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PRINCE2 Foundation

Lesson 6Quality Theme

Based on AXELOS PRINCE2 material. Reproduced under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

Based on AXELOS PRINCE2 material. Material is reproduced under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

PRINCE2 is a [registered] trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

AXELOS is a [registered] trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.
1 The Swirl logo is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under the permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

After completing Define the key terms of Quality theme

this lesson, you will
be able to: Explain the PRINCE2 approach to Quality theme

Define the roles and responsibilities in Quality theme

2 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Purpose of Quality Theme

The purpose of this theme is to define and implement the means by which the project will create and
verify products that are fit for purpose.[1]
It is based on the principle Focus on Products.
Quality criteria is important to determine cost and delivery timelines.

3 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality TermsDefinition

Some of the key definitions associated with Quality are:

Quality is generally defined as the totality of features and inherent or assigned characteristics of a
product, person, process, service and/or system that bear on its ability to show that it meets
expectations or satisfies stated needs, requirements or specification.[2]

Quality management is defined as the coordinated activities to direct and control an organisation
with regard to quality.[3]

A quality management system is the complete set of quality standards, procedures and
responsibilities for a site or organisation.[3]

Site or Organisation: External to the project and sponsors the project work.

4 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality TermsDefinition (contd.)

Other key definitions associated with Quality are:

Quality planning is about defining the products required of the project, with their respective quality
criteria, quality methods (including effort required for quality control and product acceptance) and
the quality responsibilities of those involved.[4]

Quality control focuses on the operational techniques and activities used by those involved in the
project to fulfil the requirement for quality.[5]

5 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality TermsDefinition (contd.)

Quality assurance provides a check that the projects direction and management are adequate for the
nature of the project and that it complies with relevant corporate or programme management
standards and policies.[6]

Quality assurance is about independently checking that the organisation and processes are in place
for quality planning and control. It involves contributions that are independent of the project
management team, whereas quality planning and quality control are undertaken by the project.

6 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Project vs. Quality Assurance

The table here compares Project Assurance with quality assurance.

Project Assurance Quality Assurance
Provide assurance to the wider corporate or programme
Provide assurance to the projects stakeholders that the organisation that the project is being conducted
project is being conducted appropriately. appropriately, and complies with relevant corporate or
programme management standards and policies.
Performed by personnel who are independent of the
Must be independent of the Project Manager, Project
project (i.e. not a member of the project management
Support, Team Managers and Project Teams.
Responsibility of the corporate or programme
Responsibility of the Project Board, therefore undertaken
management organisation, therefore external to the
within the project.
Quality assurance as a corporate or programme Quality assurance would look for (or require) effective
management function could be used by the Project Board Project Assurance as one of the indicators that the project
as part of its Project Assurance regime (for example, having is being conducted.
quality assurance perform a peer review).

7 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

PRINCE2 Approach to Quality

The image here illustrates how quality management is carried out in a project.

Figure 6.1 The quality audit trail. Copyright AXELOS Limited 2013. Material is reproduced under licence from AXELOS. All rights reserved.
8 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.
Quality Planning

The aim of quality planning is to ensure that there is an agreement with the Project Board on the
overall quality expectations and the products required with their quality criteria. It is undertaken at
project level.

Quality planning includes activities for:

defining products of the project with their respective quality criteria and quality methods.

defining efforts required for quality control.

defining efforts required for product acceptance.

defining responsibilities associated with Quality.

9 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality Planning (contd.)

The step by step approach of achieving quality is as follows:

Define the customers
Understand customers projects quality Define a Quality Write Product Set up the
quality expectations acceptance expectations, Management Descriptions Quality Register
criteria projects Strategy

10 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Customers Quality Expectations

The customers quality expectations are a statement about the quality expected from the project

Customers quality expectations

The customer quality expectations are defined and agreed
early in the Starting up a Project process.

They are captured in discussions with the customer and then

refined for inclusion in the Project Product Description.

They should be reviewed at the end of each management


11 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Customers Quality ExpectationsConsiderations

The considerations that are taken into account for customers quality expectations are as follows:

The characteristics of the key quality requirements (for example: fast/slow, large/small,

The elements of the customers quality management system that should be used.

Any other standards that should be used.

12 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Acceptance Criteria

In the projects acceptance criteria the following have to be ensured:

All criteria are measureable and individually realistic.

The criteria are compatible with each other as a set. For example, it will be unrealistic to conduct a
project for making a luxury segment car and expect it to have a low cost of production.

