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UNE SL lesson ¥ Habits and Routines In this lesson you will practice how to identify a person's habits and routines. €é 1 Answer the questions below. a) What do you know about David Beckham and Michael Schumacher? 2 Read the sentences below and order them under the correct picture. a) He is married to actress Victoria Beckham and they have three sons: Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz. Children like soccer, but they don’t like acting. b) He is a former Formula Uno driver and seven times World Champion. ¢) The family currently lives in Gland, Switzerland, Their children go to school and Corinna works for charity programs. d) David trains during the week but he does other activities as well, He is sensitive man and he works for UNICEF's Sports Programs helping children in Africa ¢) He is an English professional soccer player and he plays for Los Angeles Galaxy. ff) He is married to Corinna Betsch and they have two children: Gina-Marie and Mick. 4g) He is now retired from race driving but he is not at home! He is a very active ‘man and works for Ferrari. He helps sick children in Sarajevo and Senegal. 1.23. __ e 3 Answer the following questions. + Are David's and Michael's activities interesting? Why? + Which activities do you prefer? Why? & 4 Work in groups of three students and complete the following tasks: | 4) Take turns reading the information on each athlete and check your answers. b) Circle the verbs in each sentence and write them under the correct heading. He She They Family Children 23 UNI Uy Work it out! Talking about habits and routines Choose and circle the correct option according to the text. + He play /plays for Los Angeles Galaxy. + She work /works for charity programs. + They have /has three children. Note: Family is considered a singular noun (it) and children a plural noun (they). Underline the correct option. + We add an “5” to the verb when the subject is he-she:it / Iwe-you-they. + We don't add an ‘8? to the verb when the subject is he-shevit/ I-we-you-they. Go to page 184 for more information about this language point. 5 Study the fact files below and complete the one about you. Then, describe the files. StuneNt A: Michael Phelps is a swimmer. Stupent B: Michael Phelps trains everyday. Name: Michael Phelps Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland (U.S.A.) ‘Occupation: Swimmer. Activit ‘Train, attend competitions, Hobbies: Music and Chinese food. Name: Hometown: ‘Occupation: Activities: Hobbies: ] UIT Gp 6 Describe your fact file to the group. Then, report about the group members’ fact files in the following way. 4) Use and to add activities a person / people do / does. For example: Juan and Edgar like Italian food. ) Use but to contrast two activities. For example: Juan swims everyday but he doesn’t attend competitions Work it out! Linking words Read each text on page 23 in the correct order and underline all the and / but words you find. Then, circle the correct option to complete the rules below. + And helps you add / contrast information. + But helps you add / contrast information, & 7 Read and discuss. a) Think of a famous athlete individually. 5) In your notebook write four sentences about him / her using and / but. ¢) Take turns reading your sentences to the group. Have them explain why you used and but & Use the information from exercise 5 and other information you can find to write a short text about a famous athlete. YTS Check Back 1 4 Nina is talking to her mother about her friends. Read the descriptions below and underline the adjectives. Write them in the correct box. I like Andrea, She is very active but a little shy sometimes. Natalia is smart and creative but a bit difficult at times. I like both of them very much. I don't like Alex and Mirna. They are aggressive. They are not well organized. They never know where things are. Also, they are arrogant and unfriendly. 2 Classify the adjectives in the correct box. thin intelligent long aggressive shy active smart | sensitive | 4. Ask each of your classmates who can do one or more of the actions listed below. Write down their names on the corresponding line. Find someone who... can play the piano____________can dance ballet can play the guitar___________can play the drums can dance cumbia _______can sing well can do magic tricks —______"_ can dance hip-hop can recite poems ______can do acrobatics {e 5 Match the two columns. a) swim ——ahorse b) speak —— German use —— the guitar d) ride fast diy underwater ==> f) run a computer : Do you like adventure! This job is for you! We are looking for young people who want to work on Saturdays and Sundays in our Adventure Link camping ste! Answer the questions below, Send us an e-mail and tell us about your abiltes. Can you ride a horse or bicycle? Yes. O Can you speak English? Yes O Can you play an instrument? Yes O Can you dance? Yes O Can you use a computer? Yes O Can you swim? Yes O 7 Look at the example and write your e-mail. (peal Write your mail here 5 Hil My name is Camila and | want to work with you in Adventure Link! | can ride a bicycle and | can swim very well. | can play the piano and I can dance too! Contact me inthe mornings, my telephone number is 4982 756 78 and my e-mail address is Thank you. WIT @ lesson5 Did You Know That...? In this lesson you will learn how to describe animals and how to talk about their characteristics. 4 Organize the animals in the box into categories. You can put the same animal into different categories. Use a dictionary or the Vocabulary Link on page 200. parrot dog duck elephant eagle swan pelican cat whale mouse Mammals Birds | Domestic animals e 2 Before you read the text below, discuss the following questions. 4) What do you know about birds in your country? b) Are there any of them in danger of extinction? 3 Nina is looking for information about endangered animals. Read the information and answer the questions on the following page. Royal Eagle ‘The Royal Eagle is a big bird. It lives in the north part of the Mexican Republic. It is historically significant to the Mexicans because it is part of the emblem on their national flag Its feathers are brown with reddish highlights. One can also see some white feathers on its tail ‘When one of them finds a mate, they stay together the rest of their lives. Both, female and male eagles can build up to four nests but they only use one to lay their eggs. Chicks don’t survive when there isn’t enough food and because of that, sometimes only one of these small birds becomes an adult eagle. ‘These eagles have the ability to fly in circles and reach amazing heights. From up there they can descend at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour to catch their prey and take it back to the nest to eat. When the female is taking care of the chicks, the male eagle hunts and brings food for the whole family. 28 a) Where does the Royal Eagle live? b) What color are its feathers? c) Why is it symbolically important in Mexico? dd) What two things can the Royal Eagle do? Answer the questions below. + What information about the Royal Eagle did you know? + What information didn’t you know? Work it out! Giving descriptions Choose and circle the correct option according to the text + Diego is my classmate. His last name is Rojas. He isa tall, thin boy with curly hair. He is very active + The Royal Eagle is from Mexico. It is a big bird. Its feathers are brown, reddish and white. We use: he and his to talk about Diego. to talk about the Royal Eagle. We use: ___ and. The adjectives in the first description are: tal, The adjectives in the second description are: Read the text again and underline the sentences that describe the characteristics of the Royal Eagle. Compare your work with that of a partner. Look at the pictures and match them with the names. Then, choose the adjectives that describe each animal and write them on the lines. butterfly ee E beautifid owl _ = scary parakeet — colorful unique bat — 29 , wre & 7 Talk about the animals in the previous activity. Example: The butterfly is a beautiful animal but the bat is not. 8 Read the fact file with information about parakeets. Look for information about another animal to complete the other factfile in the same way. You can use the Internet! ‘Namé Name: Parakeet. Animal Grou Animal Group: Birds. Color: Green, yellow, blue. Color: Habitat: Australia, Habitat: Social Habits: Can fly, can walk, can talk. Social Habits: e& 9 Show your fact fle to your partner and talk about it. — 40 Look at the pictures and listen to Matt and Nina. Then, complete the fact file below. Guncanavo onic A talking bird: Guacamayo, The guacamayo lives in ee) areas, It______repeat sounds or words. Its peak is and curved but very »* Itis a colorful & 44 Work in groups of three. 