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PADM 7420

Homeland Security

Dr. Carol M. Glen Office Hours:

245 West Hall Tues & Thurs. 11:00 am -12:30 pm
229-333-5771 Or by Appointment

Course Description

The topic of homeland security is a relatively new field of study and it is currently examined in a
broad range of disciplines including, political science, public administration, law, criminal
justice, public policy, and national defense. Homeland Security occupies a unique place in
domestic and foreign policy decision making, because it encompasses a complex set of actors,
institutions, processes and issues. In addition, many jurisdictions are divided among federal, state
and local governments, as well as the private sector. The purpose of the course is to help students
develop a better understanding of what constitutes the realm of homeland security. The course
examines the concept of U.S. homeland security in the context of recent history. It provides an
overview of the nature of threats and major vulnerabilities that are the focus of homeland
security efforts.
Course Outcomes

By the end of the course students should be able to do the following:

Describe the concept of homeland security and its relationship to homeland defense and
national security.
Discuss the different types of threats to homeland security.
Analyze strategies policy responses to deal with natural disasters and accidents.
Summarize the functions of the Department of Homeland Security, the intelligence
community and other federal and state government entities as it relates to advancing
homeland security.
Assess the successes and failures of the Homeland Security system.

Learning Outcome Modules Content Assessment Tools

Describe the concept of 1, 2 Text, lectures and Instructor feedback on
homeland security and its additional readings discussion posts
relationship to homeland
defense and national security.
Discuss the different types of 1-15 Text, lectures and Instructor feedback on
threats to homeland security. additional readings discussion posts,
article crtiques and
Analyze strategies policy 7, 8, 9 Text, lectures and Instructor feedback on
responses to deal with natural additional readings discussion posts,
disasters and accidents. research paper, exams

Summarize the functions of the 4, 5,6, Text, lectures and Exams, research
Department of Homeland 13 additional readings paper, discussions
Security, the intelligence
community and other federal
and state government entities
as it relates to advancing
homeland security.

Assess the successes and 14,15 Text, lectures and Discussion posts,
failures of the Homeland additional readings article critiques and
Security system. research paper

Class Schedule
Modules and Dates Topics and Readings Assignments
(Monday to Sunday)
Module 1 Introduction to Homeland Introduce yourself to the class in
8/15/2016 Security the BlazeView discussion area.

Lectures Complete all required readings

Text chapter 1

Christopher Bellavita,
Changing Homeland Security:
What is Homeland Security?

Derek Riecksts, Letter to the

Editor, (in response to
Module 2 Historical Background and Complete all required readings
8/22/2016 Vital National Interests
Threaded Discussion
Lectures #1
Text chapter 2
Period: 8/22-9/4
Sam Tanenhaus, The World:
From Vietnam to Iraq; The Rise
and Fall and Rise of the
Domino Theory.

Michael Rubin, Asymmetrical

Threat Concept and its
Reflections on International

Module 3 Emergency Management Threaded Discussion #1

8/29 continued
Text chapter 3 Ends: 9/4

Etkin and Davis The Search

for Principles of Disaster

FEMA Principles of
Emergency Management.

FEMA2 The Four Phases of

Emergency Management.

Module 4 Department of Homeland Complete all required readings

9/5/2016 Security: Establishment
Writing Assignment #1
Text chapter 4 Due: 9/11 by 11:30 pm

Jennifer Mitchell and Jason

Pate, The Department of
Homeland Security: Goals and

Charles Perrow, The Disaster

After 9/11: The Department of
Homeland Security and the
Intelligence Reorganization,

Module 5 Department of Homeland Complete all required readings

9/12/2016 Security: Functions
Threaded Discussion
Lectures #2
Text chapter 5
Period: 9/12-9/25
Fisher and Norman,
Developing measurement
indices to enhance protection
and resilience of critical
infrastructure and key

Protic, Critical Infrastructures:

Threats, Vulnerabilities and

Module 6 Partnerships of Homeland Complete all required readings

9/19/2016 Security
Threaded Discussion
Lectures # 2 continued
Text chapter 6
Ends: 9/25
Koski, Does a Partnership
Need Partners? Assessing
Partnerships for Critical
Infrastructure Protection.

