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Examples of Assessment Types

Diagnostic (Entry-Level):

Journal A response journal is a students personal record containing written,

reflective responses to material. They can be used to gauge initial responses
to a topic or personal connection / reaction to something.
Self-Assessment Student gathers information about and reflects on his or
her own learning. They can measure their own attitudes, opinions, prior
knowledge, and progress regarding a topic. Very good for developing the
meta-cognitive process of learning. Can also be used to connect a topic to
ones prior experiences.
Quiz An entry-level assessment that is not graded simply to measure gaps
in knowledge.
Survey similar to the quiz but involves a series of opinions or statements
that students agree or disagree with.
Class discussion / Socratic seminar Much like the survey but the class
conducts the introduction together.
Performance Task Students complete a task based on real world issues
and teacher observes gaps in knowledge needed to effectively complete it.
Thinking Map Students list all the things they know about a topic along with
their questions.
Anticipation Guide Much like the survey students answer a range of
questions and/or agree/disagree with various statements that act as the
essential questions regarding a topic. Can be revisited later in the year to
measure growth or changes in attitudes.

Observations Teacher makes notes on paper regarding students during an

Class questions or surveys
Class Discussion
Exit Slips
Graphic Organizers
Self-Assessment see above
Presentation via powerpoint or poster
Individual whiteboard activity students answer rapid fire questions in groups
or alone.


State Assessments
Chapter or Unit Tests
Quarter or Semester Tests
Projects / Presentations
Examples of Assessment Types

Timed Writings
Debate / Socratic Seminar

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