All criteria can be proven within the project life, or by proxy measures that provide reasonable
indicators as to whether acceptance criteria will be achieved post-project.

13 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Acceptance Criteria (contd.)

Acceptance criteria:
The projects acceptance criteria form a prioritised list of measurable definitions of the attributes
required for a set of products to be acceptable to key stakeholders.
Acceptance criteria should be prioritised as this helps if there has to be a trade-off between some
Once finalised in the Project Product Description, acceptance criteria are subject to change control
and can only be changed with the approval of the Project Board.

Example of a prioritisation techniqueMoSCoW: Each acceptance criterion is rated as

either Must have, Should have, Could have or Wont have.

14 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Project Product Description

It assists in selecting the project approach, which in turn helps define the solution or method to
be used to produce the product. It includes:


15 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Project Product Description (contd.)

Created in the Starting up a Project process and if required can be refined during Initiating a Project
process while creating Project Plan.

Useful to verify the projects product in the Closing a Project process

Special form of Product Description

Component of project brief:

o Should be checked at stage boundaries

o Should undergo formal change control

! For composition of Project Product Description please refer PRINCE2Manual Appendix A.

16 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality Management Strategy

Prepared during Initiating a Project and approved by the Project Board. May require to be changed
during the projects life.

It describes:

How quality management systems will be applied to the project?

How quality standard, procedures, techniques and tools will be used?

How tailoring to the standards has been done?

How quality assurance will be performed?

! For composition of Quality Management Strategy please refer PRINCE2Manual Appendix A.

17 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Product Descriptions

A final product of the project may consist of various components or specialist products.
Product Descriptions include:


Need of the product
Who needs the product
Functionality of the product

Quality specification that product must meet

Quality criteria Quality measurements applied by those inspecting the
finished product

Range in the quality criteria within which the product

Quality tolerances
would be acceptable

! For composition of Product Descriptions please refer PRINCE2Manual Appendix A.

18 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Product Descriptions (contd.)

Product Descriptions are not optional as they govern the product development, review and
approval. Product Descriptions also include the following:

Specify the quality activities to be implemented during

Quality methods the development of a product
Review and approval on completion

An indication of the specialised skills required to

Quality skills required
undertake the quality methods

Should be identified to avoid any uncertainty in this

Quality responsibilities

19 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality Method

Quality activities that need to be performed during development, review and approval of the product.

There are two types of quality methods, in-process and appraisal methods.

Quality built-into the products as they are produced.

Example: As part of a project, a major construction company decides to use only
In-process methods
ISI-certified switches and cables, for use in a residential complex, thereby
ensuring that quality is built into the product (residential flat).

Appraisal methods Finished product checked against set criteria for completeness of the product.

20 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Appraisal Method

Finished product is checked against set criteria for completeness of the product. There are two types
of appraisal methods, they are the following:

When quality criteria are objective and quantifiable.

Example: Amazon has commissioned a project for building its website for UK
geography. Testing will be done on section of the website as well as the website
as a whole before it goes live on the internet.

When quality criteria are subjective in nature.

Example: As part of the beautification project of a lake undertaken by the local
Quality inspection
council, a survey will be done of the local residents during planning and after the
new facilities are ready.

21 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality Responsibilities

PRINCE2 specifies the roles and responsibilities for project management activities clearly. The
methodology also describes the quality responsibilities in detail. They are:

A group or a person who develops the product.

Independent of producer, a group or person who evaluates whether product meets its
requirements as defined in its Product Descriptions.
A group or a person who approves a product as being complete and fit for the purpose.

22 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Example of Quality Responsibilities

An example of quality responsibilities is given below:

In the project to implement several modules of ERP systems at Bombardier Capital,

iWay Software implemented the Financial and Controlling (FICO) modules of SAP ERP
Software (producer). PricewaterhouseCoopers were the reviewers for the project
while the CIO and Director of ERP were the Approvers for the module (product).

23 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality Register

The features of a Quality Register are as follows:

Maintains a record of actions planned and implemented for quality management.

The records are updated with actual results for audit and assurance.

Is created during Initiating a Project process.

Is maintained all through the project against the set baseline.

Is created and updated by Project Support.

Is approved by the Project Manager.

! For composition of Quality Register please refer PRINCE2 Manual Appendix A.

24 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Example of Quality Register

The table given below is an example of a Quality Register.

