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Name:_________________________________________________ Date:


Entry Level Assessment: Rubric

Basic level: Questions 1 and 2; Shows

understanding of a table of values and a single
step equation.
1.) Fill out the table appropriately:
x values: 3, 6, 9 & 12; y values: 6, 12, 18, & 24
x 3 6 9 12
y 6 12 18 24

This will assess my students ability to fill out a basic table of values
with the x values being entered from left to right from least to greatest,
and the same for the y values.
If any cell is left blank, this will be incorrect. If the numbers are out of
order or duplicated, this will be incorrect.
2.) Solve the equation for x:
5x = 25

divide both sides by 5 to solve for x

x = __5__
Full credit for the correct answer.

Basic level 2: Questions 3 and 4, shows

understanding of two-step equations and basic
3.) Solve the equation for x:
6x + 40 = 100

First subtract 40 from each side, then, divide both sides by 6 to


x = ___10___
Full credit for work shown and correct answer.
4.) Evaluate the expression if x = 20 (substitute)
3x + 40
Proficient/Adequate Level: Questions 5, 6
and 7; shows understanding of literal
equations, slope-intercept-form and
graphing linear equations.
5.) Circle the equation that is in Slope-Intercept Form:
a) y + x = 3 b) y = 2x + 4 c) 3x 2y =12
Circle b
Only correct answer is b. However if a student solves all three
correctly for y, they still display content knowledge, however
they read the questions wrong.
6.) Solve the equation for y:
2x + y = 4
First subtract 2x from both sides then re-order to be in slope-
intercept form (y= mx +b)

y = -2x + 4
Graph the linear
7.) y = 3x + 1 Graph the y-
intercept at 0,1 then use
slope (3/1) to graph the
next point.
The image of the graph with two
points minimum will be allowed
for full credit. Students may
show more points on the line.

Graphs plotted on the

wrong y-intercept will be
Graphs plotted with the
wrong slope will be
Thorough Understanding Level: Question 8,
Displays content knowledge of Literal
equations, Substitution and multi-step

8) Use the substitution method to solve the system of

linear equations:
y x = -4
y = 4x -10

Substitute the second equation for y in the first equation:

4x 10 x = -4
Combine like terms and solve for x
3x 10 = -4
Solve the two-step equation by first adding 10 to both sides (3x = 6)
and then dividing both sides by 3
Use the known value for x and substitute it into the second equation to
solve for y

y = 4(2) - 10
y = 8 10

y = -2 The solution ordered pair is (2, -2)

If they used substitution in the first step correctly I will award them
partial credit
If they only solve for x, correctly and do not solve for y at all, I will
award them partial credit
If they solve for x correctly and solve for y incorrectly I will award them
partial credit.
Full credit for the correct answer for x and y, with work shown.

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