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Wvt gvnv` bRij Bmjvg

wefvMxq cavb
evqvgwWKj G gwWKj evqvUKbvjwR wefvM
knx` mvnivIqv`x gwWKj KjR I nvmcvZvj|XvKv

gwWKj evqvUKbvjwR|
AvRvwZK Ges evsjv`k: wPwKrmv Rxe chywi eZgvb
o Aev, `kcU I mvebv t

evqvgwWKj wevb(Biomedical Science), gvbe kixii wPwKrmvq eeZ evqvwdwRKvj

(evqvjwR, Kwgw I wdwR) Kvhg mswk gwWKj hcvwZ, BgcvU, wWfvBm I gvbe kixii ga
BUvidm (Interface) wnmve KvR Ki| Aci w`K gwWKj evqvUbvjwR (Medical
Biotechnology), evqvgwWKj wevbiB GKwU kvLv; hvnv wPwKrmvq Rxe-chyw eenvii gvag
gvbe-ivM wbYq I gywi be-Aavqi m~Pbv KwiqvQ |
Rxe chyw GKwU `Z eabkxj I MwZgq LvZ| wZxq wekhyi ci G wki MelYv I Dbqb cPzi
A_i wewbqvM NwUqvQ| ^v-mev wk Rxe chyw eenvii gvag bZzb mgvavb LyR cvBZ nvRvi
nvRvi bZzb bZzb Kvvwbi AvZcKvk NwUqvQ| Rxe chywZ GZ evcK AvMni KviY nBj GB LvZ
iwnqvQ bZzb Debvi AwgZ mvebv| D`vniY ^ic, ^v mevq G chyw bZzb bZzb Jla I Jla-hM
Dvebi KvR jvMvbv nBZQ| wek evRvii wbqvgK, hyivi wk LvZ 2010 mvj G LvZ 150
wewjqb BDGm Wjvi ivR^ Avq nBqvQ ewjqv avibv Kiv nq|
eZgvb Rxe chywZ bZvbxq `kjv njv h_vg Pxb, hyiv, fviZ, Awjqv Ges dv|
Gwkqvb `kjvZ miKvwifveB Rxe chyw welqK MelYvK GwMq bqvi cavb fwgKv cvjb Kiv
nBZQ| Bnvi KviY,Rxe chyw Melbvq AeKvVvgv LvZ cPzi wewbqvMi cqvRb nq Ges cv_wgK
chvq AvqI Zgb nq bv|
ZvB Gme `k G aiYi cuywRi hvMvb GKgv miKvii cB `qv me| Ze `wb Kvwiqv, fviZ,
ZvBIqvb I wmsMvcyi emiKvix chvqI Rxe chyw welqK kwkvjx MelYvagx cwZvbi Avwefve
NwUqvQ| fviZ Rxe chyw wk wewbqvM weMZ 5 eQi wZb Y cew nBqvQ| m `ki 150 wU Rxe
chyw wk cwZvbi wnmve Abyhvqx 2009-10 mvj G LvZ 3 wewjqb BDGm Wjvi ivR^ Avq nBqvQ;
hvnv weMZ eQii Zzjbvq 17% ekx|
Rxe chyw LvZ gvbem` Dbqbi Rb fviZ miKvi BDbvi mnvqZvq Rxe chyw welqK AvwjK
MelYv, cwkY I wkv K` (fviZ miKvii wWcvUgU Ae evqvUKbvjwR dwi`vev` GKwU ^v
evqvUK wevb Kvvi mn) vcb KwiqvQ| Bnv Qvov KYvUK 10 wewjqb Wjvii mxW gvwbmn GKwU
evqv-fvi BbwKDeUi I 10 wU evqvUK wdwbwks zj cwZv Kiv nBqvQ (Rxe chyw welq gavex
gvbe m`i GKwU cyj Zwi Kivi j)|

