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CompiIed and Published by the
'RTatch Tower BihIe and Tract
Society of PennsyIvania

T h i s book is the property of the Kingdom Itfinistry

Scl~ool.Please do not mark or make notee in it, as
other students mill use it later.

m d e in the Unitcd Stat- Of m e t ! =

Explanation of Kingdom Ministry School Course
The Kingdom M i n m School Course has been ings for the lesson you are considering. Then
m g e d by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract (23 read the material m y so that you feel
Society to help overseers become better equipped you understand it. Then (3) look at the main
to shepherd the flock of God. The School, is dedi- headin~sagain to be sure you have t h e main
cated to Jehovah God and t h e adtxncement of outline of the material in mind. Sote the main
his Kingdom interests. mint of the materid as set out at the end of the
mi^ tesrtbk d- not present any new *c- lesson, also consider briefly which points e s p x i s y
fiOTls information, but it d m pn>M& a carefu~ need to be applied in your congn?gation. To c o x -
compilation of materid printled in the Society's plete the five studies within three hours FFill mean
publications and at a s ~ m b l i e sin -nt spending not more than 35 minutes on each, so you
years. The So&@- feels sat is infomation, have little time for l o o h g up any more than
w i t h mggestions on how to apply it, ~vill be espe an mmiond The other scriptures
c i d y h,alpN to o v m w m in caring for the flock well as additional p i n t s from the source materid
of God. Your study of the material should deepen that the instructor wishes to d lto your attention
your appreciation of the ~sponsibilitythat will be consider& in c l ~ tI~ ~ .not u+,e t o stay
t is
upon you as an ~ e m d a~t the same
e ~
time up late to study and then be tired in class tite next
help you to feel better &quippedto fulfill that re- &Y. DQ not spend too much time on any one les-
sponsibility as you deal with t h e brothers in Chris- son, but to appofion Your t i m e t o read the
tian love. entire assignment before class t h e next day.
There is no need for andety ;egadeless of your Notes: N o marks or notes should be made in
education or your ability. You will find .chat the this textbook. If you wish to make personal notes
course has been prepared so that you can benefit your studies YOU may do so, but ~ l e m do e not
iuuy and without any embarrassment. It is the endeavor t o COPY out Passages from t h e textbook.
desire of the instructor to help, you get the sense In discussing t h i s 3Iatefid later with other bmth-
of the materia] and to assist y'ou t o see how you ers, YOU l ~ fxi~ a n to t rely on the Bible and other
miube able to muse it kter to aid the brothers in Society publieations to establish t h e points mder
the congreation in which you are an overseer. discussion rather than on a quotation from this
schedule for advity ~~~d~~ through F,+ textbook. n7hic5nrill not then be available to you
O r to them. W e feel +kt your time would be better
day lviU be as foUOWs: Zn themorning a&r break- spent getting t h e material in r i n d and making a
fast you mili be assigned to m e for certain work few
for about one hour. T h e lesson of the day ii desired. of %ormadon that
rnnsjderd hm 9:10 to 10:30. ~ f t ae ~be B P C ~ ~ helpfai
F :o Y O U congregation. Tirere
- tgn-rninute recess the class will r e m e for the 1s no need to m- t o o u + h e in your notes m y more
second lesson from 10:40 to 12:00, after which a fet' wb% at the most, as
time will not pemt it. The 'time you are here
~i.illbe an hour for the noon meal, rehation and
study. I n the afternoon you wflJ be asked to help at SdloOl be yflnt more p r o f i u b l ~in g-5
with the work for an hour after the noon meal; the Sense of the n a - k d and the Scrip- rea-
then there be a *l for 45 minutes, frmn mm for "hat is said, considering hen- you can
~ m ' ~ :
:Ao 2 ,"',iz:",z !~ ~~m~~ put such to practical use, thus helping t o k the
t ~ ;material in your mind Students are ask& not to
take recordings of dass or dining-room discus-
~ ",~p
" d ; " ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~~ ~b$ ~$&~ & 6 ~~ ~ , "
sions or lectures, or to W e pictz:es during school
help with some chores after the evening meal. sessions.
Saturday morning after breakfast the students Meetings: YOU be invited to attend the
will help with the work for an hour and then will regular Watd~towmstudy, Theocratic Ministry
meet a t 9 :10 for a lecture and class discussion School and S e r t i ~ emeeting of a congregation con-
until 10:30. After a ten-minute break there will venient to the Kingdom Ministry School during
be another lecture and class discussion from 10~40 the t\170weeks YOU are with the School. Ipossible,
to 12:OO. it is best t o attend these meetings on Friday and
Homework : me Sunday you &e e Lighter far Saimr-
at the S U ~ Y ,as the study ~ c h e d d is
School you should mad through the five lewm day morning and there is ample t i m e to attend on
to be considered on the first Monday and Itry to Sunday. Perhaps some of the material scheduled
Eet the main points in mind. Thereafter each for study on Friday- night can be studied t h e night
"minp your homework will consist of reading before, or before or aiter the meeting, so that YOU
r h r o u ~ hthe five lessons ta be considered the iol- be prepared for class the folloiring day.
l o i v i W day in class. It is expected t h a t each sh- Work Aasimments and Other Information: In
dent \rill take up to three hours an evening to most places 11-here the Iiing2orn iiIinisu). School
"pad this material. First (11 note the main head- is held it will be possible for the students to spcnd

about Ovo hours a day helping with the work, to them as oversers and how they c a n use it in
either in connection with preparing for or deaning their o m congrPgation.
up after meals, or assisting with other assign- Instructors, may want to vary t h e method of
ments. When your assignment is finished, if your handling material in class. Were are a few basic
supelpisor has nothing more for you to do, you suggestions: (13 Bluch of LFle materia1 can be
may have a little time left for further study. Ad- considered by class discussion, wjth the instructor
ditional information wiU be given you as necessary leading the thinking of the class by q u e ~ o mon
about rooming accommodations, 'arrange;emer,ts the material and then having the students read
for meals. laundry, etc. Some students v r d l fmd and discuss key scriptures. (2) It ~ x f lstimulate
they have time to enjoy field service with the thinking on t h e part of the students 6th a view
local congregation on the weekend they wiIl be to locai applicahon of the material if they are
attending the SchooI, or they may wish to reviw asked to comment how they personally hand!@
the material &already considered or prepare for the certain matters in their congregations. 13) At
foUaw-ing week. times, you may wish to ask certain students to
T o the Instructor: If more than one class of prep= a brief oraI report for the class on a cm-
students is enmlled at one time, then arrange- tain portion or aspect of the material Following
ments should be made for the instructors to alter- some repom, you may invite the class t o ask
nate classes, teaching one group in the morning questions of the speaker or to curnment on points
and the other in t h e afternoon, if that seems best, of special value. However, do not ask the whole
so that the students will get*the benefit of having - class t o prepare reports that they will never per-
two hstmctors. You may wish t o teach t h e same sonfly give, thus diverting their time from study-
material to both groups. Where well-qualified local - ing the material to conceneating on a small item
brothers are available who are good teachers, that will take only a few minutes in class. (4) Yon
they may be invited to share in t h e course by may wish to assign certain ones in the class to
delrvering certain. lectures o r ev& handling nn prepare to ask questions on the material under
occasional class session. one heading of t h e outline, with another portion
OR Saturdays the lectures may be accompanied of t h e class preparing questions on other material.
by Bass discussion if desired, timq,may be taken ( 5 ) Or you could have certain ones serve as a
to consider questions submitted by students or you panel and prepare to m v e r questions by the
may re\iew highlights of the week's study. others. ( 6 ) To be sure to get to the main point of
It is felt that the students wilI have plenty to do certain material, you may wish t o hterviav stu-
reading through the material for consideration dents who have prepared certain material for
without giving them additional homework to pre- class, rather t h a n have them give a report (7)To
pare that w i l l appreciably cut into their study a limited extent, students m a y be asked to handle
period. However, for variety certain assignments certain portions of the material, being assigned
may be made. The instructor m a y wish to consider in advance t o cwer a given part of t h e outline.
giving such assignments t o students who are able If necessary, they may be given -time to do the
to cover the assignment without difficulty. Written necessary preparation during t h e time that other
reviews are not scheduled for this course as there students are caring for other work assignments.
is so much valuable materid to be discussed. Any Some teaching suggestions are being incorpo-
reviews of key points of the material may be rated in t h e material, but other items may be
handled orally toward the close of the class ses- posted by the instructor on the information board
sions. To give the students more time t o concen- or assigned in class for preparation by t h e stu-
k a t e en the material scheduled for this course, dents. Variety in handIing a hte material is good,
they are not being asked t o develop their a m but do not unduly burden the students with special
Theocratic Ministry School or service meeting, but assignments t o prepare for class as a regular
rather are invited t o attend t h e one arranged by thing, especially if they have difficulty reading
t h e local congregation. through their assignment of homework.
Try t o hpress the materid on the minds of In some dasses, if the instructor obsenres that
the students, so that when they complete a class certain brothers have difficulty in reading the
they have the main point well in mind, or the homework assignment due to language or eduea-
principal points of the outline, rather than trying tional difficulties, he may wish to arrange for
t o m e m b e r a wide variety of minor or technical swerd brothers who are good readers to work
points. This may call for repetition, special empha- with such ones, reading the material aloud and
sis of principaI ideas or use of verbal illuskations. brieffy discussing it, so all wiU be well p r e p m i
Avoid cluttering up the c o r n with a variety of for class.
charts and diagrams, as the students may become h some Ian&, due to Wering religious view-
so interested in copying these that they miss much points of the people or dficulties in mnuection
of the valuable materid under discussion. Jesus with tfie minisw, arrangements for meetings or
wed ilJusb-ations, but they were verbal on- eas- the manner of a w i n g on the fidd minkby may
ily understood. Help the students to see the prac- be slightly different than u-hat is aufLined in thisl
ticality of the course. how the material applies course, and in such cases the instructor should

make appropriate adjusbnents in &discussing the into consideration the abilities of the one being
material with the brothers sa as to be in harmony counseled so that he feels helped, not reprimanded.
with local arrangements. This textbook is not Never belittle the efforts of a student, but show
intended t o provide rules for our ministry, but it loving interest in each one.
should be adapted to meet local needs in accom- Advance preparation each day is important to
plishing our goal of worshiping Jehovah and mak- conduct effective classroom sessions, even though
ing disciples. you have cbnducted the course many a e s . When
If questions arise to which you do not know the discussing Lesson No. 46 it will be helpful. t o
answer, da not guess. Simply say you do not know. have some forms provided by t h e Society available
Get the information later on if you can. When for use in the class discussion, If you plan to refer
problems are presented that involve judging the to a certain textbook in class, be sure to ask the
rightness of action of others, such as disfeilow- students to bring it beforehand.
shiping actions, etc., do not pass judgment on T h e instructor should keep in mind that the
them. At best you are hearing only one side of the purpose of the course is not to provide a set of
story and, as a consequence, you do not have a rules for thf!brothers, but rather to direct them to
full picture of the matter. You may draw attention the Bible as our guide in life and in dealing with
t o the principles that would govern a decision in the problems that the brothers encounter in the
such matters, but it is not up to you to apply them. congregations. As elders, the students will want
During classroom sessions both the Lnstructor to use this material to strengthen the brothers
and the students should be addressed as Brother they are associated with as they participate zeal-
with their last name. ously in the work God has given us t o do now, and
Counsel should be given in a kindly way, taking is they prepare for life in Jehovah's new system.

Symbols !Htles
ad -Aid ta B$bZe Undwstanding
fr - Defending and LegdZy Establishing the Good News
g -Awake!
im - ''Things in WIaich It Is ,lmpos&ible f w God to Lid'
is -Is the Bible Really the Word of God?
j p -Jehovah's Witflesses in tb DMne Pwpose
kj -"Tbflations Shall Know tkat I Am Jehovah"-How P
Ei - f i f e Everlasting-in Freedom of the Sons of God
mn -'Look! 1 Ana Naking AZZ Things BedJ
ms - "Make Bum of All Things; Hold Fast t o What Is Fine"
or - Orgawizatbn for Iidngdom-preachi~g and Disciple-
pnn -Paradise Restored to EfalzkinodBy Theommy?
qm -Qualified to Be Minixters (Revised)
sg -Theocratic Ministry School Guidebook
si -"All Smiptur~Is Ifispired of God and Bare-1"
tr -The Tmth That Leads t o E t m d Life
w -The W a t c h t o w
yb -Yearbook
Subject Lesson Scheduled far Subjsct
Jehovah God, His Qualities and 28 Mon. 9:10 Helping Men in the Conmgation
Dealings 29 " 10:40 The Service Meeting
Our Relationship with Jehovah 30 * 2 :10 Jehovah's Progressive Organization
Recognizing Jehovah's Organization
31 " 3: 00 hportance of the Shepherding Work
Origin and Authenticity of the Bible
32 " 4 : 30 Readjushg Your Erring Brother
What Makes Good Overseers
33 Tues. 9 : 10 Helping Women in the Congregation
6 Tues. 9: 10 Jesus Christ-His Place in God's 34 " 10: 40 The Theocratic M i n i s t q School and
Purpose Public Meetings
Responsibilities of Members of the 35 " 2: 10 Our Responsibiltig to God and
Emproving $peaking and Teaching
36 " 3 :00 The Issue af Sovereignty-HOW It
ARects Ua
37 " 4:30 Preparation for Baptism and Field
God's GovernmentTA Reality Ministry
Studying t h e Bible pith Beneiit
38 Wed. 9: 10 Family Training for L i f e
39 " TO :40 Christian Conscience and Spiritual
11 Wed. 9:10 How the Elders Work Together as a Maturity
BO~Y r 40 " 2: 10 Kingdom Hall-Center of Pure
Giring Counsel to Individuals Worship
House-b-Rouse Ministry 41 " 3: 00 Worldwide Organization to. Praise
Showing Full Appreciation for 42 " 4 :30 Marriage, Separation and Divorce
Jehovah's Temple
Preaching from House to House
43 Thurs. 9 :10 Pursuing the Way of Love
44 " 10:40 safeguard in^ the Cleanness of the
-16 Thurs. 9:10 Building Up Spirituality in the Congregation, Part 1
Congregation 45 " 2: 10 Helping Others t o Make
Reaching All Who Will Hear
46 " 3: 00 Handling Congregation Records and
Making Return Visits Correspondence
Responsibilities of Overseers 47 " 4: 30 Accurately Teaching the Nap of
Visiting Those Showing Interest Truth

48 Fri 9: 10 Safeguarding the CIeatmess of the

Congregation. Part 2
Life, Marvelous Gift of God 49 " 1 0 :40 How to Aid Those with Marital
The W a t c f ~ t o w e rand Congregation Problems
Book Studies 50 " 2: 10 Resumtion Magnifies God's Power
Rome Bible Stndy Ministry and Love
Whole-Souled Service to Jehovah 51 * 3:00 LegalRightsandDifficnltTimes
Conducting Home Bible Studies 52 " 4 :30 The Valne of Discipline and Counsel
from 3ehovd-1

53 Sat. 9:10 Errdurance That Results in Divim

26 Sat. 9:lO Operations of t h e Holy Spirit Appmval
27 " lU:40 How Bible Laws Are Administered 54 " I0 :40 "An Interchange of EnconragementN
No. 1 - Y3-t M o n h y , 9:10

Jehovah God, His Qualities and Dealings

HOW WE CAN COME TO EXOW JEHOVAEI Nothing can separate us from God's love if we
In order to know Jehovah,we mufi~comunicate serve h i . faithfully (Rom.8:38, 39)
with him Our imitating God's lwe and kindnes recom-
He s p e x to us through h i m which is his mends us as true worshipers ( J o h 13:35;
revelation to= 2 Cor. 6:4, 6 )
about himself m d his p w p s e s
(2 Pet. 1:20,21: Isa.46:s-13;Rom. 16:23,26)
We must diligently search his Word t o get the R e is devoted to right&ess and .trueness
knorr+ledgeand >understandingof hi and his [Rev. 15:3, 4; 16:5)
wavs, which mean everlastins h?e (Prov. 2: Because of his loyalty, he can be d m d e d cm to
John 15:3) direct the way of- his people, guiding their
We r n k anproach him mnstantlv by means of lives or souls (Rev. 2:7,8; Ps. 97:lO)
b y d t y (to Jehovah, 20 his bgdom, to the con-
gregation and t o our brothers) is a facet of the
To come to h o r n Jehovah, we must meditate mpon new personality that we must put on (Eph
him, letting our thoughts dwell appreciatively 4:24)
on him and his ways j Ps. 143:5) H e is holy, righteous and just
Jehovah's wonderful works of creat5on help us to The quality of holiness belongs to Jehovah (Ek.
come to h o w him as he meals himself thmugh 39~30;2 k h . 14:25)
them (Rorn. 139, 20; Rev:4:lf) T h e Israelites were mmtantly m d e d that
- he is the Source of dl holiness (Ex 28:36,373
W e also come to know J e h h as we permndly J m Christ addressed him as "Holy Father7'
yield to his direction and experience fulfillment (John 17:ll)
of -his promises ( P m .3:6; Ps. 34:8) Cleanness (holiness3 in the superlative degree
is attributed t o Jehovah by those in the heav-
WHAT W E LEARN A W U ? JEHOVAB ens (h. 6:3; Rev. 4:s)
He is the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, and He can be worshiped only in hob-; one prac-
rightly so, because he is the Creator, the Source ticing wickedness is disgusting in his sight
of life, the All-wise, Almighty and Eternal One (Prov. 21:2'7)
(Ps.36:9; 90:1,2; Rom. 11:33-36;Rev. 1:s) Jehovah is called the ''abiaing place of righteous-
ness" (Jer. 50:'i)
Jehovah is the Great Provider for man and the He abides by his d m standard of righteousness
unixTe.erse without deviation; we can have umost con-
He is mpable of ofsatisfying the n e c k of aZI man- fidence in him (Ps.89:14)
kind, both spiritually and materially (Gen. 2: B s specific commands may vary toward indi-
8,9; Ps. 145:15,16) viduals and times, but he remains ever con-
H e provided hope for mankind in the m s o m stant in righteous judgments (Dew 32:4;
(Gen.3:15; John 3 :16) Ps.92: 15; B e k . 33:17-20)
Re has made himself h e w n by his personal name, TO Prove a.~rselvesto be children of God, w e
Jehovah, as represented by the Hebrew Tetra- must practice righteousness (1 John 3:10)
As Supreme Judge and Statutegiver, he is a
grammaton (YHWH) ( G n . 2:4)
The meaning of his name ("He Cames t o Be- . .
"'Jover of . justice" (ha. 33:22;Ps. 33:s;
Job 37:23)
come") indicates that he fulfills his purposes
(E~. 3: 13-16;mek. 36: 20-23;Ps.83:18; ad He shows no pax*tiality in dealing with his cEa-
888) tures (Acts 10:34, 35)
His judgments are administered according to
QUALITIES OF JEHOVAH TO m A T E facts (Rorn. 25-11;Heb. 4:13)
Jehovah is a ~d of love and kindness (1 J - O ~ The exercise of justice according to God's stan-
4:s; Ex. 34:6) d a d s is not a burden; man's happiness actual-
H e created man in His image and liken-, also ly depends on it (Ps.106:3; Isa. 56:L 2)
variety in plants, animals, food, association, men you acf as judges, you exerdse
etc., for man t o enjoy (Gen. 1:26-31;2 : 181 justice (Mic. 6:8)
The p a t e s t manifestation of his love was the The wisdom of God is unsearchable (lbm If:
giving of his own faithful only-begotten Son 33-36)
as a redeemer for mankind (John 3:16;Rom. His wisdom is absolute: there is nothing beyond
5:8) his understanding (ha.40:13, 14;Job
Jehovah's dealings with man are expressions of Wis wisdom is evident in the creation; entire
his "Iovlng-kindnesses" and "wndesewed kind- universe functions man~elouslp,demonstrates
ness'yps. 2 5 : 6 ; Rom. 3:23, 24) order I1Cor. 14:33)

His wise mord standards are vital for stability, Jehovah's love, patience and long-Mering, as
sound judgment and successful human living well as his justice, are outstanding facets of
(Deut. 32 :4-6) his personality revealed in his dealings with
H e will give us "wisdom from above" if w e asl; fleshly Israel (Ex. 34:4-9;Neh. 9:16, 17)
for i t in faith (Jas. 1:5; 3:lV T h o u ~ hexecuting the instipators of rebellion and
Jehovah uses his power with patience and long- pr&ouncing Tudgment - a g a M disobedient
ones, Jehovah continued to put up with the
suffering murmuring and complaining of the Israelites
Being almighty, God has the potx7erand authority and did not cease providing for them (Num.
to deal as he wishes (Isa. 40:25, 26; Jer. 143-12,29;16:1-3,32,33, 41-49;Eom. 10:21)
Jehovah has demonstrated his patience and Iong- Even after his own Son was slain due t o their
suffering from t h e beginning of man's history rejection of him, He continued to favor them
12 Pet. 3:91 for a period of tkree and a half years
could have justly executed Adam and Eve in As a result, repentant thousands accepted the
Eden, but displayed long-suffering for t h e provision of salvation through his Son (A&
sake of unborn descendants (Rom. 8:20, 21) 2 :14-41)
God is long-suffering only as long as this is in As an imitator of God, exercise restraint: in
harmany with justice, righteousness and dealing with wrongdoers, not approving their
wisdom; his patience does not -continue for- wrong conduct, but helping them to change
ever (Gen. 6: 3; Isa. 63:10) - weir course through repeated admonition
Patience and long-suffering on our part recom- (1 Thess. 5: 14,15)
mend us as God's ministers (2 Cor. 6 : 4 , 6;
Jas. 5:7, 10, 111 Jehovah's dealhgs with individuals such as David
and Peter reflect his marve1ous qualities
He is a God of mercy &en though labeled "a man agreeable to m y
Mercy is a characteristic of God's personality, heart" by Jehovah, David committed a grave
his normal way of reacting toward those in sin against Him and His law (2 Sam. 11:l-27)
need (2 Cor. 1:31 Jehovah did not permit close relationship, sen-
As a m&ciful God, 'he desires that dl gain life timentality or partiality to keep him from
( 2 Pet, 3:9) punishing David (2 Sam. 12:1-23)
Kis mercy is never out of balance with his justice B u t for all his faults and gross sins, David
( ~ z e k . - 3 31416)
: always showed the right heart condition by
Unrepentant ones, deserving of punishment, repenting and begging Jehovah's forgiveness,
m o t presume on God's mercy; his mercy thus warranting Jehovah's continued mercy
has h u t s (&a. 9:17;63:'7-10) (Ps.32:3, 5, 7)
There is forgiveness for repentant ones [Isa. Jehovah's dealings with the apostle Peter show
55 :7 ) his love, compassion and undeserved kindness
Re does not abandon them, but mercifully Peter's impetuous acts and finally his denial
supplies aid and direction (Jarj. 5:13-16) of Jesus three times were forgiven by Je-
When we manifest mercy, we properly reflect hovah; Peter's attitude called for Jehovah's
the personality of our heavenly Father (Luke compassion (Matt. 26 :51, 52, 69-75]
6:36) Jehovah blessed the later ministry of Peter
LEARNJNG FROM JEHOVAH'S DEALINGS due to his faith and fine works [Luke 2232;
WITH MANKIND John 21 :15-17;Acts 2 :14-41)
In his dealing with the rebellion in Eden, Jehovah These examples should encourage us personally
demonstrated his wisdom, justice, love and not to reject the discipline of Jehavah and
power not t o fail t o seek Jehovah's forgiveness for
H e outlined a provision for f-g his divine our transgressions (Heb. 12:5, 6 )
purpose, following up that provision by his
covenants and promises (Gen. 3 ~ 1 5 ;1 Cor. Jehovah's will t o carry out his purposes is mag-
2:7; Eph. 1:8-11;Luke 22:291 nified by his dealings
chief purpose is the sanctification and vin-
His justice did not condone unrighteousness but Hisdication
declared punishment for n~rongdoers (Gen. of his name and sovereignty (Ps.
3 :14-19) 83: 18; Rom. 9:17)
He displayed love toward t h e descendants af Jehovah has not changed regarding his promises
Adam by providing a ransom, repurchase and purpose (Mal. 3:6; Jas. 1;17)
price (1 John 4 :10) His judgment of Adam has not changed, al-
His power was used to execute judgment against though the offspring of Adam are being
wicked ones reconciled to God (Rom. 5:10, 11, 14-16)
When handling judicid matters in your congre- H e will judge those not keeping his regulations
gation, imitate Jehovah; be firm in upholding (Ea. 24:5, 6 )
his law, yet merciful toward repentant ones He refines and purifies his people, using his
(Jas. 3:lJ) Word t o accomplish this (Ps.17:3;Mal. 3 3 )

He wants mankind to return to him (Jer. cation of his name, J e h d , T e Causes to

f8:7-ll: 2 Cor. 5:1&201 Become" (Rev. 15~3, . 4)-
or'@& the earth will he D ~ A I POW&
~' ~t is i m ~ r t mfor
t us to appr-&
fulfilled the qualities of Jehovah and t o see how we, i na
Re ufl the m g the earth I-. w f e d may, ~ ~ e h o h dd-
be i m i b t o of
11:18) ing with our brothers
He bless who a S'W'dve to -bit SOURCES: ~d m,-344.384. ~ ~ , 1 0f ~ ~ 35l,m.,
the earth [Rev. 7:9-11) 10S20s2~094,1139,1140,~252,1411,1660;ms 264-269;tr 17-26
ws Original purpose fulmd to lo@Vf TEACHING
justice and power, bringing about t h e -dl-
SUGGESTION: Class discussion, with
questions by instructor and comments by students

No, 2 - First Monday, 10:M

Our Relationship with Jehovah
JEHOVAH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT One needs to meet certain qualifications in order
PERSOYAGE IX THE UNIVERSE to come inXo relationship with Jehovah; such
relationship is not f o r M on anyone, but Je-
One of our rqmmibjlities as elders is to help hovah offers us that opportunity bemuse of
others appreciate our position as humans in his undeserved kindness [Tits 3:47)
relation to God First, one must take in accurate knowldge of
A key point to k a r in mind in considering o m God and exercise faith in him and in his p m
relationship with Jehovah 'is this: "By him vision for salvation through Jesus Christ
[Jehovah] we have life and mobv and ex+$' (Web. 11:5; John l7:31
(Acts 17:283 Then repentance over one's sins is necessary,
As the Creator, Jehovah is the One t o whom we since we are all descendants of the s h e r
are indebted for life and everything t h a t sus- Adam and we have all misused our life by
tains it (Gen, 1:27,28; Ps. 104:14) failing to do the will of our Creator (Acts
Since all of us are so completely dependent on 17:30;Rev. 4:11)
God, if we are to have a favorable relationship Repentance is a feeling of "regret, contrition,
with him we must recognize his position and or compunction, for what one has done or
our relationship to him omitted to do'"
Jehovah is t h e Superior One, the Potter, and we Repentance marks a halt in one's wrong mume,
are the inferior ones, t h e day [Isa. 64:X;Jer, a desisting from a course based on anek rn
18:6S standards of right and m n g (Rev. 3:7;
Acts 3 :19)
Jehovah is the Source of all m e wisdom; his It includes abandoning such things as fomica-
wisdom f a r esceeds that of any creature (Rom, tion and adultery, homosexuality, drunken-
16:27; Jer. 10:12) ness, thievely. murder, greed, reviling, ex-
It does not '%long'' t o man to direct his steps; tortion, lying and coveting (1 Cor. 6:9-11)
not that man cannot to do it, but he is not It requires that one withdraw from participa-
equipped t o do i t successfdly apart from the tion in all activities, organizations and move-
direction that God provides (Jer. 10:23; Prov. ments t h a t are in opposition to God; must be
12:15) "no part of the world" (John 15 :19;Jas. 4:4;
To enjoy a good relationship with Jehovah we 1 John 2: 15, 16)
must listen to all that he says and conform to Next, one must turn around or be converted; he
his will; he will guide us in ways that are for not only must fee1 sorry over the past misuse
our owm l m n g good (Ps. 16:ll; Prcv. 35-7) of his life but also must turn to doing the
w i l l of God; there must be "works t h a t kfit
His greamess is enhanwd by hjs love, which repentance" (Acts 26:20; R o n 6:lf)
should Min us confidence and draw us to Should seek out and actively associate with
him with a desire t o do his will (1 John 4: true worshipers (Ps.119:63)
16-19) Should do t h e work assigned to C k k & m ,
COMKXG INTO A RELATlONSHIP namely. preach the good news and make
WITH JEHOVAH disciples (Nark 15:10; Ma# =:I93
Newly interested ones, and those preparing for Should reflect god J' qualities in dealings with
baptism, n 4 our help to grasp fully what is others (Luke 6:35,35; Gal. 5:22, 23; 6:10)
involved in entering into a relationship with Further, the one who has repented and converted
Jehovah must "disown himself," disclaiming ownership
of himself and, instead, freely committing the
tVe are not born as persons who are approved by guidance of his life course to Jehovah God,
God; rather tve are alienated from him because acknowledging Jesus Christ as his exemplar
of sin and imperfection (Ps. 51:5; Col. 1:313 (Matt. 16~24;1 Pet. 2:21)

This is what we wlZ "dedication" Must respect what w e read of Jehot~&'s corn-
'Diolming onesev does not mean that .one mands ; let them go\-em not only in big things,
must cease all secular work, though the kind but in every facet or' our life
of work one does and the amount should be Apply the counsel t o ounelves and make nec-
governed by God's Word (Eph. 4:28: Xatt essmy changes
6:24) Association also of great \due [Heb. 10:24, 23)
'Disoming oneself' certainly does not mean that Bad associations spoil useful habits (I COT.
family responsibilities may now be ignored 13:333
in order to share in other activities (Matt. Converse of thk is .true: ~ o o d=ociates will
15:5, 6 ; 1 Tim 5:8) aid us t o keep useful habits
Rather, in everything w e do we must be guided Can associate with Jehox-ah by revjevikg his
by the words of the One whom we have ae- Word and by pra,Yer
horvledged as Lard (Col. 3:15-241, and me Goad association helps one to maintain a right
should zealously share in the special work of attitude and motintion for \'orship D e u L
Kingdom-preaching and disciple-rnakig that 3L:12)
has been entrusted to Christians Regular participation in the fidd ministry a vital
Finally, one 'makes request to God for a g o d factor to keep a good relationship with Je-
conscience' by being b a p ~ e d ;thus symbol- hovah
izing one's fuIl dedication t o Jehovah (1 Pet. At various times Jehovah gives his servants
3:21) . special work t o perform. In these critical
Coming into a relationship with Jehovah requires last days it is a twofold one: that of proclaim-
more than desire on our part; it is possible only ing the good news of t h e Kingdom; secondly,
of teaching those who respond t o the King-
on God's terms, and only for those who conform dom message
to His requirements; it is God who lovingly This work being done in lirnfted t i m e so our
makes such an arrangement possible maintaining a right relationship with Je-
MA13TT41NI?t'GA GOOD RELATIONSHIP hovah depends in large measure on whether
RTTH JEHOVAH we zealously publicize God's kingdam or
show indifference; whether we advocate it
Personally we must maintain a good relationship or are silent about it
with Jehovah, and, as elders, it is our reqmn- Devoting time to this work is important, but
sibiliw t o help every individual in t h e congre- our semice t o Jehovah involves more. Our
gation t o do the same attitude, our desire to share the good news
h Revelation 2:4, a very searching statement is with others, our way of life and o w M y
made to the congregation in Ephesus : "Never- conduct have much to do with whether we
theless, I hold this against you, that you have enjoy Jehovah"~favor or not
left the love YOU had at first." Frayer is also important in maintaining a right
To maintain relationship with Jehovah one must relationship with Jehovah
not lose the intense initial love for the truth. For prayer t o reach Jehovah we must sincereIy
Recall the joy, satisfaction, peace of mind and live in harmony with the righteous principles
contentment the mth first brought you. That of hs Word I-. 1539;1 Pet. 3:7)
same love must continue if you are to please Prayer should show our interest in our brothers
Jehovah and sisters ( N o t e Lord" Prayer: '<Our Fa-
Jehovah's blessing must continue if one is to . . . .
ther . ", "give us today our bread . . ,.
"forgive us . "1 This includes fleshIy rela-

have jay and satisfaction in life (Pmv. 10:22)

Time daes not tarnish goldlike qualities of our tives and all seeking to please G o d and da
faith and belief in God's Word and promises. his will (Matt. 6:9-13;Jas. 5~16)
We believe just as firmly now in what God says Prayer shows a frank recognition of our com-
as when we first embraced the truth, and do plete dependence on God for everything; this
not want to be like those Paul rvrote about at cements a relationship with Jehovah t h a t
Galatians 5 :Ti (I Pet. I :?) brings joy to us
This requim that we pay attention to ourselves We pray to thank and praise Jehovah, also, in
and our teaching connection nith our ddcatitipn, at medtimes,
Need to examine our m y of life constantly t o ask forgiveness, during temptations, dm-
(1 Tim 4 3 6 ; Heb. 2:13 ing physical or spiritual difficulties, during
persecution, to make right decisions, in
Ways to maintain mnstmcy in our relationship handling problems intTolvhgthe brothers, on
with Jehovah: behalf of 'brothers rvho are in diEculty or
P e r s d sttidy necssxw (2 Tim. 2:E) danger, etc.
More than just reading invoked here: medita- W e want t o handIe matters as Jehovah rvodd
tion necessary (Ps. 7i:ll, l.2; h. X5:28; umt, so must dways seek his guidance
1 Tim.4:E) Maintain a good Iconscience, one trained in righ-
This means not just studying or reading to cmer tmusness. Do not violate your conscience, wen
material, but to get the sense of it though others may be offended. Your good

conscience gain& by making major changes Jehovah is infallible as o w Grand Tmtmctor

in your life. Do not allow seJf to violate good (Is&. 30:213, 21)
principles you have now begun following He knows \vhen we need certain I~I&s and
(IPet. 3:16; Acts 23:f 1 that we m o t absorb everything at one
D o not let someone else's conscience be your time IPS.143:10;John 16:12)
guide; to thrust aside your owm good m- ?B maintaining our relationship w i t h Jehovah
science may wsult in shipwreck to your soul we must watch that me do not become easily
(1 Tim. 1~18-20) stumbled or seek a way out of our responsi-
bilities t o Jehovah
RECOGXIZING HOW JEHOVAH Follotv the advice of James f :5, 6 as you seek
DEALS WITH US THROUGH for wisdom, rememhring to keep on asking
kV EARTHLY ORGASIZ,4TlOK in faith, "not doubting a t aU"
- Jehovah i s not dealirrg with persons individually HELPING OTHERS INTO. A
apart from the Christian congregation (Ma= RELATIOXSHIP WITH JEHOVAH
24: 4 5 4 7 ; Eph. 4:11-14)
Once we h o w his requirements and have estab-
Not many roads to follow far favored reJationship lished our relationship with Jehovah, our duty
with God: the Bible refers to one as "The Way" as shepherds and teachers is to aid others into
(Acts 9:2; 199) * this blessed relationship
Under Christ's headship, t h e "faithfd and dis- Show others t h e importance of a right mental
creet slave" helps t o guide us in this "Way" - attitude; none can assume relationship with
so we maintain a good relationship with Je- Jehovah, but we must seek to know him and
hovah his will for us, then do it with a whole heart
This "Way" includes: Love among ourselves; (Matt. 7 : 7 )
respect for God's Word; sanctifying God's God is not forcing anyone into a relationship
namc; proclaiming the kingdom of God as with him; but it must be entered by us tvill-
man's true hope; keeping .separate h m the ingly
world and its aEairs To all in the conamtion it is vitd to stress this
Thus i t is evident that superficial identification need of mnthkaay maintaining a close rela-
w-ith the Christian congregation is no guaran- tionship with Jehovah
tee of Gods appmval; \17e must walk in 'The As opportunity aiTords in handling parts on
- Way''
W e must maintain the right attitude tornard Je-
meetings, in commenting at such, in f i l i n g
brothers in their homes, in all ways of life,
hovah's earthIp o e t i o n to have the right speak of Jeho~-zhand the need of establish-
relationship nith him ing and maintaining a relationship with him.
The organization is fallible, subject t o making It brings eternal benefits to those who do
mistakes; this requires us to show loyalty MAIS POTXT: The big responsibility of elders is
and to wait upon Jehovah t o correct any
defects (Ma= 7:9-11; fleb. 13:17) to help brothers appreciate and strengthen their
relationship with Jehovah by fully submitting
One maintaining a good relationship with Je- themselves to the doing of E s wiU
box-ah does not run ahead on his own if he
feels a Scriptural point is misunderstood;
he waits upon Jehovah, knowing that "food TEACVING SUGGESTION: hstruetor leads class in
at the proper time" will be forthcoming discussion of material, having students look up and
(Prov. 4:18; Matt. 24~43) discuss key scriptures

No. g - Fht Monday, Z:10

Recognizing Jehovah's Organization

JEHOVAH IS HEAD OF GRAND Do we appreciate this heavenly organization?
HEAVENLY ORGANIZATION should recogize its power and services in our
Heavenly matures are organized into an efficient behalf 12 K. 635-17;Ps.343;Heb. l:l4)
and orderly arrangement for our benefit Jesus recognized this heaven]y organizaBon, and
h d ' s first creation a "master worker"; &O its power t o back up God's earthly serr.ants
cherubs, seraphs and millions of other angels (Matt. 26:531
aen7e under God's directron (PToI'.S:30; Ps.
Bible describes the angels as organized into RECOGNITION DUE
"thrones, lordships, governments, authorities' ITS REPRESEh'T+?iTmS
ICol. 1:16E ~ i s e \rras
s sent by God to deliver Israelites who
All angels a= accountable t o Jehovah for duties became His select nation or organization; Aamn
performed (Dan. 7:9, 10; Job 1:6; 2 1 ) was spokesman for 3 1 0 s ~ ~

God's backing of Moses and Aaron evidenced anything humans say (IPet. 1:24,25; 2 Pet.
by signs-rod to serpent; leprous hand; water 1:20,21)
to blood (Ex.4:2-9, 30, 31) The evidence is clear that the firstam
At Mount Sinai Jehovah spoke ta Moses, and Christian congregation was established by
the people heard His voice; they saw that God
hioses was his speriaE represenmtive (Ex. Christian congegation is G d s "servan5" his
19:9) "faithful and discreet slave,'"at he en-
If you were there, mould you*have -ed with weighty responsibility of providing "food
~s arrangement, submitbng to directions at the proper time" (Matt. 24:454'1; compare
and laws given thm& b f ~ s e s ? Isaiah 43:10)
From the time of outpourhg of spirit at Pen*
Some failed to m e God's ~ e p m w m e s , cost 33 C.E., "dav&' class proceeded to take
3feses and Aaron care of its appainM responsibility (Luke 12:
Korah, D a m and Abiram did not mxognke 42-44)
md's representatives, with disastrous d t s Not all members of "slave" wrote counsel to
t o themselves and their thousands of sup- congregations, or gave admonition in public
porters ( Num. 16:1-50] discourses (1Tim. 2:12)
Even Miriam and Aaron had difficulty remgnjz- But every member of "slave" 'class shared in
i n g the organizational armgernenl with Mo- - imparting spiritual food to new believers; alT
ses their brother as God's appointed servant, in various ways contributed to upbuilding in-
m d suffered rebuke ( N m . 12:l-16) . dividual congregation members, the "domes-
As we look back, do we wonder how Israelites tics" (Eph. 4:16)
could be so blind as not t o r&ognize God's From among "slave" certain ones served as vis-
visible representatives? Could they not see ible governing body; first-century govenirng
that Moses and Aaron were God's represents- body was made up of the apostles and other
ti\-es? Yes, but they failed to apply in their "older men" in Jerusalem (Acts 15:2, 6, 23)
lix-es what they h e w Under the direction of the governing body, "older
? men'*or "overseers" and "ministerial servantsy"
JEHOVAH ESTABLISHED CHR1STIA.K were appointed in congregations (Acts 14:23;
In time, God sent his only-begotten Son to earth IDENTTFYING MODERN "SLAVE" C W S
t o lay the foundation for the Christian congre- T- h--e atzestion
2 - -- - of Blatthe\sr 24:45 Is vital: Who i
gation: events at his birth and baptism prove realty is that. slave today?"
In identifiing; t h e "'slave," Matthew 24346 js
- God sent him (Luke 2:10, 11; Matt. 336, 17) noteworth< for it says that cm the >Taster's
Jesus identified a special work for God's nmv return the "slave'" would be found providing
Christian congregation, that of preaching God's food
kingdom and making disciples (Matt. 24:14; Et-idence of hisbry is clear that when Christ
25:19. 201 nut in second a p p e m c e at end of "appointed
Christian congregation was established with out- h e s of the nations" in 1914 only one organi-
pouring of holy spirit on day of Pentecost 33 zation was feeding people spiritual "food at
C.E.after Jesus' ascension to heaven t h ~proper time'"
Credentials of that organization are strong,
Organization established by God, not men even as it is clear that Moses, Christ and
God chose Christ to be head of the congrega- first-century Christian organization were
tion, and he purchased the congregation with Cod's representatives
blood of his Son (Eph. 1:22, 23;Acts 20:28) Can tve help others appreciate that the organi-
God also chooses the members of the congrega- zation with which we are serving is God's,
tion, setting each one in place as it pleases that it is the one being supplied with spiritual
him; complete number 144,000(1 Cor. i2:18, food by his "slave"?Are we convinced of it
27, 28; Rev. 14:1-4;20: 4-6) -.
First members of mngregation anointed on N o one person among Jehovah's tvitn- is the
Pentecost 33 C.E.; holy spirit there stimulat- "sla\.e," but, rather, the remaining & m
ed the activity resulting in 3,000being added of spirit-begotten ones on earth as a class at '
to the mngnqption of about 120 (Acts 1:15; any given time, coestihlb t h e "slave'"
2:1-4*4) "Slave" dass pmvides food for individual mem-
Rely spirit m & Peter to preach to Carnehs, bers described as "domestia"
the first norrchum&d Gentile member of Now "'sla~-e"' enjays a new position, being a p
the congregation; i t was not something hi- pointed over all Christ's earthly "belongings"
tiated by Peter (A& 10:4448) ( M a t t 24:47)
Jehovah caused the Bible to be written to gw- Since 1935,in particular, ''s~\F'' has been m-
ern his conwgatition; i t unites the organi2a- ing for the "great crowd" of "'other sheep*'
tjon earth wide and takes predence mTer gathered into God's o w t i o n

As in first century,certain members of "slave" =den should not permit gmater control they
&ass are selected to be the governing body, have now of congregational activities to muse
which, directed by holy spirit, makes appoint- them to become proud, independent (Rom.
ment of overseers and ministerial sewants 12:3)
"Save" class has organized legal corporations, At the same timee,elders must, in Imitation a
such as Watch Tower Eible and Tract Society Jesus, stand l%m for righteous Bible atan-
of !Pennsylvania and others, in order t h a t dards, hating what is bad, working to keep the
preaching work may k most effectively ac- organization clean [Heb. I:9)
mmplis hed under present-day conditions
Governing M y does not handle dl conspon- RECOGSITION OF ORGANIZATIBX
dence nith congregations, but works thmugh SHOlt'N BY EMULATING
the legal corpomtions and elders w h o have JEITOVAH'S LOliING WAYS
h n appointed to work in b m c h offices and
Tn conqregations
. W e are put to a test: Do we see the hand of God
Jehovah is a campassionate overseer, tenderly
leading his people, feeding them and protecting
them (ha. 40: 50,ll.; Ps. 103:13,141
in these organizational arrangements? Are we
deeply convinced this- is Jehovah's organiza- Elders, who serve as undershepherds of God and
tion? Or is it only that Jehovah's witnesses Christ, should deal the same way rvith the flock
seem t o have the best religion we have f w n d ? Mothers with children may find it hard to do
Also, do we truly appreciate that Christ, and no ' everything-getting them all ready far meet-
man, is head of the congregation? Do our ings--and so m a y be late. Are you glad t o see
actions show it? them when they finally get them?
Jehovah shows consideration far the young and
Our acceptability t o God depends on our willing- weak, so overseers who recognize God's or-
ness to serve dong with other imperfect men. ganization will also
overlooking their shortcomings, treating Others in the congregation are old; they may
"slave'ha Christ's brothers (Matt. 23 :31-46) have limitations and shortcomings. How do
you deal with them? (Lev. 39:32; Pmv. 20:29;
RECOGNITION OF O R G ~ I Z A T I O N 1 Tim. 5:l)
sfibW%BY IMITATLUG THE Failure to show patience with limitations of
HUJlILITP OF CHRIST aged, perhaps their slowness, could lead t o
Jesus, although chosen head of the congregation, our losing God's favor
s e n d as minister of all (Matt. 20:26-28; Phil. Recogrtlzing Jehovah's organization requires that
2:5-S) we recognize not just those "above" us, but all
- S m n g to .those who were to become elders and
our brothers as Jehovah's people
members of the governing body, Jests on the
last evening with them emphasized t h e need for BENEFITS OF RECOGMIZIYG
them to minister to others and not seek promi- JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATlOS
nence Close relationship with Jehovah; we mil be in
Apostles had manifested worldly spirit, being harmony with him and his ways
concerned as to who was t h e greatest (Luke Fine relationship with brothers and sisters. As
22:24) they love Jehovah, so they will love us k a u s e
This disbute arose at least twice in the same year we axe copying Him
(Marlr 9:33-37; Matt. 20 :20-28) We will realize that we are not carrying load
On his final night as a human, Jesus used the ourselves, but that the vast heavenly and
occasion to teach humility by serving as a earthly organization is backing us up
slave to his apostles, washing their feet (John Happy prospect is that all-the entire congrega-
13:4-15) lion-will survive the "great tribulation" and
continue ta sene as part of Jehovah's grand
In modem history of God's organization. some organization forever
elective elders in 1920's and 1930's had a proud,
independent spirit, and some rejected what was MAXK P(41h"T: By our being humble and imitat-
said in the W a t c h t o ~ e magazine
r and put forth ing Jehovah" loving ways, Ireimitate Chrislt the
their cnrn ideas Head of the congregation and show that we truly
Elders today should properly have humble spirit, recognize this is God's organization
looking for guidance from the "slave" and its SOURCES: 7-f3: 36-33
appointed representatives -CmG SUGG-ON: To be givm ag a -1
,.4 - First Monday, 3:00
Origin and Authenticity of the Bible
DGICAL THAT GOD WOULD PROVIDE A It is reasonable that God could thus communicate
tudy of the universe, including life on earth, Astronauts in space or on moon broadcast mes-
sages and pictures back to earth; can be re-
testifies; t o the existence of a Creator, Life- corded with wrecision
giver (Rorn. 1:20; Ps. 139:14)
Man's Creator has far greater capacity (Lsa.
nly a permanent written record could answer 40:26)
questions succeeding generations ask Various means of inspimtion used, but results
What is origin of universe and mankind? Why always accurate
are we plagued with sickness and death? What Sometimes men simply wrote God's words
does the future hold? More importantly: What
does t h e Creator approve, disapprove and re- verbatim, xs human secretaries (Ex.343273
quire of us? How c a n we fit into His purposes? Dreams and visions conveyed divine messages,
Written record not as liable to corruption as and as pictures or messages superimposed on
oral tradition the mind, were recorded permanently in the
Bible has not been influenced by legends; bas Bible (Gen.15:12-16;1 Ki. 3:5)
been widely circulated in accurate form Visions impressed a revelation on conscious
Some 16,000 handwritten copies of the Bible mind or on mind of one in a trance (Ekek.
(or parts) are available, some dating 'back I:1; Acts 10:9-17)
to second century before Christ I
Writers often used their own mental faculties in
3ur personal experience with human fathers as- selecting words, providing diversity of style
sures us that t h e universal God would provide (Eccl. 12:10)
man with such important information Yet, were still guided and controlled by spirit, ..
O n matters of highest importance, esp6cially so end product was inerrant
when many persons are involved, exact written Though various methods used, all of Bible is
records are necessary equally inspired
Material universe shows God excels in loving
interest; this argues that he ~vouldprovide a BIBLE ABOUNDS IN CLEAR EVIDENCE
guide for mankind
GOD USED MEN TO WRTTE, BUT BIBLE Accurate, reliable facts in Bible manifest its
Bible began t o be written in 1513 B.C.E., about It is historically sound, in contrast to other
1,000 years before Buddha and Confucius ancient accounts
Twenty-ttvo of Bible's writers were finished be- Scholars recognize that ancient Egyptian,
fore Confucius, Buddha and Lao-au (founder Assyrian, Persian and Babylonian accounts
of Taoism) were born. Entire Bible written are full of exaggeration, myths and lies
before t h e birth of Mohammed (mn 5-10) Important historical persons and events, pre-
The Bible does not daim merely t o be about God, viously known only from the Bible and
but produced at God's direction doubted by critics, have been confirmed by
Contrary to human inclination, men who wrote archaeology
Eible books did not claim personal credit, but Cuneiform tablets mention Jehoiachin; con-
credited God (Isa. 2 0 3 ; Jer. 1:9) firm 2 Kings 25:27-30 (is 46)
Ehen Jesus, recognized as the outstanding Bible gives specific names and datable infor-
teacher of Bible record, testified that his mation as in 1 Kings 149.5;Jeremiah 27:20;
information was from God (John 14:10) Luke 2:1,2; 3:1,2; Acts 18:12'
Bible writers agreed that God provided the W. M. Rarnsey wrote; "Luke is a historian of the
material for them (Acts 1:16; 3:21) Erst rank"-XJte Bea7ing of Recent D i s c o v m ~
on the TrustwortMlress of tlce New Testament
'Jehovahinspired devoted men to write accurately Writers consulted and cited then-existing his-
- "All
His messages
Scripture is inspired of God" (2 Tim. 3:16);
torical annals and documents (Num. 21:14;
I Ki. 11~41;14:19)
uses Greek word tkestpneustos, meaning Bible's geotpaphical accuracy proves it is reliable
literally 'God-breathed'" Leader of a geological expedition in Sinai Peninsula
Was not mere human "inspiration,'bstimulating said: 'Where the Bible and the maps are at odds,
mind or emotions w e opt for The BmW-The Bus, San Bernardino,
Spirit of God operated on (breathed on) writ- Calif., Oct. 19, 1967
-ers, empowering them t o write unerring Its chronology marks the Bible as authentic and
messages (2 Pet. 1:20,21;2 Sam, 23:2) reliable

Gives p x k e , beIliwable chronological infor- Manuscript dfseweries, &zcb as Dead Sea

mation [Ex 12:40'41; 1 Ri 6: 1) in contrast Scrolls, mnhn basic textual purity; most
to gmss distortions of other ancient amrmts variations are trivial
( ' T h e Sumerian King W' lists eight kings Prophecy is the foremost proof of the Rile's
whose rules totaled 241,000 years) (is 47,483 inspiration
Archaeology comborates many S i b l i d detdrls No recorded prophecy from other nations; what
Babylonian fight against Zachish (Jer. 2 4 6 , 7 ) their oracles said had no permanent value
b r n e out by "bchish Letters" (on pottery) Bible tdk both origin and f u W of mankind
unearthed in 1935 Jehovah has the unique ability to prophesy
Jerusalem's "water tunnel'"2 Sam. 5 9 ) dis- (Isa. 46:9,10)
covered in 1867 revealing how David likely Bible prophecy is specifi~not merely general
captured Jebusite city forecasts of what might occur (Isa. 45:1, 2;
2 Ki. 19:5-7)
These evidences confirm historical or factual Fulfillment of some prophecies recorded right
accuracy, support t h e genuineness, but do not in the Bible [Gen. 9: 25 = 1 W. 9:20, 21;
themselves prove t h a t the Bible was mired Josh. 6:26 = 1 Ki. 16:34)
by G d (b 45-47; ad 112) Long-range nature and fact that fdfdhmt
was beyond the control of the writes prove
Numerous Lines of evidence combine to demon- prophecies were of divine source (Dan-
strate undeniably that the Bible was inspired 12:8,9)
by Jehovah; m o t he a human product When Isaiah f o ~ t o l d that -Ion would
Internal harmony of a book so long in writing ovmrun and desolate Judah, B t b y h was
points t o t h e inspimtion of the Bible m e d p a satellite of Assyria 393-7);
Written by some forty men during a period yet history proves it came t r u e
of 1,600 years (1513 B.C.E. t o 98 CE.), so Daniel chapter 8 gave adr7mcefacts about the
no collusion possible defeat of Mdo-Persia by Alexander and
From first to Iast it highlights -the theme of the t h e division of his empire
Messianic kingdom t o vindicate God's name; Three decades in advance, Jesus foretold de-
details often given that became meaningful struction of Jerusalem; same prophecies have
only with future unfolding of God's purpose larger fulfillment today
(Gen. 3:15; Rev. 12:l-12) Symbolic language of Revelation 6:1-8 {mar,
Scient ifcc accuracy and knowledge indicate a food shortage, pestilence) combines r i i t h
divjne source Matthew 24 in pointing beyond the first
Contrary to ancient myths, the Bible gave shape centmy
of t h e earth and the fact that it hangs on Such prophecies are not just a vindication of
nothing (Job 2 6 ~ 7 Isa.
; 40:18, 22) men who wrote them, but they prove rm-
Accurately describes origin of t h e earth and deniable authenticity of the Bible (is 104-134;
of life-forms (Gen. I:1 t o 233) ad 231, 232)
Geologist 'lV- E,Pratt said as t o explafnLng aese Evidence of the %filersauthenticity confirms
concepts in basic language: "I could hardly do (13 that it is a m t e and reliable in detail,
better thzn follow rather closely much of ftze
language of the first chapter of Genesis.""-The and (2) that it is inspired of Gud
Lamp, Fall 193, p. 14
Scientists support the 3ible's account of aU BIBLE% EFFECTS IN OUR LIVES
men coming from a common ancestor and AND CONGREGATION
languages diverging from Shinar (is 48, 491 SUPPORT IN SPXRATION
Dietary and sanitary regulations of Mosaic Taw We daily see examples of the Bible's practicality
reflect a source of knowledge beyond what and inspiration
was then current (LEV. 113 1-38; 15:16-33; The fine results produced by following its prac-
Num. 19:13-16;ad 579, 580) tical moral standards and righteous principles
Candor and style of Bible weters bear out in- testify to its value and origin
Frznkly rcperted on personal and national sins It helps one in earning a living and finding satis-
and errors [Nun. 20:9-12; Jonah 1:l-3; faction in work
M a t t 26 :3 - 5 6 3 ~ n c o u nindustri-w
~ o m laziness
Directed glory, hot to selves or men, but to ( 2 Thess. 3~10-12)
God (Ps.113:3-51 B y condeming dnrnkemess and gambbg it
Free from influence of ancient myths and folk- aids one to avoid s~uanderingearnings (ah.
~r&;&ion and acctrmte t.ransmk&m of text When its m e 1 is applied in the family, the
indicate that Jehovah is protecting this book home is more pleasant and there is, more sue-
as his production, not man's cess in rearing chiIdren (Epk 5:22-6:4)
Its preservation in face of every conceivable Husband and wife are drawn together by love,
effort to destroy it pi-oves i t Is Jehovah's not driven apart by suspicion, jealousy or
Book (1fet, 1:25) competition; divorces are avoided


Parents clearly see their responsibilities toward Easy to m d excuses for rejecting t h e Bible if one
their children, and youths are helped to knefit Iacks a gmd heart
from Eible training Persons not desiring to humble themselves b+
fore God, admitting need for Wis help, haugh-
While still being imperfect, those applying Bible tily reject the Bible (1 Cor. 1:26-29)
counsel gain jmprovcd health a d better m e n t d They seize upon seeming contradictions; de-
condition (Proxy. 14 :30j mand that God procide t h e information they
With Bible's munsel on things needful and hav- w m t , not what God decides
ing a sure hope for the future, one can avoid
many comm~n frustrations and anxieties Testifies to accuracy of statement that "fai2b" is
( M a t t 6:25-34; 1 Tim. 6:s-10) essential (Heb. 11~1,6); wen this reflects au-
thenticity and origin of Eible
RaciaI and national prejudices are dispelled
(Acts 10:34,355 Purity, simplicity and reasonableness of the
Bible's message appeal to humble ones who see
Young people gain proper respect for adults, es- their need for God and for God's Word
pecidUy elderly
MAIN POINT: When with your Christian broth-
Highest principIes from God contained in the ers, encourage discussion of reasons why w e be-
Bible, not just human theories; they u m k lieve the Bible is God's Word and help them to
{I Thess. 2 : n ; Matt. 223'7-39) appreciate that the Bible does not a m with what
every p a w historian wrote or with every theory
BIBLE'S PERFECXTOY IS SEEN IN IT3 of men of science, but what t h e Bible says is
APPEAL TO GOOD HE-rlRn truthful in every detail
SOUPLCES:is 30,4556.1W-108,IZLm, 136-146.WlS;
Scriptures constitute perfect, &inM messag~ ad 122, 231. 232, 323. 5'79, 580; ms 4548, 3944M: m n
IPS.326; 119:140) 510; am 20-24, 44; sg 14-19
TEACHING SUGGESTION: Invite class to comment
Bible's ~ r f d o nis display& in ability on one evidence of inspiration of the Bible that they
discern and reveal thoughts and intentions of feel is outstanding and tell why (Emphasize fulfillment
the heart (Heb. 4r12, 13) of prophecy; see ms 394-402.)
Ask class for experiences if any have had opportunity
Gaining of understan&ng and fleasing God t o sneak on or defend insniration of Blble before school
depend on heart or church groups

No. 6 - First BIondap, 4:SO

What Malres Good Overseers
70s) and refers to certain of your qualitie
Jehovah, as the Great Overseer, is the owner as well as your position
of the Bock (Acts 20:28) Being an elder or older man is associated with
He is the Overseer of our souls (I Pet. 2:25) having experience in dealing nith life's prob-
lems; such a one has greater understanding,
Jehovah has appointed overseers wisdom and judgment than a young person
H e has made Jesus the principal overseer of his In a spiritual sense you are like the elders of a
iiock cammunity who can be Ioaked to for sound
counseI and guidance; others can bring prob-'
Jesus gave "gifts in men"; at the Mthe apos- lems to you for advice or judgment
tles evidently took the lead as ones 'given' Overseer (Greek, e-pi'sh-opos)describes the fun-
by Christ (Eph. 4:8, U, 121 damenfal character of your work in behalf
As new congregations grew, elders or "older of the congregation
men" were appointed t o sente in each mgre The term carries the thought of one who watch-
gation es over, inspects, a guardian or superinten-
You are such elders; you have measured up t o dent, a shepherd of the flock
the Scriptural qwlifimtions written under Protective care is a basic idea inherent jn the
inspiration, have been recommended after G r e k word
careful consideration and prayer, and through Oversight involves visitingg,being m n m d
the governing body the holy spirit has ap- about or Carjng for something; visimg in-
pointed you t o serve as overseers cludes going t o homes
Your position is Scriptmdly referred to in Successful oversight requires being approach-
three ways: elders, overseers, shepherds, dl able, willing t o listen to problems of brothers,
referring to the same position but from dif- kindly dealing with them in a refreshing way,
ferent viewpoints not acting as if you are superior to the broth-
Eider is the basic designation [Greek, pre.sby'te- ers (Matt. 20~25-28)

QUALIFICATIONS FOR OVERSEERS BE sdective in your reading, with emphasis on

Standards are not so high that they cannot be met, Your children should be beliwing, that is, submit
but they require real love f o r Jehovah and a to your direction, including religious matkrs
willingness t o be used by him (Titus 1:6)
- Such standards assure all that those appointed They should be in subjection with s e r j o u s 1 ~
appropriate to their age
as elders wilE be good examples in the congre-
gation T h e response you get fwm your chilthn shodd
Evidence is looked for that the individual con- recommend you as one who can aid others
scientiously applies the counsel from t h e Bible in the congregation (f Tim. 3:4; w72 126)
in all affairs of life Your children shodd not have a bad reputation
These are not mere boys or newly mnverted in t h e community
men, but indicidudls who are experienced in Your wife's conduct n?fl& on you even 8 i f s h e
Christian living, who have a broad horvledge is not a believer
of the Bible, a deep understanding of it, and a As long as you are controlling her conduct to
genuine love for the congregation: individuals the extent the law permits, you would not be
who have t h e tourage to speak up when disqualified from sen+ing
mongdohg exists and t o take the needed A believing man should set a fine m p l e ,
action to correct it and thus protect the flock not contributing touwd the w a y w a d conduct
T h e privilege of being an elder is open t~ m y of his unbeliet-ing wife
qualified brother who desires to share in t h e Does not excuse oun wife and chihkzu fram
%e work of Christian oversight - observing things required of others in con-
T h e nmmkr of appointed ones in a c m m - gregation
tion depends on how many qualify; it k In -resolving any p m M m in comectiun with
not limited in number recommendations for elders and ministerial
The Scriptures indicate that it i s the m n s i - servants, the local body of elders must bear
bility of ministerial servants to care for non- the responsibility -
shepherding work, enabling -%u overseers to
concentrate your time and attention on teach- Overseers have mqmmiMit& M t b Wg7e
ing and shepherding gath
Physical age is a factor in qualifying to be either You are to be a teacher at the meetings, prepar-
an elder or a ministerfa1 sewant, as a person ing your parts well; help brothers to see the
should be old enough to be married anrf have value of the infomation in their awn lives
children: however. miritual a u ~ m t i o n sare Appreciate the importance of m g others for
the main factors, & rhquirernents show (ICOT. future responsibilities, assigning minor duties
- 1490) t o prospective ministerial servants
How do * e qualifications for eldess and mini- Do not try t o do everything, but request the
rial senants compare? See page 20. cooperation of others
Get t o know the "sheep" wid, their problems,
RESPONSIBILITIES OF OVERSEERS and how vou can assist them (John 10:141
Overseers have respomibihties to selves and their when people are guilty of wrongdoing, c o m c i ,
family and so need a balanced personal schedule reprove, reprimand with mildness or severity
Allow time for personal and family study, as you as situation requires
have to keep up t o date with the t r u t h and be Endeavor t o take a zealous lead in the fidd
guided by Scriptural principles ministry, showing you appreciate the urgency
You need accurate knowledge to lead the of the Kingdom-preaching and disciplwmking
"sheep," so you should regularly read the Bible work, training others in this work
as well as new magazines and other publica- In your conversations you can stimulate appre-
tions ciation for this privilege
meeting attendance is essential for you to remain Do not make rules as to how much individuals
qualified shouEd do or when, but rather cultivate appre-
It is necessary that you pay attention while at ciation so those in the fleck will respond
meetings, not being sidetracked or distracted willingly out of love
by other things
ICeep secular work in its place so it d o e not inter- Private lives of overseers are to be an example,
fere with field senice and meetings too, manifesting the wisdom from above
Live within your means and avoid heavy debts Overseas are t o be chaste (above repmach in all
IRom. 13:S) association with persons of opposite sex),
Be balanced in entertainment, zvoiding urmeces- peaceable (in dealings with family members,
msary association with worldly people. Seek relatives, neighbors, at secular work), reason-
upbuilding entertainment, setting a good exam- able (willing to reason z r i t h others; not stub-
ple for the flock bornly opinionated). read>qo obey (not delay-
ing in applying in their o m life the imtmc- Do not become proud but depend: on Jehovah and
tionsofJehevahandhiso~aniza~on),ftllIof prayforhisguidme(PI.ov.3:5-7;Jas.1:5,6)
mercy and good fruits (reflecting the qualities Remember you are entrusted with Jehovah's
of Jehovah), not making partial distinctions flock, which is precious in his sight, purchased
(not showing favoritism), not hypocritical 1~3ththe blood of his Son (Hag. 2:7; Acts 20:
l practicing what they preach) (Jas.3: 171 25; Matt. 18:E-141

krep~phensible free rn accusation free Born aceusatfon bIamdess; of good reputation

husband of one wife husband of one wiie hnsband af one wife not a polygamist; goal morals
not a drunken not a drunken not -given to a lot of no reputation for immoderate use of
bmmt er bran-ler nie almholic beverages
not a lwer of money net gseedy of not g m M y of* not materialistic: not dishonest
dishonest gain dishonest gain
presidhg over house- having believing presiding in fine man- exercising headship fn a ffne manner;
hold in fine manner, children not unaer ner over children training children pmperly even if
having children in charge of debauch- and own households wife not in truth; but his qualifica-
subjection ery nor unruly tions cannot be judged altogether by
response of other family members;
old enough t o be a family head
not newly converted tested =,to fitness proved devotion and reliability over a
perid of time
serious dependable, not t q n responsibilities
Lightly; Jen,u,m%ea
not doubletongued keeps his word; not hypomitical
clean conscience conscientiously adheres t o and upholds
rirht ~ r i n c i ~ l e s
lAddIttonal qrraMtations for alder men E
maderate in habits seIfeaneolled not emmtrie; not going to extremes;
balanced in his way of life
sound in mind sound in mind balanced thinking based on Bible;
healthful outIook
orderly does things in an orderly manner;
recognizes themratic order and in-
haspitable hospitable lover of strangers, taking interest fn
qualf 5 4 t o teach holding t o the word has background of BibIe lmawledge
in art of teaching; and Christian experience; ability t o
able t o exhort and convey ideas so they reach hearts
reprove and minds of others; adheres t o
Bible, not advocating personal theo-
ries; willin t o give needed correc-
tien and Ale to discern what Is
not a smiter not a srniter not a ffghter with words: not harsh,
browbeating others; net physically
skiking his brothers
reasonable not self-willed not opinionated; willing to reason with
others and to respect the conscience
of others
not belligerent not prone to wrath not hot-tern-; patient
m e testbony from reputation for practicing fn daily We
wtslde what he teaches others
lover of g o d n e s motivatd by wholesome c a m for
others and by love far what is
morally upright
righteous eomfom his life to God's s t a n d a r d of
what is right; just; impartial
faithful to God and t o his congrega-
tion; manifesting unbreakable d e

MANIFEST QUALITIES LIKE When you deal with others in loving conem,
THOSE OF PAUL, AN IMPERFEXT you gain the love, respect and cooperation of
MAN BUT A GOOD OVERSEER the congregation
Paul was a dedicated servant of God; he believed
the Bible and was active in sharing his belief IS ExPEC'l'ED OF m S
H e relied on Jehovah's spirit I1Cor. 2 :I-51 You have now seen how t h e *t day went
He practiced what he preached and set an exam- p,- for asroom read wer
ple to be copied (Phil. 3:17) t h e ou;tlines of material t o be eonsidered the
Pad was r e s p d u l of Jehovah's arrangements ne* day; -e hours should be ample m e
On one occasion he took a problem to t h e govern to spend on preparation for the next day's
ing body (Acts 15:1,2) adivities, including any assignmenb for
He worked hard at keeping the congregation &cussions
dean (I Cor. 591-13) Keep in mind that here at school YOU are interest-
ed, not in the impression you make, but r a ~ e r
H e showed great bve for me congregation i, what you hrn in to more e f f e ~ ~
(1Thess. 236-12) in caring for the flock of Jehovah entrusted
Good overseers treat flock with tenderness (Acts yo,, care
H e was 'not a financial burden on the congrega- MAIN POLNT: To continue t o be good overseers
tion nor did he ask to be"waited on; he kept you have to rely on Jehovah,work at maintaining
balanced in connection with secular work the high standard you met when you were ap-
(Acts 18~1-4) pointed arid continue to work hard as shepherds
He was always willing to take time to help others in aiding the flock of Jehovah in your care
(Acts 19:9,10)
SOURCES: ad 1260; a 53-63; w72 126; q m 227-230
BY THE CONGREGATXON cations of elders and ministerial servants, compare these
with what is set out at Galatians 5:19-26.After class dis-
Brothers appreciate your hard work and are mo- cussion of material, consider with class the factors that
tivated to co?y your faith (Heb. 13:7) elders might wish t o review in deciding whether or not
They desire to be submissive to overseers as you to recommend certain persons for appointment as elders
are to Jehovah; t h i s makes it easier for you or ministerial servants in the following cases: (1)One
t o work with them (Heb. 13:17) child af brother is baptized but another does not appear
t o be accepting the truth. (2) Brother once confessed
To have a proper relationship with t h e brothers to drinking too much with a mend. (3) Brother con-
you must realize your appointment is from fessed to loose conduct with his wife before mamiage.
Jehovah and that you are a servant of Jehovah (4) One confided in a brother recently that his young
child took some money from home that was not his.
first ( 5 ) Wife not a believer. (6) Brother usually runs wer-
Have confidence in Jehovah's arrangement and time on parts assigned. [Note: the Wormation given
backing, and the brothers will have confidence is not smcient in any of these cases t o determine
in you whether or not the person should be recommended.)

