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A FORTNIGHT e-NEWSPAPER that dreams for divine globalization


Similar clan of similar

traditional group and
instinctive aptitude
is caste or class,
in the lap of nature.
Aryan Globalization ~ World Master
Divine Communism

Volume 1.7.1 April 1, 2017 | RANCHI | JHARKHAND | INDIA Price : $ 0.0

Editorial Vegetarianism : Humans natural diet ? World News Bulletin

Tolerance: Temper to
tolerate the truth
D iet is a personal choice. The
menu of the diet should be cho-
sen by an individual of his or
her own taste and health point ground.
testine is short to avoid rotting of flesh.
They have strong muscular legs and
nails for hunting and very hot and ag-
gressive. They take water by licking.
Syria Gassing On Leak From Rebel
Chemical Cache, says Russia:
Russia on Wednesday blamed the
poisonous gas contamination that
activists say killed at least 83 people

None can force one to decide for the including 25 children on a leak
nce in 1993 Mumbai was Where as the internal and external phys- from a chemical weapons cache hit
selection of food.
on the volcano of commu- ical structure of herbivorous animals are by Syrian government air strikes.
W.H.O. has defined: A person who physi- made for absorbing energy from plants.
nal riot. In the evening 9
cally, mentally, socially and spiritual- Their intestine is large,
oclock one young man of 20-21 years
ly leads a balanced life is where longer periods
old ran into a slum area, he was healthy. So individuals of depositing of
frightened and rushed in a cottage of choice of food should plant particles never
Sajid Alam. Within a while a group of be based on fulfill- gets rotten. They
4-5 armed men reached and shouted ment of complete suck water to drink Is Trump wise to take on China
health, as guided and use free strong over trade? : US President Donald
to on Sajid. As soon as Sajid opened Trump has said that trade negotia-
the door, they jumped inside and by WHO. tongue to swallow. tions with China will be "very difficult"
when he meets President Xi Jinping
asked to hand over the man to them. Normally, human being The humans physical in Mar-a-Lago, Florida. Trade will be
Sajid politely told them - there is none seems to be an omniv- structure is very similar as one of two key issues on the agenda,
orous. He takes vegetarian of herbivorous animals, so animal along with North Korea. But what's
here. Looking on him, they trusted his the problem - and what can Trump do
and non-vegetarian food together. But protein is responsible for various dis- about it?
words and left to find him in another.
does he made for that? Did his internal eases. Secondly, to maintain and supply *********************
This was a dry lie, but at the cost of a physical and psychological system evolve fleshy diet (animal protein) for human Korea-linked hackers are attacking
greater cause to save a life. So this from natural selection for any specific di- demand, deforestation and consumption banks worldwide: North Korea's
was practically truth. Thus truth is et? If not then fine, but if so then what is of water are getting doubled. Thirdly, the
that which protects and nurtures our that distinctiveness? excessive toxin produced by animal diet
decreases the longevity and also cause
existence and in contrary, that makes Physiologically internal facial structure of
of aggressive temperament.
the crisis of our existence is lie or carnivorous such as teeth, jaw, muscular
false! Dharma is also the same - mechanism, etc. are more efficient to bite So, diet of balanced psycho-physical
and grind hard flesh and bones. Their in- health of human being is vegetarian. hacking operations are growing and
which upholds life and growth of all.
getting more bold -- and increasingly
If our thinking process, expressions of Aryanism was hacked by Hitler targeting financial institutions world-
wide. North Korea is now being linked

words, line of actions are aligned with to attacks on banks in 18 countries,
truth or follow Dharma, then automati- n 1933 Adolf Hitler took over the fulfill his desire to capture the world according to a new report from Rus-
parliamentary power and became under his rule and domination of the so- sian cyber security firm Kaspersky.
cally everything around us gets inte-
Chancellor of Germany and his na- called supremacy of Aryan race. And *********************
grated. Hence a marvelous balance
tionalist Nazi party came into the majority. the Germans got united by his call. At the end of the last Ice Age, most
and equality take in shape. large animals in North America
Significantly Swastika was selected by His such aggressiveness was the cause were wiped out, and others trans-
But when a thought gets conflicted him of his party symbol. formed themselves. Yet one has
of World War-II. More than
with the existence of the others or an
Archeological and tra- 6 million people died!
action strikes the equilibrium of natu-
ditional ritualistic evi- Still the world cant
ral and social balance and weakens forget Hitlers
dences prove that
the foundations of rational and mean- such brutal mass
since the ancient
ingful cultural heritage, then the sys- (enemy!) geno-
age more than 5000 survived virtually unchanged to the
tem cant tolerate. War, warming, epi- years ago this Swasti- cide ever in the present day. Suddenly, around
demic, food and water crisis, etc. are ka symbol was used by history ! 11,000 years ago all disappeared
completely from the Americas. Only
the result of it. This is natural and the Aryans throughout Asia one large plant-eater remained, near-
In fact Aryanism has 8000
social intolerance. along with ancient India. Still, this Swasti- ly unchanged - the pronghorn. Figur-
years long ancient glory of world ing out how the pronghorn survived
In human relationships tolerance is a ka symbol is taken widespread by the Indo humanisms, as viewed by Aryan sages. could help us understand the mass
-Aryans (Hindu) as the religious symbol of extinction that is now underway.
temper to tolerate the truth - the Aryanism is the science of human exist-
thought and action which definitely peace and prosperity in every home. ence that teaches the lessons of true
secures our existence and evolution. Hitler gained popularity by raising hardline universal brotherhood and progress.
Intellectually often it is difficult to un- sentimental feeling of German nationalism But due to severe misuse and hacked Join FREE course of
derstand - what is to be done? of Aryan pure racial blood. This move by Adolf Hitler - the divine concept of Self Quest of Life (SQL)
stood on a feeling of hatred, basically Aryanism was badly misrepresented to study
But if we find a Master man who is the
against the Jewish and Marxists. Jews in and made a strong negative impact INDOARYAN
living embodiment of the truth, then a
Germany were intelligent and controlling over peoples mind, in the name of rac- EXISTENTIALISM
useful decision can be made to avoid
the economic power and Marxist com- ism! And the prosper sign Swastika be- Register at:
the effects of intolerance!
munism idea was an upcoming threat to came the symbol of hatred and cruelty ! WWW.INDOARYAN.ORG

Editor & Publisher : Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee

On behalf of: Indoaryan School of Human Resource Development (ISHRD) | All rights reserved 2017 | Phone# +91-9470932544 | Email: | Website:

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