Eisinger, Imperfect
Federalism: The
Intergovernmental Partnership
for Homeland Security.

Module 7 Disaster Preparedness Complete all required readings

Lectures Midterm Exam covering content
Text chapter 7 from Modules 1-7

Doty, US Homeland Security Period Available 9/26-10/2

and Assessment Risk.

Reddick, Homeland Security

Preparedness and Planning in
US City Governments: A
Survey of City Managers.

Module 8 Disaster Response Complete all required readings

Lectures Writing Assignment #2
Text chapter 8
Due 10/9 by 11:30 pm
Wise, Organizing for
Homeland Security after
Katrina: Is Adaptive
Management Whats Missing?

Whitley, Coddington and

Koenig, Homeland Security
After Hurricane Katrina: Where
Do We Go from Here?

Module 9 Natural Hazards and Complete all required readings

10/10/2016 Accidents
Threaded Discussion # 3
Text chapter 9 Period: 10/10 -10/23

Roberts, A Capacity for

Mitigation as the Next Frontier
in Homeland Security.

Meeks, A Storm in Congress:

How Partisanship Impacts
Disaster Response.

Grunwald and Glasser, Brown's

Turf Wars Sapped FEMA's

Module 10 International Terrorism and Complete all required readings

10/17/2016 Threats
Threaded Discussion #3
Lectures continued
Text chapter 10
Ends: 10/23
9/11 Commission Report

Finnegan, How is the N.Y.P.D.

defending the city?

Parachini, Putting WMD

Terrorism into Perspective.

Module 11 Domestic Terrorism and Complete all required readings

10/24/2016 Threats
Writing Assignment #3
Text chapter 11 Due: 10/30 by 11:30 pm

Brooks, Muslim
Homegrown Terrorism in the
United States.

Mantri Homegrown Terrorism

Is There an Islamic Wave?

Module 12 Border Security Complete all required readings

Lectures Threaded Discussion # 4
Text chapter 12
Period: 10/31-11/13
Pacheco, Border Security: A
Comprehensive Review of the
United States Approach to
Southwest Border Policy.

Waugh, Securing Mass

Transit: A Challenge for
Homeland Security.

Module 13 Intelligence and Homeland Complete all required readings

11/7/2016 Security
Threaded Discussion #4
Lectures continued
Text chapter 13
Ends: 11/13
Harknett and Stever, The
Struggle to Reform Intelligence
after 9/11.

Taylor and Russell, The failure

of police fusion centers and
the concept of a national
intelligence sharing plan.

Module 14 Globalization and Homeland Complete all required readings

11/14/2016 Security

Text chapter 14
Demir and Varlik
Globalization, Terrorism and
the State.

Steegmuller Johnson,
Transnational Terrorism:
Globalization, Voluntary
Compliance, and U.S. Port

Module 15 The Future of Homeland Complete all required readings

11/21/2016- Security
12/4/2015 Submit research paper
Lectures Due 11/28 by 11:30 pm
Text chapter 15

Dahl, A Homeland Security

Net Assessment Needed Now!

Final Exam Final Exam covers content from

Modules 8-15

Period: 12/6-12/8 by 11:30 pm

Course Requirements
Discussion Threads: Students are required to respond to four discussion questions posted
throughout the semester, each covers a two week period. The week begins on Monday, your
initial response to the question(s) must be posted by 11:30 pm on the following Sunday (the
same week). Your final responses should be posted by 11:30 pm on the Sunday of the following
week. The initial response should be at least 300 words. Thereafter, you should respond to at
least two other students with substantive replies that add to the discussion. Your responses will
only be considered for grading purposes if they are posted within the specified time period.
Additional information will be provided regarding this assignment in BlazeView.

