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Mini Project Report On

Digital Room Thermometer

1. Vivek Mishra
2. Sachin Bhagde
3. Shital Tribhuvan

Under The Guidance of

Prof. Deepali Bangar.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Saraswati Education Societys

Group of Institution, Faculty of Engineering, Diksal

Mumbai University, Karjat


Saraswati Education Societys

Group of Institution, Faculty of Engineering,

Diksal, Karjat

This is to certify that ____________________ has successfully completed
his mini project on _______________ in the Electronics & Telecommunication
Engineering as prescribed by the Mumbai University, Karjat during academic year

Prof. Deepali Bangar Prof. Nilesh Pawar

Guide H.O.D.

Prof. Praful Jawanjal. Prof.

Principal EXTERNAL


Digital thermometer (Digital Thermometer) is a measuring device used in displaying

Temperature values. Digital Thermometer displays temperature as discrete numerals instead of a

pointer deflection on a continuous scale as in the analogue instruments. An analogue volt meter

basically consists of an amplifier connected to a D Arsonval meter. In meter design for

measuring DC quantities, the amplifier receives the signal under measurement, amplifies the

signal to an indication using a pointer which moves along a calibrated scale. It is versatile and

accurate measuring instrument that is employed in many laboratory measurements.

This project is divided into five topics, the chapter one is introduction of digital

thermometer, chapter two deals with the literature review of the above work. Chapter three is the

main body of the project, principles of operation and the circuit diagram. In Chapter four,

implementation, testing, soldering and coupling is discussed.

Finally, chapter five deals with the recommendation and conclusion of the digital volt meter.

Index Terms:- ATmega328,LCD display,Lm35


Sr. No. Page No.

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction 6

1.2 History and Development 6

1.3 Registering 6

1. Precision, accuracy, and reproducibility 7

2. System Design
2.1 Hardware Design 9

2.2 Program 9

2.3 System Architecture 11

2.4 PCB Designing 14

2.5 Working & Principle 17

3. System Approach
3.3 Advantages 18

3.4 Limitations 18

3.5 Applications 18

4. Result and conclusions

4.1 Result 19

4.2 Conclusions 20


List of Figures

Figure Title of Figure Page no.
2.1 Block diagram 8

2.2 Layout of power supply module 11

2.3 Layout of Microcontroller module 11

2.4 Layout of Digital Thermometer 12

2.5 Layout of LCD module 13

2.6 PCB design converted 14

2.7 Soldered side 15

2.8 Components side 16

2.9 Layout of overall hardware architecture 18

2.10 LED output for results 22


1.1Digital Thermometer

Thermometers are useful apparatus being used since long time for temperature
measurement. In this project we have made an Arduino based digital thermometer to
display the current ambient temperature and temperature changes on a LCD unit in real time .
It can be deployed in houses, offices, industries etc. to measure the temperature. This project
is based on Arduino which communicates here with LM35 temperature sensor and a 16x2
display unit. We can divide this arduino based thermometer into three sections - one senses
the temperature by using temperature sensor LM 35, second section converts the temperature
value into a suitable numbers in Celsius scale which is done by Arduino, and last part of
system displays temperature on LCD. The same is demonstrated in below block diagram.

The invention of the thermometer is attributed to Galileo, although the sealed

thermometer did not come into existence until about 1650. The modern alcohol and mercury
thermometers were invented by the German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit, who also proposed the
first widely adopted temperature scale, named after him, in which 32 F is the freezing point of
water and 212 F is its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure. Various temperature scales
have been proposed since his time; in the centigrade, or Celsius, scale, devised by the Swedish
astronomer Anders Celsius and used in most of the world, the freezing point is 0, the boiling
point is 100.

1.2 History and Development

The first physician that put thermometer measurements to clinical practice was Herman
Boerhaave (16681738).] In 1866, Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt (18361925) invented a clinical
thermometer that produced a body temperature reading in five minutes as opposed to twenty. In
1999, Dr. Francesco Pompei of the Exergen Corporation introduced the world's first temporal
artery thermometer, a non-invasive temperature sensor which scans the forehead in about two
seconds and provides a medically accurate body temperature.

