Chalcopyrite Hydrometallurgy at Atmospheric Pressure

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Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110

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Chalcopyrite hydrometallurgy at atmospheric pressure: 2. Review of

acidic chloride process options
H.R. Watling
CSIRO Minerals Down Under, CSIRO Process Science and Engineering, P.O. Box 7229, Karawara, W.A. 6152, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Hydrometallurgical process developments for the extraction of copper from chalcopyrite tend to target complex
Received 30 August 2013 concentrates, dirty concentrates that would incur penalties if smelted or low-grade ores that are thus far an un-
Received in revised form 24 February 2014 economic source of copper. Perceived advantages of chloride systems are the higher solubilities of copper and
Accepted 5 March 2014
iron, the ease of ferrous ion oxidation and faster leaching kinetics of chalcopyrite compared with ferric sulfate
Available online 29 March 2014
systems, and the generation of sulfur rather than sulfate as the product of sulde oxidation. Process develop-
ments for concentrates employ acidic, oxidising leach media containing sodium or other chloride salts and tem-
Chalcopyrite dissolution peratures up to the boiling points of the high-concentration solutions. In those processes, chloride ion is thought
Chloride lixiviant to be an active agent in the dissolution mechanism. Leaching conditions fall into two groups, those targeting
Seawater Cu(II) and those targeting Cu(I) in pregnant leach solutions. For low grade ores, usually processed in heaps,
Heap leaching the use of seawater or other naturally saline water in leaching operations may be an economic choice to over-
Bioleaching come the scarcity and/or cost of freshwater. Few studies have been published describing the advantages and dis-
advantages of seawater substitution for freshwater in leaching processes but, from the sparse information
available, seawater appears to be as efcient a solvent and carrier of acid and oxidant as freshwater. The recent
descriptions of some iron(II)- and sulfur-oxidising, salt-tolerant acidophilic microorganisms indicate that a
diverse group of microorganisms that could function in sulde heaps irrigated with seawater await discovery.
With regard to processing using seawater instead of freshwater, the salt content in seawater would impact
directly on solution transport costs to and round a mine (through increased solution viscosity and specic
gravity) and could adversely affect product and by-product purity.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
1.1. Sulfate systems reprised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
1.2. Scope of this review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
2. Benets and disadvantages of chloride leaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3. Acidic chloride systems for chalcopyrite concentrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.1. Comparison of studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.2. Ferric chloride as oxidant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.3. Cupric chloride as oxidant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3.4. Mixed ferric chloridecupric chloride oxidants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
4. Hybrid chloridesulfate systems applied to concentrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.1. Oxygen as oxidant in hybrid chloridesulfate system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.2. Ferric ion as oxidant in hybrid chloridesulfate system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.3. Chlorate as oxidant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5. Other oxidants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.1. Cl2Br2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.2. High MgCl2low HClFeCl3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.3. Gaseous Cl2aqueous Cl2HClO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

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0304-386X/ 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110 97

5.4. HClO4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

6. Acidic chloride systems for chalcopyrite ores in heaps or dumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.1. Solution chemistry and secondary reaction products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.2. Bioleaching in chloride heaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
6.3. Use of saline water or seawater in heaps or dumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
7. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

1. Introduction (e.g., Dreisinger, 2009). Fundamental studies on the mechanisms of

chloride leaching have been a common feature of process development
The need to process low-grade and/or complex chalcopyrite- among the rst group of processes but are largely absent from the few
containing ores (see Table 1 for minerals referred to in the text processes involving the substitution of saline water for freshwater.
and their ideal formulae) that cannot be concentrated has been the
main driver for the development of hydrometallurgical processes. 1.1. Sulfate systems reprised
Other drivers are the current imbalance between copper supply and
demand, the overall decline in ore grades and the extensive exploita- The rst part of the review covered the extraction of copper from
tion of low-grade oxide and secondary sulde ores that may eventu- chalcopyrite using sulfate, sulfatechloride or sulfatenitrate leach
ally leave large quantities of low-grade chalcopyrite ores as a major media (Watling, 2013). In summary, many studies generated
but, thus far, uneconomic source of copper. Typically, for large data consistent with leaching rates being largely independent of acid
near-surface deposits, average copper cut-off grade for conventional concentration beyond that required to solubilise a sufcient concentra-
processing is approximately 0.4% Cu (British Geological Survey, tion of ferric ions to react with available chalcopyrite surfaces, but de-
2007), from which it may be deduced that the term low grade re- pendent on sulfate concentration and solution oxidation reduction
fers to ores with b 0.4% Cu. potential (ORP), the optimum ORP being dependent on ferrous
This review comprises the second part of an update on the status ion and cupric ion concentrations. Topics concerning the inuence of
of copper extraction from chalcopyrite under atmospheric conditions, chalcopyrite crystallographic structure and the formation of secondary
either in concentrated form or in low-grade ores. In the rst part, overlayers on chalcopyrite surfaces were also discussed. Copper extrac-
sulfate-based systems operated at atmospheric pressure were described tion rates were enhanced by increased temperature, the presence of
and compared (Watling, 2013 and references therein), with the aim of some microorganisms or by the addition of a chloride salt. However, sul-
informing researchers, metallurgists and plant operators of the wide va- fate processes with the addition of nitric acid or a nitrate salt were less
riety of chemical systems that might be applied in the future. This sec- well developed and the potential benets remain poorly dened at this
ond part of the review is focused on the use of chloride systems for time. The efciencies of sulfate leaching systems with superior-strength
the extraction of copper from chalcopyrite. Developments using chlo- oxidants (compared with ferric ions) were discussed. For the most part,
ride fall into two groups, (i) those employing acidic, oxidising leach these were studied at laboratory scale but are yet to be exploited at
media containing sodium or other chloride salts up to concentrations commercial scale. The selected alternative oxidants were more costly
encountered in brines, at temperatures up to the boiling points of the than ferric ions, but some offered advantages in terms of extraction
selected solution compositions (e.g., Hyvrinen and Hmlinen, efciency and kinetics, and further studies are warranted.
2005) and (ii) those in which naturally saline water is substituted for
freshwater water in leaching operations where freshwater is scarce 1.2. Scope of this review

Table 1 In this second part of the review on chalcopyrite hydrometallurgy at

Minerals and their ideal formulae. atmospheric pressure, chloride-based leaching systems are described
Copper minerals Ideal formula
and compared. The majority of those processes targeted the processing
of copper concentrates and were operated at atmospheric pressure and
Bornite Cu5FeS4
at temperatures approaching the boiling point of ferric chloride solu-
Chalcocite Cu2S
Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 tions (Table 2). A few higher-temperature processes conducted in pres-
Covellite CuS sure vessels have also been described by McDonald and Muir (2007a, b)
Other minerals and the effects of adding sodium chloride to them investigated. These
Albite NaAlSi3O8 pressure oxidation processes are not considered further in this review.
Alunitea KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6
Ferrihydrite 5Fe2O3.9H2O
No account is taken of the possible economics of processing, but rather
Goethite FeOOH the aim is to inform researchers, metallurgists and plant operators about
Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O the wide variety of chemical systems that might be applied in the future
Hematite Fe2O3 when copper demand is higher, ore grades are lower and new technol-
Jarositea KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6
ogies, particularly for reagent recovery and recycle, have been devel-
Magnetite Fe3O4
Marcasite FeS2 oped. While the advantages or disadvantages of current technologies
Muscovite KAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH, F)2 may be referred to in the context of reported results or applications of
Phlogopite KMg3(Si3Al)O10(OH, F)2 specic systems, detailed accounts of the engineering of such technolo-
Pyrite FeS2 gies, their management and/or control are outside the scope of the
Pyrrhotite Fe1 xS (x = 02)
Schwertmannite Fe8O8(OH)6(SO4)nH2O
Silicab SiO2
Vermiculite (Mg,Fe,Al)3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)24H2O 2. Benets and disadvantages of chloride leaching
Zeolite (natrolite) Na2Al2Si3O10.2H2O
Potassium or other monovalent cations. The strong interest in chloride systems resides in: (i) the increased
Silica varieties include amorphous, colloidal and gel. solubilities of iron and other metals; (ii) enhanced redox properties
98 H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110

Table 2
Some acidic chloride-based processes operated at atmospheric pressure for the extraction of copper from CuFeS2 or other copper sulde concentrates indicating the variety of lixiviants/
oxidants employed.

Process Leach reagents and initial concentrations T Size Scale

(C) (m)

1 U.S. Bureau of Mines (Haver and Wong, 1971) 4 M FeCl3; 0.24 M HCl; possible CaCl2 addition to control sulfate. 106 44 P
2 UBC-Cominco (Milner et al., 1974; Muir and Dixon, 2002) 13.6 M FeCl3; possible CaO or CaCl2 addition to control sulfate. 95100 44 L
3 CYMET (Atwood and Curtis, 1974, 1975) 1.8 M FeCl31.1 M CuCl23.94 M NaCl. 9598 n.s. P
4 Minemet Recherche (Demarthe et al., 1976; Guy and 0.4 M CuCl20.1 M HCl4.3 M NaCl. 107 n.s. P
Broadbent, 1983; Guy et al., 1983)
5 Duval CLEAR process (Dutrizac, 1992; Hoffmann, 1991; Two stage leach, 0.15 M CuCl20.02 MFeCl3 as oxidants in mixed 1.4 M NaCl + 0.6 M 104 n.s. C
Schweitzer and Livingston, 1982) KCl brine; residual CuFeS2 pressure leached with O2 (dissolution with iron rejection).
6 Elkem process (Andersen and Boe, 1985) FeCl3 in brine under controlled redox (430460 mV vs Pt/calomel electrode) such that 105115 n.s. P
all copper remains in solution as Cu(I).
7 Cuprex (Dalton et al., 1987, 1991; Muir and Dixon, 2002) Excess FeCl3 in two-stage counter-current leach; soluble copper as Cu(II). 95 n.s. P
8 Neo-ferric technologies high concentration chloride leach MgCl2 (2.94.3 M)HCl brine; secondary leach contains FeCl3 derived from primary 105116 150 P
(Harris and White, 2008; Harris et al., 2007) leach dissolution of CuFeS2.
9 Intec process (Intec Ltd., 2008; Moyes and Houllis, 2002; P. Solution of 0.47 M Cu(II), 4.9 M NaCl and 0.27 M NaBr has ORP 9501000 mV vs 85 n.s. D
Everett, 1996; P.K. Everett, 1996; Taylor and Jansen, 1999) Ag/AgCl due to formation of BrCl 2 (Halex
10 Outotec hydrocopper process (Hyvrinen, and Hmlinen, 0.3 M CuCl2 in 4.8 M NaCl at pH 2 (HCl); 8595 100 D
1999, 2005; Lundstrm et al., 2009)
11 Falconbridge process(es) (Liddicoat and Dreisinger, 2007; FeCl3 (~0.5 M Fe for goethite process and ~1.5 M Fe for hematite process)CuCl2 95 41 L
Lu and Dreisinger, 2013a, 2013b) (~0.8 M Cu) in 0.08 M free HCl (pH 0 or lower) with CaCl2 (2.75 M Ca); (total Cl N5 M).
12 Sumitomo (Imamura et al., 2006; Makino et al., 1996) A two stage process: (i) Cu(II) and Fe(III) in solution reduced by reaction with CuFeS2; 110 44 C
N5.7 M total chloride; (ii) partially leached CuFeS2 reacted with Cl2 gas.

