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TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
Web 2.0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning

Remember to write the ODU honor pledge at the end of this table.

Read the directions in Blackboard on how to complete this sheet.

My name: Alicia Pullen

Name of the tool Mindomo
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions 1. Go to
of how to use the 2. In the center of the webpage click on GET STARTED
tool 3. Create an account by typing in your first and last name then provide
an email address and create a password
4. Create a venn diagram or outline by clicking create in the top left
side of the webpage
5. Add a title in the blank box located in the middle of the webpage
then select a format you would like to use to create your venn
diagram or outline then click create
6. Once youve chosen a format, you can type in the boxes, add
attachments, multimedia, icons, and comments
7. To invite another member to your venn diagram or outline, click the
share button on the top right corner of the webpage and type in
another email address youd like to invite
8. Next to their email, in the drop down bar click modify or view
9. Below the email address box, click add message if you would to
add a comment or directions about the venn diagram or outline
10. Lastly, click share & save

Ideas for how the With SOL 6.9 English: The student will find, evaluate, and select
tool can be used appropriate resources for a research product. Using the Mindomo venn
in PK-12 diagram or timeline, students can organize a framework for their research
by adding a title and concept points to discuss in their research. Key
concept a) collect information from multiple sources including online, print,
and media by attaching additional resources to their choice of format
organizer. Students can collaborate with one another by adding r what
theyve researched to the venn diagram.

With SOL CE.2 8th Grade Civics and Economics (History): The student will
demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of American constitutional
government by creating an outline that list the importance of U.S
documents. Key concept b) explain the significance of the charters of the
Virginia Company of London, the Virginia Declaration of Rights, the
Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Virginia
Statute for Religious Freedom, and the Constitution of the United States,
including the Bill of Rights. Mindomo will allow students to visually organize
the documents through using different formats such as outline which
provides real-time editable outlining so that students may compare and
contrast each document. Students can collaborate and add information
TLED 430 Module 3
Collaborative Assignment
under each document.

With SOL WHI.3 World History and Geography (History): The student will
demonstrate knowledge of ancient river valley civilizations, including those
of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus River Valley, and China and the
civilizations of the Hebrews, Phoenicians, and Nubians, by using one of the
three venn diagrams to describe the culture of each civilization. Key
concept b) describing the development of social, political, and economic
patterns, including slavery which can be displayed as key concepts in the
venn diagram and explained with examples and pictures in the boxes below
Positives and Positives (4)
challenges of 1. Allows students to navigate the site easily without needing much
using the tool instruction.
2. Allows students to select the format in which they would like to use
depending on the amount of content needed for their venn diagram
or outline
3. The site lets students design and create their venn diagram and
outlines by adding pictures and attaching web URLs and videos.
4. Saves students work automatically to their home page of the
Negatives (3)
1. It requires internet access meaning that if there is an
internet/computer complication, students will not have access to the
2. The website may attract younger grade levels rather than high
school students.
3. Students must have an email to sign up which some students
depending on grade level and age may not have .
Peers Alexus Shutters
Name of the tool Google Docs
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions 1) Visit
of how to use the 2) Sign in using Google account or create one for free.
tool 3) Open the type of document you would like to use.
4) Click the Share button at the top right corner. You can obtain a
shareable link for people to view, edit, or make suggestions. You can also
directly invite people by entering their Google email.
5) Files save automatically but the name of the Doc can be edited in the top
left corner of the page.

Ideas for how the 1. For the English 2.13 SOL the student will edit writing for correct
tool can be used grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. The teacher will
in PK-12 prepare a Google Doc for each group with a story that has
grammatical and spelling errors. The file will be shared with each
student using the Can Comment option. As a group, students will
need to read the story and correct the errors.
2. For the English 7.8 SOL the student will edit writing for correct
TLED 430 Module 3
Collaborative Assignment
grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure,
and paragraphing. Students will get into groups of three and share
their rough drafts of an essay with their peers via Google Docs
using the Can Comment option. Students will then give their
peers feedback on their writing and look for any spelling or
grammatical errors. Students will then choose what feedback is
helpful to their writing and what they do not need.
3. For English 10.8 SOL the student will collect, evaluate, organize,
and present information to create a research product; (e) Cite
sources for both quoted and paraphrased ideas using a standard
method of documentation, such as that of the Modern Language
Association (MLA) or the American Psychological Association
(APA). The teacher will provide 5 sources (all different types) for
students to practice citation. Students will join groups of their choice
and using Google Docs create two pages to cite the sources, one
MLA and one APA. Students will then share this Google Doc with
the teacher.
Positives and Positives (4):
challenges of 1. This tool promotes classroom discussion and the sharing of notes.
using the tool 2. This tool automatically backs up so even if the computer crashes,
work will be saved.
3. Work is saved to Google Drive automatically so work can be
accessed on any device.
4. Operates similar to Windows making it simple to use.
Negatives (3):
1. This tool works best in Google Chrome and is not as compatible
with Safari or Internet Explorer.
2. It also requires internet access so if the network crashes or internet
is down work cannot be accessed.
3. It can be confusing if a lot of people are making edits at one time.

