C4Hs02 CH20 C4H60z CH (C) C4Hs02 2 (D) C H 0: Which The Pairs Is 3. Compo - Und Which Shows Both Cis-Trans

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1. Which of the following pairs of formulae is 3. The compo_und which shows both cis-trans
true for butanoic acid? isomerism and optical isomerism is

Molecuhnr EmpJirical H
lFonnu.nla Formula
(A) C4Hs02 CH20
c c

C4H60z CH2 0
. C 2H 4 0
c ""/ c C-H
C4H80 C 2H 4 0 H
" "
Br H

2. Cotnbustion analysis of 0.18 g of an organic

cmnpound produces 0.396 g of carbon dioxide Cl Cl
and 0.216 g of water. The empirical formula /
of the compound, given that it contains "c c
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen only, is (B)
C3H 80
C4 H80
H. / H
I" H H " Cl

(D) C6Hl60z

"" c
c ""/ c - H

H H " H

., c c

" /

/I"- H
H " H
- 3-

4. When propane reacts with CI 2 (g) in the 7. The equation for the formation of the
presence of sunlight, two possible mono- anaesthetic, CF3CHBrCI. is
substituted products, 1-chloropropane and
2-chloropropane are formed. What is the ratio CF3CH2Cl Brz --j. .CF CHBrCI.
of 1-chloropropane to 2-chloropropa.ne?

(A) 1:2 The type of reaction occurring is

(B) 1:3
(C) 2:1 (A) electrophilic substitution
(D) 3: 1 (B) free radical substitution
(C) nucleophilic addition
(D) nucleophilic substitution
5. The formula, C6 ~5 COOH. indicates that

(A) an acid group is present 8. Ethanol can be formed by the following

(B) the componnd is ketone reaction:
(C) the cotnpound is derived from hexane
(D) seven carbon atoms are arranged in
a chain
The mechanism used is

(A) electrophilic addition

6. In the reaction between ethene and bromine, (B) nucleophilic addition
which statements about the reaction (C) electrophilic substitution
mechanism may be ttue? (D) nucleophilic substitution

I. A carbocation fonns in the rate

detennining step.
II. A dative covalent bond forms
between the bromide ion and
III. Heterolytic fission of the bromine-
bromine bond occurs.

(A) I only
(B) land II only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III

one in the two steps, illustrated below.

9. 2-hydr oxy- 2 -tneth ylprop anoic acid c~m befon ned from propan
I 4
St~ep X > J
CH3 -C-C =N
> CH3 -c- c
. I .. I
OH . "'OH

Which of the follow ing statem ents about these steps may be

L Step X involves nucleophilic addition.

II. Aqueo us potass ium cyanid e is the reagen t in Step X.
III. Step Y involves hydrolysis.

(A) !only
(B) I and II only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III

11. A compo und, X, reacts with

10. Which of the following compounds will NOT
decolotnizebromine water but will decoloUlize
I. 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH )
potass ium manga nate(V ll) on wanni ng?
to give an orang e precip itate
II. Fehlin g's soluti on to give a red
(A) Butan e
precip itate
(B) EU1a.nol
III. aqueous alkaline iodine to give yellow
(C) Ethene
crysta ls
(D) Ethano ic acid
Comp ound X is MOST likely




(D) CH2 COCH 3


Ite1n 1Z refers to the following reaction. hem 13 refers to the following structure of

co2 n:

c&Br I
.iHlzN-~-- JHi


12. The product of the following reaction is

fonned by

(A) an elimination reaction

(B) electrophilic substitution
13. The pH of tyrosine is MOST likely
(C) free radical substitution
(D) nucleophilic substitution (A) 2.1
(B) 5.6
(C) 7.0
(D) 9.0

Jl4. Which of the following is NOT true of addition polymerisation?

(A) Only one type of polymer is formed.