Bo. 6 - First Tuesday, 9:10

Jesus Christ-His Place in God's Purpose
is t h e central figure in t h e outworking of all H e is the "beginning of the creation by God"
of Jehovah's purposes and "the firstborn of all creation" (Rev. 3:14;
Cal. 1:15)
XUthe problems that Satan's rebellion raised
find their solution in Christ Jesus As firstborn spirit Son, in his prehuman existence,
Bible prophecy pointed f ornard to and emphashed he was used by his Father in the crea~onof
Jesus' key place in God's purpose all other things (John 1:3; CoI. 1:16,17)
Logically, it was to this firstborn Son that Je-
T l ~ eworks and qualities displayed in his ~ U W
life leave an example for all Christians, par-
hovah said: "Let us make man . . "' {Gen..
ticula~~ly overseers, t o follow He was used by Jehovah as a Master Worker in
He is t h e foundation upon which God is b u i l e g the creation of the earth and man, yet never
arrangements for t h e eternal good of hls claimed the rank of co-Creator (Gen. 1:1-31;
universal family in heaven and e a r t h Matt. 19~4-6; Rov. 8:30)

Jesus was identified by t h e prehuman name (or the Devil and all who do his will, He will settle
title) "the Word" or, in the Greek, %egos" the issue of sovereignty raised in the rebellion
This denoted his position as Spokesman, t o corn- (I Cor. 15:25-28;Rev. 19:16; 20:lO)
municate to and instruct others of Jehovah's
spirit sans and eventually to deliver His mes- JESUS CHRIST IS THE FOCAL POINT
sages to man on earth (John 1:l; 7:16, 173 OF BWLE PROPHECY
To Jesus was extended the privilege to be used The first prophecy made in Eden pofnted ta a
"seed" of God's universal "woman"; Jesus
to settle the issue of universal sovereignty and proved to be that "seed" (Gem 3:15)
to be t h e "Chief Agent of life" for mankind
(Heb. 2:5-9, 14, 15; 1 John 3:8; Acts 3 2 5 ) The covenant made with Abraham shed further
In God's purpose, Jesus became Head of the light on God's purpose concerning his "seed"
Christian congregation, through which Jehovah (Gen. 22:15-18; Gal. 3~16)
would communicate and deal with the human God's purpose, as revealed in the prophecies con-
family (1Tim. 2: 5; Cal. 1:18-20;2: 3, 9) cerning Christ Jesus, remained a "sacred se-
cret . . . kept in siIence for long-lasting times"
ALL PROBLEMS THAT SATAN'S (Ram 16:25-27;Col. 2:2, 3)
SOLUTION w JESUS -Bible prophecies find their ful.Went in Christ
Jesus as High Priest and King of Jehovah's
With the rebellion of Satarr the Devil, an issue Messianic kingdom, the W h e d "mystery"
was raised regarding Jehovah's sovereignty and ( A S ) or "sacred secret" (Rev. 10:7; 19:10)
the intemity of his creatures, and the human
family was led into sin and death JESUS' WORKS AND PERSONAL
As chief one of Jehovah's spirit sons, and next QUALITIES SERVE AS AN EXAME'LE
to God in the universe, the Logos was chosen His ministry was that of bearing witness to t h e
to serve for the primary settlement of the truth (John 18:37)
issue regarding t h e worthiness y d righteous- To uphold the truth of his Father's prophetic
ness of Jehovah's sovereignty Word and promises, Jesus had t o live in such
His prehuman name bears upon the situation, as a way as to make that truth become a reality,
his name Michael means 'Who is like God?" thus, he had t o be the truth (John 14:6;Eph.
4 :21)
At Jehwah's appointed time, in the year 2 E.C.E., Re had to get out among the people t o let them
Jesus was born on earth as a perfect human, hear him, see his works and qualities
not an incarnation .(John 1:14; Matt. 1:18; T h e 1vhoIe career of Jesus Christ was therefore
Luke 21-52] a 'bearing witness t o the m'; he did not
T h e outpouring of holy spirit at the time of Jesus' hold back from declaring his place in God's
baptism marked the time of his becoming the purpose
Messiah or Christ, God's "Anointed One," when He talked t o people on lakeshores and hillsides,
he was "about thirty years old," in the yew in cities and villages, synagogues and temple,
29 C.E. (Luke 3:21-23) marketplaces, streets and houses, addressing
large crowds and individuals, men and wom-
By maintaining complete integrity to Jehovah en, old and young, rich and poor
down to his death, Jesus proved the Devil a liar The main theme of his preaching involved the
in his claim that all God's creatures serve only '"good news of t h e kingdom" (Matt. 4 : s ) .
for selfish gain and not out of love for God
Jesus set a hard-working example far his disciples,
At the same time Jehovah provided the means rising early, serving on into the night (Mark
for redeeming obedient mankind from sin and 1:32, 35; Luke 6 : 12;21:37,381
death through the r m m sacrsce of his hu- His privacy was often interrupted by crowds,
man Son ( G a l 4:4, 5; 1 Tim. 3:16; Matt. 20:28) yet he always displayed a kind attitude (Luke
Everlasting salvation is possible only through 9 :lo-17; Mark 6 :31-34)
Jesus, whose name means, "Salvation of He became tired, thirsty and hungry, at times
Jehovah" (Acts 4:12;Heb. 5 : 8 , 9) forgoing food t o speak with others (Matt.
Jesus has been made the ' ~ r s m c t i o nand the 21:18; John 4:6,7,31-34)
life"; on the basis of his sacrifice he can Though placing prime emphasis on spiritual
resurrect t h e dead, bath the righteous and the things, Jesus was not an ascetic (Luke 7:33,
unrighteous (John 11:25; 5:28, 29; Acts 24:
ir \
Jesus is God's High Priest who can effect fuIl 'Heevidently accepted invitations to meals and banquets,
cleansing from sin and liberation from sin's possessed a quality garment and
appreciated good things done for him (Luke
death-dealing effects (Eeb. 4 :14, 15; 7 :23-25) 5:29: 14:l: John 1923. 24: 12:2-81
Jesus Christ bas been appointed the Messianic H e w& never overly c o k k e d wie& material.
"King of kings" and, by eventually destroying things but put spiritual things in first place,

even as he counseled others b do (Matt 6: was extremely effective in preparing them to

2433; Luke 1 0 : 3 W ) continue in the ministry (Mark 637-133
Great murage, madbess and strength are evident The dominant quality in Jesus' life and mirzistry
his ( 3 0 h 2:13-17; 18~3- was love (John 13:34, 35; 15:13,14)
11, 36, 37; Luke 4:2&30) His love was not sentimentality; he was aEmaps
Re proved himself to be a courageous h i t o r guided by right principle (Heb. 1:91
by waging warfare against demons, exposing H e proved his love for God by keeping Ris:
hypocritical religious leaders and always u p commandments (John 8:29; 1 John 5:31
holding truth (Luke 4:16-36;Matt. 15:12-14; Ris heamarming example of humility, kindness
22:15-46) and love, coupled with strength for righteous-
ness and justice, exemplifies the perfect stan-
Jesus was also a man of great feeling and warmth, dard for all his disciples (Ma= 20:2528;
showing empathy and interest i? others 1 Pet, 2~21-24)
'Re was nwer aloof, arrogant or overbearing,but
spoke the h t h clearly to all (Matt. 9:10-13; JESUS CHRIST IS !THY3 FOUNDATION
Luke 7~3648) UPON WHICH W D ' S N T U R E
Children felt at ease wit3 M a (Mark 10:13-16) ARRANGEMENTS FOR HIS
He proved himself a real friend and .companion CREATURES ARE BUILT
t o his followers (John 15:ll-15) He is the "Foundation," also the "Head" of the
Authority did not make him demanding; he Christian congregation (Eph. 1:22, 23; 219-
was mild-tempered and displayed compassion 22 1
(Matt. 9:36; 11:2&30) He mediated the new covenant between'~odand

3:-3eproved himself to be a ~ a s t eTeacher

i (Mafi those taken into the congregation of spiritual
7:25, 29; John 7:45, 461 Israel (Heb. 8 :1@13; 12:24)
They are "bought from among mankind'' to
He presented matters of great weight and depth carry out a special rninist3y here on earth
with simplicity, brevity and jarity, using 2- and then to be with Christ in heaven to r u l e
lustrations easily understood by listeners as kings and p r i m forever (Rev. 14~1-5;
(Matt. 1334, 35, 4548; John 10:l-17) 20246)
Xe aimed his message not merely at men's minds, Jesus, as Read, will addnider the benefits of
musing them to think and reason, but primar- his ransom through these a s m i a t e
ily a t their hearts [Matt. 16:15, 16; Luke king-priests, providing education for life and
10:2537) true worship of Jehomh Gud
H e never ' w a t e d dm"'s message in an
effort to gain popularity; he was slmight- 3cms Wist is the f i g of Jehovah's Messianic
- forward. even sharp at times (Matt. 5:37; kingdom (Dan. 7:13, 14)
John 8:46. 471 His kingdom will settle the issue of ImiversaI
sove<ignty (Dan. 2:44$
Jesus proved h i to be the promised 'Wonder- As Executioner of God's purpose, he is the one
ful Counselor" by his application of God's Word, used to destroy wickedness, including the
his understanding of human nature, his ability Devil, from the universe (Rw. =:I-12;
t o get t o the heart of questions, and showing the 19:11-2O:lO)
solution t o problems of daily living (Isa. 9:6; His kingdom will bring werlasthg life and bless-
Mark 12:15-17) ings t o mankind (Rev. 21:1-7 )
Jesus demonstrated his qualifications as a '?leader That kingdom will be the capital organization
and commander to the national groups" (ha. of all t h e universe and by means of it 'all thhgs
55:3,4) in the heavens and on the earth' will be gath-
He fulIy accepted the responsibility given him ered together, to the glory of Jehovzh God
by Gm?, takin~the lead amone
(Mast, 23:10)
- - -
his discides (Eph. 1:9, 10)
MAIN POnTT:Jesus' position and example should
His loving oversight proved he qualified. as '?he influence the Lives of alI Christians, and overseers
fine shepherd" (John 10:11) should strive t o apply his qualities in their seraice
Z'he steady, helpful %mininghe gave his disciples som-: d 917.933; ms 252.288; tr 46-54
No. 7 - First Tuesday, I0:CO
Responsibilities of Members of the Congregation
NEED TO RECOGNIZE THE TRUE Moses shared responsibility for oversight with
"CONGREGATION OF GOD" others-priests, judges, older men
Jehovah is the Great Congregator of his people Men in positions of oversight had responsibili-
ties to shepherd t h e flock of Israel, judging,
He dealt with Israel as a congregation; those teaching, feeding them spiritually, aiding the
serving him faithfully were spoken of as "con- spiritually weak ones and keeping them to-
gregation of loyal ones" or "congegation of gether within Jehovah's arrangement for his
t h e holy ones" (Ps.149:l; S9:5) people (Ezek. 34:l-6;Deut. I?:&, 9)
The faithful followers of Jesus Christ are called
the "congregation of God" (Acts 20~28) They had to answer t o God for the way t h e y
Satan has also congregated people for his pur- discharged their responsibiIities (Lev. 10:
poses, promoting false worship (2 Cor. 11:14, 1-3;Num. 20:9-12;mek. 34~10)
X5; Matt, '7~21; Rev. 18:4) W y those meeting Jehovah's standards were
eligible as members of the congregation
Essential f o r recognize and support the true To continue to be members they had to 'strictly
"congregation of God" o k y God's voice'; failure t o do so on t h e part
- of individuals led t o their being "cut o f f
THE SCRIPTURAL MEANING OF Some were excluded from the congregation for
refusing to purify themselves, eating hdy
A congregation is a group of people gathered things while unclean, working on sabbath,
together f o r a particular purpose or activity giving offspring to M ~ l e c h ,turning to spirit
The Hebrew word for congregation comes from mediums and foretellers of events, sexval
a root word meaning "assernbIe together" immorality ( N u . 19:ZO; Zw. 18~29)
In the Greek Scriptures the word ekkk.g'a, Members of congregation were sho\vn mercy
translated "church" or "congregation,"' literal.- for unintentional wrongdoing, but not if de-
ly means "that which is called out," refelring liberate ( N u . 15:27-31)
to a group of persons called out or called to- Case of Achan illustrates responsibility of each
gether for a particular purpose individual toward congregation and the eff ec;
The word "con_9re_9regation,"as used in the Greek t h e wrongdoing of one can have on the con-
Scriptures, often refers t o t h e 144,000 spirit- gregation as a whole (Josh. 7:l-26)
anointed foToDwersof Jesus, his "body," who On the other hand, divinely approved standing
will associate with him in his heavenly kingdom of a few may bring blessings to others (Jer.
[Eph. 5 :24) 5 : l ; Gen. 18~31,32; Num. 25~6-11; Matt.
.f The word "ccongregation" can also refer t o the 24:22; Acts 27:24, 37)
Christians living at any particular time (and
Lhese now include those of the "other sheep"), Jewish congregation organized under Moses fore-
or to a local assembly of Christians (I Cor, shadowed the Christian congregation under
10:32; 11:16; Rom. 16:3,4 ) Christ; it provided a prophetic pattern of great-
Use of t h e word "church" can be misleading be- er things to come (Heb. 10:I;Col, 2 :16,17)
cause some think of a building rather than a The Jewish congregation had Moses as mediator
congregation engaged in worship and leader; the Christian congregation has
Jesus as Mediator and Leader
lSBAEL AS A CONGREGATION There were twelve wbes of natural Israel, and
FROM THE !lYHE O F MOSES there are symbolically twelve tribes of spiritual
Israel was called the "congregation of the true Israel (Rev. 7 :4-81
God," "congregation of Jehovah" (Neh 13:1; The Jews were organized under the Law coy-
Deut. 2 3 ~ 2 ) enant; the Christian congregation tmder the
Israel was called out of Egypt, then brought into new covenant
covenant relationship with Jehovah at Mount The Jews had the priestly house of Aaron of the
Sinai tribe of Levi; Christ is now great High Priest
As a congregation of God they must 'strictly and has with him a royd priesthood (Heb.
obey God's voice'; they declared their willing- 7 :11-17)
ness to accept this responsibility (Ex.195-9) Israel had animal sacrifices; Christian congrega-
They were ruled theocratically by Jehovah (ha. tion has sacrifice of Jesus once for all time
33:22) (Heb. 8:l-13;9:n)
Hebrew population actually made up the congre-
gation, but in an extended sense the alien Jewish nation with its temple for worship was
residents who had declared themselves wor- mst off from Jehovah's favor due to their re-
shipers of Jehovah were included (Num. 15: jecting his Son and continuing t o violate his
14-16;Ex. 12 :I91 law (Matt. 21:42, 43)

This was a failure to 'obey God's voice' when he rectly tied to Jehovah's foremost p - ~ , the
spoke to them through the Great Prophet that sanctifying of his name
he had sent as spokesman, his Son { B u t 18: Members of the congregation are a pmple for
18, 19) God's name; they are to make h o w n the ex-
Requirements of the Law covenant were fuTfilIed cellencies of Jehovah, to honor his name by
by Christ; Law was taken out of the way speech and cunduct (1PeL 2:9; Acts 15:14E
[Rorn. 10:4; Eph. 2:15) With thousands of congregations on earth, only
From the time of Pentecost, 33 C.E., the Christian small number of anointed representatives of
congregation was the one recognized by God A-gavenly congregation with us
To show all that this was true, apostles and Situation similar to Hebrew congregation with
others were granted gifts of spirit t o perform allen residents; "other sheep" today give full
rniraeulous works support to anointed representatives of "con-
Thereafter all who received favor from God were gregation of God" (Matt. 25 :34-40)
required t o come to and work with the Chris- God has enbasted responsibilities of oversight to
tian congregation some; they are not heads of loml congregatians,
but shepherds under Christ
EARLY CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION Since it is Jehovah's congregation, we need te
Appropriately referred to as "the congregation
, show honor md respect for those &king over-
of God" (Acts 20:281 sight, whether they are of "little flock" or
Members of Christian congregation were selected "other sheep" (Heb. 13:17; 1 Tim. 5:17)
by Jehovah (John 17:6) . They have responsibility to take lead in the
Invitation originally extended t o Jews, then t o field ministry, keep congregation well fed
Gentiles (Rom. 1:16;11:25) spiritually, protected from wrong influences,
Christ, as the Foundation and the Head of the spiritually and morally clean and operating
congregation, was designated by Jehovah in harmony with Scriptural pattern
(1Pet. 2:4-6; Col. 137-19) Elders too must show respect for Jehovah's
Governing body, comprised of apostles and older representatives, applying recommendations
men of Jerusalem congregation, set lead in from governing body
preaching work and directed work of the early By so doing they shosv submission to t h e One
congregations to whom the congregation belongs and honor
Directed by spirit, ;they handled decisions on his Name
doctrinal and organizational matters, deliver- Overseers have responsibility t o deal with can-
ing them to the congregations by traveling gregation as Jesus did, recognizing that
representatives (Acts 6 :1-6;1532-31;16:4,5) "sheep" belong to Jehovah (Eph. 5:25)
They supervised appoinhents of older men in Do not make mistake Moses did; honor Jehovah
the congregations, defended good news before in all you do (Num. 20 :I23
courts of the land, directed relief work to help Jehovah has restored congregations gradually
needy brothers and safeguarded cleanness of since 1919 to high theocratic standard found
the organization (Acts 5:29; 2 Cor. 9:l-5; in days of apostles [Isa. 1:26; 60:17)
1 Cer. 6:9-13)
Organfiation of the early Christian congregations UPHOLDING THE PURPOSE OF
similar to the congregation of brad with its CONGREGATION IN OUR TIME
oIder men, judges and oficers Privileged t o take up work assigned by Jesus as
Appointed older men acted representatively for Head of the congregation, share in prodaiming
congregation in judicial matters ( I Cor. 6:2-4; Kingdom good news, make disciples (Matt. 13:
Deut. 16:18) 8; 28~19, 20)
Variety of '"fts in men" served in congrega-
tions with view to readjustment of the holy Congregations organized to build up spirituality
ones,also for ministerial work and for building of JehovaFs servants and to cooperate in work
up in faith and accurate knowledge (1 Cor. of proclarmmg Jehov~h'sname and kingdom
12:27-30;Eph. 4:ll-14) Preaching work intensified now since 'hour of
Meetings for worship and Scriptural. study fol- judgment' has arrived and people of all na-
lowed pattern of the Hebrew congregation tions are being separa&d; we have a respon-
(Heb. 10:24,25; Deut. 31:121 sibility to warn those inside and outside the
congregation CActs 18:6; 20:26, 27; compare
BELONGS TO GOD God's angels have a share in directing this work
Congregation is not ours; it belongs to God; he We should want: to have as large a share as pos-
is the one who stipulates t h e purpose of the sible, encourage others (1 Cor. 9 :16)
congregation and the responsibilities of those What we do in fieId ministry and our support of
associated congregation depend on what is in our hearts:
Reason for existence of the congregation is di- God's name and honor are involved
~ 1

OTHER WAYS 'FVE CAN SUPPORT o m wickedness, cooperating with all werwzrs,
W E CONGREGATION OF GOD not coveting senice privileges of others IP..ev.
2 6 , 14, 15, 20; Num. 16:8-U,32, 33)
W e bear responsibility toward one anofher In the
congregation Can show support for congregational arrangement
Jesus stressed showing love for our bmtheE3 and by use of time,en- and material things, not
fellow n-orkers in the congnzation ( J o b 13: putting personal intwests frrst [Hag. 1 3 4 ;
34, 35) Phil. 2:3, 4 )
Assistance mm be given those spiritually weak, Encourage: brothers to make thmsdws m S
missing meetings, not sharing regularly in able for service, suggesting pioneer ministry,
field senrice, hatting bad associations or ques- Bethel, Gilead, serving where need is greater;
tionable conduct (Gd 6:1;Jude 22, 23) full-time activity builds up the congregation
We can help some in g e m g to meetings and All can support congregation by being depend-
visit inhrm able when assigned a part cm the meeting,
Help those desiring a!?d&mce to prepare pesen- being willing to share duties at Kingdom Hall
tations or TheoCratTc h'lbMr~School m; and to help in keeping it clean
invjte them to go in field service with you
Appropriate at times for congregation to give (Ask for comments as t o how young ones have
material assistance t o deserving worthy ones, been aided to share in caring for things at the
helping in personal way if economic difficulties Kingdom Hall)
arise, natural catastrophe or war d m y s AZI individuals d a t e d with the mgmgation
housing, e t c of W s name p p I e have a responsibility be-
All coneibutes to hilbuildiitg up t~n-tion in fore Jehovah to live according to the mth and
love (Gal. 6: 10; Eph. 4: 16) to share it with others, thus showing that it
Can honor Jehovah and show support for congre- truly is the "congregation of God"
gation by our conduct and speech
B y our manifesting fruits of the spirit, we avoid MAIN POINT: There are many s h i k i t i e s b
hindering the free flow of Jehovah% spirit in tween the congregation of Emel and the modern
the congregation (GaL 5 :1626;MatL 5: 43-45; Christian congregation; we can show app-tion
1 Pet. 2:12) t for t h e congregation today by giving it our full
Can conbibute t o unity of congregation by avoid- suppart
ing gossip, speaking what is upbuilding (Eph. SOURCE: ad 369.372
4: 2 5 5 :20)
Show Eeydty to Jehovah's arrangement by sup- TKveminute
E A m G SUGG-ON: Arrange for two three to
reports on 'Ways We Gan Support the
porting Wellomhiping actions, not covering Conpgation of a," or other features of t h e material

Improving Speaking and Teaching Ability

MAlE EARNEST EFFORT TO TJKPROVE Monthly service report on also be made in-
YOUR SPEAmG AKD TEACHL?;G teresting; not given in a dry, mechanical,
ABILI'IT spiritless manner, but should warm the
Must frequentIy appear before congregatfon to hearts of those who hear i t
give tallrs, so you should want to do so in a No matter how small a report may be, it '

helpful, effective way (I Tim. 4~12,X3) represents labors of love and is not to be
viewed disparaging1y
Direct attention to Jehovah God and to Jems Any comments on service seports should IE
Christ positive and encouraging
ERdeav0-r ta develop in others a warm appre- Financial report too should not be read in
ciation for these truly Great Teachers (Ps. casual manner; make figures speak of loving
143 :lo; Matt. 7:28, 29) self-denial and sacrifice
Jesus laid emphasis on spirit with which mn-
Being alert to improve in speaking and teaching tributions were made rather than the
ability will help make meetings more interesting amount (Lrzke 2k1-4)
and instructive Condusion of service metings should b
Even announcements and reports should be made motivating and spiritud
interesting Assist ministerial servants who handle parts
Not to be delivered in a perfunctory manner, on meetings to improve in speaking and
but presented in such a dear and impressive teaching ability
way that they win be remembered and with
wch appeal that everyone will be moved t o May be times when situations arise in a mngre-
share, if possible, in the activity annound gation that for strong coulzsel

When giving counsel, should be done in kindness Do not feel that it is beneath your dignity t o
and with Scriptural basis, never h d y or in manifest enthusiasm; you owe it to your
anger or to "bawl out" congregation; t h e flock audience
is God's, not yours (1Pet 5:2, 3; 2 Tim 2 2 4 ,
251 Modulation is also vital; teaching your audimce
you are going to give mmseI, carefulEy requires holding their interest from hgkmhg
plan your m a r k s ; weigh your wards te end
Never give congregation impression that you ModuIation is colorful variety and * con-
are speaIdng out of anger changing pitch, pace and power m accord
with what is said
Always show them the Scripturd basis for -
counsel given; they will net be oEended gut Emphasis is esential to get ideas across
will be glad to cooperate ( 2 Tim. 4 : 2 ) Stress should be placed only on key thwghts;
amount of emphasis depends on the weight
Speak to brothers in mm, friendly and conver- of a talk
sational t l e r Lack d emphasis renders a talk W d s s and un-
Wben q m h n g with a brother indit-idually, you imp~essive, whereas overemphasis &sbrtS
talk simply and expressively; same manner meaning of the material
should be used wher! spezking t o bmthers in Phcing same degree of emphasis on everything
conmegation metings renders a talk meaninglm; if same degree of
If you have a harsh voice, or a gntff, severe emphasis is given t o each idea, your audience
manner of expression, make earnest effort to will be unable to determine what is important
improve; m a y not be your attitude; may only
b~ the way your voice sounds t o others Much effectiveness of teadhing at a meeting can
If some misunderstand or hurt or offended be lost unless each speaker appropriate
to Iearn to speak &ffemtIy, b d l y volume or loudness and distinchess so all c=an
by it, hear without strairizng
Shodd not feel t h a t brothers should conform If worth saying, it is worth bearing ITsa. 58:l;
t o pour ways; more can be accomplished by L Cor. 14:8, 9)
kindness than by harshness or an imperative, Distinctness is essential if congregation is to
commanding manner C
hear clearly and act upon the hslmctiom
Irr Ms manner of speaking, no overseer is t o given at meeting
"lord it over the flock'; for then could not Avoid dropping final syllabls of words, nmning
tmly encourage, upbuild (1 Pet 5:3) words together, or letting them fade orrt
Opening t h e mouth avoids im&d speech
TO W R O T E SPEAKING ABILITY, Practice resonance so your voice will any with
CONSIDER ESSENTIAL Q U A L m S sufficient loudness to all pa* of your audience
Pausing is essential for comprehension; it helps
- Ohemation and discernment necessary to speak listeners to foLlaw, mates e m t i o n , lets
effectively to your audience weighty thoughts sink in, thus emphasizing
Get a correct estimation of your audience; they most effective1y
are not critics but friends who are there to Be conscious of M s in giving detailed instnrc-
listen and learn tions, assembly preparations and other details
Enthusiasm one of most important qualities, yet A pause before an important announcement will
build up interest and expectation for it
one most often neglected
You have heard public taIks in which speaker TO IMPROVE TEACHING A B I L m ,
spoke clearly, conversationally, had good CONSIDER JESUS' EXAMPLE
thoughts, yet you found i t hard to stay alert; AND BASICS OF ART OF TEACHING
problem was that speaker lacked enthusiasm
Enthusiasm makes a talk interesting, Iively Imitate Jesus' example as a teacher, W y
his reliance upon the Word of God ( M a t t 4:4:
Though conversational dellvery is desirable in John 7:16)
public talks, this does not mean delivery Jesus referred to God's Word, quoting fsom or
without life, sparkle, enthusiasm, vigor alluding to about haIf of the h k s h .the
Without enthusiasm you will find it hard t o Hebrew Scriptures in recorded conversa.tio~~
hold audience regardless of how excellent So,like J m s , rely on God's Word of m;
your material; without i t a conversational your ansrvers from it (Matt 1 9 : s )
talk mput whole audience to sleep When answering questions, turn to #e Scrip
If you put your heart into talk, then a five, en- tures; help brothers see that answers e 133:
thusiastic delivery will mpture the audience; personal philosophy but ~ ' a% s
they will sit up and listen h talks ask audieqce to look up key scriptarcs
Speak out of the abundance of your heart and and follow along as LFley are ~ l - f E
, %SF?-%S
be aglow with God's spirit or "enthusiastic on them, elaborating on *ern =-1 Mg-2~:lzz
in spirit" IRom. 12~11,Byingtm) main thoughts

Provide specific material; talk dealing in gener- Needs to be a willing heart t o motivate one to
alities lacks weight and authority, is vague action (Ex.35:5, 21, 22)
If ideas are t o be remembered, must be s p e d c ,
exact; you must know your subject well NO reason to to get brothers out in field ser-
Not enough t o state certain tmths; sh0u7mhZi vice by exerting pressure on them in t a l k s ;
they are true and why they are of d u e to however, encouragement is proper
how Bdeavor to stimulate a olesire on their part to
E giving instruction, esplain h, a thing is to serve Jehovah whole-souled and to have as
be do;e full a share as possible (hlark 12:30)
development is important in effective Whole-souled devotion is greatest mmmand-
ment of Mosaic law; no less is required of
Accuracy of statement is very importat; be us as disciples of Jesus Ch.rist (Matt. 22:
absolutely accurate in w e r ~ ~ at all i 3 . m ~ lh3640)
t.dhY do net speak if YOU -t dl pub-
Wrong statements delivered to an audience may
k repeated and error magnified lishers to be doing same amount; aI1 are
If inaccuracies are remgnized by new ones in diff e m t , with different conditions. of health,
audience, raises questions as t o authority of circumstances; we can render wholesouled
speaker an other points, perhaps wen calfing devotion, whether producing thirtyfold, six-
in question truth of message itself - tyfold or a hundmdfold (Matt. l3:23)
Help them appreciate that participation in
Amid presenting too much material; no more sharing the good news is a =red duty, a
material should be i n t r o d u d than can be reqturement on which our We depends (1Car.
dearly developed in the allotted time; no more 9:16; Rom, 10:lO)
should be expressed than can be reasonably Help brothers see how our work Felats to the
absorbed by your audience , supreme issue over righteousness of Jehovah's
Allow time to repeat main points; meetings sovereignty; then their hearts move them
shodd be instructive and interesting to zealous service (Luke 6:453
Rhetorical questions (in whicfi, no answers are Help them see that our response to Kingdom-
expected from the audience but you sometimes preaching and disciple-making shows how
supply the answers pourself) help to stimulate much God's kingdom really means to us in-
thinking (Luke 12:49-51) dividuauy
At times you may wish to use a series of ques- To reach hearts, a@ ta the urgency of ow-
tions, not giving an =mer until you get to work; show that lives are at stake, tbat w e
the concluding one . are doing a work never to be repeated, that
Kind of questions you ask depends on your au- none of our work is in vain, that the reward for
dience and what you are teaching endurance in our ministry is certain (1 Cor.
- 15:58)
mustmtions formed important feature of Jesus' Having plenty to do in Jehovah" s r k keeps us
teaching and can help you t o be effective awake; then the destmction that comes "in-
(Matt. 13:34, 35) stantly" when they are saying '"Peace and
Work to make illusbations simple; compIex ones security!" will not overtake us (IThess. 5:3-6)
may be difficult t o follow or even detract from Keeping Jesus' fine example before the brothem
your arguments aids in appealing t o hearts [John 8:29;Rom.
Letter of James contains many simple illustra- 15 :3-6)
tions from common t h i n ~ s05 life (waves of
sea, r'udder of ship, bridle of horse, a mimor, Paying attention to your speaking and teaching,
and so forth) you will "save both yourself and those nllro
A string of humorous stories or illustrations may liden to (1 Tim. 4: 16)
detract from the objective of your talk: no
need to entertain MAIN POINT: Overseers need to pay mnstant
attention t o improving their teaching and speak-
APPEAL TO HEARTS AS AS ing, applying ali the essential qualities of speaking
THE MINDS OF AUDIENCE and following the teaching style of the h r d Jesus
Heart is involved in motivation and is the principal
seat of one's affections (Pa. 119:U) SOURCES: sg 49-54, 73-78, 108.113,l58-la; qm 40.44
?dind recommends certain decisions on h e s T E A S mU G G~~ N -:; at
impohnt to a Person, but heart exercises mi,, qualities of effective speaking and t e a m g ,
strongest force for final decisions with students supplying answers
God's Government-A Reality
GOD'S ENGXH)W FROM SHADOW Congregation m e n d divfne inkmention
To REALITP to direct the expansion (Acts 9:6, 15, 16;
For millenniums God gave prophetic indimtiom 1322-5; 16:9, 10)
to hk servants that he wouId establish a B g - Kingdom sule in this sense did not affect 'Gen-
dom government over earth ;tile Times,' for h m a n ldngdoms continued
God has always been sovereign ruler IPS.103: ruling without interference
19), but after man mblIed He p u r p o d a Kingdom is even greater reality today, for Christ
new elcpresswn of his rulership, a "seed" to was enthroned in 1914 rule heawn and
crush all rebels CGen. 3:15) earth
Progressive revelation of his purpose showed Ceased sitting at God's right hand; given au-
that this would involve the formation of a thority to extend Kingdom rule 'throughout
subsidiary government with kingly ruler universe in God's due time (Ps.110:1,2 )
Faithful p a ~ a r c h sdid nat join with man-made Took a d o n in heaven to defeat Satan; that He
kingdoms; they awaited heavenly governmen- could accomplish this p m e s Kingdom is a
tal arrangement (Heb. =:13-16) reality (Rev. 12:?-lo)
E!vm in dealings with nation of Israel, which - As ruler of "kingdom of the worldn (all man-
had kings and priests, God pointed to a differ- kind), he could begin to divest earthly gov-
ent governmental arrangement in the f u t u r e - - ernments of authority and power in his due
a whole "kingdarn of priests" (Ex.195, 6) time; they could no longer count on d i n g
God's covenant with David gave hope of perma- without Kingdom interference (Raz U:15)
nent Kingdom ruler from his h e (1 Chron. That the nations were not destroyed immediate-
17:11-14) 1y proves that Kingdom authority is currently
Visions in book of Daniel asflwd'that no hu- exercised with forbearance as God and Christ
man government would defeat that kingdom wish
(Dan. 2:20,21,44;4:34,35; R14) Since they had power t o defeat Satan and de-
mons, could easily have defeated nations
This government took on real substance in the immediately if they had wanted to
first century C.E. They did not do so, in order t o give persons
John the Baptist prepared people for its king opportunity to face the issue, to choose
(Matt. 3:5 2) whether to support Kingdom (2 Pet 3:9,15)
When Jesus was baptized and anointed, the king-
designate was in their midst; no longer a dis- EVIDENa ABOUNDS TODAY THAT
- His
tant hope (Luke 1'7:21)
miraculous works-healing, Taising dead,
m g out demo-pmvd Kingdom bad Some persons do not believe Kingdom is a real
overtaken his listeners (Mat+, 12:25-29) government bemuse the kind of e~idencethey
Now Kingdom was afAahabIegoal tcward which e . W does not seem to exist
men could press, but attaining it was not Such persons who disbelieve reality of God's
easy; it took much effort, forceful endeavor, kingdom overlook t h e abundant evidence that
as if storming a city (Matt. ll:f2) there is
While believing reality of Kingdom, for a while An outstanding evidence of a reaI government is
disciples misunderstood its reach, limited it bjal subjects
t o the earth (Acts 1:6) Without loyal subjects, kingship is memingless
Fmm Pentecost 33 C.E., Kingdom ruled over the (Prov. 14:28)
Christian congregation, but did not exercise Unhke many human govements, God's govern-
rule over all mankind (CoL 1:13) ment has loyal support of a multitude of peo-
New covenant became operative in 33 CZ.; the ple, and the number is on the increase
anointed became nucleus of nation of king- Few people are personally interested in their
priests (1Pet. 2:9, 10) human government-ridicule policies and
Reality of Kingdom r u l e over congregation seen leaders, cheat on taxes
in that the resumxted Jesus protected his Ye5 over 1Y2 a i o n m n s earth wide mhm-
disciples, supervised the expansion of their tarilv and enthusiastically support Jehovah's
work (Matt 28:20) kin~dom
That persecution occurred does not disprove ~hoigh Living in over 200 lands, they w r t
this; it had good effect of spreading preach- i t (Ps, 72:81 C

ers who were proclaiming and upholding

K i n g d m (Acts 8:1;11:19-21) "In the ranks 02 Jehovah's witnesses are p q l e
Would have perished if not protected (Acts of wery class and culture; but they all hold one
5:3s, 39) element in common: allegianm t o Jehovah"

30t Only do they belie~eit is the best govern- Free, private instruction p ~ i d &right in
ment; they aIso freely spend their time teach- homes of persons interested in lams and bless-
ing millions of others about it ings of God's government
This real heavenly government has written Zaws Protcctim and b W n g from W v s government
that are enfor&- pmve it is real
These are not dead, unenforced lamps;they are Nations opposed to Hingdorn-pmacbing work
m m n t and ~vorkabk,for both their s o w , cannot Gop it
Jehovah, and those living by them are alive Both Kazk and Communists h v e -tried to stop
and active (&a. 33~22) Witnesses, but without lastitlg success
Biblical laws applying t Q Kingdom's subjects Though thousands were put in German con-
M e info consideration that Christians live centration camps, Witnesses were more nu-
under laws of natioI"Js merous after World Wax JZ than before
supporting God's h e a d y mwntnentis not h T ~ Kremlin's
E Human D i l a m 9cIa,urice w d u s
~ human government where one
s e d j . t i o ~to writes about Wflnesses in Russia: There is no
stopping them. Suppressed in one place-,they bqb
lives; Christians are not advocating any r i b d up m another, now m European R u m now In
human government Siberib . . - They appear as indestructib4e as the
aristians are t o obey all secular laws that Soviet police that is determmed t o sweep them off
do not conflict with Biblical laws (Mark 12: the Soviet scene."--p. 304
17; 1 Pet- 2 :13-17) While churches and seminaries are dosing, h m -
This is a practical and w - h arrangement; seen h d s of thousands are taking up true warship
by fact that Christians are often among a -, as supporters of the Kingdom
nation's best citizens - hdicates God is Messing his worshipers (Acts
Commendaf-ion of Witnesses was fncluded in US. 9:31)
Congressional Record: "An asset t o the commu-
nity." South African publication Personality oh- AS AN ELDER, YOU SERVE WITH
served: "Jehovah,'s Witnesses seem to be b u r b g QUALIFIED RULERS OF GOD'S KINGDOM
With good quatitres and t o be almost free from
the bad" INov- 21,I=, p. 116) God's government has the best of nilers; they are
God's laws are already being enforced alive and red
In each congregation there is a judicial m m t - Quality of life possible in a kingdom is often
tee authorized to handle cases pf rvrongdoing related to the quality of t h e ruler or rulers
Willful law violators can be expelled from the (Prov. 2 9 ~ 2 )
congregation Some human nilers do not wen have legal right
Enforcement protects athers from contamiaa- to nile; they seize power or get it by m e of
tion and h a m dishonest politics
Fitd punishment of unrepentant lawbreakers Jehovah is supreme and rightful uler (Ps.145:
is from God; it is eternal destruction {Rev. 11-13)
21:8; 2 Thess. 1%-9) Jeslrs is God's chosen ruler of Kingdom; eminent-
Existence of these enforced laws proves reality ly qualified (ha. 11:l-5)
of Kingdom By legal action in heavenly Court, power was
Its educational system testifies to Kingdom's re- conferred on him; gives Kingdom legal basis
aXQ- (& %:=) (Dan. 7:lO-14;Ezek 21~21)
A basic responsibility of a real government is Since he took up xvling power wer mankind
education; God's heavenly got-emment has ex- alI other gwenments lack legal right to
tensive system af schooling continue (Eph. 1~10)
Gilead School has bained over 5,000 ministers His qualifications excel those of any human
t o serve as educators throughout the earth ruler
Kingdarn Ministry School provides advanced Shared in making - man; long- interested in us

training for men who are administrators and I-. 8:31)

educators in congregations When on earth he adbe- to righteous prjnci-
Theocratic Ministry School operak in over ples, showed compassion for the sick, taught
27,000 congregations; is available to all de- f oUowers ways of peace, out oflove gave his
siring its free education life for believing mankind (Matt. 9:35, 36;
Specialkes in education in God's laws and 11:28-30;John 15:13)
matters related to theocracy, to God rule Anointed 144,000 to share as coder-s in heaven
Textbooks for this education are readily avail- with Christ (Dan. 7 : E ;Luke 22:28-30; Eph.
able 1:11; Rev. 5:10; 225)
Bible is W c textbook; is most widely d W b Christians on earth rvilI benefit fmm their vast
uted book experience
Other textbooks prhted in millions of copies; IndividuaI elders in mngrewtion serve as princes,
as of 1971, among ten all-time best sellers, administering earthly affairs of God's heavenly
six were such theocratic textbooks (tr,Zg, pa, government (&a. 32 :1, 2 )
ev, is, irn) This does not conflict with human governments,
Educational program h e d wen to persons for you promote no p o l i t i d nation of today,
net yet subjects but the existing heavenly Kingdom

You are in a sense part of the Kingdom's judi- Temptalion to immorality, lying, cheating, jeal-
ciary when you handle problems involving ousy, wrath, envies wil be more easiIy reject-
infractions of God's law ed
Though spoken of prophetidy as "princes," you Do not chafe at limitations imposed by God's
are actually servants of your brothers (Matt Word, but look at them as for your good;
20:26-25) Christianity i s best way of life
To be othemise, would be in stark contrast to If you as an elder were to show m s a h e n t
Jesus over restrictions involved in Christian way
To fit the desdption of Isaiah 32:2,you must be of life, "sheep" in the congregation would be
a source of comfort, protection and help to torn down
your brothers Miwing that the Kingdom is a Feality, give of
This will help to make the Rfngdom m o of~ a yourself in sert4ng your brothers, thus advanc-
reality to them; wi31 help them to see type ing its interests
of administration Kingdom is D o not view additional assignments as just "more
LET REAZ;ITP OF r n G D O M Take the lead in field ministry; you thus l a t e
IhTLUEKCE YOVR WORSRIP OF GOD prospective subjects of the Kingdom a d share
When faced wjth temptations, realize that at in its educational pmgsam
issue is whether God's law or law of sin actually M e s t that you m g 1 y submit to Gal's d e r -
controls in vour life ship
h u e of kman imper~wtionlaw of sin is Jehovah w m t s only d i 7 t g subjects, pzmons who
present in us all, but it does not haye to get buth recognize and appreciate his ways and
nstery wer us (Rom, 7:21-8) their rightness (Ps. 110:3)
When you, as an elder, mist p m toward
wrongdoing you help yourself and others to MAZY PQmAs : the widen= proves, the king-
show allegrance to God's larv dom of God is a &, functioning government tm
The more you choose God"s Iaw as preferable, day; elders work along with that government in
'he more closely you -me aligned to ruler- their brothers
ship that will last forever SOURCES: ad 1002-1005;mar -; k X2313
Brothers obsening you wiEl be helped, for they mACFTING SUGGESTION: Have stud- as a
will see that we can live by God's law, that committee prepared t o use points Porn mat++ in
it brings happiness . dernonstr$@n. A brother has si,med, been &supbed.
rcstrlctlons have been explained to h i m Now have
Bg increasing amount you personally speak and aarnrd upbuild~ng canv~rsationabout the reality of the
think about t h e Kingdom as a reality, you wiIl Kingdom, designed to help him became hon its side
- fmd it increasingly easy to obey its law and t o uphold its law

Studying the Bible with Benefit

THE PURPOSE OF OUR STUDY One who does not know God thinks God will
R e d reason for study of the BibIe should be t o not act according to his Word, or that God
acquaint ourselves better with Jehovah, t o will continue t o deal with him even though
know him-his personality, his w4l and pur- practicing sin
poses as Sovereign Ruler-d to improve our John 17:s means more than taking infoma-
relationship with him tion into head; means getting it into heart,
living in accord with it
W e should desire more than just acquaintance-
ship When reading any portion of the Bible, it is good
It would take countless years of living to h o w t o analyze how it should affect our lives
a person as well as thk Bible reve& Jehovah
+- ..-
LW u5
Bible relates his dealings, amtudes, reactions
Motintionfor studying the Bible should be two-
fold: (I)to equip 6s to h o w and seme God
to eircumstanm over thousands of years in now, and aid othen to do the same (21 to
deal in^ with millions of wrsons I- 331131 prepare us far life in God,s nem order
Besides Gowing him as a &son. &owing God
also means t o act in h m o n y with whzt you BIBLE ORDER TO
h o w (Jer. 2 2 ~ 1 6 ) BECOME BETTER SHEPHERDS
First John 3:6 says: 'Wo one that ~raclti- ASDTEACHERS
sin has . . . come t o know him,"-that is, Elders shouId be especially concerned about
Christ: the same is true as to knowing his bowing well Jehovah's ways and viewpoints
Father (John 14:9, 10; 16:2, 3 ) on matters EPs. 86:ll)

Members of the congregation look to teem as Reviews based on the Bible will aid brothers to
e X W l e s in imitating Jehovah and hrs Son think Scripturally, to cite the Bible as their
(1 Cor. 11~1; Eph. 5 : l ; Heb. 133) authority in teaching others and in helping
The better elders know Jehovah, t h e better a e y their families. and to an~reciatemore f d v
will be able t o imitate him that they are &ally beingL"taughtby 3ehovah"
When studying the Bible, elders should con- (Isa. 54:13)
sider what applies t o them, what aspects of
Jehovah's persodiw, ways and viewpoint SUGGESTIONS FOR
of matters are revealed in a particular pas- EFFECTIVE BIBLE STUDY
sage of Scripture and how they can, imitate Methods of study are helpful but vary from per-
him in these respects son to person
Members of the congregation need help in imi- Good to scheduIe time every day; with a specific
tating Jehovah time it is easier to keep-regdar
- when studying the Bible, do well to Make it fit your particuZar routine and life
keeG jn mind congregation's needs pattern; may be More retiring or first thing
They could make note of points that would be in the morning, etc.
especially helpful in giving counsel and en- Only ten or Wteen minutes a day regularly will
couragement, whether privately or from give encouraging resuits
the platform Good surroundings helpful, but many must read
When problems arise, @Idemshould search for on public transportation, during Jmch breaks
Bible principles in qrder to And the solutibn at work, etc., learning t o shut out distractions
Usually careful and p r a y e m consideration Reading out loud or in an undertone can aid
of Bible with aid of Society's publimtions comprehension and memory (Ps.1:2)
leads t o ding solution Thoughtful meditation on material read im-
(lirstructor should discuss and illustrate ef- presses information on t h e mind and heart
fective use of PecbZiFatioizs In&x or have (Ps.143:5;Prov. 15:28)
students demonstrate this)
Effort should be made to proviGe answers in When your reading of a Bible account gives rise
congregation without relying constantly on to questions, seek to get accurate answers
inquiries written to the'society Cross-references and concordances aid one to
locate explanatory scriptures and other helpf uI
IN STUDY O F TIIE BIBLE ITSELF [Ask class to find answer to a Scriptural ques-
Scriptural discussions in Watch Tower pubIica- tion by use of Bible concordan6e or cross-
tians are based on the Bible, with additional references)
clarifying details supp3ed from ancient or If other Bible translations are available, one
modern history, or from practices common in could compare renderings and check any
t h e past or at present marginal notes or footnotes A

When i t comes to statements strictly based on Explanations of scriptures can be Iocated by

the Bible, elders could beneficially make it a consdting Society's Publications Index; t h i s
point t o cite God's Word as the authority and aid t o study should be used fully p

not merely the publication that is based there- Research may have to be governed by available
on time, need for information and circumstances
To this end, elders, after completing a study of of the one doing the studying
certain material in one of the Society's pub- Ones new in t h e truth may not understand
lications, could check whether they can ex- much of certain sections of the Bible- .
plain fmm t h e Bible d o n e what they have Better for newer ones to get overall picture
considered first and not t r y to Iook up everything they
Some, after reviewing what they have studied, do not understand; but they could make note
may find it heIpfuI to make brief notes in of certain points and do some research Iater
the margin of their Bible I they stop too often to look up things, they
If extra-Biblical information is needed t o dlar- may get discouraged because of not being
ify a particular passage of Scripture, a brief able to cover much material, and may miss
note in the margin of the Bible, accompanied the overall p i c k
by a reference t o a source where more de- Brothers in the truth longer, especially elders,
tails can be found, is very helpful should have in mind getting more of the
details and understanding
When elders emphasize the Bible in their reviews When t h e is limited. one may need to deter-
at congregation meetings, aL1 wiU be helped to mine which points'are vitd to understand-
appreciate that they are studying the Bible ing, giving attentjon t o these and not losing
A good way to do this is t o have those in atten- time on Iess important details
dance open the Bible t o scriptures that were Purpose for which information is desired may
considered and t h ~ n ask qu~stinns based limit extent t o which other details are
thereon explored

DISCERNING THE CORRECT APPLICATION nor should m e think that, pegadless of

OF SCRIPTURES climatk conditions, grapes and figs wiIl
Always consider the context: To whom was -the flourish everywhere
information directed?
What was its purpose? How would i t have been One dEso needs to we gmd swse and m n whtm
understcud by those hearing .or reading it reading Bible accounts
back then? Often details are not supplied in the immediak
The Bible contains many basic mrths or prin- P-ge
ciples that can k applied t o a variety of cir- One example is Jehovah's supplybg water for
cumstances without doing any vjolence to the the Israelites in the wilderness ( E k 17~63
context Had this been merely a trickle mrnpamhTe to
But elders should be epecidlly careful that they a modern water fountain, it would have been
do not force an application that is con- impossible for some t h r e million people and
to the context their domestic anirnds to get enough m e r
When drawing an extended application or prin- to supply their needs if they had to stand in
cipIe from a certain text, one can fortify it Line
by showing t h e contextual meaning Jehovah must have provided an entire stream
of water from the rock, and this is conErmed
W e should not construe scrjptures in suth a mf at Psalm 105:41
as b make them state twentieth-century con-
cepts that would not have been understood by Remembering that what is r~cordedin the Bible
people living before was usually of significance to people then
A case in point is Amos 9:2, \vhhe& the reference living, will prevent one from drawing \ v m g
is t o 'going up t o heaven' to escape divine conclusions
judgment Psalm 37:10, for example, pofnts to the time
Some might say this specifically refers to going when the wicked will be no more
up in rockets This does not mean that the application of t h i s
People living in the .time of h o s , however, text is limited to the time after t h e "great
would have understood this to mean going tribulation"
up to the mountains, for high mountains were David, under inspiration, based his statement
often concealed at the swnmit by clouds on things he had personally seen in his life
Amos 9:3 drams a similar comparison, po-g while Israel was under theorratit nzle and
out that those hiding atop Mount Camel wed this point to show that there was no
trould not escape Jehovah's judgment reason to get disturbed \%?hen the wicked
The Nnciple t o be Jearned from Amos 9:1-3 seemed to flourish for a while (Ps.3711, 2;
- is the same today as it was anciently40 compare verses 35, 36)
place, regardless 05 how high or how low, Since 'Jehovah does not change,' we have con-
will provide safety for lawless persons at the fidence in the M f Y h e n t of David's mrds in
time Jehovah's jud,menent is executed; even our day, when the wicked will be destroyed
should some today try to escape in rockets, in t h e "great .tribula-tion" (Ma].3:6)
they will not succeed Appreciating that Psalm 37:lO is not just a
Keeping a Middle Eastern setting in mind will pmmise that has never been fulfilled, we can
prevent one from drawing wrong conclusions point to its future fulfillment with greater
In brae1 and Judah of ancient times, lions confidence
roamed the Jordan thickets and, as today, One who knows the correct application of scrip-
grapes and figs were widely cultivated tures is in a better position to imitate Jehovah
For this reason restoration prophecies speak and to help others increase in accurate h o w l -
of each one of God's people as 'sitting under edge of God-this should be our godl when
his Yine and unde~his fig tree' and of 'the studying the Bible
lion eating straw' and allowing himself to be
'led by a Little boy' (Isa. 11:6, 7; 65:21,25; MAIN POINT: Study with a purpose in view:
Mic. 4:4) Bible m d y helps to acquaint us M e r with
Such prophecies had a past ful5lIment and Jehovah, ta get his viewpoint and the mrrect
also point fonvard to the time when peace- understanding of his Word
ful, prosperous and secure conditions will
prevail on earth after the "great tribulation" SOURCES: w?2 498.305; sg 3 3 a
They should not be interpreted to mean that TEA-G SUG-ON: Using last SnndaJI'sW&%
o m e lesson as a basis, point out how it helped you to
Lions will begin marnjng the entire earth tenderstand of! the Bible itself or helped
Some. P O ~ O T
so that each child can have a lion as a pet, you to uqe the Bible more effectively
No. I1 - First Wednesday, 9:10
How the Elders Work Together as a Body
'%BODY O F ELDERS* SERTT Z.-DER given to holy spirit for the fine decision that
THE HE-WSBTP OF CHRIST 1-s reached so that congregations were "made
Jehot-ah is t h e "shepherd and overseer" of our firm" (Acts 16:s)
souls; he has made his S m the '"ef shepbd'" MODERN-DAY MEETINGS OF ELDlZtS
of His flock (1 Pet. 2:25; 5:4)
Regular meetings, held at beginning of Septem-
When the Christian congregation came into exis- ber, December, March and June to discuss n-ork,
tence at Pentemst, Jesus Christ was its a p are recommended, but others may be convened
pointed Head (Matt. 25:1&20: Eph. 1:22, 23) whenever necessary
Appointed elders today recognize their respon-
sibility to "shepherd the flock of God" under Chairman presides over regular discussions of
the direction of the "fine shepherd," Christ activities; it is beneficial for him to plan in
(1 Pet 5:2; John 10:fl) advance a program or agenda, scheduling time
Elders are not to be viewed either individually for each subject (Rom. 12:B; 1 Cor. 14:40)
or collectively as the head of any congregation Prayer is offered, seeking guidance of holy
(Matt. 23 :9-11) - spirit and understanding of appropriate Bible
principIes (Acts 1:24, 25; 6:5, 6 ; 20~12, 36)
Elders must be b a d and 'deep in knowledge and Chairman may requ& one elder to make brief
understanding of God's Word, manifesting notes of decisions made and date of meeting
genuine love for the cocgregation for congregation files
~ . merely their age, inspire con-
Such q u d i t i ~ not Chairman may call on certain elders to make
f i d e ~ = and respect, promoting the smooth initid presentation of subjecrt; others are free
operation of the congregation (Job 32:9) t o bring up matters needing attention as ap-
T3ey are t o be like the older men in Isme1 to propriate, contributing as fellmv elders (or 65)
whom people could look for m,unsel All can help t o keep discussion Scriptural, applq--
The services of the elders shodd result in re- ing Bible counsel
freshment for those in congregation, as in- Principal topics for discussion might fncIude:
dicated by Jesus (Matt. 11:28-30)
Shephe~ding (starting new study groups; en-
POSITION OF ELDERS couraging and counseling when appropriate
FROM APOSTOLIC TIBlES at Kingdom Hall; arrangements t o visit at
homes; w i n g to interest unbeliwing mates;
Bible shorn that all elders in, any one c o n m t i o n strengthening the family study arrangement;
have equal authority, though not necessarily giving assistance where needed t o some in
- equal ability field ministry, in dweloping Theocratic >Tin-
Some may be more highly esteemed Zn congre- isfry School talks, in commenting a t meetin~s,
gation due to years of service and spiritual etc
qualifications Impm*spg tb teaching u$ meetings m d tm-r
None of Pad's writings single out any man as quality (teaching methods used by elders in
the overseer or even a d d r e s any individual g.iting talks; rehearsing demonstrations; who
as such might be used in demonstrations so as many
Although Peter presided at early meetings of as feasible are involved in meetings; shoWing
the congregation in Jerusalem, James is later application of material in lives of brothers;
found holding this responsibility (Acts 1:25- timing of program; varieties of presentations;
22;2:1-14;5:l-11;15:13-21;21:18;Gal. 2:12) highlighting aspects of material that pertain
Paul related that there were ""outstandingmen" to-c~~gregation)
among the elders at Jerusalem and named Plans for public me&ngs (consider what sub-
Peter and John as ones who "'seemed to be jects might be especially helpful to cangra
pills=" though no oficial rank or station is gation. also special topics that might be 2 5
implied (Gal. 2:2, 9) veloped in response to viewpoints of poz:e
Though Peter a "man of prominence" in t h a t a~eal
other older men. he was not infallible and was Public talks- and iast7.lldion tafks tke e 3 d m ~522
later corrected by Paul (Gat 2:ll-14) ddiver (as their time and ability --it the
On one ocmsion Paul reported to older men at to prepare these; alsD considering r h o rrCgh:
Jerusdem, received counsel from them and be especially qualified to cover FL'>
folIowed it {Acts 21:15-26) jects)
Illattms @ i ~ g speclot u#mtimz on the sm+ce
EXodel meding of governing body recorded at meeting (such as mmmm objectiors i? f e13
Acts 15:6-29 service; encouraging return visits a-f Czrip.
Issue of circumcision was discussed, with credit Bible studies; probIems corfm?.t& Sy :-P-L-.

publhhers a t school that would be appropriate If all service committee members are elders -they
for congregational discussion; problems such will serve as a judicial committee when neces-
as gossip, faultfinding, etc.) (At this point sary
instructor may ask students what subject they Usually not necessary to consult SQCWY In
think wouId be beneficial for the elders in handling problems, as local mmnittee is
their home congregation t o discuss and why. qualified to take action
After getting several suggestions, instructor Committee has weighty respnsibZty to p
may select a few matters that u.ould be a p serve deanness of congregation
propriate for such a meeting and that have
t h e widest interest among fhe brothers pres- WORKING TOGETFiER IN A SPIRIT OF
ent, and then get comments from the class on COOPERATION
ham some have handled the matters lomlly Christian congregation likened to a b d y that, by
or what they would suggest) being "hmoniously joined together and k h g
Early in September determine m e r m y made to cooperate through every joint that
bmthers now quaEify as ministerial servants gives what is needed, according to the fua.&on-
and whether any ministerial servants now meet ing of each respective member in due measure,
the qualifications for elders makes for the growth of the body for the
Also determine whether any elders or ministerial- building up of itself in lave" ((Eph 4:16)
servants need t o be removed Are you 'giving what is needed' by your m-
S n d this information t o the branch OBOE along operation and support of the various bmthexs
-with the full name, complete mailing address who have been appoin*d t o serve?
and telephone number (if they have such) Pad advises that "God makes all his worb co-
of those who w f l serve as the presiding over- operate together for the good of those who
seer, field overseer and Bible study overseer love W (Rom. 8328)
f o r t h e corning year Essential for elders t o cooperate t~g&heras a
Rotation takes placece,the regular order being body for building up of the congregation in
with Theocratic Ministry S&ml overseer love
kccoming tlratchtozr;er study conductor, who This r c q u b ? ~continuing coopemtion and snpport
in turn becomes BibIe study overseer, who from overseers previousIy holding certain
then serves as field overseer, who becomes positions, not just for one month at Start of
the new presidin, overseer year, but a t all times
The present presiding overseer moves t o any It means making available the Information, ex-
open position, such as book study conductor perience, correspondence from the Society,
If someone cannot take t h e next position in etc., that would be helpful
- rotation, elders will decide on adjustments, It means not finding fault with the efforts of
recognizing the rotation arrangement brothers while they learn what has to be
Review duties of ministerial servants and make done, but recognizing that they, too, are a p
adjustments where beneficid pointed and serve under direction of holy
If a brother who was an elder or ministerial ser- spirit
vant elsewhere moves into a congregation, the While Scriptures show that elders are equal in
elders may want t o discuss whether it would authority in the congregation, one semes as
be appropriate before September to make a chairman, another one rotating into that po-
recommendation for his appoinlment so they sition each year
can benefit from his services (or 66) Where there are differences in personal view-
points, will you show humflfty by moperating
In December review work of pioneers and send closelv with what the bodv of elders as a
reports to branch office for those who might whale feel to be in the inter&& of the congre-
qualjfy for service elsewhere ati ion? (Prov. 15:33: 1 Tim. 521)
ProbIems involving pioneers may be reviewed ~ i l the
I presiding overseer in turn shew humility
at any time, however, and the elders have the by consulting fellow elders and showing will-
responsibility to remove any pioneers who ingness to draw on their years of experience?
no longer meet the qualifications and notify
the branch office of such actjan Be sure decisions of the body are based on God's
Word 12 Tim. 3:16, 17)
The presiding overseer, field overseer and Bible WORKING TOGETHER AS A BODY
study overseer have special responsibilities as UXDER THE HEADSHIP OF CHRIST
a service committee Ephesians 5:24 m i n d s us that "'the rngn?gation
These include checking all regular pioneer ap- is in subjection t o the Christ"
pl ications and recommending qualified ones This is true both of the spirimd congmmtion of
t o the branch ofice; making appoinbents of 144,000 as well as of each conmeation of
temporary pioneers; hmdlinq territory adjust- Christians throughout the earth whose bOdv
ments n~ifiother mngregations, etc. of elders recognize that they are in L\e right

hand or under the control of Christ (Rev. While not aU members may participate in all
1:162:1) decisions, aU do cooperate for common goals
Christ in turn accents his direction from Jeho- of the body
vah I1 GO;. fi:i) Each elder does wen from time to t h e to reflect
It was not always easy for him to follow such on his oversigl~t,examining his ministry and
direction. vet he did so faithfully (Matt. motives, then making whatwer adjustments
26 :39,221 " are necessary to be an even greater source of
Will you as an elder in the cdngregation show blessing, assistance and encouragement to his
the same attitude in recognizing Jehovah's brothers (Ram. 15:1, 2)
arrangemat, c o o p e r a ~ g with the entire As entire congregation works together, it is
body of elders and with the presiding over- strengthened, built up in loving unity, and
seer? (Rom. 12:lO; 1 Tim. 5:'17) brought daser to Jehovah God and Christ Jesus
Working together as a body does not mean d12 [Phil. 2: 9-11)
directly share in performing each task or mak- MATN PO'XNT: Each elder should balance respon-
ing each decision sibility with humility, thus becoming a blessing
The human body, though having many members, in the body of elders and in t h e congregation
carries out certain functions without con- SOURCES: ccd 1162, il63, X260, 1261; m W70, 18, 151-
sultation (1Cor. 12:12-31) - 153; yb (19721 29-33

No. I2 - Flrst Wednesday, 10:40

Giving Counsel to Individuals
ALL OF US NEED COUNSEL Personal Bible counsel to individuals also in-
No man is abIe successfully to direct his own steps structs us
(Jer. 10:23) il As with Saul, personal sacrifices without obe-
dience mean nothing (1Sam. 15:22,23; Heb.
N o matter how many years we have lived, w e are 13:15)
still children in the eyes of the E t e n d God Counsel about the danger in the love of money
From Jehovah's viewpoint of 1,000 years being is as beneficial to us as it was to Timothy
as one day, a man of 100 years has lived only (I Tim. 6:10, 11)
t w o hours and twenty-four minutes 12 Pet. Husbands and wives today can "benefit from
3:8) counsel given to the Colossians {Col. 3:lS-21)
Can anyone become so wise in this short time
t h a t he does not need counsel from his EXernal Jehovah uses the "faithful and discreet slave''
Father? class to provide us with good counsel
Under its direction, Bible-based publications of
From tfie time of Adam, men continued to do Watch Tower Society counsel on personal con-
foolish things against their best interests duct, marriage, keeping of integrity t o God,
It is with good reason God's Word says: "Listen
b counsel. .. " [Prov. 19;20)
our relationship with political rulers, etc.
Though congregation meetings, counsel from
Some in the congregation more frequently en- ""slave" given on mental attitude toward our
counter circumstances where counsel is neces- field ministry, spiriW maturity, etc -
sary t o keep them in t h e fight way and fathers have responsibility t o coun-
Lacking in spiritual growth and maturity, they Husbandssel wives and children. and mothers share in
react spiritually as a child counseling children ( ~ b h 5:22,
. 23; 6:4;Prov.
Jehovah gives us much counsel through his writ- Older men in the congregations must shoulder
ten Word the Bible responsibility of giving counsel when needed
Although many of his instructions were directed This is an obIigation that comes with appoint-
to the nation of Israel, they are for our benefit ment as an elder (Titus 1:9)
too (Rom. 15:4) Not difficult t o use the Bible to exhort the broth-
God gave Israel practical counsel as t o worship, ers t o continued faithful service
exacting exclusive devotion; the same counsel When difficulties arise, must also handle these
will preserve o w relationship to God ( 2 Tim. 4:1, 2)
He gave counsel as t o personal conduct, warn- Must be willing and able to administer needed
ing against murder, stealing, sexual immo- reproof
rality, bearing false witness and many other Though not always appreciated by the wrong-
things; benefits to us and the community in doer, it is a blessing to t h e congregation and
which we live through heeding this counsel will be t o the wrongdoer who heeds it (Prov,
are clearly evident 6~23;2 Tim. 2:24-26; Heb. 12:ll)

Elders must have fortitude to reprove wrong- gross sin Is committed or the &amstances
doers when necessary afEect the congregation itself
Cannot hold back because some indiPiduaI may Parents should take the respnsMlity over their
refuse reproof, or because of relationship minor children but m a y seek help from the
with the individual or because a former close elders
associate (Prov. 27:5, 6 ; 29:l) W i e d couples should settle their diEe~ences
Overseer with spiritual qualifications win act but may request the elders to give counsd
out of concern for the spiritual condition of
the congregation as a whole (1 Tim. 5:20) MANNER OF GlVING COUNSEL
For an overseer there is no room fur compromise No rules or set pattern for giving c o m d , since
Paul was moved by God's spirit to foretvarn us circtnmsbnces and individuals vary; but some
of some who would want to serve rJod in basic guidelines are helpful
their own way (2 Tim. 4:3,4 )
E3ders must be watchful enough to foTlm Pass Keep in mind that the person is one of Jehovah's
advice in dealing with those who contradict "'sheep"
(Tjtus3: 10;1 Cor. 5: 11,131 Prayerfully seek Jehovah's M o n
bblerns arise in the congregation just as Treat the individual with loving concam; show
foretold; elders are necessary t o shepherd the by afitude a desire to help and concern for
flock and keep the congregation dean (Acts - the individual
20:2S-30, 35) -. All counsel should be given in a loving way
Simply showing sufficient concern to give cow
APPROPRIATE AND EFFTZernTE COlJNSEL se3 is loving, but tone of voice and manner of
approach are important (Eph. 4:32)
Comse1 is usually given in one of trVo different
situations Base counsel on God's Word
Either when approached by one seeking ic or Avoid giving personal opinions
after seeking out one who ne&s counsel Have attitude of Solomon in seeking Jehovah's
The effectit-mess of M U I ~ can S ~ o m be d*-
wisdom (1 Ki. 3:9-123
mined by the results i t gets Be balanced in vieitpoint, having a amscience
Mi& in God" law and also remgnkhg that
If m m e I accomplishes its intended purpose, some matters are properly left to the con-
improt-ernent should be forthcoming science of others to decide
The only exception would be when the one coun-
seled is beyond assistance Take mfEcient time, and endeavor to reach the
When response is not evident, it should not al- heart of the person
-nTays be assumed that fault for this f d m Be a good listener
lies with the one counseled This helps to open the heart of the one & -
Effort should be made to determine if COUUEI help
was ineffective by analyzing the counsel Must be ertain of true condition and of most
effective solution before offering suggestions
Counsel may accomplish three things: Offer com- or giving counsel
mendation, give something to work on, and Take time to discuss application of scriptures;
offer suggestions or remedies let t h e person meditate; it takes time to reach
Commendation should be a sincere expression the heart
in recomition of a right course When advisable, take time to do research or dis-
ing (Rev, 2:l-4)
It is con~tructive,strecahening: - and enmurag-- cuss with another elder; where serious matters
are involved be very sure your counsel is cor-
It can be desimed to identify the advantages rect before you give i t
or rightness-of a course, being given as en- If too busy t o handle a matter properly, better
couragement t o continue following this course t o refer the person to another elder for con-
Giving something to work on offers opportunity sideration
t o make f urZAer progress even in fields he may
not be aware are open to him VARIOUS WAYS OF GIVING COUNSEL
Often i t can call attention t o an error with the
intent to correct i t (1 Thess. 5:141 Direct counsel takes full cognizance of the situa-
Suggestions t h a t are practical mill help a person tion and deals with all the factors i a v o h d in
see hclw he can improve his relations with his a specific way
brothers, advance in the ministry, etc. (Phil No question or doubt I s allowed to remain as to
3 :13-16) t h e nature of the problem or circumstan-;
P-emedies offered where errors are being made all t h e facts are clearly identified and fully
will aid one in correcting them (Heb. 12:12, discussed
131 The course expect4 or required is defined in
unequivocal terms
Care should exercised not to get u n n m y
involved in handlimq matters t h a t are Scrip- Indirect counsel 3eav~smuch b t h e dkwmment
turally the prerogative of someone else. unless of the one Counseled