C, commercial; D, demonstration; P, pilot; L, laboratory; n.s., not specied; , ORP control by ne grinding (increased surface area).
Note: Flowsheets for processes are depicted in cited references as well as some reviews, e.g., Muir and Dixon (2002).

because cupric and cuprous ions were stabilised as chloride complexes It was noted in the Copper Technology Roadmap that adaptation of
and the Cu(I)/Cu(II) redox couple could contribute to sulde oxidation existing processes to different water sources requires better under-
reactions; (iii) the faster leaching kinetics of chalcopyrite compared standing of the impact of water quality on processing operations and
with sulfate systems; (iv) the generation of elemental sulfur rather on materials of construction. Some of these have been reviewed by
than sulfate; and (v) low pyrite reactivity in chloride systems Philippe et al. (2010). In respect of processing chemistry, they include
(Demarthe and Georgeaux, 1978; Dutrizac, 1990; Lu and Dreisinger, viscosity and specic gravity (increased water transport costs), chemi-
2013a; Muir and Dixon, 2002; Senanayake and Muir, 2003). cal buffering effects (inuencing leach chemistry), product and by-
The production of elemental sulfur rather than sulfate during the product contamination (clean water required for washing), evaporation
processing of metal sulde minerals is advantageous because sulfur is (and therefore water make-up) and capillary forces, and scaling
inert and can be stored until market conditions are favourable for its fur- (secondary precipitation). In addition, Philippe et al. (2010) stated
ther processing and use. In a hydrometallurgical process, less energy is that the use of sea water in the bioleaching of low-grade sulde ores
used if the sulde oxidation stops at sulfur rather than progressing to would inhibit benecial bacterial activity.
sulfate production. The adoption of hydrometallurgy rather than pyro-
metallurgy eliminates the environmental problem of SO2 production 3. Acidic chloride systems for chalcopyrite concentrate
(Spink, 1977). In addition, the production of less sulfuric acid is bene-
cial to downstream processing of pregnant leach solution (PLS) that The leaching of chalcopyrite in acidic chloride media was studied
requires less neutralising agents and therefore the generation of lower extensively in the 1980s and 1990s resulting in a number of proposed
volumes of waste materials (e.g. gypsum). processes accompanied by suggested owsheets. Winand (1991) and
Perceived disadvantages are: (i) the corrosive action of chloride, Senanayake and Muir (2003) reviewed some important fundamentals
thus necessitating the use of more expensive materials of construction of chloride leaching systems and noted that, in multi-component sys-
for reactors; (ii) the need for ne grinding for processes operated at at- tems such as those discussed in this review, solubilities, complexation
mospheric pressure; (iii) the co-leaching of multiple elements that re- reactions and electrochemical reactions are important and possibly lim-
quire additional treatments and (iv) the difculty of electrowinning iting factors in the development of processes. In addition Winand
high-grade copper from chloride solutions. Nevertheless, in respect of (1991), and also Hoffmann (1991), Dutrizac (1992) and Muir and
the last point, there are four processes in which copper is recovered Dixon (2002) reviewed individual process developments with brief
from chloride solutions (Lu and Dreisinger, 2013b). Hein and Joly descriptions, critical assessments and/or reasons why processes have
(2011) surveyed 25 solvent extraction plants and reported that 18 of not seen long-term commercial success.
them were operated with PLS containing high sulfate, chloride and cat- In each section that follows, the chemistry of the system is discussed,
ion concentrations, four of them with chloride concentrations N35 g L1 based on fundamental laboratory studies. Then example processes that
(1 M). utilise the chemistry are described briey.
In the Copper Technology Roadmap of 2004 (AMIRA International,
2004), more efcient use of water in the unit processes associated 3.1. Comparison of studies
with extraction, comminution and separation was given top priority.
Among proposed strategies for improvements in water efciencies in- While the main focus of this section is on acidic chloride processes
cluded in the Roadmap were the use of saline water and recycled for concentrates, the rare examples of the application of such processes
water in processing. The use of seawater, brackish and hypersaline to ores are included. Two main difculties arise when comparing the re-
water and recycled process water have been variously trialled and/or sults of independent studies, temperature and chalcopyrite surface area.
implemented at mining operations over many years, mainly in As is the case for sulfate leaching systems, copper extraction rates
respect of substituting seawater for freshwater in otation circuits increase as the temperature is increased (Fig. 1), a characteristic of
(e.g., Moreno et al., 2011). There are few reports of leaching with seawa- chalcopyrite dissolution that has been exploited in many processes at
ter in the public domain (Table 3). atmospheric (Table 2) and higher pressures. Thus, where possible,
H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110 99

Table 3
Saline water use at mining operations.

Project Mining company Water source Unit processes References

Zaldivar, Chile Cu Placer Dome Brackish Leaching Weston et al. (1995)

Michilla, Chile Cu Antofagasta Minerals Seawater Agglomeration, heap leaching Aroca (1999); Wiertz (2009)
Esperanza, Chile Cu, Au, Mo Antofagasta Minerals Seawater Concentrate production Chadwick (2009); Parraguez et al. (2009)
Boleo, Baja California Zn, Co, Mn Baja Mining Corporation Seawater Tank leaching Dreisinger et al. (2005); Dreisinger (2009).

inter-study comparisons should be made between studies conducted at medium was independent of temperature in the range of 45100 C, es-
similar temperatures. sentially independent of acid concentration, but directly proportional to
The second variable is chalcopyrite particle or grain size used in dif- chalcopyrite surface area.
ferent studies. Dutrizac (1981) leached various chalcopyrite sized frac- 0
tions in 0.2 M FeCl3 and 0.3 M HCl solutions, calculated initial rate CuFeS2 4FeCl3 CuCl2 5FeCl2 2S 1
constants from the initial slopes and, by plotting the rate constants
The study by O'Malley and Liddell (1987) was focused on the forma-
against 1/r, where r was the mean particle size in microns, showed
tion of copper(I) species during the ferric chloride leaching of a ground,
that rates were directly proportional to the surface area of chalcopyrite
natural chalcopyrite sample. Under test conditions in which ferric ion
being leached. That result was consistent with data obtained for chalco-
concentrations were limiting, they showed that the extent of copper
pyrite leached in ferric sulfatesulfuric acid medium, though rates in
extraction depended on the initial ferric chloride concentration and
chloride medium were higher than in sulfate medium. The result was
that the total chloride concentration controlled the extent to which
also consistent with the demonstrated advantage of ne grinding in
copper(II) was reduced to copper(I) at the chalcopyrite surface (reac-
some process developments conducted at above atmospheric pressure
tion (2)). Wang (2005) also proposed that Cu(I) species had a role in
(e.g., Activox process, chalcopyrite particles 510 m; Dreisinger,
ferric chloride leaching of chalcopyrite and suggested that reactions (1)
2006). While a brief account of chalcopyrite preparation and measures
and (3) were both principal reactions in the ferric chloride system.
of particle size was provided in many of the studies reviewed in this
work, the relevant surface areas were not reported, making it impossi- CuFeS2 3CuCl2 4CuCl FeCl2 2S
ble to normalise the data and so make convincing comparisons. Never-
theless, some data obtained at 8595 C for the leaching of chalcopyrite CuFeS2 3FeCl3 CuCl 4FeCl2 2S
in acidied chloride or hybrid sulfatechloride media are compared in
Fig. 2 and data obtained at 2355 C for the leaching of chalcopyrite in The rate of dissolution of monosized chalcopyrite in ferric chloride
chloridechlorine media are compared in Fig. 3. sodium chloride media acidied with hydrochloric acid was studied to
establish the mechanism of leaching (Palmer et al., 1981). The linear
3.2. Ferric chloride as oxidant kinetics were consistent with the rate being controlled by surface
phenomena and being dependent on both chloride and ferric ion con-
The oxidation of chalcopyrite in ferric chloride media, while faster centrations. Yoo et al. (2010) also focused on leaching mechanisms
than oxidation in ferric sulfate media, was still generally slow for a metal- when they investigated the leaching of chalcopyrite in FeCl3HCl and
lurgical process, thus driving the assessment of many multi-component FeCl3H2SO4 media, and mixtures of the two. In rank order, copper
systems. The examples summarised below are for laboratory-scale tests extraction was Cl N ClSO4 SO4 medium. The authors cited the data
conducted at atmospheric pressure and temperatures up to approximate- of Lin et al. (1991), who noted that copper existed as cupric ions in
ly 100 C. Most of these processes were developed for the extraction of solutions with low chloride concentration but that, at high chloride con-
copper from chalcopyrite concentrates. centrations, cuprous ion species such as CuCl, CuCl 2
2 , CuCl3 and CuCl4