AvRvwZK `kcU t
2010 mvji Rxe chyw wPwKrmv wkv I wki wek cwiwwZ mviYx-1-G `Lvbv nj|
(m~ t RvZxq Rxe chyw MRU I AvBbi Lmov - 2010,2013 )|

evRvii aib hyyiv BDivc Gwkqv cvwmwdK KvbvWv evsjv`k

weq I ivR^ 72 12 3 2 welq wfwK Kvb WvUv- bvB|
(wewjqb BDGm Wjvi) *
evwlK MelYv I Dbqb 19 5 0.3 0.6 DjL Kivi gZ Kvb wewbqvM bvB|
(wewjqb BDGm Wjvi) *
Kvvwbi msLv >1,500 >1,600 >700 >470 Avjv`v Kvb Kvvwb bvB|

gvKU KvwcUvj 491 26 15 14 Avjv`v Kvb wnmve bvB|

(wewjqb BDGm Wjvi) *
miKvix Kvvwbi msLv 363 120 140 81 bvB
Rbeji msLv >146,000 >68,000 12,000 >7,447 welq wfwK Kvb WvUv cvIqv hvq bvB|

evsjv`k wPwKrmv Rxe chywi eZgvb Aev I evsjv`k wPwKrmv Rxe chywi mvebvt

Avgv`i cvkeZx `k mg~nmn eZgvb weki DbZ wPwKrmv Rxe chywi AMMwZi Zzjbvh evsjv`ki
wPwKrmv Rxe chywi Aev GLbI AsKziB iwnqvQ| 2003 mvj mgv Gd.G.I. Ges BD.Gb.wW.wc
A_vqb cwiPvwjZ GKwU Rxe chyw g~jvqb MelYvq `Lv hvq h, evsjv`ki Rxe chyw welqK
KvRjv nBqvQ g~jZt Kwl LvZ|
wPwKrmv Rxe chyw welq mvw`Z DjLhvM KvRi ga iwnqvQ D`ivgq MelYv K` /
AvB.wm.wW.wW.Avi.we / icddrb KZK wmMjv fvKwmb Drcv`b (D`ivgq MelYv K` cvq `y`kK ai
wPwKrmv Rxe chyw welq KvR KwiZQ| mvwZK Kvj cwZvbwU AbyRxe _K fvKwmb Zix, wKU
Ges Drcv`bi w`K gbvhvM w`qvQ)|
BwbwwUDU Ae wbDwKqvi gwWwmb I evsjv`k GbvUwgK GbvwR Kwgkb KZK ivM wbYqi Rb wWGbG
cve eenvi, eviWg/ BIRDEM KZK RywfbvBj WvqvewUmi RbwUK cvUvb wbYq I XvKv gwWKvj
wWGbG jveiUix KZK dibwmK wevb wWGbG chywi eenvi| Ab cwZvbmg~n hgb, eez kL
gywRe gwWKj wekwe`vjq (BSMMU)I knx` mvn&ivIqv`x gwWKj KjR (ShSMCH)G wPwKrmv Rxe
chyw welh KvR Kivi mvg_ iwnqvQ|
evsjv`ki Jla wk wPwKrmv Rxe chywi mevP Ae`vb ivwLZ cvi| G LvZ BwZga c~YZv
ARb KwiqvQ Ges Jla idZvwbZ wek evRvi k Aevb mw KwiZ cvwiqvQ| wKQz wKQz Jla
Kvvbx BwZgaB bZzb bZzb wPwKrmv Rxe chyw cY Drcv`b i KwiqvQ| hgb Bbmywjb, Kvvi
wbivaK Jla, BUvidib BZvw`| fvKwmb I WvqvMbwK wKU&m Drcv`bi cPv i nBqvQ|
GB me g~jevb AwfZv mnRB wPwKrmv Rxe chywi cmvii KvR jvMvbv me| `ki mKj gwWKj
KjR I mswk Abvb cwZvb wPwKrmv Rxe chywi WvqvMbwK I MelYv myweav ew Kiv GLb mgqi `vwe
Ges wPwKrmv Rxe chywi gwjK AeKvVvgv mmvib AZxe cqvRb| miKvii emiKvix D`vMK
^vMZt Rvbvbvi bxwZ Ges miKvix-emiKvix Askx`vwiZ msv mvwZK hyMvKvix wmv GB welq
A_bwZK Dbqb bZzb hyMi m~Pbv Kwie|

wPwKrmv Rxe chyw welqK RvZxq MvBW jvBb'(DjLhvM mycvwik mg~n):

