ITEC 7430 Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan for Implementing

NETSSTemplate I
(More Directed Learning Activities)
Template with guiding questions

Name Sydni Ross

Position Special Education - Self Contained Autism

School/District BB Harris ES/Gwinnett County Public Schools



Grade Level 2nd

Content Area Math geometry

Time line 1 week

Standards (What do you want students to know and be able to do? What knowledge, skills, and strategies do you
expect students to gain? Are there connections to other curriculum areas and subject area benchmarks? ) Please put a
summary of the standards you will be addressing rather than abbreviations and numbers that indicate which
standards were addressed.

This week long unit plan will introduce students to shapes and their attributes. Students were exposed to Geometry in 1st
grade. Students participating in this lesson know how to classify objects by categories, name two-dimensional shapes, and
classify shapes as two-dimensional. By the end of this weeklong introduction unit plan, I expect students to be able to name
and identify the following shapes: triangle, quadrilateral, trapezoid, rhombus, pentagon, hexagon, and octagon. Students will
be able to recall how many angles and sides each shape has. Students will understand what an attribute is. Throughout this
lesson, students will be expected to explain their thinking with words, pictures, and symbols. Students will be expected to
communicate clearly with words and writing to express knowledge about shapes and their attributes. Students will watch
Plane Shapes on BrainPop JR. They will take the easy or hard quiz online. Students participating in this lesson will learn,
display knowledge, and be evaluated with the following technologies: BrainPop Jr, Shapes Song on YouTube, interactive
Mimio, Padlet, and Kahoot. The BrainPop JR quizzes, Padlet and Kahoot will serve as formative assessments to measure
student knowledge. These formative assessments will help guide instruction. Students will be exposed to tactile hands on
learning through geoboards and shape pattern blocks. Through geoboards and pattern blocks, students will build and create
shapes. They will be expected to use this method of learning as a visual to communicate knowledge about shapes and their
attributes to peers and myself.

Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of angles or a given
number of equal faces.
1 Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.

Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a
Content Standard question.

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Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using
the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge,
produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

NETS*S Standards:

Overview (a short summary of the lesson or unit including assignment or expected or possible products)

Learning Objectives:
1) Students will identify plane shapes in 4 out of 5 opportunities with 80% accuracy.
2) Students will understand and explain what makes a square a square and a rectangle a rectangle by describing unique
shape attributes in 4 out of 5 opportunities with 80% accuracy.
3) Students will be able to compare and contrast shapes by discussing their different attributes in 4 out of 5 opportunities
with 80% accuracy.
4) Students will be able to describe how shapes help them in life in 4 out of 5 opportunities with 80% accuracy.

This unit will introduce shapes to second grade students. Students will learn about shapes and their attributes. This unit will
begin with a discussion about shapes. The purpose of this discussion will be to probe for prior knowledge. Students are
expected to know names of shapes. After prior knowledge is established, students will watch a BrainPop Jr video to introduce
plane shapes. Afterwards, students will take the easy or hard quiz on Brainpop JR. After the quiz, students and teacher will
engage in an in depth conversation about shapes and their attributes. Throughout the week, students will learn and have
multiple opportunities to display their knowledge about 2D shapes and their attributes through engaging kinesthetic and tactile
activities and different Web 2.0 tools (BrainPop Jr, Kahoot, Padlet, and Mimio). Students will have opportunities to make
shapes on geoboards and compose shapes to make new ones. Students will engage in an end of the week formative assessment
measuring knowledge obtained throughout the week. Students will take a teacher made Kahoot quiz to display their

Essential Questions (What essential question or learning are you addressing? What would students care or want to know
about the topic? What are some questions to get students thinking about the topic or generate interest about the topic?
Additionally, what questions can you ask students to help them focus on important aspects of the topic? (Guiding questions)
What background or prior knowledge will you expect students to bring to this topic and build on?) Remember, essential
questions are meant to guide the lesson by provoking inquiry. They should not be answered with a simple yes or no and
should have many acceptable answers.

EQ 1: What are plane shapes?