4a) Use the information in the fact file and write a paragraph about the Humming Bird. b) Read your text to another group for them to check grammar and punctuation, ——— Name: Humming Bird Habitat: Tropical South America © Characteristics: Its peak is curved and bigger than its body. Special abilities: It can fly backwards c very fast. Wita Lesson 6 Animal Abilities In this lesson you will practice how to ask and answer about animals characteristics, appareance, habits and abilities. } & 1 Dr. Smith is an expert in endangered animals. Read his articles and. 4) find three similarities between dolphins and penguins. a sovpuns Deis ue ° mn pe tem Drips ares ut SS oznon PENGUINS Pega yo f they have wings. They are like other birds live in water. They bu a E a in wey we TY od on bee f rm ‘well, though. The I eel me a od ee and they have smal swings, very short legs sie short tail. They also have thio ethers to keep them atm in col fete gas ok nny when hey ware but when they are in the water, They swim ike other fish, Penguins live tthe ie sheets of Antarctic and in the around it They live in enormous — poups and they eat fish. They lve for about twenty years gs ‘Adapted from: http:/ and http;//animal b) give a synonym for the underlined words. Use an English-Spanish dictionary if neccesary. € 2 Answer these questions: + Which characteristics do you find interesting about dolphins? + Which ones about penguins? + Would you like to find more information about them? Why? a & 3 Listen to Dr. Smith's answers and underline them in the texts. fins and a tail to help them swim. They ea fish Dolphinsorevery inligent animals “They can easly Harn ‘ow toplay games and she aefrndyto people Jnns vein the warm sean diferent parts Sey anal gras They ee about ify years 4 Read the text about Emperor Penguins again and ask the corresponding questions. a) __? Yes, they are black and white. b) 2 Yes, they do. They have short legs. a 2 No, they can't fly | dy 2 No, they don't live in warm weather countries, Wit@ 5 Read your questions to your partner and correct any mistakes you may have. Then, answer the following questions: + Did you know that penguins are in danger of extinction? + Do you know why? + What other animals do you know that are in danger of extinction? Work it out! Asking about habits Listen to Dr. Smith's answers again and match the questions with the answers. 1. Are dolphins mammals? *_-Yes, they do. 2. Do they live in the oceans? + No, they don't. 3. Do they swim? + Yes, they are. 4. Can they swim? + Yes, they do. 5. Do they have fins? + Yes, they can, Compare your work with a classmate and discuss: When do we use auxiliary “do”? When auxiliary “are”? And when auxiliary “can”? Write examples of questions about an animal in the unit using auxiliaries: are, do, ‘can. Ask your teacher to help you correct them. You can go to page 184 for more information about this language point. Ww 6 Read the texts on the previous page again. Then, complete the chart below. | Penguins Kind of animal: Specific characteristics: Abilities: Inabilities: Habitat: | Food: _ | Approximate life span: | e& 7 Ask and answer questions about the animals in the chart above. Stuvent A: Do dolphins have gray skin? Sruvent B: Yes, they do. i r WWiT aD 8 Look up the words can and can’t in your dictionary. There are some symbols before the definition. They are phonetic symbols. These can help you pronounce these two words better. can /k 2 nf can't /keent/ @G Listen to the following phrases and underline the sound you hear. 6 A turtle can/can't run. Dolphins can/can’t walk. Penguins can/can’t fy. A canary can/can't fly. A tiger can/can’t run fast. Giraffes can/can't run fast. * 40 Work in pairs. Choose an animal from this unit without telling your partner. Have him / her ask you questions to guess which animal itis. Srupenr A: Is ita bird? Sruvewt A: Can penguins swim well? Sruvent B: No, it isn't Stupest B: Yes, they can. e@ 11 Read the answers first and write proper questions in each case. Then, compare your questions with a classmate. a bird? No, it isn't, b) —_? Yes, it can run fast c) ——_?¥es, it is a mammal. d) —___?No. It lives in the jungle. e) —__? Yes, it eats bananas. f) —____?¥es, it is a monkey. 12 Choose an animal you like and write an article similar to Dr. Smith's articles on the previous page 4) Choose an animal and make a fact file like the one in activity 6. Use an | encyclopedia or the Internet. b) Give a description of the animal and write about its habitat, characteristics, abilities and inabilities. Include its habits and life span. ¢) Exchange articles with a classmate to correct his / her work. Then, read your article to the class. 33 Lesson 7 Emperor Penguins In this lesson you will practice how to use frequency adverbs and how to ask for specific information. 1 Look at the text below and choose the correct option, + The text is a page from a a) dictionary b) diary ) magazine 2 Read the text and write the name of the animals on the lines. Use a dictionary if necessary. ———— (Te September 27 ¢ T® rn very tired... There is alavays work around @ here from Monday to Sunday and I never have time to eat lunch or watch TV, But I like my eh job a bat. qe Everyday, I get up at 6:00 amd I always visit the animes, T hear noise very early s0 t usually visit the f f seals frzt; thay alioays get up tb 6:00. They I J somotimes give food to the sea lions, that's on (CY® aondays and Fridays, 1 never go to the penguins’ habitat becaure they always got up very late, 1 usually check on the old: delphin, at 9:00 except Wednesdays that I teach w class at that time, ¢ 3 Read the text and answer the questions below. a) Do the seals get up early everyday? ) Does Dr. Smith visit the seals everyday? ¢) How often does Dr. Smith give food to the sea lions? 4) Do the penguins get up early everyday? ¢) How often does Dr. Smith check on the old dolphin? r Wit @® & 4 Discuss these questions: + Are seals at Dr. Smith laboratory active animals? How do you know it? + What do you know about the animals mentioned in the text? + Would you like to work with animals? Why? Work it out! Frequency words Read Dr. Smith's diary page again and complete the chart below. VIAL \W000o usually always never wer sometimes | XXX KKK, Go to page 184 for more information about this language point. 5 Ask and answer questions using the words in the box and the information in Dr. Smith's diary page. StupeNr A: Does Dr. Smith always visit the sea lions first? Srupenr B: No, he doesn't Does Do 6 Color the verbs on the left and write them on the lines to complete the phrases, a)aoevisitold — friends b) schoolgotoe —_________ tothe cinema dq soccerplayt —________ video games d)choresdodet —__ homework ewatchgamesa —______ 1v flcarusethose the computer g)movilistent — to music h)socpractice —____asport 1& 7 How often do you do the activities above? Talk about it with your partner. ‘Stupent A: How often do you listen to music? Stuvenr B: I always listen to music at night. Wit® S 8 Write a diary page of your weekend activities. Include Frequency Words. a) Ask your teacher to help you correct it. b) Think of activities you enjoy doing and those you don't, places you like to visit and people you like to go out with, ) Include food you like to eat and places of your preference. @ 9 Nina and Matt are talking to Dr. Smith. Listen to them and mark T for true sentences or F for false ones. «a) Emperor Penguins are small birds. — ») They make a trumpet sound to find a couple. —_ ¢) The female gives pebbles to her couple. — d) Emperor Penguins lay two eggs. — @) The male keeps the egg warm, — Work it out! Asking questions about facts Read the questions and match them with the answers. 1. What do Emperor Penguins look like? + No, she doesn't, 2. Are they one, fifty meters high? + They make a trumpet sound. 3. Where do they live? + They are big, black birds. 4, How do they find a couple? + No, they aren't. 5. How many eggs do they lay? + They live in the Antarctic. 