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Dear Evaluators,

Over the years in Origins High School, I have been an individual who
seemed improved constantly throughout the years. As Im a person who is always a
determined on towards focusing on life and being successful. It is important for me to
understand how to maneuver through life and continue on towards overcoming
obstacles in life too. The importance about experiencing high school as it is a part of life
which teaches everyone to be ready for the real world, in which I learned to become
persistent on my works, being punctual on towards completing my works and competing
with my peers to achieve better grades than them. The importance from learning over
the last four years was to get myself ready for college like being punctual on handing
over work on time, getting myself ready to tackle all the activities at college and
persevering through all the hardship in life.

Throughout the years in Origins High School, I have become a student who is ready to
handle college level work and achieve good grades in my classes too. As the school
has taught me to become a responsive and punctual on completing my work. Working
together with peers to provide precise work and work extensively hard to achieve
successful grades in order to be top 10 honors of the school. As the times have passed
in Origins High School, I have made great relations with several teachers and students.
As teachers offered me several opportunities on unleashing my inner capability and my
friends helped me push towards a new level every time. Also I was involved in two club
which I was capable of representing my capability and passion. I was involved in
National Honors Society which I was capable of providing help towards other students,
offering tips on becoming a great student and make changes to the school. Also I was
involved in newsletter, which helped me to showcase my creativity, interact with student
and teachers and make articles about several events which happened throughout the
school years.

After High School I have decided to become a full-fledged college student in City
College, where I tend to carry my work ethic into college and succeed on being a
productive student. The inspiration for me towards going to college is to obtain a
bachelors degree in Architectural Engineering and become an architect after
graduation. For me to become an Architect, the steps I have taken towards
accomplishing my goal is that I obtained the required High school G.P.A and SAT score.
In which I was capable of executing my goal and got accepted to City College. The work
ethic in which I will provide after High School will be different in which I showcased and I
will be a whole student in college in order to become an Architect after graduating from
City College of New York.

As today I will be presenting my Capstone presentation. This presentation is entirely

about what I have done in my years of high school, and how these actions can help me
with my future goals. During high school we have been given different assignments to
show different skills that we have but do not show. Some assignment that were given to
us would be research essays which emphasize the research standard. Other
assignments that were given to us would be Math and Spanish projects which
emphasize the precision standard. These two different skills show the effort that I have
made to be successful in my classes as well as my personal life. The two standards
which I will most likely showcase towards my future goal are Research and Precision.

Citing is to be a responsible scholar by giving credit to other researchers and

acknowledging their ideas. To avoid plagiarism by quoting words and ideas used by
other authors. To allow your reader to track down the sources you used by citing them
accurately in our paper. I will focus on Research due it is required to provide potentially
good resources in order to support our work, as it is also vital to provide important
informations to support our claim in our own work and it is important to provide good
sources from reliable sources to show the informations are valid. As for an example of
showing I will be presenting my English works like my 10th grades Colonial Essay and
my 12th grades Oppression towards other races; and also my living Environment
presentation: Respiratory System. These three different projects not only show my
growth in my education experience but also show major change in the research

High precision is achieved with quality instruments and careful work. There are a
number of ways to express precision. Statistically, a standard deviation can be used.
Revision helps a student by providing their work to be finished in a professional level of
scholarly and which shows student have improved their work into providing a complete
work which follows the standard. As for an example of showing I will be presenting my
math works like my 9th grades SC 5 and my 12th grades Candy Container Project;
and also my Spanish presentation: Brazil. These three different projects not only show
my growth in my education experience but also show major change in the research
So I hope everyone received a brief overview of my school years in Origins High
School, my post-graduation goals and the two standards I chose to present for my
Senior Capstone project. In which is the time to present my Senior Capstone Project
and Thank you for attending here today!

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