EQ 2: What are attributes?
EQ 3: What are the attributes of triangles, quadrilaterals (square, rectangle, trapezoid, and rhombus), pentagons, hexagons,
and octagons?
EQ 4: How do shapes help us describe and explain objects in our life?

Background Knowledge: Students participating in this lesson know how to classify objects into categories, such as small,
medium, large, or color. Students can name shapes, like triangle, square, rectangle, and circle. They can classify shapes as
flat or two-dimensional.

Assessment (What will students do or produce to illustrate their learning? What can students do to generate new knowledge?
How will you assess how students are progressing (formative assessment)? How will you assess what they produce or do?
How will you differentiate products?) You must attach copies of your assessment and/or rubrics. Include these in your
presentation as well.

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Students will engage in three assessments throughout the weeklong unit plan. On Tuesday, Students will take the BrainPop JR
Plane Shapes easy and hard quiz online. After watching the Plane Shapes video whole group, students will sit at their desk with
a student laptop and take the easy or hard quiz. The teacher and paraprofessional will walk around the classroom and monitor
students as they engage in this formative assessment. On Thursday, students will answer a prompt on Padlet. They will be
asked to pick a shape we have studied and write about that shapes attributes. Since typing is a new skill for students, they will
be graded on content rather than grammar and mechanics. On Friday, students will engage in an interactive formative
assessment using Kahoot. Students will complete this activity using iPads. I will display the Kahoot using a projector hooked
up to my teacher laptop on the whiteboard.

Assessments will be differentiated to meet unique student needs. This unit will be taught to three second grade students in the
self-contained small group setting. Two of the second graders are meeting grade level standards and one is not. While engaging
in the BrainPop quiz, the two students on grade level will be expected to take the hard quiz. The student who is below grade
level will be expected to take the easy quiz. The Padlet will be differentiated to meet students typing needs. All students have
minimal experience with typing sentences and explaining their thinking on the computer. Students will be graded on content
and not grammar or mechanics. Students will not be expected to write complete sentences to complete this formative
assessment. The Kahoot will be differentiated to meet students environmental needs. The lights will be dimmed and students
will be encouraged to alternate between sitting and standing. Students will have access to sensory items and fidgets as needed
while engaging in Kahoot.

Please see a copy of the BrainPop Jr quizzes, Padlet, Padlet rubric, and Kahoot attached to the end of this lesson plan.

Resources (How does technology support student learning? What digital tools, and resourcesonline student tools, research
sites, student handouts, tools, tutorials, templates, assessment rubrics, etchelp elucidate or explain the content or allow
students to interact with the content? What previous technology skills should students have to complete this project?)

Students will have the opportunity to engage in numerous activities involving technology throughout this weeklong unit.
Technology will support my diverse learners in numerous ways. Diverse learners will have access to interactive websites that
incorporate many visuals to support learning. Students will have access to activities that support kinesthetic and tactile
learning. Students will watch the BP JR video titled, Plane Shapes. This video will appeal to my visual learners. Students
will engage in the BP JR shape game and quizzes online. These modes of learning will help students explore shapes with
pictures and animation. Students will watch a shapes song by Jack Hartmann on YouTube. Hartmanns song, 2D Shapes for
Kids will appeal to my kinesthetic leaners. Students will be able to move their bodies while reviewing shapes. Students will
review shape attributes with a 2nd grade shape Mimio. This interactive, guided activity will allow students to practice
drawing squares, rectangles, triangles, and other shapes when called up to the whiteboard. While drawing, students will be
encouraged to name different attributes of their shapes. Students will also participate in a Padlet and Kahoot. Students will be
prompted to select a shape (rectangle, square, triangle, rhombus, or trapezoid) and describe its attributes using words on the
Padlet. Student learning will be extended on the Padlet by naming real world objects that are the shape students selected.
After posting answers to the classroom Padlet board, students will share their response with their classmates. Students will
communicate answers by standing in front of the classroom and reading their Padlet post. Students will engage in a Kahoot
quiz at the end of the week. This quiz will test students knowledge of shapes we have studied throughout the week and their
attributes. Students will play Kahoot on iPads. I will display the questions through the classroom projector.

