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2016-2017 Daily Lesson Plan


Teacher Name__Michael Cohen Subject____ English ___ Grade Level(s)____7__ Date __10/15___

Content Standards and/or Common Core Standards (1.1a):

Writing 7.1

Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
Objective Aligned to Standard(s) (1.1a): Content (nouns), level of cognition (verbs), proving behavior (measurement)
Students will be able to

Choose a type of celebrity and argue whether they have a positive or negative impact on society by writing a 3-5
sentence claim, using 1 piece of evidence from the lesson, and writing 2 pieces of commentary.
Proving Behavior (1.1b) [GROUP 1 TEACHERS may omit this section]: The proving behavior should provide the teacher with
specific data that reveals the degree of independent mastery for each student.
What specific criteria (quantitative and/or qualitative) will you use to measure students independent mastery of the
Students who demonstrate independent mastery (3 or 4) will argue via a claim, support their position with 1
piece of evidence from the gallery walk, and write 2 pieces of commentary. Students who cannot cite evidence
for their claim or cannot provide at least 1 piece of commentary (clear reasoning) will receive a 2 or less.
Lesson Structure (1.2a) and Cognitive Engagement (1.2B): Lesson structure is sequenced and timed to
promote cognitively engaging learning experiences and enable all students to demonstrate independent mastery through appropriate
release of responsibility.
Checks for Understanding (1.5A) Checks for understanding are planned for each component of the lesson to yield
actionable data about students real-time progress toward the learning objective.
Key Vocabulary Do Now (5 mins): 5-10 minute opening routine students can do independently that may aim to build a specific
skill (e.g., grammar, mental math), practice/review content material, or activate prerequisite knowledge.
Impact During the Do Now students will be asked to answer various questions pertaining to their
(Positive and personal experiences and understanding of what it means to be a celebrity and their impact on
Negative society, in order to tap into their prior knowledge. The definition of a celebrity will be
should be provided the day before, but will be listed at the top as a reminder.
review from
Q1) Directions: Answer each question in complete sentences.

A celebrity is a famous person or someone who is well known.

1) What are three (3) celebrities that you know from TV, the news, or your personal life?

2) What did they do to become famous? Or, why are they famous?

3) Do you believe they should be famous? Why or why not?

Anticipatory Set (5 min): A hook that introduces new material by relating students experiences to the
objective(s) of the lesson, activating prior knowledge, or developing engagement/curiosity to focus students
attention on the lesson.

Review student answers from Do Now in whole class discussion using a mix of cold calling
to begin, and volunteers afterwards.

Discuss objectives and break down each part. Students will then briefly share what it means
to them in their words in a turn and talk, and then as whole class. Review agenda.
Student Action Teacher Action

Gallery Walk:

Students will be divided into groups based on Teacher will provide clear instructions
teacher grouping and conduct a gallery walk and model with a student at 1 station.
around the classroom where there will be Checks for understanding will be
different stations. At each station students will conducted both during the 1st station
read a short passage about a different kind of with mostly high needs students, and
celebrity example (e.g. Bill Gates, Rihanna, then after the first station as a whole
etc.) and answer several questions with a class to address any issues or
partner orally. They will alternate between misconceptions.
Chunk 1: partner A answering #1 and #3, and partner B
Time Allotment (15
answering #2, at each station.
Level of Cognition:
Knowledge Who is the celebrity?

Why are they famous?

Do you think they should be famous?
Depth of
Why or why not?
Level I: Recall
Level II:
Level III: Strategic
There will be 4 stations where they will discuss
Level IV: Extended
questions so that they each answer an equal
Thinking amount.

Scaffolds for subgroups Sentence frames for

speaking and listening, precision partners for EL
and SPED students, additional 1on1 CFUs by
teacher at start to enhance progression of
activity, and questions in Spanish.
Checks for Understanding (1.5a):
After instructions teacher will conduct a model example of 1 station, then during the
activity teacher will check in with high needs students first. After the first station
teacher will address the whole class with various questions to review the expectations
and what should be done at each station (what to discuss, who answers what, etc.)
Chunk 2:
Time Allotment (10
min): Revisit objective to examine if we are Revisit objective to examine if we are
Level of Cognition: understanding the learning goal. understanding the learning goal.
Marzano scale (1-4). Marzano scale (1-4)
Analysis Ask question or comments regarding Answer questions or comments
Evaluation the gallery walk. regarding gallery walk.
Depth of
Level I: Recall
Level II: Students will return to their seats and Teacher will explain directions and
Level III: Strategic choose 1 celebrity type to answer the expectations for answering the questions as a
Level IV: Extended questions in writing. CFU.
Why are they famous?

