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Reality Check Leena Butt


I took the Reality Check survey and reviewed my budget. My results

were as follows:

Savings: $481, Housing: $1288, Electricity: $70, Heating: $60, Cell phone:
$69, Cable: $0, Internet: $40, Phone: $0, Food: $260, Transportation: $600,
Clothes: $75, Health Care: $119, Entertainment: $100, Personal: $50,
Miscellaneous: $500, Student Loans: $470, Investments: $0, Family/Children:
$3340, Federal Taxes: $1848, State Taxes: $370, Total Expenses: $10694.

For housing, I chose to live in my own house that I would buy. I chose
electricity, heating, cell phone, and internet because those are necessities. I
didnt pick cable or phone because I think that they are extra and would be a
waste of money. For food, I chose to eat at home. For transportation, I chose
to buy a medium-sized car. I also chose the option to buy clothes at a $75
budget because I like clothes and would be able to buy some branded
clothes. I picked to pay for my own insurance for health care. I would mainly
hang out for entertainment, so that would only be $100. I didnt pick a very
pricey option for personal because I think that much is enough. I chose the
$500 option for miscellaneous because it included traveling by plane and I
would like to travel in/out of the country for vacations. Since I want a
graduate degree, my student loans would be around $470. Lastly, I chose to
save $481 per month and set $3340 aside for family/children expenses
because one child would be $835, and I would like 4 so I picked that. The
federal and state taxes of course arent optional and they take a good
amount of money too. My total expenses would be $10694, which makes my
monthly salary $9611 and my annual salary $115332.

I was given 7 career options that would provide for my future lifestyle,
and they were: Architectural and Engineering Managers, Business
Executives, Computer and Information Systems Managers, Dentists,
Marketing Managers, Nurse Anesthetists, and Pharmacists. Out of these
career options, two of them interested me: Dentists and Nurse Anesthetists.
This is because I am interested in the medical field and since they would
provide for my future lifestyle, I think they would be good choices.

A dentist makes $50.92 hourly and $105910 annually in Utah. A

doctoral or professional degree is needed for this occupation. They need
about eight years of study and training after high school. Their job is to
handle a wide variety of dental problems.
A nurse anesthetist makes $58.82 hourly and $122340 annually in
Utah. A masters degree is needed for this occupation. Their job is administer
anesthesia to patients that are going to go into surgery and to monitor them
to make sure everything like their temperature and breathing is normal.

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