Complete Each Sentence by Filling in The Blanks With The Possessive Form of The Nouns in Parentheses

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Complete each sentence by filling in the blanks with the possessive form of the

nouns in parentheses.

The ________ color (birds)

The ________ hues (lights)

The ________ painting (museum)

The ________ length (mattress)

The ________ effectiveness (delivery)

_______ Metropolitan museum (New York)

The _______ hot dogs (restaurant)

The _______ weight (television)

My ________ bed (dog)

My ________ car (Mom)

The _______ uniform (Officer)

The _______ bottle (baby)

The _______ toy (boy)

The _______ tire (car)

The _______ smell (food)

The _______ cord (telephone)

The _______ books (teacher)

The _______ smell (flower)

The ______ brightness (light)

A possessive noun quiz is very useful for fourth and fifth graders. Below are
a few sample quizzes that you could make use of when teaching grammar
lessons on possessive nouns.

Quiz 1
Complete each sentence by filling in the blanks with the possessive form of
the nouns in parentheses.
1. The ________ color (birds)
2. The ________ hues (lights)
3. The ________ painting (museum)
4. The ________ length (mattress)
5. The ________ effectiveness (delivery)
6. _______ Metropolitan museum (New York)
7. The _______ hot dogs (restaurant)
8. The _______ weight (television)
9. My ________ bed (dog)
10. My ________ car (Mom)
11. The _______ uniform (Officer)
12. The _______ bottle (baby)
13. The _______ toy (boy)
14. The _______ tire (car)
15. The _______ smell (food)
16. The _______ cord (telephone)
17. The _______ books (teacher)
18. The _______ smell (flower)
19. The ______ brightness (light)

Write each group of words using a possessive noun.

1. The room of the girl ____________________________
2. The toy of the boy _____________________________
3. The house of my mom __________________________
4. The ball of the dog _____________________________
5. The purse of the lady ___________________________
6. The telephone of the man________________________
7. The car of the mailman _________________________
8. The milk of the cat __________________________
9. The cries of the dog ________________________
10. The cage of the monkey ________________________

Change the sentences from singular into plural?

1. There is a mouse under the bed.
2. This is a box.
3. This is a child.
4. There is a goose in the garden.
5. He is a thief.
6. My foot is cold.
7. He has an ox.
8. There is a man there.
9. He is in the bus.
10. He has a nice watch.
11. There is a knife on the table.
12. She has a baby.
13. She is a beautiful woman.
14. This is a red dress.
15. He is a boy.
16. This is a big city.
17. This leaf is green.
18. This is a loaf of bread.
19. She is in the bookshop.
20. He wears a nice scarf.

Choose the correct verb form:

1. Money (are, is) not very important for me.

2. His scales (is, are) not correct.

3. My father's advice (is, are) very useful.

4. The fish in your plate (is, are) small.

5. The news (is, are) very bad.

6. Where (is, are) your glasses.

7. My furniture (is, are) very old.

8. My luggage (is, are) very heavy.

9. Information (is, are) always useful.

10. The police (is, are) looking for the thief.

demonstratives - exercises
Questions and answers - match.
Back - demonstratives - exercises

is a hamburger.

is a tomato.
are bananas.

are cherries.

is a carrot.

is an apple.

are berries.

are lemons.

is an orange.

are plums.

is a cake.

are grapes
5. These my pens.

6. Those my shoes.

7. That a bicycle.

8. This my .

Fill in the blanks with the right subject / personal pronouns (I, you, he,
she, it, we, they):

1. Angelina Joli is American. isn't French.

2. Brad Pitt is American, too. isn't German.

3. Brad and Angelina aren't French. are American.

4. My friend and I are high school students. aren't primary school


5. The Statue of Liberty is in New York. isn't in Washington.

Fill in the blanks with the right form of to be ( am, are or is):

1. you the new student?

2. Yes, I .

3. Leila and Nancy students.

4. Nancy Australian .

5. My sister and I students.

6. The girls tired.

7. These women beautiful.

8. The tea delicious.

9. Nadia and Leila friends.

10.The newspaper cheap.

Choose the correct answer (negative or affirmative form of to be):

1. Is Julia Robert French? No, she


2. What about Robert de Nero? Is he an American actor? Yes, he

3. Are New York and Los Angeles Spanish Cities? No, they
Spanish cities.

4. Is Big Ben in Paris? No, it in


5. Is Mount Everest in Africa? No, it

in Africa. It is in Asia.

Chose the correct form of the verb to be - am/is/are.

1. It cold today.

2. I at home now.

3. They Korean.

4. There a pen on the desk.

5. My name Nikita.

6. We from Ukraine.

7. That right.
8. I OK, thanks.

9. Clara and Steve married.

10. She an English teacher.

11. Comparative Adjectives 12.

13. Make the comparative form. If its possible, use er. If not, use more. 14.

16. 54.
15. 1) Dogs are (intelligent) than rabbits...

Show Answ er

17. 18.

19. 2) Lucy is (old) than Ellie...

Show Answ er

21. 22.

23. 3) Russia is far (large) than the UK... 24.

Show Answ er

25. 26.

27. 4) My Latin class is (boring) than my English class...

Show Answ er

29. 30.

31. 5) In the UK, the streets are generally (narrow) than in the USA...

Show Answ er

33. 34.

35. 6) London is (busy) than Glasgow...

Show Answ er

37. 38.

39. 7) Julie is (quiet) than her sister... 40.

Show Answ er

41. 42.

43. 8) Amanda is (ambitious) than her classmates...

Show Answ er

45. 46.

47. 9) My garden is a lot (colourful) than this park...

Show Answ er

49. 50.

51. 10) His house is a bit (comfortable) than a hotel...



My father is than my mother (old)

Chinese is than English (difficult)

Jane lives the city than you (near)

The car is than we thought (bad)

Tigers are than rats (dangerous)

Dogs are than rabbits (intelligent)

My uncle is than my aunt (fat)

Cars are than bikes (expensive)

Cakes look than bread (delicious)

My cat is than your dog (ugly)

This man is than that one (clever)

Oranges are than pizzas (good)

Complete the sentences.

Use the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. Who is the (tall) person in your family?

2. My mum is the (good) cook in the world.

3. December is the (cold) month of the year in my country.

4. What's the (dangerous) animal in the world?

5. Ethan is the (happy) boy that I know.

6. Where are the (nice) beaches in your country?

7. She bought the (big) cake in the shop.

8. Who is the (famous) singer in your country?

Use either as ... as or not as ... as in the sentences below.

Show example

Do you need help?

Sentences with comparisons in English
1. The blue car is the red car. (fast)

2. Peter is Fred. (not/tall)

3. The violin is the cello. (not/low)

4. This copy is the other one. (bad)

5. Oliver is Peter. (optimistic)

6. Today it's yesterday. (not/windy)

7. The tomato soup was the mushroom soup. (delicious)

8. Grapefruit juice is lemonade. (not/sweet)

9. Nick is Kevin. (brave)

10. Silver is gold. (not/heavy)

Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives:

1. Where is (I) book?

2. Here is (we) teacher.

3. She goes to school with (she) brother.

4. (They) father works in a car factory.

5. (You) laptop is very expensive.

6. (He) favorite hobby is tennis.

7. (I) husband and I want to go to Paris.

8. We want to see (it) historical

9. Leila likes (she) dog !

10. (It) name is Bobby.

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