Standard 6

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Note the focus area and standard Note the type of Describe the artefact / document and Describe

Describe how the artefact /

descriptor/s the artefact / artefact / document indicate the possible impact or result on document
document reflects teaching and/ or student learning meet the standard descriptors you
have identified.

6.1 Identify and plan This artefact is a The aim of BRITE teacher training is to APST 6.1
professional learning certificate of help pre-service teachers develop The BRITE teacher training
needs completion of BRITE awareness of the skills and practices links to the Australian
Demonstrate an teacher training. that will facilitate resilience in their Professional Standards for
understanding of the BRITE stands for: teaching. The short course consists of Teachers at the Graduate
role of the Australian Building 5 modules each focusing on a different level.
Professional Standards Resilience aspect of resilience. APST 6.2
for Teachers in In 1. Building resilience: what is it I allocated myself some time
identifying professional and why is it important for to sit down and engage in the
learning needs. teachers? BRITE professional learning
6.2 Engage in professional 2. Relationships: building and which has provided me with a
learning and improve maintaining wide range of knowledge,
practice 3. Wellbeing: self-care, motivation skills and strategies to use
Understand the and managing work life balance when I start teaching. These
relevant and 4. Taking initiative: Resilience in include; resilience, staying
appropriate sources of the classroom, ongoing healthy, living a balanced
professional learning learning/reflection lifestyle, and staying inspired/
for teachers 5. Emotions: emotional awareness, motivated in the teaching
management and optimism. profession.
The first year of teaching is often the
most challenging (Hudson & Hudson,
2006) so by completing the BRITE
training it has provided me with
strategies that I can use to help make
my first of year of teaching easier in
order to create a resilient classroom
environment and to adapt a healthy
work-life balance.

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