(B) The molecular mass of the polymer is a multiple of the monomer unit.
(C) The polymer is readily hydrolysed to the monomer.
the monomer.
(D) The physical and chemical properties of the polymer are different from those of

15. Which of the following is t:J.ue for starch and glucose?

Sta.:rd11 ""!t:r..a.,

(A) High solubility in water High solubility in water

(B) Low solubility in water Low solubility in water

(C) Gives blue/black colour with iodine Gives blue/black colour with iodine

(D) No reaction with Fehling's solution Reduces Cu2+ in Fehling's solution to red/brown CuzO



16. Whic h of the follow ing sets of titrati on 20. Treat ment of a 10.00 g samp le conta ining a
readin gs is the MOS T precis e? chloride salt with ex:cess silver nitrate sol ution
produ ces 8.08 g of silver chlori de.
(A) 25.1 25.5 25.1 25.2 (Ag= 108, Cl = 35.5)
The expre ssion for the perce ntage of chlori de
(B) 24.9 24.5 25.2 25.4
in the sampl e is

(C) 25.0 25.0 24.9 24.8

35.5X l0.00 xlOO
24.8 24.6 (A)
(D) 25.0 24.5 108X 8.08

35.5x 8.08 x 100

17. Whic h of the follow ing is NOT a prope rty of (B)
a prima ry standa rd? 108><10.00

(A) Does not under go hydro lysis

35.5x lO.OO xlOO
(B) Low relative molec ular mass (C)
143.5 x8.08
(C) Obtai nable in a pure state
(D) Very solubl e in water
35.5x 8.08 ><lOO
3 143.5 xl0.0 0
13. What is the conce ntrati on (tnol dm- ) of an
aqueo us soluti on that conta ins 63.3g of
K 3 Fe(CN ) 6 in 1.0 dm of soluti on? [The
21. A comp ound absor bs light of freque ncy 940
relative formu la mass ofiSF e(CN ) 5 is 329.2.]
MHz. The wave length . in em. of the light
8 1
(A) 1.92 x 1o- 1 absor bed is (c = 3.0 x 10 m s )
(B) 2.95 X 1()4
(C) 3.11 X l0-3 (A) 31.91
(D) 5.77 X lo- 1 (B) 31.91 X lQ-2
(C) 31.91 X lo- 1
(D) 31.91 X 1()"
19. Natur ally occur ring Elem ent X has four
isotop es: 50X, 52:X, X and X. They hav~
53 54

perce ntage abund ance of4.3 1, 83.76 , 9.55/ 22. Which two fean.ues BEST descri be ultrav iolet
and 2.38 respec tively . radiation?

(A) Long wavel ength and high energ y

What is the relativ e atomi c tnass of X?
(B) Long wavel ength and low freque ncy
(C) Short wavel ength and hlgh frequency
(A) 52.00
(D) Short wavel ength and low energ y
(JB) 52.06
(C) 52.25
(D) 53.00




(A)o (C)o (D)o

vVhich of the following alkenes has the wavelength of maximtun absorption,


~ /}
A. max ?

24. Which ofthe following equations goven1s the 27. Which of the following is NOT a stationary
determination of an unknown compound, X, phase used in chromatography?
in a solution by UVNIS spectroscopy?
(A) Alumina
(A) log 10 (I/1) = E cL (B) Cellulose
(B) 1ogiO (IIlo) = E cL (C) Silica gel
(C) log 10 (!0 /I) = E L [X] (D) Starch
(D) 1og 10 (I/10 ) = E L [X]
Item 28 refers to the following information.

25. Which of the following pairs do NOT absorb Sample X is a mixture of substances. X was
infrared radiation? separated into its components using paper
chromatography simultaneously with
I. H 20 and HI individual samples of e, f, g and h. The
II. H 2 and Cl 2 chromatograph produced is shown below.
III. Nl-13 and HB r
IV. CH4 and Br2

(A) I and III only

(B) I and IV only
(C) II and III only
(D) II and IV only

26. Which of the following species is NOT a,,.~

significant fragment from the mass spectrum
of ethanol?
Sample X e f g h
(A) C 2H 5 0H+
(B) CzHs+
(C) CH3+ 28. Which substances are MOST likely present
(D) OH+ in Sample X?

(A) e, f, g
(B) e,f, h
(C) e,g,h
(D) e, f, g, h
- 8-
29. A solu tion of 10 g of a carb oxyl ic acid (wea
k 31. Whi ch of the follownng are impo rtan t facto
nnin ing the loca tion of a
acid ) in J 00 cxn
3 of wate r is shak en with to cons ider in dete
n.ly facto ry?
100 cm3 of etho xyet hane . It is foun d thato
6.5 g of the acid remains in aque ous solu tion
is I. Prmdmity to a pote ntial work forc e
at equi libri um. The patti tion coef ficie nt
II. Ava ilab ility to a xnea ns of
0.05 4
HI. Pote ntial poll utio n of air, land and
(B) 0.54
wate r
(C) 5.4
54 IV. Prox imit y to raw mate rials
(A) I, II and III only
s (B) I, II and IV only
!tern 30 refe rs to the follo wing appa ratu I, III and IV only
prep arati ons. (C)
used in orga nic
(D) I, II, III and IV

