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Childs Name:__________________________ Age: ________

(Pre)Assessment on Louisiana Animals

(Done orally with me recording the childs answers)
1. What are some animals that live in Louisiana? (5 pts)

2. Can you tell me about a __________(pick an animal from number

1)? (4 pts)

3. Can you tell me about a __________(pick an animal from number

1)? (4 pts)

4. Can you tell me___________ (where these five animals live, what
they eat, etc.)? (3 pts)

5. Do you know some animals that are symbols in Louisiana? (2 pts)


6. What is your favorite animal? (1 pt)


7. Can you find that animal in Louisiana (from # 6)? Yes or No (1 pt)
8. What do you want to know about animals that live in Louisiana?

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