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Boykins Interview Report 1

Country Case Study: Italy

Interview Report

Shara Boykins
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Technology integration in the classroom has become the new norm in the 21st century all over the

world. Nonetheless, not all educators receive sufficient training on how to utilize the technology

tools in the classroom. One of the common issues in Italy is the growing cultural heterogeneity

in society and in the classroom (Moraova, 2016). Italy has several research studies on the

implementation of technology into classrooms and to address issues pertaining to it. Technology

in Italy classrooms has not only shown some positive and negative influences but also display

imitative that will enhance the Italian educational system. The purpose of this report was to

analyze and seek out to Italian educators to identify what makes the Italian educational system

unique, what technology is being integrated into classrooms and if they participate in global

collaboration with other schools in other countries.

Interview Questions

1. What technology do you have access to and how do you use it?

Rationale: This question is instrumental in understanding what types of technology tools are used

in Italian classrooms for learning and teaching strategies.

2. Please describe your current roles as an educator?

Rationale: This question is instrumental in identifying the background and or description of an

Italian educator.

3. Have you received professional development specifically about technology integration in

the classroom? What kind of courses did you take?

Rationale: This question is instrumental in understanding if there are training opportunities for

educators on technology implementation in the classroom.

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4. How do you think technology can enhance student learning in your classroom?

Rationale: This question is instrumental in determining the motivation behind the importance of

technology integration in the classroom.

5. How would you explain the education system in Italy?

Rationale: This question is instrumental in identifying positive attributes or key challenges that

make Italian school system unique.

6. What makes your education system different than other countries?

Rationale: This question is instrumental in gaining knowledge and seeking a global perspective

On the overall Italian school system.

Follow-Up Questions

1. What is an ICT in your opinion?

2. What is a LIM?

3. Do you use video conferencing with your students?

4. What technology do your students have access to and how do they use it throughout the


5. Have you or your students completed any global projects with students from another

country? If so what country?

Strategy Used

To seek information about Italy educational system, I used e-mail to get connected with

educators in Italy. I initially searched online to find organizations that participate in global

collaboration. I did not know which organization to use so I did a little more research and

came across two organizations. The organizations that I contacted was the Asia-Europe

Foundation and the European Schoolnet. Both organizations specified on their website that
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they promote people to people exchange and global collaboration between multiple countries

specifically in Europe. The first email that was sent gave a brief introduction as to who I was

and also attached was a word document with all the interview questions that I wanted

answered to get more familiarity with the Italian school system. While waiting for responses

from the two organizations, I also attempted to research some online interviews that may

have been conducted with Italian educators, students or administrators. However, I had a

difficult time finding a reliable or current source. As a backup plan I searched online for

information to get a better perspective and knowledge of the overall Italian educational

system. The following emails were sent to each organization.

Dear European Schoolnet,

I am currently a graduate student at the University of Maryland, University College pursuing a

degree in instructional technology. Currently, the class I am in we are studying about global

perspectives and educational technology in the United States and Italy.

To be specific, I am researching how technology is utilized in classrooms in Italy. In order for me

to complete this assignment I have to interview a few teachers and administrator in Italy to find

out how technology is used in classrooms in Italy. I would appreciate any help in working

closely with one of your teachers. Any information you can provide would be helpful. If you are

willing to assist me could you answer the attached question by March 14, 2017? Thank you in



Shara Boykins
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Dear Asia-Europe,

I am currently a graduate student at the University of Maryland, University College pursuing a

degree in instructional technology. Currently, the class I am in we are studying about global

perspectives and educational technology in the United States and Italy.

To be specific, I am researching how technology is utilized in classrooms in Italy. In order for me

to complete this assignment I have to interview a few teachers in Italy to find out how

technology is used in the classrooms in Italy. I would appreciate any help in working closely

with one of your teachers. Any information you can provide would be helpful. If you could assist

me it would be good to get your responses by March 13, 2017. I have attached the specific

questions that would assist me. Thank you in advance.


Shara Boykins

Date Communication Response/Comment

February 18,2017 Emailed the European No Response

February 22,2017 Emailed the Asia- Europe Response form Angie TOH-

classroom net she replied : Dear Shara

Thank you for your email.

Before we forward your

request to a few teachers

Boykins Interview Report 6

from Italy, I would like to

find if your target audience

are secondary and high

school teachers.

In case you are not aware, the

ASEF Classroom Network is

a programmer designed for

secondary and high school

teachers and students.

Best regards


February 22, 2017 Emailed the European No response

Schoolnet with updated

information on email from

feedback form classmates and

the professor
March 2, 2017 Cristina Simeoni- replied to

the questions that were sent

March 8,2017 A follow up email was sent to Cristina Simeoni replied on

Cristina Simeoni from ASEF March 11, 2017

Boykins Interview Report 7

with additional questions

Persons Interviewed/ Organizations

Cristina Simeon- She is a member of the Asia-Europe classroom net. She is currently a

secondary English teacher. She is also in charge of the international projects at the school

she teaches at.

