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Items Totals of 10 Bins per day

Orange Peels 35
Paper bags and wrappers 40
Plastic Bottles 55
Banana Peels 65
Apple Cores 85
Plastic Wrappers 115

Rubish Collection Sum


275 325
175 200
35 40 55 65

Totals of 10 Bins per day Amount collected per week (5 days) Am

The following chart is a summary of Rubish collected over three periods of tim
The following Bar graph gives an accurate and easy visiual representation of
A bar graph was chosen as this best visually represents this data, opposed to
There were no identified patterns within the data represented.
Amount collected per week (5 daysAmount collected per month (20 days)
175 700
200 800
275 1100
325 1300
425 1700
575 2300

Rubish Collection Summary




275 325
55 65 85 115

mount collected per week (5 days) Amount collected per month (20 days)

ollected over three periods of time, 1 day, 1 week and 1 month.

d easy visiual representation of the different items of rubish collected over these three periods of tim
epresents this data, opposed to differing charting options.
ata represented.
(20 days)

three periods of time.

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