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Hydrogen bonding interactions in methacrylate monomers

and polymers

Marianela T. Lemon, Melissa S. Jones, Jeffrey W. Stansbury

Department of Craniofacial Biology, University of Colorado School of Dentistry, Aurora, Colorado 80045

Received 10 February 2006; revised 22 August 2006; accepted 8 February 2007

Published online 8 June 2007 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.31448

Abstract: It is well appreciated that hydrogen bonding that enhance the hydrogen bonding effects. While UDMA-
affects a variety of monomer and polymer properties. This based polymers reach significantly higher levels of conver-
study focused on Bis-GMA and urethane dimethacrylate sion compared with Bis-GMA materials, the stronger
(UDMA) to help elucidate how the strength and nature of hydrogen bonding reinforcement associated with Bis-GMA
specific noncovalent interactions involved with these dif- appears to provide for comparable mechanical strength
ferent functional dimethacrylate structures are expressed properties. Depending on the hydrogen bond donor func-
in the monomers and polymers. Hydrogen bonding inter- tionality of a monomer as well as its neighboring func-
actions in monomers and comonomer mixtures as well as tional groups, overall monomer structure and comonomers
in appropriate model compounds were examined by FT-IR used, hydrogen bonding can favorably affect polymeriza-
under ambient conditions, at elevated temperatures and in tion reactivity and mechanical properties, even in materials
dilution studies. The investigation of hydrogen bonding that form highly crosslinked polymeric networks. 2007
extended to monomer viscosity, photopolymerization reac- Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 83A: 734746,
tion kinetics, and polymer mechanical properties. The 2007
strength of hydrogen bonding was shown not only to be
greater for Bis-GMA compared with UDMA, but there is Key words: dental resins; dimethacrylates; hydrogen bond-
also greater contribution from intermolecular interactions ing; kinetics; photopolymerization

INTRODUCTION polymerized states. Besides being associated with

the handling properties of a given monomer or mix-
Several commonly used dimethacrylate monomers ture of monomers, these mobility factors are respon-
include secondary functionality such as hydroxyl or sible in part for controlling polymerization kinetics
urethane groups. Hydrogens attached to oxygen or and ultimate conversion that can be achieved.1,2
nitrogen, depending on monomer structure, can Intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions have
engage in intramolecular and/or intermolecular been shown to promote gelation at lower conver-
hydrogen bonding interactions with similar groups sion3 while photopolymerizations conducted at
or with ether, carbonyl, and other electronegative elevated temperatures, which disrupt hydrogen
acceptor functionality. The strength of any specific bonding, have been used to demonstrate the direct
hydrogen bonding interaction generally increases positive relationship between hydrogen bonding and
in relationship with the basicity of the lone pair reaction kinetics for hydroxyl-substituted acrylates.4
acceptor and the acidity of the hydrogen bond do- Separate works have focused on the complex rela-
nor. These interactions can affect monomer configu- tionships between polymerization reaction kinetics
ration and mobility on the molecular level, which in and monomer structure including a series of ure-
turn result in viscosity differences on the macro- thane monomethacrylates.57 In other prior studies
scopic scale of the bulk monomer. In comonomer directed to dental composite restorative materials,
mixtures, intermolecular hydrogen bonding im- significant efforts have been made to develop lower
proves compatibility in the monomeric and final viscosity analogs of Bis-GMA or alternative mono-
mer structures by elimination of hydrogen bond do-
Correspondence to: J. W. Stansbury; e-mail: jeffrey.stansbury@ nor groups.810 In the polymeric state, hydrogen bonding interactions can reinforce the three-dimen-
Contract grant sponsor: NIH/NIDCR; contract grant
number: DE14227
sional structure, which can involve either entangled
linear chains or covalently crosslinked networks,
' 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. to potentially provide enhanced glass transition

