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The Student Debt Crisis:

What It Is, And How to Solve It

Jacob Waldman

Todays America is the most educated America we have seen to date. With nearly 2 million bachelor
degrees awarded each year, it is now a societal expectation to attend university. Education, though,
comes at a steep price in modern times, with record breaking tuition rates and student loans being taken
out without hesitation. America now faces an unexpected obstacle as student debt piles up and price tags
keep getting marked up. With a crisis on their hands, lawmakers are trying to keep up with the publics
demand for affordable education but cannot pin down what approach is best. As with many situations,
sometimes the simplest approach proves the most elegant and effective; it just takes the right situational
chemistry to deploy it.
What is Wrong with the
Current Situation?
The student debt crisis is real, and the numbers
can prove it. The American populous owes a
cumulative $1.4 trillion in student loan debt in
2016i, which is spread out over 44 million
borrowers. This is approximately $620 million
more than the American credit card debt, and
about 7% the size of the national debt. ii

The average debt per borrower is about $32

thousand, and this number is not only worrisome
but deceiving. iii For a graduate in 2016 the Tuition over time. Source: US World and News Report**
average debt was $37,172, which is $5,000 more
than the mean and a 6% increase from 2015
graduates (35,000still above the mean).iv Also, Overall, only 55% of freshmen at all private non-
a 350% increase in student loan numbers was profit institutions will graduate.viii
observed in one decade: 2005-2015. v
That said, though mid-high debt borrowers can
An interesting attribute of the current situation graduate with a degree, and continue their next
is who the debt problem pertains to. One would step, they can still face monumental issues.
think that students with high debt are the ones
in financial crisis, and they may be for an amount Of the 1,870,000 bachelor degrees awarded in
of time, but the fact of the matter is that the the 2013-2014 school year, 358,000 were in a
students with lower debt are in crisis. High debt business field, 200,000 in health professions,
borrowers usually graduate undergraduate 173,000 in social sciences and history, 117,000 in
programs and go on to pursue a graduate, psychology, 105,000 in biological and biomedical
doctoral or professional degree. Law, Medical, sciences, and 99,000 in education.ix These are
MBA, MS, and PhD students all acquire higher the largest categories per the National Center for
debt but also make better pay, so they can better Education Statistics. They highlight a particular
manage their loan payments. It is the students issue: of the 1 million listed, almost 30% of them
who drop out after a few years and walk away are in Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, degrees
without a degree that experience issues. Due to with high unemployment and low pay due to low
low pay, limited job opportunities, and demand; these fields are already saturated with
unemployment, they must struggle to avoid a competent employees. The prospect of
default on their unemployment can be averted by pursuing a
doctoral degree yet, compared to the 117,000
The number of university dropouts is a crisis on psychology bachelor degrees awarded, only
its own. Whether due to academics or cost, only 6,600 doctoral degrees were awarded the same
266 four-year private, non-profit schools (26% of
total) will have over 2/3 of incoming full-time
freshmen graduate in the next six years.vii
yearx. There is a significant disparity in the
employability and pay of those students, and
hence the ability for them to handle the burden
of student loans.

