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Cedar Mountain Primary School

School Library Student Survey

Grades 2-4

Grade Level: _________________ Date: ___________________

Directions: As the Librarian reads the sentence, color the face that shows what you think.

Yes Sometimes No

1. I enjoy coming to the library.

2. I like to read books in the library for

3. I can get help from the Librarian if I
need it.
4. I like the magazines in the library.

5. I feel comfortable asking my Librarian

6. The Librarian teaches me more about
what we are learning in the classroom.
7. There are enough computers and
printers in the library to help me complete
my assignments.
8. I learn new things in the library.

9. The library provides enough online

resources (computer) to help me complete
my assignments.
10. The library is nice looking and
inviting (comfortable).
Yes Sometimes No

11. I have enough time to find the books I

want in the library.
12. I can find the types of books and
magazines that I like to read in the library.
13. I enjoy using the Makerspace studio in
the library.
14. I feel comfortable using the computers
and iPads in the library.
15. The Librarian is helpful and teaches
me how to find books and other resources
in the library.

16. What books, magazines, and computer programs would you like for the library?
17. What kinds of books or topics would you like to see added to our library?
18. Comments that you would like to add about visiting our library:

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