In order to engage in weekly technology activities, students should have a variety of skills. Students should be able to log
onto student computers with their username and password. Students should be able to know how to navigate and log into
BrainPop JR. Students should have basic typing skills in order to answer the Padlet question. They should be able to navigate
to Kahoot, enter the game pin, and understand how to play Kahoot.

Technology classroom rules will be posted and reviewed at the start of each lesson in this unit. Technology rules will help
manage students while they navigate digital Web 2.0 tools.
1) Quietly get a computer, mouse, and earphones. Wait for the directions before getting online.
2) Only visit approved Internet websites and NEVER give our personal information.
3) Leave your work place the way you found it. Put up all tools in their proper place.
4) Treat your teacher, technology, and classmates with respect. Help a friend if they need it!

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Instructional Plan
Preparation (What student needs, interests, and prior learning provide a foundation for this lesson? How can you find out
if students have this foundation? What difficulties might students have?)

Students learned about shapes in first grade. Students in this lesson know how to classify objects into categories, such as size,
shape, and color. They can count the number of objects in a category. Students can name the following shapes: square,
rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus, circle, oval, hexagon, and octagon. I will probe for prior knowledge on day one of this unit. I
will probe through use of a Shapes Mimio. Students will have multiple opportunities to identify different shapes and share
their knowledge. This informal assessment of student knowledge will help inform instruction for the unit. Students might
have trouble describing attributes of a square, rectangle, hexagon, and octagon.

Three students are participating in this lesson, AE, NS, and JR. The three students participating in this lesson have IEPs and
are served through the self-contained autism program at my school. AE and NS are meeting grade level standards. Math is
considered a strength for both boys. AE and NS will need enrichment and extension. Both AE and NS have BIPs. Their
behavior impedes their leaning and that of others. NS and AE are in need of a consistent reward system to motivate them to
display appropriate classroom behaviors. JR is not meeting grade level standards. He will need remediation, consistency, and
continuous reinforcement of skills. All three boys have sensory needs. They all benefit from frequent monitored breaks and
individualized sensory strategies. Individual sensory strategies will be used as needed throughout this unit. JR will have
access to his weighted vest. AE will have access to his pressure vest. NS will be allowed to take breaks as needed to address
constant stimming, jumping, and flapping. AE, JR, and NS love Minecraft, space, Skittles, and technology. These interests
will be intertwined into parts of the weeklong unit to motivate students to learn.

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Management Describe the classroom management strategies will you use to manage your students and the use of digital
tools and resources. How and where will your students work? (Small groups, whole group, individuals, classroom, lab, etc.)
What strategies will you use to achieve equitable access to the Internet while completing this lesson? Describe what technical
issues might arise during the Internet lesson and explain how you will resolve or trouble-shoot them? Please note: Trouble-
shooting should occur before implementing the lesson as well as throughout the process. Be sure to indicate how you
prepared for problems and work through the issues that occurred as you implemented and even after the lesson was

I have consistent morning, transition, behavior, daily, hallway, bathroom, and pack up routines in place that my students
follow. My students thrive on consistency of procedures and routines. An important part of my classroom daily routine
is my students daily schedule. At the start of each day, students have a new daily schedule in their side pocket. At the
end of each academic segment, students write down the name of the assignment on which they worked. I have a visual
behavior management system that intertwines with the schedule. Students can receive a smiley, straight, or frown face
for each segment dependent upon their behavior. If students get smiley faces all day or all smileys and two or less
straight faces, they can visit the treasure box at the end of the school day. Students enjoy visiting the treasure box at the
end of each day and thrive on displaying appropriate behavior to help them reach their daily goal.

In addition to a whole-group behavior management system, each student in this lesson has an individualized reward
system. NS has the opportunity to earn 10 "preferred activity minutes" per learning segment. When he exhibits
unwanted behavior and does not respond appropriately to his peers or adults, his minutes are reduced. This helps NS
regulate his behavior and leads him to becoming more successful in the school setting. JR and AE use a first/then visual
to earn rewards. Both boys selected a preferred picture to earn. AE earns the video game character Kirby and JR earns
cars. As each student displays expected behaviors, they can earn a Kirby or car. The first/then visual states, First work,
then reward. I have written behavior expectations in student friendly language on both boys visual. Once a child earns
five tokens for displaying appropriate behavior, they can engage in a five-minute reward of their choice.

