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Case 4 - EDCI 270

CMFK Does Phases of the Moon!

Name: Caroline Kelley, Emma DeLong, Elia Marshall, and Anne Wilson

Lab Instructor: Alicia Jenkins

Lesson topic:

What is the focus of this lesson?

The numerous phases of the moon

How is it related to your course theme?

Elias theme is kindergarten science and Annes is kindergarten math which are encompassed in
STEM. Emmas theme is second grade reading, and Carolines is 1st grade language arts, both of which
are required in the lesson.

Indiana Standard(s):

What is the standard(s) your lesson will address/focus upon?

4.ESS.1 - Investigate how the moon appears to move through the sky and it changes day to day,
emphasizing the importance of how the moon impacts the Earth, the rising and setting times, and solar
and lunar eclipses.

How does the selected standard relate to your course theme?

As stated above, Elias theme is kindergarten science and Annes is kindergarten math which are
encompassed in STEM. Emmas theme is second grade reading, and Carolines is 1st grade language arts,
both of which are required in the lesson.

Can you effectively use the content from your course theme to accomplish the selected standard?

Yes, all of us have different course themes, but we are able to relate it back in one way or another. To do
the activity and learn the lesson, the students will be required to use our course themes at some point in
the lesson.

Target audience/students:
What characteristics about your target learners will/might have an impact on how they approach,
study, invest effort and learn this lesson?

The target students for this lesson are considered to be at-risk; it can be anticipated that the students
energy levels will be relatively high, therefore the lesson will be highly interactive.

How do your learners differ from each other? What challenges does this present for this lesson?
List those challenges based on learner diversity that you will need to be aware of in order to
create the best possible learning outcomes.

The learners differ from each other because each learner has different needs and abilities. Some
challenges that could be presented in this lesson could be inattentiveness of the students and/or lack of

How will those challenges be addressed within your lesson?

In order to actively engage students, we will incorporate as much interactivity into the lesson as possible
while still adhering to the objectives.

Lesson objectives:

What should the learners be able to do once they have experienced/studied/learned this lesson?
What is the PERFORMANCE they need to demonstrate, under what CONDITIONS and how
well do they need to do it (performance CRITERIA)?

Given 4 cookies per group, students will be able to successfully identify each of the 8 phases of the moon
with no more than 2 mistakes.

New moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous,
last quarter, and waning crescent

Learning environment:

Where will the lesson take place? What benefits/challenges does this location offer to the
occurrence of the learning?

This lesson will be taking place in an impact classroom, or another classroom that offers an environment
where active learning can take place and has movable desks/ chairs/ tables, white board(s), and a
SmartBoard/ projector.

Materials needed for the lesson:

For each part of the lesson, what are all of the items/devices (e.g., mobile device, application
software, paper, calculator, measuring tape, tools, lab equipment) that will be needed to allow the
student to successfully complete the lesson? Give potential alternative devices that will also work
as needed to expand the usefulness of this lesson.
Direct Instruction:

We will present the phases of the moon to students using the video that can be found here: This will require a SmartBoard/ projector of
some sort that plays sound.

Active Engagement:

Oreos, spoons, paper towels, hand wipes

Procedures [NOTE: this needs to be very detailed]

After dividing the lesson into its relevant subparts, what is the outline of how, when, and in what
order each part will be carried out?

Fully explain each subpart/element of the lesson that will occur. For all key subparts to the lesson,
explain how/when/why those parts will be integrated.

Explain the integration of all technology in each of the lesson subparts. Justify and explain the
use of all technology and explain its value.

Overall, what will be done to enhance and maintain learner attention and motivation throughout
the lesson?

1. For active engagement practice, students will each receive a sheet with the phases of the moon
cards. They will first rearrange the cards in the correct order, and we will then lead them in
additional practice.

1. What phase comes after new moon? *Students select waxing crescent, etc.*

b. Divide students into groups of 3-5 students each. Give each group four cookies and a copy of the
Moon Phases Cards handout.

c. Ask students to twist open their cookies and put both sides down on the table, with the cream side
facing up.

d. Ask each group to recreate the eight phases of the moon, using the eight cookie halves and by
scraping the cream onto or off their cookies with a popsicle stick, spoon or other tool, to make
them look like the shapes featured on the Moon Phases Cards. (Students may need to scrape
some of the cream off of one cookie and add more to another to create their phases.)

e. Each group should place their eight moon phases in the order shown in the cards.
f. After each group has placed its cookie moons in order, ask them to check their moon cookies with
the phases in the Moon Phases Cards to make sure they have their phases in the right order

g. Have students observe the creations of the other groups.


What will the students do to show that the overall lesson objectives have been achieved? How
will you measure that learning has occurred?

The students will show their knowledge by completing the worksheet given to them that is shown below.

Include specific assessment tools (or samples, if appropriate).


What sources have you used, assembled, referenced in order to design this lesson and all of its
parts? What additional activities, resources, websites would be helpful to you and those using
your lesson plan as they attempt to implement this lesson?

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