temperatures and mechanical properties. The polar same interactions amplified through summation
hydrogen bond donors also significantly affect the effects, can dramatically impact polymer properties.
surface wetting behavior of monomers and the
hydrophilic character associated with the corre-
sponding polymers. For dental monomers typically EXPERIMENTAL
based on dimethacrylates, OH groups, such as in
Bis-GMA, or NH groups, such as in urethane dime- Materials
thacrylate (UDMA), can form hydrogen bonds with
ether or carbonyl functional groups as well as A variety of methacrylate monomers with different sec-
among themselves (primarily for OH groups, since ondary functionalities were evaluated for their potential as
direct NH  NH interactions involving urethanes hydrogen bond donors and/or acceptors. All initiators,
are minimal11). This along with the distribution of monomers, and model compounds were used as received.
intra- versus inter-molecular interactions controls the
behavior of the monomers and can also impact the
final polymer properties. The goals of this study are Dimethacrylate monomers
to characterize the hydrogen bonding interactions in
common dental monomers and examine how these 2,2-bis[p-(20 -hydroxy-30 -methacryloxypropoxy)phenyle-
interactions affect monomers, the polymerization ne]propane (Bis-GMA)a
process, and final polymer function. 1,6-bis(methacryloxy-2-ethoxycarbonylamino)-2,4,4-tri-
methylhexane (UDMA)a
There are several approaches used here to identify
ethoxylated bisphenol A dimethacrylate (EBDMA)a with
and evaluate the hydrogen bonding interactions
an average of 4.3 ethoxy groups per molecule
within conventional dimethacrylate dental mono- glycerol dimethacrylate (GDMA)b
mers. These involve the use of model compounds, neopentyl glycol dimethacrylate (NDMA)a
which can provide information on the specific func- triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA)a
tional group-dependent hydrogen bonding interac-
tions present. In addition, thermal studies at a series
of elevated temperatures were conducted as were Monomethacrylate monomers
solvent dilution studies, which were used to exam-
ine the concentration effect on monomer hydrogen 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA)a
bonding. Mid-infrared (IR) spectroscopy was used 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA)b (contains *20%
to characterize hydrogen bonding based on specific of the 2-hydroxy-1-methylethyl methacrylate isomer)
OH, NH, and C O stretching absorption regions of
the spectra. Deconvolution of these peaks allows Model compounds
the various sources of the hydrogen bonding con-
tributions to be isolated and studied with the aid ethyl N-ethylcarbamate (EEC)b
of information gained from the simpler model com- isopropanol (IP)b
pounds. 1-phenoxy-2-propanol (PP)b
The strength of a specific hydrogen bond can be a
Esstech, Essington, PA
inferred from the length of the OH or NH bond, Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI
which is directly measured by the vibrational spec-
troscopic techniques used here. A stronger hydrogen
bonding interaction will result in a weaker funda- Methods
mental OH or NH covalent bond, as indicated
by an absorbance at lower frequency and typically, Mid-IR spectroscopy (Nexus 670, Nicolet, Madison, WI)
with greater intensity. There are many potential con- was used to evaluate the hydrogen bonding interactions
formations associated with the approach of the of bulk, thin film specimens (about 1530 lm thickness)
hydrogen bond donor and acceptor, whether this between sodium chloride disks. Spectra were collected ei-
involves a unimolecular (intramolecular) or a bi/ ther at ambient temperature (22.8 6 0.4)8C or at elevated
multi-molecular (intermolecular) process. A typical temperatures (37, 47, 57, or 678C) controlled by a cali-
hydrogen bonding interaction is transient with a life- brated temperature cell inserted into a horizontal sam-
pling accessory.13 Solution state IR spectra of monomers
time on the order of 109 to 1012 s.12 Therefore, on
and model compounds were obtained at varied dilution
the time scale of the IR analysis, the distribution of
concentrations (0.05, 0.1, or 0.2 mol/L) in carbon tetra-
these conformational differences is averaged such chloride as a solvent with minimal hydrogen bonding
that only distinctly different donor/acceptor interac- character. A variable pathlength liquid cell (International
tions are provided from the spectral data. These rela- Crystal Laboratories, Garfield, NJ) was used with a path-
tively strong, noncovalent interactions (generally 36 length of either 75, 50, or 25 lm, respectively. The stretch-
kcal/mol) influence monomer properties and the ing frequencies of the OH, NH and C O absorptions in

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


mid-IR spectra were examined in detail, which included

deconvolution (PeakFit, SPSS, Chicago, IL). Selected
monomers and comonomer compositions were rendered
photocurable by incorporation of 2,2-dimethoxy-2-phenyl-
actophenone (DMPA, 0.2 wt %, Aldrich). Specimens (1.2-
mm thick by 12 mm diameter) in Teflon molds between
glass slides were placed in the horizontal accessory14 of
the IR at ambient temperature. Photopolymerization was
induced by irradiation with filtered UV light (320390
nm) from a 100 W mercury arc lamp (Novacure, EXFO,
Mississaugua, Ontario). The incident irradiance was 20
mW/cm2 as measured by radiometer (International Light,
Newburyport, MA) and the exposure interval was 5 min.
Real-time near-IR spectra were collected from four aver-
aged scans at 4 cm1 resolution, which provided a tempo-
ral resolution of 0.9 s. The methacrylate
CH2 first over-
tone absorption at about 6160 cm1 was used to monitor
the carboncarbon double concentration throughout the
polymerization process.15 The temperature-dependent vis-
cosity of various comonomer compositions (7:3 weight
ratios of base monomer to diluent comonomer) was meas-
ured with a viscometer (CAP2000, Brookfield, Middleboro,
MA) up to *508C. Polymer specimens (2 3 2 3 25 mm3)
for mechanical strength testing (n 8) were prepared in
stainless steel molds between glass slides by UV irradia-
tion. The three-point (10 mm span) flexural strength and
modulus of copolymers stored dry for 24 h were deter-
mined at a strain rate of 1 mm/min (Bionix II, MTS Sys-
tems, Eden Prairie, MN).

Figure 1. Deconvoluted IR spectra focused on the OH

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (top) and NH (bottom) stretching absorptions of Bis-GMA
and UDMA, respectively.

