Goal 3 Anticipation Guide

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How to: Anticipation Guide

Purpose An anticipation guide is a strategy that is used (and can be used after) to
activate students prior knowledge, build interest, and also introduce students to a
new topic. Before starting a unit or series of lessons the guide serves to present
students with a variety of statements that students can agree or disagree with, and
also measure gaps in knowledge.

Why Use Them?

They build interest and set a purpose for reading.

They prepare students to make predictions, inferences about a text or
essential questions, and verify their claims.
They activate prior knowledge and build interest about a new topic by
launching the unit.
They can be used to measure changes in attitudes or gaps in knowledge
about a topic depending on how they are constructed.

How To Use:

Gather a list of statements or questions that focus on the essential questions

or components of the lesson or activity.
o Essential questions
o True or false statements
o Personal questions
Model the process show students how to complete it, or even do one
together as a class.
Read each of the questions or statements to make sure students understand
each question or statement prior to answering.
Have students complete independently so as to get best answers.
Teacher can then teach lesson and review the guide to verify if students were
right or had changes in attitude the same day or even at a later point such as
at the end of the unit.

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