I will use the above strategies to monitor students while engaging in technology. Before starting this unit, we will watch
Internet Safety on BrainPop JR. This will spark a conversation about how to treat the technology used in the unit.
Students will be expected to carry iPads and mini laptops with two hands, use the Mimio pen appropriately (not banging
it on the whiteboard), not navigate to different websites, and use calming strategies when frustrated instead of slam their
hands on the technology being used.

Students will work in the self-contained classroom utilizing whole group instruction. They will have opportunities to
communicate, collaborate, share thoughts, and engage in independent work. I order to assure that all students have
equitable access to the internet, I will be sure to have enough devices available for all students to use at the same time.
Technical issues may arise during this weeklong unit. It is important to troubleshoot and have an alternate plan. The
internet may lag or not work. If this is the case, I will be sure to have extra copies of quizzes and resources printed out so
students can do them with paper and pencil. Students may have trouble typing responses on the Padlet. If this is the case,
students can dictate answers to the teacher and the teacher will type. BrainPop JR, the Mimio, Padlet, or Kahoot could
force quit or close down by itself. If this is the case, I will look around on the screen before deciding the desired program
is gone. There is always a possibility I accidently minimized a program without realizing.

After lesson: Luckily, I experienced no issues with the technology during this weeklong unit. All technology worked
the way it needed to and students enjoyed engaging in interactive online activities. Students were able to type simple
answers to answer the Padlet question. They typed slowly, but did not become frustrated while typing answers.

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Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities Describe the research-based instructional strategies you will use with
this lesson. How will your learning environment support these activities? What is your role? What are the students' roles in
the lesson? How can you ensure higher order thinking at the analysis, evaluation, or creativity levels of Blooms
Taxonomy? How can the technology support your teaching? What authentic, relevant, and meaningful learning activities
and tasks will your students complete? How will they build knowledge and skills? How will students use digital tools and
resources to communicate and collaborate with each other and others? How will you facilitate the collaboration?

This lesson will be taught using direct instruction. Direct instruction allows the teacher to break teaching of concepts into
small, successive steps, allows students to be active contributors to the lesson, and provide instant feedback (Haager and
Klingner, 2005). Utilizing direct instruction will encourage my students to be active participants and allow them to receive
feedback during the lesson. Through direct instruction, students will be encouraged to share knowledge of shapes with peers.
Students will have access to pictures and visuals of shapes. They will have access to math manipulatives, such as geoboards
and wooden pattern shape blocks. Students on the autism spectrum benefit from learning through visuals. A visual support
refers to using a picture or other visual item to communicate with a child who has difficulty understanding or using language
(Loring & Hamilton, 2011). Allowing NS, AE, and JR access to visuals and hands on learning with manipulatives is a
culturally responsive teaching strategy. JR, AE, and NS will be able to choose if they want to use the geoboards or pattern
block to enhance learning. Students will go on a shape scavenger hunt in the classroom. This shape scavenger hunt will help
JR, NS, and AE recognize shapes in their classroom environment. We will discuss shapes of objects students see in their
community, such as octagons (stop sign), squares (sidewalk), and rectangles (swimming pool).

Technology will be implemented daily to help students reinforce information about shapes. Technology caters to my diverse
learners needs in numerous ways. Technology is engaging and provides an auditory and visual outlet for SWD. When
technology is integrated into school lessons, learners are more likely to be interested in, focused on, and excited about the
subjects they are studying (Huneycutt, 2013). Through technology, NS, AE, and JR can collaborate and communicate with
one another and me. Use of the Mimio, Padlet, and Kahoot will allow students to display their knowledge and collaborate
with one another while learning about shapes. Technology is a tool for empowerment and creates a collaborative and
innovative space for all students (Nieves, 2016). This culturally responsive practice will cater to AE, NS, and JRs
individualized learning needs and styles. I will honor student voice and choice when AE, NS, and JR participate in different
technology activities throughout the week. They will be able to choose a shape to describe in the Padlet. Students will be able
to choose how they present their Padlet to peers. Students can present their Padlet by reading what they wrote or
summarizing what they wrote.