Studies of hydrogen bonding in Bis-GMA

bonded interactions which produce relatively strong
The deconvoluted OH and NH stretching region of hydrogen bonding effects based on their extended na-
the IR spectra of Bis-GMA and UDMA, respectively ture. The next strongest hydrogen bond, as deter-
(Fig. 1), clearly show that there are multiple interac- mined by the position of the peak maximum is
tions involved with the hydrogen bonding states of observed for PP (OH mmax 3388 cm1) that mimics
these commonly used monomers. The studies of the internal portion of the Bis-GMA structure. This
bonding interactions involving the hydroxyl groups more structurally complex compound can engage in
of IP, PP, HEMA, HPMA, and GDMA, all of which intermolecular OHOH hydrogen bonding along
can serve as models for the hydroxyl portion of Bis- with intra/intermolecular OHether interactions.
GMA, provide some useful insights into the specific The OH stretch for PP also shows a clearly resolved
assignments of the hydrogen bonding states. The OH shoulder at higher frequency (m 3576 cm1), which
stretching region of the hydroxyl-containing mono- corresponds to the weak intramolecular hydrogen
mers and model compounds are presented in Figure 2. bonding interaction with the aromatic ether. There is
In the simplest case, IP, which absorbs at the lowest less of the strongest doubly hydrogen bonded
frequency of this series (OH mmax 3447 cm1), con- OHOH interaction compared with IP. This indicates
tains only the hydroxyl functional group and there- that if the intramolecular hydrogen bonding with the
fore, can engage only in intermolecular OHOH ether activates the OH as a proton acceptor in bond-
hydrogen bonding. On deconvolution of the OH peak ing with another OH (or ether), the resulting doubly
of IP, it is evident that there are at least two constitu- bonded complex is weaker than that formed exclu-
ent contributions, which can be assigned to singly sively from extended OHOH interactions. Weaker
bonded dimer or to extended doubly bonded trimers interactions may be expected since the five-mem-
and higher oligomers (Fig. 3) that appear at higher bered intramolecular cyclic structure imposes nonli-
and lower frequency, respectively.16 The limited nearity on the hydrogen bond geometry12 although
steric shielding associated with the compact IP struc- more complex coupled intra/intermolecular hydro-
ture leads to significant proportions of doubly gen bonding structures are possible.17

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


the central OH group, GDMA exhibits the weakest

overall hydrogen bond strength (OH mmax 3489
cm1). This final case provides evidence that the
intra/intermolecular OHO C interactions that are
emphasized in this dimethacrylate structure are rela-
tively weak. The strong doubly bonded intermolecu-
lar OHOH interactions in GDMA are apparently
minimized by the steric constraints imposed by the
two adjacent methacrylate groups.
Hydrogen bonding interactions are often exam-
ined through analysis of the carbonyl stretching
absorption since as hydrogen bond acceptors only,
the interactions tend to be simpler than those of the
OH or NH stretching and because the carbonyl IR
peak intensities are less influenced by hydrogen
Figure 2. IR spectra of the OH stretching region for Bis-
GMA as well as related monomers and model compounds. bonding. The carbonyl absorptions can be deconvo-
luted reliably20 to demonstrate the presence of two
overlapping absorptions: a nonhydrogen bonded
HEMA and HPMA were also evaluated as models O at about 1723 cm1 and a broader hydro-
(free) C
to simulate the external portion of the Bis-GMA gen bonded C O peak at about 1703 cm1 (Fig. 4).
structure. The significantly lower frequency of the The peak areas of the two constituent peaks provide
OH stretching maxima of IP and PP relative to an estimation of the relative contribution of the
HEMA and HPMA points to the weaker hydrogen OHO C interactions to overall hydrogen bonding
bond acceptor potential of an ester carbonyl com- (Table I). In Bis-GMA, the hydrogen bonded car-
pared with a hydroxyl group. HPMA should be a bonyl peak is significantly greater than that of the
good model for Bis-GMA since it contains a mixture nonhydrogen bonded carbonyl. For comparison, the
of isomers favoring the secondary hydroxyl over the carbonyl peaks of both HEMA and HPMA are split
primary hydroxyl in a ratio similar to the isomeric nearly equally between hydrogen bonded and non-
mixture present in Bis-GMA.18 In these examples, bonded components while in GDMA, which repre-
intra/intermolecular OHO C bonding is com- sents the other extreme, free carbonyl is present in a
bined along with intermolecular OHOH interac- considerable excess. There is equivalent stoichiome-
tions, which is an appropriate model for Bis-GMA tery between carbonyl and hydroxyl groups in Bis-
since no direct intramolecular OHOH interactions GMA, HEMA and HPMA while GDMA has twice as
are possible due to the rigid structure of the core many carbonyl groups, which undoubtedly affects
group.2,19 The weak hydrogen bonding (higher fre- the proportion of bonded carbonyl present.
quency) portion of the HEMA and HPMA OH
stretching absorptions closely approximate that of
Bis-GMA but HPMA and particularly HEMA, with a UDMA hydrogen bonding
more accessible primary hydroxyl group, have sig-
nificantly greater contributions from the stronger For a separate study focused on photopolymeriza-
doubly hydrogen bonding OHOH interactions that tion reaction kinetics, we previously prepared the
shift the peak maximum to lower frequencies (OH urethane monomethacrylates I and II (Fig. 5).5 In this
mmax 3438 and 3437 cm1 for HPMA and HEMA, isomer pair, monomer I has a melting point of 288C
respectively) compared with Bis-GMA (OH mmax while a reversal of the urethane functionality in
3461 cm1). With methacrylate ester groups flanking monomer II increases the melting point to 43458C.