Activity ID

Product ID










Test Ram, 20-
1 111 Inspection All Smith 14-Mar 20-Mar 21-Mar Pass
Plan Angela Mar
Performance Oliver,
2 113 Genset Dave John 20-Mar 20-Mar 27-Mar NA Fail
Test Frank
Maintenance Dave, 27-
3 113 Genset Desun James 23-Apr 23-Apr 27-Apr Pass
Test Oliver Apr
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Performance Paul,
14 113 Genset Rex Smith 13-June 23-June
Test Amit

25 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality Control

Quality control focuses on the operational techniques and activities used. Undertaken at the project
level. It is used:

To satisfy the quality criteria

To identify the solutions for process improvements

To handle and avoid failures

To focus on operational techniques and activities

26 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality Control (contd.)

Quality control is about:

executing and tracking the quality
methods. Quality Methods Quality Records
maintaining quality and approval
records. Quality
gaining acceptance from the customer.

Approval Records Acceptance Records

27 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality Review Techniques

The objectives of quality review technique are to:

assess the conformity of a product against set criteria.
involve stakeholders for wider acceptance of the product.
provide confirmation that the product is ready for approval.
baseline for change control process.

Quality review technique steps:

Review preparation Review meeting Review follow-up

28 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Roles in Review Team

A review team consists of Chair, Presenter, Reviewer and Administrator.

Chair Represents the products
producers and introduces the
Responsible for the overall product for review
conduct of the review
Responsible for tracking the
work after the review

Roles in Review

Reviews the product
Administrative support
Raises questions
Records reviews, results and
Confirms corrections and/or actions

29 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Review Preparation

PRINCE2defines the tasks for various roles that are needed to perform during review preparation.

Role Tasks
Chair/Administrator Makes administrative arrangements
Chair Checks if the product is ready for review
Chair Ensures availability of reviewers
Presenter Distributes copies of the product and its Product Description to
Reviewer Reviews the product as per the Product Description
Reviewer Submits questions to the chair and the presenter before the review
Chair Collates the questions and sends to the presenter before the review

30 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Agenda of Review Meeting

When organising a meeting at the work place the agenda should be sent in advance.

Product introduction
Personal introduction By the Presenter
By the Chair Brief summary of the productwho, why and

Review Meeting Agenda

Product talk-through
By the Presenter
Major questions
Takes the reviewers through the product in detail
By the Chair
and addresses the question list
Each reviewer to raise questions
Reviewers to agree on actions to be taken on it
Questions that are obvious with the product
Administrator to record the action and

31 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Agenda of Review Meeting (contd.)

The other agenda of a review meeting are as follows:

Determine the review results

By the chair
Read back actions Leads the reviewers to a collective decision
By the Administrator
o Complete
Confirms the actions and responsibilities
o Conditionally complete
o Incomplete

Review Meeting Agenda

Close the review Inform interested parties of the result

By the Chair By the Chair

32 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Review Follow-up

The table here lists the follow-up actions of Review.

Roles Tasks
Presenter Coordinates the actions
Reviewer Signs-off individual actions
Chair Signs-off product once the actions are complete
Administrator Communicates the review outcome to relevant managers/support personnel
Administrator Saves the review and quality records
Presenter Requests approval for the product

33 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Revisiting the Quality Review Technique

Quality review technique involves:

Review preparation Review meeting agenda Review follow-up

Administrative arrangements Personal and product Coordinate actions

Check the readiness of the Sign off individual actions
product Major questions
Sign off the product as complete
Confirm availability of reviewers Product walk-through
Communicate the quality review
Produce a list of questions Record actions to be taken and to managers
by whom
Maintain records
Record the review results
Request approval of the product
Close the review
Update the relevant parties

34 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Benefits of Quality Review Technique

The quality review technique can yield substantial benefits, which are as follows:

Stakeholders engagement


Team building

Developing individuals

Quality documentation

Quality culture

35 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Revisiting the Quality Review Roles

The roles in quality review are as follows:

Chair Reviewer Presenter

Focuses on the product

Reviews the product not the person Raises issues if the follow-up action
Helps the Presenter maintain the
pace of the review is not feasible in allowed tolerances
Introduces only major issues
Ensures each reviewer gets the
opportunity to speak
Ensures that the reviewers
contribute effectively
Manages time
o Enough time given to each
o Not too much time is spent
on a question
Gets a decision on each point

36 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Quality Records

The Quality Records are maintained in the Quality Register. A Quality Record:

Includes references to the quality inspection documentation. For example: Test plan, defect
statistics, metrics, etc.

Supports the PRINCE2 principle of Learn from Experience.

Gives assurance that:

o planned quality activities have been carried out.

o product has met its quality criteria defined in the Product Description.

o audits have been conducted as per plan and that corrective actions have been taken.