Dutrizac (1981) examined chalcopyrite dissolution in solutions were formed and that the standard potential between cuprous and cu-
containing 0.3 M HCl and 0.2 M FeCl3 at b100 C (reaction (1)) and pric ions increased. The results were consistent with those of O'Malley
summarised the results as follows: (i) leaching rates were higher in and Liddell (1987). After conducting a thermodynamic study of copper
chloride media than in sulfate media at temperatures N50 C, with a species in chloride solutions, Yoo et al. (2010) concluded that the
three-fold increase in leaching rate for equivalent-sized chalcopyrite
particles; (ii) the rate of chalcopyrite dissolution in ferric chloride 100
Cu extraction [%]

15 60
Cu extraction [%]


70 40
5 50
40 0
0 1 2 3
Time [hours]
0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 2. Copper extraction from chalcopyrite leached in chloride media at 8590 C. Data
Time [hours] from: (1) Al-Harahsheh et al. (2008), 0.5 M FeCl3, 90 C; (2) Al-Harahsheh et al. (2008),
0.5 M FeCl30.025 M CuCl2, 90 C; (3) Bonan et al. (1981), 0.5 MCuCl20.1 M HCl4 M
Fig. 1. Effect of temperature on copper extraction from ground chalcopyrite in 1 M FeCl3 NaCl, 95 C; (4) Ruiz et al.(2011), 0.2 M H2SO40.6 M NaClO2 (gas sparge), 90 C; and
0.2 M HCl medium (redrawn from Havlik and Kammel, 1995). (5) Xian et al. (2012), 0.5 M NaClO31 M HCl, 85 C.
100 H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110

100 (1) which was elemental sulfur) and 0.024 wt.% CaO. The original
(2) owsheet, utilising solvent extraction to remove the sulfur, cementa-
(3) tion to recover copper from solution and chlorination to regenerate
the ferric chloride, was estimated to be too expensive for commercial
Cu extraction [%]

acceptance (Haver et al., 1975). Subsequent cost-reducing modica-

60 tions to the process were the extraction of sulfur from residues using
aqueous ammonium sulde, direct electrowinning of copper in a dia-
phragm cell and regeneration of ferric ions by aeration.
40 Milner et al. (1974) described a closed-cycle hydrometallurgical pro-
cess in which the high-quality products metallic copper, metallic iron
and elemental sulfur were produced. A solution containing 13.6 M Fe
as FeCl3 was used to leach chalcopyrite (912 h at 95100 C) (reac-
tion (3)) and CaCl2 or CaO addition was used to control sulfate concen-
0 tration. Thus the leach chemistry of the UBC-Cominco process was
0 2 4 6 8 10 almost identical to that of the USBM process, yielding solutions with a
Time [hours] 1:1 ratio Cu(I):Cu(II) (Muir and Dixon, 2002). In the UBC-Cominco pro-
cess, the hot ltered solution was treated with copper metal to reduce
Fig. 3. Copper extraction from chalcopyrite leached in chloride/chlorine media at Cu(II) to Cu(I) and insoluble CuCl, crystallised from the cooled solution,
2355 C. Data from: (1) Brocchi and Jena (1992), slurry chlorination, 30 C; (2) Cho was converted to high purity copper powder by hydrogen reduction.
(1987), 0.228 M HClO, pH 3.64.4, 23 C; (3) olak et al. (1987), water saturated with
Cl2, 33 C; (4) Dutrizac (1982), 0.1 M FeCl30.3 M HCl, 55 C; (5) Velsquez-Yvenes
et al. (2010b), 0.008 M Cu2+0.2 M HCl0.34 M NaCl, ORP 550620, 35 C.
3.3. Cupric chloride as oxidant

In the previous section, the results discussed were obtained from

increase in the critical potential caused by cuprous ion species in a chlo- studies in which the starting acidic solutions contained ferric chloride.
ride solution was a key parameter in the faster chalcopyrite leaching The distinction is made in this section, that the studies were initiated
rate. in acidic solutions containing cupric chloride. Clearly, once chalcopyrite
Elemental sulfur is the major sulfur-reaction product when chalco- dissolution had commenced (e.g., reactions (2), (4) and (5)), ferrous
pyrite is oxidised in ferric chloride media (reactions (1)(3)). Dutrizac ions would be released to solution during chalcopyrite oxidation, poten-
(1990) reported that more than 95% of the sulde moiety of chalcopy- tially become oxidised to ferric ions and increase the contribution of re-
rite was oxidised to elemental sulfur in medium containing 02 M actions such as (1) and (3) to chalcopyrite dissolution.
FeCl3 and 03 M HCl at 95 C, with only 5% of the sulde being oxidised
CuFeS2 H2 SO4 CuS FeSO4 H2 S 4
to sulfate, independent of leaching time (090 h). Dutrizac (1990)
noted that small chalcopyrite grains rapidly became enveloped in ele- 3 1 0
CuFeS2 CuCl2 =4 O2 2CuCl =2 Fe2 O3 2S 5
mental sulfur and that the sulfur morphology was independent of either
ferric chloride or hydrochloric acid concentrations. In a similar investi- Nicol and co workers (Miki and Nicol, 2011; Nicol et al., 2010;
gation, Rath et al. (1988) conducted dissolution tests at temperatures Velsquez-Yvenes et al., 2010a, 2010b) conducted a wide ranging
up to 100 C and concluded that the chalcopyrite oxidation rate was di- study of the dissolution of chalcopyrite in chloride solutions containing
rectly proportional to the square root of the ferric chloride concentra- cupric ions and dissolved oxygen. Initially, it was shown that the rate of
tion and inversely proportional to particle diameter. In other studies, chalcopyrite dissolution was enhanced when leaching was conducted in
different sulfur morphologies were described (Hirato et al., 1986; Lu an ORP range of 550620 versus SHE at 35 C in a solution containing:
et al., 2000; Majima et al., 1985) but relationships between them and 0.2 M HCl, 0.008 M Cu2 + (simulating rafnate) and 515 mg L 1
leaching conditions, particle sizes or retention times are yet to be dissolved O2 (Velsquez-Yvenes et al., 2010a). Leaching at ORP
elucidated. b540 mV caused reduced rates of chalcopyrite dissolution and covellite
Saxena and Mandre (1992) studied the ferric chloride leaching (0.2 or chalcocite formed on some chalcopyrite surfaces.
M FeCl3) of chalcopyrite in an ore containing 0.75% Cu. Agitated batch In the extension of their work, Velsquez-Yvenes et al. (2010b) fo-
leaching tests of up to 6 h duration were conducted in the temperature cused on the kinetics of chalcopyrite dissolution under conditions that
range of 3090 C using the 104 + 74 m size fraction of the ore. In might be expected in a heap leach operation. Experiments were con-
those tests, the solution and ore were both pre-heated before being ducted at 35 C with controlled ORP and initial test solutions were 0.2
contacted. The results indicated that the process was controlled initially M HCl with 0.008 M Cu2 +. However, the addition of ferrous ions or
by chemical reaction between ferric chloride and chalcopyrite but that, the conduct of tests at low pH caused difculties in controlling the
subsequently, the rate was controlled by diffusion through the sulfur ORP. The presence of a small concentration of cupric ions was essential
product layer. but increased copper concentrations did not result in enhanced chalco-
Example processes utilising ferric chloride as oxidant include the pyrite dissolution rates. Dissolution rates were not greatly affected by
USBM process (Haver and Wong, 1971; Haver et al., 1975) and the changes in the total chloride concentration, which was varied by adding
UBC-Cominco Process (Milner et al., 1974; Muir and Dixon, 2002). sodium chloride. The strong dependences of dissolution rates on both
The purpose of the USBM investigation (Haver and Wong, 1971) was temperature and particle size (surface area) were consistent with
to develop an alternative method of obtaining copper from chalcopyrite many other literature data (e.g., Ikiz et al., 2006; Naderi et al., 2011;
without the evolution of SO2. Ferric chloride was chosen as the oxidant Skrobian et al., 2005; Xian et al., 2012).
because it had the correct oxidation potential to convert sulde to ele- The goal of the third part of the study (Nicol et al., 2010) was to de-
mental sulfur (reaction (3)). Conditions were: 4 M FeCl3, with a ratio scribe a reaction mechanism consistent with the newly acquired data
of 2.7:1 FeCl3:CuFeS2; 106 C and 2 hour leach duration. The small and their previous results. In ancillary experiments it was shown that:
amount of sulfur that was oxidised to sulfate could be precipitated as (i) the chalcopyrite surface was converted to a covellite-like phase dur-
gypsum with the addition of CaCl2 to the solution. The leachate ing leaching at potentials below the potential window; (ii) at normal
contained 1 M Cu (60:40 Cu(I):Cu(II)), 4 M Fe and only 0.03 M SO2 4 leach solution pH, elemental sulfur formed mainly as isolated globules
and the residue contained 16 wt.% Fe, 72 wt.% S (approximately 50% of and seldom on the chalcopyrite surface, suggesting that an aqueous
H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110 101