Figure 3. Representative examples of singly (dimers) and doubly (linear and cylic trimers, tetramers, etc.) hydrogen
bonded interactions between hydroxyl groups or hydroxyl and carbonyl groups.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


Figure 5. Structures of urethane monomethacrylate iso-

mers used as models for UDMA.

bonded states with a ratio of two carbonyls (ure-

thane and ester) for each NH in this structure.
Unlike hydroxyl groups where the OH can serve
effectively as both hydrogen bond donor and
acceptor, in urethanes, the nitrogen is not strongly
electronegative due to electron donation to the ure-
thane carbonyl. Therefore, the NH group is an inef-
Figure 4. IR spectra of the carbonyl stretching region for fective hydrogen bond acceptor and essentially all
Bis-GMA and related monomers.
hydrogen bonding in the urethane-based monomers
involves NHO C interactions or NHether and/
The more central placement of the hydrogen bond- or NHOH bonding.11 As shown in Figure 7, hydro-
ing HN group in monomer II may account for its gen bonding with the methacrylate ester carbonyl
higher melting point. Monomer I is included in the involves formation of only a single bond whereas
evaluation here as a simplified model for UDMA. the interaction between urethane functional groups
While UDMA presents complex hydrogen bonding can form a more stable two-bond dimer structure.
with multiple potential intra/intermolecular interac- The potential for extended oligomeric hydrogen
tions involving both ester and urethane carbonyl bonded structures is limited by the requirement that
groups, the wide use of polyurethanes has lead to a the higher energy trans NH structures be adopted to
significant number of prior studies on urethane- achieve this. Also, the cyclic dimer formed by ure-
based hydrogen bonding.11,21-24 An additional com- thaneurethane bonding is particularly stable and
plicating factor is that within the urethane function- this likely limits the proportion of extended oligo-
ality, the OC NH group adopts a planar form meric bonded species. The weak hydrogen bonding
to maximize resonance overlap. This means the NH region of the carbonyl spectrum for monomer I
bond can be oriented either cis or trans with respect matches that of UDMA but UDMA has a slightly
to the adjacent C O group. The cis NH configura- higher proportion of stronger hydrogen bonding
tion is favored since this puts the N-alkyl unit in the interactions. In the EEC nonmethacrylate model,
lower energy trans orientation but the alternate con- which has an equal ratio of NH and C O groups
formation is not excluded.11 The methacrylate ester and exclusively involves intermolecular interactions,
and urethane carbonyl groups appear at similar the hydrogen bonded form of the carbonyl is present
positions in the mid-IR21 and no attempt was made in a fourfold excess compared with the contribution
to resolve these here. From the data in Table I and
the C O stretching spectra shown in Figure 6, the
mixed carbonyl peak in UDMA displays an approxi-
mately equivalent distribution of bonded and non-

Mid-IR Carbonyl Stretching Absorptions with
Deconvoluteda Constituent Peak Positions and Peak
Area Ratios
Free Bonded Bonded/
O mmax,
C Oa mmax,
C Oa mmax,
Free C
Compound (cm1) (cm1) (cm1) Ratio
Bis-GMA 1718 1723 1705 1.62
HEMA 1720 1723 1702 1.08
HPMA 1720 1721 1704 0.86
GDMA 1720 1723 1702 0.52
UDMA 1721 1725 1703 1.07
Monomer I 1722 1725 1704 0.89 Figure 6. IR spectra of the carbonyl stretching region
EEC 1700 1726 1700 4.18 for UDMA and related urethane monomers and model

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


Figure 7. Representative structures showing urethane hydrogen bonding interactions involving a single bonded dimer
with a methacrylate carbonyl (left), doubly bonded urethane-urethane dimer (center) and potential oligomers through
extended urethane bonding (right).