Peers Graham Fogelgren

Name of the tool Pirate Pad
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions 1. Go to
of how to use the 2. Click on the frog
tool 3. Copy the url and share it with your groupmates
4. Use it as a basic word document from there
Ideas for how the 1. Using SOL WHII.12 as an example, students could do things such
tool can be used as contribute part of a collaborative research assignment on the
in PK-12 major powers of WWII
2. Using VUS.10 as an example, students could work together to
gather sources on how the New Deal helped the United States
recover from the Great Depression
3. Using USI.6 as an example, share their opinions on how the events
of the colonial period lead to the American Revolution as a critical
thinking exercise
TLED 430 Module 3
Collaborative Assignment

Positives and Positives

challenges of 1. No signup necessary
using the tool 2. User Friendly basic layout
3. Doesnt require advanced knowledge of computers to access or use
4. Very fast to access
1. Offers little in manipulation
2. Could possibly cause lack of interest
3. Its competing with Google Docs which is a bit more open

Peers name: KIERRA BAKER

Name of the tool WEBPOSTER

Where to access this
tool (web address)
Brief instructions of 1. DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST!
how to use the tool 2. Go to
3. On the left side of the page you will see student login directly
below you will see and you will click create a new poster.
4. After clicking create a new poster click next and you will need
to fill in your name, a password, and the class code.
5. Class Code: 248280
6. Each time you login you will need your password you created
and the class code. PLEASE WRITE DOWN YOUR
7. Once you are logged in you have access to you and your
classmates posters.
8. The website helps you set up your page by breaking it down into
sections: Follow the websites instructions and type in your

Ideas for how For english SOL 1.9 e) Ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how
the tool can be questions about what is read. f) Identify characters, setting, and important
used in PK-12 events.
Each student will create a short story of their choice with the use of
pictures and post it to the class page on web poster. After posting their
story they must comment under 2 of their peers stories the answer to the
following questions; WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY HOW?? We will
then have a class vote on the most liked story, the 2 stories that win will
be put together to form one story. I will post the story on the class site
and each student will comment and answer the following: WHO ARE

For Health SOL 10.2 q) Explain the importance of emotional health, and
identify when and where to seek support for self and others. t) Explain risk
factors for and the warning signs of suicide.
Each student will be put into groups, at the end each group will come
TLED 430 Module 3
Collaborative Assignment

together to educate the importance of the topic. One group will research
and create a web poster on the different types of emotional health. 2nd
group will research and create web poster on the causes of suicide. Third
group will research and create a web poster discussing where to seek
help as well as how and/or how these resources arent helping. The
fourth group will create and record a short skit using the information
from their peers research. The skit must be at least 3 min long.

For Science SOL 6.2 The student will investigate and understand basic
sources of energy, their origins, transformations, and uses. Key concepts
include a) potential and kinetic energy; b) the role of the sun in the formation of
most energy sources on Earth; c) nonrenewable energy sources; d) renewable
energy sources; and e) energy transformations.
The students will do their own research choosing information from
scholarly journals and educational sites only. They will research
information on at least 3 of the letters above and use the webposter as if
it were a blog. They must cite all information and provide links to
educational pages.
I will then create a test and the students will use their peers blog posts on
web posters to answer the questions.
Positives and POSITIVES: 1. No cost 2. Easy to navigate 3. Students have different options
challenges of in which they can set up their posters(colors, position, etc.) 4. Teacher has
using the tool access to each students account. NEGATIVES: 1. Younger children may
need help keeping track of password. 2. Younger students may not have an
email account 3. Only room for 1 photo.

Honor Pledge
I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of
academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of
the academic community it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violations of the Honor Code.
I will report to a hearing if summoned.

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