intermediate sulfur species existed; and (iii) nely ground pyrite extraction if it were to form on chalcopyrite surfaces was not observed.
catalysed the reaction and became covered in layers of sulfur. Nicol Turkmen et al. (2012) analysed leaching kinetics using the shrinking
et al. (2010) proposed a reaction model in which, within the potential core model, but failed to report whether the elemental sulfur had formed
window, chalcopyrite dissolved partially to form H2S and a covellite- on chalcopyrite surfaces, which is a basic assumption of that model.
like surface species (reaction (4)) and that the H2S was oxidised by ox- Example processes utilising cupric chloride as the initial oxidant in-
ygen in a reaction catalysed by cupric ions in two stages (reactions (6) clude the Minemet Recherche Process (Demarthe et al., 1976, 1977; Guy
and (7)). The authors noted that in the proposed reactions, the species and Broadbent, 1983; Guy et al., 1983) and the HydroCopperTM Process
represented as Cu2 + and Cu+ included both aquo-ions and chloro- (Hyvrinen and Hmlinen, 1999, 2005; Lundstrm et al., 2005, 2009).
complexes that varied according to solution composition. Nicol et al. The Minemet Recherche process was developed for the extraction of
(2010) supported the hypothetical reaction model with a detailed Cu, Pb and Zn from complex sulde concentrates (Demarthe et al.,
study of the kinetics of copper-catalysed oxidation of H2S. Subsequently, 1977). The sulde concentrate was leached in 0.4 M CuCl20.1 M HCl
in the fourth part of their study, Miki and Nicol (2011) modied their 4.3 M NaCl solution (pH 1) at temperature 107 C for 3 h. This reaction
proposed mechanism to account for a newly-detected, intermediate mixture was ltered and separated into two parts. One part of the solu-
peroxide species (reaction (7) replaced by reactions (8), (9) and (10)). tion was subjected to air oxidation (pH 13, temperature N90 C);
precipitated goethite was removed before the solution was recycled to
2 0
H2 S 2Cu 2Cu S 2H rapid 6 leach fresh concentrate. Copper was partially extracted from the other
portion of the solution using an organic extractant. The partially leached
4Cu O2 4H 4Cu 2H2 Oslow 7 residue was treated in a second dissolution stage under the same condi-
tions as the rst. Advantages of the two stage dissolution process were
Cu O2 Cu O2 8
iron removal and elemental sulfur as the main sulfur-containing reaction
2 product, in accord with reactions (2) and (11) (Demarthe et al., 1977).
Cu O2 Cu H 2Cu HO2 9
2 2
2 2Fe 4Cu 1:5O2 H2 O2FeOOH 4Cu 11
2Cu H2 O2 2H 2Cu 2H2 O 10
Some of the above cited laboratory studies may have contributed to
In a recent mechanistic study Cai et al. (2012) showed that, when
the development of the HydroCopperTM process, a CuCl2NaCl system
treated in sealed vessels for a month with hydrochloric acid (with and
operated at pH 1.52.5 and close to 100 C (Hmlinen, 2005;
without cupric ions) at temperatures up to 100 C, chalcopyrite was
Hyvrinen and Hmlinen, 2005; Lundstrm et al., 2005). Chalcopyrite
transformed into chloride-rich covellite-like phases of different stoichi-
is leached by the strong CuCl2 (0.3 M)NaCl (4.8 M) solution sparged
ometries (e.g., CuS10.5xClx; CuS0.5Cl0.5; reaction (4)) and that some of
with oxygen or air to oxidise the product ferrous ions and therefore
the iron leached from the chalcopyrite was precipitated as an iron
facilitate iron(III) rejection as goethite (reaction (11)) or hematite (re-
oxide thought to be hematite (Fe2O3; e.g., reaction (5)).
action (5)). The copper is precipitated as cuprous oxide and then con-
Key conditions used for the study by Bonan et al. (1981) were as
verted to metal by hydrogen reduction. A standard chloralkali cell is
follows: ground chalcopyrite particles (sized fractions in the range of
used to regenerate the reagents chlorine, caustic and hydrogen.
2590 m, 5 g) were suspended in 500 mL of 0.10.5 M Cu(I)Cu(II)
Hyvrinen and Hmlinen (2005) make a number of claims in respect
chloride solution with 0.1 M HCl and 2.54 M NaCl in a reactor from
of the process: (i) capital costs mid way between heap leaching and
which oxygen was largely eliminated by sparging with nitrogen gas
pressure leaching, depending on ore mineralogy and some external
(see also a similar study by Tchoumou and Roynette, 2007). Removal
factors; (ii) suited to smaller operations, e.g., 20150 thousand tonnes
of oxygen was necessary to prevent reaction (7) from proceeding, as
per annum capacity; (iii) applicable to low quality concentrates; and
this reaction would cause an increase in ORP during the experiment.
(iv) operating costs approximately US 2030 cents per kilogram
Strong chloride solutions were chosen to promote reaction (2) and sta-
depending on feed mineralogy and energy costs. These attributes, togeth-
bilise the cuprous chloride complexes, mainly CuCl 2 and CuCl3
er with efcient extraction of copper and precious metals, iron(III) (and
et al., 1991); the Cu(II)/Cu(I) ratio was varied in the range of 0.57.
arsenic) rejection, various process routes for solution purication and
Initial ORP values for each solution composition were not reported but
reagent generation, make this a promising technology but the absence
for selected tests, were in the range of 555585 mV (versus SHE). The
of independent assessments in the public domain and/or commercial de-
results showed that chalcopyrite leached faster in solutions of higher
velopment thus far may be indicative of unresolved operational issues.
Cu(II)/Cu(I) ratio and as the chloride concentration and/or temperature
was increased. Leaching rates were primarily dependent on ORP regard-
less of the Cu(II)/Cu(I) ratio and chloride concentration that created the 3.4. Mixed ferric chloridecupric chloride oxidants
condition. In all tests, sulde was converted to elemental sulfur with
almost no sulfate formation. According to Parker et al. (1981), a mixed oxidant of ferric and cupric
Padilla et al. (1997) gave a good account of the chemistry of the ions in chloride medium was an effective oxidant for chalcopyrite
CuCl2NaClO2 system for chalcopyrite leaching. They studied oxygen- because the reduction of copper(II) to copper(I) occurred faster than
ated brine solutions containing up to 5 M chloride ions in tests conducted the reduction of iron(III) to iron(II) at the chalcopyrite surface (reac-
at atmospheric pressure and temperatures up to 105 C and reported that tions (2) and (3)). Iron(III) or oxygen subsequently oxidised the
high copper extraction could only be achieved at temperatures near the cuprous ions formed in the surface reaction to regenerate the cupric
boiling points of the solutions. In separate but similar studies Skrobian ion oxidant. In addition to faster reaction kinetics with added chloride,
et al. (2005) and Turkmen et al. (2012) examined the leaching of chalco- sulfur crystallinity was increased and there was minimal oxidation of
pyrite concentrate in CuCl2NaClHCl. The results of both studies indicat- sulde or sulfur to sulfate (Senanayake and Muir, 2003). Al-Harahsheh
ed that the addition of cupric ions strongly enhanced copper extraction et al. (2008) examined the catalytic effect of cupric ions on the oxidation
but that the addition of sodium chloride enhanced copper extraction to of chalcopyrite in ferric chloride medium, especially noting the effect
a lesser extent. The nature of the elemental sulfur formed during of agitation. They explained the observed reduction in chalcopyrite
CuCl2HCl leaching of chalcopyrite was not investigated in either study. oxidation rates in agitated systems, compared with stagnant systems,
Skrobian et al. (2005) noted that it is commonly accepted that sulfur pre- as being due to the removal of cupric chloride complexes formed at
cipitated on chalcopyrite surfaces can slow the rate of extraction, report- the interface between chalcopyrite surfaces and ferric ions and pro-
ed that sulfur was partially oxidised to sulfuric acid by cupric chloride, posed that cupric ion was acting as a secondary oxidant in the dissolu-
and concluded that the formation of a compact layer that would slow tion reaction. These authors also noted that chalcopyrite oxidation
102 H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110