of the free urethane carbonyl. With the expectation NH hydrogen bonding with urethane and methac-
of efficient dimer formation in the exclusive ure- rylate carbonyls may be more prevalent since these
thaneurethane hydrogen bonding interactions as- interactions can readily adopt the favorable linear
sociated with EEC, the high proportion of bonded geometry.
carbonyl is not surprising. It is apparent that the The effect of water on OH and NH absorptions
inclusion of competing ester and urethane carbonyl was examined in GDMA and UDMA, respectively.
groups as hydrogen bond acceptors in UDMA pro- The addition of either 0.5 or 1.0 wt % of water to the
vides a restriction on the strength of these interac- monomers resulted in single phase mixtures. For
tions. both GDMA and UDMA, the position of the peak
In the NH stretching region (Fig. 8), just as in the maxima at 3489 and 3353 cm1, respectively, was
carbonyl region, EEC demonstrates the strongest hy- not affected by the presence of small amounts of
drogen bonding interactions (NH mmax 3338 cm1) water. While the NH peak shape of UDMA was
in this series. The NH stretch in UDMA has a mmax only slightly altered by the addition of water (half
3353 cm1, which is bracketed by that of monomer I height peak broadening of only 0.3 and 6.7 cm1 for
at higher frequency (mmax 3360 cm1) and mono- 0.5 and 1.0 wt % water, respectively, compared with
mer II at lower frequency (mmax 3349 cm1). The the unmodified monomer), the OH peak for GDMA
NH peak positions of the urethane monomethacry- was significantly broadened (peak width at half
late isomers appear to indicate that intramolecular height increases of 9.1 and 39.3 cm1) with a clear
hydrogen bonding between the urethane NH and enhancement to a preexisting longer wavelength
the methacrylate C O is not particularly significant shoulder at 3424 cm1 as water was added. These
since the seven-membered cyclic structure associated results indicate that small differences in moisture
with II should be preferred compared with the nine- content in monomers should not alter interpretations
membered counterpart required for I. If the intra- about hydrogen bonding based on positions of peak
molecular NHO Cester interactions effectively maxima but clearly it can complicate more in depth
compete with the intermolecular NHO Curethane evaluations reliant on curve fitting. It also suggests
bonding, the NH peaks for I and II could be that at least for the monomer pair evaluated here, as
expected in the reverse order to that observed hydrogen bond donors, urethane groups interact less
here. Therefore, in spite of the proximity of the with water than do hydroxyl groups, which would
available methacrylate carbonyl, intermolecular lead to lower degrees of hydrophilicity associated
with urethane methacrylates compared with other-
wise structurally similar hydroxyl-substituted metha-

Concentration dependent hydrogen bonding

For all samples of bulk monomer, only extremely

limited free OH or NH contributions to the overall
absorbance peaks were observed in the deconvo-
luted IR spectra. However, the percentage of OH
(for Bis-GMA, GDMA, HPMA and HEMA) and NH
(for UDMA and EEC) that is contributed by a non-
hydrogen bonded state was determined from the
deconvoluted spectra obtained at fixed levels of
monomer dilution in carbon tetrachloride, which
Figure 8. IR spectra of the NH stretching region for was selected as a minimally bonding solvent. The
UDMA and related urethane compounds. partial IR spectra focused on the fundamental OH/

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


increase in proportion of free NH with dilution,

which can be attributed to the lack of any intramo-
lecular hydrogen bonding.
Alternatively, changes in hydrogen bonding as a
function of dilution can be monitored by shifts in
the peak maxima of the bonded OH and NH stretch-
ing absorptions. By this approach, the OH peak max-
ima change by greater amounts than do the urethane
NH peaks as concentration is decreased (Table II).
The OH peak shift dilution response for HEMA
exceeds that of Bis-GMA but the largest effect was
noted for PP. The shift to higher frequency as con-
centration is reduced for OH-containing structures
provides evidence that the strongest hydrogen bonds
involve considerable intermolecular interactions.
Conversely, the consistency observed for the NH
peak maxima with dilution is an indication that
intramolecular hydrogen bonding plays a signifi-
cant role in both weak and strong interactions. The
differential between the free OH/NH peak position
and the position of the bonded peak maxima was
also evaluated (Table II). According to this, all the
hydroxyl-based hydrogen bonding interactions are
stronger than those associated with the urethanes.

Thermal studies of hydrogen bonding in Bis-GMA

Figure 9. Concentration dependence of the IR stretching and UDMA
peak maxima for OH or NH in selected monomers.
The OH or NH peak maxima from IR spectra of
NH absorbances in Bis-GMA and UDMA as a func- neat methacrylate monomers were obtained between
tion of monomer concentration are shown in Figure room temperature and 678C as a means to probe the
9 and the data is summarized in Table II along with relative strength of hydrogen bonding interactions.
results for other monomers and model compounds. The noncovalent interactions associated with hydro-
It is apparent that the free OH of Bis-GMA consists gen bonds in the monomeric state can be disrupted
of two bands that differ in intensity as concentration by an increase in temperature. While heating
is changed. This may be a result of the presence of impacts intramolecular hydrogen bonding interac-
both primary and secondary OH groups where the tions as higher energy conformations become more
free OH of the latter would be expected at lower fre- accessible, as with dilution, the preferential effects
quency.16 Similar results are observed in the spectra are expected on intermolecular hydrogen bonds due
of GDMA, which also provides a mixture of isomers, to the progressive decrease in density that accompa-
while HEMA and HPMA show a single free OH nies increased temperature. To simplify the analysis,
peak. Dilution of the monomers in a nonpolar sol- only the peak maxima and the general peak shapes
vent disrupts the intermolecular hydrogen bonds were evaluated here. The increase in temperature
with limited impact on the intramolecular interac- has a significant effect on the shape and peak max-
tions. Therefore, one way to examine the results is to ima of the OH absorption in Bis-GMA but the ther-
follow the change in proportion of the free OH or mal impact on the NH absorption in UDMA is more
NH with dilution. The 2.9-fold increase in free OH limited. As expected, the peak maxima shift to
seen for Bis-GMA between 0.2 and 0.05M indicates a higher frequency as temperature is increased. Over
modestly greater level of overall intermolecular the temperature range probed here, the shift in max-
hydrogen bonding compared with the 2.6-fold ima with respect to temperature is linear for both
increase obtained for UDMA. By this measure, Bis-GMA and UDMA (Fig. 10); however, the extent
HEMA, with a 4-fold increase in free OH over the of the thermal effect is 50% greater for Bis-GMA.
dilution range used here, appears to have the largest The thermal IR study extended to HEMA and
percentage of intermolecular hydrogen bonding GDMA, which showed the greatest and least thermal
interactions, which may be justified by its accessible sensitivity, respectively. This pattern agrees with
primary hydroxyl group. EEC provided the greatest the dilution dependence of the OH peak noted