6. Does the female penguin roll the egg under the male penguin’s feet? + Only one egg. Read the information on page 185 about “Question Words” and complete the questions. + does the Koala Bear look like? It is a small marsupial. do they live? In Australia. do they eat? Eucalyptus leaves. hours does a Koala Bear sleep a day? Nearly 16 hours. Underline the auxiliaries in the two activities above. When do you use “do” or “does”? Discuss it with your teacher. & 410 Use your notebook for this activity and follow the instructions below. 4) Read the transcript for dialog 6 on pages 205-206. b) Write down as many questions as you can about Emperor Penguins in a period of three minutes. Show them to your teacher. ) Check each other's questions together and mark the mistakes. WiT@® Endangered Animals In this lesson you will practice how to order adjectives to describe animals. 1 Go to the Vocabulary Link on page 159 and look at the animals list. Then, read the adjectives below and write the name of an animal they can refer to. fast brave solitary herbivore enormous 2 Order the letters to form four names of endangered animals. a) ruajag b) lorpa erba ¢)nasia tlapheen ) fagreif 3 Read the paragraphs below and write the name of the correct animal on each line. Then answer the questions that follow. A ‘They are tall and fast. They can gallop up to 50 km per hour. These animals live in groups and stay together when they are in danger. They are very active early in the morning when light first appears. They usually eat leaves and live for approximately 30 years. B ee They inhabit tropical and subtropical forests. They have small gray ears. Their vision is not good but they can smell and hear very well. They are social, intelligent and strong animals. They eat grass, leaves, fruit and tree bark. They use their trunk to spray water all over their body when it is very hot. They can live for approximately 80 years. co They are enormous white animals. They are solitary creatures but when females have to take care of their cubs, they spend all day with them. In dangerous situations, mothers defend their cubs fiercely. These animals are excellent, divers and fast swimmers. They usually eat fish and seals, Their life span is approximately 30 years. po Its scientific name is Panthera Once. They sleep during the daytime. They are good swimmers and climbers, too, They hunt fish, turtles or rodents. They live in the southwest of North America and South America. They like humid places and live for 20 years. a) Which one/ones is/are herbivore? +b) Which of them are more active during the night? ©) Which one doesn’t usually live in groups? d) Which one has a longer lifespan? 37 wWi®@ & 4 Discuss the questions below. + Why do animals stay in groups? + What do jaguars do at night time? + Do you know other animals that sleep during the daytime? * Work it out! Ordering adjectives Read the description of the four endangered animals again. Look at the underlined adjec s and underline all the other adjectives you find that describe the different animals. Use your notebook to make a list of them and compare it with those of your classmates. Read the paragraphs about the Asian elephant and the polar bear, and underline the correct sentences. 4) They have gray small ears. They have small gray ears b) They are white enormous animals. They are enormous white animals. Read the sentences above and number the adjectives in order (1-2). Then, complete the following rule: Subject + to be / have-has + + noun. Use your notebook and write some examples following the rule above. Ask your teacher to help you correct them. ) 5 Write the opposite words (antonyms) of the adjectives below. Use an English- Spanish dictionary, if necessary. hot good ____ strong fast___________ small 6 Think of an animal you liked from activity 3. Describe it to your partner without looking at the text on the previous page. Finally, complete the paragraph about the animal you described. live in ___.. They are (social characteristies) and - They are (carnivore / herbivore) and eat They have like them because St" (physical characteristics) ______. I really =, vr WIT 7 Ask similar questions to the ones in exercise 3 about endangered animals’ habits and routines and answer them, Stupent A: Where do jaguars live? Stupewt B: They live in the southwest of North America and South America. What When How Where Which & What is it? Read the riddle and complete the gaps. Then, compare your answers with a classmate. Riddle Tama bird that _____ fly Tama bird that in the sea ook so cute in my black and —___ suit. Who am I? r'ma—___ & 9 Work on the following activities. | a) Learn the riddle by heart, invent a tune of rhythm for it and sing it to the rest of the class, 5) Invent another riddle about another animal. Say it to the class for them to guess the animal. 10 Think of an animal you are interested in. Look for information about it. You can use an encyclopedia or the Internet. Then, write a paragraph about it, similar to the one in exercise 6. 39 J WiT@® Check Back 2 1 Read the adjectives in the box and classify them in pairs under the correct, heading. You can use each adjective more than once. Include all possible combinations. enormous smart fast ‘Synonyms tall strong big small cold warm bad short ~— long — intelligent = easy active busy dow hot — difficult «= goocl= shy. Antonyms 2 Read the following text about the Asian elephant and answer the exercise that follows. The Asian elephant The Asian elephant lives in tropical and subtropical forests. ‘They are enormous animals with small ears. They can’t see well but they smell and hear very well. These animals are very intelligent and sociable. They live in groups. Their diet includes leaves, fruit and tree bark. They live for approximately 80 years 4) Name some abilities of these elephants. +b) Write some of their physical characteristics. ¢) Write some other characteristics of the Asian elephant. d) Name some things they eat. | 4 Now use the information from the chart to write a short paragraph. Use the text in exercise 2 as an example. Illustrate your text with a drawing if you want to, Tonique Williams is a sprint athlete and Olympic medalist. She was born in the Bahamas but lives in South Carolina, US.A.Sheis 32yearsold. People in the Bahamas like her a lot The major highway in the Bahamas is named after her “Tonique Williams-Darling’. She is married and her husband's name is Dannis Darling ww 5 Read the article about Tonique Williams and match the columns below the text Tonique is a very active woman. With different competitions during the year, she is not always in the United States. She goes to the Bahamas to visit her relatives and usually spends long periods of time there. When she is in South Carolina, she always gets up early and trains for long hours each day. She sometimes cooks for Dennis or they go to the movies together. They enjoy a simple life. 4) Tonique Williams b) The major highway in the Bahamas ¢) She sometimes d) She usually e) She has f) She is married to — Dennis Darling. — travels to Bahamas. — quite an active life. isa sprint gold medalist. — cooks for her husband. — is named after her. 6 Order the sentences to create a paragraph about Tonique Williams. Decide what information comes first, which follows and what ends the paragraph. Write the letters in the order you choose. 7 Write the questions according to the answers. a) ___? She lives in South Carolina, U.S.A. b) to the Bahamas? To visit her relatives. c) _________? Yes, she spends long periods in the Bahamas. d) ____ when she's at home? She gets up early and trains for long hours, e) ____ with her husband? To the movies, Go the Vocabulary Link section corresponding to this unit and complete the tasks at the end of the page. 4 WIT@ —— 1 Project A Campaign 1 As awhole group you are going to design a5 Contact the association for information. Tell campaign to invite other people at school to them that you and a group of others want to participate in the protection of endangered be active participants in their project. species. 2 The objective of the project is to choose the most interesting proposal to involve other people from different groups or family members. & 3 Work in groups of three or four students. a) Make a list of associations or foundations you know that have projects to protect animals b) Find at least five different websites where you can find different projects. | (e.g. 6 Collect as much information as you can and prepare a summary to present in other classes. Bring photos if you can. Organize different groups to do the same presentation in other classrooms or groups. 