And for all these ex-students: dropouts,

graduates, MBAs, scientists, and artists alike,
what does this debt mean to them? For the next
10, 20 or sometimes 30 years, these students
must pay a minimum on their loan every month.
Many loans, including federal loans, are never
forgiven - even in the case the borrower declares Source: women***
in unscrupulous ways that may target certain
Large outstanding debt makes it difficult to get a groups and end up giving borrowers an unfair
mortgage for a house, or other loans of any kind, disadvantage in the deal. This definition
and the monthly bills make it harder to save up encompasses a wide array of practices ranging
for down payments. Also, many borrowers are from reverse redlining balloon mortgages, but
putting off starting families, and the birth rate the most common practices by far in the student
for women from 20-29 is at a loan industry are subprime
record low according to the We are lending money we lending, risk-based pricing,
Centers for Disease Control dont have to kids who and inadequate or false
(CDC). Also, the need to pay cant pay it back to train disclosure.xii
off loans incentivizes them for jobs that no
searching for higher paying longer exist. -Mike Rowe, Subprime lending and risk-
jobs, and this results in a TV Host, Writer, Producer based pricing go hand in hand.
subtle yet impactful social Subprime lending is the act of
consequence. A higher salary lending to borrowers amounts
allows for faster loan repayment; however, it that they are likely to not be able to afford and
also creates vacancies in fields like K-12 in turn have higher chances of defaulting.xiii Risk-
education, which offer less pay but are critical for based pricing is the setting of very high interest
society, as those talented to fulfil them now seek rates to high-risk customers (customers with
jobs elsewhere. xi poor credit scores or low incomes) people
already likely to default on loans even more
Explaining the Crisis likely, and is often used in conjunction with
subprime lending.xiv The moral issue with this
practice is that these loan companies are taking
Predatorial Finance and a
potential customers that are too high-risk for
Game Of Loans their and/or other companies policies, and
purposefully offering them loans that yield an
To solve this problem, one must identify the even higher risk borrower. Then, the loaners add
factors that contribute to its complexity. strict default terms on the loan agreement so
that in the case of a default, the borrower is at
Many borrowers end up in unfair situations due
an unfair disadvantage to the predatory
to predatory lending. Predatory lending is the
act of loan agencies lending money to borrowers
Inadequate or false disclosure is when a loan back to $4-5. The citizens then push for more
company hides, misrepresents, or does not subsidy, the government raises it to $3, the shop
report the true costs, risks, or appropriateness of raises their price to $7-8, then the government
a loans terms, or the company quietly changes raises, and on and on until the price is out the
the loan terms after the initial offer.xv What this roof on ice cream cups.
means for the borrower is they will likely not be
Now turn those subsidies into loans. Every $2
fully informed of the terms of a loan before
must be paid back to the government over time
accepting it. This can lead to a multitude of now
plus interest, well say 5 cents per dollar. Now
unfair actions to be pressed on the borrower:
the ice cream doesnt cost $3 to the customer
hidden fees, fluctuating interest rates, unknown
anymore, it will instead cost $5.10 as the loan
default terms in the case of a default, etc. When
must be repaid with interest, but the perceived
combined with risk-based pricing and subprime
cost of the ice cream in the moment of purchase
lending, borrowers can be put at a huge
will still be $3 since that is what is being paid out-
disadvantage upon graduation--a time when
of-pocket. The same cycle will occur as with the
they should have opportunity to start a life on
subsidies until ice cream cups cost $10 with $4
their own.
loans costing the customer a total of $10.20 in
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the long run, more than double the original
addressing some of the problems with predatory price.
finance, but these actions are merely the
Instead of cups of ice cream and parlors we have
offspring of what Turning Point USAs founder
education and universities, instead of ice cream