I will use wait time while engaging in conversation about 2D shapes and their attributes with students. When teachers
increase the amount of time they wait before calling on students to 3 to 5 seconds, students respond with longer answers,
volunteer answers more frequently, and initiate more questions (Haager and Klingner, 2005).

Throughout this unit, my role will be to facilitate learning and support my SWD while using technology and learning about
shapes. My students role will be to communicate with one another and myself while learning about shapes. Students will
explore shapes and learn about their attributes. They will be expected to communicate in numerous ways, such as through
conversation, discussions, collaboration, and communication with one another. Students will be expected to analyze shapes
by comparing and contrasting them while explaining the different attributes of each shape. Students will evaluate their
knowledge of shapes by posting their answers on the classroom Padlet board. Students will show creativity through use of
geoboards and wooden pattern-block shape manipulatives. Students will be asked to create shapes on the geoboard with four,
five, six, seven, and eight sides. They will be asked to compose pattern blocks to make different shapes.

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Differentiation (How will you differentiate content and process to accommodate various learning styles and abilities? How
will you help students learn independently and with others? How will you provide extensions and opportunities for
enrichment? What assistive technologies will you need to provide?)

This unit will be differentiated in numerous ways. Content will be differentiated through use of various delivery formats such as
YouTube videos, BrainPop JR video, and opportunities for communication and discussion through the Mimio and math
manipulatives. Differentiating process is important. This form of differentiation will help my students process and reflect on
learning activities. Differentiating process will take form in formative assessments, think-pair-share, and participating in
discussions about shapes. The classroom environment will be differentiated to meet my students unique needs. The lights will be
dimmed and lamps will be used. Dimming lights will help with sensitivities to light. Students will have access to noise canceling
head phones and other sensory tools if needed. JR, NS, and AE are movement seekers. The three boys will be allowed to alternate
between sitting and standing while participating in all lesson components. I will use wait time and prompting though questions to
assist students in process differentiation. A large part of differentiation will be prompt level. AE and NS will receive fewer
prompts to answer questions and participate in lessons. JR will be allotted visual and verbal prompting to help him process
content being taught. The BrainPop JR easy and hard quiz will be utilized as a formative assessment. NS and AE will take the
hard quiz and JR will take the easy quiz upon completion of the video. Students will learn independently through applying
knowledge of shapes when using different manipulatives. The boys will be asked to compose different shapes with pattern
blocks. Questions like, What shapes can you use to make a rectangle or hexagon? will be asked to extend knowledge. AE, NS,
and JR have different assistive technologies as aligned in their IEPs. Some AT is low tech and some is high tech. AE and JR will
have access to their pencil grips when writing. JR will use raised line paper when writing answers that involve explain your
thinking. When rewards for good behavior are earned, each boy will set a visual timer for 5 minutes. Setting the visual timer will
help monitor transitions within the classroom from rewards back to instruction. Voice to text will be activated on JRs student
computer. JR will be able to speak his answers to the computer when participating in the Padlet. This will help relieve anxiety
about spelling words correctly.

Reflection (Will there be a closing event? Will students be asked to reflect upon their work? Will students be asked to
provide feedback on the assignment itself? What will be your process for answering the following questions?
Did students find the lesson meaningful and worth completing?
In what ways was this lesson effective?
What went well and why?
What did not go well and why?
How would you teach this lesson differently?)

This closing event of this lesson will take place on Friday, the last day of this unit. Students will engage in a Kahoot. This
formative assessment will test students knowledge about shapes and their attributes through technology. Kahoot is a fun,
effective and interactive application for iPads and iPhones. Students will play Kahoot on iPads that I checked out from my
schools library. I first introduced my students to Kahoot in February and they absolutely loved it. Using Kahoot as a
formative assessment will be engaging and allow my students to display their knowledge about shapes in a relaxed, non-
stressful way. The Kahoot will be multiple-choice and contain 12 questions that summarize learning from the past week.
Students will be asked to identify shapes and name shapes attributes.

