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Intelligent questions toi ask :

The only mammals that lay eggs are monotremes such as the platypus and
spiny anteater.
There are reptiles that live on every continent except Antarctica.

Reptiles do not produce their own heat, but instead rely on

heat sources in the environment. In frigid settings, "cold-
blooded" animals like snakes and frogs simply never warm
up. No reptile has evolved to survive the ragouts of Arctic
climate but that is not to say that it is impossible! In fact,
it is likely that at least a few reptile contemporaries of the
Most fish havemanaged
survive through
of bone, conditions
they similar
are called bony to
that of the present day Arctic.
Other fish have skeletons made of cartilage. These include sharks and rays.
Frogs can breathe through their skin.
The shortest childhood of any mammal is the hooded seal. They are
considered adults when they are just four days old.
Vertebrates tend to be much more intelligent than invertebrates.

Why Are Amphibian Populations Declining?

Clearly, the most important factor leading to amphibian population declines is

habitat destruction. When forests are cleared it is no surprise that species
that once lived there disappear. What is alarming is that there are many
cases where the habitat is protected and amphibians are still disappearing.
The causes for recent amphibian declines are many, but an emerging disease
called chytridiomycosis and global climate change are thought the be the
biggest threats to amphibians. Chytridiomycosis is a disease caused by the
fungal chytrid pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. This pathogen is
associated with the global loss of hundreds of species of amphibians and
represents a spectacular loss of biodiversity, some say the worst in recorded

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