and executive director Charlie Kirk calls the
enthusiasts we have aspiring students, instead of
Game of Loans. * The Game of Loans is the
just loans we have all forms of federal student
name Kirk gives to the caustic cycle of
aid including loans and grants. When the federal
government subsidies that cause tuition to rise.
government raises student aid, the perceived
After all, if college wasnt so expensive, there
price of university is cheaper, so more students
wouldnt be a student debt crisis. xvi
enroll. The university will then increase tuition
Before going in-depth, lets simplify this with an since they are practically getting free money
example to help intuitively understand what is from the government and students can
occurring at the most basic level. immediately afford a slightly higher tuition. After
a while, the tuition-aid gap gets too large, aid
Say that a cup of ice cream at a certain parlor
increases, and the cycle starts again.
costs $5. Citizens of the community believe this
price is steep and thus support political actions This cycle is far more complicated than a basic
to subsidize these cups of ice cream so everyone economics problem. One must now consider the
can get a cup whenever they want. The miscellaneous conditions of the system.
government then decides to start handing out $2
The first condition to address are politicians. Not
subsidies for ice cream cups. Now the cup will
just any politicians, but the subset of career
only cost the customer $3 since $2 are being paid
politicians who aim to get re-elected since
for by the government. There is a large influx of
politicking is their primary job. These politicians
customers at the parlor because of the subsidy,
usually support increasing federal aid to ease the
and the business is prospering. Then, the parlor
burden of student debt, and in turn get votes
figures it can charge $6 or $7 dollars per cup,
from the youth who perceive they will benefit
making the subsidy act as a free buck or two in
from that policy. Instead of focusing on the long
profit, and returning the cost to the customer
term economic effects of increasing aid, the federal aid dries up, students turn to private
politicians will act in the present to keep their agencies that may or may not put their
jobs. borrowers at a disadvantage with the art of
predatory finance. Interest rates pile up the
Second is the effect of financial interest. Many
money, and students end up being taken to
federal student loans charge interest, and
court, like in Stefanie Grays case.
interest is a form of revenue for the government.
Therefore, no incentive exists to prevent the Stefanie Gray defaulted on her $36,000 loan
government from increasing aid budgets when after she unexpectedly was unemployed
they are prompted to as doing so is an following college and couldnt pay the minimum
investment of sorts. monthly payment her company, Sallie Mae,
requested.xvii In two years, due to interest, her
Third is that universities win from all of this too.
loan debt increased from $36,000 to $77,000
The raise in tuition provides the university with
and she found herself being sued for her right to
more capital to spend on renovations,
her wages, tax refunds, and bank account.xviii Due
expansion, hiring, sports, or savings. The
to complex legal issues, Stefanie got out of it,
university has no incentive to stop raising prices,
more due to luck and a good lawyer than
and has no incentive to spend optimally as it will
anything else. If attaining her degree wasnt so
have a seemingly endless river of money flowing
expensive, Stefanie wouldnt have had to deal
in semester after semester.
with this situation in the first place.
And fourth is the strain which grant budget
expansion leads to. When the federal Proposed Solutions
government increases specifically student grant-
based aid, it contributes to the cycle in the same What is on the Table and What is
way the loaning money to the student does, but happening Right Now?
instead of charging the individual borrower the
Currently there exist many proposed solutions to
bill, it charges the public. Increasing this form of
the student loan crisis. Why arent we using
aid will either must result in an increase in the
them? Are the ones being used effective?
national debt, an issue on its own, or an increase
in taxes, which Americans have shown adversity We previously discussed why increasing federal
to throughout history. student aid hurts the situation, but what about