37 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Approval and Acceptance Records

The features of Approval and Acceptance Records are as follows:

Approval records Acceptance records

No specific format for approval of the product Final approval of the projects product
Can be an MOM, an email, a letter, a certificate stating Required from one or more relevant
that the product has been approved users/customers/stakeholders
Concessions may be granted by Project Board
To manage faults
With follow-up actions or remedies

38 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Roles and Responsibilities in Quality Theme

The table depicts the responsibilities of different roles in Quality theme.

Role Responsibilities

Corporate or programme Provide details of the corporate or programme quality management system.
management Provide quality assurance.
Approve the Project Product Description.
Executive Approve the Quality Management Strategy.
Confirm acceptance of the project product.
Provide the customers quality expectations and acceptance criteria.
Approve the Project Product Description.
Senior User Approve the Quality Management Strategy.
Provide resources to undertake user quality activities and product approval.
Provide acceptance of the project product.

Text in box is from Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2. Copyright AXELOS Limited
2013. Material is reproduced under licence from AXELOS. All rights reserved.
39 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.
Roles and Responsibilities in Quality Theme (contd.)

The table depicts the responsibilities of different roles in Quality theme.

Role Responsibilities

Senior Supplier Approve the Project Product Description (if appropriate).

Approve the Quality Management Strategy.
Approve the quality methods, techniques and tools adopted in product development.
Provide resources to undertake supplier quality activities.
Approve Product Descriptions for key specialist products.
Project Manager Document customers quality expectations and acceptance criteria.
Prepare the Project Product Description (with users).
Prepare the Quality Management Strategy.
Prepare and maintain the Product Descriptions.
Ensure that team managers implement the quality control measures agreed in Product Descriptions and Work

Text in box is from Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2. Copyright AXELOS Limited
2013. Material is reproduced under licence from AXELOS. All rights reserved.
40 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.
Roles and Responsibilities in Quality Theme (contd.)

The table depicts the responsibilities of different roles in Quality theme.

Role Responsibilities

Team Manager Produce products consistent with Product Descriptions.

Manage quality controls for the product concerned.
Assemble quality records.
Advise the Project Manager of product quality status.
Project Assurance Advise the Project Manager on the Quality Management Strategy.
Assist the Project Board and Project Manager by reviewing the Product Descriptions.
Advise the Project Manager on suitable quality reviewers/approvers.
Assure Project Board members on the implementation of the Quality Management Strategy.
Project Support Provide administrative support for quality controls.
Maintain the quality register and quality records.
Assist team managers and members with the application of the projects quality processes.

Text in box is from Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2. Copyright AXELOS Limited
2013. Material is reproduced under licence from AXELOS. All rights reserved.
41 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

42 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

QUIZ If the Project Manager needs to know the results of a quality review, which document
1 will provide a summary together with the date of any followup meeting?

a. Stage Plan
b. Issue Register
c. Daily Log
d. Quality Register

43 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

QUIZ If the Project Manager needs to know the results of a quality review, which document
1 will provide a summary together with the date of any followup meeting?

a. Stage Plan
b. Issue Register
c. Daily Log
d. Quality Register

Answer: d.
Explanation: Quality Register maintains record of actions planned and done to ensure

44 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Which of the following principles is central to the PRINCE2 approach to quality?

a. Focus on products
b. Continued business justification
c. Management by stages
d. Management by exception

45 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Which of the following principles is central to the PRINCE2 approach to quality?

a. Focus on products
b. Continued business justification
c. Management by stages
d. Management by exception

Answer: a.
Explanation: Quality theme is based on the principle focus on products.

46 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

QUIZ Which of the following ensures identification and definition of all the projects product
3 in the Product Descriptions?

a. Project Assurance
b. Quality Assurance
c. Quality Planning
d. Quality Control

47 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

QUIZ Which of the following ensures identification and definition of all the projects product
3 in the Product Descriptions?

a. Project Assurance
b. Quality Assurance
c. Quality Planning
d. Quality Control

Answer: c.
Explanation: Quality planning ensures identification and definition of all the projects
product in the Product Descriptions.

48 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

In PRINCE2, which of the following is not a quality review team role?

a. Reviewer
b. Presenter
c. Chair
d. Team Manager

49 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

In PRINCE2, which of the following is not a quality review team role?

a. Reviewer
b. Presenter
c. Chair
d. Team Manager

Answer: d.
Explanation: The four review roles as per PRINCE2 are: reviewer, presenter, chair and

50 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Who among the following approves the Quality Management Strategy?

a. Project Manager
b. Project Support
c. Project Board
d. Project Assurance

51 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Who among the following approves the Quality Management Strategy?

a. Project Manager
b. Project Support
c. Project Board
d. Project Assurance

Answer: c.
Explanation: Project Board is responsible for overall quality of the project and the approval
of Quality Management Strategy.

