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Carrie Lambert

Consultation Model
Five and a Half Hour Workshop
Nicolle Moore, Child Focus, Inc.

In this training the emphasis was learning who an effective early childhood mental health

consultation is and gain knowledge of the skills, roles, and responsibilities they possess. Core

components of the Georgetown model of consultation was reviewed as well as Ohios ECMH

competencies. Nicolle Moore, a Coordinator of Mental Health in Early Childhood, with Child

Focus, conducted this training workshop. In which, Nicolle discussed why becoming an effective

early childhood mental health consultation is important and state required qualifications needed.

The definition of an Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation is a problem-solving

and capacity-building intervention implemented within a collaborative relationship between a

professional consultant with mental health expertise and one or more individuals with other areas

of expertise- primarily child care, child development, and families- or individuals with child care

responsibilities. Good qualities of a ECMHC are being culturally sensitive and family focused.

These individuals impact not only the children but the families, staff, and outcomes too.

There are many roles and responsibilities of a ECMHC. Supporting staff, providing crisis

stabilization, working with families to resolve behavioral challenges, and refer when indicated

are the highlights for effective consultant. The focus that was outlined through this training was

that positive outcomes involve the child, family, staff, and program. Everything must support

each other to have success. If we change the first five years, the we can change everything.

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