free public college?
Essentially, federal student aid earns politicians
votes, increases government revenue, and The notion of a tuition free public university
provides universities with practically free money system has been tossed around a lot in the past
to do what they wish, but at the price of the few years, especially with the recent presidential
student/borrowers financial freedom. As loan election in 2016. Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary
amounts increase, tuition price increases, and, Clinton openly supported free bachelor degree
since the student must pay off the loans with education, but what effect would this have?
interest, the overall price of a degree increases. Would it relieve the student debt crisis? The
Yet since this cost is a long term burden, not an answer is yes, for future generations, but it has a
immediate one, attending college now requires high potential to create other problems in its
a minimal amount of up-front money; no one wake.
must save and plan finances to attend anymore,
instead they simply take out a loan. After their
Tuition is 20% of public universities revenue and attempting to stabilize or decrease their tuition
40% of private universities. This money is used by addressing unnecessary costs from sports.
to pay for instruction, research, hospital The University of Idaho is dropping top tier
services, support services, daily operations and sports, and the state of Virginia has put a cap on
maintenance, university scholarships, housing, how many tuition dollars it can spend on athletic
culinary services, etc. Public universities are programs.xxiii
already 24% funded by state
In fact, cutting sports cost is
governments (not including
Students should not be asked taking shape as a new way to
grants and contracts), and to
to pay more on the debt than control tuition. Many state
make tuition free that number
they can afford. And the debt schools are considering taking
needs to increase to 44%.xx To
should not be an albatross the step the University of
achieve that, taxes must around their necks for the rest Idaho took, at least until the
increase, government funding of their lives. -Donald Trump, NCAA lowers its fees.
must be reshuffled, or the President of the United States,
national debt must increase. businessman That said, President Trump
has his own plans. Trump
Free college also takes
plans to solve this crisis through a federal fix that
responsibility out of the student and their
will, instead of providing more aid, ease the
familys hands. Germany is often held as the
burden of debt. All private and public loans will
pinnacle of free tuition education, the role
roll into an income based repayment plan that
model system. Not only is tuition free, but the
will cap monthly payments at 12.5% of the
degree programs are designed for 3 years
borrowers earnings, with the unpaid balance
instead of the standard 4 in America. Yet only
forgiven after 15 years. Also, students would be
31% of German students graduate.xxi Why?
able to refinance federal loans at lower rates,
Because the students and their families have no
able to reduce the interest rates and simplify the
skin in the game. With no direct personal or
system.xxiv Though this will relieve a lot of
family funds invested in the education, the
economic strain on the borrowers, it will shift the
student is more likely to drop out due to stress,
economic pressure to the lenders, since it
grades, or boredom than if they held a stake in
automatically makes every loan higher risk due
the game. Ironically, it is the familys and
to the 15 year time constraint. In combination
students tax money that is at stake since that is
with the income based monthly payments, this
what will fund the education system.
reform has the potential to help predatory
Aside from federal funding and graduation lenders by giving them reason to increase
issues, Rick Staisloff, founder of the higher interest rates, especially for degrees that yield
education consulting group rpkGROUP, believes lower incomes.
free tuition would also hinder the quality of
With all of this, it still does not address the issue
education by encouraging inefficiency. Staisloff
of the high tuition prices in the first place.
writes: If you make tuition free, it completely
eliminates the incentive to look at the cost side of
the equation. Higher education has not shown a
willingness on its own to change the model [of
recursive price increases].xxii