Do you think they should be Teacher will lecture / provide notes to be

famous? Why or why not? copied via direct instruction and review the
different types of celebrities.
We will review the types of celebrities
together using direct instruction and cloze Teacher will move around the class monitoring
student work thus far and providing additional
notes. CFUs for high-need or EL students.

Then as a class students will respond when Teacher will use a mix of cold-calling and
called on to answer, which group does the volunteers to have students share their answers.
celebrity they wrote about belong to? And,
after discussing the types do you still think
they should be famous or not?

Scaffolds for subgroups Sentence frames

will be provided for the writing portion and
cloze notes for the instruction. Pictures of
each type will provide a visual portrayal to
tap into multiple intelligences and improve
understanding/retention. Preselection will be
used for any EL or high-need students to
prepare for whole class responses.
Checks for Understanding (1.5a):
Re-explain writing instructions (though they are the same questions from chunk 1).
Cold call on students to explain instructions to whole class in their own words. 1 on 1
checks to high-need and monitoring of all students for additional support.
Chunk 3:
Time Allotment (5
-7 min): Students will participate in a Turn and Teacher will review directions and
Level of Cognition: Talk to share their answers to a series of expectations for the turn and talk. Will
Comprehension new questions (which will be the same discuss the response question and focus on

Analysis for the proving behavior). the listening/response by modeling with a

Evaluation Do you believe that some celebrities student. This is intended to push the higher
Depth of
Knowledge: should or should not be famous? level thinking and force students to defend
Level I: Recall
Level II:
Why or why not? themselves.
Level III: Strategic If you could be any type of celebrity
Level IV: Extended which would you be and why? Teacher will then survey the class and
Do you agree/disagree? Why or why monitor conversations and provide snaps
not? when students are meeting expectations
and engaging in effective conversations.
Students will then share in whole class
discussion to prepare for the writing Call on students for whole class using cold-
piece (proving behavior). calling and volunteers, and also preselect
some students to share.

Scaffolds for subgroups

Turn and talk should act as an academic
discourse exercise prior to writing to
enhance understanding and provide
additional thinking time. Sentence frames
will be provided for the talking and
listening/responding pieces. Whole class
discussion seeks to scaffold further
understanding by sharing various answers.
Checks for Understanding (1.5a):
Students will be cold-called to re-explain directions and expectations before start.
During monitoring 1 on 1 checks will be made for any difficulties. During class share
students will have a chance to share and listen to others prior to writing to clear any

Students will complete an exit ticket by After explaining directions, teacher will check
writing a 3-5 sentence response to the in with students who have questions or who are
following questions. The questions are deemed high need.
designed to elicit a claim (position on
celebrities), use class discussions as Teacher will monitor classroom for
evidence, and support their claim through expectations and address any areas of concern.
Proving Behavior:
Time Allotment (5 effective commentary.
Measures independent
mastery of the
objective. Do you believe that celebrities have a
Provides specific data
that reveals where re-
positive or negative impact on society? Why
teaching may be
needed for next lesson
or why not?

Use 1 piece of evidence from our class

discussions or gallery walk as support.

Explain why your evidence proves that

celebrities are good or bad.
Teacher will cold-call / preselect / take
volunteers for 2-3 responses from the exit
Time Allotment (2-3 ticket.
Final self-monitoring Several students will share in whole class
Summary/reflection on
the objective
discussion. Teacher will then ask the question for next
Reflecting on prior and
future learning
class, Are we obsessed with celebrities? Do
you think this is good or bad for society? What
would happen if we did not have celebrities?
Homework ( 15 min): What homework will you assign to practice content from this lesson or frontload for tomorrows lesson?
Answer the questions from the closure (handout). Are we as people obsessed with celebrities? Do you
think this is good or bad for society? What would happen if we did not have celebrities?

Resources and Materials:

Gallery walk materials (station number, handout with picture of celebrity and a brief paragraph
describing them and their accomplishments).
PowerPoint for lesson notes.
Cloze notes handout for chunk 2.

SpEd - Considerations for Academic Success Teachers:

Indicate lessons, projects, assignments or assessment that students are working on during content support time.
Describe established protocol you use to get coursework, homework, class updates and test/project dates from
general education teachers. You may also include copies of documents used to get this information.

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