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Well (C-23)Activity during 8 Hole drilling.

M/Up & Ran 8RSS/LWD assembly & tagged 9-5/8

F/C@2818m,tested Csg@3800psi,ok.D/Dn F/C ,Cmt upto 2843m,Changed over to
10ppg KCl-PHPA-Glycol Mud ,C & C Mud.D/Dn shoe &new Daman formation
f/2843m to 2984m (phase td), L/Survey: MD-2962.04M, INC-49.520, AZI-51.500,
TVD-2428.28M from RKB.While flow check after C & C mud prior to P/O for slick
run observed well flow@5BPH with 11.1ppg/58s mud@
bottom(2984m).Increased the M.wt to 12ppg/57s.checked flow observed well
flowing@1.5BPH.C & C mud ,increased the m.wt to 12.5ppg,c/Out flow check-
obsd flow@1.5BPH,again increased the M.wt to 12.8ppg with
490gpm/1960psi,flow check-obsd flow@1.5BPH.CRC &increased the M.wt
f/12.8ppg to 13ppg.Obsd well flow@1BPH.
Pump out of the hole 8RSS/LWD assembly f/2984m to 2955m,obsd tight
spot ,POOH by back reaming f/2955m to 2850m.CRC & increased the m.wt
f/13ppg to 13.2ppg@inside shoe,obsd well flow@0.5BPH.CRC &increased m.wt
f/13.2ppg to 13.3ppg@490gpm/1950psi.C/Out flow check-obsd
flow@1.5BPH.Closed annular BOP&recorded SICP-70psi.Brought pump to kill
speed@40spm &Crc thru choke &MGS@250GPM/870psi,m/w increased to
13.5ppg.opened BOP & CRC with 13.5+ppg mud,c/Out flow check-obsd the
flow@1.5BPH.Ran 8RSS/LWD assly with circulation to 2860m,obsd H/Up,ream
down f/2860m to 2984m.C&C mud &increased the m.wt to 13.6ppg,flow check-
well flowing@1.5BPH. Pump out of the hole 8RSS/LWD assembly f/2984m to
2936m,obsd tight spot ,POOH by back reaming f/2936m to 2850m.Flow check
obsd well flowing@2BPH.closed BOP &recorded stabilized SICP-110psi.washed
down f/2850m to 2984m,obsd no H/Up.C & C mud ,increased the m.wt to
13.8ppg@445gpm/1740psi,flow check obsd gain@2.2BPH ,gradually decreased
the flow upto 0.16BPH,continued flow check obsd well static@13.8ppg.Pump out
of the hole f/2984m to 2838m,clrd the tight spot with circulation
&reciprocation,flow check-static.POOH 8RSS/LWD assly f/2838m to surface
,b/off &rack back RSS/LWD.
M/Up 8slick assembly with stab &ran upto 2825m,slip & cut drill line.CRC .Ran
f/2825m to 2984m,obsd no H/Up.C & C mud.Flow chec-well static ,POOH f/2984m
to 2908m,obsd tight spot,back reamed f/2843m,CRC@shoe.Ran 8slick
assembly with stab f/2843m to 2984m,obsd no H/Up.Pumped 25bbl Hi-vis/Hi-wt
pill &Conditioned mud.POOH 8slick assembly with stab f/2984m to
2825m(inside shoe),flow check-static.Contd POOH to surface.R/up 7liner
handling eqpts &Lowered 7liner(L-80,29ppf,BGC)upto 1612m,Further lowering is
in progress.

M.wt/Vis Flow Operation Observation& Remarks

11.1ppg/58s 5BPH Flow check@2984m Increased m.wt to 12ppg
12ppg/58s 1.5BPH Flow check@2984m Increased m.wt to
12.8ppg/57s 1.5BPH Flow check@2984m Increased m.wt to 13ppg
13ppg/58s 1BPH Flow check@2984m Pump out to shoe & wt
13.2ppg/58s 0.5BPH Flow check@2850m Increased m.wt to
13.3ppg/59s 1.5BPH Flow check@2850m Closed BOP (SICP-60PSI)
Increased m.wt to
13.5ppg/59s 1.5BPH Flow check@2850m Ran to bottom &wt
13.6ppg/56s 1.5BPH Flow check@2984m Pump out to inside shoe
13.6ppg/56s 2BPH Flow check@2850m Closed BOP(SICP-110psi)
W/Down to 2984m &Wt
13.8ppg/54 Static Flow check@2984m Flow rate reduced
f/2.2BPH to static.

Most probable reason for flow may be the mahuva formation with 5520psi open
while landing(8hole) the Mahuva top .
Time loss Due to activity:06.12.16@07.30hrs to 08.12.16@16.00hrs.
Note:1)During drilling wt up with barite taking more time than normal due to
choking the hopper & Electrical make.
2)9-5/8shoe depth-2850m as per Csg tally &F/C-2825m.But Tagged F/C@2818m.

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