That said, some universities like the University of

Idaho and the University of Virginia are
A More Optimal Solution university spending, but how does this happen?
Staisloff and his team have found on average at
To weed a garden, one must pull the weeds by institutions with 50, 100, 150 or more programs,
the root. It is the most complete way to solve a 50% or more of undergraduate students
weed issue, as the weed will have no chance of participate in 20 or fewer of the provided
growing back. This is the approach we, as a programs. xxvCutting and optimizing program
nation, need to take when tackling the student spending, facility use, utilizing new information
debt crisis. Our current solutions are either systems and technology, and switching over to
trimmers or poison: they are either temporary or competency-based education models are all
cause their own set of issues. ways Staisloff states that universities can
optimize their spending to decrease tuition rates
To uproot this debt crisis, tuition inflation must
without losing quality of education. In fact, he
be reversed. To deflate tuition, the demand for
says that many of the optimizations mentioned
an undergraduate degree must decrease or the
will increase the quality of education.xxvi
supply of degrees must increase.
As tuitions and aids decrease, and universities
The key here is not to over-deflate tuition.
optimize spending to account for the supply-
Tuition should be deflated enough to make
demand gap, there will be a point where the
degrees more affordable without losing any
universities are sufficiently optimized and the
quality of education: make the universities
price of a degree will begin to stabilize from
optimize their spending.
university to university as further cuts to tuition
The process is rather simple, but daring: will decrease education quality. This is the point
decrease federal student aid; not all at once, but where the process of cutting federal aid will stop,
slowly over an extended period, likely years. and future aid will be adjusted on a yearly to
semi yearly basis for inflation, as the universities
By decreasing federally sourced student aid, the will likely do to tuition, to keep the tuition vs. aid
perceived cost of a degree increases to aspiring ratio steady.
students and less students will choose to attend
college, especially for low income degrees like Also, remember the adjustments in student aid
those in the social sciences, arts, and humanities. are small and steady adjustments. This prevents
The fact that the number of students attending a supply shock within the university, which will
college will decrease should not create any not only be horrible for the economy, but also
worry, as the number will be slight since the for the publics support for the policy.
decrease in aid will be gradual, and the change in Additionally, by making the adjustments small,
perceived cost will be minute. Keep in mind that the university optimizations will occur in small
this discrepancy between initial perceived cost steps as well. Overall, this plan will minimize
and final perceived cost will only remain for a strain on the universitys, students and families,
small amount of time until the universities adjust and the governments budget while achieving
their tuition cost to make up for at least part of the goal of relieving the student debt crisis, all
the gap. Then federal aid will decrease again and for the cost of a little time and patience.
the mini-cycle will repeat.
This plan will be accompanied with some side
Every time the university adjusts their prices, the effects, but not necessarily negative ones. For
perceived cost of aid will decrease and the one, as the perceived price of a bachelor degree
number of students attending college will increases, it is proper to expect a slight increase
balance out. Again, the goal is to optimize in trade school enrollment as a slight decrease in
university enrollment is observed. While some groups, in whatever order possible: politicians
may not be pleased with this, it is a huge and the politically involved public.
economic opportunity. The opportunity here is
Politicians may be opposed to this plan or
to fill the skills gap, a chasm of numbers that
hesitant to accept it since many get youth votes
lies between those who know what to do and
for re-election through the Game of Loans. The
dont know what to do: the people who know
key would be convincing a handful of active
how to do. In other words, there are three types
politicians of the merit of this plan who then
of education: the uneducated, the educated and
would advocate it as a part of their running
the skilled. Modern university education teaches
platforms. This would in turn educate the public
students how to solve problems, what needs to
and slowly gain public support, hence both
be done, and the principles that define the
conditions will be fulfilled and the policy will be
problems; not how to do the work that needs
closer to being enacted.
to be done.xxvii Trade and technical schools offer
an education of the skills required to fulfill the Likewise, if the public is first educated, the
needs of engineering, maintenance, and politicians will follow. If a few writers for media
information systems projects. The gap part is outlets are convinced of the plans merit and
that there exist 5.6 million open, well-paying gain their communitys support of it, the idea
jobs in the US that require a trade school behind the policy will spread and soon politicians
education.xxviii This process is not only going to will jump on board to get voters to support
ease student debt, but also ease stress on the them.
economy for these scarce jobs in the process.
Last is the issue that defines the stability of the
The Keys to Success whole plan: the rate at which federal aid is
decreased. What rate is large enough to make an
Issues of Feasibility impact without spurring negative consequences
on the universities, students and the public?
As with all proposed solutions to the student Before being enacted, this rate must be carefully
debt crisis, and any proposed solution in general, determined, but I imagine a rate that would
the plan must be feasible. The positive outcome model a logistic decay in federal student aid
must outweigh the negative, and the hindrances would be best: start slowly to ease the system
of the plan must be minimal. As discussed, the into the adjustment process. Next, speed up
outcomes are strongly positive; now to discuss gradually until a maximum decrease is reached
hindrances. at the estimated halfway point where
First off, private loan agencies. A decrease in optimization of university expenditures is in full
federal aid will result in a possible increase in flight. Finally, gradually slow down to level out at
demand for private loans. Private loans may the desired aid amount and therefore tuition
increase in price, but due to the stigma around price.
private student loans and the increased price the
private loans should not be enough to curb the
efforts of the plan to decrease tuition. That said,
it will act as some friction and negate a portion
of the policys effectiveness.

Secondly, general support of the plan must be

An Example of Logistic Decay
cultivated. This must be done through two
With rising tuition rates and over $1.4 trillion in student loan debt, the student loan crisis must be
addressed.xxix Current proposed plans are ridden with undesirable side effects, and current attempts are
only proving successful at curbing the growth of the problem. To utterly terminate this crisis, a powerful,
potent, deep-penetrating policy is needed, something that will pull the issue out at its roots: tuition
inflation. This plan to decrease federal aid will set off a chain reaction of economic effects in a controlled
manner so that all the desired consequences are achieved and damage and inefficiency are minimalized.
This policy plan is the most optimal solution to the student debt crisis, and should be the primary focus
when contemplating policy decisions.

*Not to be confused with the book Game of Loans: The Rhetoric and Reality of Student Debt by Beth Akers and
Mathew M. Chingos.

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