was faster in a closed vessel (without agitation) than in an open vessel the formation of FeCl2+ solution species and the consequent lower fer-
but could not provide an explanation for this phenomenon. ric ion activities in the presence of chloride. Ruiz et al. (2011) reported
The chemical system cupric chlorideferric chloridehalide (single that leaching of chalcopyrite concentrate with average particle size of
or mixed salts) was a key component of the Cymet process (Allen 12 m in sulfatechloride solutions was rapid, 90% of the copper being
et al, 1973; Atwood and Curtis, 1975; Kruesi, 1972; Paynter, 1973), extracted in 180 min at 100 C. The presence of 0.5 M chloride ions
the Duval CLEAR process (Schweitzer and Livingston, 1982) and the (29 g L1 NaCl) enhanced the leaching rate signicantly but the addi-
Falconbridge process (Liddicoat and Dreisinger, 2007). tion of 3 g L1 Fe3+ caused the ORP to increase and the leaching rate
In the CYMET process, described as a hydrometallurgical process for to slow.
pollution-free recovery of metallic copper from chalcopyrite (Atwood Lu et al. (2000) dissolved nely-ground chalcopyrite concentrate
and Curtis, 1974), copper suldes were almost completely dissolved in solutions of pH b 0.8 (0.8 M H2SO4) containing 1 M NaCl at temper-
(107 C) in two stages (oxidation and reduction) with the production atures in the range of 6095 C. They achieved up to 97% copper
of elemental sulfur (reaction (3)) and concomitant cupric chloride reduc- extraction in 9-hour tests. Based on their results showing that
tion to cuprous chloride. The process required a molar ratio of at least 4:1 chloride concentrations N0.5 M did not enhance the leaching rate
FeCl3:CuFeS2. The cuprous chloride was prevented from precipitating in of chalcopyrite (consistent with the results of Palmer et al., 1981),
the strong chloride solution or, in a later process modication (Atwood Lu et al. (2000) concluded that it was important only that there
and Curtis, 1975), a mixed NaClKCl solution, the KCl assisting the rejec- were sufcient chloride ions present rather than an excess. This nd-
tion of iron and sulfate as K-jarosite (reaction (12)). In a subsequent iron ing has commercial implications for geographical areas lacking in
and sulfate control stage, iron(II) was re-oxidised to iron(III) and excess freshwater but able to use saline bore water or seawater; seawater
amounts precipitated with sulfate ions. The CYMET process was operated contains approximately 0.5 M chloride ions. Examination of the
for a period of about 10 years but shut down in 1982, ostensibly because residues showed that the sulfur reaction product obtained in the
of a slump in the copper industry (Hoffmann, 1991). presence of 1 M NaCl was crystalline and porous, allowing reactants
to diffuse through the surface product layer to the unreacted mineral
3 2
3Fe 2SO4 6H2 O M MFe3 SO4 2 OH6 6H 12 surface.
An application of this leach chemistry is described in a patented
where M = K+, Na+, NH+ 4 or H3O
process (Sawyer and Shaw, 1983) for the recovery of copper from a
The Duval Clear (Copper Leach, Electrolysis and Regeneration)
copperlead matte using oxygenated acidic sulfatechloride solutions.
process (Schweitzer and Livingston, 1982) applied similar chemistry
According to Lu et al. (2000), that was possibly the only low-pressure
for the initial partial leaching of chalcopyrite using Fe(III) and Cu(II) as
sulde leach process to have been commercialised. O'Brien et al.
oxidants in a mixed NaClKCl brine at 104 C (e.g., reactions (1)(3)).
(1999) piloted a similar process that involved oxygen sparging of an
In the second stage, the nal chalcopyrite leaching and oxy-hydrolysis
agitated leach at 8095 C and atmospheric pressure. A size fraction
of iron were combined in a pressure leach at 150 C. Part of the iron
100 + 75 m of the ground chalcopyritepyrite ore (4% Cu) was
was precipitated as K-jarosite (reaction (12)). A commercial plant was
used for the tests of duration less than 24 h. The pyrite in the ore
operated in Arizona in the early 1980s for a period of 6 years, producing
promoted chalcopyrite oxidation via galvanic interaction and up to
approximately 80 tonnes copper per day, but the purity of the copper
95% of the chalcopyrite was oxidised compared with only 17% of the
was not high enough to justify the cost (Ayres et al., 2002). Muir
marcasites/pyrite content.
and Dixon (2002) briey described some of the technical problems en-
countered with the CLEAR process. The recently-described, two-stage
counter-current chloride leach developed for Falconbridge (Liddicoat
4.2. Ferric ion as oxidant in hybrid chloridesulfate system
and Dreisinger, 2007) also applied similar chemistry at temperatures
near the boiling point of the lixiviant. The feed solution contained high
Dutrizac (1981) undertook a critical survey on the ferric ion
concentrations of ferric chloride (~0.5 M Fe for the proposed goethite
leaching of chalcopyrite and augmented the reported data to resolve
process and ~1.5 M Fe for the hematite process), ~0.8 M Cu as cupric
some inconsistencies. Using lithium chloride as the additive, Dutrizac
chloride, 2.75 M Ca as calcium chloride with 0.08 M free HCl
(1981) reported that increased chloride ion concentration in a ferric
(pH 0); the total chloride concentration was N5 M.
sulfatesulfuric acid leach system resulted in progressively accelerated
copper extractions from chalcopyrite concentrate ( 20 + 14 m
4. Hybrid chloridesulfate systems applied to concentrates
particle size) at temperatures higher than 50 C, specically 2.5 times
at 34 M chloride ion, 0.3 M H2SO4 (~ pH 0.2), 0.1 M Fe2(SO4)3 and
4.1. Oxygen as oxidant in hybrid chloridesulfate system
90 C. The addition of lithium chloride was a means of increasing the
chloride concentration without promoting the formation of jarosite-
The advantage of using sulfuric acid and sodium chloride to create a
like compounds, as would happen if sodium or potassium chlorides
chloride lixiviant is that those reagents are cheaper than ferric chloride
were added. More recently, the inuence of sodium chloride on ferric
or cupric chloride. Nevertheless, an oxidant is still required, in this case
sulfate oxidation of chalcopyrite was studied at 95 C using a nely-
oxygen (reaction (13)). There should be no need to add ferric ions to the
ground chalcopyrite concentrate (5% solids loading; d50 = 5.5 m)
system initially; ferrous ions produced during chalcopyrite leaching
in 0.9 M Fe2(SO4)3 solution acidied with H2SO4 to pH 0.15 and sparged
would be oxidised to ferric ions and subsequently contribute to overall
with O2 (Carneiro and Leo, 2007). Up to 90% of the copper was extract-
copper extraction (reactions (1) and (3)). With careful selection of
ed with 1 M sodium chloride (58 g L 1), compared with 45% of the
leaching conditions, most of the iron and some sulfate can be precipitat-
copper in the absence of sodium chloride. Carneiro and Leo (2007)
ed as sodium jarosite (reaction (12)).
attributed the enhanced copper extraction in the presence of sodium
2 2 0 chloride to the reduction of ferric iron concentration (jarosite precipita-
CuFeS2 O2 4H Cu Fe 2S 2H2 O 13
tion; reaction (12)), the formation of cuprous chloride complex ions
Li et al. (2010) examined the extraction of copper from a chalcopy- and the participation of the Cu(I)/Cu(II) redox couple in oxidation,
rite concentrate (size fraction 3875 m) for a suite of leach systems. and a chloride-induced increase in the surface area and porosity of
In tests conducted at 75 C, they measured faster kinetics for the NaCl the sulfur reaction product. Not specically mentioned by Carneiro
(0.25 M)H2SO4 system at pH 2 (97% copper extraction in 170 h) than and Leo (2007) but probably also contributing to enhanced copper ex-
at pH 1 (58% copper extraction in 170 h). This difference was attributed traction would be the acid generated during jarosite precipitation
to the increased solubility of iron-containing secondary minerals due to (reaction (12)).
H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110 103

In a 20-day study at 87 C (Kinnunen and Puhakka, 2004), a much the AuBr

4 complex once all the copper has been leached (Muir and
lower addition of sodium chloride (5 g L 1; 0.09 M) resulted in en- Dixon, 2002).
hanced copper extraction in ferric sulfate media initially 0.38 M Fe(III)
and pH 1. Copper extractions of approximately 100% and 80% were 0
4CuFeS2 5O2 20HCl4CuCl2 4FeCl3 8S 10H2 O 16
achieved with and without added sodium chloride, respectively. In
that study, ferric ions were regenerated in a secondary bioreactor con- 2CuFeS2 5NaBrCl2 2CuCl2 2FeCl3 4S 5NaBr 17
taining a chloride-tolerant culture of iron(II)-oxidising microorganisms.
In the tests with added sodium chloride, solutions were pH b1, com- 4CuCl O2 4HCl4CuCl2 2H2 O 18
pared with pH 1.21.3 in the absence of sodium chloride; the increased
acidity in the chloride-amended test would have contributed to en- CuFeS2 4CuCl2 5CuCl FeCl3 2S
hanced copper extraction.
The technical advantages of the Intec process were marketed as
4.3. Chlorate as oxidant (i) not requiring an autoclave and the use of inexpensive materials of
construction such as bre glass and polypropylene (temperature
Kariuki et al. (2009) studied chalcopyrite leaching in sealed vessels. below solution boiling point), (ii) high intensity electrowinning from
They mixed 2 g chalcopyrite concentrate with up to 3 g sodium chlorate Cu(I) solution (not requiring solvent extraction) to yield high purity
and then added 30 mL of 10 g L1 H2SO4 (solution composition 0.9 M granular copper (meeting LME A grade specication), (iii) ability to
NaClO3, 0.1 M H2SO4; ~ pH 0.7). The results showed that chalcopyrite treat low-grade and contaminated concentrates and (iv) lixiviant re-
oxidation (reaction (14)) increased with increased temperature in the generation (Moyes and Houllis, 2002; P. Everett, 1996; P.K. Everett,
range of 45100 C. Assuming a stoichiometric reaction, the end result 1996). However, according to Muir and Dixon (2002), while the Intec
would be a solution containing 0.9 M Cl, sufcient to contribute to en- process showed promise, several issues remained. Gold was encapsulat-
hanced copper extraction through the stabilisation of iron and copper ed in sulfur or pyrite, requiring separate treatment for gold recovery,
complex ions but at higher pH than the conditions of Carneiro and sulfur and pyrite reported to the leached residue, presenting an envi-
Leo (2007). ronmental issue for residue-disposal, and the amalgamation of silver re-
quired strict control with respect to copper product contamination
and the environment. Operating costs were relatively low, but copper
6CuFeS2 17NaClO3 3H2 SO4 3Fe2 SO4 3 6CuSO4 17NaCl 3H2 O extraction was also low (94%) (Lu and Dreisinger, 2013a).

5.2. High MgCl2low HClFeCl3

Sodium chlorate also enhanced the dissolution of a chalcopyrite
concentrate in hydrochloric acid solutions (Xian et al., 2012). At 45 C,
Harris et al. (2006a, 2006b, 2007, 2008); Harris and White, 2006,
copper extractions after 5 h in solutions 0.5 M and 1 M NaClO3 in 1 M
2008) described a method for the leaching of sulde minerals at atmo-
HCl were 45% and 65% respectively (Xian et al., 2012). The leaching
spheric pressure in a temperature range of 75115 C using high chlo-
rate accelerated with increased hydrochloric acid up to 1.5 M. In addi-
ride salt/low hydrochloric acid concentrations with an oxidant. The
tion to chlorate ion, the reaction products ferric chloride and gaseous
solution, initially 2.94.3 M MgCl2 was acidied with HCl to pH ~1. Sub-
chlorine (detected by odour during leaching; reaction (15)) could
sequently, the solution also contained ferric chloride after reaction with
also have oxidised chalcopyrite but the stoichiometry of the reaction
the ore, and was controlled at solution pH ~1 and ORP 200600 mV ver-
products indicated that the gaseous chlorine was more likely to
sus SHE. The leaching conditions were chosen to promote the formation
have been volatilised. Surface area (grain size) was an important pa-
of hydrogen sulde from the base metal sulde (example reactions (20)
rameter in the study by Xian et al. (2012), consistent with published
and (21) for chalcopyrite). The hydrogen sulde was stripped from the
data (e.g., Ikiz et al., 2006; Lottering et al., 2008; Naderi et al., 2011;
solution, reducing the amount of sulfate generated in the leach to very
Watling et al., 2009).
low levels.

