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Madi Bourland

Third Observation Science lesson

Tuesday February 16th
Grade level: 2nd grade

Arizona State/Common Core Standards:

Concept 2: Scientific Testing (Investigating and Modeling) - Participate in

planning and conducting investigations, and recording data.
o PO 4. Record data from guided investigations in an organized and
appropriate format (e.g., lab book, log, notebook, chart paper).

Concept 3: Analysis and Conclusions - Organize and analyze data; compare to

o PO 3. Compare the results of the investigation to predictions made prior
to the investigation.
o PO 4. Generate questions for possible future investigations based on the
conclusions of the investigation.

Concept 4: Communication - Communicate results of investigations.

o PO 1. Communicate the results and conclusions of an investigation (e.g.,
verbal, drawn, or written).

Content Area Objectives- Blooms Taxonomy:

SWBAT- Make predictions on whether fourteen different objects will either sink
or float.
SWBAT- Investigate their hypothesis by dropping an item into a water tub.
SWBAT- Make a conclusion based on the results of their investigations.
SWBAT- Explore a higher level thinking question What makes an object sink or

Anticipatory Set:
I want you to think for a second about something you have seen that floats
o Allow proper wait time, ask students to share with their neighbor
Now I want you to think of something that you have seen sink
o Allow proper wait time, ask students to share with their neighbor
Today we are going to get the chance to become scientists and investigate the
idea of sinking and floating a little bit further. We are going to make predictions,
investigate those predictions and then make conclusions.

Teacher Actions:
When students return from lunch, have them sit at their desks
Engage students in anticipatory set
Instruct students open their science notebooks to a blank page
Instruct students to copy down sink or float chart as your modeling it on the board
Explain to students what will go in each column on the chart (Object, Hypothesis,
Call a student to the front of the room, have them model for the class by writing in
the object name and their hypothesis
Instruct the student to drop the item into the bin of water
Instruct the student to complete the chart by filling in their results
Explain to the class that they will be called up in groups of two to drop an item
into the bucket
Tell the students that if they are not at the front of the room dropping an item into
the bucket, they are recording their hypothesis and result on the chart in their
science notebook
Begin calling the first group of students to the water tub
Hand them an object
Tell the class what the object is, instruct the class to record the object and their
prediction in the science notebook
Once the students have dropped the object into the water, have them announce to
the class the results
Instruct the class to record the results in their notebook
Repeat until every student has come to the front and had an opportunity to drop an
object into the water
Once the students have completed their tables, ask the students to look at their
tables and see if they notice any patterns
Ask a few students share patterns they saw
Ask the students to think about what makes and object sink and what makes an
object float
Instruct the students to write their ideas down in their notebook
Instruct the students to shut their notebook when they are done and read a book
for the transition into the next activity

Student Actions:
Sit in desk and engage in anticipatory set
Copy down sink or float chart into science notebook
When called to the front, drop object into the water bucket, report to class the
Actively complete sink or float chart as peers are dropping objects into the water
Check chart for any patterns between the objects that sank or float
Think about what makes an object sink or float
Write ideas in notebook
Take out a book and read to transition to the next activity

Students will complete a sink or float chart in their science notebook.

Materials/ Resources:

Transparent tub
Fourteen objects
o Pencil
o Eraser
o Plastic cylinder
o Paperclip
o Wood cylinder
o Rubber band
o Bean
o Fake coin
o Real coin
o Sponge
o Scissors
o Rock
o Popsicle stick
o Monkey statue

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