- arbitration was increasing due to foreign
39th paragraph of the Bible new testa- and each indi- investment. Speaking at a two-day semi-
ization compati-
ment, we find that Jesus says - But I vidual will be nar Engaging Asia Arbitration Summit,
ble to education the CJI said the governments Make in
given Digital- India scheme will make the country a
say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but procedure?
Id card that favoured market.
whosoever shall smite thee on thy right
Viewing the di- holds every *********************
cheek, turn to him the other also. The rection of pro- detail of an Trump Administration Asks Indian-
English interpretation of this verse is - American Surgeon General To Step
gress of world individual relat- Down:
But I tell you, dont resist him who is civilization, digitiza- ed to records of
evil; but whoever strikes you on your tion is becoming an inhabitable factor of any medical deformity, hereditary char-
right cheek, turn to him the other also. the future world. It could be perceived that acter, native bent of mind, IQ level, etc.
in the near future the three pillars of hu- to manage and evolve psychogenic as-
This interpretation has made the wrong
man evolution: Concentration (profitable set of individuals.
mindset of the Christian world, which is
adjustment of passions), Education
quite far from the real sayings of Jesus Most interestingly to protect human as- Vivek Murthy, the first Indian-American
(nourishment of instincts) and Eugenics appointed by the Obama regime as the
Christ. The wrong message is - all set, digital matching and approval
(to gain better genetic potential) are going Surgeon General, has been dismissed by
must forgive even the enemy of hu- would be a necessary factor for matri- the Trump administration to bring new
to be digitized to serve the purpose of leadership to the vital public health sector.
monial issue of male and female.
manity. What is the mistake and how Dr. Murthy, 39, has been replaced by his
deputy, Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams.
was it made? Only missing of a punc-
tuation comma (,) just next to the word
Consciousness: The mind
mind--matter relation Murthy, the leader of the US Public Health
Service Commissioned Corps, was asked

to resign from his duties as Surgeon Gen-
Resist, Not evil... created a great arun Iyar - a research scholar was ever movement of these energy particles eral after assisting in a smooth transition
mesh. The real meaning of the version make various frequencies of vibration and into the new Trump administration," the
working in the Physics lab on elec- US Department of Health and Human
is - If you resist, there will be no evil. tromagnetism. While touching the the resonance creates its own language. Services said in a statement.
Movement for self-protection from the two ends of a digital voltmeter, he found a Similarly the brain, or mind-matter also *********************

effects of odds and stopping the person sudden deflection on the measurement works and makes frequency of Xiaomi Mi 6 Launched: How Xiaomi
Flagships Have Evolved Over the
or persons from committing mistakes, is on its monitor! It made him, language. It also has the Years:
amazed to find discharge capacity of receiving
the best path of resistance of sin.
of electric impulses from frequency of lan-
In the Christian world it is believed that his body ! guage or impulse
- you must forgive the sinner, but not from around.
This a issue of con-
the sin. This also supports the very frontation since long - Conscious is that
saying of Jesus. It means that - we which comes first, - which can re- Xiaomi has unveiled the sixth-generation
must make the man free from his inhu- Matter or Mind? Reli- ceive and transmit of its flagship smartphone, the Xiaomi Mi
impulse. Thus the 6. The all-new smartphone and its ceram-
man thinking and activity, which may gious people say Mind ic avatar, the Mi 6 Ceramic, have been
not only harm others, but the man him- or spirit comes first. On the brains higher power of announced for the Chinese market but are
receiving and transmitting likely to launch in other markets including
self too. Thats why the same Jesus other hand, rational and people in India in the coming months. Xiaomi
took the bold action against the cheat- the field of science believe that matter is the stimulation make it more conscious matter. Founder and CEO Lei Jun at the launch
ultimate factor of existence. event on Wednesday talked about it.
ing and in the name of religious practice So having more power of consciousness,
at the Jerusalem Temple site and de- Now various experiments in human body cause more efficiency of receptivity. Re-
stroyed business behind the idol wor- show that - there are a continuous flow of searchers now believe that - human con- FREE OFFER
electro-magnetic and thermal radiation from sciousness, not only reciprocally communi-
ship. But He opened the door of love (of
bodies. And in various state of mind, the inten- cates among human beings, but also does Join FREE course of
God) for them. He also prayed to for-
sity of the radiation significantly varies. beyond, with other matters (conscious). Self Quest of Life (SQL)
give them, responsible for unknowingly
Scientists are thinking to catch this energy to study
committing sins for his crucifixion. In fact brain is the most evolved and intelligent
transmission and project to make it visible. INDOARYAN
matter so far as the creation is concerned.
Every age, we commit the same The building block of each matter is tiny atoms Systematic spiritual practices remarkably EXISTENTIALISM
unknown mistakes, so present Master - is charged or energy particle. Other words - increase the power of consciousness, leads Register at:
says - Jesus is still crucified !!!. condensed form of energy is matter. The one towards a feeling of oneness to all. WWW.INDOARYAN.ORG

Editor & Publisher : Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee

On behalf of: Indoaryan School of Human Resource Development (ISHRD) | All rights reserved 2017 | Phone# +91-9470932544 | Email: | Website:

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