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


IR Analysis of the Hydrogen Bonding Concentration Dependence Based on OH/NH Stretching Vibration
Hydrogen Bond
Bonded to Free Hydrogen Bonded Lengthening of
Monomer/ Free OH/NH OH/NH Ratio, OH/NH OH/NH
Concentration mmax, (cm1) (Peak Area) mmax, (cm1) Stretch, (%)a

Bis-GMA 3610, 3589 3461a 4.1

0.2M 11.3 3486
0.1M 6.6 3491
0.05M 3.9 3495
PP 3619 3388b 6.4
0.2M 3.6 3482
0.1M 2.2 3490
0.05M 1.5 3503
HEMA 3627 3437b 5.2
0.2M 10.1 3506
0.1M 4.1 3515
0.05M 2.5 3518
HPMA 3619 3438b 5.0
0.2M 3.5 3502
0.1M 2.2 3509
0.05M 1.5 3513
GDMA 3623, 3600 3489b 3.7
0.2M 11.2 3506
0.1M 6.9 3509
0.05M 3.9 3512
UDMA 3462 3353b 3.1
0.2M 4.6 3377
0.1M 2.8 3377
0.05M 1.8 3377
EEC 3461 3338b 3.6
0.2M 1.7 3367
0.1M 0.8 3370
0.05M 0.3 3372
Difference between peak positions of free OH/NH and neat monomer mmax (based on highest frequency in case of mul-
tiple peaks).
Neat monomer.

previously and the behavior can be explained by Monomer and resin viscosity
more pronounced intramolecular hydrogen bonding
between the OH and the adjacent methacrylate car- Viscosity is the internal resistance of a fluid to
bonyl groups in GDMA compared with greater pro- flow. Intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions
portions of doubly bonded primary OH groups in raise monomer viscosity by an increase in the appa-
HEMA. The shifts in OH or NH peak maxima with rent molecular weight of monomers and promotion
temperature for the comonomer mixtures are shown of greater cohesive energy. The dihydroxy and diu-
in Table III. Here the OH absorption maxima for Bis- rethane structures of Bis-GMA and UDMA mean
GMA-based compositions display the greatest tem-
that the effects of hydrogen bonding can be
perature sensitivity with the addition of GDMA as a
extended through continuously reforming local
diluent comonomer with hydrogen bond donor/
physical network structures. The extent of the tran-
acceptor capability producing the most profound
sient network effect would be directly proportional
effect even though GDMA alone showed very lim-
ited thermal effect on the OH hydrogen bond. This to the average strength of the interaction and the
provides evidence of strong intermolecular interac- degree to which intermolecular interactions contrib-
tions associated specifically with Bis-GMA. The ute to the overall hydrogen bonding. Among com-
reduced thermal response of hydrogen bonding of monly used dimethacrylate dental monomers, Bis-
NH (and OH with GDMA comonomer) in UDMA GMA has the highest viscosity by well over an order
resins points to weaker intermolecular hydrogen of magnitude. Depending on the degree of oligome-
bonding interactions. Despite the limited bonding rization of the aromatic core, the viscosity of Bis-
potential in the EBDMA/GDMA comonomer combi- GMA can vary widely over a span from <500 Pa s
nation, the thermal effect on hydrogen bonding to >1200 Pa s. The dramatically higher viscosity of
slightly exceeded that of the UDMA materials. Bis-GMA relative to other hydrogen bonding mono-

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


Figure 10. Effect of temperature on the IR stretching peak maxima for OH or NH in Bis-GMA (top), UDMA (center) and
plotted for selected monomers (bottom).

mers appears to result primarily from the rigid core changes in resin viscosity were evaluated as a com-
group structure that excludes direct intramolecular plement to the thermal IR studies. All the Bis-GMA-
OHOH interactions and the promotion of mainly based resins showed the highest ambient viscosities
intermolecular OHOC interactions. as well as the steepest decreases in viscosity with
For comonomer mixtures of the various combina- increased temperature (Fig. 11 and Table III). The
tions of hydrogen bonding and nonhydrogen bond- UDMA resins were intermediate in initial viscosity
ing methacrylates, the temperature dependent but the temperature sensitivity of viscosity for these