The facts or circumstances may or may not be Should feel the requirements are not impossible
specifically stated for him to meet
Counsel may be offerdl more in the nature of Should feel he is not too far gone to come back
suggestion or by example, without d n g T h e find goal of the counsel, as in dI effectEve
direct application t o the one being counseled teaching, is to reach the heart
Alternate suggestions may be offered, leaving
t h e one counseled free to choose PROPER ATITEJDE OF
May also be given as group c o d , d o w i n g ONE BEING COUNSELED
each one to apply it as it fits Accept the counsel as deserved, not wing to
@&ons may be effective in helping an individ- justify or excuse oneself (Heb. 12:5-7)
ual analyze his own situation or needs Appreciate the discipline received as from Je-
hovah through t h e elders appointed as shep
FW ~ & v e counsel to be effective and con- herds pro^. 12:l-3)
structive, all pertinent factors must be under-
stood on both sides Listen m y
m e one giving counsel must be in posse&m Shodd not be thinking of &f or feeliag sorsy
of aa the facts, not guessing or drawing m- for self so as to miss the good counseI behg
w a r r a n t e d conclusions given
May requin? thorough but tactful and consida- Jesus admonished his disciples to get the sense of
ate questioning, bgging deep; or may require instrurtion
questioning others who might have howl- APPIYthe counsel (Prov. 3:7; 19:20)
&g e
If mumel is given without conSdwing all the MAIN POINT: Giving effective mume1 as an
factors, the one counseled can reject it with elder means "holding firmly to the faithful word."
self -consoling view : "He doesn't understand" (Titus1:9) As a true shepherd, endeavor to reach
Only if alI facts are knoun can a proper evalua- t h e heart of erring ones and muse a turning
tion be made and an effective solution found, around
getting at the basic, underlying causes
The one munseled must know exactly wkat e ~ a s
dmze that is being called into question SITUATIONS: (Students should be prepared to d i m
Kindly but straightforward approach to a mat- in class the f oUowing situations as t o circumstances and
counsel that could be offered)
ter is almost always preferable NO. 1: You are appruachd by a bmther who has been
If the erring one is forced t o guess why he is baptized about a ymr. Hc is a mechanic, worhng in the
being counseled, he may miss t h e point com- service garage of an automobile sales agency. His
pletely primary work k to condition the trade-in cars to be
- If t h e one being counseled is unsure of what sold on t h e agency's used-car lot. His conscience has
begun to trouble him because of certain routine prac-
was done, he may conclude that the one eoun- tices that are required of him, such as turning back the
seling is unsure also or just voicing a personal mileage a certaln percent on all cars, treating auto-
opinion and discount any advice given matic transmissions with "dope" that quiets them down.
etc. H e comes to you for counsel as t o how he should
The one counseled must know why it mz w m g view the matter and what he should do
Scriptural principles not known to the wrong- NO. 2 : The children of one couple associated with the
doer may have t o be drawn t o his attention congregation are unruly during meetings and run
Many newly associated ones bring with them around noisily inside and outside the Kingdam Hall
after meetings. Both parents are dedicated and have
concepts they have always accepted as proper; been associated for thrw years. They have two children,
one may feel an act or course is justified a bey nine years old and a girl seven years old. Neither
under certain circumstances are dedicated though they do share in magazine work.
Unless convinced that his act or course is wrong, Many of the brothers are disturbed by their conduct
and you feel comprlled to counsel the parents. Indirect
he will have no inducement t o change and no counsel has been given on several occasions from the
grounds for true repentance platf o m
The one counseled must know what to do to NO. 3: You a r e approached by a brother who has been
correct the sitwition in the truth four years. He tells you he has a confes-
to make. H e drank too much one night at home
Zf uncertain he may take another false step sion and now has a guiIty conscience. Before he m e into
or hesitate to make any change the m t h he was a heavy drinker but has not been
T h e one counseled must be encouraged to turn town. d d since. His wife was visiting her mother ont of
m i n d and take a right course (Heb. 12:12, neighbors This happened about a week ago and none of his
or anyone else knows or has said an-g
131 about it to hifn
Nn 13 - First Wednesday, 2:10
House-to-House Ministry
GREAT URGENCY TO PERFORM TEIE periences and circumstances, chmges in world
U Y GDOM-PREACHING WORK conditions, etc.
Jehovah's mktian to W e rejoice that, in God's mercy, he oftell grants
share in performing a most vital work on P'SonS repeated opportunities hem,
of the world of mankind (Matt.' 24:14) result that many become believers
prophetjca~y foRtald, the of d e d d n g ~ m t i n u to e plant and water and look to J~h0Mh
the good news is done under the diredion of t o make ; 3~23,24)
it grow (1 Car. 3 ~ 6 C0l-
Jehovah's angels (Rev. 14:6, 7) Success in field ministry not determined merely
Time left for ingathering of God's "sheep" very by number of placements, nor hours spent, but
short, before end overtakes this wicked system by our shorving love for God, by sharhg f u Y
of things; hence very urgent Our ministry is a failure only when we quit; if
we love God and obey him, and keep working,
FolIowing example of Jesus and disciples, Jeho- then our ministry is successful (IJohn 5 :3, 4)
vah's witnesses W e initiative and carry good
news t o the people, not waiting for people to SUGGESTIoNS
come in search for the truth (Matt. 9:35; Luke -
House-to-house preaching has proved most ef- To be effective in public ministry, we must have
fective means of reaching the people for over Jehovah's spirit to back us up; prayer for His
50 years; good results obtained have shown guidance and direction before we start and
wisdom of method; Jehovah's blessing evident; while we are performing &istry is beneficial
"wisdom is proved righteous by its works" Sincere prayer t o God gives us confidence and
(Matt. 11:19) courage to do his divine will (I John 5:14;
Need far each dedicated Christian to have as full Eph- 6:18)
and regular a share in house-~O-~OUS~ ministry Preparatim essential. a view to making pre-
as he can (Matt. 9137, 38; Eph. 5:15-17) sentation of message as interesting and effective
as possible; benefiting from the experience of
FULFILL YOUR PERSONAL others, accompanying them,very helpful
RE SPONSIBILKTY IN MINISTRY Conscientiously endeavor t o improve personal
Jesus invited followers t o take "yoke" of disciple- field ministry; include thoughts of field service
ship, which implies work, though "load is when preparing for meetings; be alert for
- light" (Matt. 11:28-30] points useful in the field; practice new points;
keep "fresh," adaptable
While our personal ministry includes firlfiuing Practicing presentations at home, at get-
obligatiem to our family and to the congrega- togefhers, may prove helpful
tion of spiritual brothers, it must reach out
beyond these (Matt. 5 :46-48) Like Jesus and disciples, we direct our discussion
We must have love for people of the world of toward the Scriptures (John 7 :16-18; A-
mankind as Jehovah does (Matt. 2239; John 17:2)
3:16) Our message has God's E n g h as muin t k m e ;
Do we appreciate grave danger those outside we enthusiastically uphold it as m a n a d ' s only
God's orgmization are in, and their urgent hop
need t o learn of God's provisions for surviving Appropriate to haw in mind one or more Scrip-
the "great tribdation"? ture texts that relate to Kingdom theme that
this, we must have a desire to shm in Like could be read and discussed enthusiastically
the sanctification and vindication of Jehovah's Jesus, we hoaor name
Holy Name, both by living up to the Name and IY, aiding others t o know it and appreciate its
by publicly proclaiming it as widely as pos- si&nificance (John 17:26)
sible (Matt. 6:9; Ps.72:18,19) Whatever theme we choose to use in h i s t r y ,
it should relate to God's kingdom, His purpose,
We should not become discouraged and feel we ~i~ name
have failed in the field ministry because some Aside these major pints, we say
refuse t o listen or accept literature, or if, after
obtaining literature, %.heyrefuse to study (Matt. at any one home will generally depend on the
24:9-12) response of the householder
While many hearts are hardened against God Word provides no detailed rules as to
a d message, others may soften; thinlung and how to begin a presentation or how to answer
desires of people change due to personal ex- questions or objections

When you appradch a house, do so in pmitive Guide discussion t o make message crppIicab1!e to
spirit of peace and friendliness (Eph. 6:15) individual, emphasizing its personal and vital
This spirit is reflected in our introduction, shon-- importance to him and family, with a view to
h g warmth and kindness t o those we meet, motivating h m
not prejudging as being opposers but assuming
they are deserving of our message While effective Scriptura1 discussions at homes
Most effective inhduction presenl a simple of peopIe do much ta interest them in Kingdom
idea sslmed to interest. individual; presented message, an important part of our purpose is
y and sincerely t o leave with them printed publications to aid
A friendly smile and cheerful ' m g may in search for k m t h
often offset annoyance resulting from m- Appropriate for dis-m to relate t o literature
announced call by minister offer or one of topics considered in the-publi-
Since most persons have little understanding of Offering fitera- may provide me opportu-
BiMe, presentation needs to be: simpZe, so as to nity to d e r n o m t e a study on initid cdll
be easily grasped and understood Never forget that getting Kingdom Literature
Feel free t o discuss what seems ?mtfor aiding into the homes of sincere seekers for truth
each individual may open way for them and their families
Strive t o g e t persons to talk with you rather than to find the way t o everlasting life
'"reach'' to them; by conversing with. p w p k Our goal is to leave a favo~ablsf m ~ p r w i m if;
we are more apt t o reach their hearts and- possible, more favorable attitude toward God,
understand their needs - his Ward, and his servants than before our
Their reaction .will help us t o slant discussion visit; but may not always succeed
toward topic that will most likely interest
and motivate them W e have best message in the world, the most
Simple but leading questions ;ay be used to comforting and attractive to honest-hearted
draw out thinking; use discr@tion so as not persons; no mason for concern when some do
t o ernbanass not shorn favorable response
Be positive; seek points of agmment, avoid Show willingness to share good news with dl,
unnecessary controvemy; our purpose is to letting each one decide whether he will accept
win hearts, not arguments (&cl. i : & ) or not
Be flezibte and adaptable, so as to fit ourselves and Our ministry not bound by many d e s ; many have
our presentation t o t-ing clrcumstanms and tine success by, in effect, visiting with people,
responses; this is achieved by thorough prepa- engaging in conversation
ration and experience - O u r main concern is to find God's "'sheep," by
tcying t o reach all; following up not-at-homes
Christians should be careful t o avoid causing at different times, by letter a-riting or tele-
needless difficulties; no desire to antagonize or phone; makes advisable keeping a record
- offend others, or have "last word," so need to Share Kingdom message with people wherever
d t i v a t e tactfulness (Prov. 12:8, 18: compare we find them, in gardens, polishing car, in
2 Timothy 2 9 4 , 25) field, or barn, etc,
Our message should attract reasonable minds, When we have prepared ourselves well, by filling
not repel them; it should highlight points of our minds and hearts with Bible truth, and
agreement on things in which they are motivated by a sincere desire t o impart h o w l -
naturally interested edge t o sheeplike ones, we can be sure Jehovah
ratiIe tactful, understanding and reasonable in will direct us #rough power of holy spirit to
our manner, we do not compromise on the help persons whose hearts are receptive (Acts
truth; we are firm for what is righteous and 16:14)
true, yet never rude or belligerent (Prov.
15:18) MAIN POTNT: Enmumge each dedimw C k b
IIIustmtbm are h e l m ; usually can be wed to tian to view the house-to-house ministry as an
apply personally the information presented opportunity to honor Jehovah's name and to aid
others t o gain life
To have message timely requires our being up to
date, concerned and kno~TedgeabIcabout what SOURCES: or f 07-12[1,126128;gm 174lB
is going on in world
h'o. 14 - First Wednesday, 3:00

Showing Full Appreciation for Jehovah's Temple

IDENTIFYING JEHOVAH'S GREAT TEMPLE intended his human sacrifice to the death;
' Tabernacle and Solomon's temple replacing it, condition was that of perfect hu~'12ISUI of
as well as their features, represented Jehovah's God
great temple and its features (Heb. 9:2-10,23) In the case of the " c a d ones," spirituaI
Main features of tabernacle and Solomon's tem- underpriests, the priestly courtyard repre-
ple included- sents special human standing with God,
Most Holy or "innermost room" containing ark their having been declared righteous and
of covenant; curtain separated Most Holy thus being viewed as sinless; represents righ-
from the Holy teous standing as t o their fleshly bodies
Holy {separated by curtain or screen from (Rom. 3:24-26; 5:1, 9; S:I)
courtyard) containing lampstand (s) , table (s) Altar represents God's "will," as shown by his
of shotbread and altar of incense willingness to accept perfect human s a d c e
Priestly courtyard with its altar (Web. 10:l-10; 13:10-12)
Jesus presented himself for sacrifice on dtar
Significance of these features in Jehovah's great of God's "will" in 29 C.E.,which date would
spiritual temple mark the time when God's great spiritual
Most Holy represents "heaven itself," the area . temple took form
where "the person of God" is (Heb. 9:24) Priestly courtyard took form as Jesus, in 29
The Holy, the courtyard and their features pe - C.E., began superintending sacrifice of his
tain to things on earth having t o do with those . perfect human body
serving Jehovah on earth and their special Holy took f o r m when Jesus, in 29 C.E.,became
standing with God while still in the flesh i spirit-begotten Son of God (Matt. 3:17)
Curtain as a barrier separating the Holy f r o 6 Fact that Jehovah accepted Jesus' presentation
Most Holy represented, in Jesus' case, his of himself t o die sacrificially meant that the
"flesh," which he had t o Iay down in sacri- area where Jehovah thrones in heaven took
fice, giving it up forever, to be able to enter on characteristics of Most Holy where Je-
"heaven itself," the antitypical Most Holy hovah thrones above propitiatory cover of
(Heb. 10:20) ark of new covenant, willing t o be appeased
His anointed followers must also pass thd by satisfying sin offering
fleshly barrier that separates them from Antitypical Day of Atonement began in 29 C.E.
access to God's presence in heaven - and ended in 33 C.E.when Jesus presented
Tn the case of Jesus, the Holy represented the value of sin-atoning blood in antitypical
candition that entitled him to be in "heaven Most Holy, "heaven itself"
itself" with Jehovah God were it not for the
barrier of his fleshly body (I Cor. 15:50) Jehovah" great spiritual temple is his arrange-
This condition was that of being a spirit- ment for worship
begotten Son of God - Inspiritual
'final part of days' people of nations to go to
temple (Isa. 2:2-4)
In antitypical Holy (during his earthly minis- 4

try) Jesus (as High Priest) could offer up Since 1935 C.E.,"great crowd" of nonpriestly
incense of prayer, praise and service to God - worshipers began t o be noticed at spiritual
Those called to heavenly life with Christ are . temple
likewise begotten by holy spirit and thus 'Great m \ v d ' U e not in priestly courtyard
brought into condition represented by the but serve in courtyard of Gentiles (aspecial
Holy, a spirit-begotten condition though still feature of temple built by King Herod,
in the flesh - though provisions were made previously for
Gentiles to share in temple worship); Wis
On earth spirit-begotten ones (as under-
priests ) enjoy spiritual enlightenment as represents the righteous standing to which
from lampstand, eat spiritual food as from all mankind must come in order to worship
table of showbread and offer up prayer, God acceptably I1Ki. 8:41-43)
praise and service t o God as if s&n&i?g at
the altar of incense OTHER TEMPLES
Fact that the Holy was separated from the NOT OF HUMAN CONSTRUCTION
courtyard by a curtain or screen sho~vs When on earth, spirit-begotten Christians as a
that special spirit-begoften condition of congregation form a temple that God inhabits
spiritual underpriests is screened off from by spirit, not in person (I Cor. 3:16, 17; Eph.
outsiders; outsiders cannot fully appreciate 2:1822; 1 Pet. 2:5)
Priestly courtyard, in case of Jesus, represented Jehovah God and Jesus Christ are temple of New
condition in which he, as High Priest, super- Jerusalem (Rev. 21:22-24)

Since Jehovah is personally present, there is no Cooperating with elders appointed by governing
need for separate building through which body of the "faithfuI and discreet slaven'
144,000should serve and tvorship him; Jeho- (Heb. 13:7,17)
vah takes t h e place of a temple "Great crowd" thus show proper regard for
Lamb, Jesus Christ, is there directly a h and spiritual underpriests making up "faithful
share -4th Jehovah in being temple of Eierv and discreet slave"";pport underprim in
Jedern their work as did non-Israelite temple slaves
(Gibeonits, Ne?.hinim) (Josh.9:3-6,l5, 23,
TEMPLE ARRANGEJIE3T S H O W S BY Anointed and "great crowd" must avoid negIe&ng
SUPPORT O F TRUE WORSHIP ' M ' s house7Neh. 10339)
Jews, just prior to Jehovah's raising up of Haggai Elders and ministerial servants must discharge
and Zechariah, failed to short- appreciation for responsibilities to shorn- they are not neglect-
true worship; neglect& temple rebuilding work, ful (Compare 1 Timothy 1:18, 19; 4~14)
giving prime attention to olvn houses instead Just as Aaronic priests had to be dean when
(Hag. 1:2-11] serring before Jehovah and Israelites had to
D i ~ i n eblessing could come only by Jews' resum- be clean when at sanctuary, all (anointed and
i n g work on temple despite governmental ban, "'great crowd") must maintain dean standing
trusting in Jehovah and not giving in to the befare Jehovah (Ex. 30:17-21; Lev. 22:2-8;
fear of man (Hag. 2:4, 5, 18, 19) Num. 19:20;Titus 2:Il-14)
Anoint& remnant, after king released from cap- No one can afford to neglect assembling with
tivity t o "Babylon the Great" in 1919 CX,, others of like precious faith (Heb. 10:23-31)
were Like Jewish remnant returning from Bab- Commenting at meetings and preparation to do
ylon; had to revive public worship at spiritud so included in supporting m e worship
temple to receive Jehovah's blessing Should never neglect prayer (Eph. 6:18; Jas.
Service at spiritual temple needed to be given d.SVJ

first place Our "sacrifices" include public proclamation of

Materialistic opportunities of postwar period had "good news" and assisting needy brothers in
t o be put in background whatever way possible (Rom. 10:13-13; Heb.
Fear of man had to he dkpelled 13:15,16; 1 John 3:16,17)
FWI trust and confidence had to be placed in Meeting places for rvcmrship require maintenanw;
Jehovah financial mmibwtions, also cleaning and re-
As Jehovah Iaccompanied by his messenger of the pair work, a part of not neglecting "house of
cotfenant, t h e Lord Jesus Christ) c a m e te tem- our God" I 2 Cor. 8:12;9:71
ple in 1918 CE., judgment on God's people be-
gan; loyalty of .God's anointed ones was put 3?WTURE BZLESSIE3GS THROUGH
- to the test from that time forward (EIal3:f-3) JEHOVAH'S GREAT SPIRITUAL TEMPLE
Proving loyal under test would demonstrate a p After "great b5bulationR'joyful antitypical Festi-
preciation for Jehovah's temple and senrice val of Booths begins, for "peat cmwd'%f trib-
there ulation survivors depicted as waving palm
Tested as t o - branches at temple, that is, in earthly court-
Reliance on wths of God's Word and his usle of yards of temple, '"courtyard of Gentiles" as it
"faithful and discreet slave" class to provide were (Rev. 7:9-15)
spiritual food Festival of Booths pictures gathering of re-
Willingness to share in preaching Kingdom deemed ones of all nations t o worship of 3e-
message hovah at: his spiritual temple during thousand-
Luyalty to God's heocratic arrangement year reign ( p m 401)
Today anointed remnant and "great m w d " must During this joyfuI festival sin-atoning benefits
continue t o give full support t o true worship provided on Jehovah's Day of Atonement are
applied to "great crowd" of tribulation survi-
Must show full devotion to Jehovah himself, vors rvith a view to bringing about their com-
daing all things in a way that honors his plete healing from tin and imperfection (Rev.
Kame, and willingly responding to his Word 21:3-5)
Must show full appreciation for ransom sacrifice, Resurrected ones will a h have opportunity to
acting in harmony with i t by avoiding sinful. seme Jehovah in earthly courtyards of great
conduct (Rev. 7:9, 10, 15) spiritual temple, with prospect of hamming
Regard shoun by- perfect human sons of God (John 5:28,29)
Receiving with appreciation spiritual f d &-
pensed by "faithful and discreet slave" ( W e Salvation impsibIe apart from s e d c e at Jew
32:9-13) vahk great temple
Giving loyal support to work of Ringdom- Humans refusing to serve him and refusing to
preaching and disciple-making (Matt. 28:19, celebrate great antitypical Festival of Booths
20) nil1 not gain everlasting life

Those who do celebrate, show appreciation for MAIN POINT: Jehovah's great spiritual temple
deliverance from old system of things and de- was represented by the tabernacle and the temple
sire t o worship at Jehovah's temple, will re- of Solomon; we should give his arrangement for
ceive great blessings (Zech. 14:16-18;Lev. 23: worship our full support today
42, 43; Deut. 16:13-15;ad 575) SOURCES: ad 575; prn 401; w65 750-754;w U / V n

No. 15 - First Wednesday, 4:50

Preaching from House to House

SHARING IN A WORK OF UTMOST ]Even as rve approach the home, try to analyze
URGENCY NOW BEING DONE ON EARTH the situation: Are the peopIe poor or wealthy?
Declaring 'the everlasting good news t o every Do they have young children in the home?
nation, tribe, tongue and people' is a work of Are they intcrested in gardening, flowers,
utmost urgency now bekg done on earth animals, sports? Do they appreciate natural
People everywhere are to be judged-they d l I - beauty? Are there many locks on the door or
live or die according to their reaction t o the is there a mezuzah on the doorframe? etc.
good news (1Pet. 4:5, 6, 17;Rev. 14:6,7) l observant we can often learn much about the
Our desire is to utilize the time we can spend household that will aid us to present the mes-
in field ministry to reach the hearts of "all sage in the most attractive way
sorts of men" &d give them a thorough wit- Wc n e d t o be flexible and adaptable so as t o fit
ness, so that athey might come 'to an accurate the pmson or circumstances, endeavoring to
knowledge of the truth' (I Tim. 2:l-4; 4:16) reach t h e heart and capture interest
REACHING THE HEARTS AND MINDS Who will answer? Will it be an elderly man or
OF HOUSEHOLDERS woman? A child, teen-ager or college student?
A young father or mother?
To accernplish the most good, we shouId imitate Consider subjects currently on people" minds,
Christ Jesus (Matt. 7:28,29; 9:35-38) -that are up to date, relevant to the listener,
Our persond attitude torvasd the field ministry his family or community; select subjects that
is extremely important if we really want to lead naturally into the Kingdom theme, such
help people as crime, pollution, problems of youth, family,
We must be aglow with warmth, love and kind- government, war, conditions in churches or
ness, going t o the people in peace (Matt. among church members, particularly things
5: 46-48; 22:39; John 3:16; Eph. 6: 15) of local interest that touch on a person's life
Our message is happy, pleasant; facial expres- While our main theme is God's kingdom, as we
sions should reflect this; a warm, winning meet different people in varying circum-
smile and cheerful greeting can attract and stances, it is good ta have in mind several ways
disarm; establishing eye contact with listener to vary this theme, thus making our message
will reveal our conviction and sincere interest adaptable t o the individual
in him and enable us to sense his reactions Endeavor to stimulate conversation and thinking;
Speaking in a friendly, conversational manner questions wilI help get the householder's view-
with earnestness will gain the listener's con- point, demonstrate our respect and avoid the
fidence and obtain a more favorable reception air of "preaching" or "talking d o ~ n to ' ~ him
than a stiff, matter-of-fact recitation Yet exercise caution so as not to embarrass
Sincere interest in people is the key to reaching
the hearts of righteously disposed persons listener by questions too pointed or personal,
not irritating him by attempting to force him
If we expect people to listen, we must have some- t o answer if he appears to prefer listening
thing definite in mind to say to the people; We need not tv t o "talk UP" t a tho* highly
utilize practical suggestions and helpful ex- educated, nor be apologetic for obeying God's
amples from Kingdom Minismj; prepare before wilI by bringin:: them his message (Acts 4:29,
sharing in field ministry (Eccl. 12:9, 10) 31; 1 Car. 1:26-29)
(Ask students when and how they do their Rather, set a friendly foundation by seeking
preparation) points of agreement, utilizing statements or
Our introduction should be planned, but not questions that dicit an affirmative answer; be
stereotyped; it need not be spectacular but cheerful, pas itive and avoid controversy
should be friendly and appealing
Its purpose is to arouse the househdder's in- While many Persons are opposed to God's Word
terest, lay basis for friendIy conversation by and message, many others merely have n a t u d
which we can stimulate interest in the Kinr- - resistance toward callers, and their reaction
dom message may reveal annoyance, a distrust of strangers

They may seek to reject us by evasive objections Stimulate a desire for the literature by Mgh-
before they have had opportunity t o hear, thus lighting its personal benefit to the individual;
it is important at outset to try to steer their let him see how it will answer his questions,
thinking onto a subject of vital concern to benefit him and his family
them; make them want to listen, appealing Getting Kingdom literature into the hands and
to the heart if possible homes of sincere seekers for truth may open
Consider objections as points of mutual interest, t h e way for them to find everlasting life
not unfriendIy If literature is refused, no need to evidence dis-
When persons object, "I'm busy," 'Tm not in- appointment; seek to leave a favorable im-
terested," "We have OUT Own religion," or pression
offer criticism o i Jehovah's witnesses, try to
use this as a basis for further discussion Keep in mind that our work includes being
Try to ascertain the basis for abjections: Is disciple-makers as we11 as Kingdom-preachers;
person prejudiced against Bible or J e h o W s Kingdom txwths must be inculcated into hearts
witnesses? Is he misinformed or influenced of interested ones (Matt. 28:19, 20)
by what others think or say? Kindly en- If possibIe, on initial call jllustrate how literature
deavor t o help him (1 Pet. 3:15) can be studied along with t h e Bible; whet ap-
petite for increased Bible knowledge; empha-
Cultivate tactfulness, a sensitive perception and
discernment that enables us to accomplish our f3esize personal need and application
considerate, not "pushing" study on first
mission without offending by our .manner or visit if c i r m t a n c e s not suitable; but if pos-
attitude -
Avoid causing needless -irritation in overcoming sible, make definite arrangement for future
objections; unnecessary to have ''last word" return visit on certain day and time
or be "telling person off'" our message is Leave on warm and friendly note, perhaps of-
rejected fering point to look fonvard to on return
Appeal to person's love of righteousness, to his visit; keep t h e appointment
reason, t o his desire for better things, t o his Our main concern is t o find Eod's "sheep"; should
sense of honesty, etc. have Jehovah's viewpoint ( 2 Pet. 319; Jonah
Ridicule or condemnation of his religious views 4:Il)
will close his mind; rather establish that God's Therefore. our desire is to reach everyone in
Word is reasonable, that His witnesses are our territory with the Kingdom message;
sincere, reasonable persons (Phil. 4 :5) helpful to keep complete house-to-house record
View with empathy the other person's circum- Good to make a diligent effort to follow up
stances, reasons for beliefs and thinking; think not-at-homes by calling at different time of
from ether's viewpoint day or week
This does not imply compromising on truth; May leave a magazine, tract or study folder
must be firm for what is righ& but never for their consideration or write a brief
- unkind or rude (Titus3: 2, 3). letter or call by telephone
Letter writing or telephoning can be done by
Use Bible to clinch conclusions; read scriptures older or infirm publishers, giving them op-
enthusiastically portunity to have enlarged share
Our desire is to reach hearts of 'people of all
sorts that we might by alI means save some' CONSTANTLY SEEKING TO IMFROVE
(1 Cor. 9:19-23) OUR PUBLIC MINISTRY
USE LITERATURE TO EXTEND Utilize good teaching and speech principles taught
PREACHING AND TEACHING WORK in Theocratic Ministry School in the field min-
Presenting printed publications to the people will istry (ha. 50:4)
aid persons interested in the message to con- Make it a practice to keep fieId ministry among
tinue their search for God's truth thoughts when preparing or listening to talks;
Even when persons show little interest, litera- be alert for points t o use in the field, keeping
ture left m a y later be read by them, by visitors presentation up to date by adding new
or other members of family thoughts, exampIes, illustrations and improv-
Subscriptions for The Watchtower and Awake! ing varie& and adaptability
especially helpful, bringing Kingdom message Good to analyze personal ministry and t~ munseI
into homes on regular schedule self; be alert as to how effectiveness of pre-
sentation might be improved and steady pmg-
Appropriate to slant presentation toward one of ress will be noted
the topics considered in the publication; litera-
ture offer should be a logical follow-up of the Many practice and rehearse presentations at home
matter under discussion or when with other pmishers, analyzing
Demonstrate by specific subject or illustrations presentations together
how publication truthfully provides Biblical This often proves helpful in improving effective-
answers t o questions already raised ness and building confidence; may sharpen

perceptive powers, which are evidence of a S o m a s : 07 l l 4 l l 9 ; ag 69-72,9294,9699

mature and q u ~ e minister
d (Heb. 5 :14) TEACHIKG SUGGESTION: In connection with cIass
discussion: (1) Consider objections commonly raised
By preaching from house to house, we keep God's during inrroduction of message and how to ovemme
Lipern. (2) Discuss intevsting and appropriate in-
Word before the people; we watch for those ductions. (Each student shodd be ready t o tell how he
upon whom God's Word makes favorable im- wualIy introduces himself in t h e house+tahousewor'k)
pression so as to motivate them to a righteous 13) Examine ways to malie appeal uq-ith l i t e r a m oser.
course how to overcome resistance and leave a good impres-
sion when refused. (4) C a l l for suggestions for g e ~ g
W e plant and water and look to Jehovah to make inta a Bible study on the initial call. d s o arra~.@g
j t p \ v (1 Cor. 3:6; Gal. 6 9 ) far a return vrslt. Lnstructor could ask f o r presenranon
by brother in the- class who is having good success
MAm POINT: The house-to-house ministry Ln thesc matters. (5) Discuss hmv peld overseer and
shows our love both of God and of our neighbor
other pverseel-s can
in thelt cnn,-gatlons
use t w i s rnaterlal to help others

No. 1s - First Thnrsdsy, 9 5 0

Building Up Spirituality in the Congregation
NEED FOR BPJKDKNC; UP SPIRITUALITY they prefer; will they pick up and read world-
IN THE CONGREGATION ly magazines in preference t o The Watchtower
Spirituality is the quality or state of being spiri- and Awake!, or do they prefer watching tele-
tually minded; it is evidenced by having an vision to going t o meetings?
interest in spiritual matters, by desiring to talk Elders need t o guard against the development of
about such matters and to have one's 1de guid- spiritual malnutrition, doing so by stimulating
d by God's spirit {Gal. 5:16-I$,% t the spiritual appetite of those in their congse-
A spiritually minded person is God-oriented; he gations and by showing them the value of spir-
buifds his We around his relationship with Eod itual food I1Tim. 4:s)
A spiritually mind& person buys out t h e from One way to do this is by speaking a b u t gmticu-
daily affairs to study the Word of ;God, seeking larly appealing articles, perhaps in closing
understanding of it, and, especially, walkin:: comments of meeting, saying, 'Did you read
in accord with it; he appreciates the prililege this article in the latest I t r a t c ~ ~ t o ~then
of prayer t o God for help and direction (Eph. note briefly but enthusiastically some points
-5 :15-17:Ps.51:10-12) of interest
The level of spirituality within the congregation SLUICI not try to shorn rrp ignorance of brothers
directly aflects t h e health, gro\\.th and everlast- and embarrass them; rather, simply ITY to
jng welfare of its members stimulate their appetite for the Society" lit-
If a congregation has strong spirituality, then erature and the Bible
problems, which usually result from carrying Good parents enmurage their children to eat
out fleshly desires, are minimized or eliminat- nourishing food. \ m y ? Eecause it tastes good
ed from the congregation (Gal. 5:19-241 to the children? No, but because it will make
them healthy and strong physically; later the
Strong spirituality will prove t o be of lasting children may develop a taste for such food
benefit, helping congregation members t o sur- and even come to prefer i t
vive fast-approaching "great tribulation" Similar with spiritual food; not always does it
(1 Tim. 4~16;Rev. 7:9,10) at first taste best, but "eatinn" - it will build
up a person spiritually
MUST RECOGNIZE SPIRITUAL NEED So, it is often just a matter of g-g the
IN ORDER TO EUILD UP SPIRITUALITY brothers regularly t o taste the "food"; then
Included in dders' shepherding work is the re- they, as a result, tvill develop an appetite
sponsibility to help members of the mngrega- for i t and may even come t o prefer it
fition recognize their spiritual. need {A& 20:2S) At times brothers do not appreciate the d x e of
Jesus said, "Happy are those conscious of their a particular spiritual food
spiritual ned" (M~itt.5:3) Some may -5'. 'What difference does it redly
Do you, as elders, see the need of spiritual make if we understand this deeper Bible
thines? Do all those within your con,- material in Revelation, Ejekiel, Haggai and
tions? Zechariah?'
In a physicd -way, sornetimcs persons have no Elders can explain fhat "dl Scripture is inspbd
hunger; they W up on 'junkyfoods, which kill
their appetite for nourishing food, and so they
of God and beneficial ... '' (2 Tim 3:16)
and ask, 'Do you really believe that? D o you
suffer malnutrition believe that God knows what me need? Do
Spiritual appetite of brothers evidenced by what you have faith in his organization that en-

deawrs to further our undersbnding of Bibk if elders set the example and m m g e others
pmpheciesl7Heb. 5 : l S : J I to follow it (Phil. 4:8)
Elders mn also explain that, since-there are Field service experiences ~n be shared, t?ings
paraUek in our day to those ancrent times, read during the week in the Bible or Srsclety's
a detailed study of what wcurred then is literature can be discussed; elders mn en-
spiritually strengthening to us who face sim- courage brothers to talk about questions they
ilar circumstances today (Rom. 15:4 1 may have on the Scriptures
Even though detaik may not be remembered, When telling a speaker you enjoyed his talk,
we are benefited by the main points of that tell him what you enjoyed about it and why
material, which illustrate Jehovah's love and you enjoyed it
care for his people and give force t o his This will make the conversationmore meaning-
pmmises to deseoy the wicked (2 Pet. 3 :6 , 7 1 ftil and spiritualy upbuiEding
Sometimes brothers dlso say, 'I believe the =bIe While there is nothing w w n g in t a k i n g about
is true, so why do I need to read infomation worldly interests at &a1 engagements, con-
the Society provides on BibIe authenticity or versation on these occasions c3an also he wed
that proves evolution wrong?' to build up spirituality in the congregation
Study of such literature will equip us to answer E!Iders mn take the lead, shcrwing how the Ei-
objections often raised, such as, 'How could ble or the Society's literature ean be enjoy-
Noah have saved all the animals on earth in ably read or discussed together
the ark? Where did all the floodwaters go? BibIe games may be found both enjoyable and
D o not scientists have evidence that man has - instructive, or each one can tell how he came
been on earth much longef than 6,000 years?' into t h e truth
etc. Care should be exercised, however, not to over-
Elders mn ask brothers, 'What kind of witness do this, spending so much time on this that
for Jehovah do you want to be? Do you desire it makes social engagements mentally ex-
t o k able t o do the very best in the field hawding
minkfry, effectively answering objections (Are there probIems in your congrega.tion rela-
that may help honest-hearted ones t o accept tive to these matters and on which you would
t h e h t h ? None of us want to make a weak now like suggestions?)
explanation or offering, do we?'?
Is it not true that Jehovah expects the very ACTING AS SPIRITUAL MAN,
best offering we can possibly give? And as a NOT PHYSICAL MAN, WILL BUILD UP
result of Jehovah's provision of this lltera- SPIRITUALIm IN CONGREGATION
ture, is it not proper that he expects us to
offer effective ansrvers and explanations on Physical man's mind is inclined toward satisfying
these matters? (Mal. 1:s. 13; Hos. 14:2; his flshly desires amd passions; but the spiri-
- Heb, 13:15) tual man has gained the "mind of Christ'9y
taking in information from God's Word and
CUNVERSATZON ON SPIRITUAL MATTERS applying it (1 Cor. 2:M-16;Eph 4 2 2 , 23)
UPBUILDS CORGREGX'ITOR'S The force actuating the pkvsiml man's mind
SPIRITUALITY has been formed in him by sinful inheritance
What the brothers talk about when they are to- and worldly influences
gether reflects their spirituality 'I!he spiritual man has put on a new personality
Not wrong to discuss sports, secular work, cloth- because of filling his heart with information
ing and so forth, but the extent to which such that gives him a new 'spirit' or dominant atti-
matters dominate the conversation indicates tude, This force actuates his mind to apply
the level of spirituality in the congregation that bowledge, doing what is in harmony
or of individual with God's will

T h e Bible says that "out of the abundance of the Ehrnples of con- of behavior between a
heart the mouth speaks" ( M a t t 12:343 ; elders physical man and a spiritual m:
can do much to encourage brothers to draw When faced rvith a m o d temptation, the force
from their heart% abundance speech that d actuating a physical man is his sinful desire
build up spirituality (Ps. 19:14) for fleshly self-grmtScation, and he succumbs
Publishers on way to territory, rather than dis- to t h e temptation (Pmv. 7:6-23);the spiritual
cussing worldly interests, can be encoumged man, on the other hand, has Cod's Word flash
t o discuss presentations, how to meet common through his mind, and the new force actuating
objections, return visits they plan to make, etc. his mind pushes him away from the tempta-
These &cussions will serve t o improve the tion (Prov. 4 :14-27)
quality of 'sacrifices of praise' and will build Also, when someone irritates a physical man, his
up congregation's spirituality reaction is to 'klI him OF with harsh words
Conversation before and after meetings at the (Pro\-. 25:28; 29:11);the spiritual man, bow-
Kingdom Hall can bz spiritually upbuilding ever, considers what is pleasing to God, and sc
is governed by the fruits of God's spirit (GaI. BEmmm OF BUILDING UP SPIXITUALITY
Need to guard against be kaits of the physical A congregation strong s ~ f i m d i @ will be
man showing up in our brothers, even in elders lov% morally and will be
themselves (Prov. 14:29, 30; 1 Cor. 3:l-4) and effective in the field ministry, gathering in
EIders when under pressure may succumb to new ones IEph. 4:16, 25)
being brusque or giving terse commands Strong spirituality will mean spiritually healthy
These are traits of a physical man; instead, be families, essentially free of problems that re-
kind to the brothers, saying, LWould you quire attention of the elders (Eph. 5:21-6:4)
please do this? Would YOU like to do that?' Congregation members remain faithful in
Love, kindness and mildness should never be time of persecution and temptation, and will
sacrificed in favor of efficiency; do not drive a m v e the "great eibdation" (Eph. 6:10-20;
others or expect as much from them as you Rev. 7:14-17)
do of yourself (1 Thess. 21'7, 8)
There is also danger of being shaped by inclina- MAIN POLIT: Be alert to recognize any evi-
tion of physical man to seek materialistic dences of loss of spifitudlity, and take the lead in
things, a prominent or to be jealous building UP spirituality by wholesome conversa-
or rebellious tion and by acting as spiritual men
Among early Christians material attractions- SOURCES: w69 M9-412;w71 543, 544
influenced Demas to foi.sake the apost3e Pad TEZACF3ING SUGGESTION: After class consideration
( 2 Tim. 4:10) of material, three brothers previously assigned can be
called on ta present short three- t o five.minute service
Even Jesus' apostIes did not immediately be- talks such as they might work into concIuding corn-
come free from the trait of the physical man, ments on the service meeting: (1)Deal with importance
being concernedwith position ~d prominence of anending congregation book study to get insight
i n t o deep spwtual food Jehovah has provided. (2) Dis-
(Matt. 20:20-28; Luke 22 :24) cuss importance of being well prepared both for field
Today loss of spiritual-mindedness may show up ministry and on Bible stuhes so that ,ais part of our
in feelings of jealousy; a person being resent- sacrifice of praise will be well pleaslng to Jehovah.
fd because of feeling he should have received (Mal. a1:8) (3) Brother explarns difference between
physical man and a man and how
a privilege another one received t o develop such spirituality.
Elders should be alert to correct traits of physi- Finally a panel of s i x brothers could prepare before-
& man if they see them cropping up in them- hand t o answer bnefly questions from the class (as
from a student group at school) with two brothers
selves or in other brothers each preparing t o reply on one o? the points raised:
Scheduling parts on the service meeting that (1)How all the animals could get m the ark, (2) What
ta the floodwaters, 131 Evidence that man
deal with the pr&lemmay be sufficient to happened
has not been on earth as long as t h e scientists claim,
- correct the bad *sit and what the s i x creative days in the Bible really mean.
(Comments should be based on rnaterral f r o m I s the
Or may be to speak uith Bibie R e d l y the Word of God? if available. -plain
an to him correct a bad in- that similar presentation could be worked into local
chation service meeting. 1

No. I7 - First Thnrsdny, LO:40

Reaching All Who Will Hear
MAKING KNOWN THE "GOOD NEWS" "Great crowd" now join in proclamation {Rev.
7:9, 10;22:17)
Jehovah is the greatest Evangelizer, Sender of news,7 proclaimed under angelic
"good news" t o all nations (Rev. 14:6,7)
Content of the "good news" is indicated by t h e
expressions "good news of the kingdom," HOW STRONG IS TXE EVANGELIZING
"good news about Jesus Christ," "good news of SPIRIT IN YOU?
t h e undeserved kindness of God" and "ever- Ask yourself: Do I really appreciate what the
Iasting good news" (Matt. 4:23; Mark 1:l; good news means to me and others?
Acts 20:24; Rev. 14:6) Do I realize that Christ "shed Iight upon life and
incorruption through the good ne.rvs" and this
Widening out of the proclamation is the only light of life people have? ( 2 Tim.
Jesus brought good news to '%st sheep" of 1:101
Israel (Matt. 15:24) D ~appreciate
I that others will live or die ac-
His disciples preached to Israel, then t o Samari- cording t o their reaction to the "good news?"
tans and, starting in 36 C.E., to the GentiIes (1 Pet. 4:5, 6, 17; 2 Thess. 1:68)
(Acts 815, 14, 25; 10:24,34, 35; 11:18) Do I understand that a howledge of the good
Faithfad anointed ones, though few in number, news obligates me to share it with others?
have for centuries declared the good news (1Cor. 9:16)

A m I aware of the bloodguilt that results from When visiting their homes we have fine oppor-
failure to pmclairn the good news? (Acts tunity to talk to them privately in relaxed
20~26, 27; 18:6) atmosphere without distractions
If properly motivated, your concern is not just to W e mn follow up preaching by teachhg in-
cover territory or report activity, but rather terested ones through return visits and Bible
t o help every sheeplike person because you
love such ones (1Thess. 2 8 )
Proper motive resuIts from love of Jehovah and OPPORTUNITIES
of neighbor (Matt. 22337-40)
Zf motivated by a loving heart, we will be over- Wormal witnessing done each day can be very
Rowing 716th the good news to everyone we productive, sometimes accomplishhlg more *an
meet; i t IT~U. not be a matter of preaching at planned, systematic witnessing
just certain designated times, but rather doing Take initiative t o talk to others (Prov. E:7)
so on any occasion Seed sown now may bear fruit much later (Eccl.
It is not necessary t o move t o where "the need is Confident
greater" in order to share in the evangelizing reliance on Jehovah's help will give
work boldness to speak o u t (Acts 4:31)
This is beneficial when properly planned and Share the W with yaur relatWes, as Cornelius
done with right motive, but those with restless did (Acts 10:24)
desire to move from place to place rarely ac- U'e hare many opporhmitit~esIt0 explain our be-
complish much liefs about the Kingdom, holidays, material
An active family, settle6 in the community, mn pursuits, education and training of children,
be w r y effective representatives of the good etc,
news, able ta find interested ones and stick
with them until they are firmly rooted in the Strike up conversations with those you meet in
truth yaur daily routine as you travel, do secular
work, go to school, etc.
Best results obtained by those diligent to foIIow Cornen
up all interest, providing progressitx teaching ts about articles irr Amke! often prompt
to reach the heart (Matt, 28~19,20) interest that can be directed to fbe Bible
Teaching requires time, &or# and patience if Simply reading the Bible or litemture in the
it is successfully t o mow sheeplike ones presence of others may stimulate d o s i t y
Help offered earnestly and sincerely is a major and prompt inquiry
factor in convincing otheers that this is the Some persons are prone to talk about their
truth problems and distressing conditions; w e can
share practical advice based on the Bible (is
THE OPPORTUNXTY TO REAR Carry magazines, books, tracts, etc, with you
to place with responsive ones
- Now- Jesus and the early Christians preached Assemblies, special events, outstanding progress
They did not do preaching on just selected oc- of the work may give you opportunities to tell
casions; hearts moved them to take advankge others what Jehovah's people are doing
of every opportunity
They preached in Jewish synagogues (Acts Use of telephone and letter writing often pmvc
13:Id-16) to be good means t o establish or maintain con-
They approached individuals and groups in t h e tact with thwc diffnrlt to reach
marketplaces {Acts 17:17) Be discreet, tadful
They went wherever people could be found Avoid controversy or wasting h e with those
(John 4 :7,10;Acts 16:13) not sincerely i n t e e e d
Those who showed interest were visited at Be careful not to use time that belongs to an
their homes (Luke 1931-10; Acts 20903 employer or interfere with work others are
They willingly sacrificed pemnal conveniencg in required to perform
the interest of spreading t h e good news
All Christians preached (Acts 1:14,15; 21,4); Do not be d i m @ by fa& of m n s e
the 500 to whom Jesus appeared after his men if the majority do not respond, mere is
resurrection proclaimed what they saw and cause for much satisfaction in being able t o
heard (1 Cor. 15:6; Matt. 28 :16-20) speak about Jehovah's name and purpose
(Heb. 13:15E
Heart appreciation should prompt us to speak What your h e m do abut the g m d news is
a t every opportunity their responsibility; since Jehovah accepts
Local customs in most laads rarely give oppor- only voluntary uporship,there is no need to
tunity t o speak spontaneously to large groups, attempt t o coerce unwilIin,CJ on-
as in ancient synagogues; however, we can Your words may be ignored initially but e e d
reach people who appear on streets, in markets to mind by events and circumstances in the
and shopping areas future

OTHER OPPORTUNITIES favorably received, opening up opporhmities

TO REACH PEOPLE for a wihess later
Street work may be successful in your c o r n m a w CaZl back at a different time, taking into con-
It may provide a good opportunity to approach sideration local customs and daily rorrtine
people rarely contacted of residents in the area, calling at a t h e
Many report excellent results at shopping cen- most convenient
ters, bus stops, busy intersections, e t c Do not disregard apartment buiIdings wh-
Usually more effective to take the initiative, ap- Zandlords refuse admittance; sincere, dkaet
proaching p p l e in friendly, tactul manner approach may bring o p p o w t y visit
Store-to-store work can be pmductive means to Or, person in charge may am@ track- or
reach others handbills and distribute them to tenants
Business people usually are not at heme when Telephoning or letter writing may be helpful if
mils are made, but circumstances at their contact. otherwise is prevented
place of work may allow for a brief witness N o need to f o m the issue; householders bear
Some store managers will respond favmblly, responsibility if they allow others to
ofterm allowing opportunity t o witaess to em- for them
p l o ~ ~ s
Important to be well m a n e n d , brief, tacHd SERVIXG 'WHERE THE NEED JS GREATER
Gmup wih&g arrangements are very prat- Before moving far away, drst consider what you
tical might do to help a congregation in your locality
Working in a group is a real source of enco- needing assistance
ment t o everyone, especially new and less ex- Oversees can contact neighbering mngrega-
perienced ones tiom and work out arrangements to help one
EXidrx7eek p u p servfce arrangements often en- another cover their territory
courage more participation and effort
In plans for service, take into consideration cir- If you wish to move a long distance, wsite to the
cumstances of publishers; k helpful and en- brand ofice for suggestions on where help is
couraging to those who n d assistance needed
& l e a time for activity according to circsum- I Ifinterested in going to another country, write
stances and customs in your community t o the branch ofice there
Count the cost before making a major move, mre-
THOROUGH COVERAGE OF TERRITORY f d y planning ahead for employment, housin~,
Calling at every door shows we are impartial; schooling, etc.
have love for an our neighbors
- People today are not generally indined to discuss TIlClE LEFT ?Y) REACH REARERS
their religion publicly; the home is usually the GROWS SHORT
most likely place t o find them receptive "Great tribulation" is near; destruction of Bab
of literature increases the spread of ylon the Great will come with a shocking sud-
the good news denness (Rev. 18:19, 21)
Detailed informatfon in printed form can be Determination to prove our devotion and love
studied at householder's convenience for others. should move us urgently to speak the
Possibility exists that many individuals m a y tnrth at every opportunity
read each piece of literature left in the home
Magazines are especially effective in giving con- We have assurance that Jehovah will bless our
cise, meaningful wimess; they have a variety efforts
of appealing subjects
MAlN POI;NT: Let love for Jehovah and your
Cover your territory with the goal of contacting fellowman impel You to reach everyone possible
peaple in each home with t h e good news
Be systematic, giving attention t o the whole SOURCES: ad 531, m,ti78, 1331-1333;or 107-120;sg
territory, not avoiding certain homes or par- #a;qm 385489
ticular territories where people tend to be TEACHWG SUGGES'XION: D-g dismrssTon ask
unresponsive (I).if any in class have moved t o serre where need is
Keep record of all interest and placements, mak- greater; get t h e r comments on factors involv+ or
ing prompt return visits to deveIop interest problems some might encounter as well as blessmgs
Make renewed effort to contact thme prwieusly gained. Discuss how local elders can be of assistance
t o those rnovinq in, helping them t o be accepted lodlr*.
not at home (2) Asl; brothers for goad experiences from informal
Many not at home in busy communities; Iarge witnessmg. (31 A m bro~hershaving any m e u l t v mth
portion of territory bypassed if na further certain aspects Of the u-ltness work here discussed such
effort made to contact them as store-to-stom work. moup witnessing or ~ ~ O M U E
A t r x t or older magazine Ieft at the door, coverage of all tqrritory, and, i: so, what have they
done to- 0%-CTcome137 &k whprher other students have
preferably out of sight to passersby, may be suggesuons that would be helpf cl
No. 18 - First Thursday, 2:10

Making Return Visits

OF OUR FIELD MINISTRY Preparation need not take much time, but plan
Why should we exert ourseIves to calI back? your approach before you go; why are you
Jesus commanded his foUowers to 'go, make going back?
disciples and teach them'; return visits are Going (1) to help them gain more Scriptural
needed: t o accomplish this (Matt. 28:19, 20) ImowIedge, ( 2 ) to start a study, (35 to present
~t means life to interested ones to learn and act a magazine or other literature you think will
on the truth (John 17:3; 3:16,36) be of interest; (4) if Jehovah's wibesses are
Jehovah's name is honored by the work of not generally accepted in t h e territory, your
teaching and disciple-making call may simply be to get better acquainted,
We follow Jesus' example by teaching interested build friendly attitude and confidence
people in their homes (Luke 10:3&-42;19: How can you help them get more Scripturd
1-10] knowledge?
Our goal is not to "sell books," but with love for Have a point xady to share with them on a
o w neighbors we desire t o help God-fearing subject that will interest them, a scripture
ones seek life and God's. goodwill (2 Cor. - you want to show them, or a sentence or
2: 17-3:31 two in an article that will appeal
The work is urgent because the time is short and - Ask yourself: When 1 return, what wiU en-
Iives are involved, both ours and others (1Tim. courage them to receive me, to talk to me
4:16) and t o listen to me?
Will i t be your friendliness that will attract
No doubt you have experienced the great refresh- them?
ment that comes from making a return visit It may be, or it may be your warm interest in
and helping someone to learn from God's Word, their welfare or your desire t o help them
or from seeing an appreciative response (Acts gain Scriptural knowledge; on the other
2n :35') hand, it may be the subject you introduce
Helping others learn the truth and seeing them for discussion
live by it brought much joy to the apostle It is often good to follow through on the sub-
Paul too (I Thes. 2~13,19, 20) j e c t that initially caught t h e person's in-
terest, expanding on that subject
ALWAYS WATCH What if the person does not respond t o that
- FOR XNTERESTED PEOPLE subject? Be adaptable; you decide how to
In house-to-house work, at secular job, when handle it. You may be able to determine
going about the norma1 affairs of life, watch what does interest the person and be
for interestd people guided by this, or introduce another sub-
ject that you believe will be appropriate
Most of us have no trouble in identifying them Remember, one of our goals is t o help him
They may take literature; or they may decline learn something more from the Scriptures
our literature but make a comment that shows (Acts 18:ll; 1 Pel, 2 : 2 )
interest, a right heart condition or abhorrence Another goal is ta demonstrate the study if it
for the detestable things in the earth is appropriate
Make a record that will remind you of the in- Be prepared t o do this, knowing what chapter
terest and provide the information you need you will use and on what page and paragraph
to make an effective return visit; house-tw you will start
house records showing interest are very help- Do not feel that you have to demonstrate the
ful study or that you have failed if you are not
In some cases, on initial visit, you may want to able to do so; it may take time to gain the
raise a point of interest for future discussion person's confidence or stimulate his interest
in spiritual things, ar he may have questions
If possible, make an appointment; they will then that are more important to him at the be-
expect YOU ginning
They will be prepared t o receive you, or it may Offering magazines on a regular route is a good
motivate them to read something in prepara- way to keep in touch with interested persons
tion for your call and ta stimulate their interest
They may be more inclined to discuss the Scrip- In t h e Bible there are no niles governing return
tures with you because they know why you visits; just remember you want to help the
have returned person Iearn something from the Scriphms so

he can grow stronger in his love for Jehovah Be alert to demo-te me study as early as
and his kingdom, i possible starting a study mssible; you may be able to do so within the
first few minutes of the call
MAKING TEIE: RETURN VISIT Do not stay too long; if you have helped the
Greet the househ01dm by name if possible; mnkd householder learn one or two points of d u e
him of your name from the Scriptures, you have done good for
Seek an in~tationinto the home B appropriate; Discuss him and your d l has b n mccessful
it makes it easier to start a study (Discuss how Other subjffts on the nexf call; keep wm
t o do this i
n your area and t h e value of doing so) present ation simple anl mcwnplicaM (John
Tell the householder the purpose of your cdl If you are not invited into the home, be prepared
Enmurage the householder to use his own BWe; to present the information briefly at the d m ;
he will be impressed by what his Bible says featu~ the main point and thus help the house-
holder learn something of value even if the
You may teU him of the study arrangement, of- conversation must be short. Always be kind,
fering to demonstrate it; or, it may be that you respectfd and considerate of others
will choose t o go ahead and demonstrate i t
without calling attention to what you are doing ANALYZE YOUR aETURN VISITS
As a teacher, following your discussion you may WITH A VIEW TO GREATER
wish to review the high point(s) learned and EFFEC'ITVENESS
thus Impress them on the householder's mind, Did you teach a Scriptural point? What point?
helping him to appreciate what he has learned One point simply and dearly made with personal
application to the householder is often suf-
Arrange t o call again; stimulate interest in the ficient
return call by raising a question for consider-
ation or leaving one of t h e householder's ques- Were you tactful and Idnd, or could you have
tions to be answered then shorn more tact and kindness? How?
Did you endeavor to stad a study? How?
SUGGESTIONS FOR E ~ CALLS C When~ started, what mill you do to keep it going
Make the initial return visit as saon as possible; and build the householder's appreciation for it?
can you make it later the same day when other Can you improve your ability as a teacher?
members of t h e family xi11 be home, or the Jesus used qudtions, not hard ones, but ques-
next day? tions that invited people to think and dram
Tell the householder cleahy why you have rp conclusions (Matt, 16:13-16]
turned, namely, to help him understand more You can use such questions, too ( S m e r may
about God's kingdom and why it is urgent for wish to illustrate)
those who seek life and Gad's goodwill, if this Jesus used illustrationsthat fitted those to whom
approach is appropriate in your territory he was speaking, such as farmers, housewives,
men, what he desires to do with the information merchants, fishermen, etc. (Matt. 13:34?)
is up to him His illustrations encouraged people ta th*
Let him know that YOU will be - dad t o answer they helped them apply to themselves the
his Bible questions if you can point being made a d served as rnernary aids
You can assure him that there wiU be no cost (Luke 10:25-37)
Jesus kept referring his listeners to God's Word;
Welcome the householder's questions; they may you should do this too ( J o h 7:16)
be a key to his interests Jesus toak time to explain when necessary [Mark
Answer some of them; you may want to save 4:34; Matt. 13:36, 371
one or two of his questions for the next cdll Did you stay too long?
Show him how he can find the annvers t o same
of his questions and encourage him to =search HOWwill you handle things next time in an Mort
them out to be most helpful to the interested ~ ~ I X O Rso
If controversial questions arise that you feel the householder mill enjoy the call, learn more
must be dealt with, de not hesitate to m e r and be pei-sonally benefited?
them; but, do so in a kind manner and then Before making return Visits, do you pray that
direct your attention back to the Kingdom Jehovah will bless you in your efforts to find
message again or to the subject you were and feed those who niU b m e his "sheep"?
discussing (1 f i t . 3~15;Prov. 15:l; 2 Tim
Be patient and understanding with the house-
Do- vou kee~ the Bible to the fore so the s h m U
ones can -mmize the Shepherd's voice? (john
holder: he has much to learn and it takes 10:
time because he may believe that what his ~ ~ m e m b it
e ris not our own persona] ability or
religion has taught him is the buth skillfulness that brings success; me plant and

water, but it is Jehovah who makes i t r n w They can offer =ble study to all and then Cake
(1 Cor. 3:6, 7) their parents or another publisher n t h them
ta conduct it if necessary
Cm YOU HELP OTFZJClRS They can offer to study with classmates and
-if RETIJRK VISITS? HOW? neighbor chiIdren
All qualified publishers can be encouraged and Help others in your congregation to have a full
aided share in this activity and t o experience a e joy
Help them see the need to make return visits and that Jehowh gives to those who sham! in the
the joy that can be theirs work of teaching and making disciples
Heb them t o be a r t to wat& for i n t m e d
pkple a t dll times POIlVT: Show a genuine interest in the
Relp them prepare and have their goal dearly "Sheep," by follmiing up all i n t e r n aiding others
in mind t o do so too
Invite them. to come with you or m g e for somas: g71a 207-=I; w 121
other w i w g and qualified pubIishers to help
TEACHING SUGGESTION: Lecture, with comments
them from students as time allows as to how they have
Young ones can deliver magazines regularly to obtained success in making return d t s and starting
those who show interest studies

- - Responsibilities of Overseers
ALL OVERSEERS ARE SHEPHERDS When problems arise, he is to take the initiative
AND TEACHERS in seejng that they are given attention; many
Each overseer should share in giving personal minor situations rrquire attention week by
attention to the spiritual needs of others in the week, and he wilt make appropriate decisions
congregation on these
D o not wait for someone to h k you to do it; H e serves as chabman of the body of elders
it is your responsibility as an elder (I Pet H e should coordinate the efforts of the body of
5 :1-31 elders
among elders will aid in coordmatkg When presiding at meetings of the eldm, he is
&Torts so that their time is used most effec- not simply to open and close the meeting; he
tively should preside "in real earnest," dojng all he
WillingIy minister to the needs of your brothers can to aid toward h i t f u l discussion IRom.
- (fix20:25-27) ; be an example to the flock, E:8)
not only in howledge, family W e and person- Certain decisions m made by the elders as a
al conduct, but also in z e d for Kingdom- group and not by the presiding o w m r alone
preaching and disciple-Wing Presrding overswr is wise if he benefits fully
As teachers, da oversee= are to share in hsbuct- from the experience and mumel of the other
ing &f congregation older men (Prov. 24:6; 27:17)
Much of this is done in the meetings of the con- Should not hesitate to ask their opinions
gregation, giving public talks, conducting Not necessary t o change alI arrangements of
meetings, caring for other platform assign- congregation when new presiding overseer is
ments assigned
Also involves giving personal mumel, enlighten- H e -s for rorrespondence with the Society,
ment, exh~rtationand reproof, as needed signing reports, remittance forms and other
AU overseers are shepherds and teachers of the Hcongregation correspondence
flock no matter what other duties the body of e maintains a fle of appointment letters, dis-
elders asks them to handle for any one year fellowshi ping correspondence, legal and finan-
cial records, etc.
PRESIDING OVERSEER At and of year he submits a report to the branch
COOItDINATES WORK AND SETS oEce on the condition of the congregation and
GOOD EXAMPLE IN SHOWING CONCERN what has been accomplished during the year
Initiative and alertness on his part are n m ? s w y A principal responsibility is sh-g con- far
to keep the congregation moving forward all, being a shepherd
Should regularly discuss matters with other wer- Love, not just d5ciency. should govern his deal-
seers and ministerial servants, ogering sugges- ings with others (Imess. 2: 1, 8)
tions and b n i n g to their recommendations; He should encourage those showing g o d spiri-
he is interested in all the activities of the tuality and zeal, assist those who are weak
congregation [Acts 20:35)

H e should be interested in aiding brothers in the territory receives magazine diskibution, also
c o n w t i o n to qualify for positions of re- other literature obers, and benefits fmm spe-
sponslbdi@, as ministerial --ants or elders cial mmpaigns arranged by the b c h a c e
(2 Tim. 2:21 It is his responsibility ta fallow through on
By loving counsel he can help them t o overcome programs the branch offie recommends, such
problems that may be holding them back, as to reach special g m u p t e a c h e r s , public
taking initiative t o offer heipfuE suggestions officials, doctors, etc.
Where possible, he will make arrangements that Following suggestions of 'Yaithful and &mxt
enable them to gain needed experience by slave" class will result in blessing and in-
assisting others crease (Acts 16:4, 5)
He may find it beneficial to visit the various
congregation book study gmups; it is up to Field overseer is responsible t o see that adequate
him to decide how often he will do so, perhaps magazine and other literature supplies are pro-
once or twice during the year vided
He plans ahead to see that literature and maga-
He I s responsible to see that beneficial service zine orders are submitted, being careful not
meetings are provided for the congregation t o order excessive amounts
each week When special magazines are announced by the
He is respnsible to see that details are worked branch office, he is to alert publishers, then
out in arranging for pubgc meetings see that order is submitted for extra copies
FIELD OVERSEER Handbills and m c
2s should be ordered and the
COORDmXTES ALL FEATURES field overseer should see that they are used
He has been entrusted with oversight of the field Reld overseer responsible for field service report
ministry, particularly the various features of of congregation
the preaching work; he should take the initia- At end of month he coUects report cards from
tive in promoting it (Matt. 24:14) pioneers, tabdates congregation's report of
field ministry for the month and gives it to the
A primary concern is the viewpoint of the congre- presiding overseer
gation toward Kingdom-preaching; he encour- Total report of the congregation publishers is
ages right attitude and full participation posted on a Publisher's Record card that is
He seeks to cultivate among the brothers a appropriately marked for entire congregation
hearaelt desire to preach, a feeling of respon- Each one% field service report is posted on his
sibility and appreciation for the privilege Publisher's Record card
(1 Cor. 916) When new publisher reports, field eve- shows
-Field overseer should encourage brothers to rp personal interest; must ascertain if m n
member that their commission is from God, qualifies, to be publisher
and t h a t field senice is part of their worzhip First,he talErs to one who is studying with me
Balanced tietv is needed as ta success in placing person; second, with person himself; third,
literature and how a person feeIs about his w i t h presiding averseer
service when public is indifferent or opposed
He ovessees group witnessing arrangements in Field overseer will, no doubt, need the assistance
cooperation with book study conductors
of ministerial servants t o care for supplies and
records (Principle of Acts 6:1-6)
He keeps dose watch over these arrangements He may use their assistance in assigning t e M -
to see t h a t they are workable, that they really tory, caring for supplies of magazinm and
help the brothers fulfill their desire to share other literature, perhaps also posting rem&
in preaching The field overseer must realize, however, that all
He should lovingly give p~rsondhelp to aid these needed senices acre his responsibility;
anyone to improve his ability in field minisby they dl come under his oversight
KEndlv awareness of ~ersonalcircumstances and
Limitations should'be shown Besides shepherding and kxching m n s l b j e s ,
The field overseer is msponsib1e to see that field overseer will act as chairman of of
who live in tfie congregation's territory assign- elders if they ha%-emason to meet while presid-
ment are given full opportunity to hear the ing owXS?er Is a\Vay
good news
He sees that the territory is divided up into con- BIBLE STWDY OV]ERSEER
venient sections for assignment and cheeks RESPONSIBLE FOR WORK
to see that territory is regularly covered OF D I S C I P L E - L U ~ ~ G
H! makes arrangements for group witnessing He will encourage the brothers to have zeal for
m areas not regularly covered making return visits and conducting home Bible
Realizing the benefits from using the various studies; he wilI help all t o share t o extent their
kinds of literature, he should see that t h e circumstances allorv

m e n posfli1e, he go with broth- on return It is his assignment ta be sure tbat he thoroughly

visits to offer help; aIse wiU arrange for those understands and emphasizes main points of
desiring a s m c e in this actiriw to be aided article so congregation ~villthoroughly under-
by experienced ones stand t h e material and be aided t o remember
BY repetition and emphasis he can help others it (I Tim 4:16)
to become very conscious of the value of call- He should realisticaUy help all to see how lesson
ing back on all who shotv some interest, giv- bears on their Eves, drxYing out practical
ing "thorough wihess" (Acts 10:42) application of material
He might stress that aZI in congregation can H e should correct misunderstandings tactWy
hunt for those who want to study and, if net so t h a t commenter is not embarrassed but
able to handle them themselves, turn calls right answer is left in minds of brothers
over ta someone who is able to care for them As a loving shepherd, he is responsible to give
He should work closely with those publishers and personal assistance
pioneem who are conducting studies with newly Aid newer ones t o learn how to study the lesson;
interested Frsons assist timid ones to share
Offer commendation and suggestions as to teach- Help brothers to appreciate that comments are
ing, reaching the heart part of their worship
BibIe study reports received each month p m
vide a guide, showing what work is being THEOCRATIC MINISTRY SCHOOL OVERSEER
Publisher may request him t o go on study; when As an overseer, he is responsible for the orderly
possible he should do so; if he cannot, another functioning of the Theocratic Ministry School
capable publisher may assist in t h e mngregation
Thus, in one way or mother, he should lmow I more than one group of students Is mqmkd,
who among brothers are conducting Bible he tciLl request another elder, if available, to
studies, the people king studied with and t h e serve in counseling a second group
pr0,g-es.s being made - HIEmakes assignments of talks for the school
He should enmurage family Bible studies for those so material will be covered
already associated; also work toward having H e a h should hdp those m I I e d to improve
studies developed with unbeLiwing mates their abilities individuaUy as preachers and
Bible study overseer has as his special field of teachers
responsibility those who are beginning to show Kind, practical and encouraging counsel is to be
interest in the truth or who have associated given from pIatfom; he will explain how
for a comparatively short time with the con- things can be done and why they are effective
gregation Individual help may be given students in their
H e weIcomes newcomers t o the Kingdom IEdll; homes or at meeting place
is "hospitable'"C1 Tim. 3:2)
- He should make them feel at ease, inkoduce 'In his comments, he on do much to enrich the
them to others congregation's Immledge and appreciation of
He strives to get to know the names of each the Bible; show how information applies to
nervly intereskd person attending meetings their lives
H e may recognize name from Bible study re- Not dll his time for mumeling needs to be used
ports; if not, he may invite person to study i n analyzing speech qudities; this may be
Bible and arrange study for him if the per- kept quite brief
son so desires H e is not to try to restate the student's entire
talk, but appreciative comments for fme Scrip-
He is responsible to keep a reliable monthly recard tural points that were covered will help focus
of meeting attendance attention on them, emphasize them
Xf main points were not covered or inaccumte
WATCHTOWER STUDY C O ~ U O R , statements were made, he is responsible t o
DZLIGEhT TEACHER draw attention to these as time permits
In caring for Watchtcnoer study this elder is re- If a Kingdom HaIL library is maintaind, he will
sponsible for all that relates t o the meting oversee it
Re personally conducts the study or arranges
for another elder, if available, to do so when CONGREGATTON BOOK STUDY CONDUCrOR
He assigns readers for the specifre weeks when Primary responsibility is as teacher, conducting
they wilI serve, using those approved by the w d d y book study
body of elders
H e must help those attending ;to see, not only
To aid the m-tion to benefit t o the full from answers, but reasom for them and value of
the spiritual food in The IYatchtxmm, he n& information, how it applies to them individ-
to be thoroughly prepared ually

He should aid his group in their Kingdom- Manifest a spirit of genuine cooperation with all
preaching and disciple-making the other overseers; there should be no inskting
He arranges for group witnessing, territory; he on one's "rights" but rather a common desire
or someone else qualified is to take the lead to get Jehovah's work accomplished
Close relationship allows him t o help young and
old to improve in their ministry; should give Always keep in mind that Jesus Christ is me
needed encouragement appointed Head of the Christian congregation
and we should strive to serve humbly under
As a shepherd, it is his responsibility to get to his direction
b o w well those in his group (Compare Romans
16~3-15) MAIN POINT: Overseers as shepherds and teach-
In relaxed atmosphere, he can listen to their ers should humbly shoulder their individual re-
problems a d thoughts; show deep concern sponsibilities; they should cooperate fully to ac-
and love by encouraging with Bible counsel comphsh Jehovah's work and give loving aid to
He should arrange for help to be given t o elderly, all in their care
sick and those in divided households (Jas. SOURCE: or 10-82
1:27) mm G SUGGESTION: Problems for discussion:
How rnight the Bible study overseer help a newly
THE SPIRIT TO BE SHOWN dedicated family head see the value of s regutar family
Bible study? What Scriptural counsel could be used?
BY OVERSEERS Students should have a point in mind that would be
Each One must be to the reqon- he2::i1ass:(1) Are for field JeMm and Bible
sibilit~that is his, not expecting someone else study reports being received? E not, how do brothers
to carry his load but seeking ways and means handle late reports? (2)What have Bibk study over-
t* discharge the seers actually done to help brothers on their home Bible
studies or t o help new ones get started in this work?
to fiim (Gal. 6:5) Consider suggestions from class