1.3 Registering

Old thermometers were all non-registering thermometers. That is, the thermometer did not
hold the temperature after it was moved to a place with a different temperature. Determining the
temperature of a pot of hot liquid required the user to leave the thermometer in the hot liquid
until after reading it.

1.4 Precision, accuracy, and reproducibility

The precision or resolution of a thermometer is simply to what fraction of a degree it is possible

to make a reading. For high temperature work it may only be possible to measure to the nearest
10 C or more. Clinical thermometers and many electronic thermometers are usually readable to
0.1 C. Special instruments can give readings to one thousandth of a degree However, this
precision does not mean the reading is true or accurate, it only means that very small changes can
be observed.

A thermometer calibrated to a known fixed point is accurate (i.e. gives a true reading) at that
point. Most thermometers are originally calibrated to a constant-volume thermometer In between
fixed calibration points, interpolation is used, usually linear. This may give significant
differences between different types of thermometer at points far away from the fixed points. For
example, the expansion of mercury in a glass thermometer is slightly different from the change
in resistance of a platinum resistance thermometer, so these two will disagree slightly at around
50 C. There may be other causes due to imperfections in the instrument, e.g. in a liquid-in-glass
thermometer if the capillary tube varies in diameter.

For many purposes reproducibility is important. That is, does the same thermometer give the
same reading for the same temperature (or do replacement or multiple thermometers give the
same reading)? Reproducible temperature measurement means that comparisons are valid in
scientific experiments and industrial processes are consistent. Thus if the same type of
thermometer is calibrated in the same way its readings will be valid even if it is slightly
inaccurate compared to the absolute scale.

An example of a reference thermometer used to check others to industrial standards would be a

platinum resistance thermometer with a digital display to 0.1 C (its precision) which has been
calibrated at 5 points against national standards (18, 0, 40, 70, 100 C) and which is certified to
an accuracy of 0.2 C.

According to British Standards, correctly calibrated, used and maintained liquid-in-glass

thermometers can achieve a measurement uncertainty of 0.01 C in the range 0 to 100 C, and a
larger uncertainty outside this range: 0.05 C up to 200 or down to 40 C, 0.2 C up to 450 or
down to 80 C.


Fig 1: Block diagram of Digital Thermometer

Arduino Uno is used here to control the whole process. An LM35 temperature sensor is used
for sensing environment temperature which gives 1 degree temperature on every 10mV
change at its output pin. You can easily check it with voltmeter by connecting Vcc at pin 1 and
Ground at pin 3 and output voltage at pin 2 of LM35 sensor. For an example if the output
voltage of LM35 sensor is 250m volt, that means the temperature is around 25 degree Celsius.

Arduino reads output voltage of temperature sensor by using Analog pin A0 and performs the
calculation to convert this Analog value to a digital value of current temperature. After
calculations arduino sends these calculations or temperature to 16x2 LCD unit by using
appropriate commands of LCD.

2.2 Program and Code Explanation

To program for this project, we include library for LCD unit and then we defines data and
control pins for LCD and temperature sensor.


After getting analog value at analog pin we reads that value using Analog read function and
stores that value in a variable. And then by applying given formula converts it in temperature.

float analog_value=analogRead(analog_pin);

float Temperature=analog_value*factor*100



analog_value= output of temperature sensor

Here degree symbol is creates using custom character method


/*-----------Digital Thermometer Using Arduino-------------*/

LiquidCrystal lcd(7,6,5,4,3,2);

#define sensor A0

byte degree[8] =

void setup()
lcd.createChar(1, degree);
lcd.print(" Digital ");
lcd.print(" Thermometer ");

lcd.print(" Circuit Digest ");

void loop()
float reading=analogRead(sensor);
float temperature=reading*(5.0/1023.0)*100;

/*------Display Result------*/

About the program.