(m~ t RvZxq Rxe chyw MRU: 2005 ,2010, 2013 )|

wPwKrmv Rxe chywi welq h_vh_ iZ c`vbi wbwg gwWKj KvwiKzjvg nvjbvMv` Kiv (aviv -
3.3.2) |
`ki wPwKrmv welqK cvVvMvijvZ wPwKrmv Rxe chywi wimvm ewKiY (aviv- 3.3.3) |
wPwKrmv Rxe chyw welq vZKvi I UKbvjwR Kvm Pvjy Kiv ( aviv-3.3.4)|
Dchy I AvMnx Rbej wPwZ Ki gv^q `k I we`k wPwKrmv Rxe chyw welq cwkY c`vb
(aviv- 3.3.5)|
cwZvwbK mgZv ew t (aviv- 3.4) |
gwjwKDjvi RbwUK wWUKkb,WvqvMbwmm,KvDwjs Ges wUUgU myweav Mo Zvjv (3.4.1)|
wPwKrmv Rxe chywi MelYv cK mnvqZv c`vb (aviv- 3.5.1,) |
`k Ges we`ki `Z AMmigvb wPwKrmv Rxe chywi Pvwn`v c~iYK `k wekgvbi wPwKrmv Rxe
chyw welqK wkv AeKvVvgv Ges MelYv wfw _vwKe| (aviv- 3.7.4) |
wPwKrmv Rxe-chyw welqK RvZxq MvBW jvBb hb h_vh_fve evvewqZ nq ^v I cwievi cwiKbv
gYvjq Zvnv wbwZ Kwie| (aviv- 3.8) |

Medical biotechnology program of HPNSDP 2011-16 of Bangladesh Health Ministry-

The Bangladesh government has undertaken a program on medical biotechnology
through its 5-year long Health, Population & Nutrition Sector Development Program
2011-16 (HPNSDP 2011-16) of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. This
program is called "Medical Biotechnology (MBT) and is included in the Operational
Plan "Health Information System & e-Health" of DGHS.
The government has taken policy decisions for rapid deployment of medical
biotechnology, to confront countrys future health, nutrition and livelihood
The government constituted a National Taskforce on Biotechnology with Honorable
Prime Minister as chair and adopted National Biotechnology Policy and several
sector-specific National Biotechnology Guidelines including National Guidelines on
Medical Biotechnology.
The later has been published as government gazette and spells out MOHFWs
deliverables in next 25 years. In HPNSDP 2011-16, the medical biotechnology has
been included as a regular program of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
5-year (2011-16) MBT implementation plan:
Short and medium term
1. Establishment of Center for Medical Biotechnology;
2. Situation analysis and development of medical biotechnology plan;
3. Human resource development through sensitization/orientation
training/workshops, updating medical curriculum with focus on medical
biotechnology, improving medical biotechnology resources in medical libraries,
introducing postgraduate and technologist courses, identifying and training
career group for medical biotechnology gradually, orientation of the core group
members and concerned officials on medical biotechnology;
4. Institutional capacity building through development of lab facilities, clinical
services and epidemiological surveillance for medical biotechnology;
5. Creating R&D environment through supporting related research projects,
opening Department of Medical Biotechnology in the National Institute of
Biotechnology, establishment of a Center of Excellence for medical biotechnology,
and appropriate communication programs with potential entrepreneurs of
medical biotechnology; and
6. Creation of public awareness and regulatory system through conducting
appropriate public awareness programs, and developing and enforcing
standards, codes of practice and regulatory framework for medical
Long term
Conditions will be created to attain following long term ( Year 2030+) MBT goals:
1. Medical biotechnology initiatives and infrastructures at globally competitive
2. Medical biotechnology industries, laboratories and services capable to compete
globally and keep pace with global development trends;
3. Production of high quality medical biotechnology products and services for local
market as well as for export to the global market; and
4. A world-class higher education and research base to serve the rapidly growing
medical biotechnology needs both in home and in abroad.

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