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


Thermal Effects on Comonomer Hydrogen Bonding and Viscosity
OH/NH mmax Change
Hydrogen Bond with Temperature Linear Viscosity Slope 3 102
Comonomersa Donor, Base/Diluent (37678C) Regression r2 (h) (Pa s)b Dh /DT, (Pa s/8C)

Bis-GMA/GDMA / 0.73 0.98 5.51 5.42

Bis-GMA/NDMA / 0.41 0.96 1.48 5.56
Bis-GMA/TEGDMA / 0.98 4.04
UDMA/GDMA / 0.22 0.99 0.52 3.45
UDMA/NDMA / 0.19 0.98 0.27 3.52
UDMA/TEGDMA / 0.19 3.00
EBDMA/GDMA / 0.26 0.92 0.18 3.20
EBDMA/NDMA / 0.08 2.94
All compositions 7:3 weight ratios.
Viscosity measured at 308C.

resins was only slightly greater than that of the low the 7:3 weight ratios of comonomers used here rep-
viscosity comonomer pairs obtained with EBDMA resent molar ratios of GDMA and NDMA ranging
as the base monomer. The entirely nonhydrogen between 48 and 52%. The data in Figure 11 and Ta-
bonding resin composed of EBDMA/NDMA pro- ble III also show that at equivalent levels of dilution,
vided the lowest overall viscosity and the least tem- TEGDMA is a particularly effective diluent comono-
perature dependence. The viscosity behavior of this mer with Bis-GMA or UDMA. In spite of the two
resin can be considered a baseline level to which ether linkages and two methacrylate ester carbonyl
hydrogen bonding contributes increasing thermal groups in TEGDMA, which can act as hydrogen
sensitivity that is directly related to the strength of bond acceptors, TEGDMA promotes lower viscosity
the intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions. and thermal sensitivity of viscosity compared with
The contribution of the diluent monomer, either NDMA.
GDMA as a hydrogen bond donor or NDMA which
lacks this capability, produced clear viscosity differ-
ences in the resins, but only minor alterations in the Photopolymerization reaction kinetics
thermal sensitivity. The only resin pair showing a
significant difference in thermal sensitivity based on The results of the homopolymerization and co-
the diluent monomer used was the EBDMA resins. polymerization reaction studies were evaluated with
This demonstrates that the bulk of the hydrogen a view toward how hydrogen bonding and viscosity
bonding interactions are linked to the presence of affect polymerization kinetics. Within the forming
Bis-GMA or UDMA as the primary hydrogen bond polymer, the transient intermolecular hydrogen
donors. The dominance of the hydrogen bonding bonding interactions, which are located exclusively
effects of the base monomers is also evident since on the crosslink and pendant group segments for

Figure 11. Thermal effects on the viscosity of comonomer mixtures (7:3 weight ratio compositions).