2CuFeS2 6HCl Cl2 4H2 S 2CuCl2 2FeCl3 20

NaClO3 6HCl3Cl2 NaCl 3H2 O 15

4CuFeS2 20HCl O2 8H2 S 4CuCl2 4FeCl3 2H2 O 21

5. Other oxidants
This process was developed for the Ferguson Lake Project in Canada
5.1. Cl2Br2 (Harris et al., 2006a, 2006b, 2008), where the massive sulde ore body
containing base and precious metals was not amenable to concentration
The halide complex BrCl 2 is described as having a number of by otation or other physical separation. In this process, the ore was
advantages when applied to mineral leaching. It is known to store treated directly in the highly-concentrated chloride brine with its high
anodic energy in a soluble form, which should therefore not contam- proton activity. Reagent recycle was one of the keys to the economics
inate the metal product of electrolysis, and the resulting high oxida- of the process. Knigsberger et al. (2008a) developed a Pitzer model
tion potential of the anolyte promotes the leaching of specic metals with which the thermodynamic properties of MgCl2HCl aqueous solu-
such as precious metals (P. Everett, 1996). In the INTEC process, the tions up to 350 g L1 (10 M) chloride in the temperature range of
lixiviant (0.47 M Cu(II), 4.9 M NaCl and 0.27 M NaBr) is generated 25120 C could be predicted. The authors noted that the model accu-
at the anode of the electrowinning cell. The complex anion BrCl 2 rately predicted solidliquid and liquidvapour equilibria as well as lin-
(HalexTM) with Cu(II) and O2 are the oxidants during the leaching ear trends indicating nearly ideal mixing behaviour in MgCl2HCl
of copper concentrate at atmospheric pressure, 8085 C and ORP solutions. In a further study, Knigsberger et al. (2008b) showed that
9501000 mV vs Ag/AgCl (reactions (16)(19)) (Intec Ltd., 2008). the solubilities of metal(II) chlorides, the solubility constants of iron(III)
The solution is maintained at pH 23 during the leach to avoid HCl oxides and hydroxides, and the redox potentials of Fe(III)/Fe(II)
or Cl2 volatilisation and to promote goethite precipitation in the depended on the MgCl2 concentration in a near-linear relationship. The
rst stage of leaching. In the third stage, the Eh is enhanced by the authors concluded that these results could be used to predict process pa-
BrCl2 complex ion, allowing free gold to dissolve and stabilise as rameters for improving yields or controlling iron and other impurities.
104 H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110

5.3. Gaseous Cl2aqueous Cl2HClO and a 4 g L1 solids loading, Ikiz et al. (2006) measured copper extrac-
tions of 4080% in 115 min. They compared copper extraction from
Brocchi and Jena (1992) and Jena and Brocchi (1992) examined slur- 153 m to 212 + 150 m size fractions and showed that extraction
ry chlorination of a chalcopyrite concentrate (~35 wt.% Cu, 75 m par- rates decreased with increased particle size. The results highlight the
ticle size) at 30 C. An aqueous slurry of the concentrate was prepared importance of chalcopyrite liberation and available sulde surface area
and chlorine gas bubbled through it for the selected time period. The for larger particles.
pH of the slurry before and during chlorination was not reported. It Processes employing chlorine or hypochlorous acid to oxidise
was found that the rapid reaction was dependent on solids loading. chalcopyrite are not new. For example, Slater (1922) described a two-
With a 5% w/v solids loading, 100% copper extraction was possible in stage process in which a copper ore was (i) subjected to a sulfuric acid
5 min; with a 10% solids loading, the time required for 100% extraction leach to remove copper oxides and, after separating the leached ore
was 30 min; but with a 15% solids the maximum extraction was 85% Cu. from solution and (ii) the residue was reacted with a relatively concen-
The possible process was described as attractive because of the high trated oxidizing agent, either sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypo-
yield, ease of operation, small capital investment, low energy consump- chlorite in slightly acidic condition. Slater (1922) presented case
tion and relatively easy scale-up for commercialisation. studies on several ores which yielded high extractions. The inventor
In chlorination tests at 23 C and solutions of pH 3.64.4, conditions failed to note the ore crush size, but as liberation was not reported
under which hypochlorous acid was the dominant chlorine solution to be an issue, presumably the ores were milled or pulverised for
species (Fig. 4) and cupric ions would remain in solution, Cho (1987) the test work. Kissock (1940) employed hypochlorous acid (chlorine
found that up to 92% Cu was extracted in 1 h from a chalcopyrite monoxide) for the dissolution of mineral suldes and extracted nickel
concentrate in a 0.228 M HClO solution. The reaction was pH- and cobalt. The mechanism was described as the oxidation of the metal
independent within the chosen pH range (reaction (22)). olak et al. suldes through the release of nascent oxygen which attacked non-iron
(1987) studied the dissolution kinetics of chalcopyrite in water saturat- containing compounds preferentially. More recently, Welham et al.
ed with chlorine and represented the overall reaction (23) as the net re- (2012) proposed the use of an aqueous solution of chlorine-based
sult of a series of intermediate reactions between Cu2S, CuS, FeS, S, FeCl2 oxidising species to oxidise ore or concentrate containing sulde miner-
or S2Cl2 with chlorine. Dissolution rates decreased with increased tem- al phases. The leach process steps were (i) exposure of ore or concen-
perature in the range of 1033 C, the decrease being attributed to the trate to 10 mol% HClO (acidic) and (ii) allowing or facilitating the
lower concentration of dissolved chlorine at higher temperature. Up to oxidation of sulde phases, in the process decreasing the pH so that
95% Cu was extracted at 10 C in 80 min. Solution pH values before and the predominant oxidising species was Cl2.
after leaching were not reported but were presumably mildly acidic. In the Sumitomo Process, based on the earlier MCLE Process for
While the proposed overall reaction (23) does not contain any insoluble leaching nickel matte, copper is leached from chalcopyrite concentrate
compounds, olak et al. (1987) noted that the dissolution rate was con- using chlorine gas at atmospheric pressure (Imamura et al., 2006). A
trolled by diffusion through a product layer on the unreacted chalcopyrite two-stage leach is employed. In the rst stage, the introduction of chal-
surface containing sulfur and an undened ash layer of insoluble gangue copyrite concentrate to a solution containing cupric and ferric chlorides
minerals. The work by Jackson and Strickland (1958) was carried out causes their reduction to cuprous and ferrous ions, respectively,
using dilute aqueous chlorine solutions at pH 1. The title of their report with chalcopyrite dissolution (reactions (2) and (3)). The almost 6 M
is misleading in that the study was made using individual mineral speci- background concentration of chloride prevents the precipitation of
mens, not ore as suggested. The authors reported that a layer of elemental cuprous chloride (CuCl). In the second stage, conducted at 500520 mV
sulfur or sulfur monochloride formed on chalcopyrite surfaces. vs Ag/AgCl, the partially leached chalcopyrite is reacted with chlorine
gas (reactions (24)(26)) to effect the complete extraction of copper.
2 2 0
2CuFeS2 11HClO2Cu Fe2 O3 2SO4 2S 11Cl 11H 22
CuFeS2 1:5Cl2g CuCl FeCl2 S2 24
2CuFeS2 17Cl2 16H2 O2CuCl2 2FeCl3 4H2 SO4 24HCl 23 2 3
2Fe Cl2g 2Fe 2Cl 25
In the study described by Ikiz et al. (2006), the active agent 2
2Cu Cl2g 2Cu 2Cl 26
was hypochlorous acid prepared by acidifying commercial grade hypo-
chlorite solution with hydrochloric acid. The optimum pH for copper
extraction from an ore was pH 5 but the pH decreased during the disso- 5.4. HClO4
lution, consistent with reaction (22). Using a 0.2 M HClO concentration
Two studies were found in which the reactions of chalcopyrite with
1 perchloric acid were examined. The rst was a mechanistic study
(Harmer et al., 2006). In that study, perchloric acid was chosen because,
at the concentrations used, it would not act as an oxidising agent, the
0.8 chlorine aq
perchlorate anion would not complex other solution species, and its
hypochlorous use would facilitate the monitoring of soluble sulfur species arising
0.6 acid from chalcopyrite dissolution. An extensive study of the reaction prod-
ucts was undertaken and a reaction pathway, generally consistent

with that of Hiroyoshi et al. (2000) for ferrous-promoted chalcopyrite
hypochlorite dissolution, was proposed.
In the second study (Li et al., 2010) on chalcopyrite dissolution
chlorine vap
0.2 rates at a temperature of 75 C and pH 1 and 2 in different acids, includ-
ing perchloric acid, the conditions employed were closer to those
applied in extraction studies. Nevertheless, this study also focused on
0 2 4 6 8 10
mechanisms, rather than copper extraction and, with specic excep-
pH tions, was most like an acid leaching (ferric ion-decient) system,
that progressed according to reaction (4) rather than reaction (1). An
Fig. 4. Chlorine speciation as a function of solution pH for a 0.2 M solution of sodium interesting result was that perchloric acid was the most effective copper
hypochlorite acidied with hydrochloric acid (OLI Analyzer Studio Version 3.2). extractant at pH 1 but the least effective at pH 2. In contrast, the
H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110 105