Visiting Those Showing Interest

DO YOU H A W JOY t o receive you, t o listen t o you and t o talk to
-- Some publishers have found that there are house-
(Invite personal expression fmrn students as t o
why this activity brings them joy) holders who mist them when they feel they
are being pushed or urged, but these same
WHERE CAN YOU FIND people respond easily and relax when the pub-
INTERESTED PEOPLE? lisher is warm, friendly or shows personal
interest in them, their family and problems
(Invite personal expressions from students con- With others it may be t h e subject you introduce
cerning where and how they have Iocated in- for consideration that will attract and hold
terested people; indude points from lecture, their attention, especidy if it is of personal
No. 183 interest to them and the members of their
WHAT WILL BE THE PURPOSE Some publishers md it effectivet o use questions
OF YOUR CALL? t o catch the interest and stimulate thought,
(Invite students t o comment on t h e four points such as, 'What does the future hold? Will
discussed in lecture and how to accomplish things get better or worse? Will there ever
each) be peace on the earth? What do you think?
What does the Bible say?' Or, 'Mast of us have
WHAT WILL YOU DISCUSS . lost a loved one in death and many are asking,
ON YOUR VISIT? What happens to dead people? People have
different opinions. What do you think? Have
(Ask students what subjects they Bnd are of you ever read what the Bible says?'
interest to people in their territory and are
effective for discussion on return visits) {Ask students how they introduce tfiemse?ves
and endeavor to hold the interest when making
HOW WILL YOU BEGIN return visits. Instructor can arrange for two or
YOUR CONVERSATXON? three students briefiy to demonstrate how they
Often our getting a hearing ear or not depends on introduce themselves and try to achieve their
haw we begin the conversation or introduce goal on the call. Students may pick their orvn
the subject we will feature during our call; househoIder, if this is desirable, and should
what do you say to encourage the househoIder handle the call just as they would in their home


mngregation territory. Dernoastratiom &odd Be obsemmt

be short, h w or three minut=) Are children crying or was the householder doing
something that it would be best not ta inter-
(Eeforc t h e return visit is demonstrated, ask rupt?
student fTrst to tell the class [I) what means he Is he getting fidgety, expecting company, or was
proposes to use to encourage the householder he about to leave? It may be best to suggest
t o receive him and listen to what he has to that you caB at another time
say, and ( 2 ) the goal of his call. Then, as the
- student makes the return visit, others in the You may want to express ~ g r e thatt you d e d
class can obseme specificmy how he handled at an inconvenient time and tell the householder
these two matters) that under the circumstances you would like
(Studen& should make their d the way mw t o Jeave with him one point that mill give him
feel it be most effec~ve.People are dif- something good to think about during the rest
ferent. Jehovah has a t-ariety of people in his of the day
organization, making it possible for the great- Then you mn read one wen-chosen ~ e r s efrom
est variety of people to be reached. Do not try the Scriptures or a sentence from one of the
t o get all students t o follow a certain pattern publications
that appeals to you) Be friendly, use discretion, be considerate
[Following each presentation, call on.others in
the class t o comment on what they felt was WBOM WILL YOU HELP
effective about the presentation. h t n z c t o r I 3 YOUR COXGREGATIQN
n a y make his o m comments on this too, Stu- AND HOW CAh' YOU AID TEEM?
dents may have other suggestions as to how When you get back home, help the brothers in
they mould handle a situation like that j u s t your congregation t o see the urgency of visiting
demonstrated. Call for these comments. Use those showing interest
the discussion as an opportunity for the stu- Help them enjoy pleasure in this part of the
dents to exchange ideas with one another. The Christian ministry (Acts 20~35)
instructor m draw attention to practical sug-
gestians given, but w-iI1 not propose t h a t one Help members of your o m family. B y clkussion
approach was better than another) or by informal practice sessions help them t o
prepare to introduce themselves effectively and
HOW C A N THE STUDY BE STARmX)? t o plan how to explain to the householder the
Some have found i t effective to raise questions purpose of the caIl
on a subject, then after amusing the person's ReIp them to prepae effective ways to b h d u c e
interest, turning the householder to the scrip the study
tures that an=\-er the question Consider what publication might best be used,
can be read in summary, pointing t h e page and paragraph where the study will
- Paragraphs
t o the value of the publication begin
Might let members of the famiry practice on one
Some have found it effective just to tell the house- another and thus prepare far effective activity
hoIder, W e conduct free h m e Bible studies in the field
~ 4 t hpeople and I would like to demo-te the When convenient, may include other families or
arrangement for you and your family, if 1 may.' other publishers in the congregation in these
Then turn to an appropriate chapter in the pub- discussions
lication, use the questions, read the scriptures
and sum up the paragraphs Young and old, new publishers and experienced
Many publishers use the Truth book, "This Good ones can share
N m s of the Kingdom" or the C c h k . ~ bwklet
'* Regularly go dong with the members of your
own family in making rehnn visits
Some say, W e are assisting people to understand m i t e others to go along with you when making
the Bible. I would he pleased to study the Bible return visits whenever possible
with you and your whole family a t a time con- Arrange for other wilIing and capable brothers
venient to you at no c o s t " and sisters to accompany publishers needing
Others explain that the householder is entifled assistance in this activity
to a free home demonstration of our Bible
study arrangement Ehcourage all in the mngregation to show a
genuine interest in athers who are rqmnding
IDiscus other suggestions. Ask students what to the Kingdom message
they find to be most effective in their terrftory) Publishers may make return visits by delivering
magazines or other literatme, by conducting
BE DTSCERNXNG a study, writing a letter or m l b g the in-
Do not stay too long terested person on the telephone
Some will not ask you to leave bnt wilI not invite Use each contact to stimulate intemst; make
you in again if you stay too long y w r calls friendly

When you have appropriate parts on the service they make a note of the names of such pub-
meeting, use these t o keep before the brothers lishers now, while they are thinking of them.
the importance of making return Yisits, teach- Urge students to foUow W O U and~ aid
~ their
ing and making disciples brothers in this important work of making
return visits.)
On all occasions, help the brothers find pleasure
in this rewarding activity MAIN POIXT: Help other publishers to show
genuine concern for sheeplike ones by making
(Askstudents how they might help others in this return visits on all interested persons
activity when they return home. Suggest that SOURCE: ot IZI

Life, Marvelous Gift of God

Life has always existed because Jehovah has al- FOR EVERLASTING L W E
ways been in existence (Ps.3 6 ~ 9 ;90:2; 1 Tim. Fruit of t h e "tree of life" in the garden of Eden
1:17) would not in itself have given life; the "kee"
represented God's guarantee of life "to time
The order of appearance of life was established indefinite" to ones H e permitted to eat thereof
bv God
~ih , 00-begotten Son,
en the angels
(Gen. 2:9; 3 2 2 )
Adam's sin resulted in a descent of about 930
Later, the physical universe, earthly vegetation, years talvasd death, in accord with the principle
sea creatures, winged flying creatures, land of James 1:14,15 (Gen. 5:5)
animals, man and woman (Vn. 1:l-27; 2:7, For everlasting Iife, man must live 'not by bread
21, 22) alone, but by every expression of Jehovah'
Evolution was not used, but at Jehovah" direc- (Deut. 8 :3; Matt. 4: 4)
tion his Son acted to carry out His commands Man, being created "in God's image," has attri-
and the different "kinds" were created; earth- butes like God's; he was given a capacity for
ly creatures and plant life each reproduced spirituality,being able t o appreciate and wor-
"according t o its kind" shiv his Creator (Gen. 1:26. 271
The Bible uses "soul" [Hebrew, &phesh; Greek, For everlasting life, m a n must exercise spiritual-
- for l i e as a person or animal, whereas ity, taking in knowledge of God and Christ.
"life" (Hebrew, hhay.yah'; Greek, za+e') Scrip- (John 17:3)
turally applies t o life itself, the Life principle Faithful men of old embraced God's promise of
(Job 10:l; Ps. 6 6 ~ 9 ) deliverance, believed in the resurrection and had
hope in Gud's citylike administration {Heb. 11:
Life force (spirit; Hebrew, mc'uha; Greek, well'- 10,16, 35)
ma) animates the creature; breath (Hebrew, The "holy and righteous" Law given through
nesha.mah') sustains the life force (Isa. 42:5; Moses did not provide t h a t deliverance; it con-
Ps. 10499; Gen. 7:22; t r 38-40) demned t h e Jews t o death and showed all men
Organisms [fleshly bodies) M e r (1 Cox. 15:39) t o be sinners, but provided prophetic patterns
Encyclopmdia Britannka states: " . . . each distinct of Gad's provision for deliverance from sin
type of organism seems t o have some distincuve (Rorn. ?:9-12;Gal. 3:19)
protein of its own, and some characteristic rate
or rhythm of metabolism" Christ died t o open the way for release from sin
The life force or "spirit" put in Adam by Gad and Adamic death for all who would believe;
is passed on t o offspring by means of the pro- he died o?t a stake t o remove the Law's curse
creative process from the Jews (Gal. 3:13)
God created Adam's body, put life force (rut- Eternal life is possible only through Jesus chist
&JL) and breath (nesha.maW into it, and his ransom sacrifice (2 Tim. 1:10; A&
man became a living soul; he began to have 4:12)
Iife as a person ( e n . 25'; ad 1546, 1547) BercisingfaithintheSonandobe&nmtothe
The life of man and animals is dependent first "good news," the "word of life," are essential
of all on the life force provided originally by (john 5:24; Phil. 2:16)
God when creating, and, secondarily, on Through Christ's priesthood life will be adminis-
breath to sustain that life force (mn. 7 ~ 2 2 ) tered t o those on earth
Under Kingdom rule, the "law of sin" d l be
A~preciationfor life is enhanced by considering overcome by obedience, prayer and forgive-
the variety of forms of living things and their ness made Possible through the m o r n
ability to grow, adapt and reproduce (Horn. 7:21-8:2)

As the "'Eternal Father." Jesus is able t o re- the resurrected Jesus was "destined no more
generate mankind, giving life to obedient t o return to romption," that is, t o life in a
ones who exercise faith in the offering of corruptible, though perfect, human body
his soul (ITim. 2:5, 6;&a. 9:6;Matt. 20:28) {Acts 13:34)
Immortality relates to the Quality of the E e they
With humanity redored to perfection, Satan and receive (itsendlessness and indemctibility )
demons will then be loosed and a final test wiU whereas, incorruption pertains to the mgunim-z
OCCUT or body that Cod gives them lone beyond ruin,
An indemte number will s u k b . aTlo1ring decay or destruction)
themselves to be misled thmugh selfishness; Nonetheless, joint heirs, like Christ, continue
they will be executed, coming forever into the subject t o the Father's will and directions
"second death" (Rev. 20:'i-10,141 (I Cor. 15:23-28)
Those humans who are faithful-having pmved
themselves to be righteous, d be achmI- SAFEGUARDING TBE HEART
d g e d by Jehovah as his sons though Christ IS ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE
(Eom. 8:21)
Out of the heart come wicked reamrhgs7wnmg
Having the hope of everlasting life is no\ selfish; mnduct and lack of faith that lead to death
it is held out by God as a reward, and ?t s h ~( M a t t 15:19, 20)
appreciation t o look to t h e pewmd. mth fath
{Heb. 11:6) W e need to supply the heart with lif+gking
miritual nourishment to protect it IProv. 423:
~ O R T A L r n
G R A ~ " ~TO
D CERTXIK ONES. By meditating on right things, by speaking about
Enmortality b-deathlessness them, and by associating with those who value
J e h m d is immortal, deathless, "the f i g of them, one builds up a good .condition of the
eternity" (1 Tim. I:f7; Hab. 1:121 heart (Phil. 4: 8; Ps. 63:s; Heb. 1092-251
Jesus Christ received i m m o W t y as a reward
for faithfulness;he did not possess it previous- JEHOVAH'S G l R ' OF llfFE SYMl3OLEED
ly {Rorn. 6:9; 1 Tim. 6:15, 161 Scriptures use the expresions "b??e(s) of life"
Jesus' 144,000 joint heirs share the likeness of in various ways
his resurrection, thus receiving immortal life Wisdom is d e d a "-be of We" in that it sup
(1 COT. 15:42-54) plies what is needed for We, knowldge of
They, like Jesus, are grant& not just everlast- God and insight to obey his commandments
ing life, but the '"power of an indeiih-uctible (Prov. 3:13, 18; 16~22)
life" Web. 7~16; Rev. 20:6) T h e fruitage of the righteous one is a W of
.These are depicted as standing on heavenly life," for his mlm, right speech and example
Mount Zion; thus they have immortal life lead others t~ life
in heaven (Rev. 14:1) They listen to him a d get spiritual nourish-
This grant of immortality to Kingdom joint ment that leads them to sene God and re-
heirs is all the more remarkable, since God's ceive Life (Prov. 11:30; 15:4)
angels are mortal (shown in the fact that the The "thing desired is a tree of life" in that desire
Devil and demons have the judgment of fulfilled gives refreshment, renewed vigor
death entered against them) (Matt 25:4l; {Prov. 13:12)
Jude 6 ) The divine pravfslon far immortal heavenly life
Hence, the mantina of immortaliw t o Christ's is symboljzed by 'Treetree(s)of We" [Rev. 2:7;
joint heiFs demonstrates Jehovah's con& 22: 19)
aence in them In another context "trees of Wetyare Gad's ~ r o -
hcomption pertains to that which m o t spoil, visions for continually sustaining life for bbe-
ruined, bmught to an ideriar swte or dient mankind On earth in the new order (Rev.
be desltroved 22:1,2 )
ft applies to organisms of God, Christ and the Names are written Ule "book of life- or 4~-a
144,000inheavenIlTim.l:P7;lCor.15:42, ,flifen
44,48, 49) Jehovah's "book of life" contains names of all
Incorruption does not apply to human bodies, persons worthy of the gmnt of life (Ex 32:
for they are fleshly and corruptible (Ram. 32. 33: Rev. 20:11-15)
1:s) ~bdl*s name apparently is the first one in kt
Humans haw bodies subject to damaging dis- CHeb. 11:4, 6 )
eases and dissolution in death, the elements %%vs of life" rnnta- names of
f o h g the body breaking d m in decay Kingdom joint heirs ( m v . 21:m)
(Acts 13:361
fiki -prfect human bodies are corruptible, not Mankind will h e f i t from the "er of water of
beyond destruction; thus Pad could say that life*'

Its life-giving waters represent Eod"s entire pro- 2,4) ; (2) eating blood, which includes .trans-
vision through CMst for eternal Life for man- fusing blood (A- 15:20); (3) failing to
kind in the new order (Rev. 22:1, 2) preach the lifesaving good news of the beg-
Invitation is given now to enjoy what is available dom (Acts 18:6; 20:26, 21).
of such "water,'"o begin drinking of God's Bloodguilt may be incurred if one fails to obey
provisions (Rev. 22~171 traffic and other =few laws
Congregation" judicial committee imvestiga*
TRUE CHRISTTANS SHARE automobile or hunting accidents involving a
JEHOVAH'S VIEW OF SMTCTZTYOF LIFE Christian and that cause someone's injury
They have God's view of mankind and Iove their or death, as the congregation does not want
felloman ( S o h 3:f 6) to come under community responsibility
W e do men t o ask ourselves whether we feel that therefor
way tonard people in our territory for \Fit- Disciplinary measures may be necessarg if wen
nesshg, & we interested in the Bves of a measure of b l d g u l l t attaches bo such
people? driver or hunter; for some time he codd not
Within the conmemtion, we should not look at instruct or hold a responsible position in the
things s t a t i d d y , saying, for instance, We congregation Ctd3 510, 511)
only lost one publisher last year'
&*her, our concern should be hom.we can help ACCUUXTABLE r0 GOD TO USE U F E
our brothers and Bisters gain life JN GOD'S SERVICE
Ob~iously Paul had such concern for fellow Christians mold their Eves in harmony with Je-
sentants of God (Acts 20:31, 32; 2 Car. U:
=, 29)
hovah's will and give his law and warship fixst
place (Rlic. 4: 13)
The world views life as Wig cheap, as evident Like Jesus Christ, they use their lives in har-
from its violent mime, wars and much of what mony with the will of God, b o w i n g they
it considers t o be entertainment are accomtabIe to Jehovah (1 Pet. 4:5 2;
Rom. 14:10-12)
Christians consider W e to be'bcred; do not wen
u.antonly IdlI animals, as some hunters do Having 'plenty to do in the Laws work; labor
Since 'life is in the blood,' Christians do not eat is not in vain (1Cor. f5:58)
or othenvise misuse blood (Gen. 9:3, 4; Lev. True happiness and satMaction d t fivrm using
f7:ll, 14; Acts 15:25, 29) our lives in W ' s service (Eccl. 12:13; Ps.
Value of life is so sacred that the blood of a 16:l.l)
murdered person is viewed by God as defiling
the earth. and such deSlement can be cleansed MMN POINT: Life is a gift from God, to be
onIy by shedding the murderer's blood (Gen. treated as sacred, and to be used in full harmony
9:5, 6; Num. 3533) with his will
Christians, Iike the psalmist, fittingly pray that SOURCES: ad 243-246, 823, 824, 828, 829. 1061-1065,
Jehovah deliver them from b l o o d g u i l ~ e s sand 1546,1547; Z i 387-393.397-400;Cs 3840, 162;w63 510,5ll
bloodguilty ones (Ps.51:14; 26:9) TEACBING SUGGES'MON: Arrange f o r several stu-
One could become bloodguilty before Jehovah. dents t o prepare three. to ti;.e-minute talks, assigning an
appropriate subheading of the materfal to each student.
by: (1)bloodshed, murder, including support- Other students may ask uestions of t h e speaker after
ing bloodguilty organizations (Rev. 17:6 ; 18: each talk on the materia assigned

The Watchtower and Congregation Book Studies

THE PURPOSE OF THESE STUDIES know net only answers to questions but also
IN OUR CONGREGATION the basis for those answers
ney a t r , * ~through fie 'yaifi-
are ~ ~ h ~ ~ provision Help brothers B t material into minds and hearts
ful and discreet slave'* for teaching his people (Eph. 3:11-19;Col. 1:9, 10)
(Matt. 24:45-47; Isa. 54:13) As appropriate, d n ~ vout not only direct m e r
to printed question, but also reasons why
Obj-ve is to impart howledge, convey under- anmver is so and how scriptures c i w tie in
standing and enhance heart appreciation ( m v . Stress theme of lesson at appropriate points, not
4 ~ 87) ~ overdoing it
Conductor must have knowledge and under- Show practical value of the material; hpw it a p
standing of the material being considered; plies in daily living, pints for field semi=, etc.
THE WATCHTOlVER STUDY ings each week until up to date; local elders
should decide on the procedure
The W~~tclztower neatly aids one t o establish and CONGREGATION PREPARATION
maintain a good relationship with Jehovah FOR STUDY
ft is the produet of careful research and thought;

&,u-g~ weryone to read the eRt&m a m e
not inspired, but p m d u ~ dunder the Naing a soon as received to get overall yiew; W to
influence of holy spirit (John 16:12, 13) make a detailed study of t h e main article Gefare
Each article contributes to the fornard move- it is considered at ~e Kingdom
merit of Jehovah's people and it aid us Help bmthers t o enjoy ie-hg (Ps.1:1, 2)
individually to produce the fruitage of the
spirit Objective in family preparation is net just to get
The study should ordinarily be one hour in length,
not including songs = & :~ &
this objective is -a*@&
but to~ gaia ~
.thee win be no
is helpful for the conductor to -k
in 15-minute sections problem in giving meanin- comments
Just because hands are raises does not meart they F ~ preparation
Y sessions need not be handled
all need t o be c d e d on if points have already the same as w a r WmfchtWWr study
been adequately covered There are no rules for such family studies, so
encourage brothers to do what w o r k b&
Opening remarks and comments of the conductor for their famiIy situation
should be brief and t o the point; be warm, en- - me one mnducting may want te ask &e qaes-
thusiastic, encouraging tion first and then have the pztragraph read;
The conductor shodd not comment excessively; - those participating can f k d t h e m e r and
remember that a teacher does not do the think- underline it; W e time to discuss t h e reasons
k g for the students, rather he helps them to for answers and how the material should
think in an orderly manner and &rive at the affect our Iivcs
c o m t conclusion Avoid underlining too m u b j u s t key words
B y effective use of questions, draw attention to or ideas t o facilitate giving extemporaneous
main points, help all to see how points in the comments
paragraphs relate to the theme, how scrip- It is good 0 look W ufigUotd scriptures and
support main paints and the theme discuss them
When important points are missed by corn- Encourage family heads to conduct their own
mentators, usually i t is better to ask specific family studies
questions to draw out the points instead of Visiting a family h d y conducted by someane
simply asking, "Any further else, if invited, may be helpful in gaining
Keep outside material to a minimum, thus not ideas on how we can do better with our
detracting from the study material o w n family study
mmurage preparation and mmmentfng in own WATCHTOWER STUDY CONDUmR'S
words, making comments brief and t o the mint PRE~ARA~ON
Main objective is to get audience t o think on
and understand the material, not just to Get *early in mind the overall theme and objec-
co-ents they read but do not f a y under- tive of ae a ~ d eand , take note of how the
stand various points in the article contribute te these
Discourage the reading of answers; suggest Fix the main points of the study clearly in mind
short extemporaneous comments
First comment might be a direct answer t o the Select key scriptures to have the congregation
printed question, with additional comments on read as time permits
how scriptures apply, supporting arguments If any new explanations of scriptures are pre-
or practical application sented in the article, get them dearly in mind
Read and discuss unquoted scriptures as time so t h a t you can aid the congregation to a p
permits preciate them
Have brief concluding comments (or a few brief Give thought to your introductory and concluding
revim questions) before concluding the &dy comments for the study
with song and prayer
If,due to ban or postal sltrike, magazines w e not
received, you could base the study on older
issues of The Watchtower; or you could use OBJEtxIVES OF CONGREGATPON
congregation book study material for both the BOOK STUDY COh"IPUCTORS
book study and the W a t c J t t m study for a Like the Watchtower study conductor, his first
time, and then if the missing W a t c h t m is- responsibility is t o be a teacher in mnducting
sues m i v e you could study these at both meet- t h e study

He has t h e privilege of aiding the pubIishers in EFrnCrnE MEETINGS

his group in the field ministry FOR FIELD SERVICE
H e is usually In position to give individual atten- Meeting for field service need not be held after
tion to the spiritual needs of those in his group meetings on Sunday if publishers want to go
directly to the territory
CONDUCTING '1CHE BOOK STUDY When meetings for field service are held, -ge
Smce teachers are needed, elders should be used if them to fit the needs of the group, chan,ghg
available time and meeting place when necessary
It may be best to have larger groups, with qua-
fied brothers as conductors, rather than having Start meetings for field service on time
many smaller groups, with brothers who are
not qualified as teachers; however, if sufficient Meetings should not be perfunctory
qualified brothers are available, teaching Briefly consider text, using re& of -time to con-
smaller groups is most effective sider material that will aid in senice
Can have discussion or demonstration of field
There is no set amount of material to cover each points
week; it is better to corer less material if neces- Have objective of equipping publishers for the
sary to impart wnderstanding, but do not let preaching and teaching activity in which .they
t h e study drag are going to engage on that day
Do wt emphasize minorpohts; rather show how
they relate to the main points and Zhe theme SEE OF BOOE STUDY G R O m
Opening remarks can ?xbrief; no review may be Factors to consider: Qualified brothers a m 1 e
needed if you are starting a llew chapter to conduct studies, distance t a S a d to study,
At beginning of the study you may wish to read and at-dability of suitable homes
t h e portion of the Bible that nil1 be considered In larger congregations, possibly three groups
that evening if it is not too long muld be formed from two groups, rather than
spLitting one into tnto
Look trp unquoted scriptures and have them read; It is not good to let groups get too large; at lead.,
long citations can be s i g n e d t o be summarized when group gets t o 20 publishers, usually it is
where advisable, or key verses only mag be read wise to consider forming a new group
Encourage all to participate, perhaps by reading Book study conductor can watch for avercrowd-
scriptures; important thing is getting all to ing, be considerate of householder's viewpoint
think about and understand the material and furnishings; may be best not to have too
Encourage putting comments in own words many children in any one group if this causes
_ Conductor needs to know the potentid and problems
ability of al in the group, not expecting more
from those with limited education than would HOW TO RELF PERSONS PREPARE
be reasonable FOR THE BOOK STUDY
Watch Cmnmenters and their response or lack Help them to see how underlining key words 1viU
of response to see if materia1 is reaching both helpful, not
mind and heart Meaningful notes can be made in margin of h k
When a comment is you wish to ask in addition to underlining ansrvers to printed
person to rephrase it in his o m words questions
Conductor needs t o listen carefully to c e m e n t s u o k , not only for answers, but for the h i s for
to see if heart appreciation is manifested the answers
Can partition printed questions if necessam or
ask supplementary questions to enceu?age b o k up unquoted scriptures and consider how
commenting and to highlight key thoughts they apply to the material in the book
To aid in understandingpoints not dear! various MAIN POINT :Help the brothers benefit from the
types of questions can be employed
tions, viewpoint auestjons. rhetoricaI ouestions
tion and food
Use true or false, multiple choice, leading ques spiritual sharing *;
in both by advance prepara-

(Luke 10~36;12:49-51; hatt. 16:13:15; 17: SOURCE3 ag36.38.49-54; or91-94,1~,101;gm97-103

25, 26; 22~41-46) TEA-G SUGGESTION: 11) At mncfusion of class
discussion consider how a Watchtbwer or book study
Good to have dosing rwierrr fmm the Bible rather conductor c ~ v l dw heIpful in assisting mid ones to
than from the book if material lends itself to give comments or young ones to make their crrmments
this; or d e w can be handled other w a s to more rneaninriul. 12, Ask students what they have
d m attention t o majn points -dents done to help f he brothers in their study P U P to aPprc*
ciase the application of the material in their lives-
what might & done t~ build up attendance at ( 3 ) 130 they make ma* points stand out, or do
the book studiml they to cover all the details equally?
KO.23 - First Fridal-, 2:IO .

Home Bible Study Ministry

DXSCIPLXNG WORK whoIe families, study together; there are fewer
A PART OF OUR MINISTRY problems when all learn the .truth together
Tjle public ministry assigned to Christians is It is good to explain reason why opposition to
twofold: first, proclaiming the good news of their studying may arise (Matt. 10:36, 37;
God's kingdom, a preaching work; second, tr 16)
teaching those who respond favorably, making To keep study interesting and progressive, t h e
disciples of Christ (Ma#. 24:14; 28:19, 20)
one conducting should instill corr6dence in the
Our objective obviously not just to put time in students; accomplished by careful. preparation
field ministry or to place much Ti~erature;it on the part of the conductor
includes helping honest-hearted Fans learn He shodd study the material ahead of M e and
t h e truth, becoming Christian witnesses of h o w i t well
Jehovah with prospects for eternal life Best to study with fhjs particular student in
This disciple-making work is best accomplished mind
through the home Bible study minisby Try to determine points &that would be of specid
Time is needed to teach t h e Imth in a p r o p s - interest; W y t o see his viewpoint of matters
sive way -
All of Jehovah's witnesses nld enough to teach Anticipate questions he would likely ask and
others should seek to share in this ministry as '
prepare to answer
time and circumstances permit Do -not feel that every qu&on must be an-
Much joy and happiness come from sharing swered immediately; some may require re-
knowledge with others (Acts 20:35) search to give correct answers or additional
background for student t o understand answer
ROW CAN WE START AND CONTINUE AlI studies should direct interested ones to God's
May offer home Bible study on initfal call With E O O ~reason we call them Bible studies,
UsualIy a publication is left with interested per- not Eook studies
sons, so a study can be continued if started W e should use the Bible freely during our stud-
on initial call ies, looking- up Bible texts cited or even some
More often studies are started through return quoted
visits on interested persons The one conducting the study may wen wish t o
h either case it is good t o demonstrate our study use additional ssptures f b m h e t o time
- method briefly, using one of the publications We should be Bible teachers, constantly di-
Sometimes several visits may be required before recting student to the Bible
actual study is started Many persons with whom we study h e w little
Some will have BibIe questions they want an- about t h e Bible
swered; this may take time W e may have to get a Bible for some, and most
Good t o demonstrate how a regu7a~study will will need help in learning to use the Bible
answer many questions; this will tend to Show the student how to use the Bible, how to
stimulate more interest in a regular study find the books by checking t h e table of con-
What should we study? tents, chapter and verse divisions
There is no set nzle; consider the individual AUow him time to m d Scripture references
student's needs, his background, his interests before reading them
and ideas H several are present for t h e study, b y t o
Questions the student *st asks may help you arrange for all to follow the reading of Bible
determine what to study references
We could use t h e SocieWs books, but it codd be
a booklet or magazine article, a tract, or simply GOOD EXAMPLE OF THE CONDUCWbR
Try to use what will help the student most and Those who study the Bible look to us as ~nisters;
hold his interest; show sincere interest in the we, in turn, should always conduct omelves as
student real Christian ministers (2 Cor. 6:4, 6, 7)
Right from the start of a study it is good t o in- W e are there to teach Bible truth, not to meddle
clude other members of his family in personal affairs
Others may be interested, and if we do not invite Students will take note of our conduct; is it
them, later they may feel too much progress always good?
has been made for them to join the study n e y will observe our dress and general appear-
It is a fine thing to see husbands and wives, or ance; do we set a good example in this regard

and dress in a manner befitting - God's min- How can we reach the hearts of our ~ible'stu-
isters? dents?
Thev wiIl listen to how we saeak and what we One way is to encoupage the student to ponder
taZk about; do we set a good example in this on what he learns
too? As a conductor, you can make this easier by
Our setting such a good example help the emphasizing main points of each lesson and
student m g n i z e the truth quickly; he will not trying to coves too much
see that we practice Christianity daily k m g e the student t o reoiew the main
W e shouId always show appreciation for any kind- points and ponder on them
ness offered us, but be careful never to take Another means is to ask o d m d gu&om
liberties wit41 such kindness throughout the study
Use practical questions to be sure the sindent
Set a g m d example by avoiding any wrong a p not only learns but also gets the lmth down
p e m c e s ( 2 Cor. 6:3) in his heart
It is generdlly k 3 not to make a d ldone on At .times w e might ask: @'Do y6u b e l i e what
sameone of the opposite sex; if you must call we just studied? How do sou fee1 about it?
by yourself, then good to go when other mem- EQW could you apply this -inyour life?"
bers of the family are home A third way t o impress the on hearts is
Otherwise, may take some member of yonr to help our students think in terms of their
famiIy or another pubfisher along; if this is relationship with Jehovah
not possible, then j t miqht be m i s e te turn In your weekly study emphasize J e h d ' s l a
the study -over t o someone of t h e same sex and wisdom; review Bible principles, how to
to handle apply these and their value; help your stu-
This is a matter of safety as well as avoiding dents t o cultivate the habit of seeking
-ng aP-= - Jehovah's; direction in matters M o r e making

Wbile we should be good examples, we should not decisions

teach to draw attention to muselves or muse Build wp appreciation f o Jehovah,
~ his w~rship
stvdents t e look to us as leaders and Gs kenice
Paul was a good example for: us, directing at- Additionally, we can enmurage our shden-k to
tention to Jehovah and Jesus as Teachers analyze their motives for doing things
(I ICor. 193-15;2:1-5; 3:s-7,2l-23) Teach them to ask themselves questions like:
Follow his goad example, dir&g students to "Why do f want t o do this or that? Am I
Jehovah, Jesus and the Christian congrega- seeking to please God or m y own fleshly de-
tion, "a pillar and support of the W' sires? Am I sincere or perhaps deceiving
(1Tim. 3:15) myself with false reasoning?"
Thus, in many respects a student's progress Our students can pmperly be w m e d of deceptive
be promoted by the good example set by the dangers t h a t could interfere with their progress
one conducting the study as Christians (Prov. 28:26)
Lastly, keep before your students the perfect
REACHING THE HEARTS example of Jesus
OF YOUR STUDENTS IS ESSENTIAL He was Ioyal t o his Father Jehwah. How?What
did he do?
Jesus showed that a Christian must love Jehovah He studied to learn God's mind on matters;
with his whole heart as well as his whoIe mind he prayed to his Father, seeking God's di-
(Mark 12:28-30) rection in alI things
Reachine the student's heart is a matter of con- Such an example is an excellent one to put
cern k all who conduct home Bible studies before our students; encourage them to pray
[Eph. 3:16-19) regularly to Jehovah as Jesus did
A capable teacher can impart knowled= to *e in all studies, take the time needed t o help
m h d of his student, and-this is very ihportant So,your students to get to know Jehovah, draw
To this end, the conductor should show t h e close to him, and get his Word firmly m o t 4 in
student how to prepare his lesson ahead of their hearts
time, underline main points, e t c Then there is firm foundation for student dlso
To illustrate, show the student how you nark to love Jehovah with his '%hale sou^"; he will
your book take positive action as an individual
But, what will fie student do abut what he is
learning? Is he just looking for howledge, ar
\sill Bible howledge motivate him lo action? ENCOURAGE mm TO ASSOCIATE
Will he take steps to apply his howledge? WITH JEHOITAH'S 'KAME PEOPLEu
Hearifelt appreciation is v e y important; the k X D SH-$.IRE 'SRUTH 75TTR OTHERS
h t h must get into the heart if t h e student is As a student progresses he should be informed of
t o apply i t t o his life and a d upon it for life the organization Jehovah is using, especially of
in the future (Ps.119:111 local congregation meeting times

Many m a y begin such association with the mngre- in the ministry and coming to the point of
gation as a resuIt of their initid Bible study dedication and baptism
Others may have to study for some time before Producing another new disciple of Christ is our
they am able to identify the true Christian goat in t h e Bible study work
congregation and recognize the need for
an organization for Kingdom-preachhg and HOW CAN BIBLE STUDY OVERSEERS
If your student can be enmmged to attend #P STUDY MKTISTRP?
metings, his spiritual p w e s s usudlp- mill
be much faster One way is to set a good example by mnducting
help your Bible students get to the mee-tings; BibIe studies
see *hat they have the necessary publications K e p studies -w; give them personalized
as they begin to attend regrrIarIy help
Help them to attend congmgatjon meetings
At the 'Kingdom Hall introduce them to others; regularly
make them fee1 very uwkmw in a conkgreg""ation Also show interest in tfie Bible study service
of real Christians
Go with brothers on their studies to get ac-
How long should a dxdy be continued? quainted; offer suggestions where needed and
There is no set time; after a reasonable period, appropriate
we should be able to determine the student's Could occasionalIy make calls on those progress-
motives, so studies should not be extended - ing well to encourage
If there is no progress, then it i s better t o spend lnvite brothers t o tea you of good study prospects
time with others when they cannot handle them and follow
As long as student shows evidence of good through on these
motives, keeps making progress and shows Try to assist more in the conpegation to share
this by beginning to associate with the con- in Bible study service
gregation and in other ways, we wudd con- When new ones are at the Kingdom I M ,talk to
tinue the study; even i he progresses to t h e them; make fhem feel welcome, jnkaducing
point of being baptized we ~vouId continue your family and others to them
study for a time Learn their names; help them with their ques-
Usually we observe that such a progrrssive stu- tions
dent starts talking to friends, relatives, fellow Help fmfies in fhe mngwgation with their
employees and others about truths he is learning &dies
Often, the more he learns, the more he talks Enmuram each family to have a study; visit
He may n e d help from you in answering ques- them, offering sug&ons if needed and as it
, tions propounded to him; take time to git-e seems opportune to do so
him the needed assistance
As you teach, then, help your students t h i of Welp dll to see the good results of family and home
using what they learn; show them in simple Bible studies: t h e making of more Christian
terms how t o explain truths to others disciples in response to Jesus' command [Matt.
Gradually you can explain the Kingdom- 28:19,20)
preaching and disciple-making work assigned
t o God's servants today, showing how they MATN POINT: The g o d of the Bible study minis-
can share in i t try is to make disciples of Christ, in harmony with
When they qudiify, invite them t o share in the Matthew 28:19, 20
field minis* with you, giving them the SOURCES: o r 122.125; sg 73-78
necessary help and encouragement TEACHING SUGGESTTON: Lecture, wlth comments
There is much joy in seeing our students sharing from students on key points as time permits

KO.24 - FXrst Friday, S m

Whole-Souled Service to Jehovah

OBLTGATION 'M3 LOVE Ahr) SERVE GOD b v h g Jehovah with "whole soul" means that
WITH TI'HOLE SOUP, evem fiber of one's existence is invoIped in
Jesus quoting Gad's Word, said. You must lwe lovi6gly seming God; no fun&on, capacity
Jehovah with your whole soul' (Mark 12130; or desire in life is
Deut 6 5 ) Since our whole soul is our complete person, wfiy
Ori,oinal-language words for "souE" can dm be did Jesus say we must also love &d with our
banslated by persona1 pronouns such as "you'"'who1e heart, mind and *en@?
m d *'I" These facets of the soul are evidently mentioned

for emphasis, so that we do not fail to mn- Perhaps one has a family f o r which to m e ,
sider them in our senrice to God a health problem, certain limitations as to
For example, a man under the Mosaic Law muld ability, or has little howledge due t o newness
have sold himel (his soul) into slavery to in the lruth. He may be doing all he can in
another; but thereafter t h e man might have Jehovah's service--being whole-souled in it
failed to serve his master wholeheartedly, with -yet his public service may not be nearly as
full motivation and desire to please him; he extensive as that of Paul or that of some
might not have used his full strength or his modern-day pioneers
full mental capacity to advance his master's Such ones should not feel discouraged. Jehwah
interests is just as pleased with a thirtyfold or sixty-
fold fruitage if it is whoIe-souled as with the
mus Jesus was emphasizing that love of God hundredfold produced by another
must involve the entire person Hours or literature placements are by no means
the sole guide as to 'fruitage' produced. A
EVERYONE, f d y man who is well h o r n in his mmmu-
REGARDLESS OF SITUATION IN LIFE, nity as one of Jehovah's servants because he
CArV SERVE GOD WHOLE-SOULED is dert to opportunities to speak in favor of
Physical perfection is not required; we must the mth, and whose conduct is m y exem-
simply apply all the faculties of our own imper- plary, will cause more people to think on Je-
fect soul in doing the will of God hovah's way and the Kingdom message than
one who pioneers but is not exemplary in his
The amount that persons. do in Jehovah's seniee conduct (Compare 1 Timothy 5 2 4 , 25)
and the quality of that service w i l l obviously Children who become fine servants of Jehovah
vary from person to person; some who seem t o through loving teaching and training by fa-
be doing little may be whole-souled ther and mother are idso evidence of Yruit-
In Revelation 7:9, 10,15 the "great crowd" are age' and parents may contxibute through
sho\vr~ rendering sacred service "day and them and their act3vity to a rnanifeId produc-
night'' in the spiritual temple; yet surely not tion of the 'seed' of the Kingdom message
all do the same amount in t h e field service or On the other hand, a person may have assets
in congregational service, nor=perhapswith the simiIar to Paul's; if so, he is obligated, like
same effectiveness Pad, to devote more time
In Jesus' illustration of the Sower, when "the Such a person cannot complacentIy look at
word of t h e kingdom" fell on "fine soil" it others whose preaching activity is not ex-
produced thirty-, s i x t y - and a hundredfold. tensive, or who appear less productive, and
(Matt. 13:18,23) Why t h e difference in fruit- reason that it is enough for him t o do what
age? Were those producing thirtyfold less de- they do. For him t o give whole-souled ser-
voted-not whole-souled-while those bearing vice may require t h a t he 'reach out for an
a hundredfold were ? office of overseer,' or pioneer, be a mission-
- Circumstances in life vary4fferences in .ary,serve at a Bethel home or in some other
health, vigor, mentaI ability, obligations and capacity (1 Tim.3:l)
responsibilities, time in t r u t h a l l affecting It is not t h e place of the elders to judge others
the amount one may actually produce as to whether they a r e rendering whole-
So there is variety in quantity produced, but souled service, but to encourage them to use
Jehovah is pleased with whatever this "me all their facultie+their whole sod-in sew-
soil" bears as long as t h e service rendered ing Jehovah
is whole-souled This can be done by building up in them appre-
Jesus showed that what is vital is not the q u a - ciation for what God has done for them and
tlty one does h-relation to what someone else how the Bible affects their lives beneficiay
does, but doing what one can, as Mary did (John 3:16; 2 Cor. 514, 15)
in ministering to Jesus, and as the widow did Help them to see the opportunities that are
who gave all that she had (Mark 14~6-8;John open t o them to increase the amount and
12:3; Luke 21:1-4) quality of their service to ~ o d
The apostle Paul was whole-souled in service. He GOD REQUIRES,
actually 'labored in excess of all t h e apostles.' NOT MERELY PARTICIPATION,
(1 Cor. 15:9, 10) H e had fine mental ability, BUT WHOLE-SOULED SERVICE
evidently had physicd stamina, and was free
from family responsibilities.So Paul was under A runner could parkkipate in a race, even putting
obligation to use these assets in God's service; his 'heart' in it, but ifhe did not employ the
it was necessary in order for him to be whole- rest of his faculties Properly (his I e g s and eyes,
souled wen his y u t h and stomach), would he run
success full^ .
Must a person do as much as Pad did, or be as What if his legs- tired easily because of lack of
effective a teacher as he was, to be whole-souled training? What if he allows his eyes to be dis-
in Jehovah's service? tracted from the goal? What if he had earlier

used his mouth t o overload his stomach with Children may obey their parents, yet they may
food? (Phil. 3 :19) The whole soul, mind, heart continually complain and, when spoken to
and physical strength, must cooperate, be in- about their attitude, say,"Well, I did what you
volved or devoted, in order to run successfully said!" But were they whole-souled in doing
Similarly, the whole s o d of a person needs to be what God required?
involved and devoted to God's service A man on his secutar job is not working whole-
souTed if his h i s d is not en his job
A person may participate in t r u e worship by
attending all five rnebngs*aweek. Does merely Are those serving in special capadties in God's
attending show that I?e 1s whole-souled? He organization n e c d l y serving Jehovah whole-
might ask himself the i0Dowing questions, but souled?
he should not use these to judge others (Rom. A brother am be at BetheI or a man may be an
14:4) elder, but if his mind, hands and all other parts
Why does the person attend? Because he redly of his soul. are not applied fully to the work
wants ta go--it being the desire of Ms whole he is not whole-souIed
sell? Or does he go merely out of obligation, Some brothers serve where the need is greater.
or because someone (such as a famiry head) If they g o because of a spirit of adventure,
says he must go? rather than desiring to share m y in God's
What is the soul doing while at the meeting? work, what they are doing does not prove
Is it totally involved? What is done with one$ that they are whole-souled
mouth when songs a p sung? Does this paTt We should consider: Is God going t o accept us
of the soul express heartfelt words of praise if we go through the motions of doing things,
t o God? but our whole soul is not in it?
How about the hands? Does one raise a hand to
let the conductor know that one wants to There is need t o help brothers to see the need
comment? of being whok-souled
Where is one's mind, which is also part of one's
soul? I& it focused on what is being said, on MOBILIZING ALL O U R FACULRES,
comments and on prayers, or does it wander OUR WHOLE SOUL, 'M3 DO GOD'S M T l L
off to other matters? C There is the possibility that a part or parts of t h e
Whole-souled service to God involves use of all mu?may lead one's whole s o d astray
t h e faculties of the soul while at meetings T h e eyes can Took at a woman in a lustful way,
Does regular participation in the field minishy and lead the person into sin (Matt. 5 37-29)
necessarily mean that one is whole-souled in the One" s o u t h may speak, or the ears listen to,
work? There are ways'to tell unclean, unprofitable talk; and this mn lead
Does one give just token service--going in the to the whole soul's ruination (Eph. 5:3-5;Jas,
- field ministry far a short whiie each time, 3 :2-12)
without really exerting oneself physically? A brother may have his mind filled with Bible
For an older or sickly person, an hour may be truth, his feet may regularly take him in t h e
all his s o d may wisely do, but for a sfxonger field ministry, but his sex drive can get the
person this may not be whole-souled effort mastery over him and he may use his hands
in an unclean wav in Ems@conduct. His whole
Just because others quit earlier does not mean soul may thus &-led into a sinful course (Gal.
that whole-souled Iove for God and neighbor 5:19, 20)
should not move one to do more if one can
How about one's mind? Ls its full capacity used? Need to be alert ifor warning signs, and work to
Does one prepare so as to give t h e best presen- combat sinful indinations of sou3 to do what
tations one can? Does one a n w e objections is bad
in order t o handle them efEectively? Or is the E mind begins to think improper thoughts, must
mind used in only a token way, little effort work to keep it en right things, matters of
being made to prepare presentations and t o heavenly origin; deaden sexual appetite by
defend the truth effectively? controfing one's thoughts (Col. 3:2, 5)
The trouble may be with the eyes-what is
Does simply caring for one's family and secular looked at. Do not allow what t h e eye feeds
obligations prove that one is whole-souled? the mind, as in reading or watching visual
(Col. 3 :16-24) entertainment, to cause ruination (Mark 9:47)
A husband may provide for his family, but for it Do not allow one" ears t o cause one's destruction
to be whole-souled service in the sight of God, by listening t o gossip or ideas that lead one
love and kindness must characterize his rela- from true worship
tions with his family and he must do things Learn to use each park of the soul to sb-engthen
"as to Jehovah" one's devotion to Jehovah-the tongue in u p
A wife may be in subjection to her husband, building conversation, the feet to b k e one b
doing what he says, but if she does it begrudg- meetings, in t h e field ministry, or t o homes of
ingly is it really whole-souled compliance with brothers in need, t h e hands to locate scriptures
God's arrangement? or to render helpful services

It is well for us personfly to ask and to encourage fact that God requires as much from them as
each of our brothers to ask: Am I really w b h they can possibly give
Elders should help all in the congregation to MAIN POINT: Wh01~souledservjce to Gcd is a
appreciate t h a t whole-souled service to God Scriptural requirement that is ppossible for every-
is a Scriptural requirement that dl can meet one to meet, regardless of his ability and .circum-
Help fhose who may fwl discouraged to appre- stances. W e must love and serve Jehovah with
ciate that Jehomh does not requi-e more +ha our whole soul-no part Wing omitted
they can give; but alert the complacent to 'he SOURCE: Or ID& 109, 147

No. 25 - mt m y , 4m

Conducting Home Bible Studies

GOAL OF BIBLE STUDY Ml3rSTRF Should determine if student has ap-ation
SHOULD BE REPT LX MDTD for meaning and value of prayer
Our objective is not merely to have a study be When we fed it is appropriate, show him the
listed on our record card importance of P I - e ~ t o Jehovah through
Jesus in connection with study (Ps. 25:4;
P q m e of a m d y is t o make mew disciples in Jas. 1:5)
harmony with Jesus' mrnmand at Matthew Thereafter, it is g a d and m r to ask for
28:19*20 Je h a d ' s blessing and d h c t i o n Wore each
A disciple is a learner, a taught one study
Thus, a disciple of Christ is one taught to believe W e cedd pray for HIs help to md-d R%Ie
in Jesus as W s Son and "Chief Agent of 'truths; ask for His help in retaining what we
life," one who not only beLieves but also closdy learn
follows Christ's teachings (A% 3:15) It is good t o dose Bible studies with prayer of
Must be taught to "observe all the things'" Jesus thanks for good things learned; we mdd dtso
commands, in dud in^ sharing in the preaching pray
- for help in applying Christian principles
and disciple-making work himself t o lives
This goal in the home Bible study One conducting study or other quaMpd bap-
shouId be kept prominent1y in mind as we m n - minister should wrav (if m W e d ba~tized
duct studies brother is preseni he would pray even -if at-
tending a study of a sister that she will con-
AT OUR BIBLE STUDIES IMPORTANT After the opening prayer, usually advisable t o
Such remarks should be brief but kind; we can have a brief review
express happiness at seeing student again, in- Such would cover points studied in previous
quire briefly as t o family, health, etc. week's lesson
Then, direct thoughts t o study; comments covId Hawever, i t need not be m h e d to such; it
indude several. important points to be con- could cover other important details already
sidered in lesson for the day studied and which would relate to the cur-
Such comments would also indicate we have rent lesson
prepared for the study Review could be handled in various ways, such
as by simple, direct questions an important
Commend student if he has Bible and books out points, or true or false questions; scriptures
and is obviously ready for the study could be related and student asked t o explain
meaning, or simple illustrations of points may
b i t e all present to join in the study; show in- be used
terest in entire family The review should lead right into the lesson at
Some members may be overlooked if we assume hand
thw are not interested
Perhaps true with some at first, but later they CONDUCT AN ~ ~ ~
hear or see something which ~ n d l e stheir AND PROGRESSIT'E STUDY
interesf but they may be tw, bashiul or shy A Bible study must be interrsting in order to
t o ask to join in progress and continue
it is good for each one to know he is welcome TO interesting to the student. it s h o a be
wore the study to =k Jehovah's di- obvious that h e is learning something valuable
rection js also important each week and his Bible questions are bekg
1% might omit it at first f w studies if advisable; answered
sough we personally pray before going tu The one conducting the study therefo-
canduct the study strive to be a gmd teacher

Not all have the same ability in this regard; how- illustrations personun# applicable to the stu-
ever, a11 can make effort to improve teaching dent if possible (Matt. 13 :34, 35)
ability D o not underestimate the vdue of simple ilIus-
trations to help students
Teaching involves conveying information to
others, in this ease, Scripture truth As study progresses, help your student through
First, be sure you understand the material by llse of repetition
preparing well; Iearn to simplify points being Endeavor to relate new h t h s to those already
discussed learned; repeat points learned or have student
Then, as 2 teacher, you can learn to explain the repeat such points and then relate them to
whats, hows, whys, wheres and whem new points
Remember that student constantly builds on
There is no arbitrary rule on how the ~ h d is
y to foundation of basic truths, so be sure he does
be conducted not forget them
The main thing is to tea& and be sure student ,
This is essential if student is t o make progress
understands points discussed
Recommend that the student prepare his lesson A good teacher also gives commendation, so com-
beforehand mend studqt for good preparation or ability
Then, you will be able t o ask questions fist, to understand new truths
look up scriptures cited and summarize by Also show you have joy in seeing his good prog-
reading material in paragraphs ress; this will encourage him
You may have t o demonstrate to sfxdent how
to study and mark the answers in his prepa- Include a31 present at the study in your teaching
ration methods
At some studies you may wish t o consider several Children m a y be present so do not overlook them;
paragraphs together, perhaps an entire sub- encourage them to sit in on study, asking them
heading if not too long, according to your simple questions so they can participate, or
discretion have them read scriptures if they are able
Elderly ones should also be helped to participate;
Always enmurage sfxdent to give answers in his use kind, tactful questions, showing respect
own words for their age and opinions
We know what t h e ~aragra~h'lsays, but what
does the student say? A good teacher will review with his students
If questions in t h e book prove too difficdt, break Take several minutes at end of study (usually
them down or simplify them after a b u t an hour) to review points learned
As a good teacher, you might ask additional It can be beneficial t o use variety in review,
questions to help student learn, being sure such as simple questions, or t r u e or false; you
he understands the main points may use illustrations or read Scripture texts
From time to time you may wish t o indude discussed and have student explain in own
- questions that make the student think about words
what he is learning, viewpoint questions, such Again, it can be beneficial t o relate new points
as, What is God's law on (fornication, steal- t o truths already learned
ing, polygamy)? Do you agree with God's To keep t h e study interesting, keep student dert,
law on this? What benefit is there to follow- thinking, looking ahead
ing God's law on (give subject) ?
B y asking such questions you help the shrdent Conductor could ask sever$ interesting questions
to learn and t a reason on what he is Iearning
after the review to be answered in next lesson,
thus encouraging student to prepare lesson
Occasionally t h e student will raise questions dur- ahead
ing the study; always acknowledge questions
If on t h e lesson, it is good t o answer them, using USE THE BIBLE
the Bible, and relate your reply to the point As you conduct any study, have in mind you
under discussion; be sure student understands are teaching Jehmah"s thoughts, not man's
It is effective t o use other questions to help stu- thoughts; never have student look to you as
dent answer his own question for himself teacher
If his question is not on subject, you might an- Always direct students to Jehovah and Christ
swer briefly and suggest t h a t it be discussed Jesus
in detaiI after the study is concluded (Then, Many scriptures quoted and cited in Society's
do not forget it) publications
Or, show that it will be answered in another At first, may be advisable to read them all
lesson to be considered later from the Bible, thus focusing attention on
Sometimes questions can be answered through God's Word
use of ilIustrations; should be simple, dealing Later, may be sufficient t o look up texts cited
with things student knows or uses; make but not quoted

Use the Bible to answer questions propounded by You couId take time before or after some studies
t a tell students about congregation activities,
student new things learned a t meetings, experimes in
In this m y student w i l know he is getting God's field ministry, about assemblies, or other
answers t o questions points of interest in the organization
W a i n scriptures so student himself mn reason In this way help student to see the value of t h e
on Bible's answer, then ask questions to be meetings and importance of the field minishy
sure he understands Invjte vour students to the meetinns and help
Encoulpage student to US@ the Bible in personal t h e m get there; make them feel -mlmrne at
the Kingdom Hall by introducing then-- to
study others, especially to the elders
Re should look up SCrfptUIp citations: as he
prepares his lesson As your students progress, continue Zeaching with
S a w list of '%portant Bible Words for &trick your god in mind
Reference'" back of New World Translation, Remember, if they are to be disciples they too
which will assist him to find answers to bis must be able to teach
questions Show them how to use the Bible in explaining
m t h s to others; explain the privilege of
HXLP POUR BIBLE STUDENTS TO EFT Klngdorn-preaching and disciple-making
G O D 5 TRUTHS LVTO IXELR HEARTS . Encourage them t o have a share in preaching by
If Lfth gets into a student's heart, he wia be telling relatives, friends and neighbors about
mmed t o accept it and act on it what they are learning
At the same time, prepare them for indifTerence,
50 take time t o build appreciation in stud&t8s or even persecution an the part of those who
heart; ask questions that &use him to think may oppose
about his motives and actions in harmony mjth
Bible truths he is learning OUR GOAL REALIZED
Highfight the grand qualities of Jehovah and help
the student t o see his relationship to Jehovah If the student continues to progress and applies
Encourage him to lean on dehovah for hdp; =hat he learns, then he should be enmllraged
teach him how to pray and show need for to share with us in the public minis$y
regular communication with Jehovah First, of course, it should be determined that he
Build up in student a feeling of loyalty and qualifies to share
devotion to Jehovah W e should help student to grow in knowledge, in
h i s t student to s e how buths learned will love and appreciation of the pridege of serving
assist him to please Jehwzh and do his will Jehovah God
(Prov. 3 :5-7)
It is good to continue the study even after pasom
- L4rvaysteach with in mind to help the student are baptized so they will be well grounded and
t o act on truths learned so as to become a dis- stabilized in the truth
ciple of Christ, a Christian witness of Jehovah
If i t becomes evident the student is not interested What a joy it is for all of us to see our Bible sEu-
in becoming a disciple, it is best to stop and dents dedicate thernseIves to God as evidence
study with smeonc else who may be of his blessing on our disciple-making work

FOR CONTINUED PROGRESS, ASSOCUTTON MAIN POINT :Be a good teacher at Eible studies,
WITH GOD'S ORGANIZATION IS NEEDED be motivated to reach t h e students' hearts so they will
to act on the truth they learn
Our Bible students need association with the SOURCES: ad 451, 813.820; RQ 49-54; qm Z I I - Z E
TEACJKING SUGGE=STIONS: General class dkmssian.
Help them to appreciate congregation a m m e $structOr may call for comments on any of the follow-
ment Jehovah has established mg: (1) Illustrate by a question of your own or from
the Society's publications the use of questions that
Explain Scrlpturalness of the theocratic arrange- would reveal a student's vjewpaint on doctrine or
ment, how early Christians had a governing morals, helping you detemme if the illstruction is
body, with elders and ministerid s e w * in reaching his heart. 12) Give an example of how you
might raise anticipation of student for coming study.
their congregations (31 Have you been able to help s student overcome
Show how Jehovah's Christian witnesses today discouragement due to opposition? Lf 50. h o w ? 14) w h a t
are orgamized the same way in each congre- results have You had in e n c o u r a e g others in families
gation earth wide; you might use Yearhook to to attend the home Bible study, and hew did you go
show worldwide scope of activity about it? ( 5 ) Discuss how to encourage students to
associate with the tongregation 16) Explain how pou
would determine whether to continue a study. ( 7 ) How
You continue to study, keep directing n-IY can we heip studenrs use the information they are
InterestM ones to t h e congre-tian learning to preach t o o:kers?
NO. 28 - EPrst Saturday, 9:10
Operations of the Holy Spirit
JEBOVARS SPIRIT IS HTS ACTIVE FORCE, for kingship (Num. 11:24-29; Judg. 6:34;
Holy spirit is a force exerted or proj&ed, not It increased abilities for work of teaching, mrm-
3nerely inactive or latent power; has drive or s e h g and shepherding in the Christian con-
thrust, impels, motivattes, gets t b i n p moving
gregation CEph 421-13)
F i , ~ t i v e l y ref- to as God's "fingers"fur R acted as a "heIpern to qualify them to speak
doing his works (Ps. 8 3 3 before all men by refreshing memories, stim-
ulating mental powers, teaching so they got
Though not a person, it is no mere % h d force.' thc point of the information, the lesson it held
It reflects and imparts God's warmth and per- (John 14:26)
sonality (GaL 5:22, 233 As a force for judgment, it can emmine v-
Spirit is "holy,'" being clean, s a d and proceed- thing E U I ~
men= (Acts 5:l-10)
orrt j u d w a t ~andm-
ing from God
It acts as a force for holiness, cleanness (IThess. God's Word, as spirit's Usword,"a p s what ~ ~a
4:7, 8; Ps. 51:10, ll) p m o n really js, causing softening or harden-
Being expressive of Cod" how personality lac- ing of heart (Heb. 421-13)
tuaUy of God himself), it can be "grieved" or As a governing force, it was used in the early
made to "feel hurt" by a practice of unclean- congregation to guide the selection of men
ness (mh. 4:30;h.63~10) for specid service and direct their minisby
(Acts 13:Z-4;8:28, 39)
SCRIPTURAL RECORD OF TEJ[E As a unifying force, it jofned them peamfdy
OPERATIONS OF TEE HOLY SPIRIT in bonds of love and da-otion to Jehovah (Acts
"Active form" used to create matter, form the As9:31) a "helper" in making decisions, the spirit's
inanimate earth and miverse (Gen. 1:1, 2; Ps. thrust or drive would indicate God's will
33361 f
Question of circumcision raised in early m-
Force that was used tcl create all life, including gregation is an example
human life, revive life-giving reproductive pow- Spirit was gmnted to uncbmndsed ones; its
ers, heal illness and mise the dead (Ps.104~30; operations were &dent in bringing the good
Matt. 1:18; Gal. 4 2 8 , 29; Heb. 11:11, 12) neuTs to them; James' remembmce of
Amos' inspired prophecy was stimulated by
Force that motivated and guided God's smmnts spirit; all this indicated spirit favored one
for his purpose in a variety of ways (1 Cor. conclusion (Acts 11:I515; 15:l-29)
- 32:47, 11) Decision expressed as coming f r ~ m"the M y
As force for revelation and mdmrhnding of wirit and we . .. "
God" will, it gave spiritual direction and in-
struction, prophecies, interpretations and in- As the force behind the miraculous gifts, it gave
spired t h e Bible (I Pet, 1:10-12; 2 Tim. 336) supporting proof of divine comnhdon and
It gave increased understanding and opened the backing of t h e early mngsegation (Eeb. 2 3 ,
prophetic Word to the Christian congregation 4; Rom. 15:18, 19)
(1 COX,2:10-16) Its gifts med the ne& far Bible knowledge and
As driving force, it energized those who wanted direction in the early congregation, which
to serve God, to accomplish His purpose with had few copies of t h e Bible (I Car. 12:4-11)
fiery zeal and boldness (Ezek. 3:14; 1 mess. Gift of tongues helped get good news spread
1:5) quickly in Asia, Europe and Africa (Acts
It was a force that assured success of Kingdom- 2:4-6)
preaching (Acts 1:8; 4:31, 33) As force for k g e t f dor adoption, it was a token
It gave strength to withstand hardship, o w to Jesus' disciples of their heavenly inheritance
sition (Phil. 431-13) (2 Cor. 1:22;Rom, 8:14-17)
As a qualifying force for a work or an ofice, it It anointed J e m W p l e s , ples,mmi&mhg and
coopemted with and heightened natural abjli- qualifying them to preach as ministers of new
ties and howledge covenant 12 Cor. 1~21;3:6; compare W e
It guided and increased m&anical W t i m of 4:18)
BezaleI, Oholiab and others (Ex.31:26) As force far rightmusws, it enabled men to
It qualified others in m o w ways: Moses, the produce M t s of t h e spirit anrE dwelop new
'70 elders, Joshua, the judges and others re- Christian personalities (Rom 8:2, 4; Eph. 4:
ceived or were "em-doped" with spirit to 22-24)
perform mirades, lead, judge and fight in It operated on minds and hearts of QrWam
behalf of God's people; David was prepared to control imperfect flesh (Rom. 85, 6, 13)

GOD'S HOLY SPXRIT Spirit-appointed overseers act to m o v e un-

CONTINUES TO OPERATE 'M)DAY cleanness, whfch will always " b m e mnni-
WITH MARVELOUS RESULTS fest" in time ( 2 Cor. 6:1417; 1 Cor. 55-5,13;
Operations of spirit have differed through years 1 Tim. 5:24, 25)
as required by God's purposes at the time [me- Its Itmifying fame Is obse17,%din love and
ation, miracles, etc.) (1 Cor. 1353-10) of thought and action among JehodYs mit-
Holy spirit still used to promote God's purpose nesses, moving them t o accept spiritual "food"
to preserve and phenomenally expand pure wor- and cooperate with decisions of spirit-anointed
ship in face of opposition (Zech. 4:6; 1 Car. 3:6]
''faithful and discreet slave" Class (EpL 4:2-6)
As force for understanding, i t Muences those Spirit's begetting and anointing has rmdkd in
responsible for supplying spiritual "food" spiritual priesthood to take lead in 'declaring
steadily t o broaden understanding of the Bible abroad t h e ex.cellenci& of God (I Pet 2:5, 91
(Prov. 4%; 1 O r . 2:10-13)
We can gain spiritual. u n d e m d i n g onIy IWects of spirit's operation am experienced by
thmugh aid of this "fd" together with the those who serve under the direction of God's
inspired Word and spirit 'faithful slavewas and inspired Word
"Spiritual uTords,"Bible terms, not Christ- Modern-day history of Jehovah's wfheseq
dom's philosophical @.upressions,are used to worldwide expansion of their preaching ac-
explain truth tivity in dI1 major languages, Chrjstian love,
Governing force and a d o n 9s a "helper'" in- all prove backing of God's spirit
ing decisions seen h direction of preaching Complete inspired Won? is available to atl, mak-
world wide, not by inspiration, but by a pms- ing miraculous knowldge and gift ofprophe~g
pering of activities and decisions of true Chris- unnecessary (I Cor. 13:8)
tiam con,gregatition (Acts 6 :4-7 3
Society's schools, preaching methods, increased Form for rightmumess works to help us hold in
understanding of ,spiritual things gained check pmctices of innately sinful k h and
through its pubLications arid assembly pm- helps us bear instead t h e beautiful " h i t a g e
grams demonstrate spirit's a d a n c e of the spirit" (Rom. 8:13;GaL 5116-24)
Leading of spirit is foIlowed in governing M y ' s If gregatiomy,
spirit is allowed free flow individually or can-
these Christian qualities will be
appointments of overseers (Acts 20:283 found in abundance, replacing g r e d and self-
Those recomiended must display fruits of centered ways with h e , discontent and sor-
spirit; qualifications are recorded in inspired row with joy, kivial bickering and feuds with
Word; overseers making recommendations peace, anger over others' jmperfeetions with
and governing body making appointments long-suffering, thoughtlessness and unconcern
- have measure of spirit and are given author-
ity by spirit with kindness, bad treatment of others with
Always pray for guidance of holy spirit when
goodness, questionings and uncertainties with
faith# extremes of temperament with mildness,
you must make decisions and passionate pressures from the flesh with
As driving force it energizes Jehovah's willing self-contot
servants to zealous activity in public preaching Spirit operating on Scripture-trained minds and
(&a. 61:l) hearts assures correct testimony from witness- .-.---

Strength to endure test is given; God also pro- bearer or conscience within so we have the
vides a "way out," not by removing the test, spirit or "mindu of Christ to guide us (Rom.
but showing us the right way to go and seeing 9:l; 1 Cor. 2:16)
t o it that temptation not more than one can Operations of spirit have resulted in "great
bear (I Cor. 10:13) umwd'' coming to Jehovah's great temple with-
As a qualifying force it cooperates with the abili- out bringing along the spirit of the world
ties of brothers who seek its guidance in devel- These "other sheep" receive instead holy spirit
oping of shepherding and ministerial abiliQ, because of study of God's Word, also associa-
and in production of Bible literature, directing tion with spirit-filed remnant (1Cor. 2:U)
the work at the Society's factories, farms, a@ This spirit enables them to face the same pmb
in construction activities and assembly o m - lems, tests and responsibilities as anointed
As you respond to its d i d o n , it rran also ac- HOW TO R E C E ~ EAND RETAPN
complish much through you as an elder in your GOD" HOLY SPIRIT
congregation Cooperation w i t h the leadings of spirit through its
various operations, including foUowing ttre
Its force for cleanness and judgment is seen in the direction of the inspired word and spirit-
Way Jehovah's servants keep "without spot &&ed "faithfd and discreet slave" cIass,
from the world" religiously, politically and governs extent of its free flow in our lives and
morally (J=. in the mnmgations whem we serve

We must make a sincere request for it with a Reluctance to make room for 301~of sairit
righ't heart and act in harmony with God's through any one of its chiriels of ope&in
requirements (dedication, baptism, etc.1 (Luke could "allow place for the Devil'' (Eph. 4:26,
11:9-13;Acts 13~8; 5:32) 27. 30: 1 Tim 4:ll
We IITu!i$ 'circumcise heart by spirit,' clearing out where problem a%&, cause producing with-
obstrurtions rising from the heart in m n g drawal of spirit must be deternitled by over-
desires and motives (pride, ~ e d o y ,etc). seers to help (2 Pet. 1 : s )
which cause unresponsivenes t o .splrlt (Rom, Congregation d m not function as a worl&Iy
299) business, dependent mainly on eficiency of
W e must allow free flow through all cham& of its a d m i n i m a r s ; rather, it prospers when
operation such as: personal study of kqired God's spirit operates Sreely in the iil-es of its
Word (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1:2); hearing word members
preached by ministers with spirit (1 Cor. 14: Jehovah's spirit does not make miraculous mani-
4) ; engaging in preaching service under direr- festations though us today, but its Ieadings are
tion of holy spirit (Acts 1:S) ; association at manifest to those who look for them w i t h appfe-
congregation meetings where Christ is by ciation
spirit (Meb. 10:24, 25) ; prayer for assistance The more we bring our lives into harmony with
in connection with problems when we are nut the inspired Word and the leadings of God's
sure what God's will is (Rom. 8:26,27; Jas. spirit, the fuller our 'spiritual life' becomes,
1:3) leading t o everlasting life, whether in the fiesh
To retain free flow of spirit, we must avoid "griev- ' or in the spirit (Heb. 12:9-11;Gal. 6 : 8 ; Rom.
ing," "resisting". or 'outraging'it by acting in 8:5,6)
some may that is contrary to the purpose for MAIN POINT: God's holy spirit continues t o
which God is using it (Eph. 4:3Q; Acts 1:51; operate marvelously today, accomplishing Jeho-
Heb. 10~26-29;1 Thess. 4:7,8) vah's will. We should seek it and work in harmony
Such a course could Iead to spirit's ,withdrawal with it
and evidence of spiritual weakening and slug- SOURCE_S: m 46648; to68 415, 416; ur70 a?,&!A-
gishness (1 Sam. 16:14;Ps.51:ll) eu?l 501-305: ad 1542X36
"Fruitage of the spirit'"mld aha be missing TEACHlXG S U G G m O N : lecture
Xo. 2.1 - First S8tUThg, 10:m