4 As a class, choose an interesting project. Find ‘out how you can participate and invite others to join you. 42 1) 7 During the presentation you will have to give specific details about your project. These ideas can help you. + What's the name of the association/foundation’s project? Give some general information about it. + Write the website on the blackboard. + Which animal(s) is/are endangered? + Give some general information about the animals (where they live, their physical description, what they eat, their typical routine, etc) + What can people do to join this project? / How can you help? + What is your proposal? How can you organize the project for your school to become involved? 8 Ask your teacher to help you organize the interaction with other groups and teachers. | 9 Set a deadline, a day when the project will be ready and when to report the | results to the association or foundation you contacted. | Unit Links Humor Link Master jungle | Who's the king \ of the jungle? i You are, ‘ ‘Admit it. You don't knos the answer, do you? Poetry Link 1 Read the poem and complete the blanks with words from the box. Then, listen and check your answers. © Birth of a Butterfly ‘A mama butterfly lays all her eggs, out pops a caterpillar, crawling on its abide ‘The caterpillar first is rather thin, abot on tH but then it eats till it bursts through its. i After growing nice and big, the caterpillar climbs on a leaf or It makes a shell where it hangs inside, then the shell cracks, and the parts Inside the shell, a change was going the form of the caterpillar now is ‘When the shell opens, what comes A beautiful butterfly fluttering & 2 Use a separate piece of paper and draw some pictures to illustrate the birth of a butterfly. Talk about your pictures with other pair Culture Link & 4 Look at the photographs. What do you think these animals have in common? 2 Read the text and confirm your answer. Then, answer the questions below. a) What does “migrate” mean? b) Why do animals migrate? Many animals lve in the same area all their lives. They do not travel far. But others migrate, | they make long journeys in search of food, warm weather or a good place to breed and raise their young. Buffalo migrate to look for water in the dry season. Many birds such | as cuckoos, migrate to escape from the cold winter. Salmon migrate to breed. They travel thousands of miles back tothe river where they were born. 3 Read the text again and find the antonyms of the adjectives below, near cold short —_____ wet é 4 Discuss the following questions: 4) What do you know about Monarch Butterflies? b) What else would you like to know about them? 5 Complete the paragraph about The Monarch Butterfly with words from the box. ‘The Monarch Butterfly is a well-known North American. Its wings have and black patterns with a wingspan. The females have darker veins on their ___and the males have a spot in the center of each wing, Monarch butterflies are special because of their long annual _____. They fly southward in August until the first frost. Then, a northward migration place in the spring. The female Monarch Butterfly eggs for the next generation during these migrations. to the area of Angangueo The population of the Rocky Mountains usually in Michoacan, Mexico. Many people to Angangueo to admire these creatures. 6 Find out about other migratory animals and in groups of four share your information and tell the class about it. WIT deposits orange fy wings w takes butterfly migration 45 1 Check one of the faces. a) Now I know how to: Form small groups. Share your information and tell your teacher about it. 2 Look at the list of possible portfolio material on page 195 and decide which samples of your work you are going to include in your portfolio, eae UNIT 2 Performance Evidence Unit Purpose Students can recognise and understand quotidian texts in To enable you to give advice and make order to use them purposefully Examples: see p. 54, ex. 1; suggestions around the topic of health. p.69,ex.7. Students can use language creatively and appropriately by selecting lexis, phrases and grammatical resources in order Social Practices to produce short, relevant texts regarding health and the body. Examples: see p. 56, ex. 6; p. 70, ex. 10. a Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind, Function: 2.1. Discussing the body and one’s health. i stablishing and maintaining social contacts, & Functions: * 2.2, Giving advice. 23, Making and answering offers and suggestions, Project Designing a Leaflet. Vocabulary Link - Parts of the Body fast ~ Symptoms and Medicine, 47. | In this lesson you will practice how to talk about the different parts of the body. You will also practice some ways to describe symptoms and make suggestions. & 1 Discuss the following questions: a) How often do you watch TV? b) Which are your favorite TV programs? Why? Ww 2 Read the text below and check the meaning of new words in an English-Spanish dictionary. Stewart, whose alter ego is the pop music sensation Hanna Montana. She works for Disney Channel, she also sings and writes her own songs. success of “Hanna Montana: The Movie”, Miley tries to |Tifel She loves exercise. In fact, she jogs and practices 's good heart and for the rest of the muscle ‘After the mas z eer ee fg Adapted from: http;// 3 Read the text again and circle T for true sentences or F for false ones. 4) Miley Stewart and Hanna Montana are the same person. — ) Miley Cyrus is an actress, singer and author. — ¢) The heart is a muscle. — 4d) “Wake Up Americal” invites people to take care of the natural environment, —__ @) Miley doesn't like having a normal life. — & 4. Answer the questions below. i + How does Miley Cyrus feel about being a superstar? Why? ' + What similarities and differences can you find between her concerns and ordinary teenagers’ concerns? + Would you like to be a superstar? Why? r 5 Look at the text on Miley Cyrus again, find five parts of the body mentioned in the article and write them on the lines. G & Read the notice at the gym and complete the instructions with the verbs in the box. Directions to Warm Up Before Your Aerobics Class! your legs your arms ag your arms. a, your toes. Now Then, your head around and around and your shoulders up and down, up and down. touch rotate = smove_ stretch 7 Stand up listen and follow the directions to warm up before this class. Work it out! Parts of the body Organize the different parts of the body into singular and plural. Plural Singular hands mouth WWIT 2 ) 8 Look at the poster of the aerobics class | Nee and match the numbers with the parts of the body. Write the numbers on the lines. Use the Vocabulary Link on page 201 if necessary. Come and join us! A stomach legs knees —ankles arms foot — back —hand — shoulders — mouth — tooth — neck — elbows — face — waist UNIT 2 9 Listen to Nina and her friend Jess after their aerobics class, and circle the correct option to complete the sentences below. 10 a) Nina has a. (headache / stomachache) b) Jess suggests first. (going to the nursery / drinking some water) ) Nina feels __. (OX. / sick) d) Nina___. what her problem is. (knows / doesn’t know} Work it out{! Tal Match the health problems below with the pictures. g about one’s health a) I'm dizzy. 5 1 feel sick. ) Thave a cough. d) Thave a headache. ) Thave a cold. f) Thave a toothache. Read transcript 10 on pages 206-207. Write Jess’ recommendations and circle the correct alternative to complete the rule. + We use imperatives / questions to make recommendations. ‘You can go to page 186 for more information about this language point. ) 10 Look at the chat on mymessenger and write the best suggestions from the box in each case. Write two more problems and suggestions in your notebook. Try sleeping for a while! Try taking an aspirin! Try eating something! Pat | dont fee wel Rose: feel dizxy ©) foe: have aheadache — @ ee e e 11 Read the health problems below and write a suggestion for each problem, Heusn: I have a toothache. You: Ton: I'm dizzy, ‘You: Jor: I feel sick. ‘You: r lesson 2 At the Doctor’s | In this lesson you will earn some medical vocabulary. You will also learn different ways to give advice. 1 Help the nurse organize Dr. Jones' shelf. Match the words with the pictures. Use the Vocabulary Link on page 201 if necessary. syrup drops tablets pills gel injection WWI 2 Dr. Jones® | @ 2 Use the phrases below to complete the dialog between Nina and Dr. Jones. Drink milk and water. 