hydrochloric acid-sodium chloride system was the most effective ex- respect of acid consumption, the simulation predicted that 10% and 4%
tractant at pH 2 but very poor at pH 1. less acid (H2SO4) would be required to achieve pH 1.5 or pH 2.0 set
points, respectively, in seawater in the absence of ore compared with
6. Acidic chloride systems for chalcopyrite ores in heaps or dumps a freshwater system.
A number of coincident reactions take place when an ore is
Heap leaching is a technology developed for the extraction of metals contacted with a lixiviant, in this case acid solution, depending on ore
from whole ores crushed to particle sizes appropriate for the required mineralogy. These include acid consumption as a result of the adsorp-
extraction, acid consumption and heap permeability. It is a renement tion of protons on gangue mineral surfaces and congruent dissolution
of the less-closely controlled in situ, in stope and run-of-mine dump (e.g., muscovite, reaction (27)) or incongruent dissolution of gangue
leaching options, and has been practised for many years as a means of minerals (e.g., phlogopite alteration to vermiculite, reaction (28))
recovering metal values from ores that are not economic to concentrate (Dreier, 1999; Jansen and Taylor, 2003). In combination, the reactions
(Domic, 2007; Watling, 2006; and references therein). result in increased element concentrations in solution and/or the
There are a number of challenges associated with whole ore leaching precipitation from solution of a potentially large number of phases
in heaps or other types of reactor, which must be addressed during pro- that may become supersaturated (Dreier, 1999; Jansen and Taylor,
cess development. Those discussed in this review are restricted to dif- 2003).
ferences that might be encountered when saline water is substituted
for freshwater in the leaching process, not including engineering issues KAl2 AlSi3 O10 OH2 10H K 3Al 3SiOH4 27
such as those described by Philippe et al. (2010). It should be noted that
Philippe et al. (2010) also concluded that the construction of a desalina-
tion plant could be an economic alternative to the delivery and use of 2KMg3 AlSi3 O10 OH2 10H Mg2 Al2 Si3 O10 OH2 3SiOH4
seawater at a mine site, and this conclusion was supported by a recent 4Mg 2K 28
report (Nueva Minera y Energa, 2013) in which it was indicated that
the use of desalinated water by the Chilean mining industry was likely Two published studies were found in which copper extraction
to increase eight-fold by 2022, with 16 ofcial projects in the pipeline. in freshwater was compared with seawater and more concentrated
process solutions. Torres et al. (2013) identied the main secondary
6.1. Solution chemistry and secondary reaction products reaction product in the leached residues as gypsum with, in addition,
up to 8% of poorly-crystalline material typically comprising a mixture
The solution chemistry of seawater, its composition, complexes of iron(III)- and Si-rich compounds (unpublished data). Watling et al.
(inorganic and organic) and ion associations, has been investigated for (2014) showed that the amounts of poorly-crystalline iron(III)- and
many years and comprehensive data are available concerning the prop- silica-rich phases formed during leaching increased with increased sa-
erties of seawater (e.g., Millero et al., 2008; Safarov et al., 2012; Turner linity. In general, the dissolution of silicate minerals with the formation
and Whiteld, 1987; Turner et al., 1981, and references therein). Not of amorphous silica (SiO2) or silica gel (e.g., Halinen et al., 2009) or dis-
surprisingly, acidication [from approximately pH 8.2 to pH 7.6] affects ordered aluminium silicates comprises an important but possibly detri-
copper, iron and other element speciation in seawater (Breitbarth et al., mental suite of reactions. Secondary reaction products like these could
2009; Byrne, 2002; Byrne et al., 1988; Millero et al., 2009; Richards et al., reduce the permeability of the heap bed, and increase the viscosity of
2011). Acidication of seawater in mineral leaching is extreme in the solutions being recycled around the heap operation. A simulation
comparison and has a major impact on solution speciation. However, of muscovite dissolution in acidied freshwater, seawater and double-
the predicted copper speciation in seawater at pH 6 is essentially the strength seawater indicated that the number of supersaturated
same as that for pH 12, the range commonly employed in heap compounds increased with increased salinity and with increased pH
leaching (Table 4, models of the inorganic components of a seawater (Fig. 5). At pH 1.5, it was predicted that silica and, in double strength
composition based on Turner et al. (1981), pH adjusted with H2SO4). seawater, gypsum were supersaturated but that iron(III) compounds
Simulated iron speciation evolves over a wider pH range, where the were undersaturated; at pH 2, iron (III) oxides, iron(III) hydroxyoxide
predicted number of supersaturated solution species diminishes from and jarosite were supersaturated, together with alunite, albite, gypsum
30 at pH 8 to eight at pH 6, two at pH 4 and zero species at pH 12. In and silica, depending on the salinity.
A reaction that would impact directly on copper extraction is the
Table 4 precipitation of ferric ions as insoluble iron(III) compounds such as
Predicted copper and iron speciation in simulated seawater in the range pH 8 (natural) to ferrihydrite, schwertmannite, goethite, iron(III) hydroxide or one of
pH 1 (metal extraction).
several jarosite compounds (reaction (12)), possibly leaving a limiting
Speciesa Distribution (%) of total for element

pH 8 pH 6 pH 4 pH 2 pH 1 8
pH 1.5
number of supersaturated

Copper(II) monobromide ion (+1) b0.1 0.1 0.1 7

Copper(II) chloride CuCl2 1 3 3 pH 2
Copper(II) monochloride ion (+1) CuCl+ 8 31 31

Copper(II) dicarbonate ion (2) Cu(CO3)2

2 3 5
Copper(II) carbonate CuCO3 70 1
Copper(II) ion (+2) Cu2+ 17 64 65 4
Copper(II) monohydroxide ion Cu(OH)+ 1
Iron(III) dichloride ion (+1) FeCl+
2 0.4 0.4 0.4 2
Iron(III) monochloride (+2) FeCl2+ 0.4 0.4 0.4
Iron(III) ion (+3) Fe 18 94 98 1
Iron(III) dihydroxide ion (+1) Fe(OH)+2 18 5
Iron(III) hydroxide Fe(OH)3 93 79 0
Fresh Sea 2 X Sea
Iron(III) tetrahydroxide ion (1) Fe(OH)4 7
Iron(III) monohydroxide ion (+2) FeOH2+ 3 76 4
Iron(III) sulfate ion (+1) FeSO4+
0.1 1 1 Fig. 5. The predicted number of supersaturated species in a simulation of muscovite disso-
lution (representing low-grade ore) in acidied freshwater, seawater and double-strength
Calculated using a seawater composition based on Turner et al. (1981) but omitting seawater at pH 1.5 (representing heap feed solution) and pH 2 (representing heap
organic components, acidied with H2SO4 (OLI Analyzer Studio 3.2 software). discharge solution) (OLI Analyzer Studio version 3.2).
106 H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110

concentration of the ferric ion oxidant for sulde dissolution. A greater the nickelcopper sulde deposit near which the underground water
extent of precipitation of iron(III) compounds from seawater leachates, supply had a salinity similar to that of seawater.
together with their known ability to sequester trace metals (Burgos In the mean time, the application of molecular microbiological
et al., 2012; Scott, 1987) may cause copper hold-up in the heap, in addi- techniques to mining and acid mine drainage systems is revealing an
tion to loss of permeability in the heap bed. An increased proportion increasing number of acidophiles that are halotolerant and possess
of jarosite compounds precipitated, relative to iron (III) oxides and the ability to oxidise iron(II) and/or reduced inorganic sulfur com-
hydroxides, as a consequence of the high concentration of monovalent pounds (Table 5). For example, a mixed culture, NiS-J069B, has been
cations in seawater (this laboratory, unpublished data), is consistent developed, capable of functioning at pH 3.5 and 5060 C in saline
with the predicted supersaturated compounds and with the results of solution of up to 1.4 M chloride, and applied to the leaching of a nickel
Carneiro and Leo (2007). sulde ore, arsenic-rich sulde tailings and a chalcopyrite concentrate
(McCreddan and Seet, 2013). In respect of chalcopyrite concentrate,
the results reported were unimpressive (91% copper extraction
6.2. Bioleaching in chloride heaps in 118 days), but the low ORP values recorded during leaching indicated
that this mixed culture did not oxidise iron(II) efciently. The main inter-
Historically, it has been believed that the presence of chloride at the est lies in the putative identication of the species in the culture (Table 5)
concentrations found in seawater (approximately 0.5 M NaCl) would because that shows that some well-known genera of bioleaching micro-
preclude the bioleaching of sulde ores, based on published laboratory organisms can function in high-chloride environments.
studies about the limited salt tolerance of iron- and sulfur-oxidising It must be concluded that, far from being inhospitable environments
bacterial cultures of species known to colonise sulde heaps (Zammit to microorganisms, chloride heaps host diverse and active iron(II)- and
et al., 2012 and references therein). Known halophiles, such as sulfur-oxidising microbial populations that will be isolated and de-
Halothiobacillus spp. (Kelly and Wood, 2000), were not acid-tolerant scribed in the future. Their expected importance to the mining industry
and did not oxidise iron(II), a key reaction in the dissolution of sulde is reected by their inclusion in recent patent applications related to
minerals. A strategy commonly used to overcome the inhibitory chlo- mineral leaching (e.g., Davis-Belmar et al., 2010; Dew and du Plessis,
ride effect was to dilute saline water with freshwater. For example, 2002; Ohtsuka and Mitarai, 2007; Rautenbach et al., 2011).
for the column bioleaching tests that formed part of the development
of heap leaching at Ivan Mine, Chile, underground saline water was
diluted to approximately 0.14 M chloride, so as to permit bacterial 6.3. Use of saline water or seawater in heaps or dumps
iron- and sulfur-oxidation (Leong et al., 1993).
A second strategy was to adapt microbial cultures to the presence Dutrizac and MacDonald (1971) investigated copper extraction
of chloride. Weston et al. (1995) adapted bacterial cultures to water from chalcopyrite ore (3% Cu) under simulated dump leaching condi-
containing ~0.08 M chloride, because that was the anticipated chloride tions. For column tests, the ore was crushed to 0.63 mm and 3 kg
content in the water supply for Zaldivar Mine, Chile. At Pacic Ore Tech- portions loaded into 5 mm internal diameter columns to give a 1 m
nologies, sulfur-oxidising microbial cultures were developed and bed depth. When the ore was leached with solution containing 0.1 M
adapted to different levels of salinity up to eight-times that of seawater Fe(III) and 0.1 M H2SO4 with/without approximately 0.1 M NaCl,
for application in a process that was not reliant on iron(II) oxidation copper extractions ranged from 1 to 8% in tests conducted in the
(Williams, 2006); one of those cultures was applied to the bioleaching range of 2540 C but, more importantly for that evaluation, the
of ore from Sherlock Bay (Western Australia) as a process option for presence of sodium chloride suppressed copper extraction. However

Table 5
Halotolerant acidophiles capable of oxidising iron(II) and/or reduced inorganic sulfur compounds.

