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Uploading Material Master data using BAPI method in LSMW

By Phani Marepalli

Step1: Use the transaction code LSMW to upload the data using Legacy System Migration Work Bench. Here
in this scenario, uploading Material Master Data using BAPI.

Provide descriptions for Project, Subproject and Object respectively. And press execution button.

Step2: Select Settings -> IDOC Inbound Processing

Step3: IDOC Inbound Processing screen appears. Enter the required details as shown below:
Step4: Define port and partner profile.
Now come back to initial screen and click execute button.

Step5: The following screen appears.

Step6: Select step1 Maintain Object Attributes and Execute.

Provide business object details

Provide Method
Save and click BACK button.

Step7: Now select step2 Maintain Source Structure and click execute button.

Step8: Place the cursor on Source structure and click create. Provide name and description

Save and click BACK button.

Step9: Select step3 Maintain Source Fields and click execute button.

Press create button and provide details for Field Name, Field Description and Field Length.
Step10: Enter all required fields as shown below.

Save and back to main screen.

Step 11: Select step4 Maintain Source Relations.

Save and click BACK button.

Step12: Select step5 Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules.

Step13: Select step7 Specify Files. Create a test file with the same structure as defined earlier.

Save and return to main screen.

Step14: Select step8 Assign Files and click execute.

Assign File Structure to Source Structure.

Save and return to main screen.

Step15: Select step9 Read Data and click execute.

Click Execute button.

Click BACK button and return to main screen.

Step16: Select step10 Display Read Data and execute.

Step17: Select step11 Convert Data and execute.

Click execution button.

Step18: Select step12 Display Converted Data and execute.

Step19: Select step13 3 Start IDoc Generation.

Click the execution button.

Step20: Select step 14 Start IDoc Processing.

And click execute button.

Step21: Select the step 15 Create IDoc Overview.

Check the data in the data records.

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