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Closure: Anything else you would like to reflect upon regarding lessons learned and/or your experience with implementing
this lesson. What advice would you give others if they were to implement the lesson? Please provide a quality reflection on
your experience with this lesson and its implementation.
Overall, I feel that this week long unit went well. Implementing lessons with multiple technologies was a different
experience for me. Before this class, I implemented technology like BrainPop, YouTube, PowerPoints, and interactive
Mimios into my lessons. This class has opened my eyes to a variety of Web 2.0 tools to use with my students. I have slowly
learned over the last two years of teaching that my students are more hands on and comfortable with technology than I
realized. This will encourage me to implement more technology into future lessons. Technology is engaging and makes
learning fun. I collaborated with my schools local school technology coordinator (LSTC), Mr. Sena. Together, Mr. Sena and
I picked multiple technologies to implement that would appeal to my SWD and cater to their diverse learning needs.
Collaborating with my schools LSTC made this unit plan less stressful and flow smoothly. Mr. Sena came into my
classroom on the days I implemented Padlet and Kahoot. He assisted me in helping students log onto student computers and
navigating to the Padlet and Kahoot. Mr. Sena along with my paraprofessional and myself worked one on one with students
during the Padlet activity. There were three adults and three students. This benefited my students because they received one
on one attention to help maintain appropriate behaviors and excel academically. I feel that this week long unit was very
effective. I was able to reach students in multiple ways. They enjoyed hands on learning with manipulatives and using
technology, such as BrainPop, the Mimio presentation, Kahoot, and Padlet. AE, NS, and JR were most engaged during the
Kahoot and geoboards activity. During these two activities, the boys paid attention, worked hard, and followed directions.
Minimal redirection was required to help students focus on their work. If other self-contained teachers were to teach this
lesson, I would advise to discuss the importance of digital citizenship and internet safety rules. Discussing internet safety
rules with my students helped them remember what I expected when using technology. I would encourage future teachers of
this lesson to integrate tactile hands on learning mixed with technology to reach students in multiple ways.

BrainPop Jr quizzes (will be given online). Online, the easy quiz is multiple choice. The easy quiz is not multiple
choice when you print it on paper.

Name:___________________ Name:___________________
Plane Shapes - Easy Quiz Plane Shapes - Hard Quiz Date:____________________
Class:___________________ Class:___________________

1. Which shape has four sides that are the same 4. How is a rectangle different from a circle? 1. What shape looks like an egg? 4. What shapes do you get if you cut a square
length? diagonally?
A. an oval
A. two triangles
B. a diamond
B. two rectangles
C. a square
C. two circles
D. a triangle
D. two squares

2. Which shape is easiest to stack on top of

each other? 5. Why do you think a refrigerator is shaped like
2. What is the shape of a ring? a rectangle instead of a circle?
A. triangle
5. Why are wheels the shape of circles? A. Its easier to stack things inside in a rectangle.
B. circle
B. Rectangles roll better.
C. oval
C. Rectangles stay colder than circles.
D. square
D. Its harder to stack things in a rectangle.

3. A triangle has three sides and three corners.

A square has four sides and four corners. What
3. Which shape has the most corners? can you say about sides and corners?

A. The number of sides is always less than the

number of corners.

B. The number of sides is always greater than

the number of corners.

C. The number of sides is always equal to the

number of corners.

D. All shapes have sides and corners.

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Padlet rubric

Excellent and Meets Fair but Could Use Poor and/or Missing
Expectations Improvement Answers

3 points 2 points 1 point

I did not write the name of
I chose a shape. I wrote the name of my my shape in my Padlet
shape in my Padlet response. response, but I described my

I named attributes about I named 3 or more attributes I named 2 attributes about I named 1 attribute about my
my shape. about my shape. my shape. shape.

I made a real world I named 3 or more real world I named 2 real world I named 1 real world
connection about my shape examples of my shape. examples of my shape. example of my shape.

Total _____/9 points

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Kahoot Screenshot and Link


Haager, D., & Klingner, J. K. (2005). Differentiating Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms: The Special Educators Guide.

Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.


Retrieved April 10, 2017, from


Loring, W., & Hamilton, M. (2011). Visual Supports and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Retrieved April 8, 2017, from

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