1 go to my aerobics class. Good morning, doctor. ‘Take one of these tablets every 12 hours, Don't eat junk food I feel dizzy and I have a stomachache. Niwa — Doctor: You don't look well. What's the matter? Jess: She feels sick. Niwa: Doctor: What do you usually eat in the morning? Niwa: I usually have some fruit and three cups of coffee. Doctor: I see... coffee. Then, what do you do? Nina: ____.. After that, I eat some chips. Jess: And we always have a soda, too. Docros: Okay. = Niwa: Do you think I'll be fine tomorrow? Doctor: Of course but don’t drink so much coffee. _______ instead. __, that's not very healthy. Eat salads and fresh food Niwa: Alright doctor. Thank you very much, Doctor: Take care, girls i Qs 3 Listen to Nina and Jess talking to the doctor and check your answers. 11 4 Answer the following questions: &€ + Are Nina's eating habits healthy? Why? + What does the doctor suggest her? + Are your eating habits healthy? Why? Work it out? Making suggestions Read the dialog in activity 2 again and identify what the doctor... RECOMMENDS: DOESN'T RECOMMEND: Look at the statements above and circle the correct option to complete the rule, + We form affirmative imperative statements in the following way: Verb in its base form / Verb with ‘s’ + complement. + We form the negative imperative statements in the following way: Don't | Don't or doesn’t + verb in its base form + complement. Go to page 186 for more information about this language point. ww 5 Read this article about health and circle the correct alternative. The text comes from: a) apostcard —b) amagazine—_c) anemail Betag Healthy! ‘The following are some tips most be healthy: doctors suggest to 1. Eat lots of fruit, vegetables, fish and cereals 2, Don't eat junk food or sodas. 3, Drink a lot of water, at least eight glasses of water a day. 4, Eat yogurt, low fat cheese and drink two glasses of low fat milk everyday, 5, Don't be lazy! Practice some Kind of exercise everyday. WWIT 2 6 Look at the text again and find eight names of food. 7 Use your notebook. List four things that are recommended in the text and two that are not. Put a next to the things that are recommended and a next to the ones that are not. & 8 Make groups of four students and work on the following tasks: a) Talk about your own health problems. Jess I'm really lazy, I never do exercise. Juan: I drink too much soda because I don’t like water. taka: I love candy, I eat candy everyday. Par: [don't like fruit, I never eat fruit b) Give some advice to your classmates. Write the pieces of advice in your notebook. @ Move around the classroom and find out what health problems there are in your class. Make a list of them, Write some suggestions for each case and give them back to your classmates. 10 Decide who student A is and who student B is, then follow the instructions below. Student A (green card): You are a patient. Visit the doctor and tell him /her how you feel. Use mime or gestures, if necessary, Student B (blue card): You are the doctor. Listen to your patient and give him her some advice. Example: Juan, don't drink too much soda, drink more water, “sdoup 40 syd auatand nok aai6 saunyawos nog ‘samoy x1s fo uimururus v daays 07 anny atdoad yurya nog nuf puv saqqoraben ysouf 109 * 03 ‘astasaxa s0ynBas any 01 squaryod paurwova1 Kjonsn nox <1 wapMs Student A: You don't feel well. You have a stomachache and feel dizzy. You usually go to bed very late and sleep only four hours @ day. You never have time to take exercise ; ‘and you love junk food. : erence 11 Read the information on the cards above and design a dialog similar to the one in activity 2. Write a first draft and show it to your teacher to help you correct it. Make all the corrections and write a final version; read your dialog to a partner. lesson | Feel Better! rs In this lesson you will practice other ways of giving advice and making suggestions about health. & 1 Form groups of five students and work together on the activities below. a) Answer the following questions about health. + How often do you exercise? + How often do you eat junk food? + Do you eat fruits and vegetables everyday? ) Read the e-mail Nina sent Matt and discuss the questions below it From: Date: Subject: Do you ink yore heathy myer? Ceck his out sina Hi, Mat! eel much better now! The doctor says that | should chink so much coffe and that | should eat fresh food. I'm looking for some ideas on the Internet and there's alot of information about heath. It says we shouldn't eat junk food and we shouldn't eat so much candy, We can puree diferent fruits and mix them with juice. Then, we can put this mixin the freezer to make ice-lolies! @) isn't that great? also says we shoud eat aera workout, not befor, to recover energy We should take exercise almost everyday but we should rest atleast one day a week. | know you tran seven days a week! Be caelul ‘And about snacks... It says we shouldn't eat chips or chocolate before lunch, licama sticks ‘with lemon juice and chili ponder are a good idea, For more information from Dr. Nina Wiliams, I'see you tomorrow atthe same time @) (I'm joking). | Love, Nina, + Does Nina still feel sick? + Where does Nina's health information come from? + Does she usually eat healthy food? + Do you think she wants to change her eating habits? + Why do you think Nina wrote ‘Do you think you're healthy my friend?" on the ttle? ¢] Read the e-mail again and underline all the suggestions included. UWIT 2 Work it out! New ways of making suggestions | Read the suggestions you underlined on the e-mail and circle the correct option. + We use should and shouldn’t to express something that is prohibited / suggestions. + We can use the following expression: ‘The best thing for us / you / him is to. to give advice or make suggestions / to give an order to someone. + We use should with he, she, it/ we, you, they, I all pronouns. You can go to page 186 for more information about this language point. é& 2 Read the survey below and put a in the box next to the good advice and a next to the bad advice. Compare your answers with your partner and talk about the suggestions to take care of your body. | } Taking Care of Your Body | | Practice some kind of exercise. Eat fruit, vegetables and fish. Brush your teeth three times a day. Eat at fast food restaurants. Drink five cups of coffee a day. Os 02000 Sp oeeesreecennnennannsienine Spend a lot of time watching TV. Drink eight glasses of water a day. oO Stunenr A: You should eat vegetables and fish to be healthy. StupeNr B: You shouldn't drink five cups of coffee a day. 3 Form groups of three students. Student A should ask Student B about his / her eating habits, and Student C should give Student B advice if necessary. Sruvenr A: Do you usually eat at fast-food restaurants? Stuvewr B: Yes, I do. | love fast-food restaurants. StupeNt C: You shouldn't. You should eat fish, vegetables and fruit at home. 4 Look at the e-mail Nina received from her friend Jess. Complete the spaces with some suggestions. Use “shouldn't” or “the best thing for you is to...” rina_teport@retrescom {sss seport@netins com ate: Subject: How are yu? Hi there! Do you feel beter? Do you still have the headache? Here are some health tips | got from a magazin. They say you ___eat junk food; f you are hungry the isto have a granola bar ‘or some fresh fruit. And when you are thirsty, think the best________________torink water. ‘Too much soda isn't good. it's very sweet and it has a lot of calories. @) Don't stay at home all day watching 1, _______ go fora long walk with your dogs everyday. That's good exercise, Your dogs will be happy, too! @) | think we —____ change our habits to be healthy. We can exercise together. Don't you think that's a good idea? @ See you soon, @) Jess 5 Use the words in the box to give each other advice on how to stay thin. Then, write some of the examples in your notebook. water . exercise frit ©—_low-fat cheese soda candy TV all the time vegetables bed early meat Srupent A: The best thing for you is not to eat candy all the time. ‘Stupent B: The best thing for you is to go to bed early. S 6 Write an e-mail and include some health suggestions. 