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By Katie Dixon

I play the character Enid. She is mentally unwell and unstable and has
had a difficult life. Her parents died when she was twelve you mean they
died Enid (page 21, Miss Hemsley to Enid). Enid doesnt have much in
her life only her son. She is extremely poor and is lower class and is very
child like herself. She is a thief, but only to provide for her and her son.
Enid has had a difficult past life, she used to live with her brother, who she
is terrified of, as there are clues to him sexually assaulting her you
touched me, you swore youd never do that but you touched me (page
44, Enid to Eric) Enid looks messy and unclean as well, this just shows
how poor she is. The play is set in the 1950s, so they wouldnt have had
good treatments for people with mental health problems, so there isnt
much Enid can do to help herself, otherwise she would have most likely
been put in a mental health home.

She interacts with Albert, Tope, Eric and Miss Hemsley. Albert is
Enids son. He is all Enid has to live for hes all I got see? (page 11,
Enid to Tope). They have a very close relationship and no matter what,
Enid tries her best to care and support him. Enid is very protective o
Albert because she doesnt want to lose him, or for anyone to take him
away and put him into care. Tope is the headmaster of the school
Belmont Fields, he wants to put Albert into care as he knows Enids
and Alberts living conditions are poor. Tope suggests that Miss
Hemsley visits the house we could arrange a visit from our Miss
Hemsley (page 11, Tope to Enid) and That when Enid gets protective
of her son. Enid doesnt really trust Tope. Eric is Enids brother. She
is absolutely terrified of him, as he got her pregnant with Albert (sexual
abuse) then left for about 15 years. When he returns, Enid knows she
needs help please, please somebody help me (page 44, Enid to
Eric/anyone). We can tell Eric is quite abusive to Enid as he grabs her
arm and invades her space to say something in her face. Miss Hemsley is
the social worker, and wants Albert to be put into care. She gets Enid to
open up to her perhaps I could have a word with Enid alone (page 20,
Miss Hemsley to Tope). However, Enid doesnt trust her 100% and is
suspicious of her knowing everything that goes on. Miss Hemsley, what
sort of questions does she ask? (page 25, Enid to Albert about Miss
Hemsley). Miss Hemsley is the person that discovers Enids dead body
and covers it over. All of these characters say something about Enid,
which gives you clues to what shes like. Albert- my mum is
beautifulness (page 8). Tope- Oh my god, is she? (page 51, when
Enid is dead). Eric- my sister, dirty cow she is (page 39). Miss
Hemsley- Obviously retarded and not very clean Im afraid (page 6)

Enid had a lot of themes as well. She represents mental health, poverty,
motherly love, caring and death. The significance of the character Enid is
very important, when she dies, its as if thats when Alberts childhood
and innocents ends because he knows how nasty the world can be
because hes lost his mum. The whole play is a cycle, it finishes how it
starts, this could mean that Jimmie Chinn (the playwright)is trying to get
the message that unless something changes with the mental health
system, this will keep happening to families.

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