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Allah Taala says: Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an that you might

understand (Yoosuf: verse 2). From this verse, we know that the rules of studying Arabic

Language is obligatory, because the obligation must be fulfilled except with something else,

then it is also obligatory. It is not understood what is meant by Allah and His Messenger

except understanding Arabic Language.

One of the chapters in the rule of Arabic Language is Tamyiz chapter. Tamyiz is ism

manshub located at the end of words to explain the vague thing in a sentence or word. The

characteristics are not known except considering the context of the language and its meaning

is not perfect except referring to the previous word or phrase. Indeed the verses of Al-Quran

Al-Karim contains many this uslub, particularly in the following three surah: Al-Isra, Al-

Kahf and Maryam.

In this thesis, the researcher takes research method by collecting Tamyiz at the three
surah. It is proceeded by organizing them by the type and the irab. For example in the word
) "76 :(. The Tamyiz in this
of Allah:

" " and "" . Both serve to explain the previous sentence: "
verse is:

. Originally this two words is mubtada in meaning, and that it is estimated that


" , so the
the meaning of this sentence is:
mudhaf and mudhaf ilaih are hidden, then the mudhaf is appeared in the form of Tamyiz. The

rule of this Tamyiz is always manshub and should not be majrur with or idhafah.

Nevertheless, this thesis does not discuss about the meaning of Tamyiz based on its

irab. Therefore, further discussions about the meaning of Tamyiz in Al-Quran Al-Karim are

required to enhance this discussion.


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