4) Think of a friend or family member who doesn’t have good health habits. b) Write about his / her habits in your notebook and some advice next to each one, Example: My brother never exercises. He should join a gym. The best thing {or him isto join a soccer team. ¢) Write an e-mail to him / her with some helpful suggestions. <) Ask your teacher to help you correct it and send it to him / her. UNIT 2 Lesson 4¥ Let’s Start! In this lesson you will practice new ways of giving advice, You will also practice how to link ideas in a sentence. & 4 Look at the box and... a) say which of these sports / activities you like and which ones you practice. ) say which ones you would like to try out and why. jazz belly-dancing rafting swimming soccer basketball martial arts rock climbing aerobics jogging —_valleyball & 2 Take turns reading the text below and... a) underline all the words and, but and because you find. Te: rina repori@retnkscm From: mat sepot@retnscan Date Subject: Youthiskyoure hey ry ens? Check ist Hi, Ninal ‘You are right! One's health i very important and think you should take some exercise. | want to tell ou about some actites we can do together. There are some interesting classes at the club | goto. | hope you want to join mel Dancing lessons are on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5 o'clock. | want to learn how to dance because when | goto parties, | get bored... and how about swimming lessons? | thnk you should learn how to swim because there are some interviews at the beach next month. At the cub we can play basketball, soccer or volleyball, We can also participate in some competitions during cur vacation or on the weekends! Ist it a good idea? There's healthy food at the cafeteria and they also sell delicious drinks. ‘Why don't we vst the cub this weekend? We can go on Saturday or Sunday, so that we can start our activities, next week! See you tomorrow. Take care! ) answer the questions about Matt's e-mail. + What does Matt suggest Nina should do? + Why is he interested in dancing lessons?. + Can Nina swim? + How often do they have competitions at the club? + What type of food can they eat at the club's cafeteria? & 3 Answer the following questions: + Which advantages does Matt find in joining a club? + Do you agree with Matt? Why? + Do you practice any physical activity? Do you practice it in a club? Work i(Guiit’ Connecting sentences Work in pairs and correct the following sentences, if necessary. Then, compare your sentences with other pairs. 1. Matt likes basketball and soccer and volleyball and he doesn’t like biking. 2, You can play baseball and soccer but basketball at a club. Read Matt's mail in activity 2 again and complete these sentences using and, or, because or a comma i + Weuse to indicate the cause of something, + Weuse when we want to mention several ideas in one sentence. + Weuse to express a different alternative, + Weuse when we want to link two ideas or before we mention the last of various options. ‘You can go to page 188 for more information about this language point. & 4 Complete these sentences with and, but, because, or ap. adults. 4) There are activities for kids b) You should exercise regularly your body needs it. ¢) Swimming lessons are on Monday ‘Wednesday and Friday. d) You can do two three activities in one day. ) There are activities for kids there aren't any for teens 5 Read the text below about some breakfast suggestions. Fill in the blanks with the correct linking word or a comma «» What Should I Have for Breakfast to be Fit and Healthy? You should eat fresh fruit it has fiber. Try eating a bowl in the mornings. You can also eat a sandwich with some vegetables like tomato avocado tuce. These make your sandwich fresh healthy. Don't go out without breakfast _it is the most important meal of the day. It gives you energy makes you feel strong _it can help you be active. But remember: don’t eat too much because you might feel asleep _tired. | 6 Play in pairs and follow the instructions below. a) You will need two counters and a dice. ) Place the counters at the START box. ¢) The younger player should throw the dice and advance the number indicated. d) He / She should make a recommendation for the request in the box. ¢) The other player should follow the same pro- cedure, f) If any of the recommendations are incorrect, the player should miss a turn. 4) The first player to finish is the winner What should Ido? ¢ 9 9» f Vm dizzy. & 7 Game. Form groups of five students, Use a separate piece of paper and a pen for each member. 4a) One group member says a linking word: and, or, but, because. b) All the group members write a sentence with the linking word and pass their papers to their classmate to their right for him / her to correct i ¢) Follow the same procedure until each piece of paper has five sentences. d) Share your sentences with the rest of the class. WIT 2 Check Back 1 1 Circle the word that is different from the other three words. Example: back neck body foot a) feet toe leg arm b) eye nose mouth back c) finger ankle toe foot d) shoulder finger elbow knee e) head hand eye ear 5 2 Listen to some people at the doctor's office $2 and underline the problems you hear. 1, He's got a cough. He's got an allergy. He's got a stomachache. He's got a headache. He's dizzy. He's got a toothache. He's gota cold. Neywnern 3 Look back at the health problems in activity 2. Write some suggestions for each problem. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 4 Read the e-mail and answer the questions below Hi Vicky, | didn't go to school because I'm nat feeling well I have this terible stomachache. You know I love pizzas and hamburgers and | never drink wate, prefer sodas, | think | will o back tomorrow. Please write to me and tell me about your day at school Any news? Love, Karima a) What's Karima’s problem? b) What kind of food does she like? ¢) Do you think she has a healthy diet? 5 Look back at the text in activity 4. Write a reply to Karima and give her some advice about her eating habits. : & 6 Circle the correct word. a) My favorite fruits are bananas and / or / because apples, ) In the mornings I go swimming and / or / because running. It depends on how I feel ¢) You shouldn't eat too much candy and / or | because it has a lot of calories. 4d) Do you want coffee and / or/ because tea? e) My mom goes to the gym three times a week. Monday, Wednesday and / or/ because Friday. f) The best thing for you is to have a healthy diet and/or / because you are overweight. | G 7 Complete the dialog with phrases from the box. 7 You shouldn't drink / / come and see / / the best thing for you is to / / matter / / Try drinking / / take / 7 You shoud drink / 7 You showddn’t eat / Doctor: What's the _?(1) ‘Anne: I have a stomachache. Doctor: Do you usually eat junk food? Awe: Yes, [ike it alot. Doctor: (2) hamburgers and chips all the time. Anve: O.K,, doctor. WNIT 2 Docror: —__ (3) water or (4) juice. sodas everyday. Awwe: Water or juice? Agh! I like sodas! Docrok: I know, but ___(5) reduce the number of sodas you drink in one day. ANNE: O.K. Doctor, ____ (6) some fresh orange juice or lemonade. ‘And _____ (7) one of these tablets before each meal. ‘Ane: Before each meal? That is, before breakfast, lunch and supper? Doctor: That's right. And___() me next week, please 8 Act out a dialog. Decide who Student A is and who Student B is, then follow the instructions on your cards. d Srupent A: You have problems sleeping at night. You drink five or six cups of coffee a day. You work ten hours everyday and when you get home, you do housework. Sruvent B: You are a good doctor. Listen to A’ situation and give him /her some advice. i ‘ou are a good doctor. Listen to Srupent B's problems and give him/her suggestions. Srupenr B: You take exercise four hours everyday and you feel very tired. Before your workout you have something to eat because you think you need energy. Junk food and sodas are part of your diet. You don’t drink much water. ti UNIT 2 Lesson § — \dentifying Minor Health Problems In this lesson you will earn different ways of identifying health symptoms. 1 Look at the pictures and match the problems with the people. 