How Bible Laws Are Administered

PROPER TT'IEWPOINT OF BIBLE LAW Greek Scriptures do not set forth a law code biif
L~~~is defined as ~e and the pattern for -tian me,which i:
issuinc f rorn a superior authority. SimpEy a" a law to us
stated: i t is ' a rule of conduct or action'
Theocratic laws are supreme, emanating from MAN'S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBEY
God and also enforced bv him [ha. 33:22: DIVINE LAWS
Acts 5 :29) Man is made in the image of God, possess in^
God's law commands obedience t o what is right powers of observation, intelligence and reason-
and forbids what is wrong; while some of God's ing sufficient to learn from God's past dealings
expressions are stated formally as command- The record with mankind
ments, any expression of divine will shouId be of what God has done in t h e pas:
viewed as law, in that such establish a r u l e of constitutes a standard or guide in the abseno;
action for us of a written Iaw or f o m d decrees (Rom. 1:ZrJ;
We should not view as law ody those mmmands Various aspects of divine action from Ad=:
t o which are attached sanctions that are im- through Noah's day mdd be observed: Ma!:
mediately enorced IPS. 119:105-1123 was given headship over woman, Adam beby
God's laws are perfect, trustityorthy,upright, created first; mankind was given work to do :
clean, pure, m e , more precious than gold or ownership rights were to be respected, as ip-
silver, sweeter than honey: in the keeping of dicated by the restriction as to a tree in Eder,;
them there is great reward (Ps. 19:'I-U; lying was s h o r n to bring bad effects; Cai!~
1 John 5:33 was banished for murder; bemme of mal-
Bible law embraces a h
te regulations, ptincipIes, kind's violence God brought the bui:
decisions, judgments and decrees that are found righteous ones were preserved alive and bless&.
in t ? ~ Bible
e Prosperity and divine blessing on patriarchs mhcl
They constitute divine law, God"s written law shunned idolatry and worshiped Jehovah mdG
Man's laws may or may not be contrary to Bible be observed by ofhers (Gen. %:I-12; Jov
Iatvs (Matt, 22117-21; Acts 4: 19; 5 : B ) 31:26-28;42: 12, l3)

Prior to q e c X c legidation against adultery, If we are given assignments that do not please
Joseph recognized that it was '"sin against us, do we grumble or quit, or do we pmve
God'"(Gen. 39 :'7-9) that we realEy meant it when we &d to G d
Man is gifted with the inherent faculty of mn- me mould be his Yrilling slaves? (Rev. 4:U;
science-that inward sense of right and wrong Ps. 110:J; 1 Thess. 1:9)
that excuss or accuses one (Rom 2:14, E) Law of Christian system does not reject as con-
W e today, as dightened slaws of W, m re- demned those who truly love what is right, even
sponsible to I m , uphold and obey Bible laws though sinful inclinations at times overtake
(Matt. 4:4; Ileb. 2~1-4) them (Rorn. 8:1, 2; 1 John 1x9; 2:1, 2)


SYSTEM OF WINGS Jehovah's laws are enforced through various
Christians are not under the Mosaic law, but agencies: natural processes; secular authorities;
under the "law of the Christ" (Gal. 6 : 2 ; 1 Cor. husbands and fathers; elders in Christian con-
9:21) gregation; the "faithful and discreet slaver'
T h e Mosaic law is filled with guiding principles repmsented by its governing body and appointed
.from C h d , but it is not by that Law covenant agencies; t h e angels; and Christ Jesus
that Christians gain salvation (CoL 2:13, 14) Those with "spiritual quaMcations" should help
The 'law of Christ' embdces the whole scope of a feuow Christian who has inadvertently gone
a Chrkkian's~life and work; it is law that wrong; Christian obligation t o do so (GaL 6:1,
originates with Jehovah himqlf (John 12:491 2; Jas. 5:19, 20)
The 1 2 o~f Christ is the "law of faith" (Rum Cases that invoIve simple personal differences can
3:2'T], because a righteous standing with God be handled by individuals concerned or with
depends on f a i t h in Christ; obedience must help of one of elders; not all matters require
be motivated by faith (Rorn. 14:23) attention sfa congregational. judicjal committee
Christian law focuses primary attention on our (I Cor. 6:5)
relation to Jehovah (Matt. *'4:lO),then on
faith in Jesus Christ and submission to Mrn Elders empowered as judges wlthin the con-
(1 John 3:23; Col. 1:18); next on our re- gation to render decisions based on Bible laws
lationship with fellow Christians (John 13:34, (ICor. 5:12, 13; 6:l-6)
35; Heb. 10:24,251; and, ~ d l y on , our obli- T h e elders are appointed by holy spirit; the laws
gation toward unbelievers (I Pet. 2:13-15; they must apply are God's 1:16, 17;
Rom. 1~14,13) Isa. 1:26)
These aaministrators of Bible law should be
-Law of
Christian system shows what is in the viewed with due r q e c t , and as a loling p m
Of those Jn new covenant, law is said t o 'be in- &ion of Jehovah (1 Tim. 5317; 1 Thw.
scribed "'in their heart"; we need to be sure 5~12, 13)
that it is in our hearts (Jer. 31:33;2 Cor. 3:3) The governing body representing the Y a i W and
mere are very few commands the breaking of discreet slave" has special responsibility in di-
which is d c i e n t reason for expelling one recting ??.he administration of Bible laws today
from the congregation among Jehovah's Christian witnesses. They act
Hence, we are judged not only on our attitude in a capacity like that of t h e first-century mv-
toward these few that bring obvious sanc- erning body of the Christian congr&&i%on
tions, but aIso on haw we really view all the (Acts 15:2,6, 22, 23)
other commands of God (Eccl. 8: 11-13)
A person may attend meetkgs, share in fidd HOW BIBLE LAW IS ADMtMBTERED
service and refrain from doing anything for Much effort is put forth to educate us in the
which he muld be disfellowshiped, but much divine law, to help us bring our Lives into line
more is required t o have God's approval with God's reguirements
One wvhu retains a Iwe for the world may not Counsel is given regutarIy on a congregational
be barred from the congregation, but wiIl he and pmonal h i s as a loving provision of
get eternal life? (1John 2: 15-17) Jehovah; we need to get His Iaw in our minds
A Person mav never have committed actual for- and in our hearts (mm. 12:2; Heb, 10:161
nication or adultery, but what is in his-heart? Our mnscience plays a a in pperscrnal applim-
(Matt.- 5- 2-8-1- , tion of Bible law and n& to be ;trained in it
W e may never commit an overt act against our An elder needs t o be outstanding in his Enowledge
brothers, but do we tmIy love them? IRom. of Bible law and his ability to apply it
14:13-15;Jas. 2~15, 16;1 John 3:14,15)
We may say that we love Jehovah, but is our If someone commits a wrong '%beforehe is aware
love really of the kind that he requires? n a spirit of mildness
of it,'Yoving help is ~ v e in
(Luke 10:25-28) t o readjust him (Gal. 611,2 )

everh he lea, adverse consequma to m%-BLESSINGS AND BENEFIT3

doers are not completely eliminated (Gal. 6:';) lFROM AD3TNISTRATIOX OF BlBLE LBW
I f a p e r s t > n m o n a ~ U r S e t h a t i s i n & ~ c o n - applying Bible law in our awn life we receive
B y
a c t with divine law, an &ort is made to help blessings from Jehovah; such appliation brings
--. get straightened out (Titus 3:10, 11;Jude
him p a w of mind with mntentment (Ps.1:1-3;
2s) Prov. 3 3 , 2, 13-18)
In some flagrant cases it is -n for elders In the congregation, a-tim of Bi'bIe law
to reprove mthseverity" to restore a healthy
and strong faith (Tim 1:10, 13) brings peace and unity, makes for mng-th and
Some, though not expelled from the congrega- growth (Acts 15:22, 30, 32; 16:4, 5; Eph. 4:
tion, may prove themselves t o be undesrrable 11-13)
campany in a social way I2 m e s s . 3 :14,15) Our willing appIication of Bible law makes Je-
If serious wrongdoing affecting the png?watlon hovah's heart glad, like that of a father with
is reported, a bearing before the judicial com- a loving obedient son (Prov. 2'7:ll)
mittee is held
T h e judicial cormnittee not o d y to uphold MAIN POIWE Elders must a h b b t e r BiHe laws

Jehovah's justice and p m t d the mgremtion in the congregation with love and mercy toward
against coCOmptinginfluences, but also to do their brothers and out of fear of Jehovah, t h e
everything possible to readjust the wrongdoer Universal Soverejgn, the One whom they repre-
a n d heIp him t o make M g h t pa& for his sent
feet (Heb. 12:12, 33) -
Where repentance is lacIdng their merciful SOUR- d 1W5-1mt1w1047; dr 58; rdlO
efforts cannot rightly continue toward him T E A r n G S O G G r n O N : Xscture

No. 28 - -ad M&F*

Helping Men in the Congregation

JEHQJTAH DIRECTS ATTENTION over him. Rather, he js obliged to follow di-
TO THE FAMILY W I T rection and pattern set by his head, Christ
FamiIy is a basic unit of human society, reflection Man (1 John 2:6)
of grand f d y of God (Job 38:7;Acts 17~28; given headship over woman because
Eph. 3:1+ 15) (1) maa was mated ikst (I Tim 2:12, 13)
Jehovah gave attmtion to ;the farnily unit and ( 2 ) woman was created from the man and for
the man [Gen 2:18,22,23;1 Cor. 11:8,93
- ment, t h e "fmt command aith a promise" Headship indudes responsibility of making &a1
its integrity by direction in Fifth Command-
(Deut 5 5 6 ; Eph 6:2) decisions and providing oversight and mre for
Inspired Scriptures have foretold vicious attack t h e family, b t h in material and spiritual mat-
en familv institution-ust work hard to keep ters (Eph 5323-21; 3. Tim. 5:3)
it intactW(l Tim. 4:13; 2 Tim. 3:l-5) E m p l e set Iry Christ with C h & t h ~~ngrega-
What are you personally doing t o guide your tion to be followed by husbands; in dealing with
own family in pure worship? wife should lovingly consider her mental, emo-
You cannot expect perfection; yet should work tional and physical makeup (Eph. 598-33;
t o improve your own family and thus be in 1 Pet. 3:7) e
position to help other families (1 Tim. 3:1,
4, 5 ) Elders should exercise headship over wives in love,
showing same quality to children, not irritating
In presiding over your household, are you %a-
In H e b m society father was head of household; sonable, not belligerent,'" as overseer iu the
it was a patriarchal, not matriarchal, society congregation must be? (1 Tim. 3 3 )
The father sewed as guardian, decision maker, Obviously one should not be constantly W i t t h g
judge and priest for his family (Gen. B:i, 8; family members for what they do, but must
31:32; Job 1:s) take their feelings into consideration (Eph
H e had the responsibility to teach God's mci- 6:4)
ples to his family and t o follow Jehovah" pat- Are you a loving family head, not the harsh, boss
tern of loving a r e (But,6 : 6 , ?; Gen. 18:191 type? Do you in your leadership set a Sne
Headship of man in the family arrangement is spiritual example?
clearIy shown at 1 Corinthians 11:3, yet man
is in subjection to God and Christ EDUCATION AT THE FAMILY LEVEL
Headship of man does not mean he is indepen- Husband or father responsible to take the lead in
dent and without nexT to recognize a head family instruction and kaining for life

In fsrael p a -cooperated in educating children Eli was permissive; but m o d h & o w d wisdom
by r v d and example (I Sam. 2 :12-17,22-29;J ~ d g 13
. :8 )
Father taught sons a m e ; mother gave daugh- Good family kstmctlon and e g of c h f i h
ters i m h ~ o inn d o r n e c duties r e g u h d if family head is to enjoy greater
Spirituai needs were given close, regular atten-
tion (Deut. 6:7, 8) privileges in the congregation (1 Tim. 3 :4, 5)
Children can reflect unfavorably on their parents
Christian parents cafi follow similar pattern, aIsa and disqualify fathers for service as elders and
learning from Jesus' interest in children and ministerial servants (Titus 1:6)
his willingness t o teach them spiritual things Obviously, fine parents wiIJ want to IT& disci-
(Mark 10:13-16) pline and educate children in paths of righ-
Children do not automatically kcome disciples teousness, that entire famiIy may bring credit:
just because parents are to Jehovah and gain reward of everlasting life
Do you take time to study with your children, Good Christian upbringing contributes much
pray with them, go in field service together, toward helping young men to qualify fn due
play with them, reason with them instead of course as ministerial servants and Eater as
just laying down rules, help to guide them and elders in congregation
answer their questions? -
In providing proper educ5tion for the family* HOW TO RELP MEN IN THE CONGREGATION
prayer is very important on the part of the TO PROGRESS
family head ta show reliance on Jehovah and A marvelous expansion is now taking place, open-
appreciation for spiritual things; we should ing a grat need for rqmisibIe brothers to
never be too busy to pray [Phil: 4:6, 73 handle work in congmgations (Lsa. 60:22)
-1well-directed family study can be a major factor Brothers are encouraged to reach out for an
a5ce of overseer (1 Tim- 331)
in the spixitual growth of family members
Regular Monday-evening Bethel family study The best recommendation any one of us mn pro-
sets a fine example for family studies world vide is a good example
wide Do other men see a good example in you and
It is good t o relate experiences in the family cir- your family, an example they could do well to
de, showing an interest in spiritual Wigs follow?
Children respond when parents show genuine mes your family work unitedly and -0-
interest in what they say or have accom- niausly in the -mngregation? Ihs it provide
plished, whether in school, field minisby or a good example of Christian living within your
- elsewhere comm~b?
Discussion d o n s and family prepamtion for Does your family show real a m a t i o n for the
sen-ice help keep the family together and privilege of preaching and disciple-making?
progressive in field ministrg- Is your family hospitable, loving, kind and unit-
Good preparati~na m bring increased joy and ed? As circumstances permit, do you M e
better results in preaching the good news friends t o your home from time to time for
in one's neighborhood food, fellowship, study? Let others see your
family in action
Parents should give children balanced counsel on Help men in the congregation to see rewards
participation in sports and school activities, of regular, meaningful family study and slim-
help them to avoid bad associations ulathg spiritual discussions
Planning family recreation, trips and educational
activities (visits t o museums, zoos, etc.) mn Elders should constantly seek to encourage and
fill a need in children's lives, conkibute to aid men to help share work in the cangregation;
family unity be on the Iookout for potential ministerial ser-
&lanced and wholesome -tion is upbuilding, vants and elders
but it must be kept in proper focus and should Be positive and upbuilding in your reIati&p
be coordinated by family head with newer ones
Prove YOU wrsondly are no lmgm living far
parents should help children by counteracting youzljelf, but that your entire Me is built
i m c t i o n that might undermine their faith mmd your relationship to Jehovah through
11 Tim. 6:20,21; 1 Cw. 3:18-20; Col. 2:s) Christ Jesus
Discipline includes thought of giving fmhhgthat Be aglow with the spirit; render whole-sodd
molds or corrects devotion to Jehovah; enthusiasm begets en-
BY loving discipline, wise parents prepare their thusiasm (Rorn. 12:I-l; Col. 3~23)
children to cope with problems and situations
they will encounter in their contacts with t h e HOW 2'0 HELP U N B E ~ V I N G ~SEANDS
World (Prov. 22:6) Encourage wives to help unbelieving husbands
Permissive parents are not abse-g the prin- by keeping their o m integrity, thereby setting
ciple of headship in educating their children the best example for the unbeliever

Advise setting a fine example in modesty and eon to reach out to help other men in the con-
Cooperation gregation so that the entire congregation will
&Y be able to win husband t o the truth by be spiritually strong
me example more than by preaching (1Cor.
7:13,16; 1 Pet, 3:1-4) W e the matter of helping men in the congre-
Recommend consideration in planning of field gation is under eonsideration, make a note of
activities, having in mind husband's plans or whom you might help by counsel or personal
wishes; this will aid wife to avoid unduly assistance to reach out for additiondl privileges
irritating her husband
Encourage wives not to argue about the truth Condder how you might help some brothers build
but to speak the truth with mildness to break up spirituality in their families, thus contribut-
down opposition ( P ~ v15: . 1; 25:15) ing to a stronger congregation
Suggest helping unbelievers by indirect approach
Wife may ask unbelieving mate to help her Finally, consider if there are some unbelieving
with her talk in Ministry School or may leave husbands that y o u might into the
literature around so he can read it congregation or at least help t o have greater
respect for the truth, thus making it easier for
Elders should keep in mind t h e possibility of per- the believing mate to serve faithfully
sonally giving spiritual help to unbelieving hus-
bands of women in the congregation MAIN POINT: Strong theocratic families provide
Can you help by making friendly calls on hus- an excellent example for athcting other families
band with view to g e t t i n g acquainted, perhaps
in time starting a study? to the Christian way of Me. Strong families make
Inviting such ones to a meal in your home, per- strong congregations. EIders should work closely
haps with other brothers present, m a y have with family heads
beneficial effect SOURCES: ad 4E7489,504,564,565,569,726, U04, U105;
Do not give up hope; invite various brothers to ~ 7 104-107, l 207-213;~ 7 326
visit unbelieving husbands over a period of TEACHING SUGGESTION: t l } Give cIass opportu-
time to get acquainted nity to relate what they have done as family heads t o
< care $or the spiritual welfare of their families and t o
ARE YOU IN POSITION keep family members close together, 12) Have some
TO HELP MJ3N IN YOUR CONGREGATION? been able to assist unbelieving husbands, and do they
have suggestions that might be helpful to the other
Be sure that you are setting a good lead for your students? (3) H m do brothers feel they may be able
own wife and family; then you will be in posi- to help men in their congregations?

-No. 29 - Second Monday, 10:M

The Service Meeting
PURPOSE OF SERVICE MFdETLNGS of field service from time to time, also out-
These meetings are specifically to help equip and lining arrangements for group work, offering
stimulate the brothers t o share M y in both personal instruction to new ones, etc.
preaching and disciple-making Application of Bible principles im our lives
This is special work that Jehovah has assigned greatly Muences the effectiveness of our
to all his Christian witnesses field ministry
T o a considerable extent this work today is ac- It is therefore appropriate that senice meeting
complished by speaking t o other persons and programs give attention to matters af Chris-
by placing literature with them tian conduct, whether conduct at home, in
It is appropriate that a special meeting each school, at secular work, or in the field service
week be devoted especially t o this work Service meetings may be arranged to give di-
(Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20) rect assistance to the congregation in con-
It is beneficial to discuss and demonstrate h m nection with any problems that arise in their
t o engage others in conversation about the service to God
Bible, how to overcome objections, bow to Many in attendanm have been Witnesses for
follow up interest, how t o start and conduct years and know how to declare good news and
studies make disciples, but the program can encourage,
It is helpful t o discuss what is contained in the stimulate them to continued faithfulness and
various pieces of literature that we are of- zealous activity
fering to the public, what outstanding points Relating experiences and discussion of counsel
of interest we can show them, etc, from God's Word itself helps to accomplish
It is good to show the value of all the features this


Most service meetings are conveniently outlined First carefully study part assigned from Kingdom
by the branch office, thus giving overseers as- Afinistry and see how it applies to lo& con-
sistance in planning the program and providing gation or can be adapted to do so
for unity of action by brothers in the field Can abbreviate certain material that is not per-
KingorAma Ministry may vary from country to tinent to the congregation
country according to needs of the field, litera-
t u r e available in local language, etc. Stimulates interest to have some variety in pre-
Bans or restrictions on work may alter Iocal sentations; brothers may be encouraged t o use
preaching arrangements originality, at the same tirne following general
outline of Kingdom Ninistry
Soon after the Kingdom Ministry arrives, the pre- E parts call for a demonstration or questions,
siding overseer will study it carefuIly and good to follorv such suggestions, as branch
either personally assign the various parts for office arranges a balanced program with va-
each meeting or arrange for this t o be done riety of presentations
He considers who could appropriately present Text consideration could be by question and
each part, having material presented under anwer, by a talk, comments from audience,
supervision of elders and ministerial servants, family discussion, on a return visit, when
- with elders taking weightier matters visiting ill, publisher, etc.
Bible study overseer might logically consider For a question-and-answer part you could use
parts dealing with -Bible studies; Theocratic true or false questions, multiple choice, panel
Ministry School overseer, parts pertaining to of publishers with questions from audience,
school, etc. etc.
Any in good standing in t.hi congregation, in- Many variations possible, but avoid embarrass-
cluding children when appropriate, may be ing anyone or having brothers compete
used on the program for demonstrations or While helpful, variety is not major concern;
discussions sound sniritual instruction is
o n s be made t o one assigned the Demonstrations do not require costumes and
~ u ~ ~ e s t i may
part as to who might be dsed in demonstra- elaborate settings, although a few simple things
tions or discussions, if desired, with a view may add realism
to workiig into t h e program as many quali- Settings or illusrra.ations shouId always be sec-
fied publishers as possible over a period of ondary to the material being presented
time Scenes depicting door-to-door work, discussions
Outline for meetings is ffexibIe and may be ad- at home or on a Bible study are always ap-
justed to care 'for IocaI matters needing at- propriate
tention, special letters from the branch office, Dramas are not w e d for service meetings as too
Also body of elders may be aware of something much time is involved in writing script, be-
helpful to consider for which no program is coming familiar with parts, etc.
outlined Rehearsals of demonstrations are very i m p o h t
This could be developed on mth meeting of the so brothers know when t e come on plaffom,
month or worked into an appropriate part where to stand, perhaps how t o use microphones
already scheduled or into the conclusion of May see brothers facing away from audience to
the meeting present literature when not well instructed
h e a l problems might include poor preparation Last-minute preparation or rehearsal should be
: for sharing in meetings, gossip, coming late avoided
'to meetings, immodest dress, lack of personal May be helpful to have persons in same book
family study, chiIdren repeatedly going to study group in demonstrations to facilitate
rest rooms during meetings, sentice problems, rehearsal
Preparing fifth meetings a good training for When you have a part t o prepare, ask yourself:
~ h isyi t scheduled and how will it be helpful
elders who will be responsible to prepare and applicable to loczl congregation? What is
service meetings if Kingdom Minisby does there in it that the bothers need to learn? If
not arrive due to strikes, bad postal service, it is something they already know, why is it
weather, etc. being repeated? Ls there a fresh approach to it?
win be helpful if presiding overseer gives full How can i t be presented so it wia be remem-
~ P of Y promam to each one having an as- bered and applied? Would a newly interested
signed part, -so next brother may be-properly person m attendance understand the presenta-
introduced tion and bow i t would apply t o him?
Not required t o select a theme for the meeting, suggestions made in connection with preaching
but may be arranged Iocduy if desired and the good news should not he viewed as rules;
appropriate; where fitting, may work in thought encourage the brothers use ~e presentation
contained in yeartext they personafly find effective

SOUND AND STAGE Such "public declaration" builds up brothers

Where somd equipment is used, it is up tq t h e spiritually; it heIps to incite others to love
On@ who has the part to be sure that rnlcro- and fine works even more so than does our
phones will be properly placed and that those just being present at meetjags (Heb. lo:=,
sharing in the part h o w how to use them 24)
If mimicrophones will be needed for comments Encourage young and old alike t o share in the
from audience, arrangements should be made program and in mmmmmg
befarehand Recommend that broth- read over progmm h
For those an stage, will band d k e be passed or advance; have book study conductors .aIert
will brothers use s t a n b g nuke? Who will brothers to parts for audience participation
make necessary adjuslments? Having a share by commenting will &engthen
If additional chdrs will be needed on the platform and speed up advancement by those in the
ar other adjustments that cannot @?I m e d for congregation, so encourage and help all with
before the meeting starts, arrangements might this in view
considerately be made for it to be handled
quickly at the beginning of that part, not during Help all attend witb the thought a giving, not
presentation of a part by another brother on just receiving
the program Participation helps t o build up our faith, our love
In some congregations, qualified yo&ger broth- for the brothers and for Jehovah, and aids us
ers have k n trained to assist with these to retain what we have learned so that we can
matters apply it later in the field and in our daily life
To aid ali t o use what they lean, presidhg over-
T I M I N G AND C0NCL;USION . seer may suggest that pints from the service
The meeting should be mshed in about an hour, meeting be reviewed at coming meeting for
including both of the songs and the prayer group field service
A common tendency is to prepare tua much
material; brothers should be ready to eliminate CONTINUING UNDER OPPOSITION
something, even a demonstrqtion if necessary, Just as t h e disciples continued t o meet together
t o stay within time despite opposition, faithful Witnesses through-
All on program should cooperate in workLng
toward goal of finishing on time out the world continue to meet together for
JT a brother nuls considerably overtime or might spiritud strengthening despite modern-day op-
have done better on his part, appropriate for position (John 20:19, 26)
presiding overseer to- give him helpful mg-
gestions with view to future improvement Tf KingoFom Minktry is not available, meetings
can be planned by Iocal elders
,Conclusien of program should be spiritualIy The Bible or available publimtions of the Society
strengthening and motivating may be used for discussions
For variety, interviews might be interesting on Place of meeting may have to be changed fie-
how some came into the truth, why others quently to avoid detection
started to pioneer and how they like that ser-
vice, how families are able to get t o meetings Important thing is that even under difficult con-
on time, new things learned, e t c ditions t h e brothers appreciate the need to
Service arrangements may be considered, but not arjsernble together t o equip themselves t o offer
in perfunctory manner and not necessarily at to God a sacrifice of praise, and that the over-
end of the meeting seers make provision for such spiritual
Do not use the meeting to scold or criticize broth-
ers for their activity, but t o encourage and strengthening wherever possible [Heb. 13:153
CouTd assign a question in advance for research NUIN POINT: Service m-gs should build t h e
and discussion by brothers on coming meet- brothers up spiritually and equip them for fidd
ing, perhaps, suggesting the source of material ministry. Variety of presentation heIps stimulate
Presiding overseer does not always have to handle interest; use teaching methods so materid will be
the concluding porkion; he may want to take remembered and used by brothers afterward
the introduction or perhaps a weighty Scrip- SOUTtcE: or 97, 98
tural part, having other elders share in conclud- TEACHING SUGGESTION: (1) Discuss what lm
ing the program problems brothers have handIed on their &ce meet-
ings and how they have handled them. (21 What do
ENCOURAGTNG MEETING PARTICIPATXON various ones in the class do t o make parts they have
BY CONGREGATION on service meetings interes&g and varied? (31 Have
some had good success in encouraging meeting partici-
How many in your congregation make an effort pation or in working as many as possible into the
to share in question-and-answerparts? presentation of material, and if so, how?
To. SO - Second Monday, 2:10
Jehovah's Progressive Organization
EARTELY ARRANGEmNT TO CONTINUE 1939 to its present name, The Watchtower,
Counting from t h e creation of the first man, Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom
Adam, in the early autumn of 4026 B.C.E., Congregations, called "ecclesias,"were established
6,000 years of man's existence on earth in the late 1870's
evidently end by the mid-1970's They were loosely structured, with elders being
But faithfuI mankind and Jehovah" governmental chosen by elections, but dl were receiving the
arrangements for the earth will con+jnue and same spiritual food through the Watch T m m
progress on into the endless future and certain bound volumes .

The headquarters building, called the "Bible

JEHOVAH HAS ALWAYS HAD Hose," was built in the Allegheny section of
ON THE EARTH It served as headquarters until 1900,when build-
A long line of faithful men recorded in Hebrews ings were acquired in Brooklyn
11:1-40 A "Society" was organized in expand t h e
AbeI was the first faithful witness (Gen. 4:4; distribution of printed material; this was legally
Heb. 11:4) incorporated in 1884 and is now callled Watch
TOW& Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Eation of Israel became organ'ized as a "chosen Other corporations were formed to operate in
people" in 1513 B.C.E. with'a theocratic gov- various places, such as, in 1909,the one now
ernment founded on the Law covenant as a b o r n as Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
constitution (Ex.19:5-9) of New York, hc., and International Bible
FoUowing t h e rejection of the~promisedMessiah Students Association formed in England in
by the Jewish congregation, Jehovah's use of 1914,etc
the newly established Christian congregation These all serve as instruments of the ''faithful
became manifest (Matt. 21 :33-43) and discreet slave" dass and its governing
Heavenly direction of the Christian congregation body (Matt. 24: 45-47)
was shown by t h e outpouring of holy spirit A g-reat public preaching activity characterized
at Pentecost, 33 C.E. (Acts 2:l-4) the modern progressive organization
Anointing by spirit was ex-tended to Gentiles in The Watch Tower carried t h e stirring d l :
- 36 C.E. (Acts 10:44, 45) "Wanted 1000 Preachers"; also an artidle en-
Centuries of spiritual darkness characterized the titled "Anointed t o Preach," based on Isaiah
long period of apostasy or falling away after 61:l
the death of the faithful apostles by 100 C.E. Magazines and baoks were -printed by @om-
"'Man of lawlessness," apostate leaders of Chris- mercial firms
tendom, developed (2 Thess. 2: 3, 43 "Publishers" shared in distributina - literature
part time, whiIe "colportews" did so full
Organized during the fourth century, Christen- t i m e and gave the message wide distribution
dom reached its peak during t h e "ark Ages7' by offering sets af volumes
But true Christianity was not snuffed out; as
foretold, both -"wheatw (true Christians) and Basic truths of God" Word were made clear again,
"weeds" (imitation Christians) continued t o Bible chronology was carefully studied and the
grow until the "harvesY' (Matt. 13:30, 36-43) annual Memorial celebration was restored
Dockines such as the ransom, soul, resurrection,
THE PROGRESS OF JEHQVAII'S condition of the dead and others were properly
MODERN-DAY ORGANIZATlON explained from the Bible; Trinity and im-
mortality of human souls were exposed as false
From the 1870's onward, Eod's rnodem-day As far back as 1876, Brother Russell Scripturally
"faithful and discreet slave" cIass began to be demonstrated that t h e year 1914 would mark
manifest and to be restored to spiritual wake- the end of the 'Gentile Times' or "appointed
fulness. times of the nations" (Luke 21:24)
T h e h i n g from religious confusion was given The Memorial was seen to be an "Anniversary
impetus as the result ~f a searching study of Supper," t o be celebrated once a year on Nisan
the Bible by Charles Taze Russell; interest was 14
aroused in the invisible return of Christ
Opposition to Jehovah's Kingdom interests and
July 1ST9,the first issue of Zion's Watch to we^ its governmental direction, both from within
and He?-azd of ChrZst-'s Presence was published the congregation and outside thereof, was met
In 1909 its name was changed to The Watch by going on the offensive spiritually, with good
Tozoer and Herald of Christ's Presence and in results (Acts 5 :39)

The Protestant clergy's ministerial alliance chd- Special privilege of service as ambassadors rep-
Ienged Brother Russell to a six-day debate in resenting t h e Kingdom was extended t o t h e
Pittsburgh's Cmnegie Hall; this resulted in a anointed as the payment of the "denarius"
- ---witness bdore record audiences in March
fine (or "penny") in 1919 (Matt. 20:1-16)
Some prominent workers, bcIuding C. T. Rus- Conventions, declarations, resolutions and flashes
sell's wife, set themselves in opposition (See of new spiritual information came as evidence
of God's teaching and leading of his anointed
w n 382-3841 ones
The Society's work expanded into Europe, Second Cedar Point, Ohio, convention held Sep-
of Africa and Asia as well as Ausbalia tember 5-13, 1922
An intensive publicity campaign mmxcarried out, Series of declarations or resoIutions, correspond-
warning of the climactic events m 1914 ing with t h e beginning of the pouring out of
Millions of tracts, pamphlets, magazines and the "seven bowls of the anger of God," issued
books were distributed a t conventions from 1922-1928 (Rev. 16:1-21)
Weekly sermons of Brother Russell were pub- The name "Jehovah's witnesses," " adopted at
lished in 3,000 newspapers Columbus, Ohio, in 1931, served t o identify
The "Photo-Drama of Creation" was made and Jehovahb name and purpose with his people and
shotvn to large audiences in many parts of show t h e responsibility of his "servant" class
the world to wihess (ha. 43:lO-12)
Jehovah's corning t o his temple meant a judgment THEOCRATIC STRUCTURE
period (hlal. 3:1-31 AND DIRECTION
Tests of loyalty, zeal and devokion came from From 1919 onward the true Christian congrega-
inside and outside the congregation tion was progressively restored to its theocratic
Pressures mounted from world governments
during World War I (Rev. 11:l-10) structure
Brothers were tested (I) by; opposition from A Society "director" appointed to work along-
within the congregation as t o their loyalty to side "elective elders," but not subject t o yearly
theocratic governmental arrangements rather election
than to human leaders; they were also tested B y October 15, 1932, the system of "'elective
(2) by service arrangements as to their zeal elders" was discontinued
and devotion for Jehovah's worship in the
witness work; .md they were tested (3) as B y June 1938 arrangements were being put into
t o their love for revealed truths effect t o appoint all locd "servants" in t h e
- A change in Society administration brought ad- theocratic way (ha.60 :17)
The "holy placey' or "sanctuary" was in its
justments; Brother Russell died on October 31,
1916 and Joseph F. Rutherford was made "right condition'' for the first time in the
president of the Watch Tower Society on modern history of Jehovah% people (Dan.
January 6,1917 8:14;w71 124)
In 1918,situa4tionof spiritual brae1 became sim- World Was R pressures were used by the 'small
ilar to that of Jews in Eabylonish captivity; horn,' the seventh or Anglo-American world
Society" officerswere arrested and imprisoned power, to 'trample on the established place of
and t h e work seemed to have been killed (Rev. God's sanctuary,' though it was unable t o stop
11:7-10) altogether the "daily sacrifice" of praise t o
Jehovah (Dan. 8:10-12;za71 720-7243
PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZATIONAL Two thousand three hundred evenings and morn-
DEVELOPMENT FROM 1919 TO 1931 ings counted from when "holy place" was in
The surviving anointed remnant arose t o restore "right condition" the first time, June 1938,
true worship t o its proper place and prominence until October 1944 (Dan. 8:13, 14; w71 724-
after their deliverance from "Babvlonish" c a D - 728)
tivity; work was revived and "strengthen6d J Jehovah's organization progressed and the "holy
(Rev. 11:11-13) place" was brought back to its "right condition"
The Society's officers were released from prison in October 1944 as a firm stand for theocratic
an March 25. 1919: Cedar Point. Ohio. con- direction was seen in amendments to Society's
vention was arranged for sentember 1-7.'1919: charter
Society headquazers reopeAned in Brdoklyn', Jehovah's name was incorporated in the ch&r,
N.Y., October I, 1919 and basis for membership became active ser-
vice to Jehovah, not monetary contribution
Under direction of holy spirit the work of preach-
ing the good news of the established Kingdom Further slrengthening of theocratic structure and
w a s revitalized (Isa. 60:l) operations came in 1972 with the repIacement

of one overseer in each congregation by the to keep pace with Jehovah's provisions for
appointment of '"elders" or "older men'" advancement (lsa. 60:17; Prov. 4118)
as a "body of elders" mith a rotating chakman- We need to a ~ l e pthe
t propress and changes made
ship 695-704) in the earthly t h m a a t i c shlcture, showing
loyalty to Jehol-ah's kingdom and his Son's
EXP-4KSTOX OF THE ORGANIZATION headship and keeping pace with his re\-&tion
ACGJEh'TTED BY "OTHER SHEEP" of truth (John 6:67, 683
By 1935,the gathering of t h e r&aining ones of Be prepared t o e-xplain matters to others, helping
the 144,000had been b a s i d y completed, and them recognize, respect and fully appreciate
t h e continued Kingdom-preaching and discipIe- working with the "'faithful and discreet slave''
making resulted in the gathering of those of class as it continues to progress under Christ's
the "great crowdJ' (Rev. 7:4, 9, 10) headship IPS.37:28; 149:I)
From 1942 onward, an extensive educational p m As overseers, see that young ones, new Bible stu-
gram has been in progress through congrega- dents, as well as all with the congregation, un-
tional meetings, assemblies and special schools derstand and appreciate the background and
of training history of Jehavah's mamelous dealings with
These include: Theocratic R d s s School (1942- his name people and his pmgresive guidance
1943): Gilead School 119431 : $ h ~ d o mMinis- of them
God's o m t i o n h heaven and in earth has
steadily ma%-d forward, is making great
In certain recent years more have become bap strides in progress now, and will continue
tized disciples of Christ Jesus, with earthly life p r o b g t o time indemite in Jehovah3
in view, than became his f a i W anointed fol- righteous new order
lowers during the entire perid from 33 to
1935 GE. MAIN NlZNT: Overseers need to under&& the
background and history of Jehovah's dealings
THE PROPER VIEW with his people jn modem times in order to instill
OF JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATJON in those entrusted to their care loyalty and ap-
AND ITS PROGRESSIVENESS preciation for Christ's headship through t h e
The theocratic structure within God's congre- earthly theocratic arrangement and organization
gation and its spiritual b a u t y and strength to- that Jehovah has provided for their direction and
day are a remarkable product of God's spirit, blessing
coupled w i t h a long m r d of world-secognized SOURCES: ad 298.851. 3305, 1206: j p 12121,139,
integrity and uncompromised devotion to Je- 340, 147-la%,3.59. 156-205,2,F-295; 54-64; wTL 65701,
hovah God (ha.62:2, 3) 120.72s; wi2 3S23M
-The reason for progressive dhanges is in order m m G mGGEsTroN: IAAlRY

Importance of the Shepherding Work

WHY THE RESPONSIBILITY tends, feeds and guards sheep'; the occupation
IS A SERIOUS ONE dates back to Adam's son Abel (Gen. 4:2)
me "flock" belongs t o God; overseers must render Work of a shepherd included seeing that the sheep
an account t o him for it (1 Pet. 5:2; Heb. had food and water, were cared for when they
23:l'i) g o t sick and were safeguarded a-t. wolves,
8ehom.h judges adversely those who use their etc; the shepherd was concerned not only for
Position as shepherd for personal glory and the flock as a whole but for any t h a t strayed
selfish gain instead of M y caring for the flock (2s. =:I-6; 1 Sam. 1*7:34-36;M a t t 18:12, 13)
(Ezek 542, PO) Shepherding was a rfgorous life; much m e was
Good spiritual condition and me works Of the spent away from hame caring for the flock;
flock--t in glory to God (,Matt. 5:16; 1 Pet. Jesus Christ the Fine Shepherd laid down his
2: 12) Ufe for the flock IGen. 31:W; 37:1217;John
The lives of our brothers, persons for whom
died, are inmlved; we should have genuine love W F THE WORK OF S P f R m A L
and concern for them (Acts 20:28) SHEPHERDING IS SO IMPORTANT
When sheep are not being wred for by a shepherd
LEARNING FROM AN ANCIENT they become scattered and are easy prey for
AND HONORABLE OCCUPATION enemies; this is h e of h t h literal sheep and
"'Shepherd" has b w o defind as % arson
i who symbolic ones CEhek. 34:5)

We Iive in a h e when fie Devil is bringing great gregation, quickly came to the brother's rescue
pressure on aEI manlrind, especially those wha and use the " 'sword of the spirit"' to destroy
seek te please Jehovah; opposition may come t h a t bad influence ITi'hls 1:lO-14)
from d a g e mate, other -relatives, earnthe
got.ernment ; in many places t h e economlc situz- T h e rqmmi'biliQ of a shepherd is not onlg to-
tion is difKcult and some m d t h a t they have to ward the strays; -those who are dohg we41 ned
work extra hours; personal shortmmings easily attention too
muse one tu become discomged (1 Pet. 5:8; Commendation far fh& h work, for their
Rev. 12:12, 17) faithfulness and endurance upbuilds them and
m n g t h e n s them to press on
Do not let life's problems take away mtlr concern Some do not bring their probEerns to yo;u, but
for congregation (2 Cor. 11:23-29) that does not mean they do not have them;
often they are grateful for aid when you show
One of the marks of frw Christians is that we
deeply care about one another; shepherds When myoneis physicany UPit f good for s h ~
to d,nmo-te that ]o\~e (John herds to show loving concern and to see that
13:35; Gal. 6:lOE any needed a c e of a -physical
- nature is
THE ATTENTION OF A SREPHERD 'Important to know the ''sheep'9ell and their
One of the main responsibilities of a shepherd spiritual condition so that you readily recognize
is to 'feed t h e sheep,' t o be a teacher of God's problems when they begin to deveIop (John
Word in the congregation (John 21:15-17) . 10:3, 4; Prov. 27:23)
Much of this is done when conducting meetings Sometimes those in need of spiritual aid will call
and handling other assignments from the plat- and request your help to restore them [Jas.
form; give this work careful attention so that 5:1416); i n other cases you discern the need
the ''sheep" are truly helped t o benefit from and kindly take the initiative in offering assis-
t h e spiritual f d tance (Gad, 6:l)
Additionzl teaching is done pe m R al basis,
gi;~g further e.uplanation t o those who need HOW FIW SHEPHERDS
it; be m i l h g t o do that CONDUCT T H E E SHEPHERDING
Tn dealing with the brothers, imitate the loving
Those who give evidence of spirftud in h e m mncern shown by Jehotd~himself (Is& 40:10,
or %tho begin to stray h r n the flock n e d sp+ 111
c i a attention; keeg an eye out for circum-
stances calling for attention and handle them Jesus Christ, the great shepherd, h d that those
F ~ O ~ P ~ Y coming te him would find refreshment; as yoe
- When any begin to miss meetings, a persod itrusted ntitate the example of Christ, the flW en-
to your care d experience that re-
visit or a phone d l can help to dmw tbem
back into t h e fold; prompt attention can help freshsnent (Heb, 13:20; Matt. 11:28-30)
to avoid problems becoming more deepseated
Are some lacking zeal as to field minkby? D o When you taR wjth brothem and sisters at con-
gregation meetings, show an interest in t h e .
not wait until they mmpletely stop; they may things they are doing; encourage them to share .
need encouragement t o see the value of what their experiences with you; ask about their
they are doing; perhaps some assistance on Bible studies; commend them for their com-
the way they handle matters at the doors will ments, their talks, their regulnrily; share with
help them to find more joy in their field ser- thcm your experiences, new things learned, etc.
vice: work along w i t h them
Do you observe lack of respect on the part of When visiting them in their homes, ga as one
certain children, or evidence of lack of disci- would t o visit a dear friend or a fleshly brother; ';
pline? Perhaps the household needs help with show warm Merest in them (2 John 12;.
arrangements for a family study 1 Thess. 2:17-19)
Are some, by their habits or manner of dtesf;, Enjoy relaxing, upbddiflg comersation with
showing excessive interest in imitaag the them; if they oEer refreshments and you want
world? A kindy, Scri?tud discussion with to acwpt, da so; your friendliness will b d up
the young person's pzrents, or with the sister's their confidence in you
husband or FsiT2-i the psrson might help In this atmosphere, publishers will often Wl you
t o co& the situz.tion before it goes too far their problems without your even asking; your
Ts someone g e m g inx-ol\*d with u70rldIyasso- t-isit need not sum& that them are problems:
ciation, perhaps "kting" an mhliever of t h e unless you are specifically there for that pur-
opposite sty? Pmognize the danger; provide pose, as visits n a y also be made on those doing
loving but 5.m1 cour,~elfrom God's Word well
If any "wolfish" elements are ming t o destmy May do some Eible reading W e r , or help
or corrupt the faith of a member of t h e con- them with Minisby School assignment, or read

together something of special interest in newly BALANCE SmPRERDING

received JYatchtoulw (Rom. 1:l l , 1 2 ) WTTn PERSONAL STUDY, FAMILY
Fn handling pmb1m~take the needed m e and Shepherding m o t replace personal study or
weigh arefully the counsel that you @\ye
caring for family responsibilities
b a n to be a good listener; get the other person Timothy as a n overseer was counseled: ''PEW
to express h h s d f ; get all the facts before constant attention t o yoursepf";if YOU do not
giving counsel (Pmv.18:13; Jas. .1:19) do adequate personal studying you cannot do
Help the person to realize that you are genuinely good teaching, which is a principal part of t h e
interested in assisting him to pursue a a m work of a shepherd (I Tim. 4~16)
bringing Jehovah's approval and leading to To qualify as a shepherd a man who is married
eternal lffe must preside over hi on?l household in a &e
Base mumel M y on God's Word; read from manner; t h a t in\-ohs giving proper attention
the Bible; encourage reliance on Jehovah; t o your wge and your children; i t also indudes
build appreciation for Jehovah, his Word and *time for regular family study and spiritual
for Christ's headship in directing the Christian discussion I1 Tim. 3:4, 51
congregation, not directing attention t o your- (Ask t h e brothers what problems they have in
self or your own wisdom (Prov. 3 5 , 6 ; Ps. this regard; invite others to tell how they
146:3-10;Titus 1:9) - handle matters to maintain needed balance)
Tp serve most effectiyely as sliepherds, we must Shepherding does not take the place of one's field
, keep in mind that we too are "sheep" in Jeho- ministry, which is a vital, urgent part of our
. vah's flock; we are all brothers (Matt, 23:8) sentice to God because of the time and circum-
d' No reason t o "tdk down" to the brothers - or to stances in which we live; what we do in this
treat them as if they are babes regard affects our brothers because they follow
Apustles viewed themselves as working with the t h e lead of the shepherd
brothers, referring to them as "sharers with
I, me in the undeserved kindness," "brothers," Shepherding too is an important reqmnsibility
"yokefello\v," etc. (Phil. 1:7;4 : 3 ; 2Thess. 1:3; and not t o be neglected; it does not take the
1 Pet. 5:I) place of other responsibilities, but needs to be
given a definite place in our schedule
Kone are compelled to be shepherds; tve do this
willingly, out of lo\-tz for 3 e h o t ~ hand for his
people; we may have the ability, but t o b a
Much shepherding can be done by speaking to the shepherd we need te make oursekes available
friends personally at congregation meetings; t o the "sheep," being approachable, willing t a
hzi'e in mind tt.ham you want t o see and what help (1 Pet. 5:1-4)
you hope t o do for that one's upbuilding At times there is more shepheMing that needs to
Some of the shepherding can be done benefieidiy be done than at other times; we need to be
in pril-ate homes flexible, willing to make adjustments
You may want to bite some to your home, At periodic meetings of body of elders, shepherd-
perhaps to share in family study or for other ing needs of the congregation shouId be con-
upbuilding association sidered. This does not require analyzing t h e life
A personal visit to the publisher's home helps of each one in t h e congregation; simply consider
you to get t o b o w him better; when there are situations that need attention
not many other people around, as at t h e King- Decide among yourselves who is in position ta
dom Hall, he may speak more freely; apostles give the required attention t o the various ones
went to the homes of disciples to teach them needing it; others of the elders may have sug-
(Acts 5:41, 42; 20:lT-20) gestions as to what mn be done
No reason for each elder to feel that he must Each elder shouId sham freely in the s h e p h m g
visit the home of each person in the congre- work so that the entire flock continues to be
&ation in order to fulfiPl his responsibilities; well fed, spiritually sound, giving evidence
this is a work that the elders share as a body of a spirit of warmth and unity, and rendering
praise to Jehovah
As for &g visits at the homes of publishers,
each elder must decide when he personally P O W : An eldm should share ia M d -
engage in t hs work
j i n g loving cane for t h e flock of God, while not
N o t good dways to be doing this when OF- fading to give due attention to their cnvn home-
publishers are s m g out in field serv~ce; holds and to fhe field ministry
they need your help there tcm
;Might choose to reduce time spent in geld d c e ~ ~ m m55.58 : n, sz
one weekend a month to make shepherding TEACITING SUGGE!STIQN: Cit-e dass o p-tp
ewilencer in the shepgerding =*ark
calls: evenings may be best for some calls;any relate their 0-
and how they have arranged t o share t:-Lis respo--
other convenient time may be used bfity with others
Readjusting Your Erring Brother
n E D FOR READJUSTMENT circumstances are such that, wiaout pre-
Jehovah's wilI is that his servants reflect his Ene meditation, he slips into it before he is aware
qualities in attitude, word and action (Matt. of it
5:44-48; Eph. 5:1, 23 One who slips into wrong course needs help to
Beine. irnaerfect. humans fah short of God's recover himself from weahess leading t o his
g~&y &d do hot reflect his image perfectly wrongdoing (Gal. 6 :1)
(Rom. 3:23) To k of help, elder must hate wrong but have
True Christians, including elders, sin (Jas. 3 2 ; love and compassion for wrongdoer, earnestly
I John 1:s) desiring t o aid him (2 Cor. 7:813;12114,15,
Readiustment needed in case of dlI fn order to 20, 21; Jude 23)
redect Jehovah's h e qualities to greater ~ e m hg a n ~ ywith erring one will net get
degree best results; can cause him t o resent counsel
T o r e a d j a ' as used in Scripture, means 'to bring or discipline and not give it serious con-
to a proper state or position,' 'to fit things to a sideration it deserves; or it could crush him,
certain standard,' 'to restore' , as he may already feel very bad about what
Whenever we err, we must again be brought izl he has done
line with Jehovah's'standard as set forth in Mildness is in order when erring one was not
the Bible deliberate but got caught unawares in Satan's
Not only may adjusting be necessary when some trap (2 Tim 2 :24-26 )
backsliding is involved, but also to bring one's Domestic animal caught in trap can be freed
thinking initially into harmony with Jehovah's by being ripped out, but such action would
viewpoint on certain matters further injure it
Counsel and discipliie based on God's Word Better to free animal from trap as gently as
serve to bring about adjustment in our attitude possible; same is b e of Christian caught
and our conduct; proper response work to our in Devil's snare
benefit, but resentment can be injurious (Prov. Jesus set kind example in handling a heated
6:23; Heb. 12:5-11) dispute (Luke 22:2427)
"Gifts in men" [elders) are entrusted with the Good not to be severe with older ones (1Tim.
responsibility to readjust members of congre- 5:l)
gation (Eph. 4: 11, 12)
We must be willing and alert to give aid (Acts R giving help, elders must be careful 'to keep eye
20:31;1 Pet. 5 : 2 , 3) on themselves, for fear they also may be
Should avoid kerning busybodies, prying into tempted'
other people's affairs, making issue of minor Elders cannot allow themselves to condone wrong
matters and imposing own standards on others or minimize it; must continue to hate what
(Rorn. 14:1-12) is bad (Jude 22, 23)
Wrong t o be suspicious and to ascribe bad mo- E someone of opposite sex involved, elder has ta
tives t o brothers; love does not suspect or dis- be very careful that he does not yield to
believe brothers unless sound evidence is temptation to become emotionally involved
available that they are wrong (1Cor. f3:7; with erring one
Heb. 6 :7-91
BEFORE HE IS AWARE OF IT Certain minor wrongs can and ought to be over-
Important to realize why those wanting t o sente looked and forgiven (Eph. 4:32)
Jehovah may take false steps
Sin at work in body members of afl (Rorn. 7:18- Nevertheless, if a brother is doing something that
20) might injure his relationship with Jehovah, the
Outside pressures at work or school may make it loving thing would be to help him
mare W d t to keep sinful fiesh in check, Deliberate failure to reprove a brother when that
causing one t o slip into wrongdoing is definitely needed to restore him is m t a -
Bad assodation may gradually cause wrong de- mount to hating him, not w i n g about his life
sires to take root in heart (I cor. 15:33) interests (Lev. 19:17;1 John 3:15;Prov. 27:5)
May lack Bible howledge Deliberate f a m e to give needed reproof can
Anxieties of life can become major concern and cause one to become bloodguilty More Je-
begin choking out appreciation for spirjtudl hovah, as individud is being deprived of some-
things (Matt. 6:33, 34; 13:221 thing necessary t o gain salvation (Acts 20:26,
Individual may know certain course is wrong but 27 1

Certain sins committed against you personally ENCOURAGE ALT+ THOUGH IMPERFECT,
cannot be overlooked TO GO ON GROWING SPLRIWrnY
Such serious sins may involve f mud, slander, etc. In Lnew of repeated failings, brothers could easily
When certain that a serious sin has actually been become discouraged and downhearted (Rom.
committed against you, you are under obliga- 7 :2l-25)
tion t o go to erring brother and "lay bare his Scriptural encouragement is often n d e d to hdp
fault between you and him alone" (Matt. them get right view so as not t o lose freeness
18:15) of speech in approaching Jehovah in prayer
Should he recognize his error, agree to rectify it (IJohn 3:19-24;4:18)
and repentantly seek your forgiveness, you Sin-atoningvalue of Jesus' sacrXce covers trans-
would rightly forgive him; your action would gressions when one is M y repentant and
result in 'gaining him' in the sense of aiding enables one t o retain clean conscience (Heb.
him to remain in the congregation rather than 9: 13,14;1 John 2 : 1, 2)
being d i s f e l l ~ w s ~ p etherefrom
Should erring one refuse to make amends, you To make progress, brothers need ta have in mind
would be under obligation to try to show him Jehovah's view of failings and shortcomings
the error of his ways a t the "mouth of two or H e does not take criticat view of our human fail-
three witnesses"; his genuine repentance muld i n g s ; yet he does not candone wrong (Ps.
settle t h e matter (Matt, 18:16) 130:3, 4; Mal. 3:5)
Should the erring one still remain unrepentant, Sin should be recognized for what it i s - a failure
the matter would have to be brought to the to act in harmony with Jehovah's personality,
attention of the congregation's judicial com- standards, ways and will; shodd not seek te
mittee (Matt. 18:17) justify self
If erring one does not rectify rnaGers even when Desire should be to imitate Jehovah to greater
talked t o by committee, he would be expelled degree, keeping self in check (1 Cor. 9:27;
from conmegation
- - 1 Pet. 2:111
Since procedure outlined at Matthew 18:15-17 Sincere reg& should be in widenee when there
could lead to expulsion from congregation, is f ailme to live up to Jehovah" requirements,
manifestly reference is, not to minor matters and efforts should be put forth to do better
or imagined sins,but to actual and serious sins (Ps.38:3-8;51:3, 10, U)
against you that simply cannot be ignored In helping others to make progress, elders should
not allow selves to become upset with erring
:'lSCERTAINIE;tG WRERE THE ERROR LIES ones, treating them as enemies (Compare
ITHEN ACCUSATIONS ARE MADE 2 Thessalonians 3 :13-15)
'IVhen approached by someone with an accusation Erring ones are not enemies, but DeviI is (IPet
against a brother, consider the evidence 5:8)
Is it reliable and can it be backed up by wit- All of us must stand unitedly against Devil and
nesses ? combat desires of sinful flesh (Eph. 6:10-18;
Sometimes may not be eyewitnesses, but cir- 1 Pet.5:9; Jude 3, 4, 20-23)
cumstances may indicate that matter needs Encourage brothers to appreciate Jehovah's
further investigation mercy
Determine whether accuser is judging someone Jehovah warmly appeals to sinful humans to
by his own conscience or has actually observed change ways to gain his favor (Ea55:6, 7;
wrongdoing serious enough to warrant at- Ezek 33:ll;Mdl. 3:7;2 Pet. 3:9)
tentian of judicial committee Jehovah's merciful forgiveness well illustrated
If accusation is well founded and requires at- in cases of Manasseh and spirit-anointed
tention of committee, folIow through ac- Christian in Corinth 12 KI. 21:5, 6, 16;
cordingly 2 Chron. 33:11-13;1 Cor. 53, 7-13;2 Cor.
If accusation involves minor matter or can- 2 :6-81
not be backed up, no n e d to take matter Jehovah's mercy should not be presumed upon
further, but heIp accusing one get right view and wed as excuse for wrongdoing (Heb.
of matters [Col. 3:12-14;2 Cor, 13:l; 1 Tim. 10:26-31;2 Pet 2:12-22)
5 :19)
When brothers are disturbed about shortmming
If two individuals have heated dispute, try to get d
( or apparent) of others, elders should aid
b bottom of matter by having them speak them to take merciful view
directly to you one at a time: usually better than
allowing them to argue in front of you Shod not begin doing what one canscie
Ascertain whether minor matter or serious sin feels is wrong just because other brothers are
is involved doing it; consden= would be injured (I(om.
Of ten both wilI need counsel on maintaining self- 14:23)
control and letting love predominate in their Continue hating what is bad (Ps.97:lO; lbm.
handling of matters (Jas. 3:13-18;1 Pet.1:22) 12:9)

Avoid finding fadt with others, judging them Imitate Jehovah's example as a shepherd (ps+
according to personal standards; one being 23:1-61
judged may be strong in c e m m areas where Show concern for flock, putting its welfare
one d o h judgina
~ - is himself weak IsTatt. (Acts 20~28-35)
3-3; P,oG.-~:T) 1Do not become discouraged m*hm others fail to
Rzther than looking at and dwelling on faults, =pond to counsel of God's W o r d
rejoice in bro%qrs are making in
cultivating fruitage of sprrft, encourage them
Elder's responsibility is to offer help; he camof
and take humble view of self. (Phil. 2:1-4) force anyone to apply what Bible says
Heart of individual must motitate him t o make
application IRom. 10:lO; 2 Thess. 3 : 5 )
Good for elder to examine whether his mu-
and admonition were based solidly on God's
n d e m recognize t h a t they are not to rta affairs tVord and presented in such a way as to appeal
of other families to person" lare for Jehovah (2 Tim. 4:1,2;
Husband and father is divhely appointed head Heb. 4:12)
of f-v I1Cor. =:3) ~ rendering help should dmiys be t o
M 0 t . i ~for
Elders can ave help when asked or when need uphold Jehovah's nays and to show loving con-
arises, but husband and father, not elders, cern for and unselfish interest in weIfzre of
is one $e!d accountable by Jehovah for way brothers (1 Cor. 13:31
he discharm reswnsibilities
~ l d e r sshould maperate ~ ~ 9 tfather
h and hm- mblems &odd be hrndl& h
to up spiritual -@ of famiig such a way as to help brothers make pro,-= and
(or do sa through mother, if no father to p m t making them feel that they ue being
home or if father is an unbeliewr) rejected
m e n proper t o do so, elders offer.lmhgw e SOURCE: 154-IM

Women in the Congregation
THE WOMAN'S PRMLEGES Insofar as dress, haimyIes, and wearing of jew-
LY THE CONGREGATION elry are concerned Christian women &odd
Hebrew word for woman; ish.shahP,means female be examples of modesty and dignity, appear-
ing neither dowdy nor worldly, but recogniz-
- man; woman was meant t o be complement or
helper for man (Gen.2:18) ing that spiritual beauty is in good works
and in "the secret person of the heart in thz
Women have a long record of faithful service in hcomptible apparel of the ~ u i e tand mild
the Christian ministry (Luke8: 1-3;Rom. 16:1) spirit, which is of great value-in the eyes c:'
Women received gifts of spirit at Pentecost, God" (1 Pet. 3:1-6)
33 C.E.,to speak h tongues and prophesy By your helping women in the congregation t o
(1 COT.1113-5;Joe1 2:28; Acts 3:13-15;2:l-4, appreciate their privileges and position, they
14-18;21:9) will be aided to contribute .to its spiritual
Today women play a large role h the ministry strength
(Ps. 6X:lll
They are doing a large part in t h e work of GIVING ENCOURAGEMJ3NT .AND COUNSEL
Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making; t h e TO WOMEN IN THE CONGREGATION
commission to "make disciples of people of Encourage them in thek field minishy
the nations" applies to women as well as to Response is good when helpfut arrange- 1
men (Matt. 28:19, 203 ments are made for group witnessing; a d j d
Often they care for midweek arrangements for
field service; sometimes they are used as sub- as circumstances change: show interest in i
stitutes in handing other congregational mat- &?any ofthe
what p u p is doing
the regular pioneers are m e n , both
ters where these is a shortage of qualified
brothers single and married; keep this priviIege before
the congmgation; give personal attention to .
By their conduct and attire they mn provide a
fine example of the effect of h e Ckktianity those showing desire t o pioneer
Women in the ccngregation should be "den&" Many mom .e be tempomy pioneers; when
that is, not disputing with men or lzying to anyone's appumtion is accepted, quickly noti- ,
exercise authority over men in the congrega- fy the congregation; others may do it tw if I
tion (1 Cor. 14:33-35;1 Tim 2 : E ) they h o w they will not be alone

Much encouragement may be needed by some husband is not present, as she is divinely au-
women due to their emotional and physical thorized to teach the children (Pmv. 153;
makeup or family circumstances 6:20)
Commend for their good efforts in getting c M - However, if a son is present who is a dedicated
dren to the meetings, in commenting, in field and baptized Christian, she would wear a
sewice, in helping to dean t h e Kingdom HaU, head covering, as the dedicated son is a m a -
etc. ber of the congregation and ordinarily should
receive instruction as to worship from male
counsel should always be lwing and kind, yet fmn members of the congregation
and appropriate, with consideration for the
makeup of the woman (1Tim. 5:1, 21 When any meeting is mnductd by mngmgaGon-
d arrangement, a dedicated, baptjzzed male
It 5 best to offer Suggestions or counsel to women should preside if at dl possible
in the presence of their husbands, or perhaps If for some reason (such as illness, inmpaci-ty
give mmsel through the husband if this is pos- or no qualified and willing baptized male k g
sible mesent) a baptized female jVitness conducts
b e meeting, she would rightly wear a head
It is not a good practice for ae we- [or m y covering, acknowledg~ngthereby that a broth-
other brother in the congregation) t o make er would ordinarily give h m v c t i o a in such
personal calls on sisters in their homes, unless a circumstance
their husbands are nresentqr someone accom-
panies t h e overseer- A head covering is not required when a woman
Tf married, it is good for the we- to take has to interpret into another language a Bible
his wife along, or if a personal problem is in- discourse or publicly read the paragraphs from
volved i t may be good to take another brother, a Bible study aid that is being used at a con-
when making the visit gregation meeting, as this is not presiding or
Often matters on appmpriately be handled at teaching
the Kingdom Wall If for conscience' sake the &fm prefers to wear
Elders should use d i m t i o n in having private a head mering, she may do so
discussions with sisters
No head mvering Is r q u b d for a w m m in
houseto-house preaching, not even when work-
ing with her husband or another brother; she
OF THE HEADSHIP ARRANGEMENT is not taking the place of a man in such activity;
Wewing of head covering is required in only a it is properly part of her service to God
few sitaations, though a Christian woman However, if her own husband (wen though nat
-should recognize the principle of headship at a Wihess) is present at a home Bible study
all times (1 Cor. 11~3-6) she conducts, she needs a head covering out
T h e woman must wear a head covering when of respect for his position; a prearranged ses-
caring for matters pertaining to worship that sion for a Bible study is a mall meeting for
would ordinarily be handled by her husband teaching; if any male member of the con-
or a dedicated brother gation is present i t kornes an extension of
Reasons for a woman t o wear a head covering t h e congregation, so a head covering would
when t h e occasion calls for it: (13 recognition be appropriate for her when conducting
that her husband is God's representatwe to-
ward his wife and children, (21 recognition RESPONSIBTLImS AND QUALITIES
that the men in the congregation have the O F WIFE IN FAMILY ARRANGEMENT
God-given responsibility t o teach and preside, Primary duties of Christian women: {I1 to serve
and ( 3 ) because of the angels (1Cor. 11:7-10) Jehovah in h e worship, 12) t o love and obey
This does not mean that angels learn from good their husbands and (3) t o love and care for
example of Christian women, but they can their children (Ecd.12:13; Titus 2:4, 5)
draw encouragement from the h e example
of women with the right view of headship; also Qualities of a good wife described a t Proverbs
angels direct work, and are concerned with 31:1031 include k i n g industrious, wise* kind,
theocratic attitude and action of all in congre- respectful and loving
gation (Compare 1 Timothy 5:21)
If the C h r i s t i a n wife prays aloud in behalf of The mother P T ~ S " ~ important role in education of
herself and others or conducts a Bible study the children; tmining needed comm~tlyin alt
Wth her children or others in t k presenceeof of life's daily activities
her hwband, she rightly wears a head covering Wife responsible to train maren in r i g h m
This is a demonshtion of her recognition that n-, respectfulness,and indusb-ioumess I-.
she is sewing in her husband's place 31:1; 2 Tim. 1:s; 3:14, 15)
She would not ordinarily wear a head covering Children n& to be .taught t o obey and follow
in teaching her children at home when he^ father's discipline
Mothers mn do much in training daughters to be Wlfe rn help unbelieving husband in the foam-
good wives by teaching them the arts of cmk- jng w a s : (11 by keeping her o m int-3
ing, sewing and general househoId manage- and shVhg appropriate subjection, (21 ,
ment speaking the truth uith mildness, as thjs m- ,
Women are kept safe through a e a b g , as break down opposition, (3) by good plannjng, I
those busy with family have less to gad which will aid wife to be well balanced in aetivl-
about, gossiping, meddling into other Peop!e's ties and not irritate husband, (4) by havjng
affairs (1 Tim. 2:15; 5:1135) f r i e n d l y ~ s m a d e a n h u b m d ~ t h a v i m ~ t o1
getting a study started to u n i t e the family,
Reasonable attitude m a w n* On
( 5 ) by contin-g to pray, not giving up hope
part of wife help husband to have more Wife to 'save her husband' by p;o-
may be able for
time t o care for spiritual needs of family (1 vihg god; also by him
3:3, 4 ) to have many good contacts mith JehorWs
Husband to dwell with wife "~CCOrdingto howl- people and organization (1 Cor, 7: 16)
edge," being considerate of her vickitudes and if husband is an mbe]iever, the
cycles, making allowances for her as weaker fall upon the wife to teach md b h c t the
vessel (1 P e t 3:7) children through home Bible study at a time
Wife owes husband the marital due, but unselfish at k m n v d e n t
and lm*g husband should &ways chwish the
he* a d happiness of his Wife and not expect Women wfth 0pPOSbg Or unbdiwing husbands
mom of her than her physical strength and m y m g e for field service (including @r
well-being permit (I Cor. 7 2 - 5 ) or temporary pioneer senice) during times
it miIl not interfere with family associa-
Wives shodd be fire to- express to when
tion; it may be good to take advantage of the
their husbands and respectfully aid husbands in m m g a t i o n d midweek ~~~~ arrangements
arriving at right decisions (Een. 21:9-13;27:
462834;31~4-16) Continue commending m e n in the congregation
! for their good support of pure worship
BfAIN POlNT: All women in the congregation,
whether married or single, can, by their conduct
The 'law of the husband" f hi.authority 8s head and ministry, =me t o Jehovah's praise. We n-znt
of wife; w 5 v ~should be encouraged to be sub- to encourage them to do so
missive, respectful, faithful and devoted (Rom,
?:2; Eph. 5:B-23) SOURCES: ad 565,124726, Tl37#1664,1665;qm 252-255;
w72 445447
To have uni'ry in family a head is required; man TEACHING SUGGESTTON: lnqufre if students hare
properly has this position shce created M; had opportunity to encourage or counsel women in thelr
woman conebutes t~ family happiness by congregation, and H so, regarding what and with wnet
respecting this arrangement of Jehovah results? What encouragement have students been ablc
Where unbeliever endeawrs to cause wife to to sfive those desiring t o share in the full-tme nreach.
infworli, and do they make a n y spedd arrangment;
&obey God's plainly stated mmands, she for group u ~ t n e s s i n gwith a view to giving them sup?ort
must obey God as ruler [Acts 5 9 9 ) in the field?