The voltage output of the LM35 is scanned using the analogRead function. The analogRead
function will read the voltage at a particular analog input pin and converts it into a digital value
between 0 and 1023. If 30C is the temperature, the LM35 output will be 300mV. The code
value=digitalRead(sensor) will read this voltage, convert it into a digital value and stores it in the
variable value. So, for 30C the number stored in variable value will be 3oomV/
(5/1023)=61. This number is multiplied by 5 to get 305 a decimal point is place before the last
digit while displaying on the seven segment display.The result will be 30.5C.

The program also checks the status of the unit selector switch by reading the digital pin 4. If this
pin is held high the temperature is displayed in Celsius and if this pin is low the temperature in
Celsius scale is converted to Fahrenheit and then displayed. The method used for displaying
the number on the three digit seven segment display is same as that of used in Voltmeter using

2.3 System Architecture

Fig 2:-Bread board Connection for Digital Thermometer

2.3.1 Power Supply Module

Arduino Board already have an inbuilt power supply section. Here we only need to
connect a 9 volt or 12 volt adaptors with the board.

2.3.2Microcontroller Module

Fig 3. The Atmel 8-bit AVR

The Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller combines 32 kB ISP flash memory with read-
while-write capabilities, 1 kB EEPROM, 2 kB SRAM, 23 general purpose I/O lines, 32 general
purpose working registers, three flexible timer/counters with compare modes, internal and
external interrupts, serial programmable USART, a byte-oriented 2-wire serial
interface, SPI serial port, 6-channel 10-bit A/D converter (8-channels
in TQFP and QFN/MLF packages), programmable watchdog timer with internal oscillator, and
five software selectable power saving modes. The device operates between 1.8-5.5 volts. The
device achieves throughput approaching 1 MIPS per MHz

2.4 PCB designing

Fig.4 PCB Layout


A PCB is a printed circuit board, also known as a printed wiring board. It is used in
electronics to build electronic devices. A PCB serves two purposes in the construction of an
electronic device; it is a place to mount the components and it provides the means of electrical
connection between the components


STEP 1: Prepare a layout of the circuit on any commonly used PCB designing software. A
layout is a design which interconnects the components according to the schematic diagram
(circuit diagram). Take a mirror image print of the layout on the OHP sheet using a laser printer.
Make sure that the design is correct with proper placement of the components.

Fig 2.4: PCB Design Converted

STEP 2: Cut the copper board according to the size of layout. A copper board is the base of
a PCB; it can be single layer, double layer or multi layer board. Single layer copper board has
copper on one side of the PCB, they are used to make single layer PCBs, and it is widely used by
hobbyist or in the small circuits. A double layer copper board consists of copper on both the sides
of the PCB. These boards are generally used by the industries. A multilayer board has multiple
layers of copper; they are quite costly and mainly used for complex circuitries like mother board
of PC.

STEP 3: Rub the copper side of PCB using steel wool. This removes the top oxide layer of
copper as well as the photo resists layer if any.
STEP 4: Place the OHP sheet (wax paper) which has the printed layout on the PCB sheet.
Make sure that the printed/mirror side should be placed on the copper side of PCB.
STEP 5: Put a white paper on the OHP sheet and start ironing. The heat applied by the
electric iron causes the ink of the traces on the OHP sheet to stick on the copper plate exactly in
the same way it is printed on the OHP sheet. This means that the copper sheet will now have the
layout of the PCB printed on it. Allow the PCB plate to cool down and slowly remove the OHP
sheet. Since it is manual process it may happen that the layout doesnt comes properly on PCB or
some of the tracks are broken in between. Use the permanent marker and complete the tracks
STEP 6: Now the layout is printed on PCB. The area covered by ink is known as the
masked area and the unwanted copper, not covered by the ink is known as unmasked area. Now
make a solution of ferric chloride. Take a plastic box and fill it up with some water. Dissolve 2-3
tea spoon of ferric chloride power in the water. Dip the PCB into the Etching solution (Ferric
chloride solution, Fecl3) for approximately 30 mines. The Fecl 3 reacts with the unmasked copper
and removes the unwanted copper from the PCB. This process is called as Etching. Use pliers to
take out the PCB and check if the entire unmasked area has been etched or not. In case it is not
etched leave it for some more time in the solution.
STEP 7: Take out the PCB wash it in cold water and remove the ink by rubbing it with
steel wool. The remaining area which has not been etched is the conductive copper tracks which
connect the components as per the circuit diagram.
STEP 8: Now carefully drill the PCB using a drilling machine on the pads.
STEP 9: Put the components in the correct holes and solder them

Fig 2.5: Soldered Side

Fig 2.6: Components Side

This completes PCB fabrication now put the components on mounting side and solders
them. Make sure that you properly dispose of the FeCl3 solution, clean your tools and wash your
hands after this exercise. You can also store the solution in a plastic box for future use but not for
too long.