Article Critiques: Students are required to complete three short papers, based on assigned articles
(not chapters or lectures). You should briefly review and compare the articles assigned for that
week. Are there common threads? Do the articles concur or contradict each other? You should
then assess and critique their arguments. How well do the authors make their points? Can you
identify strengths and weaknesses in their arguments? Critiques should be 5-6 pages in length
(double-spaced, Times New Roman font). Late papers will be penalized 5 points per day late.

Research Paper: Students are required to write an analytic paper, 10-12 pages (double-spaced,
Times New Roman font) in length (not including title page and references). You may select any
topic that relates to Homeland Security that is of interest to you. Keep in mind that this is an
analytic research paper, so it should not be overly descriptive. You should therefore construct
your paper around a specific question/thesis. Late papers will be penalized 5 points per day late.

Exams There will be a midterm exam and a final exam. Each exam will be in short
answer/essay format, and will be completed by entering the quizzes area in BlazeView during
the specified period. Content should be read ahead of time since there is a time limit for each

Submitting Assignments: All papers should follow the APA style manual, which is the accepted
style of the MPA Program. If you fail to submit your paper on time, or as anything other than a
Word document or PDF, and I am unable to open it, the paper will be deemed late. All
submissions should be uploaded to the BlazeView Dropbox. By taking this course, you agree
that all required course work may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to
Turnitin, a tool within BlazeView.

Course Points

Discussion Threads: 10 points each (40 points total)

Article Critiques: 15 points each (45 points total)
Research Paper: 65 points
Midterm Exam: 50 points
Final Exam: 50 points
Total = 250 points

Course Grades

90-100% (225 points or more) = A

80-89% (200-224 points) = B
70-79% (175-199 points) = C
60-69% (150-174 points) = D
0-59% (Less than 150 points) = F

General Policies

Access and Communication: This is an online course so all of the content will be made available
through BlazeView. Students are expected to have basic computer skills and be familiar with
BlazeView navigation. Not having access to a computer, or hardware or software problems, are
not acceptable excuses for late work. All work should be submitted through BlazeView, and
communication should take place within BlazeView. In exceptional cases, for instance if
BlazeView is down, you may contact me via my regular email Emails to
the instructor will normally be answered within two working days.
Academic Misconduct: Each student is expected to be familiar with and abide by all of the rules
governing academic conduct found in the Student Handbook.

Violation of these rules will result in a failing grade for the assignment or for the course. In
extreme cases, violation of academic honesty will result in dismissal from the program.

Incomplete Grades: An Incomplete grade (grade I) will only be assigned in cases in which the
student had a lengthy illness or an unexpected obligation, such as extended military service or
jury duty. The grade of I will not be assigned because the student is not satisfied with a low
grade. It will only be assigned in cases in which the student could not complete a substantial part
of the course work due to factors beyond the students control. In order to apply for an I grade,
students should follow the procedures detailed at the following web site:

D2L (BlazeView) Contact Information: For any questions or issues relating to D2L, please
contact the support services at: D2L Help Center 24/7, 365 days a year technical support TOLL
FREE 1-855-772-0423 Website:

Accommodations Statement: Students with disabilities who are experiencing barriers in this
course may contact the Access Office for assistance in determining and implementing reasonable
accommodations. The access Office is located in Farbar Hall. The phone numbers are 229-245-
2498 (V), 229-375-5871. For more information, please visit VSUs Access Office or

Title IX Statement: Valdosta State University (VSU) is committed to creating a diverse and
inclusive work and learning environment free from discrimination and harassment. VSU is
dedicated to creating an environment where all campus community members feel valued,
respected, and included. Valdosta State University prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,
color, ethnicity, national origin, sex (including sexual harassment and sexual violence), sexual
orientation, gender identity, religion, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status, in the
University's programs and activities as required by applicable laws and regulations such as Title
IX. The individual designated with responsibility for coordination of compliance efforts and
receipt of inquiries concerning nondiscrimination policies is the University's Title IX
Coordinator: the Director of the Office of Social Equity,, 1208 N. Patterson
St., Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia 31698, 229-333-5463.

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