52 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

In which of the following should the customers quality expectations be included?

a. Quality Register
b. Project Product Description
c. Quality Management Strategy
d. Product Description

53 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

In which of the following should the customers quality expectations be included?

a. Quality Register
b. Project Product Description
c. Quality Management Strategy
d. Product Description

Answer: b.
Explanation: Project Product Description includes customers quality expectations,
acceptance criteria, method and responsibilities for the overall project and project-level

54 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Which of the following is not true about Project Assurance?

a. Provide assurance to the projects stakeholders that the project is being

conducted appropriately
b. Must be independent of the Project Manager, Project Support, Team
Managers and Project Teams
c. Responsibility of the Project Board, therefore undertaken from within
the project
d. Performed by personnel who are independent of the project (i.e. not a
member of the project management team)

55 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Which of the following is not true about Project Assurance?

a. Provide assurance to the projects stakeholders that the project is being conducted
b. Must be independent of the Project Manager, Project Support, Team Managers and
Project Teams
Responsibility of the Project Board, therefore undertaken from within the project
d. Performed by personnel who are independent of the project (i.e. not a member of the
project management team)
Answer: d.
Explanation: Performed by personnel who are independent of the project (i.e. not a
member of the project management team) is true about quality assurance and not Project

56 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Which of the following is not true about Quality Assurance?

a. Performed by personnel who are independent of the project (i.e. not a

member of the project management team)
b. Provide assurance to the projects stakeholders that the project is being
conducted appropriately
c. Responsibility of the corporate or programme management
organisation, therefore external to the project
d. Quality Assurance would look for (or require) effective Project Assurance
as one of the indicators that the project is being conducted

57 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Which of the following is not true about Quality Assurance?

a. Performed by personnel who are independent of the project (i.e. not a

member of the project management team)
b. Provide assurance to the projects stakeholders that the project is being
conducted appropriately
c. Responsibility of the corporate or programme management organisation,
therefore external to the project
d. Quality Assurance would look for (or require) effective Project Assurance
as one of the indicators that the project is being conducted
Answer: b.
Explanation: Providing assurance to the projects stakeholders that the project is being
conducted appropriately and properly is true about Project Assurance and not Quality

58 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

QUIZ Which role is responsible for distributing copies of the product and its Product
9 Description to reviewers?

a. Presenter
b. Reviewer
c. Chair
d. Administrator

59 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

QUIZ Which role is responsible for distributing copies of the product and its Product
9 Description to reviewers?

a. Presenter
b. Reviewer
c. Chair
d. Administrator

Answer: a.
Explanation: During review preparation activity, the presenter distributes copies of the
product and its Product Description to reviewers.

60 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Which quality review role is responsible for submitting questions on a product?

a. Presenter
b. Reviewer
c. Chair
d. Administrator

61 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Which quality review role is responsible for submitting questions on a product?

a. Presenter
b. Reviewer
c. Chair
d. Administrator

Answer: b.
Explanation: Reviewer reviews the product, submits questions and confirms corrections
and/or improvements.

62 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.


Here is a quick The purpose of Quality is to define and implement the means by which the
recap of what we
project will create and verify products that are fit for purpose
have learnt in this
The aim of quality planning is to ensure that there is an agreement with the
Project Board on the overall quality expectations and the products required
with their quality criteria

The customers quality expectations are a statement about the quality

expected from the project product

63 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

Thank You

Based on AXELOS PRINCE2 material. Material is reproduced under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
PRINCE2 is a [registered] trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
AXELOS is a [registered] trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
The Swirl logo is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under the permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
64 Copyright2014,
Copyright 2014, Simplilearn,
Simplilearn, All rights
All rights reserved.

[1] Based on Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2, by AXELOS. Quality, Purpose.
[2] Based on Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2, by AXELOS. Quality, Quality.
[3] Based on Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2, by AXELOS. Quality, Quality management
and quality management systems.
[4] Based on Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2, by AXELOS. Quality, Quality planning.
[5] Based on Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2, by AXELOS. Quality, Quality control.
[6] Based on Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2, by AXELOS. Quality, Quality assurance.

65 Copyright 2014, Simplilearn, All rights reserved.

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