Foundations of Figure Drawing: Structural Landmarks of Skeleton

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Foundations of Figure Drawing

with Amy Wynne

Structural Landmarks of Skeleton:

Common Name Anatomical Name
Skull Cranium and face
Forehead Frontal bone
Cheekbones Zygomatic arches
Jawbone Manubrium
Collarbones Clavicles
Ribcage Thorax
Upper arm bone Humerus
Shoulder blade Scapula
Shoulder joint Glenoid Cavity
Elbow Olecranon Process
Lower arm bones Ulna and Radius
Wrist bones Carpal bones
Bones of the hand Metacarpals and Phalanges
Pit of the neck Manubrium
Breast bone Sternum
Bottom of Breastbone Xiphoid process
V of ribcage Costal Cartilage
Frontal hip points ASIS: Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
Hips Pelvis
Upper legs bones Femurs
Hip joint Acetabulum
Knee bone Patella
Ankle bones Tarsal bones
Lower leg bones Tibia and fibula
Heel bone Calcaneous
Foot bones Metatarsals and phalanges
Backbone Spinal column
Neck Cervical Vertebrae
Ribcage Thoracic Vertebrae
Lower back
Lumbar Vertebrae
Top back of pelvis
PSIS: Posterior Superior Iliac Spine
Triangle under back dimples

Foundations of Figure Drawing with Amy Wynne

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