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


TABLE IV were no significant effects on reactivity related to

Photopolymerization Kinetics of Monomers whether the diluent comonomer used included a
and Comonomer Mixtures
hydrogen bond donor group. In terms of immediate
Normalized conversion limits obtained, in every case, the use of
Monomer/ Rate Immediate the lower viscosity NDMA diluent resulted in higher
Comonomer Maximuma, (s1) Conversionb, (%)
conversion compared with the hydrogen bonding
Bis-GMA 0.003 30.2 GDMA diluent. The Bis-GMA copolymers showed sig-
UDMA 0.087 56.9 nificant conversion limitations, which implies reduced
EBDMA 0.082 63.1 reactivity efficiency for Bis-GMA compared with
GDMA 0.032 51.8
NDMA 0.021 54.7 UDMA or EBDMA as free monomer25 but probably
Bis-GMA/GDMA 0.064 6 0.011 45.0 6 1.3 even more so as pendant groups utilized in crosslink
Bis-GMA/NDMA 0.059 6 0.010 48.4 6 0.4 formation.
UDMA/GDMA 0.076 6 0.001 56.5 6 0.4
UDMA/NDMA 0.074 6 0.008 59.0 6 0.6
EBDMA/GDMA 0.050 6 0.004 58.8 6 0.3
Hydrogen bonding in polymers
EBDMA/NDMA 0.050 6 0.005 60.8 6 0.6
Rate maximum/(1-conversion at rate maximum). The work of Lee et al. includes a discussion of the
Conversion value at 5 min.
real time analysis of hydrogen bonding during the
photopolymerization process and provides evidence
of hydrogen bond strengthening during polymeriza-
these dimethacrylate monomers, can cumulatively tion.4 A separate study follows hydrogen bonding
raise the system viscosity and allow autoacceleration interactions in thermal polymerizations of Bis-GMA,
to occur at lower conversion than in the absence of which were found to remain relatively constant up
hydrogen bonding.4 Among the homopolymers, to moderate levels of conversion and then decrease
UDMA and EBDMA produced the highest reaction at high conversion.26 Because of the nonisothermal
rates after normalization by the conversion at the conditions associated with the photocuring opera-
rate maximum (Table IV). This was followed by tions used here, only the static spectra of selected
moderate reaction rates for GDMA and NDMA with monomer/polymer pairs were examined. The hydro-
Bis-GMA having by far the lowest rate. Considering gen bond acceptor capabilities of a saturated car-
the ambient temperature monomer viscosities of Bis- bonyl may be modestly increased compared with
GMA, UDMA, EBDMA, GDMA, and NDMA are that of the unsaturated methacrylate ester. This
*850, 13, 2, 0.1, and 0.02 Pa s, respectively, with the along with the densification that accompanies poly-
exception of Bis-GMA; this order of reactivity paral- merization would favor an increase in hydrogen
lels the decrease in monomer viscosity. While factors bonding potential as polymerization occurs. How-
other than monomer viscosity affect the reaction ever, reduced mobility could negatively affect hydro-
kinetics, an optimal level of initial viscosity exists gen bonding ability. For the photocured copolymer of
that permits immediate onset of autoacceleration Bis-GMA/NDMA, the OH absorption at 3490 cm1
while monomer diffusion rates still remain high. The showed no change in the peak maximum compared
extremely high viscosity of Bis-GMA is clearly with the comonomer spectrum and only a slight
beyond this optimum viscosity range and both ter- increase in a longer wavelength contribution, which
mination and propagation processes are significantly indicates marginally enhanced hydrogen bonding in
mobility-restricted from the outset. The Bis-GMA the polymer. The OH region of the IR spectrum
homopolymerization yielded the lowest immediate from the polymerized Bis-GMA/GDMA mixture
conversion value while the lowest viscosity mono- showed essentially no change in either peak position
mers, GDMA and NDMA, gave intermediate limit- or shape relative to the monomer mixture. The NH
ing conversion. The higher reaction rates associated stretching absorption for UDMA/NDMA produced
with the UDMA and EBDMA polymerizations a shift of 6 cm1 toward shorter wavelength after
allows access to higher levels of conversion in spite polymerization, which indicates weakened hydrogen
of the higher initial monomer viscosities. bonding compared with the monomer mixture. The
In the two component mixtures, the reactivity combined OH/NH absorption in the UDMA/
decreased in the order of UDMA comonomers > Bis- GDMA formulation also shows a similar shift of 4
GMA comonomers > EBDMA comonomers. While the cm1 upon polymerization. This trend of modest
comonomer combinations containing either UDMA or weakening of hydrogen bonding in UDMA-contain-
EBDMA were less reactive than the corresponding ing polymers compared with the monomeric state
homopolymerizations of these monomers, the Bis- extended to UDMA/TEGDMA resins while the Bis-
GMA-based mixtures showed a substantial synergy in GMA/TEGDMA OH peak maximum was not
reactivity relative to the individual monomers. There affected by polymerization.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


TABLE V is effectively retained. UDMA hydrogen bonding is

Mechanical Strength Properties of Dimethacrylate weaker and displays greater intramolecular charac-
ter. Polymerization of UDMA materials appears to
Flexural Flexural modestly disrupt its hydrogen bonding interactions.
Comonomers Modulus, (MPa) Strength, (MPa) In light of this, the comparable mechanical strength
Bis-GMA/GDMA 3654 6 148a 112 6 11a of UDMA-containing polymers relative to those
Bis-GMA/NDMA 2860 6 92b 91 6 12a,b based on Bis-GMA is probably the result of more ef-
UDMA/GDMA 3247 6 86c 111 6 21a ficient crosslinking involving the flexible UDMA
UDMA/NDMA 2737 6 53b,d 113 6 6a structure. Viscosity effects can dramatically alter po-
EBDMA/GDMA 2520 6 88e 98 6 15a,b
EBDMA/NDMA 2116 6 86f 77 6 10b lymerization reactivity; however, in copolymeriza-
tions here, the increase in viscosity related to the use
Letters designate statistically significant differences of the hydrogen bonding diluent monomer produced
among groups following one way ANOVA with Tukey
pairwise multiple comparison test (p < 0.05).
a negligible effect on reaction rate and modestly
decreased the final conversion achieved. It is difficult
to generalize hydrogen bonding effects since specific
structural differences of OH or NH functionalized
The influence of hydrogen bonding in the polymer
monomers as well as comonomer combinations used
state also included an assessment of polymer me-
can significantly alter the nature of hydrogen bond-
chanical properties. Photocured specimens of the
ing interactions and their ultimate impact on mono-
comonomer series that combine various bonding and
mer and polymer properties.
nonbonding pairs were subjected to three-point bend
testing to failure. For each base monomer, the inclu-
sion of GDMA as a diluent comonomer capable of The authors thank Esstech for donation of many of the
contributing to hydrogen bonding resulted in a sig- monomers used in this study.
nificant increase in polymer flexural modulus com-
pared with use of NDMA as the diluent (Table V).
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Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a

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