32. The extr actio n of aluminiuxn invo lves
sis of puri fied baux ite diss olve d in
elec troly
mol ten cryo lite, Na 3 AIF6 . The MA
purp ose of the cryo lite is to

(A) prev ent the oxid ation of the anod es

(B) increase the electrical conductivity of
the melt
(C) redu ce the: Inel ting poin t... of the
s (D) prev ent the reox idat ion of the
3({). For whic h of the follo wing is the appa ratu alwniniurn form ed at the cathode
NOT suita ble?

(A) Con yers ion of phe nyla min e to the

33. In the fractional disti llati on of crud e oil,
bew.....enediazonium chloride tion s are sepa rated base d on
diffe rent frac
(B) Con vers ion of buta n .._, 1 - ol to
1 - brom obut ane
(C) Oxi dati on of prop an - 2 - ol to-" polarity
propanone volatility
(D) 0Jlid ation of meth anol to meth anoi c
(C) viscosity
acid solubility

34. Pen nentation of sugars to alcohol is controlle
tnes colle ctive ly know n as
by a sexies of enzy

(A) amylase
(B) lipase
(C) sucr ase
(D) zym ase



35. In the Bosch-Haber process, N2 and H 2 can 38. Chlorine is the active component for
be obtained from X andY respectively. Which swimming pool disinfectants, although it is a
of lhe: following pairs BEST describes these poisonous gas. Which salt below is used as a
sources? safe chlorine source?

y (A) HClO
(B) CaCI 2
Ammonium (C) NaClO
salts Naphtha (D) NaC103
(B) Air
(C) Air Naphtha
39. V\fhich of the following industries use
Ammonium sulphuric acid?
(D) Air
I. Fettilizer
II. Paint
36. Which of the following ate consequences of III. Fibre
the consmnption of alcohol? IV. Detergent-

I. Depresses the central nervous (A) I, II and III only

system (B) I, III and IV only
II. May cause liver disease (C) II, III and IV only
III. Reduces manual dexterity (D) I, II, III and IV

(A) I and II only

(B) I and III only 40. The biological oxygen demand (BOD) of
(C) II and III only water measures the amount of oxygen
(D) I, II and III
(A) present in a fKxed volume of water
(B) produced by aquatic plants in
37. In the electrolysis of brine using the photosynthesis
diaphragm cell, two by-products are (C) needed by microorganisms as they
decompose organic matter
(A) chlorine and oxygen (D) used by aquatic organisms during
(B) chlorine and sodimn respiration
(C) hydrogen and mercury
(D) hydrogen and sodiwn hydroxide

; .,
- 10-
can Item 44 refe rs to the sche mat ic diag
4JL The pres ence of pho spha te ions (PO /-)
be dete cted usin g
Nitro~ Rain and
arrunoniwn molybdate
sodi wn th.iosulphate
pota ssiu m thiocyanate solution
pota ssiu m hex acy ario ferr ate( Il)

Den itriz ying

bact eria

j ligh tnin g

bact eria
Org anic ~ Plan ts
olyt ic
42. . Chl orof luor oca rbon s und ergo hom com pou nds
to ultra viol et light in
fission by bein g expo sed
the stra tosp here .
Bac teria
Bacteria z
Whi ch radical coul d result from CI-IzFCF2
44. W wou ld MO ST likel y be
(A) "CH2CF2Cl
(B) CH2F"C F2
(A) nitrates
(C) "CH FCF2 Cl
(B) nitri tes
(C) nitric(V) aci.d
(D) amm oniu m salts
43. Wh ich of the foll owi ng stat eme nts
envi ronm enta l effe cts is true ? , is
45. The burn ing of poly viny lchl orid e, PVC
osal tedm ique
con side red an imp rope r disp
(A) Gre enh ouse effe ct lead s to glob al
beca use PVC
wan ning .
(B) Glo bal war min g leads to greenhouse form s toxi c prod ucts
effe ct. caus es acid rain
(C) Pho toch emi cal smo g lead s to global dest roys the ozo ne laye r
warm ing.
(D) has a very high mel ting poin t
(D) Eutr oph icat ion lead s to gree nho use
effe ct.

illS 'IES T.,


0221 201 O/C APE 20 l 0

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