4a) stomachache b) fever headache 4d) cola Ne Nancy) Ber) Joey) 2 Look at the pictures above and read the dialogs below. Decide whose problem each dialog describes. Write the person's name on the line. A: How do you feel? A:I don't feel well. B: I feel I ill. B: Are you sick? ‘A: What's the matter? A: I think so. B: [have a cold. B: What's the problem? A: [have a fever. B: You should call a doctor. ‘A: Why don't you take an aspirin? B: That's a good ideal & 3 Read the dialogs aloud and correct each other's pronunciation. Work i@outi! Identifying symptoms Read the dialogs above and find... 4) Questions to ask for someone's health. sick (sik) health, b) Sentences to express someone's symptoms. {i (i aq notin good healt sick, 2 characterized by or in- tending evil harm, ete; hostile: ¢) Statements to make suggestions. ill effects. Read the meaning of the words sick and ill from a dictionary. Do they mean the same? Ee WNIT 2 4 Work in pairs. Choose one health problem from the box below and the corresponding medical recommendation. Then, role play a dialog between two friends. Stuvent A: What's the matter? Stuvenr B: I have a sore throat. Stuer A: You shouldn't drink cold liquids. Stupenr B: I think so. / That's a good idea Health Problems sore throat fever cold allergy headache | strained ankle toothache _stomachache A Medical Recommendations | Don't eat chocolate. Call a doctor. Don't drink cold liquids. Take an aspirin. Don't watch TV and go to bed. Drink hot tea with honey. | Don't walk and put a bandage. Don't eat and call a dentist. } ——— é& 5 Look at the pictures and order the dialog. Then, read it aloud ‘Why don't you call a doctor? | sprained my ankle That's a good idea! 6 Form groups of four students and complete the following tasks: 4) Use an English-Spanish dictionary and find the meaning of the words in the box. Which words have similar meanings? twisted hurt cut broke sprained 1) Use the clues below to make conversations similar to the one in activity 5. Example: | twisted / hurt / broke my finger / wrist / knee. €)_ Use a separate piece of paper to write one of the conversations. Ask your tea cher to help you correct it | [injury Part of the body Decision | Fweder cdladoctor | (hart wrist get abandage [cot ankle _pat some ice on | get some help | ‘try some gel 7 Listen to Dr. Fincel giving advice to parents in a radio program. Then, 9 Prog} 45 complete the missing information in the list below. What can Ido to keep mY child from being overweight? ¢ food to comfort oF o reward your child. « r se fo offer dessert as @ reward for finishing a meal portion sizes. eat at fastfood restaurants «how much TV your child watches. : to get your child to do something activ ating and exercise habits | + good e & Read the information about keeping children from being overweight above and complete the following tasks. 4) Take roles, Student A should be the doctor and Student B should be a mother or father whose child is overweight. b) Student B should ask for suggestions to keep his / her child from being overweight and Student A should give recommendations. WNL 2 Lesson6 What's Wrong with Nina? In this lesson you will practice how to make and reply to suggestions about health problems. 1 Look at the picture and talk about the questions below, a) What's the weather like? b) What's Nina's problem? isten to Matt and Nina and underline the correct option. a) Nina has a cough | headache. 5) Nina is red but / and she is hot, too. ¢) Nina doesn't think / thinks it is a good idea to drink some water. d) Nina wears/ doesn't wear sunscreen when she's in the sun, e) Matt is worried / happy about Nina. + What's Nina’s problem? How does Matt help her? + How do you help your friends? 4 Listen to the conversation again and arrange Matt's suggestions in order. Use numbers from 1 to 4, _—— Why don't you sit down under the palm tree? —— You should always put sunscreen when you're in the sun. How about drinking some water? —— Do you want me to take you under the palm tree? Work if out! Making suggestions Read activity 4 again and circle the correct alternative below. Then, complete the ‘sentences at the end. + Why don't you drink / drinking some water? + How about drink / drinking some water? + Do you want me take / to take you under the palm tree? + If you agree with a suggestion you can say: + If you don't agree with a suggestion you can say: Go to page 187 for more information about this language point. &w 5 Read the list of remedies below and write the headings in the correct place. sore throat burns insomnia ~—sheadache © cal Home Remedies + _______ Take a warm bath with lettuce leaves and drink a glass of ‘warm milk before going to bed. + —_____ Apply a wet cloth to your head and sleep in a dark room where you can not hear any noise + Drink cold water and apply aloe vera gel on the burn. + —______ Eat hot chicken soup, rub oil on your chest and drink lemon juice with honey. : Swallow a white of egg before having breakfast. 6 Check your answers. Then, tell your partner if you use any of these remedies. What other home remedies do you know or use? Example: | always take a spoonful of honey when I have a cough. 7 Form groups of three students and use the list of remedies above. Student A has a minor health problem, Student B makes a suggestion and Student C makes another suggestion. Sruvexr A: I sprained my ankle. Stuvenr B: How about putting some ice on it? Stuvent C: Do you want me to call a doctor? 5 8 Listen to the suggestions and pay attention to the way the sound /sh/ is 75 pronounced. 9 Listen again and respond according to your preferences. Make sure you pronounce the /sh/ sound correctly. e& 40 Complete the following tasks. a) Read the text on the right and underline the correct option. b) Take roles. Student A is going to the beach this weekend and Student B is giving him / her some advice. Srupenr A: I'm going to the beach this Saturday. Stuvent B: Why don't you about ..? Stupent A: I don't think so. / That's a good idea. / You're right. / I'd rather | How 11. Read the text and answer the questions below in your notebook. bear Agent Orange: yim worried about getting d tam. Everybody looks for orang weed 10 protect their skin? Do we neet i { | | res 10 4 my questions. | want 10 you fo answer Anndl nema RTT a) What is Anna's problem? ‘| my fiends love torn fe skin of toasted bodies! { Ki skin or even skin ca 10 much sun can couse dry. ug!y 14 sunscreen on a clou help my friends. NTL 2) atthe Tips for 7 ' 1 You should / shouldn't always wear sunscreen, (2 You should / shouldn't eat big meals { when it is hot. | & You should / shouldn't drink a lot i of liquids, | When the sum is very hot, you | __ should / shouldn't wear a t-shi You should / shouldn't be in the sun for a long time from 12:00 to 15:00 p.m. & “Secsseman Jing when they go fo the beach. , Even if it looks blonds now it isn’t health cer. Is it rue that only ay day ot the beach? 1 would like b) How do Anna's friends like their bodies? ¢) What does she think about getting a tan? d) Write down one of Anna's questions. 12 Discuss possible answers to Anna's questions and write down some questions you may have about getting tanned, 13 Look for information about “Tanning” on the Internet and answer your questions list. Compare your answers with your partner's. WWI Lesson7 Skin Problems In this lesson you will practice new ways of making and responding to offers and suggestions. 1 Discuss the following questions. a) Do you have any problems with your skin? ) What is acne? Do you suffer from acne? ¢) Look up the meaning of the words: pimple, redness, swelling and dryness in an English-Spanish dictionary. JS 2 Matt has a problem with his face. Listen to his conversation with Nina and SZ check which of the suggestions he accepted. 