Asia Europe classroom Net- Is an organization that promotes global collaboration

between Asia and Europe. This organization works towards allowing opportunities such

as shared learning experiences and or dialogues.

European School net- Is an organization designed to support schools in the effective use

of the ICT and to enhance the overall quality of learning in Europe. It promotes global

collaboration with educators, ministries of education, schools and industry partners

throughout Europe.

Findings and Reflections

Upon completing an interview with an Italian teacher, Cristina Simeoni provided quality

information on the educational system in Italy. Expressing interest on gaining knowledge of

technology access, teacher training and the framework for Italian schools. Cristina expressed that

the Italian school system is unique and different from other countries based upon Less

importance to the study of foreign languages, school calendar (school and holiday periods,

terms), no canteen, no optional subjects, end of secondary school at around 18, subjects present

in the state exam ( personal communication, March 2, 2017). In addition the Italian school

system is comprised of Scoular Materna (Nursery school), Scuola Primaria (Primary School),
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Scuola Media (Middle School) and Scuola Superirore (high school). There are different types of

Italian high schools; Classical, Scientific, Fine Arts, teacher training, Artistic, technical institutes

and professional institute high school. Currently in the Italian school system they value and

promotes technology in the classroom. Schools in Italy have already integrated technology into

the classroom before many schools in other countries has. From Cristinas perspective,

technology in the classroom has been viewed to motivate students, make them active, creative,

interactive and enhance different learning skills. Technology in the classroom will better

students use of English, especially writing skills, overcome the walls of the classroom in an

intercultural and global perspective (personal communication March 2, 2017).

To get a further understanding of what kind of technology tool that are used and how they

are used in Italian classroom Cristina highlighted the educational approaches that are used.

Educators use the ICT lab, LIM, and smartphones when the ICT lab is not available. I wanted to

learn more about the technology tools that are used in Italian classroom. Cristina mentioned that

she use the technology tools for international projects, video presentations, Erasmus plus,

WhatsApp groups, Facebook groups, PowerPoint, and for research. The ICT stands for

Information Communication Technology. The ICT can be used to access social media, the

internet, and other media of communication. The LIM is an interactive board with internet

connection which is similar to an interactive smartboard. In Cristina school they have two ICT

labs which students can utilize and which is where lessons are held. The students in Italy use

smartphones for learning when the ICT labs are not free because the school have readily WI-FI.

An effective way that the ICT is used for is international projects. Cristina school has taken part

in Comenius projects since 1998, and AEC since 2005. The schools are currently correlating

global collaboration with European projects such as Erasmus plus K1 and K2. In this interview
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the question was asked about global projects and the interviewee stated that she and her students

have done global projects with all European countries and many Asian countries. They are

currently working with Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Denmark, India, Malaysia, Hong

Kong and Singapore.

One of the common concerns in Italy school system is the lack of training for educators and

being properly trained on how to utilize technology. When asked have you received professional

development training on technology integration in the classroom Cristina mentions In the past I

was taught the alphabet of ICT then I went on my own learning from the others every time I had

the opportunity (Personal communication, March 2, 2017). This statement support findings of

research on educational technology in Italy because this is a common concern for educators in

Italy. In the scholarly journal article Italian school educators that teach Italian students English

did not receive initial training in order to successfully to teach the foreign language (Faez, 2017).

These findings are correlated because the educators recognize that more training is needed in

order to adequately be prepared to teach with the readily technology tools. I personally think that

learning more about Italian school districts and how they plan to implement more technology

professional training to accommodate and or address students learning needs and teaching



While Italy is more technologically advanced in their school systems there are still a few pivotal

concerns that need to be addressed or highlighted. Italy have several organizations and resources

that play a critical role in the overall infrastructure of their educational system. Italy has more

experience with utilizing information technology tools but still have similar issues within their
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educational systems like many other countries around the globe. Having several research studies

in action to identify any barriers or hindrances can help educators, administrators and policy

makers can help enhance the Italian educational system. Even though, many schools in Italy have

sufficient technology in the schools, the technology is constantly changing and so should reflect

the growth in the technology tools are accessible. With so many technology training models and

listed ramifications the Italian educational system can be used as a model for other school

systems in other countries.

Here are the screenshot images of the interview conversation:

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A. (2015). Asia-Europe Foundation. Retrieved April 4, 2017.

Cinganotto, L. (2016).TEAL as an innovative teaching model. Insights from Educational Avant-

Garde Movement in Italy. Journal of E-learning & Knowledge Society, 12(2), 115-126

E. (n.d.). European Schoolnet. Retrieved April 4, 2017, from

Faez, F. (2011). English Education In Italy: Perceptions and Professors of E. Canadian and
international education, 40(3), 1-15. Retrieved April 4, 2017.

Italian School Admin, (2015). School System in Italy. Retrieved February 27, 2017 from

Moraova, H. (2016).Computers and Multimedia in the Situation of Language and Cultural

Diversity. Proceedings of the European Conference, 491-499
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