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sampling --> composition and QC --> PVT/EOR analysis --> EOS Modeling

routine pvt # EOR PVT

Routine PVT Experiments: Constant-mass expansion (CME) experiment, Differential

Liberation (DL) Experiment, Constant-Volume Depletion (CVD) Experiment,
Separator Test, Viscosity Experiment

EOR PVT Experiments: how the reservoir fluid will react to gas injection.

Solubilty Swelling Test: provide information about the reservoir fluid when
saturated with injection gas in various quantities, does not provide any
information about the phases in equilibrium below the saturaion pressure.
Results: Mole percentage gas, gas/oil ratio, saturation pressure, Swollen
volume, Density, Saturation point. (Table 3.22)
Equilibrium Contact Experiment: provides two-phase information on mixtures
of reservoir oil and injection gas. Results: Mixing ratio, Phase Volume Percent,
Phase densities, Phase Molecular weights, gas/oil weight ratio, phase
viscosities. (Table 3.29)
Multi-contact experiment: (Table 3.31)
Slim Tube Experiment
Gas Revaporization Experiment

5 output files: .out .gem (if select the GEM option in the CMG GEM EOS Model)
.gmz .str .imx .rls (output of component properties from the regression or
lumping) .srf (output for plotting)

Viewing output: Simulation Results in the Tree view

Setting up a regression Run(Tune the EOS Model): Regression Parameters Step in

the tree view

EOS requires: PC, TC, omega, interation coefficients between different components (

ij )
component can be selected from lib or user (the order is important for lumping into

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