No. 34 - Second Tuesday, 10:40

The Theocratic Ministry School and Public Meetings
PURFOSES It equips us to make fjne defense before murts
Tfie en* mn-tion m i v e s d m b l e infor- Tt develops om aha@ speak Zo SC~OOI SO&I
mation that increases the spiritual apprecia.tion @-UP=
of all attending It helps emte poor speech h a ~ b
This school provides instruction and tmining in A prime purpose of the Theocratic Ministry
public speaking to praise God School is to furnish -g for field ministry
Students are aided to gather, develop and present Impmved ability in preaching results from this
information logically training
Brothers are m e d t o give public talks rn h m - Maaterial p m t d m the school is useN in
dle parts on meetings answering questions on Teturn visits
It aids brothers W n g to qmWy as e l k and
ministerial sen7ants Principal. concern of those enrolled in the moo:
It helps all to make fine comments crr share should be gaining J e h m s approval, not im-
otherwise in meetings pressing others

Newly interested ones may be enrolled; however, as each person checks his awn paper and thus
if t h e known conduct or cirnmzstance of a per- learns any key points he missed
son is such that his presence on the platform
would disturb the c a n p g a t i o n or raise serious Overseer appropriately introduces and mchzdes
questions in the mind of a newcomer, it would Program
be wise not to enroll him In inboduction he might briefly outline what the
audience can expect to learn
TREOCRA~C ~ I S S C~H ~ O YLOVERSEER In conclusion he may briefly mention what we
AND SOME OF EIlS DUTIES can expect the following week or points of
significance fmm past hour
He is an elder, unless sewing as a substitute, and
shodd have a good howledge of the language For student talks, overseer may give the subject
of most of the students and setting, if one is Ysed, also the source Of
malerial so audience mn folIo~vif they desire
He has at heart the spiritual interests of dlI at- Overseer should highlight key points of the ma-
tending the school, and he wants them to get
full value from the material covered, focusing terial, thus emphasizing fhe spiritual, aspect
their attention primarily on God's Word of the school; do not just offer counsel
It is important to prepare in advance for each B e should encourage Bible reading as oullined
in the school course
session, as he must understand the material At t h e meetings of the b d y of elders discus
to highlight it effectively ways in which the teaching quality at the
:signments are usually made in writing at least -school cam be improved
three weeks in advance . The school may be divided into two or more sec-
,4ssignments are made according t o the current tions for student talks, where enmllment is
schedule with good judgment, having in mind large
the students' ages, education levels, e t c Where possible, elders should counsd in these
Some subjects may be too dEcult for certain additional groups -
students, also overseer iries vto give suitable Additional counselors are selected by school
t o w to one of tender years om-seer
Xe encleavors to give all students an equal oppar-
tunity t o speak In a congregation comprised en- of women,
the material can stilI be covered by informal
As shepherd, he aids all in congregation in any reports, discussions b&wmtwo sM!&rs, wes-
way he can tions and anmrers, or reading from the pubh-
While not usually preparing others' b l k s , he can cations
help students undefitand-the material assigned No counsel is &en on their presentations, since
- to them no qualified-brother is avdable
It is good to encourage prayer by students for
W s guidance and assistance OFFERING BENEFICIAL COUNSEL
His duties are not limited to o v ~ i n g the The &wl ov-r should have the stud-'
school for one year, but he aids others with interst in mind a d not h overly critical
Scriptural advice and counsel as an elder and He shouId try to encourage dl, including those
accompanies some in field ministry having limited eduation or speech a d t i e s
The library is under the school overseer's super- {Acts 4: 13; Ek. 4: 10-12)
vision He considers their abilities, not trying to fit each
It should contain aEl available wublimtions of the into the m e mold
Society arid may have variius Bible -a- H e wants all to make progress according to
tions, cxhaustit-e concordance and other help personal ability
ful reference works H e wants students Ito enjoy their privilege of
Care of t h e Library is s u m by the sdhm1 speaking in the school and m Ewingly upbdds
overseer, exfen if he assigms another person them
t o do some of the work To maintain the scheduIe, a signal 5s given when
He can demonstrate the library's use to new ones the student goes overtime; student may com-
plete sentence and then leave the platform
CONDUCTING TEIE SCHOOL Overseer may employ variety in presenting mun-
Briefly mvjw procedure outlined in current year's He might start with commendalion on a point
schedule not even up far counseling, for example, wm-
Instruction blk given by an elder, or, if neces- mending on sincerity,friendline, etc.
W ,by a better qualified ministerial servant Thus even if work is needed on a speech @W
Oral review of previous week's insbction taIk under observation ttle student have been
usually starts the program commended
The periodic written review is not competitive, It is not necessary t o announce t o the entire

audience what mark (G,I, or W) student is gation's spiritual need or a topic of special
given, but when commending bim On a point, i n t e d in the commrmity
it is often good to say why it is g d ; this helps Slide presentations should not be &ply enter-
el-eryone present tainment or mvelogues, but should h z ~ eas
If further work on a qu*@ m m - their maiu purpose instruction in W s Word
mended, kindy encowas that; show hthis and t h e spiritual interests of His p p l e
can be done and w7ty it will be effective In a very small congregation, if no speaker is
Reference to or excerpt from school t e * m k available, the group can read the outline
may be helpful vided by the Society, looking up scriptures
The school overseer's objective is to aid dl to be Public meetings are usually held weekly at the
better praisers of Jehovah Kingdom Halt, but sometimes at other places,
as in rural sections or outlying t o m s
PUBLIC MEETJNGS TNM)RM Other locations may include private homes, com-
AND UPEU1I;D SPXRITUrlUP munity houses, schools, parks, . e k .
Efforts should be made to witness Morehand
The public m d g is %enemypreeted in the in this territory, and pubIic talks may be ad-
form of a discourse, although &de p-ta- vertised with handbills
tions are aIso used on occasion
It is called a H Z i meting m u s e often exten-
sively admrtised with view to inviting the The chairman should k sure the meeting starts
public on time
Iftalks are given with the p b E c in mind, speak- A brief weTcome is appxqriate, after which the
er should use %?rmsthat they can understand, congregation may join ia song [to be selwted
even though material is weighty by the chairman unless the speaker makes a
However, they should also be informative and special request)
spiritually upbuilding for regular attenders Prayer is then offered, m a y by the chairman
It is beneficid for dl Wibesses to attend, to The speaker is introduced by name and as a
have their understanding of Bible truths bath minister; the title of t h e talk is given (but
sharpened and broadened, "quipping them to chairman should not discus subject) : audience
be better Christians and more effective teach- can be advised who is sponsoring the talk
Some talks forms attention on application of If the scheduled speaker is not available, brothers
Bible principles to problems of life, others kcally can decide how to proceed
on d o m e , prophecy, &. They may wish to read the outline and discuss
scriptures shown; or a brother who has ma-
Speakers are elders. to exterrt mssible terial - prepared
. may deliver another talk
- Where elders are few, it is especially me that The chairman's closing remarks should be brief;
they "work hard in speaking and teaching" to avoid any review of the cuntmts of the W;
provide this regular instruction (1 Tim. 53'7) do not eulogize the speaker
The body of elders occasionally may assign min- Fmvide information about other meetings an12
isterial servants of their arm congsegation to encourage new ones to attend
give public talks, if not enough elders are
available IT no meeting follows, the pmgram is closed with
Congregations will not send a brother not yet song and prayer
an eIder as a speaker to another congregation Where public meeting is followed by the Watch-
tower study, a W song and prayer come
Presidhg weseer or one whom he assigns may at the end of the entire program
invite elders fsom other congregations to give When there is no intermission, it is good to invite
public taks the audience to stand and sing n sang
This is arranged first through the presiding If there is an intermission, pubIic meeting is
overser of the other congregation, then de- concluded with needed armounments, and
tails are m n h d in correspondence to when the group reconvenes, a song may be
speakers s u n g k f o r e the Watchtower study starts
It is helpful to mrdinate plans of congegations;
thus not as many different talks need to be PREPARATION AND DELIVERY
prepared by each dder, and they have oppor- OF P m u C TALHS
tunity to give their t a b , sweral times
The speaker t r M t o present information in ac-
Excellent outlines supplied by the Sock@ m e r curate, spiritually strengthening, htere&g
many mbjects and prox4de fine material for way
the public meetings H e may use pictures, maps, outline of points on
Other talks can also be given on subjects in har- blackboard, etc.
mony with the Eiblle and Society's publications Qther features may include questions for au&-
A subject may be selected d d h g with mngre- enoe, scriptures read and commented on by
audience, relating experiences, discussion be- Present material with reasonableness and sim-
tween two or Wee on platEorm, brief skits, plicity
etc. Avoid dang or inappropriate humor; maintain
Material may also be presented by a symposium Christian dignity
of speakers Be enthusiastic, seekbg t o teach and mo6vat.e
h preparing a public talk, &dy t h e outline care- the audience; stay within the time allotted
fully to grasp main points and effectively tie in Spiritual aspect of t h e meeting wiIl impre= sin-
supporting scriptures and arguments - cere ones (1Cor. 14:24, 25)
Additional points may be written in margtm of
the outline, or material may be retyped for MAIN POINT: The purpose of both the Theo-
easier reading cratic Minisfry Sch6oI and public meeting ar-
Develop one section at a time, rather thm view- rangement is to instruct and qualify all in the
ing talk's preparation as one big job congregation as praisers of Jehovah
Some material can be deleted if there is too SOURCES: or 79-81.95, 96, 98100, 102,'103:sg 9-13
Keep the outline up t o date with progressive T E A C W G SUGGESTION: Have two brothers who
are school overseers assigned in advance to give counsel
revelation of truth as they would for student talks fn the Theomatic
Deliver the public talk in a way that glorifies God W t r y School on an assignment of their choice, dls-
Keep t h e presentation an a high plane Scrip cussing briefly some point of counsel fmm the Speech
f o r m and highlighting points *om the material
turally, encouraging audience t o use the Bible Counsel
to show how it. could be done. (2 m u t e s each) (Do
(I Cor. 2:116) not give the student talks.) Ask students for examples
Discuss scriptures, showing- application or of how they have kept public talk outlines up to date
meaning with progressive revelation of mth

Xo. 35 - Second Tnesday, 2:XO

Our Responsibility to God and Caesar

JEHOVAH'S SERVANTS rary, as at Armageddon "superior author-
HAVE RESPONSIBILITIES TO TWO SETS ities" of M s world will. cease functioning
Since 607 B.C.E., when Sehovah7snation of Mael
lost sovereignty, all of Jehovah's people have CAESAR'S WmGS
_ had to live in lands governed bv worldlv rulers TO C A E S A R
Bible calls these woFldly rule& "'supeiior au- Subjection: Every Chistian must be in subjection
thorities" (Rom. 13:l) to all the laws of the government under which
Because of living in diffwent lands, Christians he lives as long as those laws are not in confiict
have t o cope with wide variety of Iaws and with, God's laws (Titus 3:1; Ram. 13:l; 1 p&
customs 2:B-15)
However, Jehovah's servants are aIso accountable Since Jehovah permits secular governments to
to God as nrler and to his Christ exercise authority for a while, if we opposed
Bible shows that Jehovah and Christ are 'su- this arrangement w e would put ourselves in
preme authorities' (Dan. T :13, 14, 183 opposition to God, who has allowed it (Rom.
No matter where servant of Jehovah lives, he It '63: is not
the duty of elders to enforce laws of the
must adhere to Iaws and principles of divine s e cu l ar state within the congregation, but they
rule (Ps.83:183 shodd encourage obedience to such laws. If
Jehovah's servants need to determine clearly their illegal activities result in reproach king
duties toward both s e l of governmental au- brought on congregation, this may bring con-
thorities gregational action
Basic principle governing this is given by Jesus
at Matthew 22:17-21: "Pay back, therefore, Fear: Worldly rulers are an object of fear in that
Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God permits them to act as his "ministers" in
God." ("Caesar" represents the secular state) punishing lawbreakers, even putting to death
This sound principle grants that secular gav- those who commit serious crimes (Rom.13:3,
ernments have right to set certain duties upon -,71
4. -
Christian subjects W e should have proper fear of breaking laws of
It also shows that a Christian has duties to God; secular state and coming under its adverse
these take priority judgment; but our fear of Jehovah exceeds our
Thus, authority of rulers over Jehovah's ser- fear of secular nilers; our conscience is in-
vants is only relative and also very tempo- volved (Rom. 13:s)

M a y secular laws for our good, such as those Howwer, God" Word says that where slaves had
regulating traffic, w i t a t i o n , business prac- legal right t o do so, they codd seize opportu-
tices, property, fire prevention. Punishing of nity to h m m e free (1Cor. 7:21)
law violators protects Christians to0 There is no point in Christians' trying t o reform
When unsmpulom men try t o hurt Jehovah's social systems, which are part of Satan's
people, we can even apped to government for world; God is going to annihilate dl these bad
protection. For instance, married Christian arrangements, and his kingdom wTi provide
woman can take to court husband that deserts t r u e justice for all
her Registrations: Government may require various
H o n m It is proper to show honor and resped to registrations, such as national service or auto-
worldly pulers, even using their secular titles. mobile registrations, for business or social
(Rorn. 13:7) It shows respect for office, not reasons
just person Caesar Augustus required all to m t e r at their
Paul addressed King Herod Agrippa IT with deep own cities. Although inconvenient to do all
respect, $ o u t i n g himself happy to be before that travelhe. ~oiemh and Marv cotnulied

Agrippa m m a h g his defense, acknowledging (Luke 2 :1-5)-'

- - - was expert on Jewish f l a i r s
that &rippa If laws require regjstrafion of all who are eligible
On same occasion, Governor Festus was presenE, t o vote,- we register; this is not the same as
and Paul addressed him-as "Your Excellency," being required t o register in a political party.
a mark of respect [A& 26 :1-3,251 If #ev demand we vote, some do. but t h e y
Faplains why we would call a judge "your vote f6r Christ as King; however, prefer
Honor" and stand when he enters courtfoom. to avoid any appearance whatsoever of being
It is part of respecting t h e secular authorities part of this world (John 17:16)
and their appointed officials for what they Governments usually require that marriages be
represent, namely, authority allowed by God Iegalized; we register and get License to marry
and fulfilling certain beneficial purposes In some areas, bcal authorities request that me
Religious leaders do not desewe,to be called by notify them when preaching from house to
flattering titles they have taken; God is not house, so we comply
using them as his "public servants," and his Most nations require certain documents for leav-
Son spoke against such use of flattering re- ing or entering country, so,aside from times of
ligious titles (Rom. 13:6 ; Matt. 23:8-10] grave religious persecution, or fleeing as refu-
gees from war zones, Christians do not k y t o
Tmes: Christians t o pay 911 taxes that secular avoid this legal responsibility by leaving or
governments require, whether they consider entering country in any way except that which
them unfair or net (Rom. 1 3 ~ 7 ) rulers have authorizd, otherwise they would
,-Jesus,in giving principle of paying back Caesar's not be "irreprehensible" (2 Cor. 4:2; 1 Tim.
things to Caesar, used it in reference t o a ques- 3: 2)
tion over paying taxes. He showed it was right
to pay taxes
It would be violation of God's law jf we tried to PAYING BACK GOD'S m G S TO GOD
use illegal means t o avoid taxes Our subjection to earthly governments is limited
Government performs services from which we by recognition that Jehovah's laws are superior
benefit, so has a right to m e c t taxes. Since W e cannot give worldly rulers what belongs t o
we do pay taxes, we can take advantage of God: our lives, our worship, our loyalty t o his
various benefik -governments give, such as kingdom
sodal security payments, free or reduced-cost Whenever there is a conflict between man's law
health programs, financial assistance t o aged, and God's law, we must "obey God as ruler
etc. rather than men" (Acts 5 2 9 )
Secular rulers may use large part of tax money This is t h e only way to continue having Jeho-
for wrong purposes, but that is their respun- vah's spirit (Acts 5:32)
sibility and they wilI have to answer t o God Some goverlunents forbid Jehovah's witnesses to
for i t preach. But that is same as telling us to atop
Social Distinctions: In some pa153 of world, gov- worshiping Jehovah, so we cannot obey
ernments set up barriers in regard t o social or When apostles were ordered to stop preaching,
racial groups they refused (A& 4:lS-20;5:2&32)
Jehovah's servants do not believe in such dis- However, if government merely says we m o t
tinctions, but are not authorized to agitate go from door to door, we can discreetly alter
acainst this, as that would violate our sub- our methods, d l i n g at only one home fn an
jgction area at a time; also we can invite people to our
-. first centurv, Christians did not fight ~ o v -
Tn studies and meetings
ernments onwissue of slavery; rathe?, slaves Better to do preaching in another way and keep
were encouraged t o do good work so that name out of prison, than t o persist in one aspect and
of God and teaching of Christ might not suffer lx confined, severely limiting our entire Chris-
(1 Tim. 6:1,2; Titus 2:9,10;1 Pet. 2:18) tian activity

BENEFITS FROM OEEmG GOD FIRST earthly representatives. So obeying such hws
AND THEN ChES-432. now will make i t easier for us ta be obedient as
Even in this system, by obeying God's laws fust, regards whatever arrangements are made for
his people have solved problems nations cannot, governing such matters in new order
showing superiority of God's laws. His servants
have solved problem of war, are not divided by MAIN POINT: Jehovah's s e m h are to make
nationalism or racism, have no rising crime and every effort to be peaceful and abide by t3e laws
venereal disease rates among them, face future of the land where they live, even if they do not like
with confidence some of the laws. But anytime a government asks
Obeying Caesar's laws to extent possible provides us ta do what God has forbidden, then we refuse,
good training in abiding by laws governing 'obeying God as ruler rather than man'
daily living. In new order, all civil matters will SOURCES: ms 59-62; li 280.288; tr l57-162;p m 350, 351
come under jurisdiction of Kingdom and its TEACHING SUGGESTTON: Lecture '

No. 36 - Second Tuaday, S:O0

The Issue of Sovereignty-How It Affects Us
BY REASON OF HIS CREATORSHIP rule in a workhy way, rightmusly and in best
JEHOVAH IS SUPREME SOVEREIGN interests of subjects? Did God have the right
AT1 creation owes its existence to Jehovah (Gen. to rule?
1:I,27,28; Eph. 3:9) The fact of God's sovereignty was never at
Upon the operation of his Iaws we k e dependent The point at issue was the rightfulness, righ-
f o r the sustaining of our Iives (Acts 11:28; teousness and deservedness of God's sover-
Matt. 5:45) eignty
Jehovah's authority as Creator is illustrated by a Since Satan and first human pair rebelled, an-
potter working with clay (Jer. 1S:I-6; Rom. other question was raised: Would all other
9 :19-21) intelligent creatures become disloyal if that
seemed advantageous to them?
AIl creation was brought into e ~ s k n e eby God Satan's claim was that they would do so (Job
for his purpose; fulfilling that purpose requires 2:4, 5)
recognition of Jehovah's sovereignty, or right This being a m o ~ dissue and not one of sheer 4
- t o rule (Rev. 4:11) might, time was needed far its settlement
Had Jehovah destroyed the rebels immediate-
GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY CHALLENGED ly, the question would have remained as to
IN EDEN whether Satan would have been able to
He exercised sovereignty toward Adam and Eve prove his charge
in a loving way Jehovah did not doubt that the issue would
Only few simple, positive commands were issued, be settled in his favor
permitting them to u s e their physical and ~e h e w himseLf and h e w his ruEe was good
mental powers and personal initiative in afld in best interest of subjects
wholesome way -(Gen. 1:26-30) R e had made intelligent creatures in his
God's one prohibitory command was reasonable image, giving them-ae capacity to develop
and showed respect for man's dignity, attrib- fine qualities, especially love; he knew t h a t
uting no bad indinations to him (an. 2:17) his organization would never withdraw en
m s e (1 Cor. 13:8; Col. 3:14)
Adam and Eve had no reason to rebel, as they
had received only good things from Jehovah
The .tree of knowledge of good and bad symbolized BENEFITS HIS CREATURES
the right to set standards of good and bad, Satan's daim, as voiced in mnnection with jab,
which right God reserved for himself charged God's servants with selfishness; he
Using the serpent, Satan encouraged Eve to rebel maintained that Jehovah could not put a man
against God's sovereignty by eating of forbid- on earth who would prove loyal when his per-
den fruit and thus determining for herself what son or his Pessessions were endangered
was good and what was bad (Gen. 3 :1-51
What Satan did in contradicting God's command BY dlo~vingthe issue to be tried, Jehovah was
raised questions about God's sovereignty: Was giving creatures the opportunify to disprove
God truthful so that his word could be de- Satan's sIander concerning God's name, also to
pended upon? Did man's Iife and happiness clear their own name and t h a t of other Ioyal
really depend on obedience to God? Did God servants

In letting Satan me every me- possible to in- 44);in a perfect way he proved that Satan's
duce matures. to rebel.
- - - - .. Jehovah would deter- claim respecting God's loyal ervants f&-
mine whom he ~ ~ o u lv&t l d as his sewants Many irnperfd humans from days of Abd on-
J e h o M h w a n t s p e r s o n s t o s e r v e ~ , n 0 t m e r e l ~ aardhavesharedinandcontinuetoLhmh
out of few of SL~Salmightiness, but Out of lot-e vindication of God's name by keeping integfjp-
for him and appreciation for what he h a done -'great cloud' of precChristian \ s i D e ~ =em-
(Ps.84:lO; 119:304, 128, 1631 bers of Christian con,mtion and "great
Even if mdependene were possible to mwd?, ( ~ ~ 11 b:4-12:
. :9: 7: 9)
~ o s whom
e a d wank as his servants would
willingly choose his sovereignty, recognizing To Christ as 3ehovah1schief Vindicator is given
it t o be wiser, more righteous and better than the assignment to abyss Satan and his demons,
any other d e IJer. 10:23) and finally they wW be destroyed, thus settling
*Srying of this has revealed true motives of forever the issue of universal sovereignty (Gen,
individuals ( R o ~ 9 . :22-24) 3:15; REV.20:1-3,7-10)
Pressures have shown which "called ones" are
deserving of entrance into heavenly kingdom HOW TO MAINTAIN LOYALTY.
by proving to be unselfish, Iovers of right
Unwortl?y ones are "w' eeded out" by pressures, Only perwfls who h o w God, that is, h o w Ezim
ensurmg best government for mankind, one as a person-his fine qualities, ways and dealing
where authority will not be abused -will remain loyal despite all pressures 'brought
Fressures reveal rt'hat kind of persons are d e against them (1 John 4:8)
senTingof being spared during "grrat h i u - His creative works and written Word Ithe mean-
lation" ing of which is revealed by God's spirit) are
Many people would want b1essings of new among means by which we can come to h o w
order-gmd health, security, f d o m from God (Rorn. 1:20;1 Car. 2:7-13)
economic .rvorrie+but may not want to do One must take time t o consider Jehovah's
anything themselves to take a stand on Je- ative works and Bible with a view to increasing
hovah's side in love and appreciation for Him
Under test those who do not have right heart Adam and Eve failed to cultivate such love and
are "weeded out" so that those remaining appreciation for Jehovah
form a good foundation f a "new earth" that Eve listened to voice of one inferior to God,
mill survive '"eat tribulation" ostensibly a serpent, and thus showed she
had not given proper consideration to evi-
G O D 5 SON SERVES AS CHKEF VINDICATOR; dence by which she could have come t o h o ~ v
OTHERS SHARE LT VBDICATION God as truthful, dependable, loving, and in-
Not just htnnans, but a h invisible spirit crrea- terested in the welfare of his earthIy chil-
W e s , including God's only-begotten Son, were dren
affected by issue Adam, by rebllhg, showed he had faiIed to
Satan was allowed to use his in&lence in h e a m give due consideration t o evidence that God
and succeeded in causing a considerable n m - gives gmd gifts to obedient children; he
ber of angels to fall (Rev. 12:3, 4) .seemingIy took offense against Jehovah for
As most prominent among angelic sons of God, having given him his M e (M.3:12)
Michael, God's only-begotten Son, could not Also come to h o w God by entering into relation-
easily be induced to join in rebellSon of an ship with him, by his dealings with us (Ps.
inferior 34:8; 37~4-6)
Question was, Would only-begotten Son remain Faith is needed, but faith in Jehovah's existence
loyal t o God's sovereignty if brought into Iowly alone is not enough I Jas. 2 :18,19)
position and subrnftted to test?
Of a 1 creatures serving God, he shodd be faith- One must have faith that Jehovah rewards de-
ful and anxious to serve for vindimtbn of voted m a n t s (Heb. U:6)
Father's name Wrong desires must be kept in check to avoid
Meaning of "iclichael" ("Whois like God?"] )- becoming pmcticer of sin (1 Cor. 9:n;Jas.
plies that he ~ o d d be foremast one upon 1:13-15)
whom duty would demIve to sFIence any When imperfect humans mmdt sin, they s h d d
challenger of his Father avail themselvs of Jehovah's pro\ision for
Jehovah selected his Son as his chief Vindicator. forgiveness of sins
[Luke 135)
causing hi t o be born as man on ea& Becoming a practicer of sin, and spuming Je-
hovah's arrangement for forgiveness, is re-
Son willingly accepted assignment out of loyalty bellion against his sovereignty and Ieads to
t o Father and deep love for mankind IProv. destruction (Heb. 10:26-31;1 John 1:9)
8:31: John S:29:fieb. 10:5-71
Jesus' fl'awless course of integrity, including his It is good to consider examples of fafthful ones
sacrificial death, proved him to be cornpIeteIy in past and present, particularly Jesus Christ
just and righteous (Rom. 5:18; Matt. 26:38- (Heb. 12:2,3; 13 :73

W e shodd each ask o d v e s , Do I want m y life headship daim she can be s u M v e to the
t o honor Jehm-ah like and like that invisible King?
of those who remain faithful? How can a person who ignores M c a d other
We should remind o m l v c s that rebellion is Iam that in no way conflict ~ S t hGod's law
dt-ays cdlamitous claim he is submissive t o Jehol-ah's sover-
eignty when God's Word mmmands obe-
LIVING IN FULL RECOGNITION dience to "superior authorities" ?
OF JEHOVAH'S SOVEREIGSTT How can a person who is lazy or does not care
about his work claim he would do better in
Elders ought to be alert t o aid brothers to ap- new system?
preciate this issue and how it should influence
Life BENEFITS FROM r n G m m C O G m 0 N
The period of time in which we live makes it OF JEHOVAH'S SOVEREIGNTY
urgent to uphold Jehovah's side of the h e I W's law is designed t o promote man's happfniness
for in 1914 CX. Jehonh took power to rule and welfare ( R o n 13:8-10)
as King over world of mankind (Rev. 31~15) ; One's famiIy life and relationship with others
we should be living accordingly are improved
Brothers may need help to reason on their attitude
One is protected from following a calamitous
c o r n (Prov. 2~10-191
toward this issue One's life is made purposeful and rneanhgfd by
Some youths may feel they should be able to do living in recognition of Jehovah's sovereignw
as they please
E they respect Jehovah's side of the imeythey Though present blessings are grand, one has the
will be obedient to Jehovah's mresentatives. grander prospect of w i v i n g the "great Wibu-
including their parents, for is righteous l a t i o n ' d d gaining everlasbng life under per-
(Eph. 6 :1) fect conditions, thanks to the exercise of 3e-
Youths who Eve in rerognition of Jehcwah's h o e s sovereign*- (Rex 7 :14-17;21 :3-3'1
SOL-emignty win not insist on personal rightq
but mill do the Iwing, upbuilding thing in MAIN POWT: By our loyally Living every day in
matters of conduct, entertainment dress and a m y that shows our recognftion of Jehocafi's
grooming; they wjlI not b y to be like world, sovereignty, by our applying his law in our lives,
experimenting with drugs and engaging in we show whose side of the issue we take
loose conduct SOURCES: ad 15351538; t r 6574
Not only youths, but all of us shouId appreciate T E A C m G SUGGESTION: Have student prepare
that our support of Jehovah's sovereignty five-minute talk fop service meetin showing haw con-
involves every aspect of life duct af Christian youths upholds .J&ovah3s sovereignty
(Assignment may be made prevlous Saturday, or day
How mn a wife who disregards her husband's before on volunteer basis)

Preparation for Baptism and Field Ministry

%AKE DTSCIPLES, BAPIrXZING TEEM' accept the "implanting of the word" (Acts
Jesus commanded that only disciples^' be baptized 16330-32;Rom. 10:13, 14; Jas. 1:21, 22)
( M a t t 28:19, 20)
A disciple is one who not only believes but also R E P r n A N r n AND C O ~ I O N
follows clasely Christ's teaching, Plis example -NUST PRECEDE BAPTISM
(John 8:31) Repentance is a change of attibde toward one's
Jesus had a h&dt desire to do God's in past course,a feeling of regret; it marks a halt
evmy aspect of his life (Heb, 10:73 in a m n ' s wrong murse, rej-on of wmng
A C h k 3 k e desire to do God's will must be de- and detemrination to take a right course; if
veloped and acted upon for any to be properly genuine, it will be followed by conversion (Acts
prepared for baptism and fieId minktry 3:19)
Anyone laclring the desire to give of himself
in serving God as Christ did does not qualify In Greek two verbs are used in connection with
for baptism; such a one is not a discipIe of repentance, highlighting the involvement of
Christ ( M a t t 10:37,38; Luke 14:333 both mind and heart
A hearing of ' W e word of Jehovah'' is needed ijxst Jfefa.raoe'0 stresses danlZd Memp0W rlisocF-
to become a disciple sition (Ras2 5 ; 3:3)
To build proper foundation of faith, apprdation, M e m t a d o m a iemphasizes the feeling of regret
devotion and love for Jehovah, m e must aka (9IatL 21 :30)

These two terms are d~selyrelated; a changed Eiders have a fine opportunity in this way to get
viewpoint often brings a feeling of regret and better acquainted with newly dedioted ones
vice versa (1Sam 245-73 and to assist them with anything they do not
understand or w i t h adjustments -hat are need-
It includes more than repenme for such sins as ed in their lives
adultery, theft, etc These meetings assure mngregation that those
Does individual see S i n f u l n P S of using WEself- baptized understand what it means to be one
ishly for one's o w n interests, that this 'misses of Jehovah's m i b e s s e s , t h a t the!: qualify
L!e mark' of r e B a g God's "'image"? Is all
badness mognized as sin against God himself, BAPTISM,
for which r e p e n m e must be directed toward THAT =CEf ES NOW SAfnTG YOIT
Him? (Acts 1'7:30;Rum. 3 3 3 ; Gen. 39:'7-9;
Ps. 51:'3, 4) Baptism is the m g through the water by im-
Has mental and heart attitude really changed? mersion therein, not the water itself
Is there real regret over past course? Does the It is a symbol of one's dedication to do God's will,
person hate it? just as the ark was a tangible expression of
Noah's dedimtion and saved hirn
Conversfon is a 'turaing around' from a course Faithfully carrying out the meaning of bap-
leading away from God t o one leading to him that is, dedication to do the will of God, will
Conversion implies more than an attitude o~! a save one
verbal expression; it 'involves works that give
evidence of the changed course [Acts 26:201 Baptism, as symbol of W k a t b n , Is associated
Taking this new course requires faith that God with the "request made ta God far a good mn-
indeed resurrected Jesus Christ and made him science" (1 Pet. 3:20, 21)
Lord, as well as faith in the ransom (Acts When person repents, turns around, exercises
2:36, 38) faith in God and Christ, does God's will in
being baptized, God is faithful and makes
Teacher should help new disciple understand full available the benefits of Chrisfs sacrifice,
meaning of repentance and eonversion reliebing one of sin's condemnation and @\in=
T o help h&vidual further to acquire needed one a good conscience toward Him, a con-
knowledge and qualities for a meaningful dedi- s c i o of ~ pleasing
~ Him (Heb. - 10:19-22;
cation, i t may be necessary to consider more 1 John 1~7-9)
than one Bible publication
TO DO GOD'S WILL FOREVER I.a person had acquired a basic h o w l d g e , rp.
- God does not force any of us to be his swank; pented of his past course, m e d around an2
he wants only willing selrice WeuL 30:19, 20; taken up the doing of God's W, then he was
Ps. 110:3) in position to nake a dedication, and later de-
None of us are born as ;odYsservants IPS.51:53 ; vdopments would not invalidate his baptism
we must make a decision as to whether we are It is to be expected 'that he will continue to gmn*
going t o serve Jehovah, submitting ourselves in both knowledge and faith, but the increase
to his will without reservation in these does not change the validity of his
To be a disciple of Jesus Christ one must disown baptism (Col. 1:9,10;Luke 175)
oneself; it is this disowning of oneself that we There may be some few situations that require
today call "dedication" (Matt. 16:24) rebaptism (Acts 19:1-5)
H e is thereby saying that it is his earnest desire If a person had not repented of his grossly sinful
to czonfom t o Jehovah's will in every aspect conduct, or was wiUingly mpporhg an or-
of his 1iSe (Rom. 12:1, 2; 2 Cor. 5:14,15) ganization the entire purpose of which is
Such a decision, freely made, is binding for one's contrary t o the will of God, then he did not
entire Iife; one cannot later take up practices truly make a dedication, and his baptism
that are contrary to God's wlIf (1 Cor. 6:19,20; meant nothing before Jehovah
7 :23; Jude 4 ) Such situations will rarely arise H the elders
give adequate attention to the scheduled
HOW ELDERS HEW rneethgs with persons wha are preparing
When any persons e x p m their desire to get bag TEACH DISCIFLES TO RELY ON JEHOVAH,
tized, the presiding overseer t f 4 l arrange meet- HIS SPIRIT AYD THE: COYGREG14TIOS
ings with them t o be sure LFley t d y understand New disciples should be taught to '"ray incessant-
tfit meaning of dedication and baptism, using ly" for God's help in doing fas d l (1 Thess
the ejghty questions in the Organization. book
5:17; Eph. 6:1%; 1 J o b S:14)
Real ptrception by elders and application of the
Scriptures by person to his life are called fgr All disciples need to appreciate the importance of
in these meetings W s spirit, which gives understanding, am

as a remembrancer, provides guidance in appli- Doe- one truly uxmt to be one of Jehavah"s wit-
cation of the Bible, aids one to give a good wit- nesses? (Ps.110:3)
ness (John 14:26; Matt. 10:18-20; Luke 21: One mnducting the study should make sure qual-
13-15) ifications are understood before intitation is
extended to share in field m i n W
Congregation meetings are important in preparing
one for Christian ministry When a person qualifies, invite him to share in the
They provide a principal channel of direction remar features of sewice
for all in praising God; new disciples in the Usually the house-ta-house service is the best
first century attended congregation meetings H e can share by reading a scripture and feel
immediztely and received great benefits spir- an accomplishment in the witness @%-en
itually (Acts 2:41,42, 46, 47) Howeyer, another feature may be better for the
Elders are responsible to see # a t service meeting individual or the circumstance
parts are designed to prepare one for various
features of field ministry, are m y effective Before inviting h i to accompany you, review
and practical, that spiritual things such as your presentation with him; show him what he
a desire to please God, sharing the good news, can do, such as reading a scripture, or com-
bringmg "reconciliation" to nonbelievers, are menting on it, or inviting the householder to the
highlighted-not matters of little importance public talk
(2 Cor. 5318-20) Explain and mhearse what you wish him to do,
why it is good for him to learn to do this and
how he a n best do it; this preparation wiZl
PREP-4RnG BIBLE STUDENTS fix-e him confidence
FOR THE FIELD mTSTRY For the first few doors, you might let him eb-
ELke preparation for dedication and baptism, pre- serve as you demonstrate your presentation,
paring Biblc students for field service involves even the part be will have
stimulating a desire in t h e individual t o honor When he is ready, let him share in the presenta-
Jehovah and to share in the Kingdom-preaching tion with you, doing what he has prepared
and disciple-making work (I Car. 3:lO-13;Rm-. Commend him for good effort, progressively
22 :IT) giving him something additional to do; he will
Preparation might well begin with the first Bible eventually learn to deliver the entire presen-
study, and lminhg for both field ministry and tation
b a p m m n be accomplished together
When he desires to and is ready to repert, the
-4s the newly interested one begins to understand fieid overseer will discuss the matter with the
properly and exercise faith in the things he is person who has been conducting the study, also
learning from the Bible; he should be encour- with the one newly reporting, and after consult-
aged t o share them with his family, relatives, ing with the presiding overser, a Publisher's
A friends, neighbors, associates R m r d card may be made out if the new disciple
By informal witnessing he will begin to fed the qualifies
happiness of sharing good things with others A child win be viewed as a Hingdm-preacher by
(Acts 20:35) the congregation only when he gives personal
His interest wiTl be further stimulated as he expression in the field ministry and is motivated
hears experiences from the one conducting the to do so from the heart
study with him, or reads them in t h e Society's By word and example, parents should concen-
publications trate on building up their chiIdls love and ap-
Prepare him for opposition, as not everyone will preciation of his Creator, following t h e same
be receptive or will appreciate his zeal and this procedures as outlined for any newly inter-
may discourage him from speaking or wen ested ones
studying further (John 15:20, 21) Thus, the child wlll be motivated by a desiw t o
Commend him so that he sees that he is having be a pruclaimer of the "good news" rather than
a share in the work that Jehovah has com- king such because his parents require that
manded aLl disciples to do, encouraging him to he a m m p a n y them
appreciate that what he is doing is pleasing
to God (Web. 13~15,16)
Ccrtain qualifications must be met to be identified IN PROCLAIMXNG THE GOOD NEWS
publicly as one of JehovaWs Christian witnesses When striving to help athers to become effective
and recognized as such by the congregation preachers and teachers, we should not expect
These include belief in the Bible and its doctrines, all to be able t o Iearn some special presentation,
meeting attendance (as circm-mtances per- make return visits or conduct Bible studies ~4th
mit), honesty, sexual morality, no drunken- .equal skiU or success /I Cor. 12:14-181
ness, no affiliation with false reliPion or- - un-
-- Consider each person's circumstances and abili-
scriptural involvement with this w&ld7s affairs ties; help him develop his particdar sifts
(John 1S:JG; Isa. 2:2-4) I1 Pet. 4:lO)

Ifminmess is present, God makes up for any new disciples to worship Jehovah and to build a
lack (2 Cor. 4:7) heartfelt appreciation for His righterrus require-
T h e important things are t o help new mcipk to
speak thc "~70rdof the kingdom,'band to be
\~;hole-souled in serving Jehovah, t h a t is, to TEAFHPNG SUGGESTION: The f o l l d g problems
have a lifr? fulfy in harmony rtith the good news may be considered in class discussion: (3.1 Suggestions
they are proclaiming (Matt. 13:19; C03. 3:23; f o r a father whose ten-year-old son wants to be n a s
tized; 12) What to say to an individuaI who R.&
L&C!10:27;?I- 2:lO) hap- when quite young and n-enders if he shoed
be rebaptized; 133 Whether t o cowt the Gel0 sen-lce
B L I p ~ o m ~ preparation
: fo; baptism and for report Imm an undedicated person who attends very
the fidd m im is primarily a matter of helping
n f e w o f the meetings

Family Training for Life

FMIILY TFEAZmhTG apply in daily life what her husband teaches
-A bfATTER FOR A l T E ~ O N ~ (Prov. 6:20122)
BY ALL ELDERS It is beneficial if they discuss together their goals
Most elders are married, many being fathers, so She in family training, so they can work at unity
family mining js a matter of personal interest is an "heir of life' with her husband; he
Your good example in this wiFl encourage other should deal with her as such (IPet. 3 : T )
fandies (I Tim. 3:2, 4, 5 ; 1 Pet. 5:3) Much of the family" training for life is focused
It d e s e m your afAmtion b k e your effective on children; it, requires a great amount of time
senice as an elder also indudes helping athers
and thought, but can IE richly rewarding Gph,
be succesdul in famiIy W n i n g 6:1-4)
Need to fight the mrnmon worldly view that
In dealing with brothers, YQU may see areas caring for children is an unpleasant, but re-
where they need to improve in their family quired, duty; it is a chdlenge today because
training; also, individuals or families expe- so many infIuences oppose Christian t e a c l r i n ~
riencing pmbIems may seek your aid; you
should be ready and able to offer effective help RESPONSIBXLm FOR FAMILY ' S R A r n G
ARE WVQLVED rn mrs -G EIders rightly are interested in young ones in the
Family members shodd work together, each m e congregation, but must rememhr that prime
making a workhwhile contribution, having in responsibility belongs to the parents (Prov.
mind not only the present life but eternal life 1:81
Not dI in the congregation W a h chiddm h same
The husband is entrusted with headship and gen- way or to same extent
eral oversight; he should be aware of his own Avoid setting ruIes on what parents should do
spiritual needs (1O r . Il:3; 1 Tim. 4:13-16) or judging methods they use; that is their
He ought to take the lead in spiritual imhvction God-given responsibility
of wife and children, and also engage in per- I parents seek your aid, or you see they are
s o d study for own spirituaI health having problems, y w rran offer assistance,
Other responsibilitis toward the family hincInde mentioning ways others have hen successfuI
teaching the Bible, -ing children as how in applying Bible mmseZ
to do things, providing material needs, arrang- I youths ask for your spiritual help, be willing
ing recreation, all of which can bring joy and t o assist, speaking encoumgingly t o %.hem
satisfaction When you have aided a youngster by private
The father is alse mqonsi'b1e to a d m i dis- counsel, t h e g m d effect may be multiplied by
cipfine to disobedjent ones in the familv: this informing the parents so they can folIow
m a y be done in various ways [Prov. 2 2 :15; through
,f these things are viewed as a M e n , Thewaya~dhrrnsmtdependstoagreatex-
~ o w e v e ki
en& fanfly wilI SUE= tent on parwrts; God holds the parents -n-
sible until t h e child reaches the age when he is
Wde, too, makes valuable contribution to family, free to make h h own decisions (Prov, 226)
showing love and respect for her husband, Generally family ties are slronger if parents
working hard in the home and s W g In %- provide close personal nrpewision, i n s t a d of
ing children (3 Tim. 2 :E;5 :14) d y i n g largely on m i n g from schools, ~ 1 a -
She can assist greatly by helping clbfldren to tives, nurses, &C

If parents are considering having children live Emportant t o give spiritual hstmction regularly,
with relatives or away from home for extended emphasizing that study of God's TFTord is not
period, encourage parents t o think about t h e an optional part of life, but 13.a.l (Matt. 4:4)
spiritual welfare of their children, not just F'kxibiLitv in material keeps study inintemg,
physical well-being; in the end, though, parents practi;~
@artidarIy the father) decide Need net invariably prepare W~~ or
In sucmsful family training for LifeI an esential study a book; can include reading a portion
factor is spending time together of the Bible, discussion of articles in m a s -
Good m l t s when father spends time with both zines, preparation of talks, adapting to needs
sons and daughters in working around home of f a y -
-repairs, painting, cleaning, etc. L e n r t h of study should also k adjusted to fit
Can share in similar things in caring for King- T h iciycumstan& and age of chidren
i ahead to problems children map face;
dom Hall employ study to train family p r o m v e l y te
Mother (and father) mn advantagwuslp work face problems of patriotic e r e m o n k s , dating,
with youngsters in preparing meals, altering schml involvement (clubs, dances), fads, im-
and making clothes, cleaning home, etc. modest dress, etc.
maring in recreation together f n h s family to Such matters need to be covered a stumber of
enjoy things uith others, not just p u l ~ g times and well is a d m m ~ of the problem or
personzl interests -
EEective fanily training muires free comrmi- (Ask for suggestions as to how brothers have
=lion between parmts and children adapted home studies to the needs of the
Spending tifie doing things together makes mm- f amilvl
mul~ication natural; helps parents to get T h e Bible shorn that child -g that &ts
youngster's vie\~lsand helps bim to share par- in true worshipers involves inculcating Bible
ents' truths and principles, and love of Jehovah, at
It is beneficid for family to shm't..heir meals dl times (Deut. 11:19-21)
together rather than developing the habit of Daily discussion of text provides an opporbmTty
eating separately; regular1y -conversing at for tlaining
meds improves f amlly communication Can be made most interesting and b&d if
%en =-here parents learn truth when children matter can be seen to relate t o the family;
are in teens, steady effort u4U help to reopen one leading the discussion may elicit comments
lines of communication: takes time to undo on horn topic or counsel applies to them
the past
(Discuss realistic ways of doing this) Many valuable lessons in life that conirikmte to-
Close communication wilI facilitate training on ward eternal life can be made daily part of
matters of sex (Prov.5 :1-13) family training (Ps.34:111
puberty, can discuss bodily changes and Try t o weave these into conversation and cum-
how to react; elder might tacffuUy mention rnents on daily occurrences, not just isolating
the need for this t o parents them to family study period or when child has
Parents truly help children if *ey discuss self- erred and must be corrected
abuse and why it should be avoided (Col. 3:5) Help all family members cultivate fruits of
Both parents can help children understand spirit
changes taking place in their bodies as they Can bring individual fruit of spirit up in dis-
grow and the great responsibility that goes cussion; have various members of the family
with use of the ability to transmit life pursue matter from different angles, one
Family training for life should include dean looking in Watchtower, another watching for
and accurate information examples d u r i n ~the day. etc.
A PRIMARY GOAL OF FAMILY TRAINING Show that hones6 is not-just a subject, bnt a
-REAL CHRISTIANS way of life
Be alert t o examples of dishonesty; when shop-
A close, welI-adjusted family is not sd5cient; ping, working, etc., with children call at-
some worldly parents accomplish that, but tention t o situations that would test om's
famiIy not trained for eternd life honesty; make it real
M a t worldly families lack is spiritual training Teach and manifest proper viewpoint toward
t l Tim. 4:8) material thinqs (1 Tim. 6:6-101
Early training from God's Word will benefit Greatest access will be gained if parents speak
chiIdren in the future; they need t o know t b e and act in harmony with what they tea&
Bible, not just human wisdom (Prov. 4~10-13) children from the Bible
Rewlar family study will help, though more is
BiSle precedent of providing for spb5tudI in-
stnrction of chiIdren should enconrage such
fzrnrll; study today (2Tim. 3:15; Gen. 18:19)
If parents constantly - emphasize material
t h i n s ((new clothes, car, appliances) Or
money (overtime work. bi?:cl in m ~ ~ ~
sation, chil?ren tviU likely develcr, - 0 3-
terests m life

Helpful t o show generosity with what material Even if unbeIieving husband d w s not cooperate,
things one has-making gifts to needy ones, C h k t i a n wife can provide YaIuable training
contributing at Kingdom Hdl for life
This realistically trains family to view these By tactful and respectful reasoning she may be
as things to be used, not the goal in life; able t o overcome his reluctance to her studying
also encourages generosity (2 Cor. 9:11) with the child-n or taking them t o meetings;
I~Istillrespect for those in authority and elderly appeal to his interest in their becoming m o m
ones (Lev. 19:32; Heb. 13:171 ; compassion for and respectful, not like worldly chiIdrm
those affiicted (IRv. 19:14;Job 29:12,15, 16) If he does not want children to be taken to meet-
Parents must set example: HOWdoes wife speak ings, wife must determine what t o do, mindful
to and about her husband? Does wife or hus- of respect for his headship
band speak disparagingly about mate ta chil- LikeIy she has legal right to practice her re-
dren? Do parents criticize elders in congre- ligion; if he will not supervise the care of
gation? What comments do they make about children while she attends meeting, wife may
school, civil. authorities? feel obliged t o take them with her instead of
As a family undertaking, do things for eTderly leaving them home alone and unprotected
ones-help with garden, prepare meal, take h any case, she may be able t o provide much
along on outing, etc. home training
Help family understand meaning of king "no Few husbands would object to wife's teaching
part of the world" lJohn 17:16)
a d r e n good morals, respect, obedience and
From early .years aid children t o h o w that willingness to work
m e Christians do not slave to have approval Whether a formal Bible study seems possible o r
of world by copying its ways (Jas. 4143 not, she can inculcate belief in and love for
Instead of j u s t being critical of youthful mles Creator (Prov. 31:26-28)
of grooming or music, tactfully h d p children
tr, realize that worldlv vouths are slavishtv Husband with unbelieving wife has obIigations to
copying one another I ~ o r n . 6:16; 12:5; her; he must decide how to balance these with
1 John 2:15-17) his activity in t h e congregation
Family association win help cfiildren avoid seek- E elder is asked by a minor whether to disobey
ing-outside 'bad associafions that spoil useful parents and attend meetings, they can discuss
habits' (I Cor. 15:331 i t together, but elder ought not t o make t h e
Parents need to warn their children against decision
being in company with those who have evil Call attention to command t o be 'obedient t o
intentions, dishonest and hurtful desires parents in union with the Lord' (Eph. 6 :1)
(Prov. 1:&19) Christian has obli~ation
- to God (Acts 5 :29: Heb,
- Providing family training of this type is a real 10:24,25)
challenge, but can be rewarding now and lead Along with privileges and joys of Christianity,
t o entire family gaining life come responsibilities and decisions; inquirer
In addition to inner satisfaction of doing what is must weigh obligations and then decide what
right, parents can have reason to expect chil- course t o follow (Matt. 10:16,34-39)
dren to be a praise t o *the famiIy and to God
(Ps.127~3-5; 2 Tim. 1:5) MAIN POINT: B y good example and by kindly
EIdess ought to be constant source of encourage- counsel help families in your congregation to ap-
ment to parents; set good exampIe, and provide preciate how they can successfully equip t h e
words of commendation and guidance members of their household both for weryday
living and for eternal life. Successful parents are
IN DIVIDED HOUSEHOLD wilIing to spend t i m with their children
TRAINING IS MORE DIFFICULT, SOURCES: aal564,565; ? i 174-178;Wn 593; w?2 359-365;
BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE g 1/8/65 1G19; g 12/8/68 1619
Elders should be source of enmuragement to ~tions
* , -f a,r "family
, " ~ Gstudy
~ ~ ~ and
~ ~ ~recreation.
i i e ~ l ~(10
~ U minutes)
brothers andl sisters in this situation, but cannot
make rules about working out problems ( 2 ) Another group of five, representing the body of
Woman in this s i t u a ~ o nfaces a number of elders in a congregahan, discuss ways in which c o n p
obligations-to God, t o husbanay head a d t o gation can assist efforts being made by f m ~ groups
t o build up youths in congregation spiritually, doing sa
beloved children (Acts 5: 29; 1 Pet. 3: 1) by special parts on the meeting, giving them assrgn-
She must make final decisions as t o how to ments of service, helping train them in the Theocranc
balance these; circumstances vary gea.tly Ministry School and in field semce. IProblems brothers
ficomage those who inquire to ove& may have encountered in their own congregations in
doingwhat this regard may also be discussed along with their
be for the etemd good solutions.) After discussions, other suggestions may ke
of those involved entertained from class as time permits. (10.15 minutes l
No. 39 - Sewnd Wednesday, 10:40
Christian Conscience and Spiritual Maturity
WHAT CONSCIENCE MEANS There is a difference between applying a principle
Conscience literally means ccco-knowledge" or of Mosaic law and being "under the lam-"
- "having knowledge of sorne'ting with [one- Consider, The Law
as an example, sterilization
was against mutflation of the body.
seIfJ," the voice of "the secret self" IPS.51:6;
1 Pet. 3:4) Where an organ is not diseased, surgery in-
tended t o cause sterilization is mutilation.
It is an inner rnoraI sense that testEes for or But wen if Christian is sterilized we do not
against our conduct as measuring up to moral disfellowship him, since we are not under the
standards and thus accuses or excuses (Rorn. Law; yet he is not a good example for others
2:15; 9:l) In another case a woman may have @en a shop
lifter before baptism
B B L E SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIES The Law required repayment for all things
CERTAW THINGS AS RIGHT OR WRONG stolen. with an e.rtra amount added. This
Certain specific acts, practices or courses, such as wodd be fine if she could do it, but she might
adultery, murder, theft, worship of idols, homo- not even remember all the thefts or where
sexuality and eating blood, are condemned things came from; stores may have changed
(Acts 15:29; I C o r . 6:9,10;10:14;1 Pet. 4:15) ownership, etc. Additionally, living "in the
world," her circumstances differ considerably
While doing them would wound cgnscience, rule is - from those of ancient Israel. (John 17:11,
so elr~licitthat rightness or wrongness presents 15, 16) Persons cannot possibly go back and
no particular questions of conscience; simply a rectify all the wrongs they have committed
matter of obedience to clear-cut law before coming into the truth. Indivjdual con-
science must be exercised in many matters
SLriMEROUS MATTERS CALL FOR as t o course t o take
Cible does not give Christians a detailed law code QUESTIONS OF CONSCIENCE
with multitude of specific rules covering all pos- m a y s strive t o give Scriptural reasons, applied
sible situations; if it did, then we could just
memorize and follow rules proper1y
Much of what is published in Society's pubIica-
tiens is not to be viewed as law but as wise
-Many things are governed by principles; indh9dual
conscience is called on t o play larger role in de- counsel from "faithful and discreet slave"
ciding righmess or wrongness; this reveals If problem presented is one requiring personal
more dearly what is in our heart decision of inquirer, direct attention to Scrip-
It is not just a matter of obedience to specific turd principles; t h e more principles he applies
rules, but we are called on to exercise powers to his problem the better; do not attempt to tell
of knowledge, understanding, discernment and him what to do
wisdom, displaying love and faith to greater Help him see the long-range view, to what it
extent (Compare Matthew 15:1-9;Galatians could lead and how i t codd affect his future
3:5, 11, 12) and his relationship with God. Urge him to
Christians are responsible, not just for howl- consider possible effectsen others, not to m-
edge of things directly stated as laws, but for ble weaker ones (Phil. 1:9-11;S Cor. 10:23,
all we know about God and his persondlity 24; Rom. 14:13,19; 15:1, 2)
and standards. All such knowledge should mcourage him to consider his motive, a Jeho-
affect and guide our conscience so that we vah searches hearts; warmly emphasize bless-
properly reflect God's "image" (Gen. 1226; ings from clear conscience
2 Cor. 3:18)
It is good to keep in mind that many things are QUESTIONS O F COTc'SCmNCE AS REGARDS
a matter of degree EMPLOYMENT OF BAPTIZED C H R I S m T s
The difference between merely drinking alcoholic Anyone in direct -ploy of false religious o m -
beverages and being one who is 'given to a &ation is suppofllng it as its "servant' (2 Cor.
lot of \vine' or being an outright drunkard is 6:17; Rev- 18:4; Rom. 6;16;Ps. 101:3) Over-
one of degree (1Tim. 3:3, 8) seers would not: approve such for sharing in
Sorneivherp between the extremes of not drinking field ministry or reporting. If he is baptizd
at all and being a drunkard there is a 'gray and does not change employment within a rea-
area' where persond conscience plays large sonabIe period (possibly three months), he
role would be disfeuo\r.shiped

ff one is empIoyed by a commerckt firm exc1u- oficial position, such as an oficer, shop stew-
siuelp devoted to producing or handling. articles ard, etc.
for false religious use, or if his full assignment In the went of a strike, he may heed the in-
is providing some services for false religious structions to stop work, but should not take
organizations, he 3s not clean of Babylon the part in picketing or otherwise supporting t h e
Great, (ha, 5 2 : ~ Committee
) would not dis- sbike or agitating for the cause of the strike;
fellowship him, but he is not "free from accu- in such economic warfare the Chistian will
sation" remain neutral (2 Tim. 224; R o n 12:15)
If one who has his own business p-ces articles QUESTIONS OF CONSCIENCE REGARDISG
for a false religious o m t i o n or does work WEDDINGS AND FUNERALS
on property of swch an erg-tion, he is not
exemplary, One who a d ~ ~ m t z s e or s p m t e s Attending church weddings or f n n d of rela-
false religious i w m or h o ~ d a y sis apostate tives or friends not in the truth is a pemond
decision for individual's conscience; but, of
If work for a -& & invoIves course,a person attending such may easily corn-
jobs in connection with, false religious srrpplies mit a serious m n g by getting invoI1-ed in f&e
or establishments, this 1s a mttxr for personal religion
decision. The same is t t u e of employment in a As Jehovah's wfbesses, we do not conduct h e r -
hoqital, factory school hcorpomtted by_ a
church but c u n ~ ~byd al corporation and not d s for disfellwshiped persons. but relatives
directly by the church. The elders wodd deter- must make a personal declslon as t o being m-
m i n e whether such a Person could be used in
eht for burial
t h e congregation Suicides may & auestions, Is there m f it
was a suiade? ~n-accidentcan look h e s&
A M a r viewpoint would be takw in the case mataZ illness h-
of one whose employment violates the princiHe 'jde* There may have
valved; thus officiating at or attending such a
of Isaiah 2 :4 funeral would be a matter for wrsonal decision.
A C h - mrndd not identify .-elf with busi- Congregation may prefer not t o sponsor it be-
n e s wholly in m d i c t ~ t God'sh Word; for cause of effect on community. Relati\-es n a y
example, one devoted t o prostitution, theft, decide to have private funeral, and a bmt!!cr
making id& or a blood bank whose conscience allows may decide to gix-e
One doing such things would not be acceptable ~resen.tationof Bible truths (1 am. 31:4, 12,
far field ministry. I.f he did not change, then 13; 2 Sam- I:17-273
he would be liable far disfellmhipbg SimElarly, if there are certain undesirabIe factors
- ~t would c e w be ~ in opposition to a Bib]* COnneCtion with a wedding, it is up t o t h c
.trained rnnscience.forone t o accept employment elder t o determine if he will perform it, but it is
involving gambling still up to the service committee t o decidc.
Gambling indicates greediness, and practicers of whether or not they Can use t h e Kingdom Hal:
greediness are classed with fornicators, extor-
tioners and idolaters as worthy of fisfdlow- USE AND PRODUCTION
shiping. (1 Cor. 5:9-13;Eph. 5:3-5) It can OF HARMFUL ADDICRVES
a Of Lnvolvingthe Addiction to betel nut, mca leaves, tohacw, &c.,
ship of money and selfish desires is recognhed as damaging t o mind and body
1t is permissible for a Christian to belong to a Their use violates t h e principIe at 2 Corinthians
labor union, if it is necessary to obtain s e c d m 7 : l and also the command to love God with
employment; this is up to one's conscience one's whole heart, soul, mind and strength
Membership may be viewed as "job jnsurance," (Matt. 22 :37, 38)
and dues are paid may be considered as a The responsibility for damage is not solely On
fee for services rendered the user but stretches hack t o t h e seller and
Christian not responsible far actions of MonSs the producer; figt violate the command to
leaders or how they use funds love one" neighbor as oneself (Matt. 22:39)
Membership in union is different, however, from Those involved should weigh the harmful effects
sharing in administrative operation of the on one,s mnscience and mirim. in
union making gain at the cost of others' health;
The S c r i m viewpoint that -P~OY- ought weigh effects on outsiders as regards prog-
to have toward their employers is found at I , ,
f and ~ p l e - m ~ *Og ,
Ephesians 6:5-8, Colossians 3:22-24 and eRect an bmUeE a4thin the m-ga-
1 Peter 2:18, 19; but labor unions do not hon
agree with the counsel set out in these scrip Elders must be guided by &eir otvn conscimrn s
tuws and they do not act in harmony with it re- recommending for congregation m n -
Therefore, a Christian should not get involwd sibility or privileges persons connect@ 1 1 3 ~
in union activity t o the extent of holding an production of addictives

As an example, elders may not be abIe mnscien- B Christian should be an atolderman" in a spir-
tiously t o r e t o m e n d as ' w e from accusa- itual sense. Many Christians are spiritually
tion" and as having "fine testimony from p m - mature but do not have the qualities of de$&
p!e on the outsideJ' a worker on tobacco farm of wisdom and knowledge and discernment ~ z t
whose conscience does not move him to change elders should have
employment (ITim. 33-10;Titus 1:6)
On o*ther hand, if nmk is such that it is not KEEP m D 33mcE
lidked ti-ith actual production (perhaps serv-
ing as family m k , housecleaner, etc.3 'they Shodd not try to superimpose our d m on
may or may not fee! they can recommend those of others in matters of personal prefer-
him. Effect on congregation and community ence ar taste as to h s , appearance, etc.
must also be considered in conscientiously
deciding (Acts 24:16) We do not criticize or c o n d m if persons make
decisions of conscience that are not precisely
SPIRITUAL MATURITY as we Wink best, There is no need to let others
AYD MATTERS OF CONSCIENCE pressure us into making mles nor -g to
After kving reached - ~ t y , do not &alv a line where the Bible drx?~ net do so
stop p o h g in h o w l d g e , wisdom, f* and m e n mIlside*g rightness or wrongness of mr-
love (Phil, 3:15,161 tain course, do not leave out importance of love
h m a t u r i t y describes those who, due to as guiding force. Elders can stress this in deal-
being ntlw in the truth, ate unstable, net firmly ing with brathers whose acts, circumstances or
grounded in the mth (1Cor. 3 :1-41 appearance raise questions of conscience
It is erroneous to classify a CMsHan as L 1 i m a - No one should be unloving in exercise of con-
-" solely because of his-mg ae m science, insisting on "rights" instead of show-
-ng, such as marrying out truth, or in6 love I R o ~ 14~15,
. 21; 15:2-3;1 Cor. 8:U,
accepting employment of a questionable nature 12; 1 3 ~ 4 ,5 )
k a t u r i ty m y be invoIvd But it may be also W e have an obfi&ation our Pa-
a mse of a ma- Christian fafig t~ exercise the weaker ones, not w offend th&
sufficient faith wisdom or patience or bb-e consciences. W e aIso have an oblimtion tom7ard
~ o goodt to use t h e "'immature" as a those in the world, to apped t o and amid m-
'mtchfl to de-h persons committing -or necessarLly offending their consciences
wrongs. These acts may be deliberate due to The success of our preachirrg and discipIe-makhg
lettir,~a measure of seifishness enter in; they work is heakdy dependent on this (2 Car.
might be evidence that a mature Christian 1:12)
(possibly long in the truth and even an elder) Major changes are worth while to ensure a dean
has become s p i r i W y ill (not "immature"). conscienm t>efOE God and men
.+ Or problem may be due to momen- weak-
ness or poor judgment
As examp1e, some might d&y Peter's a a o m As Ghristians we do not ds
desc-bed at ~bti-2:11-14 as evidence covering every a s p e ~of life. We need to help our
of his being "ma-," but pad gave him brothers t o learn to apply Bible principles, while
reproof as to a mature Christian respecting the role of conscience in t h e decisions
fn considering any case of wrongdoing or consider- SOURCES: ad m,-; pns ll'l.m; w?Z -M)
h g persons for meomendation, elders should TEA-G SUGGESm~: In presenting Uis materid,
look at the present standing Of the effort should be made to avoid merely a e t b g forth a
rather than just The act committed, possibly list of rules or "policy." Class should k helped to
years ago reason Scrtptwally on points, sw why situations in-
volved d E e r and why they call for m e r e n t degrees
It Should be noted that to qualify as an eldm, of treatment

Kingdom Hall-Center of Pure Worship

THE mXGDOM HALL, the mesS ability and materials being d
A SUITABLE PL4CE FOR W Q R S W (I Ki. T : B , 14;2 Chron. 2:11-16)
In early days of Jehavah's worship by brael, a e J m .taught in synagogues in his day
bbrnacle was the center of worship They viere less elahr-ate structures, though
Great care was taken in its conssuction and wmetimes of considerable size, located jfi each
Upkeep; fine craftsmen nTereused to M d it town of sufficient population, and u d - fcr
t Ex. 35:34, 35; 39:42,431 instruction, praise, prayer, reading and esqoz-
The same mas w e of Solomon's temple, with ing (Luke 4 : 16-21;31,latt. 4: 23)


Paul wed synagogues too as places in which to Overseers and their families should set a fie
teach and preach (Acts 13:1416; f7:l-Q) example in this
Were problems a these ma?. be di-d
our day Kingdom Halls serve as*centersfrom with the congregation: a reswcE'uZ a ~ t r : C e
which Jehox-ah's pure worship is dwcted lomlly should be encouraged, but it-is not our rn
Some congregations rent meeting places, but ponsibility to make rules W o n 6 = k t tfie
others have built their OUP Kingdom Halls; Bible says as t o acceptable mies of do+&E
they should be adequate in size, well kept Persons who want to learn Jehovzh's wa>-s, bi;
An attractive meeting place that is clean, fur- who are poorly dressed, are not to be looked
nished in a practical manner, and m a i n t a h d down upon (Jas. 2:14)
properly is one t h a t refleck %?ellon Jehovah T h e Kingdom Hall should not ?xused for h n s
and His people acting business
Arrangemats must be made to care for the Jesus stopped the money changers in the temple
upkeep of t h e Kingdom H a inside and out. in his day (Matt. 21:12, 13)
It should be cleaned reg-darly,in accord with
its use and needs It should not ke used for wedding receptions or
All may have a share in caring for the Kingdom personal pursuits; however, nith the permission
Hall. w e n the childreh In this way all will of the congregation committee, it may be =d
]ear; the responsibility attached to the up for weddings or funerals at times that &ill not
keep of +',he Kingdom Hall, and \\-appreciate
ill interfere with congregation meetings
it more T h e Kingdom Hall js a place devoted to matters
The times of meetings- are determined IomBy. pertaining to worship
Since the whole congregation is affected by
this, times should be convenient for the ARRANGING JFOR A NEW KINGDOM EALL
majority yet seeking t o avoid undue hardships
on any, though in the minority As a congregation grows, it may be advisable to
It is good t o have a sign ~ y i r i g"Kingdom Hall mwe to a new location, renting or purchasing,
of Jehovah's Witnesses," also one showing or building a Hingdorn Hall. The congregation
the times of the meetings shouId decide which would be best, as their
Any arrangements for a display outside or inside contributions will pay for it
should be neat, attractive, 'and featuring up- There are advantages ta ownership, but lacs
to-date literature circumstances may necessitate renting
A telephone number listed under "Jehovah's T h e eiders should carefully consider the pros-
Wi~esses"in the telephone book can be help pects for a move and make their recommen-
ful. Free advertising by loml newspapers is dations to the congregation. They may consult
sometimes offered with those experienced in such matters M7eigl._
all t h e facts and present sumestions t o tihe
PROPER COh33UCT congregation, with enough defa<l so they h o v .
- AT THE E Y G D O M HALL what B involved
Strangers and visitors from other congre&ions, If the mngregation decides to build, it is ufllally
as well as regular attenders, should be welcomed best for the elders to appoint a kuilding coa-
(1 Pet. 4:9; Heb. 13:25 mitt= of several men who have good jud,ment.
T h e Bible study overseer especially will want to who are q r i e n c e d or interested in comtmc-
welcome nexvcomers and visitors, introducing tion, and at least some of whom are good busi-
them t o others nessmen; spirituality and humility, however,
A ministerial servant, assigned to be an atten- are even more vital for the work t o go smoothly
dant, can do much to help in welcoming those If a lean is necessary, consult the b m c h office
who come to the hall for advice
All have a responsibiIity to show love in this To own land or arrange a lm, it may be neces-
matter (1 Cor. I6:P4; John 13:35; Titus sary to form an assmiation or legal corpora-
1:7, 8 ) tion in harmony with I d laws ( R o a 13:l)
Keep the congregation informed of its financia?
Parents should control their children at the King- situation and have adt-ance approval for use of
dom Hd;disorderly children, 'qet on t h e Ioose," con-tion funds
cause shame (Prov. 29:15) Building cammitt* decide whether to hire a
Unnecessary trips to the rest rooms or playing builder or t o arrange for brothers to build it
before or after rnwtings shouId be discouraged Be very eareful t.5-ith the money entntsted t o you
h case of problems along these lines, speak to in connection with the Kingdom Hall; avoid
the parents, as they are responsible for their waste. View t h e offers to work as valuable
children's conduct contributions by the brothers, wing their help
as much as possible to cut costs and organizing
Wearing suitable clothing at meetings shows our matters carefully so their time is not wasted
respect for the Kingdom Hall as a pIace of Encourage as many as possible to share. The con-
worship struction is related to our worship, and time

spent on the Kingdom H a l should be viewed Within our own congregation some may need
as a part of our service to Jehovah help in a material way, especially if the loml
Sisters may help by preparing food for the government makes no provision for kancial
workers. Some may wish t o help in the eon- help
m c t i o n too, performing lighter tasks, clean- hdividuals may ald needy ones in the #ragre
ing up, e2c. Many sisters appreciate having gation, but the inundate family should B-
a share in he work pecially provide such help (1 John 3~17,18;
It is important to keep the field mhistry going 1 Tim. 5:8; h i a x 13:89)
during construction work. If some are not able Congregational a s i d a n r e or reLief &forts to
t o spend as much t i m e in the field as a result d e e m i n g ones m d d be done under the di-
of Kingdom Hall work, no one should criticize rection of the elders and with the appmal
them, but encourage them, and help them get of the --tion (1T h 5:9, 10)
the work done Congregations or individuals may c o n b i t e
Watch that none are working so hard at the directly to .the Society
Kingdom Hall that their families are n+ Any matters that involve funds of the mngrega-
glected, or their minism in the field is aban- tion, outside of normal operating expenses,
doned. Work out a good schedule to leave should be presented to the congregation in
- some time far family study and field service, written resolution form Congregation funds
as well as regular meeting attendance for all need ta be handled carefully, with neat, ac-
of the workers curate records kept of dl transactions
Some of the sisters, younger and older pub- It is appropriate to acknowledge contributions,
lishers, and dl others not able t o help out ex- whether by receipt, letter or reading the
tensively on the Kingdom Hall can be en- financial report. The reading of the Society's
couraged t o carry more of the lead in the field acknowiledgment letter assures brothers that
Brothers may desire to push building work far their money is being used as they directed
a few months to get it done during good build-
ing weather The Christian way is to support the work by con-
Long hours of hard work M y be needed to tributions from many, rather than large con-
finish the project, but Jehovah blesses those tributions from just a few
who sewe him whole-souled (Col. 3:23, 243 W e never pass a collection plate, however, the
1 n e n building is =shed, it ulould be appropriate matter of contributing can be discussed from
for local elders to arrange a dedication pro- time to time at the meetings so that aTl are
Fram an-are of the share they may have, but it should
not be necessary to do it often
FJX-LYCLTG JEHOVAH'S WORK Christians can be encouraged t o set aside m e -
- BY' TOLUKTARY COKTRIBUTTOKS thing reguIarly if they wish (ICor. I6:14)
TertuUian wrote of the early Christian mngre-
I t is Scriptural to give finanrial support gation (Apology XXXM, 5): "Even if there
I"o1unta1-y contributions from the heart are a- is a chest of a sort, it is not made of money
couraged (2 Cor. 8:12;9:73 paid in e n h c e - f e e s , as if religion were a
The English word 'contribution' (2 Cor. 9:131 matter of contract. Every man once a month
comes from the Greek word koi-noai'a, which brings some modest coin--.or whenever he
means "put fellowship into activity" or 'shar- wishes, and only if he does tvish, and if he
ing of things with others' can; for nobody is compelled; it is a voluntary
Christians cantribute both time in the minis- offering'"
and material things (Phil. I.: 3-5; 4: 16-18) Small canb-ibutions from fhe heart are just as
We do not enrich Jehovah with our contributions pleasing to Jehovah as large ones (Mark
to his work,but he gives us the opportunity 12:41-44; Ex. 35:20-29;2 Cor. 8~12)
in this way to show our love far him, blessing
those who contribute voluntarily (Prov. 3:9, MAIN POINT: Whether large or small, our local
10; Matt. 6:l-4; 1 Chron. 29: 24-17) Kingdom HaU should be well kept and inviting as
a center of pure worship
Contributions are needed today for paymen& on
buiIding costs (or rent), upkeep, lights, water, SQURCFS: ad: 314,1522, f564- 2565,1569; (rr 103105,
149, 150
heat. etc.
There are times when extra money may be TEACHING S W G G m O N : Lecture. Mscuss practicd
for keeping a Kingdom Hall clean: afso
needed for relief of congregations; in distress arrangements
how brothers have ob-ermme problems in buflding
(Rom. 15:261 Kingdom Halls, such a s in organizing the work
No. 41 - Second Wednesday, S:00