Microorganism/culture NaCl (g L1) pH Fe(II) OX S OX Reference

range [optimum] range [optimum]

Leptospirillum ferriphilum-like strain YSK 07 1.6 Wang et al. (2012)

Leptospirillum sp.-Cl 530 13 a Rautenbach et al. (2011)
Sulfobacillus sp. TPY 030 [2] Qi et al. (2009); Wang et al. (2012)
Thiobacillus prosperusb strains 060 14.5 Huber and Stetter (1989)
[0] [2]
Thiobacillus prosperus Milos culture 2550 1.7 c Norris et al. (2010)
Thiobacillus-like strain KU2-11 1030 23 Kamimura et al. (2001)
[20] [2]
Acidihalobacter aerolicus strain V6 ~847 1.8 Nicolle et al. (2009); Kelly et al. (2005)
Acidihalobacter ferrooxidans (V8) 60 2 Norris and Simmons (2004); Kelly et al. (2005)
Alicyclobacillus-like strains 550 1.64.5 Holden et al. (2001); Rodgers et al. (2002)
Acidithiobacillus-like strain TTH19A 030 14 Ohtsuka and Mitarai (2007)
Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans-like strain SH 1045 15 Kamimura et al. (2003, 2005)
[20] [4]
NiS-J069B mixed cultured 80 3.5 McCreddan and Seet (2013)
Growth with halophilic sulfur oxidising species.
Closest relatives now known to be Acidihalobacter spp. with which it is likely to be reclassied as Acidihalobacter prosperus.
Tetrathionate 1 mM and CO2 enriched air stimulated iron(II) oxidation.
Putatively identied genera were Acidimicrobium, Acidiphilium, Acidithiobacillus, Acidobacterium, Acidocella, Acidisphaera, Alicyclobacillus, Sulfobacillus and a dominant but unidentied
H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110 107

at 60 C, copper extractions were approximately 17% and 10% after of the contained copper was extracted in 50 days of leaching and
55 days leaching with/without added chloride, respectively. Having 90% in 110 days; the CuproChlor process was considered to be compet-
conrmed the greater than 50 C temperature requirement for en- itive with bioleaching (Herreros et al., 2006). A modication of the
hanced extraction using a second ore, together with ancillary laboratory CuproChlor process incorporated the calcium chloride agglomeration
tests, Dutrizac and MacDonald (1971) concluded that large chloride ad- strategy to facilitate the leaching of copper sulde concentrates (includ-
ditions would not benet copper extraction in a dump-leach, as temper- ing chalcopyrite) in heaps (Rauld Faine et al., 2005), by which it was
atures were generally below 50 C. In contrast, Muoz-Ribadeneira and differentiated from other processes for the leaching of concentrates in
Gomberg (1970, 1971) reported that the addition of as little as 0.1 M heaps, such as the GEOCOAT process described in numerous patents
HCl to a sulfuric acid leach of chalcopyrite resulted in increased copper (e.g., Kohr et al., 2004).
The earliest reference to seawater use in heap leaching found so far 7. Summary
is one by Domic (2007) in which it was noted that in 1991, the rst
commercial leachingsolvent extractionelectrowinning plant using Hydrometallurgical process developments for the extraction of
Pudahuel's thin layer leaching technology and license using seawater copper from chalcopyrite, an abundant but refractory mineral with
for leaching started at Lince (now Mina Michilla). With more than respect to its dissolution, tend to be targeted at complex or dirty con-
20 years experience, it can be assumed that seawater is as good a centrates that would incur penalties were they to be smelted or low-
solvent and carrier as freshwater, of acid, ferric ions and possibly salt- grade ores that are a major but, thus far, uneconomic source of copper.
tolerant microorganisms to the ore and the soluble metals to the next The copper values in concentrates permit a degree of exibility in pro-
stage of a heap leach process. cess development but the lower values in low-grade ores demand that
The chloride heap leaching process invented by Muller et al. (2011), new technologies be low cost. Perceived advantages of chloride sys-
underpinned by the body of work described by Nicol and co-researchers tems, such as the high solubility of copper and ferric iron, the ease of fer-
(Miki and Nicol, 2011; Nicol et al., 2010; Velsquez-Yvenes et al., rous ion oxidation, faster leaching kinetics of chalcopyrite compared
2010a, 2010b), was not per se a seawater heap-leach process, although with ferric sulfate systems, and generation of sulfur rather than sulfate
the range of chloride (Cl) concentrations proposed for the method's as the primary product of sulde oxidation, have driven research and
greatest efciency did encompass that of seawater. The strategy development over many years. Perceived disadvantages were the corro-
was to control ORP in an acidic mixed sulfatechloride solution to main- sive action of chloride, thus necessitating the use of more expensive
tain the chalcopyrite surface potential in the range of 550600 mV ver- materials of construction for reactors, the need for ne grinding for pro-
sus SHE. The chloride concentration in the proposed process was cesses operated at atmospheric pressure, and the difculty of electro-
between 5 and 100 g L 1 (0.142.8 M Cl) and the presence of at winning high-grade copper from chloride solutions.
least 1 mg L1 (ppm) oxygen was required. Muller et al. (2011) pro- Process developments for concentrates employ acidic, oxidising
posed that, in the presence of chloride in the suggested concentration leach media containing sodium or other chloride salts up to concentra-
range, (i) the type, morphology and distribution of elemental sulfur tions encountered in brines, at temperatures up to the boiling points of
was such that it formed away from a chalcopyrite surface, (ii) Cu(I) spe- the selected solution compositions. In these processes, chloride ion is
cies were stabilised allowing the Cu(II)/Cu(I) couple to control ORP, proposed to be an active agent in the dissolution, which may occur by
(iii) the thermodynamics and possibly the rate of the non-oxidative re- different mechanisms depending upon the solution composition. Inno-
action was enhanced (reaction (29) or (4)) and (iv) the formal potential vative reactors and ow sheets, the need for process controls and addi-
of the Cu(II)/Cu(I) couple was increased. They also proposed that chlo- tional reagent costs, are offset by the copper values in concentrates
ride affected (v) the rate of oxidation of Cu(I) to Cu(II) and the dissolved which, for a number of reasons including undesirable impurities, may
O2 concentration, and (vi) resulted in a reduction in the required acid to make them unsuitable for smelting. Reagent recovery and recycle is in-
achieve the desired pH. The inventors noted that iron had no direct role corporated into some owsheets, for example the High Concentration
in the leaching mechanism, provision of acid drove the non-oxidative Chloride Leach, the Intec Process and Hydrocopper Process, contributing
reaction and that ORP determined the mixed potential at the mineral to their potential economic and environmental sustainability.
surface and controlled the mechanism of chalcopyrite dissolution. It For low grade ores, usually processed in heaps, the use of seawater
was further suggested that a number of insoluble materials such as or other naturally saline water in leaching operations is an economic
pyrite, magnetite, hematite, activated carbon of coal, zeolites and several choice to overcome the scarcity and/or cost of freshwater. Few studies
elements (Ag, Bi, Cd or Hg) might enhance the kinetics of H2S oxidation have been published describing the advantages and disadvantages of
(see reaction (30)), thus increasing the rate of chalcopyrite dissolution. seawater substitution for freshwater in leaching processes but, from
the sparse information available, seawater appears to be as efcient a
CuFeS2 4H 2SO4 CuSO4 FeSO4 2H2 Saq 29 solvent and carrier of acid and oxidant as freshwater. In seawater solu-
tions the chloride concentration is too low to stabilise cuprous ions and
H2 Saq O2 2S 2H2 OcopperII catalysed reaction 30 cupric ions are the predominant copper species in solution. There is a
view that seawater use for sulde ore heaps would prohibit the bene-
The CuproChlor process (Aroca et al., 2012; Espejo et al., 2001; Rauld cial catalytic action of acidophilic microorganisms. However, the recent
Faine et al., 2005) was developed to extract copper from copper oxide description of some iron(II)- and sulfur-oxidising, salt-tolerant acido-
and mixed copper oxidesecondary sulde ores containing chalcocite, philes suggests that there is a diverse group of still-to-be-described
bornite and covellite (Herreros et al., 2006). It is a chloride heap leach microorganisms that could function in sulde heaps irrigated with
with two main differences; rst, ne copper-rich ore or concentrate seawater. With regard to processing, the salt content in seawater
particles were bound by salt bridges (gypsum) to host rocks during ag- would impact directly on solution transport costs to and around a
glomeration in a process akin to the Geocoat technology (Kohr et al., mine (through increased solution viscosity and specic gravity) and
2004) and second, the chloride concentration in solution was more could impact on product and by-product contamination (requiring
than three times that of seawater. It was proposed that the chloride clean water and additional unit process).
(i) stabilised Cu(I) formed during leaching with the result that the Common to high- and low-chloride processes, accessibility of
Cu(II)/Cu(I) couple could contribute to sulde oxidation, (ii) enhanced chalcopyrite grains to the lixiviant and chalcopyrite grain size are key
sulde oxidation by ferric ions and (iii) inuenced the morphology of parameters in the success of a technology and increased temperature
elemental sulfur, facilitating the movement of ferric and ferrous ions and stronger oxidants than cupric and ferric ions can be employed to in-
to and from chalcopyrite surfaces. At the Michilla mine, Chile, 65% crease reaction kinetics.
108 H.R. Watling / Hydrometallurgy 146 (2014) 96110

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operations in Chile: 25 years of successful commercial implementation. In: Rawlings,
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Dreisinger, D., 2006. Copper leaching from primary suldes: options for biological and
the CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship is gratefully acknowledged. chemical extraction of copper. Hydrometallurgy 83, 1020.
Dreisinger, D., 2009. Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores and con-
centrates. J. South. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall. 109, 253271.
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