2. 4.1 LCD Module

Fig 5 .LCD Module

A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel electronic visual display that uses the light
modulating properties of liquid crystals. LCDs are available to display arbitrary images (as in a
general-purpose computer display) or fixed images which can be displayed or hidden, such as
preset words, digits, and 7- segment displays as in a digital clock. We have used 16x2 LCD

16x2 LCD unit is widely using in embedded system projects because it is cheap, easily
availablet, small in size and easy to interface. 16x2 have two rows and 16 columns, which means
it consist 16 blocks of 5x8 dots. 16 pin for connections in which 8 data bits D0-D7 and 3 control
bits namely RS, RW and EN. Rest of pins are used for supply, brightness control and for

2.5 Working & Principle

Fig 6 Circuit Diagram and Explanation

Circuit digram for arduino based digital thermometer is shown in the above figure. Make
the connections carefully as shown in the schematic. Here 16x2 LCD unit is directly
connected to arduino in 4-bit mode. Data pins of LCD namely RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, D7 are
connected to arduino digital pin number 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. A temperature sensor LM35 is also
connected to Analog pin A0 of arduino, which generates 1 degree Celsius temperature on
every 10mV output change at its output pin.

2.5.1 LM35 Temperature Sensor

LM35 is a 3 pin temperature sensor which gives 1 degree Celsius on every 10mVolt
change. This sensor can sense up to 150 degree Celsius temperature. 1 number pin of lm35
sensor is Vcc, second is output and third one is Ground.

Fig 7 LM35

Pin No Function Name

1 Supply voltage; 5V (+35V to -2V) Vcc

2 Output voltage (+6V to -1V) Output

3 Ground (0V) Ground

Table 1 Specifications of LM35 Sensor


1. Digital Thermometers can accurately the temperature figure out and measure
2. Digital display, Does not have a pointer or mercury display
3. .Wide temperature measurement range of -55degree to 150 degree Celsius


1. Dead batteries are a drawback of digital thermometers.

2. While it is easy to submerge a regular thermometer in warm, soapy water, it is more difficult to
do so with a digital thermometer. You have to be careful not to get a digital thermometer too wet
or you will mess up the mechanical system
3. Not all digital thermometers are as reliable as others. For example, you want to steer clear of
using digital ear thermometers


1. A Digital thermometer has a wide range of applications, is often used to measure

gas, liquid and solid temperature.
2. In many fields it to appear, such as hospitals and schools. Digital probe

The diagram of the overall hardware implementation is shown below.

Result I:-ON Powering on the Circuit, Room temperature is displayed on the LCD Display
in terms of Degree Celsius

Fig 7: LCD output for Result I


As Thermometers are useful apparatus being used since long time for temperature
measurement. In this project we have made an Arduino based digital thermometer to
display the current ambient temperature and temperature changes on a LCD unit in real time .

It can be deployed in houses, offices, industries etc. to measure the temperature. This
project is based on Arduino which communicates here with LM35 temperature sensor and a
16x2 display unit.



[2] The Atmel 8-bit AVR by Kenneth J. Ayala




We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without
the kind support and help of many individuals. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of

We highly indebted to Prof. Deepali Bangar for his guidance and constant supervision
as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in
completing the project.

We would like to express my gratitude towards our Head of Department Prof. Nilesh
Pawar for his kind co-operation and encouragement which helped me in completion of this

We would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to Principal Prof. Praful
Jawanjal for giving me such attention and time.

We Are Also Thankful To Our Colleagues.


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