4) Put ice over on his face. b) Ask a doctor. ) Use gel. 3 Discuss the following questions: + How does Matt feel about the problem with his face? + Do you know anybody with pimples on his / her face? How do you think he / she feels? What would you suggest him / her to do? WoFK ASHE A new way of making suggestions Read transcript number 16 on page 208 carefully. Then, find the sentence: if | were you, | would try it, What does this sentence mean? Underline the correct answer, + Nina thinks using the gel is a good idea. + Nina doesn’t consider Matt should use the gel. Work in pairs. How would you say the following suggestions using the sentence: if | were you...? Nina: You'd rather ask a doctor. Niwa: Why don’t you put some ice on your face? Nina: Try washing your face frequently. Write the suggestions using the sentence: if / were you... above in your notebook, Then, circle the correct option. + IE Lwas/ were you, I would ask a doctor. + IF Twas/ were you, I would take an aspirin, 4 Work in groups of four. One of the group members will invent a health problem and tell the group about it for them to suggest some remedies. Sruvewr A: I feel sick. I have a toothache. Sruvewr B: If were you, I would take a pain tablet Stupent C: If I were you, I would.. WWI 2 é& 5 Interview your partner and complete the survey below. Do you take care of your face? Put a next to the answers that apply to you. How often do you ] wash your face? [neat fruit? sat candy or chocolate? Never Once a day Never Never ‘Once a day Twice a day Sometimes Sometimes Twice a day Three times a day Usually Usually Three times aday Fourtimesaday Always Always Stupenr A: How often do you eat candy or chocolate? Stupent B: I never eat candy or chocolate. & 6 Share your information and report your results to the rest of the class. Example: Two students never wash their face. } Four students drink water four times a day. 7 Read the magazine advertisement and use your notebook to answer the questions below. free! Immediate clear skin Inunder 8 hours Adapted from: http://www-teenvogue.comy. a) What's the name of the gel? ) What's the main characteristic of the gel? c) When should you expect results if you use the gel? dd) What does the gel do to the pimple? e) What does the acne medicine do first? & Find the suggestions in the advertisement and underline them. Include any other suggestions you consider important. cS Read the problems below and write a suggestion in each case. Tow T always eat candy. Nancy: I have a lot of pimples. ‘Auce: I'm too fat. Rop: I have a burn! Jonant: I never drink water. 10 Design a magazine advertisement. 4a) Think of a health problem you are interested in. b) Discuss which type of product you think would help it. . _ ¢) Think of the characteristics of the product. d) Specify why people should use the product (include suggestions with the phrases you know: You should... Try... Why don't you... If were you. How about... etcetera.) | e) Design a magazine page to advertise your product. f) Show it to your classmates and talk about it. cal Yr Wit 2 lesson§ | Never Eat Breakfast In this lesson you will practice how to use quantifiers for countable and uncountable nouns. © 1 Look at the picture and match the words with the numbers. Use a bilingual dictionary, if necessary. apple tice yogurt lettuce _ cheese _— lemons bread meat eggs ——— beans —— milk —— potatoes 2 Work in groups of five students. Ask and answer about your eat lunch, habits for Stupent A: What do you usually eat for lunch? Sruvents B, C, D, E: I usually eat yogurt and a sandwich / an apple / some fruit. Note: We say “a” sandwich, but ‘an’ orange or * an" apple, 3 Work in groups of three students. teacher to help you, if necessary. uss the following questions and ask your a) How can you count apples, lemons, eggs and potatoes? b) How do we usually count milk or yogurt? ¢) How can you count bread, rice and beans? Work it out! Countable and uncountable nouns Look at the list of words in activity 1 and classify them according to the headings. Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns apple rice 71 | | i | Work in pairs. Read the sentences below and find the differences between them. Then, answer: Do we use some for countable and uncountable nouns? What does “some" mean in Spanish? + Teat some yogurt for breakfast. + There are some lemons on the table. We also use liters, kilos, bags, packets for uncountable nouns, Look at the Uncountable Nouns list on the previous page and complete the chart below. You can write each word under more than one category. liters milk kilos bags packets ‘You can go to page 188 for more information about this language point. & 4. Look at the picture and describe it taking turns. Sruvenr A: There are three bags of bread, ‘Stupent B: There is some butter. “Work it outt Using quantifiers Read the sentences below and say if they are correct or not. Correct them when necessary. I want some bread and two liters of milks. There is an apple and some orange on the table. There is some butter. There are two packets of butter. I want some cereals and 1/2 a kilo of cheese. Work with a partner and compare your answers. Then, complete the sentences below using the following words: liters, a, some, an, packets, kilos, bags. We use We use We use We use We use We use before “apple or orange” and before "banana or carrot’. for milk, juice and yogurt. for butter, meat and eggs. for cereal and cookies. and and for rice and beans. for potatoes. 5 Use the words in the box to complete the sentences below it. some bag an some liters kilos are are WIT 2 1. Lwant orange and bananas, please. 2 There two______of milk in the refrigerator. 3. There three __of cheese on the table. 4. There a______ of rice next to the cheese. 5. Lwant_____ sugar and __ cereal, please. Use a separate piece of paper and write what you usually eat for each meal in a day. Compare your list with your partner's. Then, answer the following questions: + How many meals do you have in a day? + Do you have a balanced diet? Why? What are you missing? + Do you think having breakfast improves your memory? Why? You are at a grocery store, Student A wants to buy some food and Student B is the clerk, Then, change roles. Srupenr A: I want some rice and a packet of cereal Stuvent B: O.K, Here you are. Nina is talking to Lance Armstrong, the famous biker. Listen to the conversation and complete the blanks. ‘Nixa: Hello, Lance! What's your secret? How do you keep so fit? Lance: Mmm... Keeping a healthy diet, I think. Nixa: How do you start your day? Laxce: I start the day with a big Niwa: What do you eat? Lance: First cereal; then, ____ with some vegetables and ___ juice. Nixa: Wow! What about lunch? . Lavce: Lunch has to be light, I eat a_____ and an Niwa: And for dinner? Lance: I eat rice, some ____and vegetables. Niwa: Is that all? Lance: Yes. Bikers have to sleep well, als. Work on the tasks below. 4) Read the dialog taking turns to compare your answers with your partner's. b) Talk about your eating habits. ¢) Think of a famous person you admire. Then, design his / her diet and organize a dialog like the one in activity 9. d) Act out the dialog to the class. Check Back 2 @ 1 Circle the correct option. a) How about | Why don't we drinking some fresh water? I'm thirsty. ) Tit: U have a cold. Axrnur: Do you want me to / If T were you call the doctor? cc} Dawiet: I'm very tired. Lisa: If were you / Why don't you, I would go to bed right now. d) I think we shouldn't drink / drinking so much soda. e) Why don’t you eat/ eating some fruit for dessert? Oy 2 Write an appropriate suggestion in your notebook for each of the following situations. a) 1 don’t usually have time for breakfast. b) It's very hot these days! I'm going swimming this Saturday. ¢) Tdon't like these horrible pimples on my facel d) He never washes the fruit he eats. ¢) I'm worried about Jack. He went to the park on his bike. F) Tina loves meat but she doesn’t eat any vegetables. © 3 Look at the picture carefully and write some sentences to describe it. Use the words in the box. some packets liters bags kilos WIT 2 é 4 Decide who Student A is and who Student B is. Follow the instructions below. a) Student A: Look at picture one for ten seconds. Then, close your book and tell your partner about the things you remember. Example: There is a bag of rice. b) Student B: Look at picture two for ten seconds. Then, close your book and tell your partner about the things you remember. Picture 1 Picture 2 5 Identify the mistakes in the sentences below and correct them. Write the corrections in your notebook. 4) 1 can’t walk well. My foots hurt. Ouch! b) You shouldn't to smoke. ¢) The best thing for you is to taking exercise in the mornings. 4) Atthe club you can't play squash, swim, workout in the gym, e) You should drink water but it's good for your health. f) She should rest at home. 6 6 Look at the instructions to use this product. Number them in a logical order. Use the product on the area you want to cure or all over your face. ——- Wait for 10 minutes. Put some gel on your hand —— Then, wash your face again, —— Wash your face with soap and water. Don't use a towel or paper to dry your face. 7 Think of a set of instructions for a product you use. In your notebook write 6 them in disorder, like the instructions in activity 6. Then exchange notebooks with a partner and ask him/her to organize the steps. Go the Vocabulary Link section corresponding to this unit and complete the tasks at the end of the page.

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