Worldwide Organization to Praisc Jehovah



TO PRAISE JEHOV*B ather congregations are formed due to gmwth
of already established c o n m t i o n s ; the size
Jesus' ministry saw the gathering of-p p I e who limitations of the Kingdom Ball may make
recomd him as Jehovah's Messiah, and the a new congregation ad\isable, w problem
muip~ingand W d h g of fiem to be preach- of transportation or distance may make f o m -
ers oi the lCgOOdnews'' ing a new congregation advisable
Jehoy& showd his f a ~an r those foDming the If more than one congregation is t o be affect&,
lead of J- by pouring o d his spirit on about t h e recommendation for t h e divfsion of an
120 persons at Pentecost 33 CE.;at that time already e-g congregation should be
Jehovah's C h d m COngRgatioII was formed made by t h e elders of a14. the congregatio11~
Gift s of tongues helped further a e preaching involved
work (Acts f :8; 2 :4-11) If elders wish fn await the visit of the circuit
h 36 C.E. God turned his attention to the nations overseer to hear his suggestions, they may
"to take out of them a people for his name" Recommendations to appoint elders and min-
(Acts 15:14) isterial servants for the new congregation
are made to the branch office by the elders
Though congregations met in various places, they in original congregation(s) when division
were united; thus Peter could refer t o these takes place; in the case of isolated areas
early Christians as, "the entire association of where no congregation previously existed,
your brothers in the world" Il'Pet. 5:9) mature local brothers, along with the circuit:
They did not operate independently, b& showed overseer, make the recommendations
respect for guidance of governing body and
concern for the needs of brothers in other Naming congregations is done BiblicdIy9 using
congregations (Acts 15:1, 2; Rom. 15:26; 16: name of city or town (1Cor. 1:2;1 Thess. 1:I)
161- - t When a congregation is divided inside one city,
"Association" refers to a group of people gath- geographrc or other designation describing t h e
ered together with a common purpose, and the location is used for each congregation, and on
purpose of the Christian congregation is t o correspondence to the b m c h ofice the name
honor Jehovah by d l i i n g in +he footsteps of of the city is dlse s h m
his. Son
Congregations of Jehovah's * r
s are stilt king
A city ovmseer is appointed for ea& & with
formed in our time, recognizing Jesus as their
more than one mgregation; this a p p o b e n t
does not change each year
,Head and se-g under the direction of his Branch office may commdcate with the city
"faithfu! and discreet slave" class (Matt. 24:43. overseer at times in connection with asjernblies
47 3
or other matters
The congregations belong to God; Wig under his He can give asskbmw to elders in other mn-
Pule, t h e y are part of a worldwide congregation, gregabons in the city if q u e s t e d
theocratically arranged and directed (Acts 5:
DEVELOPMENT Circuit averseer is a traveling elder appointed
OF LOCAL CONGREGATIONS h u a h the branch ofice to visit the mngre-
Formation of new congregations He meets with and cooperates with the body of
Fsom a Scriptural standpoint a group of bap- fellow elders in wring for the flock, gives dis-
Christians who meet together are a congrega- courses and works with local publishers in the
tion field
To benefit from the services extended to other L a d support e s d b l for beneficial this
congregations, an application should be med should be encouragd by all elders
wit31 the bran& &ice; for such an application Purpose of his visit is to upbuild 3Jrotha-s-
to be accepted, there ought to h a group of through Scriptmd ?aks, build up appreciation
persons who are baptized proclaimers of the for privilege of saving Jehovah, share sug-
"good neups," persons who t n d y are Jehovah's gestions and experiences
Christian witnesses and who r e c o w the
"'faithful and discreet slave" and who want t o Preparation for his visit
work under its djrection to advance p m wor- Congregation is notified about two months in
ship advance of visit
Such new congregations may be formed in areas His visit a time of intreased field a#ivity, EO

handbills and increased magazine supply may works with the ones who are present for
need t o be ordered group witnessing, and may arrange for his
Accommodations and meals to be arranged for wife t o accompany sisters in the congregation
him, and his wife if he is married in t h e field
Presiding overseer asranges for circuit overseer H e and his wife devote as many hours as pos-
to meet with congregation, pioneers and body sible to the field ministry
of elders; locations for meetings for service
and territory t o be selected; records gathered After meeting with eiders he makes repert to
at Kingdom Hall just before visit; enthusiasm branch office about his observations, spiritual
stimulated for full support of field service, condition of the congregation, points considered
both mornings and afternoons, during his visit with elders, and leaves a copy with presiding
A good time for some t o plan temporary pioneer overseer
service If there is any unhealthy spiritual condition,
appropriate counsel and aid should tse con-
Activity during h is visit sidered with elders, maybe with congregztion;
Tuesday afternoon he consults congregation then included in h is report
recards, may read last annual report by former
presiding overseer, consult record cards To follow up circuit overseer's visit, discuss with
Re examines territory file, accounts, literatme congregation how to apply beneficial q e s -
supplies; that aftemmoonor evening he gets tions made
details of week's activities from presiding Call on individuals who showed in* during
overseer his visit, conducting studies he may have
A meeting with t h e entire body of elders is ar- +started
ranged later in the week If congregation does not cover expenses for trans-
Local presiding overseer acts 8s chairman, hav- portation, food, lodging, the circuit overseer
ing in mind matters for discussion, and cir- sends request for these expenses t o t h e branch
cult overseer is invited t o give observations officewith his monthly field service report
or counsel on these or other matters H e receives a small monthly allowance; these
Chairman can introduce points or ask another overseers show they put Kingdom interests
elder t o do so; aIl elders should contribute to first by trusting in Eod t o care for needs (Luke
the discussion 12:31)
It is not exaected that circuit overseer will have
answers 10 all questions, but he will gladly CIRCUIT ASSEMBLIES
share whatever information and experience
he has Circuit assemblies are held twice a year for two
N a set length of time for meeting; determined days, usually Saturday and Sunday, including
- by what needs to be discussed congregations wrved by same circuit overseer
Circuit overseer is a shepherd; individuals should Encourage alI to be present for the frzll. program
feel free t o approach him for help and counsel Sunday morning at assembly, circuit and district
Meetings are held at &ornary times during t h e overseers meet with all elders in circuit, with
visit, conducted by ones normally assigned t o district overseer as chairman
do so; times for special meetings are set by Consider shepherding and other needs of congre-
the presiding overseer gations, also important material provided re-
The book study t h a t circuit oversees visits may cently by "faithful and discreet slave" class
be concluded ten minutes early sa he can
offer words of encouragement (Acts 13:15) Circuit overseer recommends and branch oEce
Last half hour of service meeting is assigned t o appoints permanent assembly personnel: as-
him for a discourse sembly overseer, assistant assembly overseer,
How-and-fifteen-minute meeting near end of and a news representative
week w i l l include new things learned from Circuit overseer may assign others t o care for
last six months' Watchtowers, Scriptural various departments so he can give primary
attention t o program
- .
Awake! articles. or new books of the last vear.
and also a ~ c r i p t u r ataZk
l Conkibution boxes are provided t o cover circuit
The circuit overseer will give the public talk, assembly expenses
and, as conclusion of his final meeting with Circuit overseer assigns a brother (no regular
t h e entire congregation, another thirty- change of appoinhnent necessary) to care for
minute discourse circuit funds and pay bilk circuit over^^^
Field ministry is scheduled from Wednesday approves
through Sunday Iffunds t o start assembly are -dent, circuit
The circuit overseer has much experience and overseer advises congregations so they can
can share it with congregation in preaching assist
and disciple-making Where a deficit exists at end of assembly, elders
Any who want t o work with him or have him discuss what contributions congregations mn
go on a Bible study can arrange appointments make, and then this is handled by means of a
through presidhg overseer; athenvise he resolution in each congregation

Any expenses out of ordinary are considered by Spirit and cooperation of volunteers making up
congregation elders (using only available cir- assembly organization indicate its theocratic
cuit funds), and they put matter in form of direction
resolution and vote on it Service performed not for pay, but out of love
May be announced if of interest and encourage- for Jehovah and brothers
ment to brothers; for example, donation to Congregation can support this arrangement if
Society could be announced individuals or groups volunteer to work b s
Usually after an assembIy there are M c i e n t tween or after certain sessions or to work
funds to start next one; money dften deposited during the whole assembly; good f o r elders to
with branch office between assemblies encourage such service
Conduct of thuse attending assemblies is reflection
DISTRICT O R G A ~ W I Z A ~ O N of training given in local congregations
District overseer serves as traveling elder appoint- At assemblies in your area, are children well be-
ed through branch office to speak at circuit haved?
assembly programs and share in service with Is real Christian love shown in sharing seats
a congregation in assembly area with newly interested ones, elderly persons and
- -
Branch officeplam his schedule so he can spend others ?
one week in a circuit for each assembly held D o the majority remain until after the closing
Local congregation provides a c c o m d a t i o n s song and prayer?
and meals, if possible, during his visit Assembling with fellow Christians protects against
Tuesday afternoon he meets with circuit overseer spirit of world, strengthens faith, equips one to
and wife and discusses their ministry (will be better servant of Jehovah (Phil. 4:8; Rorn.
work in field service with both during week) ; '
also discusses special needs the circuit may
H e usually works from Wednesday through
Friday in field service with groups, sharing The branch overseer, who is appointed by the
practical suggestions Watch Tower Society, has general oversight of
He arranges his own schedule for working with congregations in a country or group of lands; he
individuals in field service according to who arranges to supply literature and supervises
comes, but elders should encourage regular preaching and disciple-making work so people
daily support during visit in territory under t h e branch can hear the
Re and wife devote as many hours as possible - "good news"
to field service Usually once a year the Society arranges for a
H e gives a one-hour Scriptural talk to the con- zone overseer to visit branch offices, Society
gregation on an evening the presiding overseer printing plants, and missionary homes on oc-
- determines casion
If t h e body of elders 'want his counsel they may Re examines records of branch, considers over-
m a n g e t o meet with 'him; some evenings sight of congregations and accomplishments in
he will need for assembly rehearsah preaching and disciple-making work; he gives
District overseer is assembly chairman at the talks t o local brothers, and shares with mis-
circuit assembly, being responsible for the sionaries in field service as his schedule permits
program; he is assigned t o give the public talk
and other parts Christian congregation world wide serves unitedly
He makes report to the branch office after the t o advance pure worship ICol. 3: 14)
assembly, including points discussed with el- Working closely with fellow servants brings us
ders and circuit overseer; may submit expenses closer t o Jesus, the one appointed Head of t h e
for transportation, room and board, if these congregation, and to Jehovah, whose spirit
have not been covered permeates the congregation and whose Word
and spirit guide its operation in harmony with
Traveling overseers have assignment changes his righteous purpose (Prov, 3:5, 6)
every t w o years; may be switched from district
to circuit, circuit to district MAIN POINT: Provisions made for us to assemble
Once a year a nmber of cbcuib for a together, as well as the visits of traveling wer-
district assembly seers, contribute to the unity of the Christian
Program cares for spiritual needs af ones in co"mgation wide
attendance SOURCE: or 82-90,101-103,105-107,W3, 154
physical ne& h a d e lmay TEACHTNG SUGGESTION: M e r C ~ S Sdiscussion of
mean doing house-t,,-house material, review (1) what presiding overseer does t o
looking for prepare for circuit overseer's visit, (2) what ran be
n ~ ) , (Usually available on done t o ensure good support for field sewice and
a c c ~ m m ~ d a t i ~food
assembly grounds and served for moderate special meetings during visit of circuit overseer, (3) part .
price) presiding overseer plays during visit and how he
cooperates with visiting brother, (4) practical points
Mmy volunte@rworkers are needed for assembly for discussion during meeting of elders, 15) what can
to run sm00thIy (Ps.110:3) be done to follow up on visit by circuit overseer
KO. 42 - S e n d Wednesday, 4:SO

Marriage, Separation and Divorce

MAKING CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE followed by cohabitation to be legally valid
"HONORABLE AMOKG ALL" and is provable by the writings, declarations,
Marriage is a close, binding, sacred union between or conduct of the parties"
man and woman In consensual arrangement (actually fornim-
Christian arrangement to have one mate, as in tion or adultery and not really marriage)
Eden (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:46) couple live as husband and wife by mere
Woman made t o be man's helper (Gen. 218; consent without regard for any further act
1 Cor. 11:8, 9) or writing and even if one or both are dl- ,
ready legally married to other persons
Marriage to be "honorable [ti'rni-as, "precious," If, before coming t o a knowledge 'of the -,
as at 1 Peter 1:19J among all" (Heb. f3:4) a person got divorced on unscripturaI grounds
Individuals show 'honor' for marriage relation- and then legally remarried, he does not have
ship b y carrying out God-given roles; showing to alter his marital status in order to qualify
honor requires action (Compare Matthew for baptism; must rely on Jesus' sacrxce to
15:4-61 atone for previous sins in regard t o adultery
Wife shows subjection to and love for husband; and fornication (Eph. 1:7)
gives him marriage due I1 COT.7:3-5;Titus Anyone who got remarried without havjng a
2:4, 5) Jegal divorce is living in bigamy; before he
Husband carries headship, displaying consider- could get baptized, he would have to separate
ation, love for wife; gives marriage due (Col. from present mate, or get a legal divorce
3:19) from the former mate and then legalize ar-
Unmarried persons shouId abstain from fornica- rangement with present companion, if they
tion and loose conduct; seek mates "onIy in continue to live together
the Lord" (Deut. 7:3 , 4 ; 1 Cp. 7:39; 1 Thess. When marriage vows are taken a couple become
4 :4-6) husband and w i f e ; sex act is not needed to
Marriage "honored' by obedience to God"s law; make i t binding
He will "judge fornicators and adulterers"
(Heb. 13:4) Kingdom HaIl must be used in way that ~ e c o g n k e s
Congregation cannot tolerate as its approved, honorableness of marriage
baptized associates any who choose to prac- Service committee decides if it may be used f o r
tice fornication or adultery wedding by those Scripturally and legally free
Could not accept a polygamous person (Rev. and morally clean
- 21:s; 1 Tim. 3 : 2 ) If committee allows, undedicated person may use
Before baptism, we counsel pdygamid to Hall, though must additionally have good re-
take Scripturally proper course; man's first P r t from Persons outside orgamtion
wife (senior wife) is his actual wife. In Committee decides what preparations for use of
eyes of God, she, as it were, has tolerated Ha31 for weddings will be allowed. Showers,
his adultery with other women. So, he shower announcements and receptions are not
should take her unless his first wife had permitted
died or chooses to divorce him. Then he ,Preferable for elders (or, when necessary, rnin-
might choose t o live with one of his other isteriaf servants) ta perform marriages
wives (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19 :9) Customs of bride price and dowry exist in many
Marriage "honored' by recognizing law of secular muntries
state t o the extent possible Bride price is what a man pays for his wife; was
state may properly make as to ,stornary in ancient Israel (1Sam. 18: 2 @ n )
granting lega1 to mamiage Dowry is something of that father gives
rangements (Natt. 22 :21;Rom. 13:1-4) with his daughter when she gets married as
Marriage should be legally registered, thus a
making parties legally responsible for each assistance far newly mar-
ried muple gift" of9:16,
other. Recordina children's births is legal
protection, as
inheritance matters. 3ven H O ~ ~ RMARRIAGEmG
common-law and consensual arrangements
should be fully Iegalized by marriage i f at an AVOID IN^ S E P A h ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~
possibte when persons come into truth Christians should be determined to make their
Common-Iaw marriage defined by Webster as marriage last; this shows appropriate -t
"an agreement not now recognized in many for it as God's arrangement
jurisdictions as a legal marriage between a Mod VOW taken include showing love, honor,
man and a woman t o enter irlto the marriage respect and staying together till death; in-
relation without eccIesiastical or civil cere- difference t o vows is lying to God, detestable
many that in many jurisdictions must be [Lev. 19:12; Rom. 1:31, 32)

Believer should seek to stay with an u n ~ ~ p.

g 5K7) says: "sropv~Ea[pmwi'a] alSO be
mate. Bible's teachings should ~ ~ P T VmFa - tmnatural vice,' ... sodomy'"
riage, e.rTmif only one p m e r is ChnsUan and Under Law covenant certain immoral s a d re-
home is religiously divided lations brought death penaIQ- and thus any
Discuss 1 Corinthians 7:10-16: marital relations hi^ with the guilty one was
' If a Chrjjtian leaves his mate, con- to dissolved. These included:
apostolic advjee, he should seek reconcifiatian A man's having sexuaI relations nfth another
with same mate or remain unmarried; not man's wife ( U v . 20:10-12)
free to 'date' others {Verses 10,Il) The woman sharing in t h e adultery was also
T h e believer's worship may possibly give excuse put to death (Deut 22:22)
for mbeliever to depart In any event note A man's having sexual relations e t
h another
at #e Bible says, "Let [the kliever] not man (Lev. 18:22, 29; 20:13)
Seaw/>Christian Enms marriage is te last While lesbianism {homosexzral relations be-
(Verses 12,13, 151 tween females) is not mentiond in t h e He-
Aid for believing with an unbelieving hus- brew Scriptures, the apostle's words at R&
band found at 1 Peter 2:18-3:5 mans 1:24-27,32 show that it is as worthy
Note willingness to suffer even physically for of death as male harnosexual mlations
righteousnessysake as did Jesus. Emphasis A man's having semd relations with a beast
on "subjection," "chaste conduct" and (Ex.22:19;Lev. 18:23,29; 20:151
"deep respect" A woman's having sexual reIations with a beast
Staying together brings definite benefits: Re- .. [Lev. 18:23; 20:16)
lationship is honorable; possibility of Wva- None of these were bivTal matters; they were
tion for whole2-family; Christian wife has grossly immoral
provider, sexual parher: two parents for chil-
dren; Christian husband tvoutd have similar Any such immoral sexual relations, whether with
adtatages one of the other sex or not, nahrral or m a W ,
Children considered '%oly," thit is, mder mme within the BibIe meaning of "fornication"
&\-he care anand nith life prospects in new Ipornei'd
system (Verses 14, 26) Therefore aH such inidt sexual relatiom pro-
Nevertheless, child expected ts show "@ne vide gromds for Scripturd divorce
and upright" conduct consistent with its One who obtains a divorce on such Scriptural
age (Prov. 20:11) grounds is also Scripturally free to remarry
Bigamous "marriage' with another person rvould
SCICLPTURAL GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE provide Scriptural grounds for divorce
3IatfheWysaccounts of.Jesus' words clearly give
Divorce of sexually u n f a i w mate not obxgatary
one Scrip- grounds for divorce: "On ac- (Nos. 3:l)
-count of fornimtion [pomei'a]" (Matt. 5:32; of sexual immorality may affectdecision
19:3-9) death, of c o m e , dissolves mar- Ch&tian love, high regard for marriage ar-
riage CRom. 7:2, 3; 1 COT.7:39) rangement, concern for children as m-& as
Mark 10:11,12and Luke 16:18 understood only other factors, may move person to tcant to
in Ught of Matthew's qudifyhg phrase preserve marriage if possible (I Cor. 13~443;
1Pet. 4:s: Matt. 6:12.14,15)
. . .
Pwnei'a ("fmicraffon") as used in first century Depending on circumstances, it may be advisable
C.E. refers to "illicit sexual intercourse in gen- t o encourage innocent mate to forgive, but
eral" (Thayer's Greek-nngtish Lexicon of the it has t o be that one's personal decision
New Testament} ; "-unlawfulsexual intercourse Innocent mate could ask self: Did I by attitude
generally" ( 7% V d c W r y of th-e Greek New or conduct partly M u a c e mate to do wrong?
Testament by Moulton and Milligan) If innocent one willingly resumes relations with
It is a b o d term (like t h e term "pornography" guilty one after learning of sex- unfaithful-
ckam from it) ness, this cancels basis for Scriptural divorce
Tfierefore other m i hmda-tions use such as far as what was confessed is concerned
terms as "gms immorality," " m a l im- I innocent mate had relations not knowing of
moraliwr" "sexual sins," instead of "fornica- the sexual unfaithfulness, whether it took
tion" in their renderings of pwnei'a pIace recently or some time ago, when the
It is not restricted to e-arital sexud re- sexual immorditg is uncovered t h e innocent
Iations between maIe and female in a natural mate could forgive or could refuse forgive-
way ness and get a divorm based. on Scriptural
Jude 7 uses praei'a with regard to the un- grounds
natural sex acts of t h e men of Sodom and Innocent mate may obtain legal divorce on any
Gomorrah lmthful gmunds, but shouId dearly establish
Of its use by Gmk-spe&ng Jews around the with the congregation c o ~ t t e widen=
e of
start of the Common Era, the TfmlogiwZ ''fornication" in the Scriptural sense before
Dictimar?, of tlte X e t ~Testament (Val. IT, action is taken, if this is not the legal ground

What evidence of sexual rrnfaithfuhess is d- t u 7 d y free to do so. (31 Both new partnm
lowable by judicial committee if divorce and may submit to t h e congregation a signed
remarriage are t o be pursued? statement vowing faiMuhess to the new
(I) Admission of guilt by accused p- to the mate and stating their w i l l i n g n s to obtain
committee. ( 2 ) Strong circumstantial evi- legal certificate if it becomes possible
dence (testified to by at least trvo witnesses). Such persons tvould now be considered mar-
For example, evidence t h a t mate stayed all ried according t o the law of God. Thus if
night in same house with person of opposite one partner later commits "fornimtion" in
sex Cor in same house u-ith a known horn* the Bible sense and thb b prowd t o cem-
sexual 1 under improper circumstances. (Deut. rnittee, innocent one is free t o remarry-
29:15; Pmv. 5:8-11)(33 If charged one is Again, signed statement by t h e new Couple
un5eliwer, his oral confession to believer will \vould be net-
su5ce. In such mses, the burden may te A person "married" under && dnum-
aLIowed to rest with the conscience of the stances where secular law is more r e m c
innocent one. Committee will take believer's tive than God's, must be prepared to accept
signed testimony any legal sanctions brought by Caesar;
Legal divorce where Scriptural grounds are not this is not t h e congregation's responsibility
involved does not dissolve marriage from God's-
3T.m or woman divorced on other grounds is SHOULD SHOW
exposed to danger of adultery; though may "JZILRRIAGE HONORABLE AMONG ALL'
be free to marry by permission of secuZar Tkis can be done by taking care d their o m
law, not by God's (Matt. 5:32). families in proper way; handling selves respect-
What if law of land does not allow divorce on fully around other members of opposite sex not
any grounds, including sexual unfaithfu1ness? their mate
Recall that God has f i n d say in matters of mar-
riage; w e do not want ta be'considered un- When acting in a judicid way, treat each case on
d e a n by him its own merits
S d a r authority secondary,relative. To extent Above points are guidelines based on Bible; they
possible, w e should abide by such law on mar- do not cover every possibility
riege matters also: who wants; to be con- Seek t o find motives, weigh cbmmstances in
sidered adulterer or adulte~ssby his country- every person's case, with a view to holding
men? marriage in 'honor'
However, where there is proof of sexual un-
-- faithfulness, innocent party may go t o an- MAIN POINT: Once anyone enters into marriage
other country, get a legal divorce and marry it is to last. It is sacred. Prob1ems will arise in all
in that country. Marriage will be recognized marriages, but every Scriptural and practiml ef-
mywhere by t h e Christian congregation, fort should be made t o preserve the union
even in his original country SOURCES:H 219242;tr 118I80: ma 332335; ad ma.
If innocent mate cannot afford to leave m- 1114-1117;6 8 E5,256,5'5,576;w70 511.512
b y , (1) must present elders with definite TEACHING !3JGGESITOhT: After discusion of mate-
proof of Yornication" in the Bible sense, rial, class may comment on: I l l What
(2) fully exhaust whatever legd steps can counsel djn g h t be given n Bible student makma good
m t h but liring wthout benefit of mar-
be taken, such as legal separation. Then if progress
riage? ( 2 ) When would a person be Scripturally free
innocent one wants to remarry, he is Scrip- for remarriage?

Pursuing the Way of Love

THE WAY OF LOVE: IS BASED ON justice, ~ d o m power,
, etc. (Deut 32:4; Job
KNOWING THE GOD OF LOVE 36:22;Rev. 7:12)
God is Iave, the personification of love, as shown His love of righteousness requires hatred of
in all his dealings with mankind (I John 4:8) wickedness IProv. 6: 16)
H e demonstrated hk Iove by sendinp his Sen The more rve know about Rim, the dosex we are
Jesus Christ as mnsom, thus gjving prospect drawn t o Him
of et-erlasring We to believing men (John His love fs ever sure, nwer fails (Ram. 8:3!2,3.
3:151 39 3
HF created in us the ability to Iwe, so we can Our showing low for God and for fello~x-humans
copy his r a y of showing it t our bowing Him (1John 4:f-2,
is a ~ s u l of
As a Person he has other qualities or attributes: 19)

"AGAPE" LOVE: GOVERNED BY The Christian viewpoint makes a person realize

PRINCIPLES LEARNED TELROUGH that all he does is due to strength from Jehovah
STIJDY OF GOD'S WORD (Ps.343, 2; Isa. 12:2; Ze&. 4:6)and from
his Son (2 Cor. 12:9)
Agape love is guided or governed by principles;
it m a y or may not include fondness, thus Chris- 'Does not behave indecentTy9'
tians show love even for those for whom they This aspect of love prompts one t o walk honor-
have no fondness (Gal. 6:10) ably in the view of those inside and outside
One must be careful that his love is guided by. God's congregation, never engaging in sexual
right principles abuses, indecent behavior, being rude, v u l ~ ,
Wrong principle says, 'Do good to me and 1 discourteous or ill-mannered (Ram. 13:13;
will do good to you.' (Luke 6~32-34)Right 1 Thess. 4:11, l2)
principle says, "Love your enemies'' (Matt. Love avoids disturbing Christian bmaers by
5:44; Rom. 5:8-10) appearance as well as actions
Parent has natural affection for his chiId, but It keeps us from participating in unrighteomesrj
must be guided by right principles in training, or condoning it
as he may make mistake of indiscriminately "Does not look for its own interests"
satisfying aU child's desires, not giving Lave follows principle: 'Zet each one keep seek-
needed discipline (Heb. 12:7-10] hg, not his own advantage, but that of the
Supposed love may be actually famiIy pride, other person" (1Cor. 10:24)
which is selfishness Take t i m e to study and associate with members
Godly love is a fruit of SehavaWs spirit (Gal. 5:22) of own family; consider how you can assist
others in congregation (Gat. 6:lO)
Love builds up the one who has it; it is firm, A person having love does not demand that every-
strong, directed by godly wisdom, adhering first thing be done his way, but is concerned with
of all to that which is chaste and right (I Cor. t h e spiritud welfare of others rather than just
8:l; Jas. 3:17) his own "rights" (ICor. 9:22, 23;Rom. 14:13,
Love never fails but continues t o grow stronger 151
as added to through knowleage of God and his "Does not become provoked"
wise arrangements and loving provisions, re- We should exercise self-control, avoiding out-
vealed through the congregation (ICor. 13:s- bursts of anger
13; Eph. 3:10) There is no need to be easiIy offended by what
others say or be afraid personal dignity may
HOW LOVE IS DEMONSTRATED be injured; make dlowances for shortcomings
(Discuss description of love and its actions at of others (Prov. 14:29;Eecl. 7:8, 9)
I ~ o r i n t h i a n s l:4-7;
3 ask students in what ways "It does not keep account of the injury"
they note problems in the practical application
of the various aspects of love in their congrega- Love gives benefit of doubt, is not overly sensitive
tion. As time permits, discuss outstanding or touchy
situations) W e should not exercise vengeful spirit, putting
something on "account" to be settIed with an
"Love is long-suffering and kind" with brothers individual later (Lev. 19:18; Rom. 12:19-21;
and with other people Matt. 18:21,22)
It continues putting up with unfavorable con- "It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but re- ;
ditions or wrong actions of others, but not out joices with the truth" I
of indifference or approving the wrong (Eph.
This may work ta other's eventual salvation and
Love sides with right, finding no plea&re in
wrong or in lies, or in any form of injustice,
not even if the victim is one's enemy
will bring honor to God's name (2 Pet. 3:15)
It is generous and considerate, following example Love wouId rather suffer wrong than commit an- i
of God,who makes rain fall on righteous and other wrong in an attempt to get even 1
Agape love does not side with one chastised or ,
unrighteous (Matt. 5:45)
"Love is not jealous,"is not envious of good things
coming t o others, but is content with lot in We,
find fault with the correction; we might gain
corrected one's favor, but would be harming
rather than helping him
not seeking position occupied by another or W e are not loving if we do not care for our re-
displaying constant suspicion without cause sponsibgity t o handle a problem invoIving
(I Tim. 6 :4 8 ) wrongdoing (Heb. 12:6)
"It does not brag, does not get puffed up" "It bears alI things"
One who loves exalts God, upbuilds others, not This shows willingness to put up with unpleasant-
pushing others down to appear greater himself, ness, to suffer for righteousness'sake and over- ?
or constantly telling of own accomplishments look minor offenses; it shows our forgiveness .
(Ram. 12:3) is real (Prov. 17:9; 1 Pet. 4: 7,8)

%z4ievs all things" Show deep mncern for each one in the mngre
This includes faith in all things God has said i? gation, through home visits where practical
his Word of m,even though others scoff Conkibute to their spiritual enlightenment in
We must be intensely loyal t o Jehovah, and his private and congregational con\-emtion
Son, the congregation's Head, following di- Always be available to talk with the brothers
rection based on God's Word coming through Help them t o feed their hearts and minds on
his theocratic arrangement (PhiI. 2 :9-12; God's Word (Ps. 1:2;Phil. 1:9, 103
Heb 13:17) Be concerned with all, whether old or young, sick
Love is not m i l e but tests the "inspired ex- or well, newly associated or long in mth
pressions" b see their source (1 John 4:1; Visits to older ones mn be source of strength to
Acts 17:11, 123 them and often pmvide fine opportunities for
Love indudes mddence in faithful Christian a mutual exchange of enmuragemat
brothers, not disbelieving them unless '&ere is Arrange loving assistance for those having need,
good evidence they are wrong (2 Cor. 23; whether physical or spiritual
GaL 5:lO; Philem. 21) Much can be done with youth if they are drawn
' W ~ p e sall things'' into activity in the congregation and given
things to do, with parent's consent
Hope in all thiugs Jehovah has p n , M , con-
tinuing t o work, patiently waiting for Jehovah
_ Visits to brothers shodd never be perfunctory or
so scheduled t h a t eider is just following a
t o bring fruitage (Rom.12:12; Heb. 3:6) routine: should be visiting out of bath agape
Be patient with \+eak ones, hoping for best for and phiS'a love, with a sincere desire to help
Christian brothers and encouraging interested
ones t o be moved by God's spirit to serve Nim Discipline is also a means, of showing love
( 2 Pet. 3:15) Those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines (Heb.
"Endures all things" DiscipIine Involves teaching along with giving
Willingly endure hardships in expending oneself correction
on behalf of others in God's service (2 Cor. May use questions to draw out the person so as
4:&12, 16;11:23-28) t o understand his thinking
Keep integrity no matter what the Dwil may do; Do not give your own opinion, k t base mumel
this course brings blessings ( R o n 5 2 - 5 ; Matt. on God's Word
10:22; Rev. 2:10j
When handing problems, small or great, be loving
"Love never fails" and kind
God" love for us is unbreakable; we want to Object is to help people stay safeIy inside me
show the same love for him, his Son, his Word Christian congregation and prevent Satan's
-and for our brothers (Rom. 8:35, 38, 39; Col. overreaching them
3:14) Be tactful, reasonable and Impartial in harmony
with Jehovah's wisdom [Jas. 3:17)
mTFESTWG U)VE AS AN EWER B y praying for peace of entire &ation of
IX THE CONGREGATIOX brothers world wide we d e m o m t e love (Ps.
W e show love for Jehovah as weIf as for our E2:6-8;1 Th-. 5123,25)
neighbors by congregational shepherding and
taking the lead in preaching and disciple-making P U E S ~ C TRE WAY OF LQVE
Build up love for field-ministry Treat others as you like to be k a t e d yourself,
Not a matter of putting pressure on brothers showing consideration and helpfulness (Matt.
(there are no rules on how much each should 7 :121
do and when and howl; but emphasize that, h v e is shown not only in ~plritualmatters but
as there is urgency in preaching t h e word also in conduct, manner of speech, many other
within the congregation, there is similar ur- practical ways
gency outside thereof (2 Tim. 4:1, 2); the Train children to show love by assisting with
field service is part of the "fine works" far chores in home, showing appreciation for
which to show zeal {Titus 214) thinns done, respect for others
Recognize fie lidtations of others well as consid& wishes bf mate in connection wtth
their varying abilities and do not expect too vacation plans, entertaining brothers, zhedule
much from them of family activities
Let headship be with same Iwe Jesus showed
fiovingly assist others in various features of the for the congregation {Eph 5 :28, 29)
field ministry
The two greatest commandments require showing
Particularly offer assistance t o new ones, t d h g Iwe (Mark 12:2&31)
with them to see that they know what to do This quality must be d.tit.ated, shown both by
and are given assistance by others as needed word and deed, but it is a principal way in

whfch we can imitate God and it brings great MAIN WINT: The way of love is pursued b3.
happiness t o those associated with us developing a dose reIationship ~4thJehovzh and
%en under great pressure from Satan, love his organization and showing we love our bmthex
enable you to maintab in-t~ through our following right principles an6 m-
Dernonstmte your 1 0 %for ~ f ehovah by yam ~ e - forming tms&ish acts i n their behalf
Tiance on Him SOWCCES: ad 10191m;pns 32539; 4SS3R

Safeguarding the Cleanness of the Congregation, Part 1

REASONS R?TP THE CONGREGATION H he nqmtedly fails t . come ~ to hearing, corn-
BmST BE KEPT CLEAN mi- will go ahead with meeting, but nc~t
Being pure and holy, Jehovah does not tolerate judge the person until evidence and tm302y
are considered; should not take action -a
uncleanness among his servants; they must be him unless evidence proves person's g11.3;
spiritually and mwmy clean to represent him
properly (1Pet. 1:14-161 Avoid demanding attitude; -t kindly

Requires constantly working against desires of B he has sinned, objective is t o help him get
t h e flesh, influences of the world and tempta- restored spiritually, if possible, rather t h a
tions of the Devil - drive him away
Elders have responsibiity t o Safeguard the good Judging of matters is a heavy responsibiiity
spiritual condition of the congregation (1 Cor. Direct matters and make investigation so as to
5 :3-5) get all the facts (Deut. I3:12-15)
When cases of serious wrongdoing come to your Must be two or three eyewitnesses, not
attention, with concern for t h e congregation persons repeating what they have bead; no
and for the individuals hvolved, follow through action can be *.en if only one witness (M.
on the matter 19:15; 1 Tim. 5:19)
Endeavor t o restore spiritzrdy the erring on- Can accept confession as conclusive w i l m s s
% possible ? against self wit\out other mrrolmrathg s i -
Unrepentant wmngdoers must k iremoved from dence
the congregation Before taking any action, be sure that there is
sound SmipturaE reason for doing so, aIso that
EErnrnGS the action contemplated is what is actually
BEFORE THE m I u CO-E required
Matters t h a t must come before the judicial mm- Where one d a t e d is implicated by confession
mitt= for handJhg: (I)Sins t h a t have brought another, if the one so implimted denies being
- congregation into public disrepute. ( 2 ) Loose of involved, charge cannot be accepted against
co~ductof gross nature, bordering on fornica- him unless there is more than one witness; the
tion; or fornication, adultery or other serious one so implicated could be innocent as claimed
sex-ual immorality (even if only one offense). Person confessing and making charge would be
(3) Repeated acts of lying, stealing, &ken- disciplined as needed for the sin confessed or
ness or similar sins for lying as t o the sin's actually having oc-
fn other cases that are not of so grave a nature, if curred
the wrongdoer approaches an elder and openly Mare serious action likely would be necessary
confesses the wrong and manffests sincere if found later that he was lying in implicating
repentance, good counsel from the elder may the other person (Deut. 19:17-21)
m c e to "readjust" the individual; t h e elder H person implicated is grlilty, Jehovah h a w s
shoutd also inform the presiding overseer of (Heb. 4~13)
the matter and tell him what was done t o If he is found &Q? later, appmpriate action
handle the situation can be taken, as he would be guilty not only
Where a m t i o n involving something of a nature of the sin charged, buE also of lying in den?-
that ulould q u i r e committee attention i ~ made
; ing i t at l%st and letting the other person
against another, committee decides if accusa- be viewed as a pos'bfe liar
tion has substance
If so, invites accused to meet with them ASCERTAINING TEE REAL A-E
Best t o send invitation in writing, Morming OF A WROYGDOER
him what his course of action is suppo& to Since there are degrees of wrongdoing, -11-
have W n sib%@ rests on dders to determine action
Advise that he can bring witnesses needed
Tf time set p r o m iaconvenient t o the accused Avoid trying $0 fit case into set of rules; t h h k
one, another t h e mn be selected in t ~ r m sof principles

What has person done? What does the Bible -f but still the important fa& h, Is he
actually-say about such conduct? HOWhas the EPentant?
wmngdoing affected the congregation? Is the
m n g d o e r genuinely repentant? I n a t judi- F M W ~ f G CAmS INVOLVING
cial ~ c t i o nis required? UNAB%OUNCED RESTRTCTZON
Reproof mn be @\.en 'Wth mI&essw(2 Tim. OF PRIITELEGES
2:2426; Gal. 6 : l ) T h e m n u n i t t e e decides if a case E X W ~ S public
Some people need t o be reproved 'With sever- reproof or not
ity"; (Titus 1:lO-13; w 165-168) General conditions allowing for handling with-
In cases where it is established fhat a serious out public announcement: dl) Single offense;
offense was actually committed, the mnmittee not practice of sin. (2) - Had n o t ignored
should also consider these factors: (I) What earlier admonition or mproof ; had not 31r-
were +hecircumshmces leading up to t h e wrong- sued' wrong, but was overtaken in sh.
doing? C2) Was there evidence of the persoc's (31 Nust be m y repentant (41 Wrong CUE-
crating amnW things or 'murting trouble'? has not brought congregation into public &-
repute or is n o t such as u4l be readily hot.;-n
(3) Had he been admonished before that his by mng-regation or the public
course was leading ton-ard danger? (43 Was it
a single offense or was it committed more than Zn seeking to "readjust'%& a one, be sure he
once? ( 5 ) Was his confession voluntary or did dearly understands Jehovah's viewpoint of the
he have to be accused Sly others before con- wrang; also help him to appreciate Jehomh's
fessing? (6) And, above dl,does he show t r u e mercy and haw t o ava3 himself of i t /Gal, 6 :1)
repentance and manifest a heartfelt desire t o
avoid repetition of the wrong? White there may be no public announcement,
spetial privileges are removed
Neither gravity of wrong nor bad pbbficity is what Appointments as elder, mimkt&al servsnt or
finally determines if the person should be dis- pioneer, or assignments of subordinate nature
feLlowssped: rather the determining factor is are canceled
the individual's sincere sepentagce or lack of it Committee decides if best for him not to wm-
How can fme repentance be identified? ment a t meetings or to give student talks for
Not all show true feelings by outward emotional a while; likely will not be d e d on to oBer
manifestations; in contrast, crying does not prayer an behalf of songregation
always indicate godly sorrow Presiding overseer notifies ethers who conduct
Has individual contritelv raved t o Jehovah meetings as t o restrictions imposed
and sought his forgiv6nGs &d mercy? Has Can share in Aeld ministry and freely attend meet-
perhaps voluntarily come and confessed
- he t o "older men," seeking their help in line with
ings, but no requirements set
Comtnittw may stmngIy recommend &con-
James S :13-16,19,20? tinuing certain associations or habits, where
What motivates whatever sadness, remorse and these contributed t o wrong course; terms of
regret he shows? Is it worldly sadmess or godly recommendation should be reasonable and
sadness? (2 Car. 7:8-11) Scripfural
Should n d be just regret over being found out N o prohibitions on eating and drinking or other
or damage t o reputation; naturally one r e ttlinm SScriimw allow, but m m m e n d a t i o n s
grets Josing privileges can be giv& an moderation as needed
Should be deep regret over damaged relation- Arrange to visit and otherwise talk with him t o
ship with Jehovah, a heartfeIt wanting to build up spiritually
come back into God's favor, remorse over
reproach brought upon His name and people Restaration of privileges is done gradually as
(2 Cor. 7:11, 12) committee sees widence of his regaining spiri-
Repentance also involves a 'change of miad' or tual stability and appreciation for J e h o ~ W s
'change of will' rjghtmus ways
It must stdude hearbmotivated refection of Commenting at meetings might ke a
bad course as repugnant, hated; conversion to handling student talks; Iater he might share
right thinking and conduct (Ps. 97:30; P,am. in a part on the SemiC@ meeting, assist a nin-
12:9) jsterial servant, read at meetings and, when
Love of right and hate of bad m a t e positive well adjusted, offer prayer
force to bring forth "works that befit repen- When privileges can be fully restored depends
tance" (Acts 26 :20) upon gravity of wrong and progress individual
makes in becoming s p I r i W y strong and in
Some manifest repentance right aftm sin and W e gaining respect of the congregation
steps immediately to confess: others do so later May require several months odp, or a year or
Some even do so at meeting with judicial mm- even more; the committee's concern s h d d
mittee be: What is b& for the erring one and t l e
Is in person's favor when he vo1untal"Lly con- congregation?

Before recommending him as a M e r i d ser- When person ~ etso point where pritileps
vant, he &odd be "free from accusation" and Qn begin O -tM, no need to annome
"irrepmhensible," which may m e s2vem.l tbis; m e m b r s of the congregation wZI k m z e
years or longer aware of it
E person moves to another congregation, the
Ifone under restriction as to privileges moves to judicial committee t W e srrpenise furthe?
mother congregation, the judiclal committee caring for the matter, including gradual reSn
there follows =me procedure in helping erring of privileges
one get spiritually strong againi and in restoring
privileges Branch office should be notified in wery ca.~
The committee of the first. congregation mn where wrongdoer is publicly reproved, if pemz
acquaint new committee wrth t h e ease to ex- was appointed as elder, ministerial sen=: or
tent necessary; but there is no need to contact pioneer; such appointments are mceled
&t committee when full restoration of privi- One .thus removed as a pioneer should wt IE
leges is made m m m e n d e d again for at least a :-a ar d
only if he has a good recommendation h f r c z n 5 2
U T L Y X G CASES THAT' REQUIRE judicial committee
Whether the case is handled with or wftbmf
Some serious cases. of wrongdoing require public public announcement, the individual should -SI
reproof in line wth 1 Timothy 5:20 (Read and dentand that a repetition of sin or o t h e r *
consider in class) getting involved in serious wrongdoing c o t ?
Conditions either requiring or allowing for public result in his being disfellowshiped
reproof: (11 If serious sin m.committed more
than once, thus a "practice of sin'V2) men if ADMONISH T'FIOSE
single act of serious ~vrongdolng,person may "SOT OBEDIEKT TD OUR WORD"
have f d e d to heed past admonitions as to con- Pad instructed that mes should b~
sequences of going in the tray he mas headed, "'marked" for failing signifieantIy in
and thus may have been 'cou+ng trouble' by to apostolic exhortation and instructio~.s
a measure of loose conduct prior to getting into (Read and discuss 2 Thessalonians 3:14, E ir
serious trouble. (3) Wrong may Rave become class)
public knowledge or is of such a nature that it
would readily become subject of discussion in They do not act in an orderly manner, p e r k y
t h e congregation. (4) Ln all cases, must be letting others in the congregation suzyrr
sincerely repentant and have turned away from them when they are able t o work t o ,cur=-
wrong course themseIves, or idly meddling in matters ,-.:-_
their concern
Announcement made that pefson named has en-
gaged in "conduct unbecoming a Christian''
'marking" does nut indimte any public E?-
nouncement; bd rather that others mcz?~
(Do not mention specific sin, to avoid possible individual to be poor company z -FT
legal diEculties) example
Show what privileges will be Festsicted for a Not assodatinn with him intimately ~tr::
tvW e make him as-hamed, to motiwte a &azze :L
Make no mention of specific time period; this heart and conduct
depends upon progress person makes in be- Not viewed as expeUed, however, as &?I-.
corning spiritually restored particularly elders, would "continue a5rr.r-
Some do not respond as readiIy to discipline and ishing him as a brother" (1Thess. 3:1C, ::
ne& more severe reproof t o cause seriousness
of situation to be deeply impressed on their AVOID A s S O m n O N
Public reproof thus has several pmposes: Pason When a p e r m is disfellowshiped, he is cb
reproved with s k t y that he "may be healthy from the congregation: it goes W5er -LC
in the faith" I T i k f:13); all in t h e congre- 'stopping their assmiation k' zs lz
gation mn assist erring one, not putting temp- 2 Thessalonians 3:14,15
tation before him; reduces likelihood of gossip Heed the divine counsel to '"remove the wjd&
or questions as to whether committee has han- man from among yourselves" (1 Cw. E:?,
dled the problem or not; howledge of the action 11-33;1 Tim. 1:19, 20)
puts other members in position to defend the
congregation before critics as upholding the The admonition at 2 John 9-ll applies to t k s e
Bible's standard of conduct; and announced so who mrepentantly practice immomlisr. or c1-5-
'that the rest may have few,' to make each one conduct resulting in disfe31msiipirg
CLOP and think serious1y a b u t his own conduct, These people reject the teachhp cE fie E y e
t o see whether he needs to make changes in his just as much as those who rejerr it d-<:-:
own W e so as not to lose Jehovah's favor hence, none should m t =>- a30 he:% 'XY

disfellotvshiped or welcome them into their They should refuse to listen to objections to the
homes way their cases were handled; appeals should
go to the committee
Blood relatives not Ifvhg in same home with dis-
fellowshiped relative should avoid contact with ELDERS 'HI SHOULDER RESPONSfBIUTY
this one just as much as possible
If living in same home, such as nith a Wellow- If elders are careful to get all the facts and weigh
these as well as the evidence of repentance in
shiped mate or child, faSthful ones should cease the light of Bible principles, it should k evident
spiritual interchange and fellowship in most cases what should be done
It is hoped that u~ongdoerwill be impressed with If additional advice is thought,-n l5ey
sEulness of his course and begin te ma%-e can confer with other elders in the area
spiritual fellowship, inciting him to repentance
At *he s a n e time. this action upholds good repu- D o not be quick to write the b m c h offim; the obli-
e t i o n of the Christian congregation and pro- gation rests upon the I d judicial mnxnitk~ee,
tects Jehovah's people from the bad influence not the branch office, to make t h e d&on
They are on the scene and &re able t o get l%e
DXeUowshiping a child does not prwent parents fa&, see the manifestations of rrepe-t ~ance
fmm co-eling or disciplining on basis of God's and otherwise get acquainted with aLI that is
m*ord, as necessary hvolt-ed
C i E could qui~tIysit in-an farnay studies, not It is difficult to place a31 vital factors before
zs approved sharer, but as a Listener, heping brothers in the office by correspondence
that *his would benefit him in attainin,= re-. The omce does not have any special imbmztions
pentame you do not have in the Bible and the SacieQJs
To a a i c i n a t e in fmflv mdy, child would have pubIicatians
ti 'rpe reinstated on &is of-his repentance Always look to Jehwah and follow d y %he
Faithful person may encourage his or her dis- instructions in his Word, so as to imitate h h
fellon-shiped mate to turn around and seek re- and his Son in clearing out what is bad, wMe
instatement showing mercy to t h e repentant
This does not mean sitting down with this mate

in Bible study, but rather enmuraging re- ~ ~ ~ T : C ~ ~ t i o n s m u s t b e k q t e Z e
pentanre Mercy can continue to be shorn to wrongdoers
who are m y repentant, but unrepentant ones
Family members &odd not Zisten to djsfellow- must k put out if the congregation i~ t o EprG
shiped persons 3 such attempt to justify t h ~ -sent Jehovah properly
selves or influence the faithful ones to thew SOmCES: a 1w170, ms 420423, ad
- way of thinking or acting 139; w?O 35L 352

Helping Others to Make Advancement

Genuine advancement h the life of a Christian OF ATTAINING TO CERTAIN POSITIONS
involves drawing closer to Jehovah, deepening IN THE ORGANIZATION
our relationship with him The apostle Paul urged Timothy to think in terms
In doing this we more closely imitate Jesus, of advancement, but in what way? (l3hmss
whose entire purpose in life was the doing 1 Timothy 4: 11-16)
of his Father's will (Heb. 10:7; John 5 3 0 ) Timothy was already an elder; Paul was not
Such advancement involves gr0w-k.h in knowIedge writing about getting a new appointment of
of Jehovah, in appreciation of his ways and service or a change of assignment
in responsiveness to his direction Even though an elder, Timothy could make pmg-
True Christian advancement will never cease; re= in more fully conforming his conduct, his
we will never come to the point where there speech and h is attitude to God's ways (Verse
is no more to Yearn about Sehwah and his l
1.G 1

ways. (Rom. 11:33, 34) He could continue to in his personal

knowledge of God's Word and his a b i W tQ
Cluistian advancement is manifest basically in use it (verses 13, 36)
two ways: (1) By progress in conformiTlg anr R e could aka apply himself t~ imp= in hi
conduct, speech and attitude to God's Word handling of the service assignment entrust&
12) By taking hold of privilew of sen;ice that
afford opportunities to seme Jehovah in fuller ta him by the h d y of older men Werse 14)
neafllre If "advancement" were limited to a w i n g m-

WJI positions, Shen a housewife who d d not Prayer: Do w e M y k e p our mind fmxd on
pioneer could not advance; an elder who was what is Ming d d when others represent tbp
presiding overseer and then was assigned t o be congregation in prayer? Do our o~rmpzy-ers
a book study conductor might feel t h a t he had show proper mncern far the n a m e and
moved bachvard ; etc. of Jehovah, not only for personal problem -ed
To the con-, all of us; need to advance and needs? Do we include other persons in a t z
there is ample opportunit~~ for us to do so; pxayers in a personal way?
congregation publishers, Pioneers, those who Elders can help others to make advancement in
go to ~ e t h e l ,and others, need to be helped these matters by showing personal interest and
to see opportunities for advancement that zre giving Scriptural counsel
open to them Matters needing attention mn be bmught up
In putting on the new per~ona2iethere a~ mat- at meetings, or emphasized when they a p m -
ters in which all PrOgreSS h scheduled s h d y material
fn what ways might one's conduct lst? made to Personal help is most effective when you know
conf o m more fully to Jehovah's requirements? the publishers well
Obedience to law, Tim 3:l; honesty, wen in You will discern n!zeds, be aware of limitations,
little things, Eph. 4:28; diligence in claring and be able to offer helpful suggestions; pa-
for me" ffamily responsibilities, Eph. 6:4; tience may be needed in discussing a matter
Titus 2 :4, 5 ; avoiding associations and enter- over a period of m e
tainment that can corrupt morals, Phil. 4:s; You will realize it when the pason makes spec
Mae. 5:28; put-ting the weLfare of others c i d effort or shows signs of improvement,
ahead of one's pers6nal convenience, I Cor. and you can thus offer cornendation
10:24; Rom 14:19,20; Phil. 2:14;keeping Do not fmstrate people by giving them too
material interests secondary to spiritual pur- many things to work on at one time; bd
suits, Matt. 6~31-33; 1 Tim 6 5 8 encourage them to work on t h e important
h myhatw2ys might one make-better use of the things first
fac'dty of speech? By setting a g o d m p l e , you encanage
Avoiding uncontroned oultbwsh when irritated, others t o imitate you in applying God's Word
Eph. 4~31'32;comenting,at meetings, Heb. to their lives and sharing fully in congrega-
10:23-25; improving one's 'ability t o answer tion activity (I Pet. 5:3)
questions about our beliefs, Col. 4.16; convers-
i n g in a manner that upbuilds, Eph. 4:29; ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO REACH OUT
not ridiculing, belittlhg others, 2 Ki, 2:23, FOR ADDED PRMLEGES OF SERVICE
24; Rorn. 14:3,19;1 Cor. 16 :14 is needed, net only to cultivate a desire for
In what ways might one's personal attitude and Help certain privileges, but dlso to appreciate the
desires become more pleasing to Jehovah? need of qualifying for them
- Always relying on Jehovah, not on self, Prov. As an elder you need to h o w the qualifications
3 : 5 , 6; having a humble estimate of oneself, for these senrice privileges in order t o give
Rom. 12:3 ; f r e l y forgibing the shortcomings proper guidance, encouragement in reaching
of others, Col. 3 3 ;taking genuine pleasure out, and not cause frustration to b r o t h e ~
in applying oneself to study of God's Word,
Ps. 139:17; Brov. 2:3-5 Enmumge those in the congregation to demon-
strate fully their willingness to be used by Je-
There are opportunities to make the activities in hovah in whatever way he directs (Jsa. 6 : s )
which all of us share more meaningful or more H e will not force any of us; through his organi-
productive zation he makes o~mrtunitiesavailable: it is
Attending meetings: Do we offer comments? up to us t o 'offe~*ourselveswillingly; (Ps.
Are our c a m e n s in inouc words? Is our 110:3)
singing heartfelt? Personal - * CeSmayWtwhatwecan
Preaching the good news: Do w e share m E y ? do, but sometimes these can be altered; lack
Are there ways In which we could impmve our of lmowlcdge and experience mn limit us, but
presentation" we truly follow up on all who if we apply ourselves, these m~be acquired
show interest? h e there other features of ser- IE we seek to meet need4 qualifications for
vice in which we could share? Could we make privileges, Jehovah will use -not Aft-ys in
better use of opportunities for informal wit- the way that we personally may have in mind,
nessing? but in ways that will accomplish his will and
Showing loving concern for others in the congre- bring much satisfaction to us
gation: Are there persons who come t o the
ICingdom Hall and with whom we have not yet Brothers in the mngregation should be ~acour-
got acquainted? When others are ill, do we aged to make themselves availabk for service
show7 per~onalconcern? If we are able to do so, as an elder or as a ministerial servant bv m e t -
do we invite others to our home to enjoy ing the Bible's rw-ukements (1Tim. 3 : f-l~, 12,
Christian fellowship? 13; Titus 1:5-9)

If some shm g m d 'potential, it m y encumage fn order to reach ~ e i rgod and make a sue-
them if you discuss i t with them; show them cess of it
where they are doing well, where further de-
velopment is needed and how to achieve it cimltt and met OVeEeem are b * g dders
appointed by the Society tu their cimuit md
With encoumgement, many brothas and skkm, district positions; those who serve in this
young and old, will apply for temporary pioneer have had much experience in positions of m:e-
service during the year sight and in the field minkby, usually bamg
To qualify, they must be b a ' w and have a bwn pioners for some t i m e
reputation f o r good Christian conduct; they
should also have made plans that m i l l enable There is a constant need for willing workers at
them to devote 100 hours to the field service, Bethel.
if for a fuil month, or 75 hours if they will be To qualify, one must be baptized for a year; pref-
serving for two weeks erence is shown for those who are pioneem;
Many elders have set a m e example by emzling most of those invited are betwen the ages of
as temporary pioneers fmm t i m e to time, and 17 and 35, some up to 40; must be in good
this has encouraged others in t h e congregation health. and willing to work hard
t o do t h e same Single bmthm are particularly desired; manfed
couples may apply if they have xen&ed
m a r pioneer service should be enthusiastidly for three years and have no family members
advocated dependent on them; single sisters too are @HI,
Much can be acoompZisM by a M y emvest but the opportunities Em sin& sisters are
presentation of materid pmvided by Sodety usually greater in the field
for service meetings; offer personal encourage- Those who apply must agree to stay at Bethel
ment to those who show desire to pioneer; do . for at least 4 years; but encourage applicants
not put pressure on anyone, but build up a g to think in terms of making a career of &+he1
preciation and desire for it sewice
To enroll, one must be baptized for six months; h m time t o time, speak in the congregation
must have participated in, field service each about the work that is done by the brothers a t
month for past six months; must be able to Bethel, how it contributes t o the advancement
devote 1,200 hours a year to field service (an of pure worship, t h e need for w d h g volun-
average of 100 hours per month) ; must have teers, etc.
reputation for k e conduct, be clean in body When asked by the b m c h office for your mm-
and spirit, king free from habits that m n - ments about a Bethel applicant, pl- be
tambate the body or impair t h e mind, not straigh~onvardin n-hat you say; Lf so=leone
given to e-mes in dress and gmomkg; is not a hard worker, is k d e p n d e ~ to r d&
one's conduct, attire and attitude should reflect respectful, or is of questiomble r o m l s t a ~ ~ & ~ g ,
favorably on t h e congregation he will not be an asset 2t 9'1.heI:do not mrr=-
mend anyone for 3etheZ. ~ i ? i t .' w s e TOU
Pioneers who are able to seme anywhere they are think 'it would be good for LT.'Tkte q-2&on
needed cran be enmuraaed to reach out for should be, I%riUhe h g w i for %fig:
special pioneer service by improving in &n= Be balanced in offering encomgment to reach
return visits and conductbg Bible studies, &o out for these special opprtrmities of sem3ce
by endeavoring t o develop capacity to meet Encourage all who are able to do so t o view then
special pioneer requirement of 150 hours of as opportunities to sewe Jehovah with greater
field senice each month freedom from the world and to the full extent
that their circumstances allow; others should
Missionary seMce, fellowing m g at Gilead rejoice with those able t o lay hold of these
School, is open to persons who have been bap- opportunities, while they themselves sen-e Je-
tized 3 years, pioneering for past 2 years, are hovah whole-souled in their particular circm-
between 21 and 40 years of age; are single, or, stances
if m arr
ai then marrid at least 2 years, with D e n o t m a k e d e r s f e e l m a i t h f u l b u ~ e t h e y
no depend& children or relatives; h o w English are not doing the same; -B m y
well; are in good health and wTUhg to serve differ; some may need further help to gmw in
anywhere assigned knowledge, experience and appreciation
hliszionaxy senice in, to a rnnsidemble 0, advanmmt should not be moti-
like special pioneer work, but the m i s i ~ n - 4,penonal pride, a competitive spirit the W-
is in a foreign land and usually bas learn ing of prominence or to please men (1Tim 3:6;
a n m language. The Society provides a home, Gal. 5126; 1:10)
food and a small monthly allowance Because of desiring t o bring praise to our heav-
Some young persons set their hearts on mission- enly Father, we should all ever seek to reflect
ary sexlice before they finish their secuIar his qualities in f d e r mewwe (Matt. 5:163
Schooling; help them t o see what steps ta take As we come to know Jehovah htter, more fully

appreciate what he has done for us and the but all of us wn make advancement in conforming
rightness of his ways, it is only natural, that GUT fives to God's Word
we feel moved to give of ourselves more fully S O ~ C E Sxg : 188.192; a 1 3 ~ 4 7
in doing his Will T E A C F G SUGGES+mON: Either durin the -I
or at its conclusion discuss with studentssow
in t h e congregation m i g h t be encouraged t o reach out
MAIN POINT: Elders s h ~ u l d e n those
~ ~ ~able
~ g for
~ temporary or regular pioneer service, Bethel or
to take up added privileges of service to do so, other opportunities of full-time minism

No. 46 - Second T h d Y , S:00

Handling Congregation Records and Correspondence

CORRESPONDENCE brief explanation &odd be submitted t o the
Correspondence to and from each congregation The outgoing presiding overseer should submit
is usually handled through t h e presiding over- the "Presiding Overseer's Report on Congrega-
seer tion" (S-10)
Other elders or ministerial sewants prepare re- This report will include presiding overseer's
ports, orders, subscriptions, remittances, etc.; wrsoial observations on birihzal-condition of
t h e presiding overseer checks them and adds kongregation, congregation's accomplishments
his signam@ during the year and apparent future needs
It should be read to all elders at a meeting early
Letters written to t h e branch office should show in September; send original to the branch and
full congregation name, including city, state and put carbon copy in congregation Me
number, if assigned, as well as complete mailing (Discuss S-10 with class)
address of presiding overseer in upper right-
hand corner of letter ? E3ders should review qualifications of regular
When replying to a letter received from the pioneers (if any) each December
branch office include date and office desk sym- Submit Personal Qualifications Report ( S-325)
bols in opening paragraph for only those who have potential for enlarging
their service privileges or whose cirmstanees
Uder and ministerial servant recommendations would allow them to move elsewhere to serve
should be addressed tr, the Governing Body in as regular or special pioneers
care of the branch ofice on the form provided Reports are not required for pioneers whose
- Include the person's name, age, date of baptism, marriage mate is not pioneering, infirm pio-
whether of t h e anointed or "other sheep," neers, pioneers with family obligations that
whether recommended as an elder or minis- would prevent them from moving, pioneers
terial servant and notation as to previous ap- who will soon leave t h a t service
pointment of service Reports should be submitted on those who have
t h e desire to expand their service to Bethe!,
Other correspondence Is simply addressed to the Gilead or special pioneering, etc., and a7hc
branch office are in position to do so
All cases of disfellowshiprnent or disassociation {Discuss S 3 2 6 form)
should be reported in writing to the branch
by the judicial committee MAGAZINES, OTHER LITERATURE,
A Ie#a should be submitted to the office im- SUBSCRIPTIONS AND HANDBILLS
mediately after the decision is reached, 611 Total dkt~ibutors' copies of m g i ~ A n e sdesired
three on the judicial committee signing the should be ordered on a Distributors' Order
letter (M-202)
Give full name of the individual, date of and Quantities can be determined by having publish-
reason for the action, and a brief review of ers place a standing order for a set amount
the evidence for each issue
Retain mrbon copy in congregation's permanent Publishers may get their study copies tkmg11
file the congregational arrangement
Additionally, a written record should be submit- Ehcourage regular pickup of magazines t o k e g
account balanced
ted to the branch about any elder, ministerial Check that magazines received equal amount
servant regular pioneer or special pioneer shown on label
whose privileges are restricted because of Presiding overseer should write the branch
wrongdoing when a discrepancy exists
When recommending the removal of elders or Each week submit money received to broaer
ministerial servants for any other reason, a caring far accounts

The quantity a litemtwre to be ordered should be A bank amount in the name of the congregation
determined by checking the movement of the may be opened
same or similar items durir~gthe previous ye- All check dram on the account shodd 2>e signd
Order only once- a month whenek-er possible by two persons designated by the body of elders
Encourage alI publishers and pioneers to order AU, expenditures must be approved by the pre-
literature, including Yea~books,through the siding mTerseer
congregation Magazine, literature and remaining subsdption
( ~ w i e winfomation in o m ' g p a g e of cost remittances should be submitted to the branch
Lkt [S-151) ofice by the 6th day of the foUowing month
W e n you meive shipments they should be A Remittance and Credit Request form IS-201
checked for completeness should be used
u Discrepancies shodd be reported promptly to The proper remittance should accompany the
the branch by the presiding overseer form
Each week submit money received t o the brother
caring for the accounts The brother caring for the accounts should pre-
A progressive inventory of Literature is kept for pare a monthly h c i a l report, which should
the congregation be read t o t h e congregation
Actualcount inventory is *en September I The form for such a report is shown in the In-
each pear and the special form CS-18) is sent slructions for Congregation Accounting (S-ZT)
to the b m c h by September 6 The presiding werseer should see to it that the
Subscription slips (M-1 and 34-101)shmld be s u b tongregatian accounts are audited way three
mitted in duplicate by the publishers to the months, in September, December, March and
brother caring for the accounts for formarding f une
t o the branch weekly Any irregularities found should be reconciled
The brother responsible should check for legi- before the next audit
bili ty, neatness, accurateness and completeness MRancid contributions t o the Society will be used
The congregation name, and number if assigned, for the advancement of the Kingdom work
should be shown on each dip Some brothers contribute a specific sum an-
The subscription slips, together with Remittance nually, others contribute at other periodic
and Credit Request (S-20) form and covering times (1 Cor. 16 :14;2 Cor. 9:7)
remittance, shodd be given to the presiding None should feel his contribution is too small
overseer to be checked and sent to the branch to be sent (2 Cor. 8:121
The dupLicate slips, marked "COPY,"are clipped Funds and property can be milled to the Society
together, dated as t o when they m e rnaild Those desiring to do this may write to the
branch for details; hon7ever,the S o c i a does
- to the branch and filed
not draw up t\;ilIs. for individuals
HandbiZEs should Ix ordered on the Handbill Oder In some countries the Society accepts "condition-
form IS-16) al donations"from t h e brothers, which funds
Presiding overseer and field overseer shodd mre- may be returned to the in&\-idual on request.
fully check the order form for completeness Brothers may inquire for details if such an
Special instructions under "Points t o Remem- arrangement is available locally
ber" should be followed each time an order is Congregations may resolve to contribute money
submitted t o Society at times jf circumstances permit
Payment should accompany each order; use a T'he contributions received are used wisely by ~e
separate form for each style of handbill Society t o cover expenses a opcratimg branch-
A minimum of six weeks should be allowd for es, printeries and farms, and to cover mission-
printing and receipt ary, special pioneer and circuit and distnct
CONTRISUTIONS AND ACCOUNTS RECORDS Contributions are also used at times to a
Gontributions receivd at congregation meetings needy brothes and sisters who are v m
should be entered on the amounts records after of persecution or some disaster such as a
each meeting flood or an earthquake (Rorn. 15:26)
Contributions received at the Ringdorn Hall d Care in handling records, funds and comqmn-
be collected by t h e brother caring for the dence in connection with congregational mat-
accounts, at which time he wilI make out a ters shows appreciation f o r privilege of senice
Contributions received at the study groups will MAIN POIhT: Appreciate that all correspondence
be co1Iected at the end of each study and and c o n g r a t i o n records should be handled with
turned in regularly to the brother caring for care and accuracy
the accounts, who will issue a receipt SOURCES: 5-10,S-15, S-20,S-27, 5326; sg 84-87; Z,73
Accurately Teaching the Way of Truth
find OMwhether he really is draTFing a m b
manges in the thinking and the fives of people At the end of your &cussion, review key points;
depend on their getting accurate howledge having heard your arguments in suppon of

(Col. 3: 10) them, his mind may be more recephve t o em;

