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Ms. Walker Mrs. Lewis Mrs.


Class News
February 10th 2017

Hello Parents/Guardians! from the following areas:

Important Dates
We have completed our delivery, construction, road
Earth discovery. I would like repair, traffic and safety,
Feb 14th Valen- to thank all of the parents DOT as far as road mainte-
tines Day that assisted with our field nance is concerned. If you
Feb 17th Early trip to the State Museum. or someone you know fits
Dismissal 10:45-11:30 Most of the students said this description, please con-
Parent / Teacher Con- their favorite part of the tact with days and times you
trip was the 4D movie. would be able to come and
Feb 20 School talk to the students.
Day! Inclement Thanks.
Weather Make Up Day Next week we are
th beginning a new Please donate!
Feb 24
study called Road We are collect-
Riverbanks Zoo Field
Trip Study. To make ing donations
this study/ for Pennies for
exploration come Patients for the
to life, we are look- entire month of
ing for volunteers February.

We are exploring A prize will go to

roads and how the class that
they are made! raises the most

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