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Carrie Lambert

One Hour

During my time at the training for The New Ohio Georgetown Consultation Model I met

many educated, fascinating women. Many were established in their careers but others were just

starting out. Through networking and group discussions I learned about different areas to study

in a graduate degree, different certifications to achieve, and jobs that were available in the field

of psychology.

The areas of study that was expressed was social work, counseling, and mental health.

Each person had their own opinion on why they believed I should achieve a certain degree. Each

point was valid but I can only decide what is best for myself. There are many certifications that

one can achieve without having a Masters degree. One is Mental Health Certification and the

other is the Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Certification. These are are achievable

through training, job experience, and sometimes a test.

I am very thankful to be able to meet and conversate with such amazing women. My

future career is a position working with trauma patients. These patients are struggling

emotionally, physically, or psychologically because of a traumatic event they have experienced.

The approach for this form of counseling is cognitive-behavioral therapy or trauma informed

care which can be conducted in an independent, group, or family therapy session. Each woman

had their own story and their passions for serving humbled my heart. I look forward to having

more experiences like these in the future.

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