Only when a person sees dearl'y what is required, also, repetition helps one t o get details clearly
and appreciates why it is right, will t h a t one in mind
be moved t o change his persondlitv
Hazy ideas do not h z the ~ same effect, as fiey AC-TELY TEA-G TEE TRLrSH
leave one in a mie of mcerTaitlQ FROM THE PLATFORM
fn faithfulnes to our God, we should a m t e I y Prepare well so that you Teally h o w what you are
convey his words (ITim 23, 4) talking about
Accurately conveyed teaching p r o ~ d ea~solid Gmd preparation d~ mu& to prevent o m h
foundation for faith and stLmuIates to activity m a b g i n a m t e statements; inamraw in
(Phil. 1:9-11] details undermines the confidence of >-olj_r
Accurately conveyed teaching honors the Source hearers in what you say
of the teaching, the Grand Instructor, Jehovah Lack of clarity may result from inadmate
IIsa. 30:20) preparation; as a result the audience may draw
wrong conclusions
'PREACH THE WORD," h a c h h g involves more than simply reading Bible
KOT SOmTHTXG E'LSE ' texts; help your audience to understand them
Elders have the m n s i b i l i W to "preach the Emphasize key portions of the t& under con-
xvord," God's message (2 tin^ 4:2) sideration (Rom. 10:6-10)
They should avoid preaching their orvn opinions Make appLicaZion b.the argument at is being
on matters that are up to one's conscience and developed
avoid speculating on world events and other
matters, not trying to stir up others through Do not to cover too much
sensationalism (1 Tim. 1:3-7;Titus 3:9;Rom. Though you may have the points dearly in your
14:3, 4 , l O ) mind, will t h e audience come away with ac-
Nothing we might say is as effective in accom- curate understanding?
plishing God's will as the Bible itself Web. Take time t o use contrast to help dear out
4:12) misconceptions they may have
Ask rhetorical questions to prepare their minds
Be sure Ulat any cuurml you give is fully In har- for important ideas; then state them
- mony with God's Word; wrong advim (e.g., Key thoughts often need to be repeated
on matters of marriage and divorce, also an
Chistian neumity3 mn lead a person into Enth&m in your delivery d m much to keep
serious sia audience alert, interested, so they really hear
If you are not sure, consult with other elders; and remember p o d material that you present
check the Society's publications for Scrjpturdl
WHEN DEALING WITH AN INDIVIDUAL Who are the "superior authorities" referred to in
Your teaching may be accurate, but the other Romans 13:1? (See verse 63
person may draw wrong conclusions; you mn-
not eompletel y avoid is, but ern a x mg- Matthew 24: 7 apply only to eht%' mnclusion
gestions t h a t may be of help of the =-stern of tbings'hsince 1914 CE.? (See
verses. 1-3, 161
W l y in the discusion, endeavor to find out what
the o ~ e rperson thinks on the subject & k g At R o ~ - E:1,what are the % a h e ~ ~ & 'mt
considered ( M a t t 16:13-16) strong ones ought 20 bear and how? (See Ro-
Give he
opportunity to express hlmwlf; ark n~- 14:1*4# 13-15~20, 21)
Who are "God's children" as referred t o at F b
This pub you position to em~hashe the
points needing special attention [Luke 24:
,,, 8:16? (S* verse 17,also 117)
13-27) Where did Cain get his wife, as = f e d to in
Genesis 4:17? (See Genesis 5:4; 3 : M )
Have the other person read certain scripatres and
then ask him what they mean; in this way you Who were the bad associats that Fad b e 5

mind when he wrote t h e words of 1 Corinthians It is not necessary te be "born again" in order t o
15:33? (See verses 12, 32 and 34) have God's spirit (Eh. 35~30,31; Judg. 6:N)
At Matthew 5:48, what did Jesus mean when he The soul is the creature himself, and e m W y swls
said, 'You must be perfect, as your heavenly are not immortal (Gen. 2 5 ; Ezek 18:4)
Father is perfect'? (See verses 43-47)
Christ's one sacrifice was sufEcient; it is not re-
In the days of Jesus' earthly m b k h y , who was peated in the Mass (Ron. 6 5 0 ; Eeb. 9:25-28)
the "rich man" referred to at Luke 16:19? (See
verses 14,15) Christ's second presence is in spirit (John 1499;
1 Tim. 6 :15, 16)
From what are we to %by out the opportune time,'
as stated at Ephesians 5:16? (See verse 11) A Christian must have no part in interfaith mwe-
rnents (2 Cor. 6:1417)
When Paul wrote, at Titus 2:14, that we are to
be "zedous for h e works," to what works did Taking blood into one's b d y in any way r i o . t e s
he refer? (See Titus 2: 1-10;3: 13 Goa's laws (Gen. 93,4; Acts 15 :28, 293
Christ's congregation is built upon h M r , not
EXPLAIN SCRIPTURES upon Peter as the foundation (Eph. 2:20; Isa
BY USING OTHER BIBLE TEXTS 28:16: Ma,#. 21:421
What is meant by Jesus' words at John 10:30 that Prayers must be to Jehovah thmugh
'he and his Fa* we one'? (John 1'7:20-23) Chfist, not k O U g h (John 14: 6, 15,
What is the " f o m d i n ~of ke world" before which 14; 1 Tim. 2:5)
Jesus was foreknown, as stated at 1 Peter 1:20? Observance of a weekly sabbath day h not re-
(Luke 11:50, 51) quired of Christians (Deut. 5~15;
Ex. 20:1,2,8;
What did Jesus mean when he said, as recorded Rom. 10:4;Gal. 419,143;Col. 2:16,17)
at Luke 21:33: "Heaven and earth will pass
away, but my words will by no means pass MAIN POINT: To convey accurate knowledge, be
away"? (Matt. 5~18; Luke 16:17) sure that what you say is in full harmony with the
Does 2 Peter 3:7 show that thg literal earth I s Bible, and use appropriate means t o make sure
going to be destroyed by fire? (Ps.104:5;37: that your hearers really grasp what you say
29; Matt. 5:5) SOURCES: 1578-1580;SQ 4954
TEACRING SUGGESTCON: IFfgh points of material
tVhat is the "wildbeast'%ferred to at Revelation may be discussed with class for about an hour. RE-
13:1, 2? (Dan. 7:l-7,17, 23; 8:3-8, 20-22) maining time may be used for a number of three- t o
Bve-minute scenes with brother explaining on return
ERlPHASftE visit one of concluding doctrinal points. Select teachings
- THE KEY PORTION OF SCRIPTURES for discussion that particularly apply in your area,
TO MAKE CLEAR THEIR APPLICATION assigning material t o students in advance. Use scrip-
TO TELE SUBJECT UhTTDER DISCUSSION tures shown. Students should not spend much time
on preparation, but consider it like any return visit
Christ died on a stake, not a cross (Gal. 3:13; where one i s prepared t o taLk a few minutes on a
Acts 5 :30) subject of interest t o householder

No. 48 - Second Friday, 9:10

Safeguarding the Cleanness of the Congregation, Part 2

DTSFELLOWSFIIPING TROSE congregation. To avoid Eegd difliculties, do not
WHO ARE UNREPENTANT state specifically h the announcemmt why per-
Persons who commit serious sins and are un- son was disfellowshiped. Simply state that he
repentant must be disf ellowshiped or she was disfenowshiped for awndud m-
becoming a Christian." It is a protection to the
Elders must show respect for Jehovah's stan- not to give in
dards of righteousness and holiness; also pro- to disfe~owshipedperson
tect conmgation
- - from willful sinners I1Cor.
5 :9-13) I baptized person joins a s e c u h o m t i o n
Care should be exercised by judidal committee the entire purpose of which is opposed to the
in accepting profession of "repentance" where Scriptures, he thereby repudiates the congre-
evasive lying, deceit or collusion had been gation and disassociates himself from it (Matt,
involved 4 3 , 9; John 6:15; Isa. 2:24)
E d e s i o n is to disfellow&ip, judicial committee If investigation of elders proves that he has done
should draw up announcement for reading to this of his own accord, then an announcement

is made t o the congregation so that all d gross disobedience, would have to answer to
know the decision he has made, announcing the elders who have responsibility t o deal with
that the person named, "by his course of con- such conduct on the part of any mmbers.
duct, has disassociated himself from the con- Being a minor would not shield him from
gregation of Jehovah's people'" congregational reproof
The judicial committee should notify the h c h Parents are responsible to care for minor t n s
ofice in each case, whether the individual was passes on t h e p m of all their children, without
disfellowship& or disassociated himself b-yhg to shift load upon elders (Epk 6:4; Col
Each member of the judicial committee should 320; Web. 12:9)
sign letter, which should give the date of the E baptized minor makes a practice of wrong-
action (or date of recognition of d'm a - doing. or does something of a serious nan-
tion), fie ground and a brlef review of the t h a t might lead to disfeIIomhiping. or * h t

evidence for i t brings congregation inta a bad light, t32s
Dkfellovshiped or b a ~ ~ c h t one e d may attend shodd be brought to the attention of +&
meetings open to the pubhc if he conducts Judicial sommittee will then meet with hap-Z,E
himself properly; he may not attend meetings minor; i t is adcisable for parents t o be p
held in a private home (2 John 10) to hear what is said
He should not try t o speak to others in a m - Primary objective of elders, as with any who
h e , just as they will not or talk mmmit serious sins, is to '*@' the yorng
to him brother or sister. In doing so, seek mope=-
Territory wiU not be assigned, neither will field tion of parents, in harmonious ~0rcha.ticzl
reports be accepted from him, as he is not
sponsored by the congregation in any preach-
of authority -*
As necessary, discipline is a d m m s k d : May
i n g he might do. Copies of the M e Q " s pub- q u i r e public repmof, depending upon grax--
lications may be obtained for personal use ity, extent congregation is affected or sin is
If elders learn of recent wmngdoing on part of Inomm; if, wen despite loving but fun h d p
a baptized one who has not associated for some given, unrepentant baptized child persists i;?
t h e , they should do what t h e y can to dear the umng course, he should be disfellowshiped
name of the congregation and to keep i t in In handling situations involving unbaptimd mi-
right stan&ng u9th God ? nors who regularly associate with congrega-
tion, P I ~ P P S will follow same principles and
NONBAPTEED ASSOCLATES procedure as with baptized minors

WHO ARE MltOKGDOERS No formal disfe1lowshiping where unbaptized

Unbaptized ones who have been m a r 1 y assr>-' minor is unrepentamt, but mngregation should
ciating and who become involved in serious be advised of the situation by announcement,
wrongdoing shotdd be dealt with in a m y sini- enabhng the congregation to safeguard itself
lar to t h a t in the case of those who are baptized against harm
They may not futly understand the Bible's stan-
dards, a d kind counsel and assistance may Parents have obligation to cooperate fully with
help them to adjust their lives elders in caring for spiritual purity of congre-
If they are unrepentant, the congregation shodd gation, placing the spiritual interests and safe@
be advised that their conduct is "unbecoming of congregation above family reIationships, not
a Christian"; but since they are not members covering up or excusing flagrant sinning on part
of t h e congregation, they are not formally of their children
expelled from it
NevertheIess, elders recommend that none in HANDLING CASES INVOLVING
congregation associate with such a one, in MARRIED COUPLES
line with 1Corinthians 15 :33. Service reports Unless seriom wrongdoing, elders should be care-
not accepted; but he can attend meetings if ful not t;o intervene unnecessarily in maritaI
he behaves himself affairs; can hdp where asked to do so
Association can be accorded him again when
he gives up the practice of wrongdoing and If serious wrongdoing comes to fight, the judicial
shows he wants to live by Bible prinripIes. committee could cornel, reprove or disfeUm-
This may take several months or longer, de- ship either mate as necessary
pending on the chrcumstances If wife is wrongdoer, they seek to coordinate
their oversight with baptized husband's exer-
DEALING aflTEI m O R CHILDREN cise of headship over wife
E a young person gets bap- thereby becl3ming Ihusband is offender, admonition and cmrection
a member of the congregation, it shows he will be given by judicial committee, in vim of
wishes to be an obedient disciple of Christ wife's subordinate position
While a minor, he is still subject to his parents, Restrictions on either mate would be governed
but now he also comes under the headship of by same factors as when any others are corn-
Christ, Head of congregation, and if guilty of s e l d or reprotted by committee

RErnSTArnG REBEYTrn The decision as to r e h s h h e n t d d h made

DXSFELMWSHIPED PERSOXS by the now+isthg c o m n n i t t e of the a m p
If elder is approached by disfeIIomshiped one, gation where the meUomhiping tmk phce
elder may give generd comments on what per-
son needs t o do to be reinstated AWEALTNG DECISlOh'S
This would not mean a review of his case, as this OF A JUDICIAL CORlMXTTEE
must be done by the current judicial commit- Am appeal can be made t o local body of elders
tee; elder should d i m 3 disfellowshiped one for a rehearing of one's case, if one belia-es
to committee for h d p toward reinstatement an error in judgment was made
A nent judicial committee can Iw made up of
Genuine repentanoe and turning away from wrong m e r e n t elders from same con-tim or
course are the chief d & m i n h g factors in de- from neighboring congregations, if n m
ciding when a person m y be reinstated, not t3e It is recommended that t h e pregding 0t-c-r
speci.5~act committed nor merely the l i m e write the branch office and have the o5ce
elapsed recommend elders who can help in heving
It may be several months, a year or even years the appeal
after disfellowshiping before reinstatement is AU previous evidence should be reheard, along
. possible with any new evidenw
A precedent is established by P a s s instructidns Wherever possible, members of the j u d i c i d
to t h e c o n m t i o n Corinth Ln handling the committee who previously heard the a s e
case of a serious mngdoer there. (Discus should be present They .can point aut any
I Corinthians 5:1-5, 9-13 and 2 Corinthians discrepancies they observe and testQ as
2:6-8- Second letter likely written only few . necessary
months after fist one) Appeal committee may wish to question the
Judicial committee should exercise special care first committee on reasons for reaching con-
to see that one is truly repentant if lying, deceit clusion they did
or conspiracy was previously manifest by indi- T h e testimony of all witnesses who have perti-
vidual 2 nent testimony and any written records
should be considered
If committee d a d s that person can be reinstated, Decision of appeal committee is fmd, whether
an announcement is prepared for the congrega- they affirm or reverse the former decision
tion; bnnch office is advised If clisfellorvshiping is upheld, appeal committee
As in Corinth, all in .the congregation should does not determine when offender is reinstated
"*kindlyforgive:' and "comfort" repentant one. but t h a t responsibility belongs with committee
Since he is not spiritually strong, he will need of congregation where offender was a member
help as he also applies self t o grow spiritually
PriviIeges will be restored gradually RESPONS~ILITYOF ALL ELDERS
fn time, conunittee may decide he can comment A rnIGJETY om
in meetings and still later do more as he makes Not just elders on judicial conunittee but all elders
spiritual progress. A year or wen more may are responsible to shephed f l o a teaching, re-
pass before he is called on to share h parts proving, reprimanding and exhorting as neces-
on t h e meetings or othennrise serve in repre- sary (Titus 1:9-14; 2 Tim. 3:7; 4:1-5)
sentative capacity, possibly even offering
Pray Great care should be exercised in order to avoid
Must be "free ffom accusation" and "irrepre- partiality, never Jetting fleshly relationships or
hensible" before recommended for appoint- personal friendships cause favoritism or bias in
ment as ministerial m a n t or elder. (1Tim. judgment (Deut. 1:17;1 Pet. 1:17)
3:2, 7,10;Titus 1:6, 7) Must 'live down' r e If an elder is personally involved in a mse, per-
proach and build up convincing record of haps n d e d t o serve as a witness or related
righteousnes. May take five, ten or m een t o a wrongdoer, i t may be advisable for him t o
years, depending upon gravity of wrongdoing. step d o m b m judicial committee and Bet
Some may never do so sufficiently in their another elder take his place to avoid any
lifemees appearance of partiality
If disfellowshiped person moves, announcement Seek to imitate Jehovah and hk Son in showing
should be made of his disfellowshiped status at mercy, dealing "moderately with the ignorant
new congregation where he attends and erring ones," as the high priest of Emel
was instructed to do (Heb. 5:2; Matt. 5:73
Any plea for reinstatement could be made to ju- Seek to "gain" erring ones, "meting with
dicial committee of congregation where he now mildness those not favorably disposed," or who
artends m e e ~ g s ;they consider evidence of show .rvrong thinking or understanding for a
repentance and right conduct and write recorn- time ( 2 Tim 2323-26)
mendation t o the judicial committee that first Paul did not prefer t o act with severity (2 C Q ~ .
took the action 13:101

Elders must nwer be didow to God or show dis- obedimt to parents and refusing to i m i k t e
respect for his holiness, nor manifest lack of and its ways; and by properly teatthing
loye f o r brothers they serve by a l l o ~ t i n gm ~ n g - interested ones Bible's high moral stank%
d o e s W go uncorrected or un~pmved;C-O~ one witneses serious wrongdoing, or comes to
tolerate corrupting influens (Compare I Sam- Ifknow of it, loyalty to M and his Son a
uel 2~12-1'3, 27-30; Malachi 2:3, 9: Jude 3, 4 )
motivate him to bring it to attention of j u d i a
Elders mn request assistance and counsel from committee. [Discuss Deuteronomy 13:gP; I..e-
fellow elders in a neighboring congregation. vrticus 5:1; Proverbs 29:24) We do not help
This wn be done without first corresponding wmngdoer by concealing his t ~ ~ o n g d o ~ g
with t h e branch office Decisions of judicial committee should b re-
Ministerial semnts do not handIe judicial mat- spected and upheld by all in congregation. Liv-
ters ing by Jehovah's requirements now is prepara-
tion for life in God's new system. Learning and
EACH ONE'S PART impressing God's rightwus precepts on m i l d
IN SAFTGUmDING THE CLEANNESS and heart will help us go the right w-ay =d
avoid great sorrow, leading to Cod's bl-g
AII in congregation have m n s i M I i t y to help and everlasting life
keep congregation clean ( 2 Cor. 7 : L ) This is
done by: Onc's oum personal conduct; resisting MAIN POINT: All have a responsibility to k q
temptation; refusing to- feed mind on m n g the congregation dean, in order to have J ; e h d ! ' s
ideas: by parents' properly .training and dis- continued favor and blessing
c i p l h g Their children; younger persons' k i n g S O U R E : 0s 17@1S

No. 49 - Second Friday, 18:M ?

How to Aid Those with Marital Problems


RESPONSIBILITY OF ELDERS TO HELP them happiness if they faithfully carried them

First-cpnky elden helped permns with marital a d his wicked @em t o dormgrade
problem: inspira~on they marriage; Christian husbands and wives can
comqspl *at today to help m- bring to Jehovah's name hmain~
tian couples (Eph. 5:21-33; 1 Pet. 33-71 matters in His way, on the basis of love
m e goal of elders is t o help couples apply God" s e l p them to realize that marital are
- counsel so that thw 'stick W e ~ e r ,and
' enjoy due to mm to apply .pe mmsel of &cs
thehap~inessGodPumformarriageto w o ~ ; ~ m a y ~ ~ f ~ - t o h a v e r e g u l
bring (Watt 19:4-6) Scriptural &cussion or family study m o v .
It is 1102 the business of elders to butt into others' 3 :1-61
private marital affairs. However, when muples ~~l~ them to appmdatedue of
desire help, elders should be willing to provide regular
discussion family study; perhaps you can
it invite them to join your family study a t i m e
or two to build appreciation far t h e arrange-
If there is screaming, lack of forgiveness, repay-
Whenever possible. talk with couple t o w e r ing of evil for evil, this is all due to failme t o
about their problems, rather than listening t o put on the new personality, which results from
only one side accurate knowledge of God" Word (Col.
It is not your place to set d e s , but simply show 3 :7-10)
the Scriptural principles involved and how
these can be applied If they stark to make s b n g s ~ ~ s a t i o nand
patient; remember that problems aft= ~ ~ t e E W C W a tai o
d ~t o raise their
old and wounds deep, so tire fieding pro- ask that they direct their comments to mu
may be slow Point out that one of their basic problems wi-
dently is inability to communicate. \\%at is the
Try to help couple to look above their problems to reason?
see that marriage is Jehovah's provision, and One problem is that they need to lean, to dtivate
t h a t his name and reputation are connected t h e fmits of God's spirit, including kindness,
with it (Gen. 2:18-24) mildness and self-control. God gladly gives his
Marriage is an arrangement instituted by God; spirit t o those who ask .Ear it (Luke 11:9,10,
he blessed the union .of the first human pair, 13);so fhep need t o learn t o pray for Jehovah's
and assigned them activities that mould bring help before they speak (Jas. 1:s)

T h e ability t o discuss matten h an upbuilding ural" in view of how their Bodies are made
manner will also be aided by their learning to (Rom. 1:26, 27; 1 Cor. 13:5:1
be forgiving (Luke 17:4; Eph. 4:3l, 32) In the matter of sex relations d ~ r h gthe worn-
an's mens'ttud period, due considmation
Use the Bible to remind the husband he is %'head should be given to what is stated in the X&c
of his wife" and 'ought to be loving her as him- law, even though Christians are not under the
self,' and try t o help him see how he can improve Law (Lev. 20:18)
in doing this [Eph. 5:23, 28, 295 Parents of minor chiIdren who nm away, lie
As head of his wife, does he really sholder the about their age and then get d e d , haw a
responsibility of headship? personal decision to make
Does be show love for his wife by bkhg inb The parents mn have the mamiage annulId in
consideration her feelings and desires in his which case the judicial committee wilI handle
decisions? Or does he think primarily of his the matter as fornication and lying on the
own pleasure, be it in sex relations, how they . part of the children
spend their leisure time, where they gu for Or the parents can decide to let the mami2qe
vacation, or other matters? stand if Iaw allows for marriage of persons so
Make dear that ?oving one's wife as oneself young, in which mse the judicial committee
means to think of her happiness and well-being will deal with the children's gross disrespect
just as much as his own of parental authority and lying about tkeir
In dealing with marital problems elder should
show recognition of his headship Should a member of the c o n m t i o n forgive
an adulterous mate? That is a decision that
Use the Bible to remind the wife that she should the individual must make; no one else can
"be in subjection" and '"have deep respect for makc t h e decision
her husband," and try to help her see how she If an innocent mate continues to live with a
mn apply this counsel more fully (Eph,5 9 2 ,
n" nTt,
mate who practices adultery, wen though
23,33J disfeflowshiped, for the sake of his (or her)
She can show subjection by .wholeheartedly co- o m sexual satisfaction or, in t h e case of a
operating with her husband's headship, work- wife, in order t o have needed support for
ing with him to make his plans for the family herself and the children, it is a personal
a success matter; of course, as a mristian she m o t
men where she feels that her hnsband is not approve the immoral conduct of t h e wrong-
doing his part, she can find pleasure in per- doer
forming her wifely responsibilities in a way
that honors Jehovah (Compare 1 Peter 2:18; PROBLEMS THAT ARISE
After discussing the problem at hand, ask them They may not be free t o remany;God's Word
individually what they really beIieve mn be specifies only grounds for divorce ( M a t t 19:9)
done t o improve their rnaritaI relationship; ask If a couple continues t o have sex relatitions after
what Bible counsel they feel that they need to t h e innocent one learns of the other mate's
work harder to apply in their marriage, also sexual unfaithfulness, it is an extending of
what conb-ibution they individually could make forgiveness; a divorce m o t be obtained gter
t o improve t h e situation that on the grounds of that "fornication"
Until final decree is kmed by the divorce court,
PERSONAL DECISTONS NEED TO BE MADE even where based on Scriptural grounds, the
ON CERTAIN MATTERS man and woman are still married and so should
Husbands and wives must personally decide and not seek close association of other persans of
bear responsibility for the outcome of mrbjn opposite sex
matters in their lives; elders should make dear Persons who divosce on grounds other than 'Tor-
t h a t they cannot tell them what to do (Gal. 6 : 5 ) nication" in t h e Bible sense are often put in
Use 05 contraceptives is one of these; could point cirmrmtmces in which there are powerful
out what has been said in the S d e t y ' s pub- temptations ta engage in sexual imroordity
lications, but then leave the decision up t o them Ibktt. 5:32)
They must also decide whether to go through Once a couple is so dimmed they should not have
with an operation that, while it does not have sex relations with each other, for this would
sterilization as its objective, may result in constitute fornication under C a d s law and
sterilization would not be 'honoring the marriage M';
When questions are r a i d about the propriety rongegational action may be taken
of wrtain things that the hushand and wife them if they do this Web. 13:41
may do in sex play, encourage loving con- Also, for either divorced mate t o marry
sideration for the health and happiness af the else would be adultery, because in God's s l ~ h t
other person; of course, oral and anal copu- their marriage is not dissolr-ed. They could,
lation are gross perversions of what is "at- however, remarry each other if $oth are

Scripturally and legally free (thus showing At times elders can observe by t h e dress, speech,
respect for Caesar's laws] attitude or conduct of unmarried persons that
tbey should properly be given assistance, e1-m
Divorce creates problems for m y children of the though they may not ask for it
couple; it leaves them without the guidance of An unmarried couple keeping dose company may
either a f d - t i m e father or mother, and it sets be warned about the danger of loose conduct.
a bad example that may hinder them from fondling each other's sex organs, noling that
accepting the truth this is a Scriptural ground for disfellowsfiphg
AND THOSE WHO HAVE MARRIAGE Also, occasion may arise when young people need
m MIND to be helped to see that masturbation ens@-
F;lders should be helpfd to those who have mar-
in with another person of the same sex is a
r i a ~ ein mind, especially if such ones ask for form of homosexuality, and mn lead to &-
ad<iice Masturbation of oneself is also, rmdean, 2nd
A couple considering marriage should be shown
the-importance of keeping morally clean, young persons may need counsel to amre-
avoiding circumstances that could lead to loose ciate how God views the matter
conduct or committing fornication (1 Thess.
Premarital misconduct is often t h e cause _of TO MAINTAIN BALAXCE
marim proMems later, and a bad conscience To make their marriage a mceess, married per-
When couples inform others of an agreement t o sons must be balanced, caring for marital re-
marrv. their word should stand. One-sidedlv .sponsibiIities whiIe alse giving due attention to
breaGi'ng an engagement without valid ca&e other duties in serving Gad
brings lass of privileges, including pioneering
(Matt. 5:37) A married minister cannot devote himself to an
The counsel to marry "only in the Lord" shodd unlimited extent t o marriage, home, and
be emphasized if a Christian is contemplating family (1 Cor. 7:B-31)
marriage (1 Cor. 7:39) However, a married -minister shouId give %
Can Jehovah's blessing be e&ected on a mar- consideration to t h e spiritual interests of his
riage when a dedicated servant ignores this own household (1Tin. 5: 8)
counsel of God? Is it living in harmony with In handling ail cases dealing with maritd prob
God's command, "Do not become unevenly lems, supplicate Jehovah for his spirit; S ~ D T
yoked with unbelievers"? (2 Cor. 6~14) patience and consideration, and encourzge
Is a marriage to an unbeliever worth throwing dose adherence t o Scrip- guidelines fcrr
away one's life for? Clod's Word w m that greatest happiness and Jehovah's blessing
this is a likely consequence (Deut. 7:3, 4)
An incestuous marriage is grossly improper, not
only according to the principle of t h e Mowic MALN POTKT : In aiding those who haw muiM
Iaw, but according to the law of practically all problems, elders should direct attention t;l 8 e
Ian& (Lev. 18:6) counsel of God's Word, not making deckions fclr
Governmental laws on marriage of cousins vary, others that are their personal ~ e s p o x T 3 3 3 -
so Christitians will comply with such laws that SOURCES: tr 178-180; d S19, IML, 1042; 6 9 7657E3;
apply where they live [Rorn. 13:1) w72 575,576

No. 60 - Seoona Friday, 2:10

Resurrection Magnifies God's Power and Love
WHAT THE RESURRECTION IS God has the individual's life pattern in his mem-
"Resurrection" means a raking up, and is under- ory, and in the r e m e t i o m wiLl implant it in
stood in the Scriptures as applying t o raising a body that he provides
persons who have died WHY GOD MADE PROVISION
It does not require Ule reproducing of t h e identical FOR THE RESURRECTION
bodies The resurrection was not part of God's origind
The soul (the person) is what is mswrected; the purpose for man, since man, if obedient, would
body at death decays and goes back to the have lived forever (Gen. 217)
dust (Ps.16:9,10) Death was inbwdoced through the -session
Resurrected ones will be recognized and identified of Adam (Rom. 5:12)
by their life pattern or way of life, not neces- Jehovah lotingly made provision by means of
sarily by identical bodies the resurrection t o overcome the stir~gof death

in the a s e of Adam's offsprhg desiring to be 17~21-23;2 Ri. 4:3237; Mark 5:35,4143; Luke
obedient (1Car. 15:55-57] 7:U-17;John 11:43-45; Acts 9~3642; 20:7-12)
Jehovah muld have Pet Adam and Eve die child- The rmmmtion of Jesus Christ fmmkhes a
less, and so avoided what shortsighted,faith- guarantee that there afl be a - on
less men have described as untold ages of for both the righteous and t h e unrighAm
suffering and pain (Acts 17:31; 24:13)
But the face of men that s b r M with Adam Jesus became "fimtfdts'' the dead and
and its grand potential was dose t o the Cre- his anointed followefs become 'certain fmt-
ator's heart; so, out of love, he purposed to fruits of God's creatures"(1 Cor. 15 :20; Jas.
provide the w a y out for multitudes from sin's 1:18)
dcathly effects (John 3:16; Rom. 8:20, 21') Jehovah's blessing, as represented by the fixst-
Jehovah's power to provide a remeetion enables fruits of Israel's literal crops, guaranted a
him to let Satan go even t o the point of killing b o u n M harvest to folIow; likewise t h e res-
some faithful servants in a vain attemnt t o urrection of Christ and his anointed f ollewers
support his false accusations (Matt 24: 9 RW. guarantees a bountiful harvest of persons yet
2:lO; 6:11) to be raised from the dead
T h e tvillingnes of JehoMh's servants to give q Jesus' resurrection was historidly confirmed
. life itself in God's &ce proves their service by many witnesses and it is therefore un-
is not for seEsh considerations but for love; reasonable to reject it (1 Car. 15:3-8)
it also pmves their*faith in God's almighty RESrnRErnOU
power and-in his Iove toward them BY JEBO'FrAH'S CHOSEN AGENT
Jesus' example of faith (3IatL 16:21; Heb. 12:2)
Since the resurrection can d o all the damage Jehovah M,in mwadhg his Son for faithM-
resulting from Adam's lmnsgression and the ness to death, granted him all authority m heav-
sufferings bmught about by Satan and his en and on earth, including authority over those
wicked seed, the resurrection is essentid for in mankind's common grave (Matt, 2FE:18; John
God" purpose toward the earth t o be realized 5:21-23;PhiI. 2:9-11)
and for humans t o be truly,happy (Gen. 1:28; During his earthly ministry J m s could there-
1 Car. 15 :19) fore refer to himself as "the resurrection and
the life" (John 1195)
SmETY OF TRE RESURRECTION HOPE H e promised to raise to Iife his o m iabt heirs
We can have confidence in God's ability to keep of the heavenIy kingdom (John 6:39; 14:2, 3;
the life pattern of people in his memory and 1 Thess. 4:15, 16)
bring them back to life As God's chosen agent he oouM promise the time
when all those brought out of the grave and
- Even men, with imperfect mental powers, can, who obediently heard his "voice" or teaching
preseme on a phonograph record or a mametic would get everlasting Life [John 5:28, 29)
tape the speech and singing of a person; they
can presen-e and reconstruct visible and audi- As God's chosen agent he aIso held forth to d-
ble scenes by means of videotape doer the hope of resurrection to an earth
Jehovah's ability in keeping records is far greater restored to paradisaic conditions (Luke23 :40-
Ee calls aIl the countless stars by name IPS. 43 1
Because of his perfect memory of life patterm, WHAT' RESURRECTION MEANS
Jehovah could count faithful men like Abra-
ham, Isaac and Jacob as being alive (Luke Those restored to Iife in time of Hebrew prophets
20:37, 38) and in l i m e of Jesus' earthly ministry and of
his apostles had their life extended temporarily
Jehovah's gmat power demonshates that the They died again because ransom benefib were
remmxtion is not too d B d t for him either not available or were not Wing applied
Jehovah's power sustains the entire material to release them permanently from inheritance
universe: hence that power is enough to re- of death
store individuals t o life (Ps.1483-6) A resurrection with the prospect of ww-g
Resurrection is no more W c u l t for the Creator life in view is "better" [Heb. U:35)
to bring about than the creation of man orig-
inally Resurrection of Jesus Christ and his B M ) ~
Jehovah miraculously restored the reproductive f o U o w e ~is~ a resumxtion to immortal, incor-
powers of Abrnham and Sarah, which was ruptible spirit life (I Cor. 15:42-54)
comparable to a resurrection and made it pos-
sible for Abraham's family Line t o continue Earthly resurrection opens up opportuniw for
through Sarah (Heb. 11:11, 12) those raised t o gain everlasting life in human
Resurrections that occurred in the past and were Persons will be judged as to how they adhere to
confirmed by reliable witnesses add weight to the "scrolls" setting forth God's requirements
the reliability of the resurrection hope (1 Ki. for those lixqng on earth then (Rev. 20:11,121

Basis for granting or denying everlasting Life to of greatest joy is life as a devoted servant
resurrected ones wiU not be acts of their past of Jehovah
me;their imperfection had already condemned It is really an undeserved kindness that resur-
them to death and their death was t h e wages rection does not hold forth the p r o w
paid for this (Rom. 6:7,23) of restorjng family relationships to the iden-
Obedience will result in everlasting life for them tical state that existed at t h e .time of a per-
as tried, tested subjects of Gods kingdom son's death
under Christ; for obedient ones their resur- Such a thing would create problems for people
rection will thus prove to be "resurrection who remarried after t h e death of their
of Life" (John 5:29) mates
Any resurrected ones who fail t o meet those just Even now it could work hardship on people
requirements will die again, a second death who might consequently try to remain sin-
from which there can be no resurrection; gle in order t o be r d t e d with fomer
fiis "second death" corresponds with the marriage mates (1 Cor. 7:8, 9)
outcome to those whose resurrection proves God does not tell us where or with whom
to be "of judgment" (Rev. 20:14, 15; John urrected ones will live, but we can hare con-
5:24) fidence that the arrangements v d l result in
Viewpoint of John 5:28, 29 is different from genuine happiness for his people (Pro\-. 110:
Paul's words at Acts 249.5 about the resur- 22
rection of "the righteous a d the unrighteous"
Acts 24~15refers t~ those who are righteous HOW FAITH IN THE RESUERECTTOY
or unrighteous before their death and resur- AFFECTS US
rection under Christ's Kingdom rule W e do net SOWOW in .the way that the world d m
John 538, 29 speaks of condition as viewed over the death of loved ones, h o w i n g that they
at end of judgment period after resurrected will be resurrected El Thess. 4:13, 14)
ones have had opportunity under Kingdom
rule to obey or disobey God's command- We are in position te comfort others (2 Cor. 1:3,
ments 4)
N o willful sinners against God, such as Adam, W e are stirred to share our hope with others s9
me and Judas, nor any others who have that they might bring their life into harmon>-
sinned against his holy spirit, will be resur- with the Scriptures and entertain the prospect
rected (Matt. 12:32; John 17:12) of welcoming back the dead and of being used
Aside from those mentioned in God's Word as by t h e Lord Jesus Christ in educating resur-
not coming back, there is no point in specu- rected ones
lating as to whether certain notoriously
wicked people in past or modern .times will The resurrection hope can make us firm, mbreak-
be resurrected or not able in our love for God, able t o conquer the
- Jehovah God, not humans, b o w s whether world and its god (Rev. 12:Il)
people have sinned against Ms spirit The resurrection hope gives us the sirength to
Rather than speculating, we should take to face death, if necessary, in order t o maintain
heart the warning examples of those who integrity CRlatt. 10:28; Rev. 2:IO)
will not be resurrected and do our umost
t o remain faithful to Jehovah The resurrection hope prevents us from making
It is good to remember t h a t the earthly resur- the pursuit of pleasure the main goal in life
rection sets before people the prospect of ever- (I Cor. J.5132)
lasting life
We can be rmre t h a t God's gXts, induding the MAIN POINT: The resurrection hope should en-
resurrection, will wholly satisfy all our de- hance our appreciation far Jehovah's boundless
love, wisdom and power. This hope should
sires and needs, for his gifts are perfect (Jas.
-I- - P - r \
L;li) strengthen us to continue serving Jehovah faith-
Some may feel that they would not be happy fully regardless of the circumstances we night
if they could not live together with former face
marriage mates (Luke 20~34,35)
They should keep in mind, however, that the
thing of supreme importance and t h e source TEACHXNG SUGGESTION:
Legal Rights and Difficult Times
RECOGNIZING THE SUPERIORITY If authorities request that we obtain a m t ,
OF JEHOVAH AS LAWGITTJI AND JUDGE we wiIl a m onlv if ?to fee is inwi!ued;we do
As the Creator, Jehovah has the supreme right not purc6ase a licekse for preaaing
to make laws and require totirese;his Dedicated witnesses already have di~*e an-
Iaws are always right (Ps.19:7-9) thority to preach {Acts 13:4'1)
All mankind are accountable t o t h e Creator Some courts have claimed that our placing of lit-
H e judges humans on the basis of their response Our objective erature from door to door is commerdd
t o t h e preaching of t h e "good news," which is is in no way commercial; the
a loving provision to bring them into harmony United States Supreme Court ruled that this is
with him as their Creator (2 Thess. 1:s) not a commercial work but is ''dssionzp
Before Jehovah even the rulers and judges of the evangeliz'mg"
nations are called to account (Ps, 210-12) What if judicial courts of the land find us gt3ty
These who do t h e will of God have no reason to and impose fines for preaching?
-fear man (Ps. 118:fi) We do not pay fines for preaching as Jehovah
The Christian's obligation toward God always commanded
a fine is imposed, we may if is
takes first place lost, we take a jail sentence or confiscation of
Christians are obligated before God t o obey secu-
lar laws that are not in conAict with Jehovah's Our prop* instead pamg a fine;
law; of men that they oficiah are forced to show their
do what God has forbidden, or that they re- poSitian as to persecution God's
from doing what hm COTnmanded, and a further witness is given in vindication
Christians rlghuy put God's law first (Acts of Jehovah as Lawgiver
4~19, 20; 5:29-32) The apostles were imprisoned for preaching,
As to t h e law of God, the English jurist Black- and Paul when held for trial refused to buy
stone achowledged: his way free by giving money to governors;
he appealed only for a change of venue
It "is, o f course, superior in obligation to any other.
It is binding over all the globe, in all countries, we have a right t o enter h i l e r c o r n , apart-
and at all times: no human laws are of any to k e ~people
validity, if contrary to this; and such of them as meat that have
are valid derive a31 their force and all their OW, hotels, motels, miGtary establishments,
authori?, mediately or immediately, from thfs college dormitories, company towns, etc.?
- 0 . tBlacksto~e's Co?'tlme?zfaraes
Laws of EngEand, 1938, pp. 5, 61 O R the 'Sake a positive approach; if access is not dif-
ficult, you may want to start right to work; in
AVAILING OURSELVES OF RIGH'ES some cases you may want t o speak first to the
UNDER SECULAR LAW one in charge, explaining your work
If admittance is refused, i t may be better to use
It is proper to take steps to defend and legally discretion and not cause a disturbance by per-
establish our right to preach the "good news," sistence
as Paul did (Phil. 117) If accosted, calmly explain the work Wing done;
Rights t h a t one may have as a citizen may be if you are asked to leave, it is better to do so
claimed in the interest of furthering the Chris- try again later, rather than making a
tian ministry (Acts 16:37,38; 22 :23-28) court issue
W e have plenty of people to whom to preach; it
WHEN MAN'S LAWS is better to keep doing this than to tie up o m
AFFECT OUR FREEDOM erne in court cases
TO MAKE KVOUW THE GOOD NEWS Attempt to get names of interested ones so they
mn be followed up
Authorities may demand that we register or ob-
tain a permit or a license to do our door-to-d~or m a t should done when we encounter a sign
work saying '"0 Soliciting1' or 'Wo Trespassing"?
No objection to moperating wim by These signs do not reasonably apply to us; we are
regstefing ~ t them, h requested, so m y ministers of G d ; we do not solicit funds, nor
know who is calling at homes in the corn- are we there t o trespass
murtity, but it should not be necessary for a If such a sign is enforced and you are prevented
witness of Jehovah to apply for a permit to f rorn entering or ordered t o leave, the met-
preach kg persons must accept the responsibiliv
The Supreme Court of the United States has They have authorized persons to keep athers
held that laws requiring such a permit are from calling at their doors, thus t h e y are re-
invalid and unconstitutional sponsibl~for their actions

HOW TO CONDUCT YOURSELF Expressions such as 'Qt the king live to m e

WHEN STOPPED BY POLTCE indefinite" are not wrong (1 K. 1:31; Xlek
Maintain calmness and mildness; there is no need Regardless of false a-tiom, do not resort to
t o be beiligerent (Pmv. 29:11; 15:l) reviling or threatening (1Pe*, 2~2.3)
Treat accusers with kindness and pray that they
Identify yomsd; explain the preachhg work that

may see the mth (Matt. 5 : G )
you are doing; show that you are not dixohyhg
the law 05 the land Remain m, fearless as befits those en-
If in the United States, a*se them that your with the " p o d news" (Phil. 127-29)
right to do this work in the manner that you Keep in mind that your being in court is 'Yor a
are is upheld by the Supreme Court of the wiimess"; therefore, seek to give a *mess
United States concerning Jehovah and his kingdom by
It would be good at such time t o use the booklet (Matt. 10:18;Luke 21:12, 43)
Defending and Legally the Good Be bold, keeping in mind that you speak as zn
News ambassador or as an envoy of (Dl
6 : 18-20)
You can a g r e to go with the officer t o see his Hold to your legal rights as, did R&r and J o b
superior officer and then cover dl of the fore- recognizing Jehova as Supreme U-ver
going points in explanation ta him, if n e m (Acts 4318-21;5~27-29)
Lf arrested, to be released on Yam Where ~ g e o u s an , appeal may be made
recognizance to a higher court
If not r e l e m - a s k to contact friends The apostle Paul alppealed t o Caesar, dt;hou$~
Someone in the m n m t i o n who OWIS- PmpertY not for m e n d of sentence against KT
can ne doubt arrange for your release until the (Acts 25:11, l.2)
trial The decision as to whether to appeal should be
Request a receipt for any personal property cen- based on circumstances
fixated by police Is a favorable decisjon likely on appeal?
Obtain a copy of the ~0InpIaintZmd of the I ~ w Bear in mind that the courts of the land am
that you are charged with violating composed of imperfect men and you will
Write out a complete report on what happened encounter obstacles, perhaps false witnesses,
and send this t o the branch office loss of time and additional personal expense
Send dong with it a copy of the ordinance alleged Q ~ R S E ~ ~ L W P E m0-s
to have been violated; if they do not have an D I F ~ ~ ~ T ~E TS
extra copy, request permission to copy it
Submit fie names and address- of t h e Chief of A n a m disaster may occur* isolation or
Police and City Attorney loss of pmpert-y; the elders should endeavor to
- s n d this to ~e branch osce of your keep the congregation
with s ~ h i m d
but do not involve t h e Society in the case with-
out prior approval Atfempt to mmmunicate with the b m c h office
Seek to arrange necessary physical and spiritual
False arrest is no reason to be unduly perturbed assistance according to the needs of the broth-
(2 Tim. 3:E) ers; take initiative to do what you can locally
Christians have arrested for in case of opposition to the work, as
preaching the good news (Acts 4:l-3; Rev. the mntinue to a ban,

2 :10)
When a person suffers became he will not com- under direction of the holy spirit
promise but continues to do the will of God, Keep spiritual food available, sharing
this is well pleasing to Jehovah (1Pet 2: 19) for study
Being imprisoned can work for the furtherance new puhfications are unobtainable, older
of the good news (Acts 16:19-34;Phil. 1112- literature and restudy
AU should be to use apriM
i food
Jehovah continues to s h n g t h e n and uphold his available and continue to grow spiritualEy
servants when they mme under persecution (CoL l:%ll)
( 2 Tim. 4:16, 17) May mge for -w meetiags in diffm
places each week
PROCEDURE IN COURT These private meetings d d be held fn homes
with t h e table set as for a meal
Proper to honor the judge by rising whm he Larger groups can assemble in the moods, at
enters, also to me secular titles showing respect beaches, in isdated places, as for a picnic,
(Gen. 42:6; Acts 26:2,3, 25) while discussing Scriptural mths
This is unlike the adulation demanded by some Always impress on congregation that associa-
men who want to be worshiped as a god (Acts tion strengthens but that isolation makes one
12:21-23) an easy prey for the enemy

(Ask class for suggestions as to how to cope be retained m the congregxtion until bskuc-
with prob9ems in caring for spiritual needs tions are received from t h e oEce
of congtegati~nwhen under ban)
Encourage wib~esingt o con.tinue, preaching in
any way possible ALWAYS ii~imt; ON JEHOVAH
With discretion, probabZy can call at homes in AND ms
continued eEort to locate 'kheep" W e it a practice now t o rely on J e h d and
Continue to gather in ''sheep" but be mutious his spirit for strength and help (Acts 18:9,10;
in inviting new ones to associate P m . 35, 6 )
Better to hold a Bible study for some time to
let them prove themselws, thus avoiding Now is the time to work doseTy with the faitbfd
inatration of spies or enemies and discreet slave class, showing genuine a p
I no literature but Bible is available, have preciation for spiritual food by r e d a r study
studies with just the Bible and meeting attendance; share, fully in fieX
If the Bible is taken, continue speaking what ministry; work closely with dl appointed 01-er-
is in your mind and heart seers
(Ask students for suggestions as to how to Walking in i nw y before there are s e v e ~ ~
wimess under ban) s u m makes it easier to do so when the situaEon
Elders s h d d encousge all to keep Wand, is more difficult (Prov. 2:7)
sound in mind and avoid fear (Ps. 118:6)-
Continue t o encourage all t o stand firm, main- MAIN POINT: Elders are to strmgtlhen
tain integi'ity, be cliligent in prayer and trurjt and help brothers so they can stand h in t h e
in Jehovah (Dan. 6:10) of trouble, thus honoring Jehovah
Be careful not to belray spGtual brothers SOrnCES: fT 3, 9 , a , a,45; m 374378
Literature should be scattered to various places ? ' E A m G SUGGESTION: When dlscusslng thb ma-
and hidden to prevent its Wig confiscated terial consider appropriate national laws and mist
If work is banned, funds for the Society should decisions that pertain ta the preaching work
No. 52 - Second
FriBatg, 4:SO

The Value of Discipline and Counsel from Jehovah

T h e congregation is "Cod's household." (1 Tim.
3:151 Being therein entitles on@to its pmtec-
Greek word for discipline means, basically, 'in- tion and provisions, such as sins being forgix-en,
struction,' 'a course of training' having prayers heard, g e m g holy spirit and its
Moses was 'knstructed in E m t ' s \risdom,' and fruitage, associating with k e brothers, e t c
S a u l ((Paul) was 'instructed in the m e a l (Luke lk:13; Jas. 1:2'71 But dong n 5 f i tbe
Law' (Acts 7 2 2 ; 22:33 benefits Christians must also accept the aisci-
Discipline does not always mean punishment, pline, Ihaining, that God gives his household
as i t dws at 1 Tjmothy 1:20;however, the Value of this course of training is shown in He-
same Greek word can also be rendered 'chas- brews chapter 12
tise.' (Luke 23:16,22) Hence discipline means Discipline identifies Christians as 'sons,' not ille-
more than mere instruction. It includes the gitimate children, as only sons are disciplined
thought of there being restrictions or correc- by a father (Verses 5, 8 )
tive measures available to cause the disciple t o God's fatherly training of sons for their gmd is
adhere ta t h e course being taught (Prov, 3: 11) illustrated in the Bible (Prov. 3~11,f2)
Counsel is advice, often includes mmendation ""As a man mcorrects his son," God allowed nam-
and m r n c t i v e suggestions; it is linked with rdl Israel to wander forty years in the d d e r -
discipline at Proverbs 19:M ness, humbling them for their o m good =d
to help them learn the importance of it&
Jehovah disciplines thmugh home and congrega- commandments IDeuL 8:2d,15,116)
tion (Epk 6:4; Deut 22:181 Jesus, foremost son of God, recognized W e
This course of training includes counsel; an of discipline. To serve as high priest he had to
example in right deeds is also very important 'learn obedience: hhe required training, &+
if it is to be effectice ciplining, t o be perfected for his office beyond
any possibility of falure. He accepted this
BENEFfPS OF DISCIPLINE AND COUNSEL course wiiUingEy. ru'orv, as a ~ompassionzte
The Bible often illustrates godly training as corn- high priest n-ho has himself personally ex-
ing from a father who lovingly subjects his sons perienced s a p r i n g , Jesus superbly qu&es
to a course of discipline for their good (Prov. t o serve others (Heb. 2:17,18; 4:15,16; 5:
1:8; 4:l; Heb. 12:'i) 8-10)

Discipline from Jehovah d t s in m r a r d of Takes more than reading, sitting at rn-gs,

life; it is proper to work for this valuabIe re- outward agreement; t o act with understanding
ward (Heb. I f :6; 12:2,91 and wisdom, we must study and apply Scrip-
Through discipline we 'partake of God's hoIinessY tures (1 Ki. 2:3)
(Web. 12:10) This takes positive, deliberate effort. Time is
God's ''hoLinessW has reference to cleanness, required to think a b u t Bible and our come
purity, sacredness of life. Need information t o reach the heart,
Accepting God's M p l i n e , the hs@ction from iFfIuenoe us for good
his Word, and the guidance of h~ holy spirit
helps us maintain a morally upright course Counsel may Gome as kind remark figm respon-
Even our body w i l l be a 'hoIy sacrifice, accept- sible fellow Christian, or from Society's p u b
able t o God'; t o defile it or make i t unclean lication (Prov. 15:31)
would render us unholy (Rorn. 12:1; 2 COT. W e can learn from own mistakes and those of
7:1) others {Prov. 24:30-34; 1 Tim. 5:20)
Discipline "yieIds paceable Mt,namely, righ-
teousness,'"at is, a course of right doing
So godly discipline come& things or makes Zh' MANY ASPECTS OF LIEE
them right Do we value what is right enough Work habits: D o you discipline yourself to get
t o make changes in our lives, even though an early start or do you, rather, 'bve deep'?
painful? Even at the cost of personal embap Zn your work are you diligent, reliable, or un-
rassment or loss of face? IPS.119:47, 48; dependable and unnecessarily slow? (Prov. 20 :
Heb. 1:91 -- 13;4 Cor. 15:58; Col. 3 2 3 )
God disciplines his sons, even ' a ~ them,
~ ~ "
which indicates severity (Heb. 12:6) Ke&ng agremmts: According to Romans 1:3l,
Mosaic law allowed for " m k e s " m i t h rod or 32 those ''false to a g r e e m e n t s ' ~ I i t d y ,"en-
stick; could be for person's good. "'Scourging" gagement breakers") are worthy of death, since
can be even more severe; so God may allow those who make a practice of this are actually
sons to undergo severe trials (Prov. 20:30; liars. Do you sincerely strive t o keep your word
Reb. 11:36) even in small things? (Matt. 5:37)
suffering is bf value if it r o b a wrong; Recreation: WhUe m a t i o n is a personal matter,
in a sense we "learn" in this way (Ps.119:71) an should ask: Of what value is it if it en-
Persons can *bo\v"something is rigM or m c h e s on m y health or work? Is it upbuilding
wrong from a book. Pharisees, for instance, or does it interfere with m y family Me, field
h e w that the Scriptures said: 'I want ministry or study time? Does it stumble others?
mercy and not sacrifice,' y e t Jesus told them Balance and self-discipline are required (1Tim.
t o go and Team what it means' (Matt. 9 :13) 4:8)
Right principles must be put t o work in our
lives; this 'learning' may be difficult. trying, Conduct with opposite sex: Matthew 5:28 should
meaning suffering physically and emotion- govern attitude to~varc?those not your mate.
ally It takes self-discipline to avoid " 'works of t h e
flesh." Self-disciplined one avoids all that is not
HOW DTSCIP=G COUNSEtTNG chaste, such as pornography, self-abuse, loose
ARE DONE TODAY mnduct On the other hand, dwelling on right
Responsible men in the congregation are inter- things inclines one in a spiritual way
ested in its purity, working to build it up by Ask self: How wouId I want my fleshly sister
constructive counsel (2 Cor. 13:10) b a t e d ? Proper app'limtion of 1 Timothy 5:1,
They follow example of Jesus and apostles in 2 r~sultsin a dean conscience
showing shcere concern for "sheep" commit- B e t e s : Bible counsel &odd be applied in
ted to tbeir care armidhg meeessarq. association with those
As you follow this -pie, brothers should lacking faith, those who prefer the old system
feel fme to come to you for advice [Jas. 4:4, 5; Prov. 4:14, 15)
Discipline and education in the congregation
today are basically from the Scriptures; Manners: To all persons, a M a n should be
elders get their authority therefrom, so their kind, not m d e or thoughtless. (Matt. 7 : U ;
counsel should be based sotidly on t h e BziZe 1 Cor. 10:31) Term 'dder man' implies high
( 2 T i m 3 3 6 , 171 regard Bible attaches to faithful ones ad^^
Good t o show basis far counsel in the Bible, in years, as well as those hating r.esponsible
so brothers do not get impression that you office within the congregation ; those who truly
are simply giving just your viewpoint are elders will treat all otlher elders with respect
Meditation on Scriptures will 'disciplhe you h
(k 19532)
righteousness,' so you know "how you ought to Personal groming and d r m : "Modesty" is the
conduct yourself in God's hausehold"* (1 Tim =ble's standard. (1 Tim. 2: 9) We should not
3:14, 151 want t o identify ourselves with immodest, im-

moral or rebenious segments of the world by think, 'Brothers have it in for me.' This can
our dress. At Philippians 4:8,9 the principle is lead t o missing the whole p m p e of dkip?ine
t o consider what is "chaste" and %ell spoken 'WRighting of the wrong is the wise course
"!fo Philippian Christians were to "pracece" Corinthians were affected by Paul's swere ac-
what they "heard and saw'' in connection mifh tion, saddened, but took steps to clear s e k
Paul, so me too. Rpsponsible ones in the congre- (2 Cor. 730,I11
gation should set fine standard in these respects The "sadness of the world" mourns ~ 1 -
consequenms of sin and 'getting mu&&' as
Speech: Our speech should be upbuilding at all illustrated by mses of Cdul, IGxu md. JR-
times. Conktrolling one's temper not only is a (Gen.4:5-14;2'7:3241; Matt. Z : 2 - 5 )
credit t o a Christian but actually brings valu- "Sadness in a godly way makes for repenmce,"
able physical benefits ( h v . 17:27;Eph. 4:29- moves people to 'turn around.' Absezce of real
5:5) changes indicates that the discipline ~ E S mT
realized its intended aim (Etek 33:14 W j
PROPERLY VALUING DISWLINE U t godly discipline and counsel bark d-1,~ m
AlVD COUNSEL you (Prov. 17:30)
Avoid e x k m e s of attitude when receiving spe- Knowing the purpose of dbziplim! am3 rn~qel,
cific cowmd (Reb. 12:5) and what they lead to, W i e th-a b>g=>-:
"Do not belittle the discipline h m Jehwah" let them endear Jel.l.o& ;te yolr =S m . ~ : z ~--*s
Regardless of-the source, if ccnasel is consistent t o your continued hap2ines.s tRr.*:. Z: ,-:
with Bible, accept it. D o not let personaliw of 181
ether person influence your attitude toward ~ & e dl, stay humble, rememberbig p a &re
only sinful flesh; lilie t h e yc*mf &Kt
Scriptural counsel, nor muse you to be hasty of an a g e l s Father (Pam. 12:16)
in rejecting it (Pmv. 18:13)
God used imperfect men to transmit wen the MAIN POIXT: Regardless of how it is
Scriptures that we now have t o you, never reject counsel or discipline t l z t is
"Neither give out when you are corrected by him" in line with God's Word; aka learn t o & S = ~ E
Some brood, become dismayed, frustrated, lose yourself by applying God's Word t o your o ~ ze.
confidence, develop martyr complex. Others SOURCES: 160-162;ad 836, XBT, 13%. 1624, L a

Endurance That Results in Divine Approval

JEHOV-4H URGES US As those men prol-ed their -cy to G d , w
Jehomh himself is the greatest example of en- James said mals we must mdme are for
durance; this is so in broader sense than just happiness; they lead t o ' k & g ag?x*''
that he lives endlessly and gaining reward of life
In warking out his purpose he has for 6,000 Christians in first century needed endmmce t o
years endured wickedness and the reproach survive the end of the Jewish system of t i n 9
brought on his- good name Jesus urged such endurance in o e e r t o get
Though having power to wipe out humans who saved; his words had an appliclz5cn C ~ I T L -
dishonor and disoky him, he has "endwed" foretdd tribulation on Jeruszlern ( X a = 21 :--J" 1
them I R o a 9:22, By, AS)
A b u t 61 CE.Paul messed "nd- of e z & . r ~ ~ ' '
God had records of the endurance of his sewants t o gain promise, though the-had &-e.Ey fz&
includd in the Bible as a "pattern" for us *trials [Heb. 10:32-34,361
13%. 3:10,S l )
He s p w i f i d y dl& attention to '4endxmnceof Such endmance is spxially vi&2 now
Job'" With end of this system just ahead, we W mulct
Record of how prophets WEIF m t e d but kept manifest endurance to gain d i t ~ ea m d
faithfully at their assignments benefits us Because of our faith and service up to .this poh',
(Web, 11:36-38) we now ha\-e a fine standing with God
They had d b h e approval bemuse of their faith Still we must endure in Christian living, for
and their exemplary endurance; the "world without t h a t all our preaching would be h
was not worthy of them" vain
God is not dealing with us by some new method; Whatever other trials may yet come--persecu-
He telb us that Christians too need endurance tion, privations, sichess, traitors--we will
to gain his approval IJas. 1:12) have t o endure

Endurance is an especialIy important concern for Preach despite indifference of people, as

as elders k a u s e (1) we n M io aid our Jeremiah did
brothers t o endure a d ( 2 ) we may face special Endure discoul-agement over making mistakes
tests of our 0 1 5 ~ 1 endurance or stumbling
Not quitting when disciplined shows endurance
-45 -4-S ELDER, (Heb. 1 2 5 )
AID YOLX BROTHERS TO ENDURE Naturally i t is not pleasant to suffer, but em-
Elders are in a partidarly favorable position to phasize how this produces endurance and is
aid brothers to endure; do it as you regularly cause for joy (Jas. 1:2-4)
seme them Urge one enduring to think on fact that our
Our bm~hersmmt to endure and to stay faithful, attitude under dificult c i n m may
but rim use help from you who are keeping bring honor t o God's name (Acts 5:41; 2 COT.
mtch over their souls [Heb. 13:l7) 4 5 - l f ; Col. l:ll)
You should not wait until a major crisis tests D o not overlook endurance shown by spirituany
the love and faith of your brother%; t r y to s b n g o m who are doing well; help them to
prepare congregation beforehand to endure continue to endure
You do this by working to stnmgthw their There may be a tendency to fmms most attention
faiL5 and hope, helping te prepare them in ad- on n m or weak ones who face tests of en-
vance durance; whiIe they do need your encourap
As you teach at meetings, do not be content just ment and assistance,they a m not the only ones
t o impart information; work to reach the heart Strong ones also face tests and dispIay outstand-
t o strengthen their faith and love ing endurance
Increasing faith in resurrection will help broth- Though they may not often mention iG te&
ers to endure all sorts of trials that d d they face are hard to e n d m v i d e d family,
involve death temptation to be dishonest, di&icul.ties in
Sen6ng a "God who rakes up the dead" (2Cor. business, ridicule from schoolmates, poverty,
l:S, 9), we have confidence to endure; our etc.
reward is assured (Web. 1 2 ~ 2 1 Give thought to their endurance, and as you
W e are more prepared t o endure b5als such associate with them commend and urge them
to continue enduring 12 Tfiess. 1 : 4 )
as blood issue, terminal sickness, threat of
execution, mob violence Remind them to pray; get heavenly help (Phil.
Your strong love for God and your brothers will 4:6, 7; Rom. 12:12)
help you stick by the truth and the congre-
gation (1Thess. 3:12, 13) AN ELDER, YOU MAY FACE
If under ban or meetings broken up, love will ASOUT-OF-THE -ORDINARY TESTS
move one to meet despite risks, m n g the
- brothers OF ENDURANCE
Even if some prominent brother is unfaithful, Though aU Christians will have to endure, elders
love built up in advance will aid one to con- likely will experience out-of-the-ordinav tests
tinue serving with faithful ones of endurance
By personal conversation help others see how This is not because of being better or more able
what is now being learned can be used during to endure than others, but because of office
future tests of endurance and responsibilities you have
Mention how points about God's qualities, past You may have t o endure criticism of your man-
examples of endurance, even doctrines, rdate ner or your way of handling matters, as Paul
t o tests that may come; your mentioning i t did 12 Cor. 10:10,
will help others recall I t later critical or rebeiious ones may gossip or
Hdp brothers presently experiencing test of en- As you work to manifest proper qualities in
durance to recognize it as such; fine t o do this face of such lhings, you display signs of
during shepherding visits eldership (2 Cor. 12:121
During a test (pain, f am fly opposition, hurt fieel- You may have to handle disputes between broth-
ings) there is tendency to be subjectiv+to ers, though it might seem easier just not to
think how much it hurts, how cruel persecutor
is,how badIy one has been insulted get involved (Phil. 4:2, 3)
Try to help one needing endurance to recognize As elder you wilI have t o endure in
situation as a test of mdurance and to hear in high standards, being orderly, moderate, de-
mind joyful outcome pendable, chaste, zealous, kind, loving and
Highlight that even common things can be tests understanding
of endurance Those inside and outside congregation wiEl be
Family @tim can be long-Taslrlng test watching your example; it can dmw them to
( l l a t t 10:36-38) Zruth or turn them away

You may have to endure hardship of having to Keep in focus rewards of faithful endurance; for
reprove or disfeElowsbp others, wen close joy set before him, Jesus mdured torture
acquaintances stake tHeb. 12:2, 3)
It was not pIeasant for Paul to reprove Peter Our endurance can bring us even now rewards
(Gal. 294) of approval and hope (Rom 5:4)
It is a test to bear the weighty responsibility of B y enduring we gain consciousnm we are
taking action that completely cuts someone pleasing God, having his approval, se 'en-
off from congregation durance produces approved condition'
During time of persecution, you may be a special Satan claims we cannot endure, but we are de-
target termined t o ; thus we help to vindicate G d
Enemy will likely search out Teaden" and try and gain his approval
t o break your integrity in hopes of discour- W e already have hope of gaining eternal life in
aging the "sheep" New Order
You will have to visit and heIp others though Having redization of God's agiproval bem.use
#is means exposing youriself to greater dan- of our endurance adds to and develops our
ger hope; it becomes more real, more prsunal,
Daily you must show concern and even endure more solid
anxiety about the congregation (2 Cor. 11:28) Assured hope that endurance produces wiIl not
Extra duties will take up your time; you will lead to disappointment (Rom. 5 :5 )
be deeply concerned with the welfare of the Rewards we get now are not disappointing;
"sheep"; -you will need t o deal constantly neither will be the eternal reward for which
with problems that come up we are enduring
You cannot afford to Iet this take away your joy Eken though we cannot yet actuaWy see New
As with Pad, your enduring these particular tests Order, we wait for it and rely on it ( R o n
is for the sake of "sheep" in your charge ( 2 Tim. S:25)
2:10$ While awaiting final realization of our hope, our
More is invoIved than your Jife ; it is to the direct endurance also serves to bring out fine qualities
benefit of entire congregation that you endure in us [Sas. 1:3, 4)
these trials
They are looking to you; as they see how your James says that right now endurance has a
conduct turns out, they will be able to irni- "work'9it accomplishes
tate faith Web. 13:7 ) B y enduring trial after bjal we repeatedly exer-
When going gets rough or you feel you should cise the right qualities and at the same time
do more or better, do not give up; recognize new ones are awakened
this as a test of endurance Endurance's work is completed in that we gain
- Theugh you cannot do a31 you would like, con- a many-sided experience and a well-rounded-
gregation has need of your assistance out understanding of how to take things; we
are perfected in obedience and trust toward
God -
EXPECT REWARDS FROM GOD These fine results of enduransrewards bath
AS YOU NOW DISPLAY ENDURANCE now and in future-give us real cause to be
D o not fearfully withdraw from trials, but look on happy when enduring, because Jehovah pmm-
them as opportunities t o develop the godly ises t h e reward of lie for aJ1 who faithmy
quality of endurance endure (Jas. 1:12; Luke 21:19)
One who feaI.fully tries t o avoid tests is inclined
t o cornpromis* or quit, never developing the MAIN POINT: Elders in particular should a p
quality of endurance preciate t h e need for endurance, being willing
A good result of experiencing tribulation is that to face special tests of endurance and also striving
you develop - endurance, as Romans 5:3 ex- to aid brothers in the congregation t o endure
$aim SOURCES: W 182-181;mS 174-177
Each additionaI test you meet successfully wiU m = G SUGGESTION: Lecture can h d u d e &
strengthen you, increasing your endurance, cussion on how an elder can effectively enmurage a-
making you a better Christian durance on the part of a ~ P E ~ ~ strong
I I Y brother, as
Instead of asking, 'Can X endure?', pray for well as for one physically sick. Also consider what can
be done to present parts On the meetings in a war
God's help just as Jesus did when under trial that will strengthen the endurance of the eongyegasic5
(Heb. 5 : 7 ) for trials t o come
"An Interchange of Encouragement"
1 3 T A L U A ~ f GTHE ESCOLZZXGE~IETT 5. offer to meet with everseers who would like
DERIVED FRON THE SCHOOL COL'RSE to do so to r w i e w mformation from the c o m e ,
Do you feel moved to share w i t h others what ym emphasizing points of special value to them and
t o the congregation; several sessions can be
have learned? (Jer. 20: 9) arranged with them if the brothers desire and
DOYou feel toward those in yow conpwtion as if you have sufficient points in mind to discuss;
Paul did when he ~tmteRomans 1:11,12? do this within the next few weeks or month
Ee said: '" I longing to see you, that I may at t h e latest, while points are fresh in mind
impart some spiritual gEft to you in order 6. Discuss points with fie publishers w M e work-
for you to Se made 5m; or, rather, that there ing together in the field minishy
may be an interchange of m.cmragmmt
among you, by each one through the other's (Keep in mind that must of these occasions are to
faith, both yo- and mine." k an "interchange," so Iet others share their
Do you feel the need t o convey what you have experiences and thoughts with you; get their
learned to fellow overseers, ministerid servants feelings, thoughts, questions, suggestions and
and everyone else in the congregation? (2 Tim. experiences, too)
Throughout the c o r n yoy have ~ d d e r e d h m - WEAT MATERIAL MIGET BE DlSCWSSED
the material muEd be u l d to help the brothen THAT 'RILL BE hU ENCQURAGEMENT
in your tonpegation TO ALL
Now it is your ~sponsibiilitya d privilege to (Have a review of basic points that would be of
share these things with feLlaw overseers, min- interest and have application in the congrega-
isterial servants and everyofie else in the tion. Mention the name of the lesson; then draw
conpgation in "an interchange of encourage- out from students valuable points that were
ment'' discussed in class. Do not try t o cover every
Think of the bend& everyone in the congrega- lesson. Encowage mentien of appropriate scrip-
tion receive as you give e n m g e m e n t tural points in the discussion, thus emphasizing
t o them by discussing the wealth of Scriptural t h a t the information is based on the Bible.
and practical material considered in this c o m e S ~ E Spractical application of t h e material in
t h e congregation)
J I T H THE CONGREGATION (Three five-minute reports to class. Give brothers
(The following are some suggestiow but d m their assignment 6n the second Thursday so
out how and when the students fed it can be they will have time for pwparatioa)
done, getting their ideas. On the suggestions These reports are to be enlarged to 30-minute re-
listed, discuss ways and times &ey fee1 t l e s e ports on the service meeting p m m for your
a n be used; keep the discussion mwing, offer- congregation
ing ideas of your own or from pmvious classes) Each brother should give such a report to Ms
1. As soon as it mn be worked into the senice congregation
meeting program, give a 30-minute report t o Cover helpful and practical Wormation from
t h e congregation on what you have learned at the course
the school, showing its practical benefits Discuss appIicatfon of certain features particu-
larly beneficial for your congregation and over-
2. Work additional material into other semi- seers locally
meting parts that you handle and offer to OEer to share pemndly d t h all in ttie congre-
share infomatition fmm the schml course with ga~tion further information ram the school
others having meeting parts
3. Dicuss points from tbe course when visiting BENEFITING FROM TEm SCHOOL COlJRSE
brothers in their homes; usuaZIy concentrate AND THE "Ih'lTRCHANGE
on just one principal subject during n visit OF ENCOrnAGEMENT"
4, Invite brothers (families) to visit you in your
The course has highlighted what a marvelow
God Jehovah 5s and what a privilege it is to
home, sharing information with them; do not work with hiS people (Rev. 4:11;Ps. 9:1, 2 ;
t~ cover everything at once; take up what 84: 10)
they wfU be able t o remember, and give them
opportunity to ask questions and to comment You have 3eamed much about the theocratic or-
on points ganization and how it functions; this should

move you to cooperate with it even more fully ways and do not hold back from d o e what
in the days ahead Ms Word directs
Ehphasis has been placed on the Bible itself, how Keep h mind, too, what we have discussed a -
to use it and the importance of basing your the need for humility and kindness m your
decisions and counsel on it part; in all that you do, IE mob.-atd by love
(Rom.12:3,IQ, 16;Mic. 6:8; 1 Cor. 13 :3, 13)
Y o u students are now better equipped, prepared
and have reason for confidence that Jehovah So much has been considered; you no doubt won-
and Christ J e m are with you and are backing der when to do it all
you in the adminkbation and application of Work at it steadily; if one thing is done each day,
God's laws and procedures (Matt. 28320; John much is accomplished in a month
14~16, 171 Remember, Jehovah is dhxting the wwrk, and
When proMems come up now, you should be he will use us if we offer ourselves willingly
ktter prepared to answer them from the Bible (Ps.11033)
(2 Tim 3:16, 17) lXkust in Jehovah with all your heart, rely heavily
If you are unsure, do research or mmult other upon his spirit, pray inc-tly, exert your-
elders, locally or in nearby congregations selves vigorously; and the undeserved kindness
You should not find it necessary t o refer every- of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God
thing to the branch office will be with all of you (Prov. 3:5; 1 Thess. 5 : 17;
Have confidence in the rightness of Jehovah's Luke 13:24; 2 Cor. 13:11-14)

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