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Nama :

Perempdita W K
No : 17

A Golden Fish and the Kind Fisherman

Once, there was a fisherman lived beside a small lake. He always looks
for some fishes to have his family meal.
One day, the fisherman went to the lake in morning. He was fishing all
day but he couldnt get a fish anymore. He was very frustrated. From
morning to the afternoon, he didnt catch a fish.
The fisherman: What an unlucky man I am! I couldnt catch a fish anymore.

He wanted to leave the lake in the evening. Suddenly his hook was pulled by
a fish. He was very happy.

The fisherman: Oh my God. I will get a big fish now and it will make my
family having a meal.

When he pulled his hook he was so surprised because just a little fish
he got. He took the fish from his hook and he wanted to bring home.

The fish: Please, sir. Let me return me in the lake. I am just a little fish. I will
so thank to you. I wont make your dinner this evening.

The fisherman: No no. I will bring you go home.

The fish: Please sir. I am so little. I cant make your dinner.

The fisherman brought the fish go home after he arrived home, he

threw the fish into his pond in his back it home. Every day the fisherman
gave the fish some food.

Day by day, the fish grew bigger and bigger. The fisherman was so
surprised . . . .
It turns out fish that are kept the fisherman disappeared. The fisherman
looked for but not found the fish. And the fishermen were surprised heard the
sound "A good fisherman, looked back"

After heard that the fisherman direct looked back. He saw a beautiful
angel, luminous and carried a cane in his hand.

Then the angel said to the fisherman "Dont be surprised, I was a fish that
you care for fishermen. Now the curse has disappeared, and I can go back to
heaven, where I came from. "

"So you are an angel?" Said the fisherman with surprised.

"Yes, I was an angel. I was condemned to fish by my father because I did not
want an arranged marriage with the prince's father's choices. And now my
father has forgiven me. " Answered the angel gently.

Thank God if your father can forgive you. Thank you angel, because you
help me and my family. Said the fisherman.

"Dont say thank to me. I should be grateful to you because you do not eat
me but treated me into curse end . I want to take you and your family been
to heaven, as a sign my thanks. " whom the angel

"I was very happy when able to visit heaven. Thank you angel." replied the
fisherman with very happy, he ran into the house to call his family.

After that the angel invites fisherman and his family to heaven. Arriving
there the fishermen and their families were treated to a variety of foods and
beverages. Unbeknownst to the angel ordered his men to build a simple
house into a mansion fishermen. That in return for the sincerity of the
fishermen and their families in the care of an angel as a fish.

After a mid afternoon the nymph fisherman and his family home to
deliver. Simple home when he got there the fisherman has turned into a
luxury home, and made a fish pond for the angel fish will all be full. The
fisherman and his family are very happy and will never forget the kindness of
the angel to his family.

The End-

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